hi folks,
I found this on rouletteforum.com.
as I'm not a member there I thought I'd bring it over here.
the copy of the webpage gives some explanation.
I played an rx session following the rules given on the webpage, my bankroll went down south. :( well, maybe I did something wrong.
you might take a look at this concept and tell us what you think of it.
Hi Hans
what is the second item (attachment) meant to be, as I don't see anything once downloaded?
In the beginning the pdf say :
I reject the cynic's "Certainty " that you must lose in The Long Run particularly when
they carefully avoid telling us how long their Long Run is In Probability Theory there
are only two CERTAINTIES 0% and 100 %,Roulette is neither of these so it is untrue
to claim certainty where there is only uncertainty. Despite the cynics claims of
certainty the truth is - nobody knows for certain !Just in other areas of gambling.
Probability Theory deals with expectations not certainties.
We can speculate that we SHOULD win or lose but only time will tell. No one has
INFINITE time so we can only make educated ( ? ) guesses. in the time we have. My
SHORT RUN is this week, this month, this year and my LONG RUN Is the rest of my
betting life so talk of INFINITY in regard to roulette is utter nonsense."""" Only by reading this...it is clear that the person that wrote it doesn t know anything about rulette.[/font][/size]
hi chris,
it's a screenshot of the webpage where he gives some more explanation.
this is the link to the page.
http://www.rouletteforum.com/viewthread/9477/ (http://www.rouletteforum.com/viewthread/9477/)
Thank you! 8)
Nice read Hans....thank you for the info.
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hi esoito,
thanks for your hint. I just deleted the file.
Good man! :thumbsup:
Quote from: HansHuckebein on April 18, 2013, 07:50:37 AM
hi esoito,
thanks for your hint. I just deleted the file.
If the file is online why not post the google search term to it? To my knowledge it is not forbidden to publish a search term itself. It also protects the forum as is the person who searches on their own and not from a direct link.
Greetings and many thanks for your sharing effort.
hi wannawin,
I would if I could. but it isn't available as a free download anymore. :(