Has anyone checked out the appearance of the D/C after the last D/C arriving.
I just found an appearance "Chart" in RX: Statistics > Dozens/Columns > Detail > Appearance> After.
(I Didn't know it was there).
Anyway I've been playing a 100 spin session and the results look good. There is always 1,2 or three D/C's that are around or over 50%. And when they take the lead they seem to stay there.
Even at 200/300 spins there are D/C's that are above 40%.
Does D/C = Dozen/Column Geoff?
Quote from: Chrisbis on June 07, 2013, 10:32:10 AM
Does D/C = Dozen/Column Geoff?
Yes correct. I am still amazed that 40-50% is achieved.
Quote from: geoff365 on June 07, 2013, 03:18:36 PM
Yes correct. I am still amazed that 40-50% is achieved.
where di you get these stats?
geoff365 i recognize you from Vip Lounge, you are a real old-timer :-)
Can you give more details about how one position is more frequent then others.
Post a screen-shot would be good.
Here's a screen shot. I also included the even chances. Now off out to the pub.
I'm sorry geoff365, but I don't understand the method.
Could you explain it please.
It sounds good!
http://www.google.nl/imgres?q=the+muppet+show+roulette+pictures&biw=1280&bih=685&tbm=isch&tbnid=OV85nTooFPQvHM:&imgrefurl=http://robot6.comicbookresources.com/2009/08/good-bye-rex-mundi-and-hello-again-kevin-smith-and-king-city/&docid=43dHssJzZWMC1M&imgurl=http://robot6.comicbookresources.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/muppet-show-tpb.jpg&w=400&h=619&ei=x9KfUZL-O6H80QX39IGwAQ&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:6,s:0,i:99&iact=rc&dur=180&page=1&tbnh=200&tbnw=129&start=0&ndsp=19&tx=70&ty=114 (http://www.google.nl/imgres?q=the+muppet+show+roulette+pictures&biw=1280&bih=685&tbm=isch&tbnid=OV85nTooFPQvHM:&imgrefurl=http://robot6.comicbookresources.com/2009/08/good-bye-rex-mundi-and-hello-again-kevin-smith-and-king-city/&docid=43dHssJzZWMC1M&imgurl=http://robot6.comicbookresources.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/muppet-show-tpb.jpg&w=400&h=619&ei=x9KfUZL-O6H80QX39IGwAQ&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:6,s:0,i:99&iact=rc&dur=180&page=1&tbnh=200&tbnw=129&start=0&ndsp=19&tx=70&ty=114)
No method, I haven't used it. Just something I noticed, 40% +
The game keeps giving up secrets.
I'm sorry geoff but I am completely missing what you are doing.
What did the stat test reveal?
What did you test?
What did you notice?
Would love to read your explanation : )