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why did the systems thread get locked

Started by WorldBaccaratKing, March 16, 2015, 09:00:43 PM

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Quote from: Rolex-Watch on March 18, 2015, 09:14:56 PM
If the forum comes first, you would resign your status as moderator for the integrity sake of the forum, then you could respond as a regular user.

Unlike some people, I do not "cut and run" at the first sign of a crisis.

I accepted the position here as a moderator and for the longest time managed to do it quietly and in the background so that NOBODY would have their fragile gambling egos hurt.

The false rantings of a few people posessed with the "herd mentality" would not be a valid reason to quit.

When the forum moderators decide that I am truly a detriment to the forum, they will quietly ask me to resign and we'll all move on.

Why do so many of you live such melodramatic lives in the online communities?

To quote a very astute observer of human nature:

"On the internet, you can be anything you want.  Why do so many people choose stupid?"



Quote from: ADulay on March 19, 2015, 12:44:56 AM
Unlike some people, I do not "cut and run" at the first sign of a crisis.

I accepted the position here as a moderator and for the longest time managed to do it quietly and in the background so that NOBODY would have their fragile gambling egos hurt.

The false rantings of a few people posessed with the "herd mentality" would not be a valid reason to quit.

When the forum moderators decide that I am truly a detriment to the forum, they will quietly ask me to resign and we'll all move on.

Why do so many of you live such melodramatic lives in the online communities?

To quote a very astute observer of human nature:

"On the internet, you can be anything you want.  Why do so many people choose stupid?"


I'm going to give you my 2 cents and it isn't really worth that!

I have seen you on MANY baccarat and gambling forums throughout the years. You always avert the question and never answer directly. It's you. I think most who have been around and know you, know this. You talk a lot like Ellis. In riddles, in secret tongues, always side-stepping the direct questions.

You may be a swell guy in real life, heck, i'm a swell guy in real life. But, one thing I don't like is pump and dumpers like Ellis and this Alvin guy. To prey upon the weak is  terrible, reprehensible really. Just like that moron Maverick Mark! Haha, didn't he go to jail? Or have charges against him?

So many people get taken by these self proclaimed "gurus", it's astonishing......

Imspirit has tested about every system known to man and they have all failed. I'm like Jim, sorta. I like to see systems (even though in the back of my mind I know they won't work long term), I want to see if there is anything new or something I haven't thought about. When I first started out in baccarat I bought my fair share thinking I could break the casino, wow, was I in for a big surprise....

Anyways, that's it, that's my 2 cents worth......


Quote from: WorldBaccaratKing on March 19, 2015, 02:51:59 AM
Imspirit has tested about every system known to man and they have all failed. I'm like Jim, sorta. I like to see systems (even though in the back of my mind I know they won't work long term), I want to see if there is anything new or something I haven't thought about. When I first started out in baccarat I bought my fair share thinking I could break the casino, wow, was I in for a big surprise....

That imsprint cat is a fraud, he wouldn't tes according to the parameters as laid out by that Seth cat, hey hey.


Soxfan raises a good point!

Ian Harmer (seth) gave out his sports tips before they ran/played and proved his method worked over many years. Imspirit tested Seth's method completely ignoring half the rules. When Seth pulled him up on it, he said he couldn't be bothered testing it again. [smiley]aes/dont_know.png[/smiley] What sort of independent testing is that.

My point is that you can't always trust the so-called good guys either because you don't really know what side of the fence someone sits on.

That brings me to Ellis. It strikes me that a genuine person trying to help others to win would not charge someone that had already bought a system of them previously that was a proven failure. You would think they would be entitled to all future releases for free until a winner was found. But let me guess that's not the case with this guy and many others. I suppose people can get addicted to systems just like gambling itself and throw a lot of good money away over the years. How many of the suckers that buy all this stuff are the same guys who bought version 1, 2, 3 etc......

It reminds me of what Izak said all those years ago ''let's milk those suckers''.

Funny how as soon as the baccarat section on this forum got a bit more popular last year, you get all these new posters come along who contribute nothing in any other thread except to big up guys who have the 'grail' and it can be yours too for $500.

Now if Victor was sincere when he said the community as a whole can decide on important matters from now on....then we can all decide on a form of action against any unwanted scammers.

Quote from: ADulay on March 19, 2015, 12:44:56 AM

When the forum moderators decide that I am truly a detriment to the forum, they will quietly ask me to resign and we'll all move on.


Are you above the new community rules ADulay?

We will all decide who is a detriment to the forum or not.

If you fail to know, fail to prepare, fail to plan and practice, then know full well that you are knowingly preparing and planning to lose. What you don't know and don't do will be your undoing.


Quote from: horus on March 19, 2015, 09:31:15 AM

Now if Victor was sincere when he said the community as a whole can decide on important matters from now on....then we can all decide on a form of action against any unwanted scammers.
I did raise this, apparently the move was rejected for not being popular.  Not that I ever saw a vote for that, nor was solicited for my opinion. 


Quote from: Rolex-Watch on March 19, 2015, 01:35:08 PM
I did raise this, apparently the move was rejected for not being popular.  Not that I ever saw a vote for that, nor was solicited for my opinion.
LoL, well if that's the case, it shows the intentions were never well meant in the first place. Still, it wouldn't surprise me one bit. 
If you fail to know, fail to prepare, fail to plan and practice, then know full well that you are knowingly preparing and planning to lose. What you don't know and don't do will be your undoing.


Most systems sell for a coupla few hundred bucks and most cats drop that sum in a single losing session. Ain't nobody holding a gun to anybody's head forcing them to buy methods. So, as long as system seller honor the money back promis then I don't have any problem wth them, hey hey.


LOL, try getting a refund from Ellis, Mark Teryua, complain about the latter and you were removed from the site, by the gate-keeper (our moderator).

No scammer offers refunds except Izak.     


Quote from: Rolex-Watch on March 19, 2015, 11:36:28 PM
LOL, try getting a refund from Ellis, Mark Teryua, complain about the latter and you were removed from the site, by the gate-keeper (our moderator).

No scammer offers refunds except Izak.   

The Leonard Benson always gave a no question asked refund. If cats don't offer refund up front then it is simply buyers beware, hey hey.


Quote from: Rolex-Watch on March 19, 2015, 11:36:28 PM
LOL, try getting a refund from Ellis, Mark Teryua, complain about the latter and you were removed from the site, by the gate-keeper (our moderator).

No scammer offers refunds except Izak.   

Once again, you have incorrect facts.

I have never removed anyone for comments, questions, stupid remarks and all the rest of the incredibly odd things people do on public forums.

I have removed MANY big time spammers, porn links, African money schemes and things like that.

Once again, you're just making stuff up.  We've got a president (lower case on purpose) like that.    He's about as intelligent too.



When President Obama was elected into the White House, I congratulated my neighbour who is Black and served in Vietnam with the USAF, it was a good feeling, as I'm sure it was in 1865. 


Now you're just trolling.

Too bad I've used up my one post per day to respond.

1865?  Wasn't that the year the first US coffee percolator was patented?



Quote from: ADulay on March 20, 2015, 11:42:56 PM
1865?  Wasn't that the year the first US coffee percolator was patented?
Fail.  It was the year in which the confederate flag flying bigots were dragged into the 19th century (as it were at the time).  Amerika has come along way in 150 years....


Quote from: Jimske on March 21, 2015, 12:44:01 AM

Andy your comments to Whiskey, your comment that you can't post more than once a day, .......

I should have written that sentence better.  It should have read I choose to post only once a day.

No sense in keeping multiple junk threads alive when everything can be handled in a single pass.

Sorry for the confusion.




Please don't post in my thread. You are the definition of a scammer and I don't like scammers. Stay away, far away...