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The Easy-Peasy II System

Started by Atlantis, July 10, 2013, 05:12:44 PM

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Author: Atlantis.

A simple but hopefully effective and profitable approach to playing roulette 2/1 odds.
Live dealer or Live Autowheel only. Single 0.
I play for small stakes units at live online casino.

Bet Selection
The bet will cover 24 numbers.

The bet selection is "easy-peasy" and one of my trusted favourites and uses the same
methodology as the original...

Red Odd and Black Even numbers:
We make the bet to cover the 2 dozens that encompass the lines that do NOT contain ANY of
these numbers. (13-18 and 31-36)
Therefore the bet to be made is HIGH and LINE 3. (13-18)

Red Even and Black Odd numbers:
We make the bet to cover the 2 dozens that encompass the lines that do NOT contain ANY of
these numbers. (1-6 and 19-24)
Therefore the bet is LOW and LINE 4. (19-24)

If last number is RO or BE then bet HIGH and LINE 3. (13-18)
If last number is BO or RE then bet LOW and LINE 4. (19-24)

When to start and stop betting rules

RULE #1: Trigger to Start betting a SESSION = LL or LWL.
RULE #2: Stop betting after 3 consecutive L's (LLL) until a virtual 'w' followed by new trigger as in Rule #1.
RULE #3: Reset to default starting bet (2EC + 1Line) if coup balance is equal to  +0, +1 or +2.
RULE #4:  3 coups per session. End a coup if +3 or more.
RULE #5:  In any case end a SESSION whenever total winnings = +9 or above.
RULE #6:  0 counts as an L -  if betting use the previous selection locations before the 0 occurred.

Progression Ladder
---      ----
2          1
3          1   
4          2
5          2
6          3
7          3
8          4
9          4
10        5
etc..     etc..

If lose  - go up to next level.
If win - remain at same level unless Rule #3 or Rule #4 applies.


8                 H + L3      ..tracking..
18    w         L + L4      ..tracking..
27    L          H + L3     ..tracking..
13    w         L + L4      ..tracking..
29    L         bet 2L and 1Line4              +0   2 out of 3 L's TRIGGER             
4      w        bet 2H and 1Line3              +1                             
7      L         bet 3H and 1Line3              -2   increase to 3-1
16    w        bet  2L and 1Line3              +0  reset to 2-1
8      w        bet 2H and 1Line4              +1
36    w        bet 2L and 1Line4               +2 
24    w        bet 2H and 1Line3               +3  target  - end coup
15    w        bet 2L and 1Line4               +3  target  - end coup
3      w          bet 2H and 1Line3            +1
13    w                                                +4  target  - end coup - END SESSION. Profit = +10

21               H + L3        ..tracking..     
13    w        L + L4         ..tracking..
12    w        L+ L4          ..tracking..
13    w        L+ L4          ..tracking..
22    w        L +L4          ..tracking..
23    w        H + L3         ..tracking..         
26    w        H + L3         ..tracking..
0      L        H + L3         ..tracking..
35    w        L + L4         ..tracking..
14    w        L + L4         ..tracking..
23    w        H + L3         ..tracking..
31    w        L + L4         ..tracking..
14    w        L + L4         ..tracking..
23    w        H + L3         ..tracking..
19    w        H + L3         ..tracking..
34    w        L + L4         ..tracking..
24    w        H + L3         ..tracking..
24    w        H + L3         ..tracking..
20    w        H + L3         ..tracking..
1      L        H + L3         ..tracking..
28    w        H + L3         ..tracking..
23    w        H + L3         ..tracking..
7      L         H + L3        ..tracking..
6      L         bet 2H + 1Line3                2 L's TRIGGER         
18    w          bet 2L and 1Line4           +3  target - end coup
16    w          bet 2L and 1Line4          +1
32    L           bet 3L and 1Line4          -2  increase to 3-1
21    w          bet 2H and 1Line3          +0 reset to 2-1
16    w         bet 2L and 1Line4            +3  target - end coup
18    w         bet 2L and 1Line4            +1
15    w         bet 2L and 1Line4            +2
2      w                                               +3  target - end coup - END SESSION. Profit = +9

4               H + L3            ..tracking..           
0     L        H + L3            ..tracking..                             
36   w        L + L4            ..tracking.. 
17   w        L + L4            ..tracking..
17   w        L + L4            ..tracking..
13   w        L + L4            ..tracking..
11   w        L + L4            ..tracking..
19   w        H + L3           ..tracking..
23   w        H + L3           ..tracking..
29   w        L + L4           ..tracking..
18   w        L + L4           ..tracking..
10   w        H + L3           ..tracking..
36   w         L+ L4            ..tracking..
19   w         H + L3           ..tracking..
12   L          L + L4           ..tracking..
36   L        bet 2L and 1Line4              2 L's TRIGGER
10   w       bet 2H  and 1Line3            +1
14   w       bet 2L  and 1Line4             +4  target - end coup
2     w      bet 2H  and 1Line3             +1
27   w      bet 2H  and 1Line3             +2
24   w      bet 2H  and 1Line3             +3  target  - end coup
36   w      bet 2L and 1Line4               +1
0     L      bet 3L and 1Line4                -2 increase to 3-1
19   w      bet 2H and 1Line3              +0  reset to 2-1
33   w      bet 2L and 1Line4               +1
24   w                                               +4 target - end coup - END SESSION. Profit = +11

The target aim is not inflexibly set in stone. A coup could perhaps be stopped after recovering from a difficult session to a +0 balance,  or maybe after  a +1 or +2 unit profit was gained after a protracted, lengthy or difficult session or even just because you are forced to stop play due to time constraints, other commitments, boredom etc...

In the above sessions I was lucky to win all coups after the tracking period. In other words Rule #2 did not apply during any of my betting coup attempts... This will not always be the case and sometimes it will be necessary to re-track during a coup - perhaps more than once when this rule comes into effect.

Notice in my examples there are lots of w's in the tracking period. Now this shows the strength of the method and might be frustrating to see... BUT be assured it will not always be like that! However you *could* elect to speed up commencement of a play session by ignoring the initial tracking and dive straight in using the last recorded number as the trigger instead. If you decide to do that remember to invoke the tracking (virtual play) after experiencing 3 consecutive L's designated by Rule #2 and only restart the coup at the appropriate point in the progression when Rule #1 is satisfied.

Good Luck,


I should add that I may update the rules if I get better performing results with other similar triggers.



This is one of the better progressions for double dozen betting, thanks to GLC and others.

Double Dozen Progression
Progression Level
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Bet level 1 ($1.00) on each Dozen for 5 Spins Cycle

If at the end each 5 spins we have a positive balance then spin another 5 times at level 1 ($1.00).

For example, if we won all 5 times we would have a positive balance of $5, if we won 4 times we would have a positive balance of $2 therefore we would spin another 5 times at level 1 ($1.00).

If at end of 5 spins we have a negative balance then increase bets to next progression level 2 ($2.00) for next 5 spins.

For example, if we won 3 times out of 5, we would have a negative balance of -$1.
Bet level 2 ($2.00) on each Dozen for 5 spins.

If during these 5 spins cycle we have eliminated the negative balance of -$1 then revert back to next lower level, ie level 1.
If we still have a negative balance at the end of level 2, then go to level 3.

For example, we have a -$1 loss from level 1.
The first spin at level 2 ($2.00) on each dozen is won, we win $2.00 which when added to the -$1 loss from the previous level a +$1 which has eliminated the negative balance and we now revert back  to cycle 1 level.

Instead of an EC + Line bet you can play "EASY PEASY" easier as a double dozen method:
And play easier without any waits and triggers and using the cyclic betting detailed above!

Same methodology:
RO or BE play D2 + D3
RE or BO play D1 + D2

Using same numbers from previous post examples:

8                    D2 + D3
Cycle 1     
18    w+1        D1 + D2  +1
27    L-2         D2 + D3   -1
13    w+1        D1 + D2  +0
29    L-2         D1 + D2   -2
4      w+1        D2 + D3   -1 after 5 bets. Inc to 2u
Cycle 2
7      L-4         D2 + D3    -5
16    w+2        D1 + D2   -3       
8      w+2        D2 + D3   -1
36    w+2        D1 + D2   +1  recovered. restart @ cycle 1
Cycle 1
24    w+1       D1 + D2   +2
24    w+1                        +3  target - end coup
15                   D1 + D2
Cycle 1
3      w+1        D2  + D3   +1           
13    w+1        D1 + D2    +2                                     
21    w+1                          +3 target - end coup
13                  D1 + D2
Cycle 1
12    w+1        D1 + D2     +1     
13    w+1        D1 + D2     +2
22    L-2         D2 + D3     +0
23    w+1        D2 + D3     +1
26    w+1        D2 + D3     +2  after 5 bets. Stay at 1u
Cycle 1
0      L-2         D2 + D3      +0
35    w+1        D1 + D2      +1 
14    w+1        D1 + D2      +2
23    w+1                            +3  target - end coup        SESSION = +9

31               D1 + D2
Cycle 1
14    w+1     D1 + D2        +1
23    w+1     D2 + D3        +1
19    w+1     D2 + D3        +3  target - end coup
34               D1 + D2
Cycle 1
24    w+1     D2 + D3        +1
24    w+1     D2 + D3        +2
20    w+1                          +3  target - end coup
1                D2 + D3
Cycle 1
28    w+1    D2 + D3          +1         
23    w+1    D2 + D3          +2
7      L-2     D2 + D3          +0
6      L-2     D2 + D3          -2
18    w+1    D1 + D2          -1  after 5 bets. Inc to 2u
Cycle 2
16    w+2    D1 + D2          +1       
32    L-4     D1 + D2           -3
21    w+2    D2 + D3          -1
16    w+2    D1  + D2         +1         
18    w+2                           +3  target - end coup      SESSION= +9

15              D1 + D2
Cycle 1
2    w+1      D2 + D3         +1 
4    L-2       D2 + D3         -1
0    L-2       D2 + D3         -3     
36   w+1     D1 + D2         -2
17   w+1     D1 + D2         -1  after 5 bets. Inc to 2u
Cycle 2
17   w+2     D1 + D2         +1 recovered. restart cycle 1 @ 1u
Cycle 1
13   w+1     D1 + D2         +2
11   w+1                           +3  target - end coup
19              D2 + D3
Cycle 1
23   w+1    D2 + D3          +1
29   w+1    D1 + D2          +2
18   w+1                          +3  target - end coup
10              D2 + D3
Cycle 1
36   w+1     D1 + D2         +1
19   w+1     D2 + D3         +2
12   L-2      D1 + D2         +0
36   L-2      D1 + D2         -2
10   w+1     D2 + D3         -1  after 5 bets. Inc to 2u
Cycle 2
14   w+2     D1 + D2         +1
2     w+2                          +3  target - end coup    SESSION = +9

27             D2 + D3
Cycle 1
24   w+1    D2 + D3          +1
36   w+1    D1 + D2          +2
0     L-2      D1 + D2         +0
19   w+1    D2 + D3          +1
33   w+1    D1 + D2          +2  after 5 bets. Stay at 1u
Cycle 1
24   w+1                          +3  target - end coup    SESSION SO FAR = +3

Highest bet so far = 2-2
Stopped Here...

Good Luck,


Hi Atlantis.

Great new version on all your work to achieve the + 3 target.

As i only play D/C this concept has much merit.

Many thanks for sharing this AND all your past work within the forums.



THank you Atlantis for all your post on this forum and others

you have always great idea and you never give up

best from France

can you show us more exemple?
what is your maximum drawdown with this method
on EC.?
on DZ CL?


Great stuff A

Hopefully the profits are as easy peasy to attain as the system is to implement


Hi Atlantis.

Back Tested your concept using my live B+M spin cards.

42 spins = 12 unit profit.

Went to Cycle 3 twice in the session.

11 Cycles completed.

Cycle 1 ended -1
Cycle 2 ended -1
Cycle 3 ended +3
Cycle 1 ended -1
Cycle 2 ended +3
Cycle 1 ended -4
Cycle 2 ended -6
Cycle 3 ended  even
Cycle 1 ended +2
Cycle 1 ended +3
Cycle 1 ended +3

Highest DD = - 8

Nice and easy peasy......


Re your first post.

Atlantis, which the Stop / Loss you have used?