Forums => Roulette Forum => Even chance => Topic started by: JohnLegend on November 05, 2012, 08:05:04 PM

Post by: JohnLegend on November 05, 2012, 08:05:04 PM
Introduction. Hello to everyone on Victor's new forum. I have been playing this even chance method for nearly 4 years with excellent success. It requires patience and above all STAYING POWER. But those who have or can aquire those attributes, will be rewarded with steady and sure growth of their Bankroll over time.


1, We write down the 8 possible three spin patterns for H/L---O/E and R/B. Example below for H/L

2, We now record spins and each time one of the 8 possible patterns is formed we cross it off. Until only one pattern remains.

3, Once there is one pattern remaining we IMMEDIATELY bet AGAINST it forming, using a 3 step progression of 1,2,4=7 units risk.

4, If we win within the three step progression that game is over.

5, OPTIONS. We can continue to play the remaining two even chances or shut down that session and start a new one
STAKING, you may also play just the 2nd and 3rd steps of the progression for a 3 unit risk. This is useful for newbies with smaller bankrolls.

Lost first game? If the first loses. You can either take the loss and start a fresh session. Or as I do bet on the next even chance to qualify. So lets say your first game was on HIGH LOW. And it lost. As soon as ODD/EVEN or RED/BLACK qualified I would bet 3,6,12 on it. The value of this and the REAL POWERPOINT of this method, is double losses seldom happen.

Another time to consider upping stakes. There are two phenomenons I have never seen occur in nearly 6,000 played games with this method.



These are what I call virtual limits. I believe there are certain limits random rarely passes. many of my methods are based on this understanding. I will give an update of my results soon. I advise you to play this method in a hit and run fashion. And use precise discipline. Played in this manner the 7/1 odds will be surpassed. And will fluctuate between 10/1 and 12/1. Once you are playing with increased stakes on the follow up bet after a loss. You BR will grow steadily. You can win over 20 games in a row on a good run. But as I aforementioned double losses don't happen often.

THE ZERO. If you are tracking spins while crossing off patterns to arrive at your final pattern and a ZERO hits. I ignore it. And continue as soon as regular numbers start hitting again. It is optional whether you want to cover it while betting. I don't personally. But if I were betting on a follow up bet to a lost game. I would on the last spin for insurance.
Okay that's it any questions are welcome. Thankyou.
Post by: TwisterUK on November 05, 2012, 08:54:56 PM
I just want to extend a warm welcome to JL  :applause: its great to have you with us !

Pattern Breaker is a FAB System ! I love to play it.

I would add when I play this I only play with 2 steps (1,2) on the 2nd and 3rd outcome so each game risk is only 3 units I also always cover Zero as I would prefer to lose to a Pure Pattern and not Zero, but that is just me.

I will post my updated results tomorrow  :thumbsup:
Post by: VLS on November 05, 2012, 09:25:47 PM
Welcome John.
Have a fine and productive stay at our little, cozy community  :thumbsup:
Post by: JohnLegend on November 05, 2012, 09:35:12 PM
Quote from: VLS on November 05, 2012, 09:25:47 PM
Welcome John.
Have a fine and productive stay at our little, cozy community  :thumbsup:
Thankyou Victor, as they say its quality not quantity that counts. I feel this forum will represent that. Thanks again... :thumbsup:
Post by: TwoCatSam on November 06, 2012, 06:25:38 AM

Welcome to the forum! 

I have been using the MST program, putting in numbers from Spielbank.  OK, I'm not ready to shout from the rooftops, but PB4 is a very even system.  Many of them go wildly up and down.  Yours plays very even and ends in a profit for the four trots I tested.

This is PB4.  Could you elaborate on the difference between PB and PB4?  If you will do that for me, I will run tests on a few thousand spins and report.

Post by: ArickVegas on November 06, 2012, 07:25:55 AM
Sam you will get more plays with P4 vs. Pb as you only need to wait for 9 spins to get a trigger @ P4.
Post by: subby on November 06, 2012, 08:34:39 AM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on November 06, 2012, 06:25:38 AM

Welcome to the forum! 

I have been using the MST program, putting in numbers from Spielbank.  OK, I'm not ready to shout from the rooftops, but PB4 is a very even system.  Many of them go wildly up and down.  Yours plays very even and ends in a profit for the four trots I tested.

This is PB4.  Could you elaborate on the difference between PB and PB4?  If you will do that for me, I will run tests on a few thousand spins and report.


Good to see you're finding the tracker useful mate :) Glad I was able to point it your direction. It really is a great tracker, one of the best I've seen  :thumbsup:
Post by: TwoCatSam on November 06, 2012, 01:02:53 PM

Yes, thanks for putting me onto that tracker.

I'll look for PB4 and read up on it.

Post by: JohnLegend on November 06, 2012, 02:59:27 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on November 06, 2012, 06:25:38 AM

Welcome to the forum! 

I have been using the MST program, putting in numbers from Spielbank.  OK, I'm not ready to shout from the rooftops, but PB4 is a very even system.  Many of them go wildly up and down.  Yours plays very even and ends in a profit for the four trots I tested.

This is PB4.  Could you elaborate on the difference between PB and PB4?  If you will do that for me, I will run tests on a few thousand spins and report.

Thankyou Sam, that's the word EVEN. Think of it like this Sam. The method at the end of the day might not wittle down to much better than its supposed to. 7/1. BUT, it has no nasty clusters of losses like other methods do. You win 10 you lose 1. You win 7 you lose 1. You win 14 you lose 1. You gain a confidence Sam after seeing these numbers for years. Yes WE ARE GOING TO LOSE. But we aren't going to lose even 3 in a row. NOW, how do you take advantage of that fact? That's what the PATTERN BREAKER concept is about Sam. I have confidence to raise stakes following a loss, because in nearly 6000 played games I only lost twice in a row 7 times. Pattern 4 is good but less stable than PB its about producing the same pattern its already done in a set place. We wait for a reason Sam. The hardest thing to convince people is. Is that WAIT worthwhile. For PB it certainly is.

PB4 can win 20 times in a row then lose 3 in a row. Its more volatile. Its faster than PB but at a price. Why did I come up with it then? My pandering to others on the other forum to give them speed that's why. But my strongest methods all have one thing in common. They don't rush Mr random.

So that's the difference between the two. PB4 could lose multiple times in a short span of games when its at its worst. PATTERN BREAKER asks random to show you the 8th pattern immediately after the 7th. And that's something random can certainly do. But its never done it in 24 spins. And its never done it on all three even chances in the same session. Random has virtual limits for sure. So you have had favourable results with PB4 so far. But you'll get the other side of the story too soon. With PB you will get a CONSISTENCY an even flow, no other method at such a small buy in can compete with.

I hope that illustrates to you Sam why I'm prepared to wait for PB.
Post by: TwoCatSam on November 06, 2012, 04:12:31 PM

Very well and thank you.

As time permits I will toss a trot into the MST tracker and check PB and PB4. 

Post by: TwisterUK on November 06, 2012, 05:28:30 PM
My latest results for PB

+21 Units

I am playing all 3 EC's but for ONE WIN

JL has had around 7 double losses in 6000 Games. For me, that's Tidy !

So based on that IF my First EC losses I go for the Win on the next EC that comes up

I also only play the 2nd and 3rd leg of the Selection so my stake is,

First EC 1,2

Second EC 4,8
Post by: monaco on November 06, 2012, 06:39:11 PM
Quote from: Twisteruk on November 06, 2012, 05:28:30 PM

I also only play the 2nd and 3rd leg of the Selection so my stake is,

First EC 1,2

Second EC 4,8

hi Twister - is there any reason why you play the 2nd & 3rd leg, and not the 1st & 2nd?

say, the last remaining pattern is HLH, so you sit out the 1st leg, and it comes L, so you would've won, do you make the bets anyway?

Post by: TwisterUK on November 06, 2012, 06:54:07 PM
Quote from: monaco on November 06, 2012, 06:39:11 PM

hi Twister - is there any reason why you play the 2nd & 3rd leg, and not the 1st & 2nd?

say, the last remaining pattern is HLH, so you sit out the 1st leg, and it comes L, so you would've won, do you make the bets anyway?

Great question and I wondered who would be the first to ask !!

Yes there is a reason

Ok so take  your example HLH. I would be betting LHL

IF the next hit is H then I bet, as H is the first leg of the remaining Pattern. I now bet HL and I get to see the Pattern to its end by doin the 2nd and 3rd as opposed to 1st and 2nd

IF L hits I wait to see if it forms the full opposite Pattern, in this case LHL. IF HL do not follow I then wait until the next block of 3 starts and Im looking, again, for a H

Get me ?

Post by: monaco on November 06, 2012, 07:09:56 PM
Quote from: Twisteruk on November 06, 2012, 06:54:07 PM

IF L hits I wait to see if it forms the full opposite Pattern, in this case LHL. IF HL do not follow I then wait until the next block of 3 starts and Im looking, again, for a H

Get me ?

& what do you do if HL does follow, so you have LHL?

Post by: JohnLegend on November 06, 2012, 07:25:31 PM
Quote from: monaco on November 06, 2012, 07:09:56 PM

& what do you do if HL does follow, so you have LHL?
Even though I don't play it like Twister Monaco. I can see the logic behind his decision to stake like this. He is exposing a minumum risk to random. Longterm it's a win, win situation. One thing that I have noticed over the 4 years I have been playing Pattern Breaker is that final 8th PATTERN can go to two extremes. It could form instantly resulting in a lost game. OR, at the other extreme go on a world cruise and not show for 30 plus lines. I have seen this. The average being around 12.

The thing about this method that Twister mentioned in his post and I will touch on again and again. Is its solid reliability on the follow up game/s. As Twister stated I have only suffered 7 double losses in 5,986 games. That is a stat that cannot be ignored. It is the prime POWER-POINT of the method. What it says to me is even if the law of averages takes me down to 7/1 from my usual stable of 10/1---12/1 playing H.A.R. I can show a profit longterm. And that is why this method will be in my bag for keeps.
Post by: subby on November 06, 2012, 08:55:42 PM
Pattern Breaker (PB) is a good solid grinder and works wonders when playing with large bets. Even with smaller value unit bets, it can increase your bankroll over months to a huge amount played hit and run.

I've also noticed that the red black bet for PB seems to fail more than the others so I don't now bet red black. I ONLY bet the high/low and odd/even parts.

I don't know if John has stats to see what method loses more than the others but for me it is noticeable.
Post by: esoito on November 06, 2012, 10:27:57 PM
"But in my records of the last 900 games I have played this is the percentages for each even chance."

Just to clarify:  was this analysis based on real roulette with a real ball and wheel, or RNG software?
Post by: JohnLegend on November 06, 2012, 10:31:46 PM
Quote from: esoito on November 06, 2012, 10:27:57 PM
"But in my records of the last 900 games I have played this is the percentages for each even chance."

Just to clarify:  was this analysis based on real roulette with a real ball and wheel, or RNG software?
890 of those games were played and recorded live Esoito. I have only recently started playing at BV with this method. And its beating it just as it would a live wheel.
Post by: esoito on November 06, 2012, 10:40:22 PM
Goodo. Thanks for the clarification.

Be interesting to see if the BV results hold up as well.  Twister seems to be the moment! LOL

Post by: JohnLegend on November 06, 2012, 10:50:51 PM
Quote from: esoito on November 06, 2012, 10:40:22 PM
Goodo. Thanks for the clarification.

Be interesting to see if the BV results hold up as well.  Twister seems to be the moment! LOL
Esoito I gather you don't trust BV? I would have shared your opinion until I had a closer look at it. I am not saying they don't or won't cheat. But at the moment the breakdowns and expected results are IDENTICAL fun mode and live mode to a live wheel in my experience. 8 ON 1 is a very powerful method. OKAY you have 242 units on the line. But what if this thing wins 2,000/1 or MORE??? all of a sudden 242 doesn't look so bad anymore. And it could well average that strikerate H.A.R I will go into great detail when I publish that method here. Twister has hit the ground running with it. And he is going to do some serious things with it if he sticks to it.
Post by: esoito on November 06, 2012, 11:02:21 PM
That all sound most promising. 

No doubt others will be interested in your observations about BV.

Yes, I think Twister will stay with it, judging by his positive comments to me in a private email.

In fact, I even wrote a basic tracker yesterday for us both, thinking I might give it a go as well.

And from someone who is very risk-averse and is very conservative, that's quite an admission!
Post by: JohnLegend on November 07, 2012, 12:10:37 AM
Quote from: esoito on November 06, 2012, 11:02:21 PM
That all sound most promising. 

No doubt others will be interested in your observations about BV.

Yes, I think Twister will stay with it, judging by his positive comments to me in a private email.

In fact, I even wrote a basic tracker yesterday for us both, thinking I might give it a go as well.

And from someone who is very risk-averse and is very conservative, that's quite an admission!
Risk is relative Esoito, everyone wants the grail. But at WHAT PRICE??. If you think you are going to beat this game without ever losing or taking a risk and just risking a few points think again. I am not saying 8 ON 1 is a grail. But it may be as close as you can come in terms of playability and risk. 242 seems alot. But I have over 3500 possible games recorded from THE ZONE data where is hasnt lost once.

Its one of those phenomenons. That when it sets off on a winning run it might be months or even years before you catch a loss. You might lose twice inside 500 games. Then not again for 5,000. that's what we are dealing with here when playing H.A.R People who don't really understand the concept of H.A.R argue there is no advantage. They don't understand that when you play long continuos sessions, you are in effect travelling towards a loss. When you play H.A.R to lose at say 8 ON 1. I have to land smack on top of that losing game. Now bearing in mind that even played continuosly this method could win 200 times in a row across thousands of spins. You can begin to see how long you might go before you land SMACK ON TOP OF THAT LOSING GAME. This and this alone MUST be understood about the concept.

The argument that leaving the table and coming back 5 minutes later or one year later makes no difference at all. COMPLETELY MISSES THE POINT. From the moment you start playing you are on a track that is heading towards a loss. it could be a short or long journey.Playing H.A.R there IS NO JOURNEY. You either land smack on top of the loss or you win. And with 8 ON 1. The wins could go into the thousands. Time will tell the story. Twister and myself are both in the 400 zone and haven't even been challenged. One day I know this method will lose. But that could be 3 years and several thousand wins from now. that's the fantastic mystery of this method. What if one day when I lose I have 10,000 wins under my belt? As far as I would be concerned I would call this a GRAIL.  Once something wins so much that a loss or two hardly dents what you have achieved you basically have a GRAIL.
Post by: esoito on November 07, 2012, 01:27:02 AM
"Once something wins so much that a loss or two hardly dents what you have achieved you basically have a GRAIL."

Hard to argue with that.

But one bet is a certainty -- someone will !!  ::)

I thought you made some very good points in your thoughtful post above.

Good to see such quality being brought to the table.

Yes -- I'm biased, I blush to admit. I'm one of the ones favourably disposed towards HAR (and the bonus of HAR is that it also relieves boredom and tiredness!)

Let me clarify my comment about being risk-averse:  obviously, if there was no risk there would be no gain.  We all know that.

My aversion is to risking money needlessly. I only use what I can afford to lose and, in these days of limited disposable income, that's not very much.

And that comment neatly segues into money management -- a vital key to overall profitability.

But as there's a separate section on that on this forum, still patiently waiting for others' Words of Wisdom, I leave it there.

Post by: JohnLegend on November 07, 2012, 05:20:48 PM








Well I've reached 6,000 games playing H.A.R the method has lost 46 off the last 500 games. BUT only suffered two DOUBLE LOSSES included in those 46 losses. So the strikerate is holding at 10/1 at present. Also within those 500 games I got two dream breakdowns of 7 patterns in 21 spins which I took advantage of by trebling stakes as it's a virtual gaurantee of a win. The longest winning streak is 22 games for High and Low. I have recently started playing the third even chance after a double loss too as its another virtual gaurantee of a win. I play for one win per session then shut it down. Next update at 6,500 games played. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Post by: TwisterUK on November 08, 2012, 04:49:24 PM
Quote from: monaco on November 06, 2012, 07:09:56 PM

& what do you do if HL does follow, so you have LHL?

If that happens then I've 'missed the boat' so to speak

Post by: TwisterUK on November 08, 2012, 04:51:29 PM
Well I've not played since my last update due to a small bout of upset tum tum

May play tonight

I play Live so I won't have the Turnover JL has, but Im happy with that  :thumbsup:

Post by: topcat888 on November 08, 2012, 05:06:52 PM
John/Everyone, can I ask what do you do when you get a loss, do you continue with the next game immediately or do you take a break, then play the next game..?

Post by: JohnLegend on November 08, 2012, 06:15:15 PM
Quote from: topcat888 on November 08, 2012, 05:06:52 PM
John/Everyone, can I ask what do you do when you get a loss, do you continue with the next game immediately or do you take a break, then play the next game..?

Hi Topcat love the name and avatar. Its about time I get me one. What we do is track ALL THREE even chances. You are playing for ONE WIN per session. But say the first one to qualify is HIGH--LOW and it loses. I personaly now play the very next E/C to qualify and treble stakes to revover three sevenths of the loss,. and it nearly always wins. Out of 6,010 played games I have only had 7 DOUBLE LOSSES. And I didn't used to play the third even chance but im now strong enough to follow up on that and that's nearly impossible to lose. This reliability on the follow up bet. And an average strikerate of 10/1 playing H.A.R longterm. Assures an overall profit LONGTERM.

So to summarize TOP CAT we track all three even chances but play for the first one to win then STOP. Shut it down and start a fresh session. I Hope that anwsers your question.
Post by: monaco on November 08, 2012, 06:30:22 PM
Quote from: Twisteruk on November 08, 2012, 04:49:24 PM
If that happens then I've 'missed the boat' so to speak

thanks for clarifying, & hope you're feeling better :thumbsup:
Post by: topcat888 on November 08, 2012, 06:57:42 PM
Brilliant, thanks for the clarification John...

One more question, if as you suggest for smaller bankrolls, you play just the 2nd and 3rd steps of the progression, aren't you going to miss all those first hit bets..??
Post by: subby on November 08, 2012, 07:54:54 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 07, 2012, 05:20:48 PM

I got two dream breakdowns of 7 patterns in 21 spins which I took advantage of by trebling stakes as it's a virtual gaurantee of a win

John can you expand on what you mean by this?

7 patterns in 21 spins?
Post by: JohnLegend on November 08, 2012, 09:07:13 PM
Quote from: subby on November 08, 2012, 07:54:54 PM
John can you expand on what you mean by this?

7 patterns in 21 spins?
Hi Subby what I mean is the minumum number of spins 7 of the 8 patterns could form in is 21. If you ever see this you have been handed a gift by random. Because its almost impossible for random to form all 8 patterns in the minumum of 24 spins. It happenned to me 39 times in the 6010 games I've played.

And when it happens you should at least treble your usual stakes plus cover the zero for as certain a winner as you will realistically get in this game.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 08, 2012, 09:13:45 PM
Quote from: topcat888 on November 08, 2012, 06:57:42 PM
Brilliant, thanks for the clarification John...

One more question, if as you suggest for smaller bankrolls, you play just the 2nd and 3rd steps of the progression, aren't you going to miss all those first hit bets..??
Hi Topcat, yes you would miss out, this is Twisters preferred method of play. It would be better to ask him how he deals with it. I gather he has a plan B for when the first spin wins.
Post by: subby on November 08, 2012, 09:16:06 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 08, 2012, 09:07:13 PM
Hi Subby what I mean is the minumum number of spins 7 of the 8 patterns could form in is 21. If you ever see this you have been handed a gift by random. Because its almost impossible for random to form all 8 patterns in the minumum of 24 spins. It happenned to me 39 times in the 6010 games I've played.

And when it happens you should at least treble your usual stakes plus cover the zero for as certain a winner as you will realistically get in this game.

Good call, I use Ophis's tracker so I'll keep an eye out for this happening and go for it.

Post by: JohnLegend on November 09, 2012, 05:37:00 AM
Quote from: subby on November 08, 2012, 09:16:06 PM
Good call, I use Ophis's tracker so I'll keep an eye out for this happening and go for it.
Yes Subby I'm 39/0 for this bet. Its like everyone knows or should know. You will never ever see random hit all 37 numbers on the wheel in 37 spins. Its obviously not as certain as that. BUT, a lot more playable.
Post by: Albalaha on November 09, 2012, 05:50:07 AM
                   I want to know the best suggested settings from you of your PB, in Ophis MST.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 09, 2012, 06:34:07 AM
Quote from: albalaha on November 09, 2012, 05:50:07 AM
                   I want to know the best suggested settings from you of your PB, in Ophis MST.
I'm not the best person to ask about trackers Albalaha, I'm still using good old fashioned pen and paper. That's my tracker...
Post by: subby on November 09, 2012, 08:35:09 AM
Quote from: albalaha on November 09, 2012, 05:50:07 AM
                   I want to know the best suggested settings from you of your PB, in Ophis MST.

Morning mate,

Just thought I'd chip in as I also use his tracker. It is set up to play 1, 3, 7 as your bets. Not overly sure why but it is, just change to 1, 2, 4 and you'll still grind out unit wins
Post by: topcat888 on November 09, 2012, 09:29:03 AM
One more question,

So I'm 100% on this... When tracking all three EC's and the first one is ready to bet, you bet that one and win... Now, do you then continue tracking in order to bet on one of the other two EC's..? (i.e. same session) ~ This what thePilot does, he keeps going until he has hit all three in the same session...


do you stop session as soon as one of the EC's has hit, take a break and start again later..??

Post by: subby on November 09, 2012, 01:11:48 PM
Personally I'd NOT bet on RED/BLACK, just the other 2 (high/low and even/odd)

red and black on the wheel are just too uniform r/b/r/b/r/b/r/b/r/b/etc

wheras odd even and high low are marginally different layout on the wheel

In answer to your question though....when playing all 3 methods you are tracking all 3 separately so you just track as normal until you have a betting opportunity
Post by: TwisterUK on November 09, 2012, 01:28:18 PM
Quote from: topcat888 on November 09, 2012, 09:29:03 AM
One more question,

So I'm 100% on this... When tracking all three EC's and the first one is ready to bet, you bet that one and win... Now, do you then continue tracking in order to bet on one of the other two EC's..? (i.e. same session) ~ This what thePilot does, he keeps going until he has hit all three in the same session...


do you stop session as soon as one of the EC's has hit, take a break and start again later..??


I do the first option. 1 Win and close it down  :applause:
Post by: topcat888 on November 09, 2012, 01:29:27 PM
Quote from: Twisteruk on November 09, 2012, 01:28:18 PM
I do the first option. 1 Win and close it down  :applause:

Do you track all three EC's twister..??
Post by: subby on November 09, 2012, 01:35:18 PM
Ha...Subby fail...I totally misread your thread.

As twister said, once you are +1 unit then you stop even if the others don't come through....leave it until much later on then you can if you wish jump in again. I wouldn't be looking to win too many units straight away.

Post by: topcat888 on November 09, 2012, 01:41:13 PM
Don't worry Subby, your info was interesting anyway...  :thumbsup:

Also, I'm correct that if a zero falls within a set of three spins, you disregard/ignore those three spins..??
Post by: TwisterUK on November 09, 2012, 02:01:45 PM
Quote from: topcat888 on November 09, 2012, 01:29:27 PM
Do you track all three EC's twister..??

Yes, always  :thumbsup:

I take 1 unit from whichever EC come up first. On a loss I use the next EC to come up  8)
Post by: TwisterUK on November 09, 2012, 02:03:20 PM
Quote from: topcat888 on November 09, 2012, 01:41:13 PM
Don't worry Subby, your info was interesting anyway...  :thumbsup:

Also, I'm correct that if a zero falls within a set of three spins, you disregard/ignore those three spins..??

No. You ignore the Zero mate

So if the numbers are as follows, 33 0 1 0 9 That is HLL

OK ?
Post by: JohnLegend on November 09, 2012, 02:11:11 PM
Quote from: Twisteruk on November 09, 2012, 02:03:20 PM
No. You ignore the Zero mate

So if the numbers are as follows, 33 0 1 0 9 That is HLL

OK ?
Twister is spot on, you ignore the ZERO as if it never happenned. The only time I would cover zero is if you get the dream breakdown 7 patterns in 21 spins. You then up your stakes and cover the zero for insurance when betting against the 8th and final pattern. I would also cover the zero if I had a double loss and was betting on the third even chance in a session.
Post by: topcat888 on November 09, 2012, 02:24:51 PM
Brilliant thanks guys..!  :thumbsup:
Post by: TwisterUK on November 09, 2012, 02:35:55 PM
Quote from: topcat888 on November 09, 2012, 02:24:51 PM
Brilliant thanks guys..!  :thumbsup:

No worries  :thumbsup:

Plz, let us know where you will be playing (RNG ?) and  your results as they happen  :applause:
Post by: topcat888 on November 09, 2012, 02:57:07 PM
Not a great fan of RNG to be honest, I'm always at Dublinbet, at least you can see if they are cheating..!  :))
Post by: TwisterUK on November 09, 2012, 04:37:19 PM
Quote from: topcat888 on November 09, 2012, 02:57:07 PM
Not a great fan of RNG to be honest, I'm always at Dublinbet, at least you can see if they are cheating..!  :))

Yes I too play Live. I play at Paddypower as find DB too slow  8)
Post by: topcat888 on November 09, 2012, 05:24:24 PM
What are Paddypower like at paying out..?

That's one thing I do like about DB, they almost give you the money 'there and then' when you withdraw..!
None of this 'hold on to it for a week' just in case you change your mind..!  >:(
Post by: JohnLegend on November 09, 2012, 06:50:47 PM
Quote from: topcat888 on November 09, 2012, 05:24:24 PM
What are Paddypower like at paying out..?

That's one thing I do like about DB, they almost give you the money 'there and then' when you withdraw..!
None of this 'hold on to it for a week' just in case you change your mind..!  >:(
Paddypower are very reliable Top Cat. The only wait is for the transfer back into your bank account 2--3 working days normally. I think Dublinbet is slightly overhyped because its one of the few the americans can use. And it is set in a real casino environment. But its as slow as you would expect. When you have the usual suspects tossing chips all over the place. But Paddy in my opinion is top of the pile. :thumbsup:
Post by: TwisterUK on November 09, 2012, 07:03:01 PM
Quote from: topcat888 on November 09, 2012, 05:24:24 PM
What are Paddypower like at paying out..?

That's one thing I do like about DB, they almost give you the money 'there and then' when you withdraw..!
None of this 'hold on to it for a week' just in case you change your mind..!  >:(

Paddypower are 100% top nothch at paying out. Infact I've never had one single problem

As JL says DB is overrated coz that the only place USA players can play and its dead slow when  your waiting for 'players' to finish shot guning their chips everywhere

Post by: TwoCatSam on November 09, 2012, 07:28:00 PM

Since when can Americans play at Dublin?

I can play there because I have a contact who let's me play on his account.  I use an IP masker to log on.

Any other Americans playing there?

Post by: TwisterUK on November 09, 2012, 09:29:39 PM
Just had my first double loss on PB, won on the Third EC  :upsidedown:
Post by: JohnLegend on November 10, 2012, 12:18:44 AM
Quote from: Twisteruk on November 09, 2012, 09:29:39 PM
Just had my first double loss on PB, won on the Third EC  :upsidedown:
They happen. But trebles are like eclipses mate. I am seeing so much more playing PB on BV. I am seeing a pattern in the breakodwns that is like clockwork to read. I really tested PB tonight on BV. Played all three even chances 10 times each. And won 28 games and lost 2 on RED and BLACK. I also had one dream breakdown of 7 patterns in 21 spins. Jacked up stakes and covered the zero for an easy win on spin one.

At the moment my strikerate on BV alone is better than my strikerate live. with 20/1 vs 10/1. But longterm I am sure it will come down to around 10---11/1. I will keep you posted with PBs performance on BV. Stats so far.








Longest winning streak so far HIGH LOW and ODD EVEN 20 with 14 each.
Post by: shogun on November 10, 2012, 08:10:21 AM
Thanks for this system JL.
Early days for me but i have 11 wins and 1 loss.
Very happy so far.
Post by: Tarantino on November 10, 2012, 09:39:42 AM
Hello everyone, i have been following this system, and have been getting very good results ( i was paul 2012) from another site ;) ...
I play H/L and R/B only...
Before ' thepilot' saga  ;D , my results were as follows...
H/L played 48 and won 46...
R/B played 48 and won 43...
But after reading how he plays i decided to copy it in a way...
After work i come home and play 4-6 games of  H/L and R/B only. And log off till the day after. In and out !!!
And i have played 29 games so far without loss !!!  Won them all ! :thumbsup:
And my progression has changed since i saw thepilot's progression.
I play 25...50...100... To win 25 units each time.
So up to now i have won 725 units... I know a loss will come soon, and when it does ill take the loss and start again on same progression.  The way i see it now, is that i am playing with ladbrokes money and i fully intend to play this way !
Thepilot post caused so much debate, i honestly believe it to have happened and i take my hat off to JL for a superb, simple system.
I have records of every game i have played and will keep updates on here for all to see. If you play with bigger progression, i have found that you play to the rules 100%...
I also play till 60 spins only, if i don't get a trigger i log off... Read in JL's post somewhere most of his losses came after 60 spins !

Post by: JohnLegend on November 10, 2012, 09:47:14 AM
Quote from: shogun on November 10, 2012, 08:10:21 AM
Thanks for this system JL.
Early days for me but i have 11 wins and 1 loss.
Very happy so far.
Well done Shogun you have right there about the average longterm playing H.A.R. It fluctuates for me between 10/1 and 12/1. Look at this as a longterm thing.  :thumbsup:
Post by: JohnLegend on November 10, 2012, 10:05:47 AM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 10, 2012, 09:39:42 AM
Hello everyone, i have been following this system, and have been getting very good results ( i was paul 2012) from another site ;) ...
I play H/L and R/B only...
Before ' thepilot' saga  ;D , my results were as follows...
H/L played 48 and won 46...
R/B played 48 and won 43...
But after reading how he plays i decided to copy it in a way...
After work i come home and play 4-6 games of  H/L and R/B only. And log off till the day after. In and out !!!
And i have played 29 games so far without loss !!!  Won them all ! :thumbsup:
And my progression has changed since i saw thepilot's progression.
I play 25...50...100... To win 25 units each time.
So up to now i have won 725 units... I know a loss will come soon, and when it does ill take the loss and start again on same progression.  The way i see it now, is that i am playing with ladbrokes money and i fully intend to play this way !
Thepilot post caused so much debate, i honestly believe it to have happened and i take my hat off to JL for a superb, simple system.
I have records of every game i have played and will keep updates on here for all to see. If you play with bigger progression, i have found that you play to the rules 100%...
I also play till 60 spins only, if i don't get a trigger i log off... Read in JL's post somewhere most of his losses came after 60 spins !

Tarantino you have a great attitude for this method. I am curious though as to why you don't play ODD--EVEN. 29 games without loss for this method is fantastic.

For me I normally play 10 games per day LIVE. And if I get a perfect day I am very happy. Overall I am looking for 10/1 longterm. And I will be very surprised if anyone can consistently win above that region 10/1---12/1 in the longterm.

Anyone who plays 1,000 games of Pattern breaker H.A.R should find themselves sonewhere around that mark.

As I have said before, the real POWERPOINT of the method isn't so much the pure strikerate, but the reliability of follow up bets. Double losses don't happen often. And I've never seen a treble.

Regarding Pilot he has had the most amazing success with this method if he is being totally honest. I have recorded a winning streak of over 100 in the early days when I only played HIGH---LOW.

But I think he said in July he won over 160 games. It is possible playing HIT AND RUN. And its been the crux of my argument with the people who say there is no difference to sitting there and playing long sessions. THERE IS.

When you sit there playing long sessions you are travelling towards a loss. When you play H.A.R you have to land DEAD ON TOP of that loss.

So a freak winning streak way beyond the normal grip of probability is indeed possible.

Call it LUCK, TIMING whatever you want. There is a chance you will ride the most fantastic winning streak at some point when you play H.A.R

So what I say to newbies with this method is, you could lose 3 games in your first 20 you play or as Tarantino has done win over 25 straight.
Its the LONGTERM breakdown you look for. And over 6,060 games have consistently given me around 10/1  :thumbsup:
Post by: topcat888 on November 10, 2012, 10:08:22 AM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 10, 2012, 09:39:42 AM

I also play till 60 spins only, if i don't get a trigger i log off... Read in JL's post somewhere most of his losses came after 60 spins !

Tarantino, you are so right, I have noticed that as well.. If you think about it, the further you are away from the first set of three, the more likely 'any' pattern could appear...
Post by: Tarantino on November 10, 2012, 10:25:21 AM
What progression do you use after all them games JL... Cause if my strike rate averages out to 10/1, the way i play it won't work.
Win 10 games 25 x 10 = 250.... Lose 1 game = - 175 , giving me an average of 75 units every 10 games ( not bad i suppose)...
My way i don't do recovery as in upping progression.
Reason i don't play O/E  is just personal choice really. I did keep record of O/E but don't play, and i saw a double loss ... Put me off :-\
But reading through this article, keeping a record of O/E will help if i do have a loss. I could play a game to recover my loss quicker i suppose!
I have played roulette for 5 years, and to be honest i was losing faith in roulette. Until i saw this way of playing. I promised myself, i would play this way and no :no: SHORTCUTS :no: ... .

JL has learned me  2 magic words ............  :nod: PATIENCE + DISIPLINE.... :nod:
Post by: JohnLegend on November 10, 2012, 10:27:38 AM
Quote from: topcat888 on November 10, 2012, 10:08:22 AM
Tarantino, you are so right, I have noticed that as well.. If you think about it, the further you are away from the first set of three, the more likely 'any' pattern could appear...
There is something to this Charles, but keep in mind I have seen it all over the last 4 years. And you can lose a game in 27 spins aswell. But I have never seen random show me the 8 patterns in the minumum of 24 spins. This is what I call the dream bet of the method. It doesn't happen often. I have only 40 in 6,060 games. But when it does you should go for it by at least trebling stakes and covering the zero for insurance.  :thumbsup:
Post by: JohnLegend on November 10, 2012, 10:36:25 AM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 10, 2012, 10:25:21 AM
What progression do you use after all them games JL... Cause if my strike rate averages out to 10/1, the way i play it won't work.
Win 10 games 25 x 10 = 250.... Lose 1 game = - 175 , giving me an average of 75 units every 10 games ( not bad i suppose)...
My way i don't do recovery as in upping progression.
Reason i don't play O/E  is just personal choice really. I did keep record of O/E but don't play, and i saw a double loss ... Put me off :-\
But reading through this article, keeping a record of O/E will help if i do have a loss. I could play a game to recover my loss quicker i suppose!
I have played roulette for 5 years, and to be honest i was losing faith in roulette. Until i saw this way of playing. I promised myself, i would play this way and no :no: SHORTCUTS :no: ... .

JL has learned me  2 magic words ............  :nod: PATIENCE + DISIPLINE.... :nod:
Tarantino I play very conservatively compared to you and Pilot. Just 5 pound points. BUT, remember I play several methods. And I play for recovery too. So I don't put all my eggs in one basket so to speak. I am not saying you can't/won't surpass 10/1 with PATTERN BREAKER. The way you are playing its possible you could hit 14/1---16/1 longterm. Because 6 games a day isn't exposing yourself very much at all to randoms ebb and flow. So YES, you may lock a better strikerate than me Tarantino. But if you don't. You should still me happy that you beat this game LONGTERM in the first place. REMEMBER, we arent supposed to be doing this according to the experts.  :thumbsup:

And yes without PATIENCE and DISCIPLINE you cannot beat this game longterm. That is the reason 99% of people still believe this game can't be taken. Without the right tools you can't get the job done.
Post by: topcat888 on November 10, 2012, 12:40:41 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 10, 2012, 10:27:38 AM
There is something to this Charles, but keep in mind I have seen it all over the last 4 years. And you can lose a game in 27 spins aswell. But I have never seen random show me the 8 patterns in the minumum of 24 spins. This is what I call the dream bet of the method. It doesn't happen often. I have only 40 in 6,060 games. But when it does you should go for it by at least trebling stakes and covering the zero for insurance.  :thumbsup:
What were you saying about the 8 in 24...  don't you just love roulette..!  :o

(DB, table one - just now)

Post by: TwisterUK on November 10, 2012, 02:40:14 PM
Quote from: topcat888 on November 10, 2012, 12:40:41 PM
What were you saying about the 8 in 24...  don't you just love roulette..!  :o

(DB, table one - just now)


Post by: JohnLegend on November 10, 2012, 03:28:15 PM
Quote from: topcat888 on November 10, 2012, 12:40:41 PM
What were you saying about the 8 in 24...  don't you just love roulette..!  :o

(DB, table one - just now)

that's very rare charles. I haven't caught one in 6,074 games. Dublinbet lol that's why Twister and me don't play there. Did you play that or track it Top Cat.?
I've been playing PATTERN BREAKER HEAVY on BV and its killing it out performing live play. Which stuns me. Latest stats.







Post by: topcat888 on November 10, 2012, 03:34:41 PM
Yes, sorry about that John but they were 100% true numbers...  :( Luckily I just happened to be tracking it at that time...

Glad BV is still going strong, amazing strike rate..!

I've had a look at PP and you're correct its much faster on the live play...
Post by: JohnLegend on November 10, 2012, 03:45:29 PM
Quote from: topcat888 on November 10, 2012, 03:34:41 PM
Yeah sorry about that John but they were 100% true numbers...  :( Luckily I just happened to be tracking it at that time...

Glad BV is still going strong, amazing strike rate..!

I've had a look at PP and you're correct its much faster on the live play...
Topcat so we know it could happen, but as I always say youve got to land dead on it. If you started your game even then one spin earlier or one spin later you might have missed that. I've been saying the same thing about 8 ON 1. someone found 11 4 GAPS on BVNZ. Yet twister is 511/0 and I am now 475/0. But the detractors can't even find 200 straight wins when they Bot the method. If that isn't proof that H.A.R is a superior way to play this game I don't know what is.

On BV I've been playing all three even chances. then shutting it down. And the two losses came yesterday both on RED AND BLACK. Today I've played 15 games and won them all.  :thumbsup:
Post by: topcat888 on November 10, 2012, 06:08:42 PM
I hope you don't think I'm a 'detractor' John because I'm not, far from it...  I just happened to stumble upon that very elusive string and wanted to show you, thought I might get a prize..! anyway, hopefully we'll never see it again...  :thumbsup:
Post by: JohnLegend on November 10, 2012, 06:49:18 PM
Quote from: topcat888 on November 10, 2012, 06:08:42 PM
I hope you don't think I'm a 'detractor' John because I'm not, far from it...  I just happened to stumble upon that very elusive string and wanted to show you, thought I might get a prize..! anyway, hopefully we'll never see it again...  :thumbsup:

Of course I don't Top Cat. I know 8 ON 1 can lose. Does that stop me playing it?? No way.

it's a mystery how long I might go before I land on top of a loss. 500---2,000---5,000 games. No one knows. that's what H.A.R is all about.

People told me they couldnt find 200 straight wins with the method. So how come both Twister and I are around 500? No one can answer that.

Yet they all want to tell me there's absolutely no difference between long sessions and H.A.R But my results tell me another story.
And that's all that matters at the end of the day.  :thumbsup:
Post by: Proofreaders2000 on November 11, 2012, 11:27:33 AM
Ophis' Multi-System Tracker here (includes Pattern Breaker)
Post by: JohnLegend on November 11, 2012, 04:22:18 PM








Well a great run continues on BV for PATTERN BREAKER. The strikerate stands at 36/1 at the moment which is

staggering. I haven't gone that high for PATTERN BREAKER LIVE in over two years. Also I have never had two even

chances form winning streaks over 20 at the same time. Obviously I realize this can't go on forever. But im enjoying the run

while it lasts. I know by the time I've played 500 games. It is very likely to have dropped down to the middle teens at best. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Post by: shogun on November 11, 2012, 05:51:06 PM
Hi John,
Your BZ results are great. Is this BVNZ?
I am at 23 for 1 on Eurogrand  :cheer:
Post by: Trebor on November 11, 2012, 06:22:03 PM
Spurred on by JL's success I'm giving this another go playing for pennies on BV single zero.

I'll only be playing when I've got an idle moment so that should make sure it's hit and run. I started yesterday. Results so far.





DOUBLE LOSSES              0

TREBLE LOSSES               0


Early days?

Post by: JohnLegend on November 11, 2012, 06:36:58 PM
Quote from: shogun on November 11, 2012, 05:51:06 PM
Hi John,
Your BZ results are great. Is this BVNZ?
I am at 23 for 1 on Eurogrand  :cheer:
Hi Shogun no this is BV single ZERO. I log on play all even chances Pilot style. Then shut it down. I've been doing this

5 to 6 times over the last 4 days. And I am doing it for a reason. Many people doubt it was possible for Pilot to truly achieve

the numbers he has. I worked out his strikerate was running at about 20/1 PER MONTH for a whole year. This is out of this

world. At the moment I am beating that by some margin but its early days yet. I want to see if I can get anywhere near his

numbers over the next year on a smaller scale. Of course if I do alot of people on another forum we won't mention will be

taught its certainly possible. Winning streaks in excess of 100 are possible I've had 3 in my 4 year history with this method.

But I only played HIGH LOW when I got them. Since I added ODD EVEN to the mix. the longest winning streak I have had

is 34 games. But this is LIVE. Playing BV there's something else going on here altogether. I don't know yet, but I have a

feeling PATTERN BREAKER is going to BREAK BV. And I will have the proof if it does sitting in someone elses account

by summer next year. I will not rerturn to that other forum until I have proved this method is a roulette killer beyond doubt.

Well done with your play. We should be getting about 11/1 with this method. But sometimes it can surprise you.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 11, 2012, 06:44:59 PM
Quote from: Trebor on November 11, 2012, 06:22:03 PM
Spurred on by JL's success I'm giving this another go playing for pennies on BV single zero.

I'll only be playing when I've got an idle moment so that should make sure it's hit and run. I started yesterday. Results so far.





DOUBLE LOSSES              0

TREBLE LOSSES               0


Early days?

Are you seriously playing this on BV single Zero Trebor? How are you playing? And how many even chances at a
time. Also if you have played 26 games how have you got 21 wins and 6 losses.?  :scared:
Post by: Trebor on November 11, 2012, 07:09:47 PM
Sorry about that. Got the figures wrong. I've modified the post.

I'm playing each even chance once per session but only if they qualify within 60 spins. Should I not?

I've played 9 sessions over 2 days but it is the weekend.

Do you think that's too many in that space of time?  Not sure how long a gap time wise I should leave.


Post by: JohnLegend on November 11, 2012, 07:18:06 PM
Quote from: Trebor on November 11, 2012, 07:09:47 PM
Sorry about that. Got the figures wrong. I've modified the post.

I'm playing each even chance once per session but only if they qualify within 60 spins. Should I not?

I've played 9 sessions over 2 days but it is the weekend.

Do you think that's too many in that space of time?  Not sure how long a gap time wise I should leave.

Trebor don't exclude games that take beyond 60 spins to mature. This is EXACTLY how I have been playing.

I log in and track and play ALL three even chances (NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES) Then I shut down and do it

again later. I am playing 15---20 games per day when I have time. So as to get the turnover the same as Pilot in a shorter

time frame. don't try to be too clever with this method. Play it and believe in the longterm strikerate. It should go no worse

than 10/1 longterm. Pilot was getting 20/1 and that's amazed even me. Many have called him a liar in not so many words.

But no-one has played it like him. So I am going to do it for the next year. If I get anywhere near 20/1 How can anyone say

it wasn't possible for him to do this?? I certainly won't doubt it.  :thumbsup:
Post by: Trebor on November 11, 2012, 07:37:27 PM
Thanks JL. It's just that I read recently that most losses came from sessions that went on beyond 60 spins. In any case I only had one such session.

I have to say that so far I'm having typical results for me with this.

I'll carry on since I can't lose any "real" money and hope it turns round.

Post by: JohnLegend on November 11, 2012, 07:50:36 PM
Quote from: Trebor on November 11, 2012, 07:37:27 PM
Thanks JL. It's just that I read recently that most losses came from sessions that went on beyond 60 spins. In any case I only had one such session.

I have to say that so far I'm having typical results for me with this.

I'll carry on since I can't lose any "real" money and hope it turns round.

I don't see how it shouldnt. You think you are unlucky Trebor I know that. But I don't see how you should run under

10/1 longterm with this method H.A.R There are players doing better than that. Pilot of course being the most sesnsational of

them. Now I am in a situation where I have to see if its possible with irrefutable proof. Because Pilot made the claim for

PATTERN BREAKER and thanked me for the method. And got peeved and left when people started showing the doubting

Thomas signs. Even I am not 100% sure. BUT, I am willing to play it for a year and find out if its anywhere near possible.

Unlike everyone else who said NO WAY.

ONE THING I want to ask you Trebor, when you are tracking spins and a ZERO hits how do you deal with it? ??? ?
Post by: TwisterUK on November 11, 2012, 08:58:46 PM

Can you point out to the viewers what you are now doin different inlight of the 'pilot event' as opposed to before ?

I mean make it crystal clear step by step, so no one can say, "huh?"
Post by: Trebor on November 11, 2012, 09:04:33 PM
Well now your asking JL.

I'm using the MST tracker. I hope you not going to tell me it doesn't work correctly.

All I do know is that one of my losses was due to a zero. Well might have been anyway.

Post by: JohnLegend on November 11, 2012, 09:10:52 PM
Quote from: Twisteruk on November 11, 2012, 08:58:46 PM

Can you point out to the viewers what you are now doin different inlight of the 'pilot event' as opposed to before ?

I mean make it crystal clear step by step, so no one can say, "huh?"
Hello Twister.

1, I am playing ALL 3 EVEN CHANCES each session for ONE WIN EACH.

2, I am doing this 4---6 times a day to get the numbers in about a 6 month time frame.

3, Mr Zero I ignore its existence totally. So when it hits I don't record it. NOW, this is crucial and may be making ALL THE

DIFFERENCE Twister. Because what happens when a ZERO hits is it changes the structure of the PATTERNS. And I

believe leads to a greater strikerate. SO IGNORE THE ZERO.

4, I will not play a recovery bet. This is PURE stand alone strikerate we are aiming for here. And at the moment it looks like

its going to be justified.

that's how I am playing it on BV Twister. 36/1 after 75 games. VS Pilots 20/1 after 2000 plus games. Lets see what the next

6 months brings.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 11, 2012, 09:28:44 PM
Quote from: Trebor on November 11, 2012, 09:04:33 PM
Well now your asking JL.

I'm using the MST tracker. I hope you not going to tell me it doesn't work correctly.

All I do know is that one of my losses was due to a zero. Well might have been anyway.

So how does a tracker know when a zero hits?
Post by: TwisterUK on November 11, 2012, 10:08:37 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 11, 2012, 09:10:52 PM
Hello Twister.

1, I am playing ALL 3 EVEN CHANCES each session for ONE WIN EACH.

2, I am doing this 4---6 times a day to get the numbers in about a 6 month time frame.

3, Mr Zero I ignore its existence totally. So when it hits I don't record it. NOW, this is crucial and may be making ALL THE

DIFFERENCE Twister. Because what happens when a ZERO hits is it changes the structure of the PATTERNS. And I

believe leads to a greater strikerate. SO IGNORE THE ZERO.

4, I will not play a recovery bet. This is PURE stand alone strikerate we are aiming for here. And at the moment it looks like

its going to be justified.

that's how I am playing it on BV Twister. 36/1 after 75 games. VS Pilots 20/1 after 2000 plus games. Lets see what the next

6 months brings.

So if you have 2 EC's win that +2 Units and if the third one losses -7 Units, so you take the 5 Unit loss on that game and don't recover ?

In my experience one of the three EC's losses too often to take 1 Unit of each, no ?

Post by: TwisterUK on November 11, 2012, 10:10:23 PM
Quote from: Trebor on November 11, 2012, 09:04:33 PM
Well now your asking JL.

I'm using the MST tracker. I hope you not going to tell me it doesn't work correctly.

All I do know is that one of my losses was due to a zero. Well might have been anyway.


I always cover Zero, so if I lose its to a pure loss not a Zero. I just put a min 50c chip on it

If Zero hits while trackin I always and always have ignore it  :thumbsup:

Post by: JohnLegend on November 11, 2012, 10:30:59 PM
Quote from: Twisteruk on November 11, 2012, 10:08:37 PM
So if you have 2 EC's win that +2 Units and if the third one losses -7 Units, so you take the 5 Unit loss on that game and don't recover ?

In my experience one of the three EC's losses too often to take 1 Unit of each, no ?
Yes Twister as you know I would normally play to recover IF the first EVEN CHANCE loses, because I normally

play for the first win.

But try telling BV that, because apart from two losses on RED BLACK. I have 23 rounds where all three even chances have

done the business.

Of course its early days Twister, but Lets see how things stand when I reach 500. What I am hoping for is a strikerate

somewhere between 16/1 and 24/1 longterm. It will tell me that Pilot really could have achieved his average of 20/1 for an

entire year. Especially as he was only playing a strict 6 games a day. that's some discipline, I have to hand it to him.
Post by: Trebor on November 11, 2012, 10:57:20 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 11, 2012, 09:28:44 PM
So how does a tracker know when a zero hits?

I've no idea. I'll need to track it manually at the same time to see.


I've answered a different question.

The tracker knows because I enter it manually. I don't know how it treats it when building up the, what are you calling it, matrix?

Post by: JohnLegend on November 11, 2012, 11:26:03 PM
Quote from: Trebor on November 11, 2012, 10:57:20 PM
I've no idea. I'll need to track it manually at the same time to see.


I've answered a different question.

The tracker knows because I enter it manually. I don't know how it treats it when building up the, what are you calling it, matrix?
This is my concern Trebor, because I believe Zero is actually our friend with this method, it changes the course of

random in our favour.

The perfection of random is no longer so perfect when a zero drops. Remember the difference between winning and losing

can be as little as a single spin.

I know for certain I have cheated the laws of probability by playing H.A.R there is absolutely no doubt about that for me

Before 2004 when I played like all the losers play I couldnt buy a win. I really couldnt. I used to play 8 hour sessions at a

casino. And always lost in the end.

And I still track manually using pen and paper Trebor. YES I know its slow, BUT I don t miss a thing. And you cannot afford

to miss a thing, when the difference between winning and losing can be a SINGLE SPIN. :nope:
Post by: Trebor on November 12, 2012, 12:41:39 AM
Like I said I'll check the tracker and see that it's correct or not.

Post by: JohnLegend on November 12, 2012, 09:28:34 AM
Quote from: Trebor on November 12, 2012, 12:41:39 AM
Like I said I'll check the tracker and see that it's correct or not.

Okay Trebor stay positive  :thumbsup:
Post by: Tarantino on November 12, 2012, 10:14:37 AM
My records playing "thepilot" way is as follows...

Playing H/L and R/B  ...
Won 40
Lost 1...
Winning streak 35.... current streak is 5...
I have been playing my progression like i said, 25...50...100... Total 175...
Winnings 40 x 25 = 1000      Loses 1 x 175 =175      Profit 1000 - 175 =  :cheer: 825 :cheer:
Only time will tell if it works this way... For me, the less games u play, the less chance you have of getting caught. I play only 4-6 games a day, depending on work and kids etc...
Question for JL....
1. What have you been doing when you have to bet on H/L or R/B at the same time, do u still bet... Or O/E in your case, have u ever had to bet on all 3 at the same time ?

Post by: subby on November 12, 2012, 10:46:40 AM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 12, 2012, 10:14:37 AM
My records playing "thepilot" way is as follows...

Playing H/L and R/B  ...
Won 40
Lost 1...
Winning streak 35.... current streak is 5...
I have been playing my progression like i said, 25...50...100... Total 175...
Winnings 40 x 25 = 1000      Loses 1 x 175 =175      Profit 1000 - 175 =  :cheer: 825 :cheer:
Only time will tell if it works this way... For me, the less games u play, the less chance you have of getting caught. I play only 4-6 games a day, depending on work and kids etc...
Question for JL....
1. What have you been doing when you have to bet on H/L or R/B at the same time, do u still bet... Or O/E in your case, have u ever had to bet on all 3 at the same time ?

Out of interest...was your loss playing red black? I personally only play High/Low and Odd/Even...I don't play red black as I find it loses more than the others.
Post by: Trebor on November 12, 2012, 11:12:34 AM
Hello again JL,

The MST tracker treats zero's as in the original instructions. That is if a 0 comes in a group of three it ignores all three as far as tracking goes. Has this rule been changed?

Post by: Tarantino on November 12, 2012, 11:38:10 AM
Quote from: subby on November 12, 2012, 10:46:40 AM
Out of interest...was your loss playing red black? I personally only play High/Low and Odd/Even...I don't play red black as I find it loses more than the others.
My loss came on H/L... LLL lost for me... A lot of High numbers came, then a mixture of both, then 3 Lows... I had a gut feeling i would lose, but played :nope: ... Never mind
I trust H/L more than the others, i am thinking of doing O/E as well. But my mindset is , the more you play, the more you will lose !
So playing all 3 at the same time , for me , puts me off a little !
Post by: subby on November 12, 2012, 11:53:03 AM
You're actually better off playing for both HIGH/LOW and the ODD/EVEN at the same time and whatever one give you the betting opportunity first then you take it and ignore the other chance if it appears while betting the first chance. Then log out when you have 1 win, i'll speed you up and as the ball is being spun the same amount of times anyway it makes sense to play both and get faster bet chances. Playing 1 of the two methods only, you'll still have the same amount of ball spins but half the chances to bet.

I'm talking about using ophis tracker where you can visually see the betting chances pop up on screen like so....

If you had only been tracking O/E you would have missed High/Low chance and you would still be looking for a bet chance to appear. Use the tracker and cover all PB methods to speed you up with same amount of balls spun.
Post by: TwisterUK on November 12, 2012, 12:35:40 PM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 12, 2012, 10:14:37 AM
My records playing "thepilot" way is as follows...

Playing H/L and R/B  ...
Won 40
Lost 1...
Winning streak 35.... current streak is 5...
I have been playing my progression like i said, 25...50...100... Total 175...
Winnings 40 x 25 = 1000      Loses 1 x 175 =175      Profit 1000 - 175 =  :cheer: 825 :cheer:
Only time will tell if it works this way... For me, the less games u play, the less chance you have of getting caught. I play only 4-6 games a day, depending on work and kids etc...
Question for JL....
1. What have you been doing when you have to bet on H/L or R/B at the same time, do u still bet... Or O/E in your case, have u ever had to bet on all 3 at the same time ?

Nice results  :thumbsup: !

Where you playing ? Live or RNG ?

Post by: Tarantino on November 12, 2012, 12:40:21 PM
Quote from: Twisteruk on November 12, 2012, 12:35:40 PM

Nice results  :thumbsup: !

Where you playing ? Live or RNG ?

Hello Twister... All played on live dealer on ladbrokes and 888... Do you play RNG, and do u trust it ? :thumbsup:
Post by: JohnLegend on November 12, 2012, 03:54:55 PM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 12, 2012, 10:14:37 AM
My records playing "thepilot" way is as follows...

Playing H/L and R/B  ...
Won 40
Lost 1...
Winning streak 35.... current streak is 5...
I have been playing my progression like i said, 25...50...100... Total 175...
Winnings 40 x 25 = 1000      Loses 1 x 175 =175      Profit 1000 - 175 =  :cheer: 825 :cheer:
Only time will tell if it works this way... For me, the less games u play, the less chance you have of getting caught. I play only 4-6 games a day, depending on work and kids etc...
Question for JL....
1. What have you been doing when you have to bet on H/L or R/B at the same time, do u still bet... Or O/E in your case, have u ever had to bet on all 3 at the same time ?
Wow great results Tarantino, well its never happened to me. When I've had 2 I've gone with H/L. Because I normally don't play Red and black.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 12, 2012, 04:14:33 PM
Quote from: Trebor on November 12, 2012, 11:12:34 AM
Hello again JL,

The MST tracker treats zero's as in the original instructions. That is if a 0 comes in a group of three it ignores all three as far as tracking goes. Has this rule been changed?

Ignore the zero but keep the numbers either side of it. So keep all numbers reject zero.
Post by: shogun on November 12, 2012, 05:54:54 PM
It probably goes without saying but I will any way   ???  I grab the first 20 numbers off the marque to start my game.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 12, 2012, 06:04:35 PM
Quote from: shogun on November 12, 2012, 05:54:54 PM

It probably goes without saying but I will any way   ???  I grab the first 20 numbers off the marque to start my game.
Snap Shogun that way you usually have 4 or 5 patterns instantly

Im finding that one of the three even chances always qualifies for a game within 40 spins.
Post by: TwisterUK on November 12, 2012, 06:46:32 PM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 12, 2012, 12:40:21 PM

Hello Twister... All played on live dealer on ladbrokes and 888... Do you play RNG, and do u trust it ? :thumbsup:

I play PB on Live Dealer at Paddypower

But JL is havin good results on BV so I will in the next few days start playin there. I won't play on the Zero wheel but the NZ Wheel
Trust it ? 100%? No. I don't think I ever will. I know it sounds like a contradiction but losin to a Real Wheel is Pure, imo. On RNG I always wonder. And yes that includes even when Im winning as the losses usually happen when you increase  your stake

Anyway I will give BVNZ  a good as its good for Turnover  :cheer:

Post by: TwisterUK on November 12, 2012, 06:47:11 PM
Quote from: shogun on November 12, 2012, 05:54:54 PM

It probably goes without saying but I will any way   ???  I grab the first 20 numbers off the marque to start my game.

Oh god yes ! EVERY time ! Why not ?
Post by: TwisterUK on November 12, 2012, 06:52:31 PM

I read on a Forum Post that you used to disregard a block of 3 if it contained a Zero. I've never read that or knew that. Is that the case ? If so what changed  your mind ?

Cheers Bud
Post by: Ophis on November 12, 2012, 07:15:36 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 12, 2012, 04:14:33 PM
Ignore the zero but keep the numbers either side of it. So keep all numbers reject zero.
I have updated MST (PB,PF,PB4) to behave the way you have stated in this latest post.
If MST will not update by itself here you can find manually dowloadable version MST 1.6.5 (

Download (
Post by: JohnLegend on November 12, 2012, 07:35:44 PM
Quote from: Twisteruk on November 12, 2012, 06:52:31 PM

I read on a Forum Post that you used to disregard a block of 3 if it contained a Zero. I've never read that or knew that. Is that the case ? If so what changed your mind ?

Cheers Bud
Strikerate  Twister, I have seen an improvement in the methods performance since I started doing this.

I think its because it displaces the perfection of random. My strikerate live and RNG has gone up since doing this, and that's what we all want.

I will advise Speramus to play this way too when they get rolling. mmmmm we are honoured the mighty Ophis on the thread.
Post by: subby on November 12, 2012, 07:56:34 PM
Quote from: ophis on November 12, 2012, 07:15:36 PM
I have updated MST (PB,PF,PB4) to behave the way you have stated in this latest post.
If MST will not update by itself here you can find manually dowloadable version MST 1.6.5 (

Download (

Ophis a few members would like to throw some coin your direction. If you could put up your paypal info then whoever wants to can donate something
Post by: subby on November 12, 2012, 07:57:32 PM
I will also download and use the new Ophis tracker for Speramus  :cheer: :thumbsup:
Post by: JohnLegend on November 12, 2012, 08:03:33 PM
Quote from: subby on November 12, 2012, 07:57:32 PM
I will also download and use the new Ophis tracker for Speramus  :cheer: :thumbsup:
Yes that will be good Subby, im winning more often treating the ZERO this way.
Post by: Ophis on November 12, 2012, 08:18:27 PM
Quote from: subby on November 12, 2012, 07:56:34 PM
Ophis a few members would like to throw some coin your direction. If you could put up your paypal info then whoever wants to can donate something
Glad to hear that, its always nice to receive some donations.  :applause:
Feel free to send any amount to

If you send money via paypal it will be spend to send flowers for my Lady.
If you send money via skrill(moneybookers) it will be probably my next bankroll.

Let me know if there will be any problems with how the PB behaves.
Post by: VLS on November 12, 2012, 10:10:01 PM

The M.S.T. just got its own section:'-mst/ ('-mst/)

Post by: JohnLegend on November 12, 2012, 10:15:52 PM
Quote from: VLS on November 12, 2012, 10:10:01 PM
The M.S.T. just got its own section:'-mst/ ('-mst/)

Thanks Victor there's a feeling of lift off on this forum now. A positive place to be. Even Steve on the other forum has got involved in all of this. Its time to change MINDS.... :pirate:
Post by: VLS on November 12, 2012, 10:45:15 PM
Thanks to you dear John. I do look forward to integrate our forum to the scene in a positive manner  :thumbsup:
Post by: JohnLegend on November 13, 2012, 01:53:47 PM
Quote from: VLS on November 12, 2012, 10:45:15 PM
Thanks to you dear John. I do look forward to integrate our forum to the scene in a positive manner  :thumbsup:
POSITIVE is the prime word Victor. Everyone has a right to question something. But they should also keep an open mind. Cheers... :thumbsup:









This is going amazingly well so far, closing on 100 games. And still only 2 losses both on RED AND BLACK. I realize this

can't go on much longer. Its already an alltime high for me for two even chances. Never ever have I had two break even 20.

And here I have two about to break 30. Since I have played by simply ignoring the zero its also improved my strikerate I
believe.  :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Post by: malcop on November 14, 2012, 10:18:33 PM
Has anyone tried to play PB, PF & PB4 at the same time using MST?

If yes how did you get on with it?


Post by: subby on November 14, 2012, 10:41:21 PM
I tried it but you end up getting 2 methods conflicting...i.e one telling you to bet Even and the other telling you to be the same time

Just stick to one. I found PB4 very much an either "I'm up laods" or "I've lost 40 units in 50 spins" type of method

Post by: malcop on November 14, 2012, 10:46:50 PM
OK thanks subby, I will just stick to using PM in the MST tracker.
Post by: subby on November 14, 2012, 10:56:24 PM
PM?  ???

Post by: malcop on November 14, 2012, 11:00:06 PM
Quote from: subby on November 14, 2012, 10:56:24 PM
PM?  ???

OOPS I meant PB  :-[
Post by: JohnLegend on November 15, 2012, 02:04:20 AM
Quote from: subby on November 14, 2012, 10:41:21 PM
I tried it but you end up getting 2 methods conflicting...i.e one telling you to bet Even and the other telling you to be the same time

Just stick to one. I found PB4 very much an either "I'm up laods" or "I've lost 40 units in 50 spins" type of method

Absolutely Subby. PATTERN 4 was an inferior compromise made by me to pander to the lack of patience among
alot of members on the cc forum.

Not one of my better moments. PATTERN BREAKER is alot more solid. The price PATIENCE. There is no compromise. In

my experience to WIN you have to WAIT. We are waiting for RANDOM and he won't be rushed. As you know a game can

be over in 22 spins. Or at the other end of the spectrum 102. The longest game I have on record. Although I've only been

playing all three even chances for a while is 105 spins for RED BLACK. That's how long it took to complete that game.

Most games average 45 spins. I've had three games finish in less than 24 spins in recent times. :thumbsup:
Post by: malcop on November 15, 2012, 02:30:13 AM
JL you said PB4 was not good, so how do you rate Pattern Filler?

Post by: Tarantino on November 15, 2012, 10:32:55 AM
Might be a silly question, but when u saying u playing on BV.... What u mean :-[ ::)
Post by: Superman on November 15, 2012, 11:08:17 AM
QuoteBV.... What u mean (

BV = BetVoyager
Post by: Tarantino on November 15, 2012, 11:26:00 AM
Cheers Superman...  :thumbsup:
Post by: JohnLegend on November 15, 2012, 12:25:51 PM
Quote from: malcop on November 15, 2012, 02:30:13 AM
JL you said PB4 was not good, so how do you rate Pattern Filler?
Hi Malcop, PATTERN FILLER first suggested by the brilliant XXVV. Is about on par with PATTERN BREAKER.

Although there is one danger. It tends to produce more double losses when at its worst. What alot of people have never taken onboard about PB,

Is the consistency of the follow up bet. You are tracking all three even chances and you lose the first bet. You are very likely to win the second.

In more than 6100 games I've asked the follow up bet to hold for me more than 550 times. Its only let me down 7 times.

that's what makes PATTERN BREAKER work longterm. It means even if my pure strikerate drops below 7/1, which it does from time to time.

I can still profit. And I've never seen a treble loss in 4 years. This is what has to be understood about this method.

Someone will play 20 games and lose 3 or 4. Then form the attitude that the method doesn't work. When IF, they had the staying power to even test 300.

They would have seen why this method works.

STAYING POWER. Few really have it. The mind bends first, this is what I've been saying for over two years.
Post by: Superman on November 15, 2012, 01:08:37 PM

2, We now record spins and each time one of the 8 possible patterns is formed we cross it off. Until only one pattern remains.

Can you explain how you are crossing off JL, there are multiple ways that the above could form are you doing it like this
last spun number, 5


Or in groups of 3 numbers

Last spun numbers, 5,19,27


Hope it's not a stupid question, your opening explanation doesn't say much about crossing them off.

Post by: subby on November 15, 2012, 01:13:50 PM
Batches of 3 numbers mate

say you spun 5, 23, 24
that is a LHH line which you cross off to leave you with 7 other possible combinations

You wait for another 3 spins and if it is say....36, 2, 30 then you would cross off HLH to leave 6 possible combinations left....when you have only 2 possible outcomes left to get in your 3 spin set...if you get either one of those combinations you then bet AGAINST the last combination spinning at that exact moment.

Just get the Ophis tracker and just load up Pattern Breaker and let it track all 3 outcomes for you. It'll then tell you when you bet and what to bet, you just click the numbers as they spin in and watch out for a betting notification  :thumbsup:
Post by: subby on November 15, 2012, 01:15:40 PM

Tracker will tell you what to bet like this window....It's telling you to bet 1 unit on LOW
Post by: subby on November 15, 2012, 01:29:06 PM
If you are using Ophis tracker...ALWAYS...reset the tracker using the


To reset and using the marquee on screen/at casino...use that to give you a 10-15 number head start with a CLEAN tracker.

After a 1 unit win...always clear your numbers and start again :)

You should really be playing for 1 unit then log out and come back again later on for 3-5 games per day MAX...don't let random catch up with you by over playing each day  :thumbsup:
Post by: JohnLegend on November 15, 2012, 01:56:18 PM
Quote from: subby on November 15, 2012, 01:29:06 PM
If you are using Ophis tracker...ALWAYS...reset the tracker using the


To reset and using the marquee on screen/at casino...use that to give you a 10-15 number head start with a CLEAN tracker.

After a 1 unit win...always clear your numbers and start again :)

You should really be playing for 1 unit then log out and come back again later on for 3-5 games per day MAX...don't let random catch up with you by over playing each day  :thumbsup:
Subby thanks for anwsering Supermans question. So I see you won 7 and lost 1. Now you know why I play the follow up bet normaly.

Playing it on BV things are now starting to even out as expected full update later. But no doulbe losses, and no trebles.

This is something to consider for SPERAMUS Subby. I know it can be disheartenning to win 7 games then give it back. Been there many times.

But you push on. At some point you will hit that long streak and pull away. But even if I only got 6/1 overall with 7/1 odds. I would profit from this method.

Until that's understood, you will never understand how this works for me.
Post by: Superman on November 15, 2012, 02:48:24 PM
ok for those that like to look at lines and lines of results, when PB came out I did bot it, and wrote it off, as you do lol. Anyhow, the first was coded for red/black, I had time today so coded it again for high/low results attached, don't worry about the progression I didn't fix that, just wanted to see if there were any double or triple losses, look at the file and let us all know if you have time, I'm off out now so haven't looked through it.
These are the sequences

This would be a loss

Seq 0 L  Prog 1 Cash 5 Peak 6
Seq 0 L  Prog 2 Cash 3 Peak 6
Seq 0 L  Prog 4 Cash -1 Peak 6

each attack has all the above, as the 8 patterns get removed working down to the remaining one then the 3 bets if needed.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 15, 2012, 02:52:30 PM
Quote from: Superman on November 15, 2012, 02:48:24 PM
ok for those that like to look at lines and lines of results, when PB came out I did bot it, and wrote it off, as you do lol. Anyhow, the first was coded for red/black, I had time today so coded it again for high/low results attached, don't worry about the progression I didn't fix that, just wanted to see if there were any double or triple losses, look at the file and let us all know if you have time, I'm off out now so haven't looked through it.
These are the sequences

This would be a loss

Seq 0 L  Prog 1 Cash 5 Peak 6
Seq 0 L  Prog 2 Cash 3 Peak 6
Seq 0 L  Prog 4 Cash -1 Peak 6

each attack has all the above, as the 8 patterns get removed working down to the remaining one then the 3 bets if needed.
Big mistake Superman lol!! What you wrote off is going to put at least 5,000 euro in your pocket by this time next year.  :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Post by: Tarantino on November 15, 2012, 03:04:04 PM
My Records so far playing PB...

H/L..... Won 41...Lost 3

R/B.... Won 34.... Lost 1

0/E..... Won 14... Lost 1

Playing Tarantino Style  Won 7 ... lost 0

Total  won 96    lost  5....

:cheer: Strike rate of 19.2  wins per loss...    :cheer:

Playing my way ( tarantino style)  JL, takes a lot longer to complete the trigger within the 60 spins max i have set ! Not sure if that a good thing or not !
Post by: JohnLegend on November 15, 2012, 03:14:25 PM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 15, 2012, 03:04:04 PM
My Records so far playing PB...

H/L..... Won 41...Lost 3

R/B.... Won 34.... Lost 1

0/E..... Won 14... Lost 1

Playing Tarantino Style  Won 7 ... lost 0

Total  won 96    lost  5....

:cheer: Strike rate of 19.2  wins per loss...    :cheer:

Playing my way ( tarantino style)  JL, takes a lot longer to complete the trigger within the 60 spins max i have set ! Not sure if that a good thing or not !
Fantastic results Tarantino. I would be happy with half that figure. Well me personally I see a game through even if it goes to 100 plus spins.

Random doesn't care if its 24 or 84. When its going to lose its going to lose. There is no set threshold. Im going to give your new variation a good look mate.

Always open to new things. If something can be improved im there. On BV I've come down to below 20/1 now. As I expected. but still no double losses. Full update this evening. :thumbsup:
Post by: topcat888 on November 15, 2012, 05:32:53 PM
Quote from: subby on November 15, 2012, 01:29:06 PM
After a 1 unit win...always clear your numbers and start again :)

Although, thePilot was completing all three EC's in the same session, before resetting... Seemed to do quite well...

Someone should invite him to this forum instead..! Maybe I'll PM him now, doubt he will get it but you never know...

Post by: JohnLegend on November 15, 2012, 07:01:57 PM








As you can see over the last few days things have levelled out to a more expected strikerate of 14/1 I am still happy with this

Surprisingly although RED AND BLACK gave me two early losses. They haven't lost since. Now holding an impressive
streak of 38 games.

No double losses and for sure no treble losses. When im playing this method there's usually an old Meatloaf song playing in my head called TWO OUT OF THREE AINT BAD.

Next update Saturday.  :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Post by: Tarantino on November 15, 2012, 07:25:52 PM
 R/B give me better results as well !
Post by: JohnLegend on November 15, 2012, 09:01:01 PM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 15, 2012, 07:25:52 PM
R/B give me better results as well !
Strange Tarantino because normaly it loses more than the other two. Longest streak I had before this 23 live for R/B  :thumbsup:
Post by: subby on November 16, 2012, 03:32:43 PM
I've noticed R/B bets losing by a good 10% more than the other 2 types (O/E and H/L)

That's why Speramus decided to ignore the R/B in our playing rules.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 16, 2012, 03:54:34 PM
Quote from: subby on November 16, 2012, 03:32:43 PM
I've noticed R/B bets losing by a good 10% more than the other 2 types (O/E and H/L)

That's why Speramus decided to ignore the R/B in our playing rules.
I can't get over your group name Subby, Speramus. I know its latin but it also sounds a bit naughty lol!. If you keep

going like you are mate.

You could rename it SPEARANDOM...
Post by: TwoCatSam on November 16, 2012, 05:32:12 PM
Quote from: subby on November 16, 2012, 03:32:43 PM
I've noticed R/B bets losing by a good 10% more than the other 2 types (O/E and H/L)

That's why Speramus decided to ignore the R/B in our playing rules.


Again, I find this most interesting.  Do you attribute it to the r/b layout on the wheel?  Or do you attribute it to anything at all?  If that held over thousands of spins, there would have to be a reason, don't you think?

Post by: topcat888 on November 16, 2012, 05:55:31 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 15, 2012, 07:01:57 PM








As you can see over the last few days things have levelled out to a more expected strikerate of 14/1 I am still happy with this

Surprisingly although RED AND BLACK gave me two early losses. They haven't lost since. Now holding an impressive
streak of 38 games.

No double losses and for sure no treble losses. When im playing this method there's usually an old Meatloaf song playing in my head called TWO OUT OF THREE AINT BAD.

Next update Saturday.  :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

John, when playing how many spins do you wait between each game, what is the minimum number of spins would you suggest ..?
Post by: subby on November 16, 2012, 05:59:56 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on November 16, 2012, 05:32:12 PM

Again, I find this most interesting.  Do you attribute it to the r/b layout on the wheel?  Or do you attribute it to anything at all?  If that held over thousands of spins, there would have to be a reason, don't you think?


If you look on the wheel the red black spacing is alternate RBRBRBRBRBRBRBR etc...wheras the EVEN ODD and HIGH LOW are different.

H/L is marginally more different from R/B spacing

I think the uniform spacing of R/B is just too easy for random to get you. Just an opinion
Post by: JohnLegend on November 16, 2012, 06:59:22 PM
Quote from: subby on November 16, 2012, 05:59:56 PM
If you look on the wheel the red black spacing is alternate RBRBRBRBRBRBRBR etc...wheras the EVEN ODD and HIGH LOW are different.

H/L is marginally more different from R/B spacing

I think the uniform spacing of R/B is just too easy for random to get you. Just an opinion
Yes Sam and Snubby, I feel its got something to do with the layout too.  O0 >:D O0 >:D
Post by: JohnLegend on November 16, 2012, 07:03:13 PM
Quote from: topcat888 on November 16, 2012, 05:55:31 PM
John, when playing how many spins do you wait between each game, what is the minimum number of spins would you suggest ..?
Well on BV im playing all three even chances. Although my old instincts tell me don't push your luck mate. So lets say I win the first two even chances to qualify.

I don't play the third. Then I simply logout of BV and back in again Rinse and repeat as Twister would say. Playing 15--20 games like this on play days.
Post by: topcat888 on November 16, 2012, 07:33:51 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 16, 2012, 07:03:13 PM
Well on BV im playing all three even chances. Although my old instincts tell me don't push your luck mate. So lets say I win the first two even chances to qualify.

I don't play the third. Then I simply logout of BV and back in again Rinse and repeat as Twister would say. Playing 15--20 games like this on play days.

excellent and how about playing live wheel, how many would you leave between each game..??
Post by: JohnLegend on November 16, 2012, 07:43:29 PM
Quote from: topcat888 on November 16, 2012, 07:33:51 PM
excellent and how about playing live wheel, how many would you leave between each game..??
Topcat heres the thing that's mis-understood about H.A.R Its not about how much you play. Its about getting off the track you are on.

Whenever someone anyone starts playing a game especially on a live wheel. You start your own adventure journey,. But

you get off the track quickly you are likely to hit a loss sooner than later, you might have a whole string of Bankroll

destroying losses waiting. But H.A.R you can only lose THE ONCE.. All the maths boys will never agree with this theory.

But time has shown it to be true for me..

So what I would do live in a real B&M casino is play three games on three different tables. BREAK THE CYCLE. Online live I will also swap between tables or airball.

What you are saying to random is you want my money, show me the loss right NOW. Not three games later. And by doing

this you get an edge. Not a great big one. But big enough to turn an overall profit. 8)


Post by: subby on November 16, 2012, 08:08:13 PM
.....aye that's pretty much it in a nutshell  :thumbsup:

I play live with Speramus groups rules so it's only a max of 4 units a day on live wheel. Trying for more than 4 units in one day is too much of my time so I play it when I can. With the grinding results the BR will grow solidly. By Easter I'm hoping it'll be up near £800 with the solid BR in place to bet higher chips. It'll take me longer than playing 20 games a day like John, but by playing so infrequently I'm expecting to get a few decent win streaks going to grind out steady single unit wins until the BR is well up there. :thumbsup:
Post by: JohnLegend on November 16, 2012, 08:45:53 PM
Quote from: subby on November 16, 2012, 08:08:13 PM
.....aye that's pretty much it in a nutshell  :thumbsup:

I play live with Speramus groups rules so it's only a max of 4 units a day on live wheel. Trying for more than 4 units in one day is too much of my time so I play it when I can. With the grinding results the BR will grow solidly. By Easter I'm hoping it'll be up near £800 with the solid BR in place to bet higher chips. It'll take me longer than playing 20 games a day like John, but by playing so infrequently I'm expecting to get a few decent win streaks going to grind out steady single unit wins until the BR is well up there. :thumbsup:
Yes Subby, im thinking of going back to 5 games a day for bigger stakes. When I began PATTERN BREAKER 4 years

ago. I only played HIGH LOW. For 5 games a day.

Three times in the first 18 months I broke the 100 barrier in winning streaks. Since I have been playing 15---20 a day. I've never ever been past 40 live.

So there's definately something to this... :applause:
Post by: Trebor on November 16, 2012, 09:06:51 PM
Update as of now.

Total games played  72

Total games won      63

Total games lost        9

Strike rate                 7/1

Double losses            0

Treble losses             0

Longest winning streak    19

Yes, I've clawed my way back to break even in only one week.

Onwards and upwards.

Post by: JohnLegend on November 16, 2012, 09:31:21 PM
Quote from: Trebor on November 16, 2012, 09:06:51 PM
Update as of now.

Total games played  72

Total games won      63

Total games lost        9

Strike rate                 7/1

Double losses            0

Treble losses             0

Longest winning streak    19

Yes, I've clawed my way back to break even in only one week.

Onwards and upwards.

Trebor you should consider using my three level staking plan. To get you into profit faster and keep you there. So

even if your strikerate doesn't go to double figures overall you will still show a longterm profit.
Post by: subby on November 16, 2012, 09:49:30 PM
pattern breaker money management thread here. If you play PB then read this... (

Itt's not pattern 4, just a typo from me in the title
Post by: subby on November 16, 2012, 09:51:29 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 16, 2012, 09:31:21 PM
Trebor you should consider using my three level staking plan. To get you into profit faster and keep you there. So

even if your strikerate doesn't go to double figures overall you will still show a longterm profit.

LEVEL 1   1--2--4
LEVEL 3   6--12--24

So you always start at level two. You stay there for 4 consecutive wins 8 units. Then drop to level one and stay there unitl you LOSE. IMMEDIATELY after that loss. You raise to level 3 for ONE GAME. Then drop back to level two and try and win another 4 games in a row then back to level 1 again.
Post by: Trebor on November 16, 2012, 11:21:58 PM
I see.

But at the moment I'm just carrying out a personal test. I always understood that it's claimed that PB would win long term with the basic bet. Are you now saying that it won't without this money management?

Post by: JohnLegend on November 16, 2012, 11:34:48 PM
Quote from: Trebor on November 16, 2012, 11:21:58 PM
I see.

But at the moment I'm just carrying out a personal test. I always understood that it's claimed that PB would win long term with the basic bet. Are you now saying that it won't without this money management?

Im saying to build up your confidence and get you in front especially playing BV. How are you dealing with moving the wheel Trebor? When you Win 15--20 games in a row a few times you pull in front. But PATTERN BREAKER played H.A.R with that MM system will be a sure winner longterm.
Post by: Trebor on November 16, 2012, 11:51:17 PM
You've lost me there. What moving wheel? I'm playing on BV.

1st post in this topic, rules 1 to 4. Everything else is down as "options".


PS I'm off to bed now
Post by: JohnLegend on November 16, 2012, 11:59:06 PM
Quote from: Trebor on November 16, 2012, 11:51:17 PM
You've lost me there. What moving wheel? I'm playing on BV.

1st post in this topic, rules 1 to 4. Everything else is down as "options".


PS I'm off to bed now
I mean you have to bet to make the wheel move, Night.
Post by: Superman on November 17, 2012, 07:54:39 AM
I think Robert plays on the no zero wheel JL
Post by: Trebor on November 17, 2012, 08:38:24 AM
Sorry JL I see now. I was tired and just back from a night out if you know what I mean.

I'm playing BV single zero but as at the moment it's only pennies I take the simple expedient of "moving the wheel" by betting a single EC.  The total goes up and down a bit but I'm only interested in the result of the bets made on the triggers.

If I was betting larger amounts on BV single zero I would still use penny bets on the even chance to move on as it's simple.

Post by: JohnLegend on November 17, 2012, 10:19:39 AM
Quote from: Trebor on November 17, 2012, 08:38:24 AM
Sorry JL I see now. I was tired and just back from a night out if you know what I mean.

I'm playing BV single zero but as at the moment it's only pennies I take the simple expedient of "moving the wheel" by betting a single EC.  The total goes up and down a bit but I'm only interested in the result of the bets made on the triggers.

If I was betting larger amounts on BV single zero I would still use penny bets on the even chance to move on as it's simple.

Okay thanks, yes I've struggled with that as I have to reach a certain target by the end of the year. Once im betting Euros it won't matter anymore. Cheers...
Post by: subby on November 17, 2012, 11:16:52 AM
Quote from: Trebor on November 16, 2012, 09:06:51 PM
Update as of now.

Total games played  72

Total games won      63

Total games lost        9

Strike rate                 7/1

Double losses            0

Treble losses             0

Longest winning streak    19

Yes, I've clawed my way back to break even in only one week.

Onwards and upwards.


An honest opinion of mine...if I may?

If that is 1 weeks games i.e. 7 days...then I think 10 games a day is slightly pushing it.  To get win streaks above 7:1 play less and build that BR up to a higher level before using higher unit stakes for less games. You can still get the same amount of money but you play less and have longer win streaks to bring the BR growth above the 7:1 ratio you have now.

Perhaps consider making a monthly plan?

120 games a month @ 4 games a day. A game is either a 1 unit win or a total loss. Going on a win loss ratio of 1:10/11 (from experience this isn't too far off the right one for the amount of games played each month) you can therefore assume you will get 110 wins and 10 losses. That is total loss of 70 from the units you 40 units profit for the month.

40 units for the Speramus trials is 40x£2= £80....

Imagine you did this religiously 4 games a day for a month....for 6 months.

That is £480 PLUS then add your starting bankroll and you're over £500.

That 500 gives you the cushion to then bet larger chip values...NOT larger amounts of chips...important distinction there! You could be betting £5 chips then

if you take the 40 units won each month as shown above....but this time multiply it by £5 value....that's £200 grinded out month in ...month out.

Personally, for me, the moral of the Pattern Breaker tale is ......LESS(games)...IS MORE (money)  :thumbsup:

LONG term view of the game here folks...LONG TERM
Post by: topcat888 on November 17, 2012, 12:51:54 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 16, 2012, 07:43:29 PM

So what I would do live in a real B&M casino is play three games on three different tables. BREAK THE CYCLE. Online live I will also swap between tables or airball.

I understand, so basically ducking and diving..! :-)  However, if for example I wanted to play at one live wheel only, in that case what would you consider a safe break from the table..?
Post by: JohnLegend on November 17, 2012, 12:55:22 PM
Quote from: subby on November 17, 2012, 11:16:52 AM
An honest opinion of mine...if I may?

If that is 1 weeks games i.e. 7 days...then I think 10 games a day is slightly pushing it.  To get win streaks above 7:1 play less and build that BR up to a higher level before using higher unit stakes for less games. You can still get the same amount of money but you play less and have longer win streaks to bring the BR growth above the 7:1 ratio you have now.

Perhaps consider making a monthly plan?

120 games a month @ 4 games a day. A game is either a 1 unit win or a total loss. Going on a win loss ratio of 1:10/11 (from experience this isn't too far off the right one for the amount of games played each month) you can therefore assume you will get 110 wins and 10 losses. That is total loss of 70 from the units you 40 units profit for the month.

40 units for the Speramus trials is 40x£2= £80....

Imagine you did this religiously 4 games a day for a month....for 6 months.

That is £480 PLUS then add your starting bankroll and you're over £500.

That 500 gives you the cushion to then bet larger chip values...NOT larger amounts of chips...important distinction there! You could be betting £5 chips then

if you take the 40 units won each month as shown above....but this time multiply it by £5 value....that's £200 grinded out month in ...month out.

Personally, for me, the moral of the Pattern Breaker tale is ......LESS(games)...IS MORE (money)  :thumbsup:

LONG term view of the game here folks...LONG TERM
I couldnt have said it any better Subby, lets keep in mind Trebor is playing an RNG at BV. Now I play  this same RNG and I believe its fair. But while playing PATTERN BREAKER I've noticed a slight difference in win loss patterns to what live gives me.

It can produce long winning streaks 40 plus. Then 2 or 3 losses relatively close together. I play all three even chances. But stop if the first two win. Also I play a recovery bet after a loss. So even if I was only getting 6/1 with this method. I will still profit

LONGTERM, its all about the LONGTERM. Those who stay with this method. for over a year. Will see its value.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 17, 2012, 01:10:08 PM
Quote from: topcat888 on November 17, 2012, 12:51:54 PM
I understand, so basically ducking and diving..! :-)  However, if for example I wanted to play at one live wheel only, in that case what would you consider a safe break from the table..?
You could play all three even chances Pilot style. Take a break and come back and play another three and that's your lot. As subby said when I played less per day I won more.

I don't know why but that's how it worked out...
Post by: Trebor on November 17, 2012, 01:16:33 PM
@ Subby & JL,

I think we are all doing slightly different but I don't think it should make much difference.

I'm playing all three EC's at the same time but surely each is an independent trial.

Roughly 3 sessions a day hours apart fulfils the HAR requirement I would think.

I'm trying to carry out a proper test but I'm already beginning to wonder that if it doesn't win for me I'll be told "but you didn't play it correctly"

Post by: JohnLegend on November 17, 2012, 01:30:49 PM
Quote from: Trebor on November 17, 2012, 01:16:33 PM
@ Subby & JL,

I think we are all doing slightly different but I don't think it should make much difference.

I'm playing all three EC's at the same time but surely each is an independent trial.

Roughly 3 sessions a day hours apart fulfils the HAR requirement I would think.

I'm trying to carry out a proper test but I'm already beginning to wonder that if it doesn't win for me I'll be told "but you didn't play it correctly"

Trebor all Subby and me are saying is less is often more. I too play 10--15 games a day. And my strikerate hasnt been above 10/1 for over a year. When I played just 5 games a day. My strikerate never went below 12/1. Just something to think about that's all.

As Subby said. Bankroll allowing you could win as much or more from 5 games a day as you do for 9. But gain more overall because of a better strikerate. :thumbsup:
Post by: bcboilermaker on November 17, 2012, 02:58:49 PM
Hi. john

Like you say the  strength in PB is that rarely there is a double loss. and that is basically how I'm playing this now. Using two separate BR I bet a lower stake on the first round. and if a loss that triggers my second BR at a much higher value with such a solid strike rate on the second round of betting there is real profit to be made.

Also. I play zero differently. I track it as Low, even, black.
that is just personal preference but it seems to work, I currently have a win streak of 25 on the first round.

I would also add that I have seen a pure 8 patterns in 24 spins. it was H/L. 
In that specific game both H/L and E/O both gave bet triggers after 21 spins, but only H/L formed the pure 8 pattern.

I have yet to see a triple loss, but I have seen a game go to potential "9th betting step" and win .....

.......... I do notice R/B lose more often so I stay away!!!

[size=78%] [/size]
Post by: bcboilermaker on November 17, 2012, 03:06:31 PM
these are basically my staking plan is US dollars. playing only against E/O H/L  playing against whatever group forms first

round one ..... 2,4,8 if i win game is done

round two ..... 40,80,160 I bet this round only after a loss on round one

I use two separate BR, for each round.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 17, 2012, 03:50:09 PM
Quote from: bcboilermaker on November 17, 2012, 03:06:31 PM
these are basically my staking plan is US dollars. playing only against E/O H/L  playing against whatever group forms first

round one ..... 2,4,8 if i win game is done

round two ..... 40,80,160 I bet this round only after a loss on round one

I use two separate BR, for each round.
Bcboilermaker GREAT to see you overhere. Please start posting your results overhere  25/1 is amazing but how many games have you played to date?? Wow that's quite a step up. I personaly don't go that heavy. DOUBLE LOSSES happen about 75/1 in my experience. So I stake

2--4--8 on step one, and 6--12--24 on the follow up bet. The idea is to recover a big portion of the loss. The strikerate takes care of the rest.

Im using a three level staking plan as posted by Subby above. Good bet selection, money management and H.A.R...You are going to profit for sure.
Post by: subby on November 17, 2012, 04:01:55 PM
Quote from: bcboilermaker on November 17, 2012, 03:06:31 PM
these are basically my staking plan is US dollars. playing only against E/O H/L  playing against whatever group forms first

round one ..... 2,4,8 if i win game is done

round two ..... 40,80,160 I bet this round only after a loss on round one

I use two separate BR, for each round.

That is a MASSIVE jump and one I wouldn't do myself. Perhaps a 15, 30, 60 would give you full recovery plus 1 so you don't lose. Double losses occur and to lose 280 alone as a 2nd bet would take ages to recover in the first step you do.
Post by: Superman on November 17, 2012, 06:25:24 PM
QuoteThat is a MASSIVE jump and one I wouldn't do myself. Perhaps a 15, 30, 60 would give you full recovery plus 1 so you don't lose. Double losses occur and to lose 280 alone as a 2nd bet would take ages to recover in the first step you do

Have to agree with that BCBM, in my tests alone over 10300 spins there were I think 3 double losses, you'll kick yourself if you hit one fella, days of profit down the drain.
Post by: Gizmotron on November 17, 2012, 07:09:34 PM
I power tested Pattern Breaker. There is no way to make it work other than analyzing the conditions and placing bets that look safe to bet. For example you might be needing to bet against an HHH losing. So you would place a LLL bet during a L streak.

100 thousand sessions, 63 spins per session, American Wheel - 0/00

Wins = 84,515
Losses = 15,485
Double Losses = 2,319
Triple Losses = 342

100 thousand sessions, 63 spins per session, European Wheel - 0

Results: Wins = 85,639 Losses = 14,361 Double Losses = 2,048 Triple Losses = 306
Post by: subby on November 17, 2012, 09:37:08 PM
How are you measuring a triple loss? What "makes" a triple loss? Just curious myself :)
Post by: JohnLegend on November 17, 2012, 09:43:16 PM
Quote from: Gizmotron on November 17, 2012, 07:09:34 PM
I power tested Pattern Breaker. There is no way to make it work other than analyzing the conditions and placing bets that look safe to bet. For example you might be needing to bet against an HHH losing. So you would place a LLL bet during a L streak.

100 thousand sessions, 63 spins per session, American Wheel - 0/00

Wins = 84,515
Losses = 15,485
Double Losses = 2,319
Triple Losses = 342
Gizmotron,  I respect your wizardry at analysis. And Ill make no argument about your numbers. But the way we play it. Single zero wheel, H.A.R and smart MM will read a different story.  I have 6,150 played games for example. With only 7 double losses and Zero treble losses.

Just too clarify a DOUBLE LOSS is when you track all three even chances,  and lose the first two that qualify. A treble loss is when you lose H/L--O/E & R/B in the SAME SESSION.

In case you have just been highlighting double and treble losses in a continual play fashion. Regardless if its 3 High lows or something other than losing all three even chances in the same session.

The numbers im sure will be alot more favourable, when this is taken into consideration.
Post by: Gizmotron on November 17, 2012, 10:06:18 PM
What page is a description of H.A.R & smart MM on of this 12 page thread? Please
Post by: Gizmotron on November 17, 2012, 10:15:25 PM
Quote from: subby on November 17, 2012, 09:37:08 PM
How are you measuring a triple loss? What "makes" a triple loss? Just curious myself :)

First off, I don't know what H.A.R and smart MM are. I read at least 20 pages of the 85 pages at the .cc forum. I got tired or waiting for the smart MM.

In the two threads that I've read, a lot of significance was given to this method not losing back to back very often. That would be losing the very next session. A triple would be losing three sessions in a row. My simulation uses the original rule to run each session.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 17, 2012, 10:38:50 PM
Quote from: Gizmotron on November 17, 2012, 10:06:18 PM
What page is a description of H.A.R & smart MM on of this 12 page thread? Please
H.A.R is an abbreviation for HIT AND RUN, random entry into the cycle Gizmotron. Dis-agreed with by the majority but absolutely effective when applied to PATTERN BREAKER.

MM, Money management there are two ways to money manage PB for optimal success.

1, You place a recovery bet immediately after a losing game by trebling stakes for one game.

2, You use a three level staking plan as highlighted by SUBBY further back on this thread.

2--4--8-----STANDARD LEVEL

You always begin playing at LEVEL 2 until you win four games. You then drop down to level 1 and stay there until you lose. Immediately following a loss, you raise to level three for one game. Then drop back to level 2 and repeat the cycle.

If you lose at level 2 before you win 4 games you again raise to level 3 for one game. If you lose at level 3 you take the loss and drop back to level 2. As double losses are running at about 75/1 playing hit and run this is most effective.

By dropping back to level one after 4 wins. You are protecting your profits more effectively than if you simply remain at the same level waiting for the inevitable. And if you are riding a nice streak you just enjoy the additional profit collected.

I am playing this way on BV. And will continue until I have reached my goals in 2013.
Post by: Gizmotron on November 17, 2012, 11:12:05 PM
Very interesting. I tried a grand martingale method, it failed. What you are doing with your MM is referred to as "regression technique." It's a tried and true method.   

I'm in the H&R trick makes no difference camp. I'll run some tests.

I know by the large numbers that I used that the true strike rate is near 5.5 to 1.  I'm still not ruling out the possibility that regression might overcome a (7-1) vs (5.5-1) .

There's an 1 in 8 chance that you will lose  a three step, even chance, progression. Those dang zeros again. That's where this kills you. It's very easy to watch for sleeping zeros.

If they are very active then don't make that session's bet.
Post by: bcboilermaker on November 17, 2012, 11:15:21 PM
Quote from: subby on November 17, 2012, 04:01:55 PM
That is a MASSIVE jump and one I wouldn't do myself. Perhaps a 15, 30, 60 would give you full recovery plus 1 so you don't lose. Double losses occur and to lose 280 alone as a 2nd bet would take ages to recover in the first step you do.

Hi. guys

i know that is a massive jump, but i have the BR to cover it.
my thinking on this is to have two separate BR.
one BR for the first round... always keep that at 2,4,8 let the solid stike rate recover any losses

and then a separate BR for a round two bet..... not so much playing the second round as a recover bet, but more as a separate game, with separate BR. using the first round loss as a betting trigger..

just my take on things ill keep you guys posted on my results!
Post by: subby on November 17, 2012, 11:22:11 PM
That's pretty much the issue...bankroll. If you have the BR to easily absorb a 280 unit loss, without losing the head, then you're doing just fine  :thumbsup:

There are various money management strategies out there and John's 3 tier option is one for those that play multiple games each day = 15+ ( I class a game as a chance to win once or have a total loss)

For those with a lower BR and are prepared to put 6-8 months into a grinder then you can read over my take on MM for this PB method :)

If a total loss is 7 units (betting 1, 2, 4 units) and you just suck up any loss and never increase your bet, then your bankroll needs to be 20 times a loss....minimum.

Why 20 you may ask?

It's to do with the "fear/panic factor" when we take a loss.

Say you have a bankroll of £100 (I'm using GPB £'s as I'm from the UK) say you have that 100 bankroll and you were playing £5 units, due to the fact you didn't really know much about money management techniques. Your 3 bets would be £5, £10, £20 - That's a loss of £35 which against a £100 bankroll is over a third. If you lose a third of your bankroll then the fear can creep into your mindset and make you try to recoup some of it back fast...You've just lost a third of your bankroll, that's a scary thought and one that catches MANY people out and makes them chase a quick recovery. We all know that this can be fatal to your remaining bankroll. NEVER CHASE - PATIENCE WINS....NOT RASH "FAST RECOVERY" BETS

BUT...and here is where the "20 times" bankroll mindset comes in...When you take a loss of £35 but your bankroll is in excess of £700, well, that's a SERIOUSLY less fearful loss when you look at your bankroll 1/20th which is mentally a LOT easier to take and even walk away with a "Oooh nice one random, you got me there but I@ll get you the next time"...perhaps with a wry smile from you too

This is just my money management suggestion for pattern breaker -

ASSUMING £1 is 1unit

Ideally you need a BR to be at as a MINIMUM-
£140 to bet £1 units
£280 ...........£2 units
£420 ...........£3 units
£560............£4 units
£700............£5 units

I'd suggest that, ON AVERAGE, you stick with £5 units as you only need to play 2-4 games a day to take out a nice amount of money at the end of each month for life's nicer things (holiday, presents for kids etc) You can of course ignore this and go ahead and bet your comfort unit size.

£840 ...........£6 units
£980............£7 units
£1120..........£8 units
£1260..........£9 units
£1400..........£10 units

I'd also suggest that you reach the next bankroll mark before betting the corresponding unit size. By that I mean this

Wait until your bankroll is £280 BEFORE MOVING UP TO £2 UNITS...i.e. stay at £1 units until your BR is £280 ONLY THEN move up to using £2 units and so on....wait until your BR is at £420 BEFORE MOVING FROM £2 UP TO £3 UNITS

If you have a substantial BR like £3,500

You can then look at really serious money making by using units worth £25 betting sequence would be something like £25, £50, £100.

With a bankroll that size you can perhaps afford to cover the green Zero on the last bet with perhaps a £5 on green zero as insurance...each to their own on that green zero bet though. I cover green on my last bet as I@ve hit it so many times on a final bet.

Remember to keep your BR in your own savings account though and not all in a casino account  Let the interest grow it as well as your game play winnings 

If you have a bankroll of 100 units and you lose 7 (1 total loss for pattern Breaker) that's not much really of a % loss of your overall bankroll.

Play 6 games in one day and from experience you will get 3 or 4 days of no losses which will let you build your bankroll up when you DO finally lose a game. Remember it is an ULTRA MARATHON...not a sprint

---a game is HIGH/LOW
---a game is ODD/EVEN
---a game is RED/BLACK

So if you're tracking all 3 then you only play twice day! If you only play 2 methods ( I personally only play ODD/EVEN and HIGH.LOW as I found RED/BLACK loses more often due to the board layout) then you'll log in 3 times a day for 2 games each time...of course you can play less...the call is yours - JUST REMEMBER TO SET YOURSELF A GOAL AND DON'T TRY TO PLAY TOO MUCH OR BE GREEDY - Ultra marathon remember!!

If you say to I'm going in to play 6 games only ...then that EXACTLY what you do. Regardless of if you get six wins in those 6 games, or four wins and two loss etc...

Never play more than six games in one day. More often than not you will win all six games and you can go 2 or 3 days or more when you win all six games.

The more you play consistently at one table the more likely that random will find a way to beat you. I know most people don't believe in playing hit and run but I swear by it. I think that there are long periods in a day when things will go your way in numbers spun by the wheel but if you play long hours then you'll be more likely to hit one of the times in the day when numbers will go against you. Just my opinion.

If you play hit and run for six games there is more chance of you playing in the zone when things will go your way. If you play longer then there is more chance that you'll also hit the bad zone when things will go against hitting a triple spun number etc..

Take the LONG outlook view for playing a's a REAL hard grind at the start to get your bankroll up high but if you can do it, the rewards are there for sure.

Say you play 5 games a day (I use 5 as an easier example for number adding purposes as opposed to 6) of PATTERN BREAKER for 30 days...that's 150 games in one month...just as an example ok.

Taking a 10win to 1loss view then you can expect, from that 150 games, something like...

130 wins of 1 unit = 130 units

You'll expect to hit 10-13 losses over that month's worth of 150 games which works out at - 7units x 13losses = 91 units lost - I'LL USE 90 AS AN EVEN FIGURE TO EXPLAIN

130units won - 90 units lost = 40 units profit for the month

40 units @ £1 or €1 doesn't sound much...but if you build on that and do this a number of months so your bankroll lets you play £5 or €5 units....then that 40 units profit each month x £5/€5 = 200 which is a nice earner each month.

...take it one stage further like the poster called Pilot has...where your 1 unit is £50/€50 then multiply that by 40 units profit each month...2,000!!!   That is where you want to be. BUT...and this is the HUGE is the patience needed to GET your small bankroll up to a huge level that is the hard part. Playing the system isn't hard, it's the mental ability to stick to a method that seems to be going slowly...only for it to explode after 5-6 months.

Can you do that 5-6 months play to get your BR up? That's the key.

Say you started with £100 bankroll

End of month 1 -

Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker, going to be about £100 plus 40units you win = £140 betting £1 units

End of month 2 -
Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker, going to be about £140 plus 40units you win = £180 betting £1 units

End of month 3 -
Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker, going to be about £180 plus 40units you win = £220 betting £1 units

End of month 4 -
Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker going to be about £220 plus 40units you win = £260 betting £1 units

End of month 5 -
Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker going to be about £260 plus 40units you win = £300 betting £1 units

At this stage...£300 in our BR...we've now gone past the "bankroll needed to move up a unit value" (20 times a total loss) 7 units as a loss x 20 = £140units

I'd also suggest that you reach the next bankroll mark before betting the corresponding unit size. By that I mean this

Wait until your bankroll is £280 BEFORE MOVING UP TO £2 UNITS...i.e. stay at £1 units until your BR is £280 ONLY THEN move up to using £2 units and so on....wait until your BR is at £420 BEFORE MOVING FROM £2 UP TO £3 UNITS

Ideally you need a BR of 140 to bet £1 units
£280 ........................£2 units
£420 ........................£3 units
£560.........................£4 units
£700.........................£5 units

You're at end of month 5 and now with a BR of over 300 it allows you to move the unit value up from £1 up to £2 units

End of month 6 -

Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker, going to be about £300 plus 40 you win(BUT NOW £2 UNITS INSTEAD OF THE £1 unit) = £300 BR plus (40 units won x £2) = £380

End of month 7 -
Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker, going to be about £380 plus 40 you win(BUT NOW £2 UNITS INSTEAD OF THE £1 unit) = £380 BR plus (40 units won x £2) = £460

At this stage you can move up to £3 unit values form the £2 as you've passed the threshold for moving up a unit value while still having 20 times a total loss as your BR

End of month 8 -
Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker, going to be about £460 plus 40 you win(BUT NOW £3 UNITS INSTEAD OF THE £2 unit) = £460 BR plus (40 units won x £3 = 120) = £580 <- new unit value threshold

At this stage you can move up to £4 unit values from the £3 as you've passed the threshold for moving up a unit value while still having 20 times a total loss as your BR

End of month 9 -
Bankroll is, on average with Pattern Breaker, going to be about £580 plus 40 you win(BUT NOW £4 UNITS INSTEAD OF THE £3 unit) = £580  BR plus (40 units won x £4 = 160) = £740

...and so on

***REMEMBER THAT THIS IS AN ULTRA MARATHON - NOT A SPRINT!!!!*** 9 months sounds a LOT and will take a LOT of dedication

You can see not a lot of movement in the unit value for the first 6 months but then it starts to rocket when you have a BR big enough to let you bet higher unit values. It's this 9 month plan that we should all be sticking too  which will let us fleece the casinos for all we can get

You can accelerate your speed if you place £50 each month into your bankroll as a topup - ONLY DO THIS IF YOU ARE WORKING AND CAN AFFORD TO!!! Remember don't bet with money you need to pay bills and eat!!!  (
Post by: bcboilermaker on November 17, 2012, 11:56:43 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 17, 2012, 03:50:09 PM
Bcboilermaker GREAT to see you overhere. Please start posting your results overhere  25/1 is amazing but how many games have you played to date?? Wow that's quite a step up. I personaly don't go that heavy. DOUBLE LOSSES happen about 75/1 in my experience. So I stake

2--4--8 on step one, and 6--12--24 on the follow up bet. The idea is to recover a big portion of the loss. The strikerate takes care of the rest.

Im using a three level staking plan as posted by Subby above. Good bet selection, money management and H.A.R...You are going to profit for sure.

thanks john.
nice to see you as well, stepkvh, subby, TCS, twister. 

I will be posting here from now on.
over at .cc I would be considered delusional, and mentally unstable.... those guys got a lot of nerve. lol... considering Im 28 years old,  hold two journeyman tickets, as a boilermaker mechanic and a welder....I have actually earned and bled for the money I gamble with... I don't need somebody else trying to dictate how and when and where I should or be getting my gambling advice.  lol its ridiculous.

but anyway to date I have played a few hundred PB games.

When I joined the forum, I have been learning , practicing many systems and experimenting at the same time. So I was not really recording my results....
but know with confidence I can play a few methods... and really track my results!

I understand my staking plan my be unconventional, but its my money I will see what happens for my self.

if a strike of 10/1 round one
75/1 ?  round two... that is where I see the real strength. play more games at more tables to create the second round betting opportunity.
like I say... "my style" I will keep you posted on results
Post by: bcboilermaker on November 18, 2012, 01:14:01 AM
anybody out there with program/coding expertise. could you create a pattern breaker tracker  that works for  either IOS for iphone, or an android app.... that would make it really easy to track in B/M casino?!?
Post by: JohnLegend on November 18, 2012, 07:43:35 AM
Quote from: bcboilermaker on November 17, 2012, 11:56:43 PM

thanks john.
nice to see you as well, stepkvh, subby, TCS, twister. 

I will be posting here from now on.
over at .cc I would be considered delusional, and mentally unstable.... those guys got a lot of nerve. lol... considering Im 28 years old,  hold two journeyman tickets, as a boilermaker mechanic and a welder....I have actually earned and bled for the money I gamble with... I don't need somebody else trying to dictate how and when and where I should or be getting my gambling advice.  lol its ridiculous. :thumbsup:

but anyway to date I have played a few hundred PB games.

When I joined the forum, I have been learning , practicing many systems and experimenting at the same time. So I was not really recording my results....
but know with confidence I can play a few methods... and really track my results!

I understand my staking plan my be unconventional, but its my money I will see what happens for my self.

if a strike of 10/1 round one
75/1 ?  round two... that is where I see the real strength. play more games at more tables to create the second round betting opportunity.
like I say... "my style" I will keep you posted on results
Bc you earned it, you can do what you like with it. I will only ever suggest how I do things. Yes a certain forum owner has a lesson coming his way next year.

To actually call most of the members deluded and unintelligent. But we move forward. This method is a keeper. If you have STAYING POWER.

I have such respect for Subbys mindset for this game. He is going a long way over the next few years. He has the same tenacity and discipline as CHAUNCY47. And that spells longterm success.
Post by: Superman on November 18, 2012, 07:58:04 AM
Quoteboilermaker mechanic and a welder

LOL me too mate, at one point I had my full set of codes, mainly welded with DC low hydrogen pipework for air conditioner systems, preasure vessels were my favourite though, there's nothing better than sitting in a black tin can breathing fumes lol.

That was about 20 years ago, now I code for web applications, which also made it possible to code bots n trackers etc for roulette. So even as a welder/boilermaker you too can code your own things if you put your mind to it.

QuoteI don't need somebody else trying to dictate how and when and where I should or be getting my gambling advice

It's your cash, if you can afford to lose it and won't starve if you do, then do with it as you want to, your choice buddy.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 18, 2012, 08:24:10 AM
Quote from: Superman on November 18, 2012, 07:58:04 AM

LOL me too mate, at one point I had my full set of codes, mainly welded with DC low hydrogen pipework for air conditioner systems, preasure vessels were my favourite though, there's nothing better than sitting in a black tin can breathing fumes lol.

That was about 20 years ago, now I code for web applications, which also made it possible to code bots n trackers etc for roulette. So even as a welder/boilermaker you too can code your own things if you put your mind to it.
It's your cash, if you can afford to lose it and won't starve if you do, then do with it as you want to, your choice buddy.
Wow Superman, that was quite a career change.  :applause:
Post by: JohnLegend on November 18, 2012, 08:32:31 AM











The strikerate has settled into familiar territory, RED AND BLACK continues to surprise me. And now has a winning streak that has outlived the other two by 13 games.

Live the longest winning streaks I've had over the last year are 34 for HIGH LOW. 26 for ODD EVEN. And 23 for RED BLACK. So 45 for RED BLACK on BV is impressive. Next update at 175 played games. :cheer:
Post by: Trebor on November 18, 2012, 10:02:07 AM

From when do these stats apply?  In post 24 on this thread you palyed many more games.

Post by: JohnLegend on November 18, 2012, 10:26:40 AM
Quote from: Trebor on November 18, 2012, 10:02:07 AM

From when do these stats apply?  In post 24 on this thread you palyed many more games.

That's my overall results LIVE Trebor over the last 4 years. This is just my results on BV so far.  :)
Post by: bcboilermaker on November 18, 2012, 01:12:18 PM
Quote from: Superman on November 18, 2012, 07:58:04 AM

LOL me too mate, at one point I had my full set of codes, mainly welded with DC low hydrogen pipework for air conditioner systems, preasure vessels were my favourite though, there's nothing better than sitting in a black tin can breathing fumes lol.

That was about 20 years ago, now I code for web applications, which also made it possible to code bots n trackers etc for roulette. So even as a welder/boilermaker you too can code your own things if you put your mind to it.
It's your cash, if you can afford to lose it and won't starve if you do, then do with it as you want to, your choice buddy.

Hi. superman

I always enjoy reading your posts.
Myself I work heavy industrial, oil refineries, pulp and paper mills,  and the such.
tho I'm currently off work for 6 months to upgrade my welding ticket a local college.

So with the "down time" from work , I may get my feet wet with some coding. I have  started to watch some training vids and such,  I will eventually learn.

Post by: bcboilermaker on November 18, 2012, 01:23:57 PM

For B/M play I thought about a phone app, that you could use to track pattern breaker and signal bets.... but that might not be practical because once your actually betting at the table you can no longer use your phone. 

That would a problem if you playing a recovery bet, and that recovery bet was a triggered immediately after a round one loss.. you may not have time to check your app/ or react to the immediate recovery bet.

so instead, little something I came up to make playing B/M casino easier.

basically just a card you can write down the groups of numbers, and then just cross off the patterns as they come up.

this should keep you organized and make tracking simple


Post by: JohnLegend on November 18, 2012, 03:09:12 PM
Quote from: bcboilermaker on November 18, 2012, 01:23:57 PM

For B/M play I thought about a phone app, that you could use to track pattern breaker and signal bets.... but that mite not be practical because once your actually betting at the table you can no longer use your phone. 

That would a problem if you playing a recovery bet, and that recovery bet was a triggered immediately after a round one loss.. you may not have time to check your app/ or react to the immediate recovery bet.

so instead, little something I came up to make playing B/M casino easier.
basically just a card you can write down the groups of numbers, and then just cross off the patterns as they come up.
this should keep you organized and make tracking simple

that's all you ever really need BC, pen and paper has never been bettered for me.
Post by: Superman on November 18, 2012, 04:12:08 PM
QuoteHi. superman

I always enjoy reading your posts.
Myself I work heavy industrial, oil refineries, pulp and paper mills,  and the such.
tho I'm currently off work for 6 months to upgrade my welding ticket a local college.

Glad to hear you enjoy my posts mate, yeah I did a few shutdowns at a big refinery, rotating the pipes etc, replacing valves, who would have thought crude oil could wear the inside of pipes as much as it does? amazing really.
Post by: topcat888 on November 18, 2012, 04:13:25 PM
John, I know you have started to bet all three EC's in one session pilot style, is this exceeding your expectation or do you still think the original one win per session is better/safer..??
Post by: JohnLegend on November 18, 2012, 06:03:41 PM
Quote from: topcat888 on November 18, 2012, 04:13:25 PM
John, I know you have started to bet all three EC's in one session pilot style, is this exceeding your expectation or do you still think the original one win per session is better/safer..??
Topcat its too soon to know. Im currently 14/1.. My normal way holds 10/1. But its stood the test ot time. Over 6,000 games. The only thing that's surprised me is red and black. 45 straight wins is something.
Post by: shogun on November 19, 2012, 05:14:50 AM








Hi Guys,
I thought it was about time I posted some results. Got off to a great start won the first 3 games and had a loss. Then went on to win 37 games in a row. Because I was testing to start I only played with £1 units but as it was going so well I increased to £5 units. Then I started to get more losses and only got back in profit yesterday.
I have 2 losses on each of the EC's making 6 and 2 of these included a zero in one of the 3 bets.

I will post another update in a few days.

Post by: JohnLegend on November 19, 2012, 07:04:20 AM
Quote from: shogun on November 19, 2012, 05:14:50 AM








Hi Guys,
I thought it was about time I posted some results. Got off to a great start won the first 3 games and had a loss. Then went on to win 37 games in a row. Because I was testing to start I only played with £1 units but as it was going so well I increased to £5 units. Then I started to get more losses and only got back in profit yesterday.
I have 2 losses on each of the EC's making 6 and 2 of these included a zero in one of the 3 bets.

I will post another update in a few days.

Nice work Shogun, that's a typical breakdown for PB. Was the winning streak  combined between two even chances or all three.?

Also how many games are you playing per day, and are they live or RNG.?

Yes don't try to lift off too fast. Optional, when you have say 50 points profit in the pot. Start playing a recovery bet.

By doubling or trebling stakes for one game straight after a loss. That will increase your profit margin more rapidly.

I've said this a long time, the REAL POWER of this method isn't the pure strikerate which can fluctuate from 5/1 right up to 20/1.

Its the RECOVERY BET. which is very solid. I've averaged 75/1 over nearly 6,200 games. :thumbsup:
Post by: shogun on November 19, 2012, 07:45:48 AM
Hi John,

The winning streak was all 3 EC's combined. I am playing 3-10 games a day all on playtech live tables. I switch between Aphrodite and Vesta tables.
I have been thinking about a recovery bet or maybe playing the 2 EC's with a 6 step progression and playing for a one unit win.

Post by: bcboilermaker on November 19, 2012, 08:59:26 AM

I have just began tracking my results. I record each game in a excel file.

I played forty games this weekend

playing between live tables at william hill, and at betvoyager on the zero and no zero tables.

Out of the forty played games, 3 of of those game lost on first round , which took me to the 2nd round of betting where I recovered my loss, plus more winnings.

round 1 wins       round 2 wins

H/L   18                       3
E/0   15
zero   3

So basically that is a first round strike rate of 13/1
I cover zero on every bet.

Post by: JohnLegend on November 19, 2012, 09:34:47 AM
Quote from: shogun on November 19, 2012, 07:45:48 AM
Hi John,

The winning streak was all 3 EC's combined. I am playing 3-10 games a day all on playtech live tables. I switch between Aphrodite and Vesta tables.
I have been thinking about a recovery bet or maybe playing the 2 EC's with a 6 step progression and playing for a one unit win.

Thanks Shogun yes I know those tables. Betfred run them to my knowledge. I wouldn't play two even chances like that just yet.

What I do is something like this.

BET 1=2--4--8

BET 2=6--12--24

So you aim to recover about half your loss. I also favour this for HIGH LOW and ODD EVEN LIVE. Its been very strong with those two. I wouldn't recommend it on one of them and RED BLACK. Which live is the weakest of the three.

At BV RED BLACK is the strongest at the moment. But RNG may not be affected by the layout of the wheel so much. yes 3--10 max is a good number per day. PLAY ON! :thumbsup:
Post by: JohnLegend on November 19, 2012, 09:37:21 AM
Quote from: bcboilermaker on November 19, 2012, 08:59:26 AM
I have just began tracking my results. I record each game in a excel file.

I played forty games this weekend

playing between live tables at william hill, and at betvoyager on the zero and no zero tables.

Out of the forty played games, 3 of of those game lost on first round , which took me to the 2nd round of betting where I recovered my loss, plus more winnings.

round 1 wins       round 2 wins

H/L   18                       3
E/0   15
zero   3

So basically that is a first round strike rate of 13/1
I cover zero on every bet.
Nice stats BC, Like Subby you are staying with HIGH LOW---ODD EVEN. They are the strongest of the three from my records.

There are many ways you could money manage PB. For example its unusual to have all three even chances win on the first step of the progression.

So if your first bet wins on the first step. Its likely one of the other two won't. Twister was only playing the 2nd and 3rd steps of the progression.

To do this PURELY game to game would of course require more PATIENCE. But it would only put 3 units on the chopping block as opposed to 7. Making recovery much easier. The third step of the progression (4 UNITS) is the costly part.

That's another option to think about. I personally have always played the full three steps. With HIGH LOW---ODD EVEN Live. And relied on the solid hold of the recovery bet if my first bet lost.

As Subby is doing I only play for one win per session normaly. And that has brought me a solid 10/1 over 4 years.

On BV im playing close to what Pilot was doing to see if his extraordinary 12 month strikerate was anywhere near possible. But I use recovery there too because I have targets to achieve. :thumbsup:
Post by: subby on November 19, 2012, 09:56:53 AM
Quote from: shogun on November 19, 2012, 05:14:50 AM

start I only played with £1 units but as it was going so well I increased to £5 units. Then I started to get more losses and only got back in profit yesterday.

This is the key point of correct money management and jumped the gun too far too quick. Stick to something like...

Ideally you need a BR of 140 to bet £1 units (20 times a total loss of 7 units betting £1 units)

When you hit a BR of £280 ........................You can then move up to £2 units
When you hit a BR of £420 ........................You can then move up to £3 units
When you hit a BR of £560 ........................You can then move up to £4 units
When you hit a BR of £700 ........................You can then move up to £5 units

When you have a BR of 20 times a loss you should really ever be down in money ever again and be able to take out 20 units a month without fear of losing everything  :thumbsup:

Just my thoughts mate  :nod:

no matter if those units are £2 goal...£20 units (  :nod: ...Taking out 20 units when they are each worth £20 is the pot at the end of the rainbow for me :P ) you are still only taking out 20 units each month...month in ...month matter the money value of those units...20units is still just 20 units.

Have a UNIT MINDSET when playing and only think about money at the end of the month when you go to my flow chart
Post by: JohnLegend on November 19, 2012, 10:48:29 AM
Quote from: subby on November 19, 2012, 09:56:53 AM

This is the key point of correct money management and jumped the gun too far too quick. Stick to something like...

Ideally you need a BR of 140 to bet £1 units (20 times a total loss of 7 units betting £1 units)

When you hit a BR of £280 ........................You can then move up to £2 units
When you hit a BR of £420 ........................You can then move up to £3 units
When you hit a BR of £560 ........................You can then move up to £4 units
When you hit a BR of £700 ........................You can then move up to £5 units

When you have a BR of 20 times a loss you should really ever be down in money ever again and be able to take out 20 units a month without fear of losing everything  :thumbsup:

Just my thoughts mate  :nod:
Subbys money management plan is perfection. You always risk in relation to your overall POWERBASE. I personally use 25 x my risk for PB. But I have a recovery bet too so that makes sense.
Post by: subby on November 19, 2012, 11:02:24 AM
Patience is the key here and mantra #1 for me.

If you build a house too quickly(play lots of games daily) then you'll not have put down sufficiently strong foundations (bankroll) so when a storm(loss) comes then your house could fall down or be badly damaged.

Patience is the key and we should all be taking efforts to try and move away from the "make money fast" mindset.

As I've said before if you just take care of the units...the unit values will take care of your bankroll for you. :thumbsup:

Post by: subby on November 19, 2012, 11:04:44 AM
That should be the mindset of anyone who plays Pattern Breaker.

Unit wins are the key here, not the VALUE OF THE UNITS

Mindset should be a 20 unit grind each month regardless of what values those units are.

We all need to become godam unit grinding casino destroying robots  :P

If a pirhana (unit won) bites a whale(casino) it'll not do much damage...if that pirhana takes multiple small bites out over months...and grows(grow your banroll) up to be a bigger fish and bigger mouth (unit value increases) where it's taking larger bites(higher unit values) from the whale...then that whale will eventually have lumps chomped out of it to the point where serious damage is being made (large withdrawals)

It is growing that wee fish up to a point where the teeth(method of playing) lets it take larger bites....grow your deadly little fish slowly and watch it bite ever harder and deadlier for you  ^-^
Post by: JohnLegend on November 19, 2012, 12:39:12 PM
Quote from: subby on November 19, 2012, 11:04:44 AM
That should be the mindset of anyone who plays Pattern Breaker.

Unit wins are the key here, not the VALUE OF THE UNITS

Mindset should be a 20 unit grind each month regardless of what values those units are.

We all need to become godam unit grinding casino destroying robots  :P

If a pirhana (unit won) bites a whale(casino) it'll not do much damage...if that pirhana takes multiple small bites out over months...and grows(grow your banroll) up to be a bigger fish and bigger mouth (unit value increases) where it's taking larger bites(higher unit values) from the whale...then that whale will eventually have lumps chomped out of it to the point where serious damage is being made (large withdrawals)

It is growing that wee fish up to a point where the teeth(method of playing) lets it take larger bites....grow your deadly little fish slowly and watch it bite ever harder and deadlier for you  ^-^
That's how its done, but now find 10,000 people who can do this. That was my argument with someone who owns another forum.

He didn't want to even acknowledge that, so skirted around it with the same lame argument you will always get from his kind of thinking. Its like what I intend to do with 200 units next year. You don't try to double it in one session. You try to

grow in relation to your powerbase. And if you can even grow it by 2.5% on average for the vast majority of the sessions you play in a year. Lets say 200. You will be one happy player by years end.

The players who try to turn 200 points into 400 points (THE VAST MAJORITY) Are the ones who will more than likely get wiped out at some point. Join a forum. And say no, no it can't be done. I didn't do it so neither will you. And that's where we stand on these forums. the majority hold negative thoughts about any hope of beating the game with negative expectancy.

Their days of listening and putting the work in are long gone. They can not see success because their own ego won't allow it. For them to see it can be done. They must also admit they didn't know it all, and were going about it the wrong way. And that's where the problem lies.

If there are even 5,000 human beings on this planet that can think an play like a Subby, Chauncy47. And myself. I will be absolutely astounded. Because I know how hard that kind of resolve, discipline and staying power is to find within yourself.

You are always fighting the twin demons GREED >:D  and IMPATIENCE >:D  Will this ever change overall? NEVER!!
Post by: Tarantino on November 19, 2012, 03:39:08 PM
My records up to date, are as follows...

High/Low...   Won 84.... Lost 6     Strike rate 14/1

Red/Black...   Won 80... Lost 9     Strike rate  8.8/1

Odd/Even...   Won 40...  Lost 4     Strike rate 10/1

Total Games  Won 204... Lost  19...   Average Strike Rate  10.7/1...

Playing "thepilot way", which i have been ( but 25,50,100 progression) my winnings are as follows...

Won 204 games x £ 25.00 = £ 5100.00..
Lost 19 games x 175 total progression =  £ 3325.00       Total Profit  £ 1775.00

I played 223 games , which works out about 7 games a day for a month.  So playing "thepilot" way can be profitable. To be honest i have had a week off work, and been playing more games a day. Before that week off, my strike rate was better, so i believe more money would of been won if i carried on playing 4-6 games a day only!

During my games , i have seen all 3 triggers ( H/L ..R/B .. O/E..) all hit at the same time in one game ??? ... I picked to play 2 of em, and both won.

I have'nt seen a game where 7 patterns formed after 21 spins yet, but im sure it will one day.

Post by: JohnLegend on November 19, 2012, 03:47:42 PM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 19, 2012, 03:39:08 PM
My records up to date, are as follows...

High/Low...   Won 84.... Lost 6     Strike rate 14/1

Red/Black...   Won 80... Lost 9     Strike rate  8.8/1

Odd/Even...   Won 40...  Lost 4     Strike rate 10/1

Total Games  Won 204... Lost  19...   Average Strike Rate  10.7/1...

Playing "thepilot way", which i have been ( but 25,50,100 progression) my winnings are as follows...

Won 204 games x £ 25.00 = £ 5100.00..
Lost 19 games x 175 total progression =  £ 3325.00       Total Profit  £ 1775.00

I played 223 games , which works out about 7 games a day for a month.  So playing "thepilot" way can be profitable. To be honest i have had a week off work, and been playing more games a day. Before that week off, my strike rate was better, so i believe more money would of been won if i carried on playing 4-6 games a day only!

During my games , i have seen all 3 triggers ( H/L ..R/B .. O/E..) all hit at the same time in one game ??? ... I picked to play 2 of em, and both won.

I have'nt seen a game where 7 patterns formed after 21 spins yet, but im sure it will one day.
Hi Tarantino. Congrats on your results. You are doing very well. Your breakdowns for each even chance are very close to mine.

Well im happy that three or four players on here now are showing similar results to me. So people arent all saying well it works for him. But we can't win toffee.

Those are the people who play 20 games lose 3 or 4 and dismiss the method and me. Then sneer at anything positive I post about it and my results. Well done again. You stake five times more than I do Tarantino. I think its about time I raised lol!  ;D
Post by: shogun on November 19, 2012, 03:54:30 PM
Thanks for the great  money management advice subby and john  :thumbsup:
Post by: JohnLegend on November 19, 2012, 03:59:40 PM
Quote from: shogun on November 19, 2012, 03:54:30 PM
Thanks for the great  money management advice subby and john  :thumbsup:
You are welcome Shogun. Play with those guidelines. And you will not go wrong.
Post by: Tarantino on November 19, 2012, 04:00:14 PM
Red and Black have turned out to be the worst of em all ! So thinking  :-\  of playing H/L and O/E only from now on...

I'm in it to win money and i won  £1775.00 last month, which works out about £ 400.00 a week cash  :applause: :applause: :applause: ...

As long as the strike rate is 10/1  on average, there is no reason why this can't be done again next month.

A quick question JL... If someone keeps taking money, each month off there lets say Paddy power for example.... Do you reckon they would keep paying , or do u think they will make there excuses and close the account. Do u know of anyone who has had this happen to them.  :thumbsdown:

Post by: JohnLegend on November 19, 2012, 04:16:48 PM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 19, 2012, 04:00:14 PM
Red and Black have turned out to be the worst of em all ! So thinking  :-\  of playing H/L and O/E only from now on...

I'm in it to win money and i won  £1775.00 last month, which works out about £ 400.00 a week cash  :applause: :applause: :applause: ...

As long as the strike rate is 10/1  on average, there is no reason why this can't be done again next month.

A quick question JL... If someone keeps taking money, each month off there lets say Paddy power for example.... Do you reckon they would keep paying , or do u think they will make there excuses and close the account. Do u know of anyone who has had this happen to them.  :thumbsdown:
Well you just anwsered WHY I stay under the radar and don't try to upset any online casino and win too much from them.

Its hard to say mate. Twister knows more about Paddy Power than I do. I will PM him in case he doesn't read this page. I've heard that William Hill are poor losers. So if they identify you as a solid consistent winner. They will close you down. I think Paddy Power are about the best online live casino there is.

But I don't think theyd be too happy if you took tens of thousands from them either. None of them would. The only question is, what is their tolerance level? 1,000---10,000--50,000.  8)
Post by: subby on November 19, 2012, 04:46:00 PM
Red and Black have turned out to be the worst of em all ! So thinking  (  of playing H/L and O/E only from now on...

I'm in it to win money and i won  £1775.00 last month, which works out about £ 400.00 a week cash  ( ( ( ...

As long as the strike rate is 10/1  on average, there is no reason why this can't be done again next month.

A quick question JL... If someone keeps taking money, each month off there lets say Paddy power for example.... Do you reckon they would keep paying , or do u think they will make there excuses and close the account. Do u know of anyone who has had this happen to them.  (

Quote from: subby on November 16, 2012, 03:32:43 PM
I've noticed R/B bets losing by a good 10% more than the other 2 types (O/E and H/L)

That's why Speramus decided to ignore the R/B in our playing rules.

Yep I said so, from experience red/black DOES kill you more. I'm convinced it's the wheel layout of the colours against the layout of say the even/odd layout, which gets you. I don't know why but it does.
Post by: subby on November 19, 2012, 04:49:36 PM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 19, 2012, 04:00:14 PM
Red and Black have turned out to be the worst of em all ! So thinking  :-\  of playing H/L and O/E only from now on...

I'm in it to win money and i won  £1775.00 last month, which works out about £ 400.00 a week cash  :applause: :applause: :applause: ...

As long as the strike rate is 10/1  on average, there is no reason why this can't be done again next month.

A quick question JL... If someone keeps taking money, each month off there lets say Paddy power for example.... Do you reckon they would keep paying , or do u think they will make there excuses and close the account. Do u know of anyone who has had this happen to them.  :thumbsdown:

Split the bankroll between 2 different casinos and aim to take out £500 a month from both. Make sure they aren't connected financially...i.e. they are run by different companies, and you'll take out £1000 a month and stay under the radar better.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 19, 2012, 04:58:04 PM
Quote from: subby on November 19, 2012, 04:49:36 PM
Split the bankroll between 2 different casinos and aim to take out £500 a month from both. Make sure they aren't connected financially...i.e. they are run by different companies, and you'll take out £1000 a month and stay under the radar better.
Good advice there Tarantino, that's what I try to do. My interest is to see if I can break BV. Im told they don't sweat over big winners. :o
Post by: Tarantino on November 19, 2012, 06:02:53 PM
Just been going through my losing results, and have noticed a pattern in the last 6 i have lost...

1... HHH

I have noticed, for example.... If  HLL is the last pattern ( 8th) left, and the 7th pattern that formed to set the trigger off, is the opposite to our trigger ( in this case LHH) MY BETS LOST....

So if  from list above, number 6. LLH is the last pattern (8th) and number 5 ( opposite of LLH) which is HHL, was the 7th pattern to hit ( trigger) I am not gonna bet....

Hope this example clear enough, just wondering has anyone else noticed this !!!

Post by: TwoCatSam on November 19, 2012, 06:03:18 PM
They don't sweat John because people like me are stuffing their coffers!!  :stress:
Post by: Tarantino on November 19, 2012, 06:11:08 PM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 19, 2012, 06:02:53 PM
Just been going through my losing results, and have noticed a pattern in the last 6 i have lost...

1... HHH

I have noticed, for example.... If  HLL is the last pattern ( 8th) left, and the 7th pattern that formed to set the trigger off, is the opposite to our trigger ( in this case LHH) MY BETS LOST....

So if  from list above, number 6. LLH is the last pattern (8th) and number 5 ( opposite of LLH) which is HHL, was the 7th pattern to hit ( trigger) I am not gonna bet....

Hope this example clear enough, just wondering has anyone else noticed this !!!

??? Not saying it happens everytime, but my last 6 losses have all been a case of the above...  ???
I suppose when a pattern emerges like... LHL would u bet it wouldn't be HLH... next... I suppose this is where experience of playing PB, comes  in...
Post by: topcat888 on November 19, 2012, 06:32:12 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on November 19, 2012, 06:03:18 PM
They don't sweat John because people like me are stuffing their coffers!!  :stress:

LOL..!!   :)) :)) :))
Post by: JohnLegend on November 19, 2012, 06:33:17 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on November 19, 2012, 06:03:18 PM
They don't sweat John because people like me are stuffing their coffers!!  :stress:
Lol! Oh  is that why Sam?. I thought you were killing them with the G.U.T
Post by: JohnLegend on November 19, 2012, 06:43:34 PM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 19, 2012, 06:11:08 PM

??? Not saying it happens everytime, but my last 6 losses have all been a case of the above...  ???
I suppose when a pattern emerges like... LHL would u bet it wouldn't be HLH... next... I suppose this is where experience of playing PB, comes  in...
Tarantino, you can come to these conclusions. But then it could shift. I take the even chance as a whole. And H/L and O/E have an edge over R/B Live anyway.
Post by: TwisterUK on November 19, 2012, 06:45:14 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 19, 2012, 04:16:48 PM
Well you just anwsered WHY I stay under the radar and don't try to upset any online casino and win too much from them.

Its hard to say mate. Twister knows more about Paddy Power than I do. I will PM him in case he doesn't read this page. I've heard that William Hill are poor losers. So if they identify you as a solid consistent winner. They will close you down. I think Paddy Power are about the best online live casino there is.

But I don't think theyd be too happy if you took tens of thousands from them either. None of them would. The only question is, what is their tolerance level? 1,000---10,000--50,000.  8)

If its with William Hill  your Fecked. They will close you down before you can blink

BV and Paddypower have always paid out and never been a problem with me

I mean look at Paddypowers Table Limits, its 10k on normal table and 20k that's 20,000 ! on VIP

Paddypower like the Big Fish so If  your there  your be ok

Subby's advice is sound  :thumbsup:

Were  your results Live or RNG ??
Post by: JohnLegend on November 19, 2012, 07:01:43 PM
Quote from: Twisteruk on November 19, 2012, 06:45:14 PM
If its with William Hill your Fecked. They will close you down before you can blink

BV and Paddypower have always paid out and never been a problem with me

I mean look at Paddypowers Table Limits, its 10k on normal table and 20k that's 20,000 ! on VIP

Paddypower like the Big Fish so If your there your be ok :thumbsup:

Subby's advice is sound  :thumbsup:

Were your results Live or RNG ??
There you go Tarantino. Now you know.
Post by: bcboilermaker on November 22, 2012, 10:49:18 AM
Quote from: Superman on November 18, 2012, 04:12:08 PM

Glad to hear you enjoy my posts mate, yeah I did a few shutdowns at a big refinery, rotating the pipes etc, replacing valves, who would have thought crude oil could wear the inside of pipes as much as it does? amazing really.

Hi. superman

You mention wear on pipes. yes I'm familiar with that. I just finished a job rebuilding a refinery after a massive hydrogen explosion, caused from excessive wear on piping.

My latest results.

I have played pattern breaker all week.

95 games won round one.
8 games went to round two and recovered.

As well today,
I  have been playing pilots way for , 14 games, only betting against h/l e/o
I have won all 14 games played today.
I think that is how will I play from now on. my initial plan to make profit on the second round bet is not working out, because the first round is strong strike rate, I rarely get second round to bet.

Post by: subby on November 22, 2012, 11:05:21 AM
Quote from: bcboilermaker on November 22, 2012, 10:49:18 AM

I think that is how will I play from now on. my initial plan to make profit on the second round bet is not working out, because the first round is strong strike rate, I rarely get second round to bet.

It all adds up though...every little helps as they say. That's a great position to be in, multiple small money wins with the odd ten fold win thrown in, sounds good to me  ;)

Also take a side thought at the small bets adding up...

1 win with a small bet might equal 1% of a total loss of the huge 2nd get 100 smaller bets and you have covered the loss with the 2nd huge bet...given how frequently you lose on a second bet then that's a great safety net.

Can I ask what sort of units you are betting and what your bankroll is? If you'd rather not say I'll understand  :thumbsup:
Post by: bcboilermaker on November 22, 2012, 12:25:49 PM
Quote from: subby on November 22, 2012, 11:05:21 AM
It all adds up though...every little helps as they say. That's a great position to be in, multiple small money wins with the odd ten fold win thrown in, sounds good to me  ;)

Also take a side thought at the small bets adding up...

1 win with a small bet might equal 1% of a total loss of the huge 2nd get 100 smaller bets and you have covered the loss with the 2nd huge bet...given how frequently you lose on a second bet then that's a great safety net.

Can I ask what sort of units you are betting and what your bankroll is? If you'd rather not say I'll understand  :thumbsup:

Hi. subby

my bankroll is about 2000 at bet365.
I'm staking 10, 20, 40

and also at betvoyager my BR is 500
I'm staking 5, 10, 20

That is my latest staking plan.
I was using base units of 2, and 3 dollar.....
but I'm playing around to find what works best.

I have won 315 euro at betvoyager since the 18th ^-^
Post by: bcboilermaker on November 22, 2012, 12:56:53 PM
Playing pilots way, only  EO / HL . I'm 17 for 17 games played at betvoyager. alternating between , zero and no zero tables

That is 34 bets all won for 5 euro

Also FYI , I track zero, as low, black, and even.
just because I feel like tracking it that ^-^ I still have a good strike rate!
Post by: JohnLegend on November 22, 2012, 01:32:46 PM
Quote from: bcboilermaker on November 22, 2012, 12:56:53 PM
Playing pilots way, only  EO / HL . I'm 17 for 17 games played at betvoyager. alternating between , zero and no zero tables

That is 34 bets all won for 5 euro :thumbsup:

Also FYI , I track zero, as low, black, and even.
just because I feel like tracking it that ^-^ I still have a good strike rate!
That's some impressive stats B.C. I wonder how Shogun and Tarantino are doing.

Im travelling at mo, so no play. When I get back on friday. I will resume my fresh assault on BV with bigger stakes.lets see if I can hold onto 14/1.
Post by: bcboilermaker on November 22, 2012, 01:52:31 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 22, 2012, 01:32:46 PM
That's some impressive stats B.C. I wonder how Shogun and Tarantino are doing.

Im travelling at mo, so no play. When I get back on friday. I will resume my fresh assault on BV with bigger stakes.lets see if I can hold onto 14/1.

Hi john.

sitting at 21/1 rite now... gonna play for few more hours. see where i end up

As well I would add that I just had the welcome bonus of my initial deposit of 130 euro, just credited to my account...
I had the account originally for use with flukey luke S9 bot, not really using the bot anymore... but pattern breaker is taking BV to pieces!

To release the bonus i had to wager 130x50.
My account is now at 650 gonna step up unit size soon!
Post by: bcboilermaker on November 22, 2012, 02:03:08 PM
playing Pilots Way.

5 euro base unit.

21 games won (42 bets) on both even chances, Zero losses.... I'm waiting for a loss then I will step up unit size.

Post by: JohnLegend on November 22, 2012, 02:44:14 PM
Quote from: bcboilermaker on November 22, 2012, 02:03:08 PM
playing Pilots Way.

5 euro base unit.

21 games won (42 bets) on both even chances, Zero losses.... I'm waiting for a loss then I will step up unit size.
It will come trust me B.C lol. When I started I had a dual winning  streak of  32

for HIGH LOW-- ODD EVEN. Now they're losing about 1 in 10. What I expect. I've also had my first double loss so be careful about raising too high.

Live I seldom lose two in a row, but its early days on BV.
Post by: bcboilermaker on November 22, 2012, 07:39:16 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 22, 2012, 02:44:14 PM
It will come trust me B.C lol. When I started I had a dual winning  streak of  32

for HIGH LOW-- ODD EVEN. Now they're losing about 1 in 10. What I expect. I've also had my first double loss so be careful about raising too high.

Live I seldom lose two in a row, but its early days on BV.

Hi. John

Yes I definitely , play a more reasonable recovery. I try to win about half my first bet back.
My loss came  last night on game 25, it was on the second betting round , So the next few games I upped my bet and recovered easily.

It seems like 25-30 wins in a row is the threshold

Post by: JohnLegend on November 22, 2012, 08:15:11 PM
Quote from: bcboilermaker on November 22, 2012, 07:39:16 PM

Hi. John

Yes I definitely , play a more reasonable recovery. I try to win about half my first bet back.
My loss came  last night on game 25, it was on the second betting round , So the next few games I upped my bet and recovered easily.

It seems like 25-30 wins in a row is the threshold
Yes on BV that would seem to be the threshold. Live. I've broken the 100 barrier a few times. That was when I played ONLY HIGH LOW.

And only played 5 games a day max on different tables live B&M and live online combined. I've also been over the 40 barrier live a few times.

And on BV RED BLACK surprisingly racked up a streak of 47 games before it lost twice in 4 games. So this is how it can level out.

Im not fully confident in BV yet to risk treble stakes on the follow up bet to a losing game. Live I would bet that without thinking. Because it has the positive track record.

I will double after a loss when I resume play on Friday. And half stakes after 3 or 4 wins to protect profits. After a month if I can see a pattern very similar to live.

I will be encouraged to take more risk. BUT, you are right to have identified how good that second bet can be. I only have 8 losses on the follow up bet in 564 games over 4 years live.

My confidence and enthusiasm grows with longterm success with a method or strategy of play. :thumbsup:
Post by: bcboilermaker on November 22, 2012, 08:48:25 PM
yes, interesting stats john.

   I have been playing the hell out of BV, really over playing the system. I realize that!  seeing how far  I can push it. So its all good!

but that being said I did have my first double loss this morning on BV.

   Although in hindsight, I probably never should have made the second bet.
firstly the game had gone passed 60 spins.
and the last two patterns to form against each other were HHH and LLL.

Was not a good bet!

Post by: JohnLegend on November 22, 2012, 09:59:51 PM
Quote from: bcboilermaker on November 22, 2012, 08:48:25 PM
yes, interesting stats john.

   I have been playing the hell out of BV, really over playing the system. I realize that!  seeing how far  I can push it. So its all good!

but that being said I did have my first double loss this morning on BV.

   Although in hindsight, I probably never should have made the second bet.
firstly the game had gone passed 60 spins.
and the last two patterns to form against each other were HHH and LLL.

Was not a good bet!
Yes the worst pattern to end up with is 3 of the same. If an even chance is trending when that happens you can easily lose.

But I have overall faith in two constants. An overall strikerate of 10/1 snd a solid longterm recovery bet.

Live im on a very good run at the moment. 21 wins in a row beteeen HIGH LOW an ODD EVEN..
Post by: subby on November 22, 2012, 11:05:13 PM
Can you both clarify a double loss. To me if I@m using ophis's tracker a double loss would be 1 session playing but losing H/L AND O/E in the same session. Or do you mean any 2 losses even if they are both H/L for the 1 session?
Post by: bcboilermaker on November 23, 2012, 12:24:56 AM
Hi Subby.

for my self, I consider a double loss as losing both HL and EO, in the same game session.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 23, 2012, 05:31:41 AM
Quote from: bcboilermaker on November 23, 2012, 12:24:56 AM
Hi Subby.

for my self, I consider a double loss as losing both HL and EO, in the same game session.
That's right B.C, its losing both in the same session.
Post by: subby on November 23, 2012, 07:49:37 AM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 23, 2012, 05:31:41 AM
That's right B.C, its losing both in the same session.

ok thanks

btw that's an early start for you posting that lol
Post by: JohnLegend on November 23, 2012, 12:05:11 PM
Quote from: subby on November 23, 2012, 07:49:37 AM
ok thanks

btw that's an early start for you posting that lol
I rise 5 everyday Subby  :thumbsup:
Post by: JohnLegend on November 23, 2012, 05:54:46 PM









Well as you can see I was hit by my first double loss on BV. Now that I am playing at the new high level. Things are going to get done alot faster. Moving the wheel is no longer an issue. The strikerate has now settled firmly into expected territory. Holding at around 12/1. Next update around the 200 game mark.  :cheer:
Post by: shogun on November 23, 2012, 07:07:54 PM








Hi Guys,

Another update. I have stopped playng Red/Black as i have had 6 losses and only 5 to the other 2 EC's. My strike rate would have been better not playing Red/Black.
Still very happy.

Post by: JohnLegend on November 23, 2012, 07:16:47 PM
Quote from: shogun on November 23, 2012, 07:07:54 PM








Hi Guys,

Another update. I have stopped playng Red/Black as i have had 6 losses and only 5 to the other 2 EC's. My strike rate would have been better not playing Red/Black.
Still very happy.

Hi Shogun. Yes red and black can bring you down in Strikerate, lets see how you do now leaving it out. Well done mate.  :thumbsup:
Post by: TwoCatSam on November 23, 2012, 07:52:14 PM

Are you playing for real money and if so, where?

Post by: shogun on November 23, 2012, 07:59:10 PM
Hi Sam,

Yes i am playing for real money on Playtech live tables (eurogrand).
Post by: subby on November 23, 2012, 08:41:13 PM
Quote from: shogun on November 23, 2012, 07:07:54 PM








Hi Guys,

Another update. I have stopped playng Red/Black as i have had 6 losses and only 5 to the other 2 EC's. My strike rate would have been better not playing Red/Black.
Still very happy.


Quote4. Tracking all 3 methods but I'll only be playing HIGH/LOW and EVEN/ODD - I won't play RED/BLACK.

4th rule in Speramus and you're doing it in real life...tut tut lol. Honestly red black DO give out worse losses than the other 2 methods. Bizarre but true for me anyway.
Post by: Chauncy47 on November 24, 2012, 12:33:19 PM
Hi JL ... finally made it!  Just finished with Thanksgiving and the hunting season is all done now it's just the last two Holiday's and Roulette :)  As you know, I really enjoy all the methods and really enjoy PB.  I curently play PB, Code 4, P4 and Hybrid D&C, D&C and a few tweaked versions to better fit the wonderful world of 0/00.  I have played 1006 live games of PB and like you, I have never had all 3 EC lose and seldom encounter a double loss.  It makes the method is very powerful and I don't doubt fir a second that Pilot accomplished everything he posted.   Over this past year I have only seen a pattern repeat itself and actually breach the 8 mark only 7 times and 5 of those were on R/B.  As you know, I have tweaked Code 4 to play to the strength of this data.  Of course this is all live play for me.  I stumbled across another local casino that has a automaic live wheel which spins every 30 seconds and that has helped me play PB more frequently so I am thanksful on this Thanksgiving Day for that great find :thumbsup:   Look forward to being a part of this great forum and all the great players that contribute and sharing my observations! 
Post by: subby on November 24, 2012, 12:41:01 PM
Quote from: Chauncy47 on November 24, 2012, 12:33:19 PM
Hi JL ... finally made it!  Just finished with Thanksgiving and the hunting season is all done now it's just the last two Holiday's and Roulette :)  As you know, I really enjoy all the methods and really enjoy PB.  I curently play PB, Code 4, P4 and Hybrid D&C, D&C and a few tweaked versions to better fit the wonderful world of 0/00.  I have played 1006 live games of PB and like you, I have never had all 3 EC lose and seldom encounter a double loss.  It makes the method is very powerful and I don't doubt fir a second that Pilot accomplished everything he posted.   Over this past year I have only seen a pattern repeat itself and actually breach the 8 mark only 7 times and 5 of those were on R/B.  As you know, I have tweaked Code 4 to play to the strength of this data.  Of course this is all live play for me.  I stumbled across another local casino that has a automaic live wheel which spins every 30 seconds and that has helped me play PB more frequently so I am thanksful on this Thanksgiving Day for that great find :thumbsup:   Look forward to being a part of this great forum and all the great players that contribute and sharing my observations!

Hello and welcome Mr C  :cheer:
Post by: Chauncy47 on November 24, 2012, 12:52:15 PM
Quote from: subby on November 24, 2012, 12:41:01 PM
Hello and welcome Mr C  :cheer:

Thank you very much!  Looking forward to a great year of roulette with everyone!!
Post by: JohnLegend on November 24, 2012, 01:05:02 PM
Quote from: Chauncy47 on November 24, 2012, 12:52:15 PM

Thank you very much!  Looking forward to a great year of roulette with everyone!!
Hi Chauncy47, can you start posting your stats for PB here please.

It will help to show others how you do against the toughest wheel of them all. And welcome. We now have just about all the best from the old forum.

Lets enjoy it while it lasts. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Post by: Chauncy47 on November 24, 2012, 01:13:52 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 24, 2012, 01:05:02 PM
Hi Chauncy47, can you start posting your stats for PB here please.

It will help to show others how you do against the toughest wheel of them all. And welcome. We now have just about all the best from the old forum.

Lets enjoy it while it lasts. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Absolutely ... and I will post stats from the other methods as well! 
Post by: Chauncy47 on November 24, 2012, 02:03:31 PM
JL,  here is a quick snapshot of October/November results:   
280 Games Played.
Lost 11 total games and 9 were due to zero(s).  Lost 1 on  H/L and 1 of E/O.  I have had a good run over the past 60 days with PB.  So the zero's usually get to me before anything esle. *LOL*  I never play when the last pattern is HHH, LLL, OOO oe EEE and I never play R/B.  Had I played R/B, I certainly would have more losses.   The  amount of my opening bet is also based on the number of spins it took to get to the trigger.  For example, if the last pattern to form falls between 40 and 50 spins, my opening bet is much more aggressive, which is not often.   If I breach the 80 spin count, I start over.  Also, if I get a pattern that has formed 3 times in under 45 spins (doesn't happen often for me)  I will bet against it forming a 4th time.  Those are just a few observations that have worked for me that I can share.  I will pull the results for the past 6 months so you can a better picture of the stats.  If you stay in the "moment" or in the "now" so-to-speak, when you are playing this game and really observe everything that is going on and not just focus in on the one trigger you are waiting to occur, the game offers a lot of opportuity to challenge randomness on many different levels, but you just have to be in the moment, open your mind and be aware of everything going on! 
Post by: JohnLegend on November 24, 2012, 02:16:51 PM
Quote from: Chauncy47 on November 24, 2012, 02:03:31 PM
JL,  here is a quick snapshot of October/November results:   
280 Games Played.
Lost 11 total games and 9 were due to zero(s).  Lost 1 on  H/L and 1 of E/O.  I have had a good run over the past 60 days with PB.  So the zero's usually get to me before anything esle. *LOL*  I never play when the last pattern is HHH, LLL, OOO oe EEE and I never play R/B.  Had I played R/B, I certainly would have more losses.   The  amount of my opening bet is also based on the number of spins it took to get to the trigger.  For example, if the last pattern to form falls between 40 and 50 spins, my opening bet is much more aggressive, which is not often.   If I breach the 80 spin count, I start over.  Also, if I get a pattern that has formed 3 times in under 45 spins (doesn't happen often for me)  I will bet against it forming a 4th time.  Those are just a few observations that have worked for me that I can share.  I will pull the results for the past 6 months so you can a better picture of the stats.  If you stay in the "moment" or in the "now" so-to-speak, when you are playing this game and really observe everything that is going on and not just focus in on the one trigger you are waiting to occur, the game offers a lot of opportuity to challenge randomness on many different levels, but you just have to be in the moment, open your mind and be aware of everything going on!
Great stuff Chauncy47, red black are definately not as strong as the other two.

I realized this a long time ago. And yes betting against 3 of a kind the weakest of all the 8 patterns.

Chauncy47 the moderator Esoito has suggeested we space our posts out like I have 8) done here.

It makes for easier reading. Great to have you onboard.
Post by: subby on November 24, 2012, 02:23:47 PM
Quote from: Chauncy47 on November 24, 2012, 02:03:31 PM
JL,  here is a quick snapshot of October/November results:   
280 Games Played.
Lost 11 total games and 9 were due to zero(s). Lost 1 on  H/L and 1 of E/O.  I have had a good run over the past 60 days with PB.  So the zero's usually get to me before anything esle. *LOL*  I never play when the last pattern is HHH, LLL, OOO oe EEE and I never play R/B.  Had I played R/B, I certainly would have more losses.   The  amount of my opening bet is also based on the number of spins it took to get to the trigger.  For example, if the last pattern to form falls between 40 and 50 spins, my opening bet is much more aggressive, which is not often.   If I breach the 80 spin count, I start over.  Also, if I get a pattern that has formed 3 times in under 45 spins (doesn't happen often for me)  I will bet against it forming a 4th time.  Those are just a few observations that have worked for me that I can share.  I will pull the results for the past 6 months so you can a better picture of the stats.  If you stay in the "moment" or in the "now" so-to-speak, when you are playing this game and really observe everything that is going on and not just focus in on the one trigger you are waiting to occur, the game offers a lot of opportuity to challenge randomness on many different levels, but you just have to be in the moment, open your mind and be aware of everything going on!

we have an experiment going on here and in the 4 unit bet we also cover green you not cover it?
Post by: Chauncy47 on November 24, 2012, 02:35:34 PM
Quote from: subby on November 24, 2012, 02:23:47 PM
we have an experiment going on here and in the 4 unit bet we also cover green you not cover it?
I never cover the zero's on any of the methods I play.
Post by: Ralph on November 24, 2012, 02:37:01 PM
Pb how it works or not, I do not want to take up here, but I use to win that small faster. Using a bet real and not wait for 60 spins.
I can not image how it will make any profit, may be profit but according to what I have seen it takes very long time. Even if it gives a plus how much?  My personal view is it will not working, but I have not tested it deep at all I have not even  done any test. I think waiting, and waiting for a "trigger" is good in that sense you do not risk any at most of the spins.  I test some of this kind of  methods, and they may work or not.  If you got the numbers which suit it, that's depend of if you are lucky to get it. I do not think there are any sure ways, you got to have some luck. There are better or worse ways, so using a method  that's to do. How can any like to spend a month to get a few, is such method ever useful?
Post by: subby on November 24, 2012, 02:46:13 PM
Quote from: Ralph on November 24, 2012, 02:37:01 PM
Pb how it works or not, I do not want to take up here, but I use to win that small faster. Using a bet real and not wait for 60 spins.
I can not image how it will make any profit, may be profit but according to what I have seen it takes very long time. Even if it gives a plus how much?  My personal view is it will not working, but I have not tested it deep at all I have not even  done any test. I think waiting, and waiting for a "trigger" is good in that sense you do not risk any at most of the spins.  I test some of this kind of  methods, and they may work or not.  If you got the numbers which suit it, that's depend of if you are lucky to get it. I do not think there are any sure ways, you got to have some luck. There are better or worse ways, so using a method  that's to do. How can any like to spend a month to get a few, is such method ever useful?

With a win loss ratio of 10:1 grind out 2 and 3 units a week. The grind is the key, grind out 10 units a month playing safe and when those units are worth £20 each then you don't have to worry about slow play.
Post by: Chauncy47 on November 24, 2012, 03:02:03 PM
Quote from: subby on November 24, 2012, 02:46:13 PM
The grind is the key, grind out 10 units a month playing safe and when those units are worth £20 each then you don't have to worry about slow play.
I would completely agree with Subby ... and it doesn't make me right by the way.  I can only share that when I first started playing these methods (and I have 5
unit min table here)  my goal to start was 5 units a day.
Since that initial goal, I have grown my BR which allowed me to start with 10 units over the past several months.  I was just telling JL that I just reached a point
where I now start with 15 units.
Patience, patience, patience ... is so very important and it's worth every unit.  I see lack of control over emotion, lack of confidence and lack of patience get the
best from almost every play I observe on a daily basis.    Again, this isn't for everyone and it doesn't mean I am right.  I am just sharing my observations on what I
see working today.   
Post by: Chauncy47 on November 24, 2012, 03:03:17 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 24, 2012, 02:16:51 PM
Great stuff Chauncy47, red black are definately not as strong as the other two.

I realized this a long time ago. And yes betting against 3 of a kind the weakest of all the 8 patterns.

Chauncy47 the moderator Esoito has suggeested we space our posts out like I have 8) done here.

It makes for easier reading. Great to have you onboard.

Will do on spacing :)  Good to connect with you here JL :)
Post by: shogun on November 24, 2012, 03:04:50 PM
Quote from: subby on November 23, 2012, 08:41:13 PM
4th rule in Speramus and you're doing it in real life...tut tut lol. Honestly red black DO give out worse losses than the other 2 methods. Bizarre but true for me anyway.

Yep you are right subby. I had to learn the hard way. I think i was running at 5.33/1 for Red/Black  :thumbsdown:
We will see how it goes now.

Post by: shogun on November 24, 2012, 03:08:21 PM
Nice to see you here Chauncy47.
When you have time could you tell us about your tweaked version of CODE 4 ?
Looking forward to your results.
Post by: Chauncy47 on November 24, 2012, 03:12:55 PM
Quote from: shogun on November 24, 2012, 03:08:21 PM
Nice to see you here Chauncy47.
When you have time could you tell us about your tweaked version of CODE 4 ?
Looking forward to your results.

I will definitely do that but I am off to casino for the day.  Keep a good thought everyone  :thumbsup:
Post by: JohnLegend on November 24, 2012, 03:30:40 PM
Quote from: shogun on November 24, 2012, 03:04:50 PM

Yep you are right subby. I had to learn the hard way. I think i was running at 5.33/1 for Red/Black  :thumbsdown:
We will see how it goes now.
That's not good Shogun. But even if the strikerate was 5/1. I could make a profit with PB. And you all have to know on occasion, It could drop that low.

But H.A.R is a strange thing. Yes it can lose close together like continuos play. And it WILL.

But when it catches one of those 15 plus streaks. You understand its value. Im currently on a streak of 17 LIVE.

Before that I had two close losses.

Here is the last 50 odd games LIVE I've played, as an example of what H.A.R can deliver

Post by: shogun on November 24, 2012, 03:39:50 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 24, 2012, 03:30:40 PM
That's not good Shogun. But even if the strikerate was 5/1. I could make a profit with PB. And you all have to know on occasion, It could drop that low.

But H.A.R is a strange thing. Yes it can lose close together like continuos play. And it WILL.

But when it catches one of those 15 plus streaks. You understand its value. Im currently onb streak of 17 LIVE.

Before that I had two close losses.

Here is the last 50 odd games LIVE I've played, as an example of what H.A.R can deliver


Hi John, that strike rate was for red and black only. Overall it was over 9/1. If i had not played black or red i think it would have been 13-14/1.
Still very happy so far and sticking to HAR.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 24, 2012, 03:56:32 PM
Quote from: shogun on November 24, 2012, 03:39:50 PM

Hi John, that strike rate was for red and black only. Overall it was over 9/1. If i had not played black or red i think it would have been 13-14/1.
Still very happy so far and sticking to HAR.
Yes Shogun. You could hold 10--1 to 14--1 quite easily with PB. Anyone who plays it for over a 1000 games is going to see what its all about.

I've talked alot about PATIENCE over the last couple of years. But do you know what's just as important as PATIENCE?? STAYING POWER.

Being able to stay with a method during its not so glorious times. Knowing that longterm its going to deliver. Forums are loaded with system hoppers. People who as soon as they arent winning , winning, winning.

Abandon a very good method and move on. These kind of players ultimately get nowhere worth being in the long run. that's why you have to have that staying power to stick it out.

Its always the LONGTERM.

Heres something I want to put to you guys. One thing I agree with in what the detrators of H.A.R say is this.

You never know WHEN you enter the cycle IF it's a good or bad time. I've never had any argument with that.

What I have basically been trying to put across for nearly two years is THIS. No we don't know what randoms going to show us when we enter the cycle at random points.

But when its GOOD its going to surpass anything CONTINOUS PLAY will deliver. Its harder to gauge this on 7/1 odds such as PB works with.

But when you go bigtime 242/1 for example. As in the case of 8 ON 1. You start to realize H.A.Rs true significance. Landing on that loss is so much harder than travelling to meet it.

8 ON 1 played H.A.R could go years without losing. I can see someone starting to play it in 2012. And reporting a loss 3 years and several thousand wins later.

That's something you would never EVER be able to report. If you sat there and played a 1000 straight games.
Post by: Trebor on November 24, 2012, 04:18:58 PM

This has probably been asked and answered before but I can't find it.

When you have a double loss do you take it on the chin or up the stakes betting against a treble loss?

Post by: JohnLegend on November 24, 2012, 04:41:01 PM
Quote from: Trebor on November 24, 2012, 04:18:58 PM

This has probably been asked and answered before but I can't find it.

When you have a double loss do you take it on the chin or up the stakes betting against a treble loss?

I would bet to recover a portion of the loss on the third even chance. This is why I track all three live.

Even though I only play HIGH LOW---ODD EVEN.. Lets say red black were to qualify before the other two and lost.

My confidence would now be very high that I am going to win one of the remaining two. And I would stake higher than normal.

I just lost a game on BV with odd even. And immediately recovered two sevenths of the loss on HIGH LOW. Im waiting for prime times to raise and lower stakes. This will make all the difference, even IF I get a low strikerate.

And if I get that nice 15 plus streak at some point. I am going to profit even more.  :thumbsup:
Post by: JohnLegend on November 24, 2012, 06:38:24 PM
Quote from: Ralph on November 24, 2012, 02:37:01 PM
Pb how it works or not, I do not want to take up here, but I use to win that small faster. Using a bet real and not wait for 60 spins.
I can not image how it will make any profit, may be profit but according to what I have seen it takes very long time. Even if it gives a plus how much?  My personal view is it will not working, but I have not tested it deep at all I have not even  done any test. I think waiting, and waiting for a "trigger" is good in that sense you do not risk any at most of the spins.  I test some of this kind of  methods, and they may work or not.  If you got the numbers which suit it, that's depend of if you are lucky to get it. I do not think there are any sure ways, you got to have some luck. There are better or worse ways, so using a method  that's to do. How can any like to spend a month to get a few, is such method ever useful?
Ralph, you know the only reason in my opinion that this game is thought of as unbeatable longterm by the masses. Is humans inherent lack of PATIENCE and STAYING POWER.

You just gave the EXACT reason the majority will never know any different. This works longterm because of the discipline to wait for random to create your bet for you. Instead of Going straight to the table and betting on say red or whatever gives you a quick fix. But when it goes wrong you lose it all.

I can't tell you how many times I saw the fool who thought for example random couldnt show him 12 reds or blacks 12 odds or evens, A dozen sleep for 20 spins. Or a dozen get hit 8 times in a row.That gambler that waits for 3 or 4 reds. Then starts his martingale.

He wins again and again and again. Maybe a 100--200 times in a row. Then it happens staring him in the face is 13--14--15-16 or more of his nightmare. it's a stiff drink at the bar time. The total wipeout came saw and conquered.

Why I wait Ralph is simple. IT WORKS. I will happily take a consistent 10/1 month in month out over quick wins and then a total wipeout. In my experience you have to WAIT TO WIN.

All three of the methods that have given me the best results I have yet seen have one thing in common. They WAIT for RANDOM. And there's something re-assuring about doing so. It would appear to me to be the true key to beating this game.

And the reason the 1% will win. While the 99% scratch their head and leave the casino with a face like a pug dog chewing a hornets nest.  :stress:
Post by: Chauncy47 on November 24, 2012, 08:28:15 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 24, 2012, 06:38:24 PM
Ralph, you know the only reason in my opinion that this game is thought of as unbeatable longterm by the masses. Is humans inherent lack of PATIENCE and STAYING POWER.

You just gave the EXACT reason the majority will never know any different. This works longterm because of the discipline to wait for random to create your bet for you. Instead of Going straight to the table and betting on say red or whatever gives you a quick fix. But when it goes wrong you lose it all.

I can't tell you how many times I saw the fool who thought for example random couldnt show him 12 reds or blacks 12 odds or evens, A dozen sleep for 20 spins. Or a dozen get hit 8 times in a row.That gambler that waits for 3 or 4 reds. Then starts his martingale.

He wins again and again and again. Maybe a 100--200 times in a row. Then it happens staring him in the face is 13--14--15-16 or more of his nightmare. it's a stiff drink at the bar time. The total wipeout came saw and conquered.

Why I wait Ralph is simple. IT WORKS. I will happily take a consistent 10/1 month in month out over quick wins and then a total wipeout. In my experience you have to WAIT TO WIN.

All three of the methods that have given me the best results I have yet seen have one thing in common. They WAIT for RANDOM. And there's something re-assuring about doing so. It would appear to me to be the true key to beating this game.

And the reason the 1% will win. While the 99% scratch their head and leave the casino with a face like a pug dog chewing a hornets nest.  :stress:

I agree with everything you said JL.  Today was a classic example of "most" players I observe down at the casino.  I sat down next to a gentleman and he is aggresively and nervously puffing away on cig betting inside on as many numbers as he feels will hit.  I sat next to him for almost 20 minutes before I placed my first bet, which was on HIGH...and it lost.   

Placed my second bet on HIGH again and won.

During this whole event, this guy pealed out ...I have no idea how many twenties and kept playing, so I thought I would hang out and observe either this guys breaking point or a great comeback.  It wasn't another 7 minutes and he lost that too, he stood up, spoke the f-word to himself and left the table. 

I see that so many times week in and week out.  That guy is still scratching his head ...

Patience, Confidence, Staying Power, Discipline, Creativity .... are all ingredients in the Hit & Run recipie. 
Post by: JohnLegend on November 24, 2012, 09:08:22 PM
Quote from: Chauncy47 on November 24, 2012, 08:28:15 PM

I agree with everything you said JL.  Today was a classic example of "most" players I observe down at the casino.  I sat down next to a gentleman and he is aggresively and nervously puffing away on cig betting inside on as many numbers as he feels will hit.  I sat next to him for almost 20 minutes before I placed my first bet, which was on HIGH...and it lost.   

Placed my second bet on HIGH again and won.

During this whole event, this guy pealed out ...I have no idea how many twenties and kept playing, so I thought I would hang out and observe either this guys breaking point or a great comeback.  It wasn't another 7 minutes and he lost that too, he stood up, spoke the f-word to himself and left the table. 

I see that so many times week in and week out.  That guy is still scratching his head ...

Patience, Confidence, Staying Power, Discipline, Creativity .... are all ingredients in the Hit & Run recipie.
That's it Chauncy47. He is what the casinos expect and WANT. We don't give them what they want.

Post by: shogun on November 25, 2012, 06:41:48 AM
Hi Guys,
I thought i would give Betvoyager a try. Played my first game on the European table yesterday and won on 3 EC bets. Played a game later on the no-zero table and again won all 3 EC bets  :cheer:
I thought great i have somewhere else to play. Fired up the European table this morning and had a TRIPLE LOSS. All 3 EC's lost in the same game, my first game  :'(

I have not had a double loss live. Not sure i should play on BV again with PB.
Sooooooo annoyed with myself  :scared:
Post by: JohnLegend on November 25, 2012, 07:24:29 AM
Quote from: shogun on November 25, 2012, 06:41:48 AM
Hi Guys,
I thought i would give Betvoyager a try. Played my first game on the European table yesterday and won on 3 EC bets. Played a game later on the no-zero table and again won all 3 EC bets  :cheer:
I thought great i have somewhere else to play. Fired up the European table this morning and had a TRIPLE LOSS. All 3 EC's lost in the same game, my first game  :'(

I have not had a double loss live. Not sure i should play on BV again with PB.
Sooooooo annoyed with myself  :scared:
Shogun that doesn't make me feel too confident as I am playing my challenge on there. Hard to believe. How much did you stake?

don't give up just yet Shogun, im playing on there and its been very fair since I started. Even now I am playing for Euros I am 12/1. You were incredibly unlucky to land on that. But you may not ever hit it  again.

What im doing is playing for one win then closing down now. My original way, I lost my very first game yesterday on ODD EVEN. Said okay, doubled stakes and won on HIGH LOW. Then came back five more times and recovered the loss and went to a new high..

So stay with it for a while. Twister sums it up perfectly. With LIVE you definately know random beat you. With RNG there's always a slight doubt. I've never felt I was being cheated.

If it kept throwing double losses or trebles at me. Then you know somethings wrong. But my overall strikerate is 12/1. After 192 games. And that's EXACTLY what I expect it to be around.

So my advice Shogun is PLAY ON. But just play for single wins then shut down.  :pirate:
Post by: shogun on November 25, 2012, 07:45:32 AM
Hi John,
I think you maybe right. I could have entered the game at the wrong time.
I will not give up on BV just yet. I will lower my unit value and play for a 1 unit win. See what the results look like.
I was playing with 5 euro units so it was a total loss of 105 euros.
Live is still going well  :)
Post by: JohnLegend on November 25, 2012, 08:07:22 AM
Quote from: shogun on November 25, 2012, 07:45:32 AM
Hi John,
I think you maybe right. I could have entered the game at the wrong time.
I will not give up on BV just yet. I will lower my unit value and play for a 1 unit win. See what the results look like.
I was playing with 5 euro units so it was a total loss of 105 euros.
Live is still going well  :)
Live will always go well Shogun. I have a 4 year history with it. it's a winner. Yes my only doubt about BV is what happens when you rise to higher staking.

While you are playing with pennies or smaller stakes 1 or 2 euros. I don't think they will bother with you. But from 5 euros up? Time will tell.

So yes play the 1 euro bets, and stay with it and see if your overall strikerate after say 100 games is somewhere in the region you expect. DROP RED BLACK THOUGH. DROP IT.  >:D O0
Post by: shogun on November 25, 2012, 08:16:05 AM
I stopped playing Red/Black live. Thought i would try it on BV. I will drop it here as well.
John so you play for a 1 unit win and then what? When do you play your next game?

Post by: JohnLegend on November 25, 2012, 08:22:23 AM
Quote from: shogun on November 25, 2012, 08:16:05 AM
I stopped playing Red/Black live. Thought i would try it on BV. I will drop it here as well.
John so you play for a 1 unit win and then what? When do you play your next game?

Okay I do play the double. But no trebles. I log in play for ONE WIN and logout. Come back later and play another. Im 192/14 doing it that way.

I had 7 patterns in 21 spins yesterday so doubled stakes. If I lose a game I will double stakes for the next couple of games.

I've never lost the first game of the day twice in a row EVER live or RNG. So today I would expect to win my FIRST GAME. All these things you consider.

Post by: shogun on November 25, 2012, 08:27:02 AM
Great thanks for your help John.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 25, 2012, 08:31:53 AM
Quote from: shogun on November 25, 2012, 08:27:02 AM
Great thanks for your help John.
You are very welcome Shogun. Your confidence and knowing what to expect grows with time and experience.

That's why I don't worry about Subby for example. He will get wherever he wants to go. If he sticks to the task. Random doesn't do things evenly. Its OVERALL you look for. Longterm. When you get that 15 plus winning streak.

And it goes past 20, 25 possibly even 30. I've had them. So start to wonder when its going to lose. Get on top of a 40 plus. And you know why you play H.A.R  :thumbsup:
Post by: Robeenhuut on November 25, 2012, 08:39:49 AM
Quote from: shogun on November 25, 2012, 06:41:48 AM
Hi Guys,
I thought i would give Betvoyager a try. Played my first game on the European table yesterday and won on 3 EC bets. Played a game later on the no-zero table and again won all 3 EC bets  :cheer:
I thought great i have somewhere else to play. Fired up the European table this morning and had a TRIPLE LOSS. All 3 EC's lost in the same game, my first game  :'(

I have not had a double loss live. Not sure i should play on BV again with PB.
Sooooooo annoyed with myself  :scared:


This is roulette. Just use a common sense here. You lost on BV 3 times with PB in one session. That never happened to John or Pilot. I think that BV already discovered that it may be a winning method and started cheating. And i would stay with R/B.
Pilot played all 3 EC's and had 180 wins in a row. Good luck.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 25, 2012, 08:50:57 AM
Quote from: Robeenhuut on November 25, 2012, 08:39:49 AM

This is roulette. Just use a common sense here. You lost on BV 3 times with PB in one session. That never happened to John or Pilot. I think that BV already discovered that it may be a winning method and started cheating. And i would stay with R/B.
Pilot played all 3 EC's and had 180 wins in a row. Good luck.
Hello Matt I hope youre wrong. Welcome to the forum  ;D
Post by: shogun on November 25, 2012, 09:06:13 AM
Quote from: Robeenhuut on November 25, 2012, 08:39:49 AM

This is roulette. Just use a common sense here. You lost on BV 3 times with PB in one session. That never happened to John or Pilot. I think that BV already discovered that it may be a winning method and started cheating. And i would stay with R/B.
Pilot played all 3 EC's and had 180 wins in a row. Good luck.

Thanks for the advice. I will stay with BV a little longer playing for smaller units. More as a test than anything. If i am happy with results i will continue. I may have been very unlucky time will tell.
I do think it maybe be best to leave out Red/Black as i have had more losses with it than the other 2 EC's together.

Does anyone know if there are other playtech casinos that use different tables to Titan or Eurogrand. The tables they use are Aphrodite and Vesta?
Post by: JohnLegend on November 25, 2012, 09:25:15 AM
Quote from: shogun on November 25, 2012, 09:06:13 AM

Thanks for the advice. I will stay with BV a little longer playing for smaller units. More as a test than anything. If i am happy with results i will continue. I may have been very unlucky time will tell.
I do think it maybe be best to leave out Red/Black as i have had more losses with it than the other 2 EC's together.

Does anyone know if there are other playtech casinos that use different tables to Titan or Eurogrand. The tables they use are Aphrodite and Vesta?
There are two players in the Playtech arena Shogun. The ones you mentioned are used by BETFRED and WILLIAM  (POOR LOSER)  HILL. To my knowledge aswell as others like you stated.

Then there's another feed also Latvian/Lithuanian based? Used by PADDY POWER--LADBROKES. And some other online UK bookmakers. And they are excellent. PADDYPOWER is the best online alround casino IMO.  :thumbsup:
Post by: shogun on November 25, 2012, 09:48:12 AM
Thanks John i will have a look at these.
I have an account at Ladbrokes, used to play a little poker there.
Post by: shogun on November 25, 2012, 10:48:38 AM
It is not a good morning for me.
Now had a double loss on live table. My first one. I had increased the second bet to recover quicker.
A treble and a double the same morning  :fight:
that's it for today.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 25, 2012, 12:33:10 PM
Quote from: shogun on November 25, 2012, 10:48:38 AM
It is not a good morning for me.
Now had a double loss on live table. My first one. I had increased the second bet to recover quicker.
A treble and a double the same morning  :fight:
that's it for today.
Bad days happen Shogun. Personaly I wouldn't have gone so heavy on BV after just starting. My play today on BV got off to a bad start. I lost the first game on ODD EVEN AGAIN. But it was due to a zero.

Pulled back 2 sevenths of the loss on HIGH LOW which has been my keeper today. THEN lost again on ODD EVEN after doubling stakes, taking me about 5 euro into the red. High Low again came through for me.

Then had dual qualifiers with HIGH LOW---ODD EVEN and they BOTH WON pulling me back to Level.. Then won the next three games.

To leave me about 5 points down for the day. But still 5 points in profit overall.

And in tracking saw 16 blacks. So its all going on today. Its only because I raise and lower stakes that im only 5 points down today after basically losing 21.  So here is where things stand overall.









Post by: Trebor on November 25, 2012, 12:41:57 PM
In a strange sort of way it's a small crumb of comfort that you've had some bad luck Shogun.

Not being funny and I hope it picks up for you, but that's the sort of thing that happens to me.

In the last two days I've had a few losses. Not back to back but it's knocked my strike rate for six.

Post by: JohnLegend on November 25, 2012, 12:57:51 PM
Quote from: Trebor on November 25, 2012, 12:41:57 PM
In a strange sort of way it's a small crumb of comfort that you've had some bad luck Shogun.

Not being funny and I hope it picks up for you, but that's the sort of thing that happens to me.

In the last two days I've had a few losses. Not back to back but it's knocked my strike rate for six.

Trebor are you playing ONLY on BV single zero?
Post by: Trebor on November 25, 2012, 02:19:32 PM
Yes and a couple of the losses were due to that pesky zero   :(

Post by: JohnLegend on November 25, 2012, 02:23:41 PM
Quote from: Trebor on November 25, 2012, 02:19:32 PM
Yes and a couple of the losses were due to that pesky zero   :(

Yes I lost once today because of the zero on the very last spin of my first game. So I am covering that now. What I was going to say to you is, where in the world do you live? Are you not able to at least track on a live wheel ?

See how things compare. Im having one of my best periods live. And you always know that a loss is down to random. there's never any doubt.  :thumbsup:
Post by: Trebor on November 25, 2012, 02:37:03 PM
I'm in the UK JL, so yes I could.

But, I've played on BV for ages with other methods and find it much the same as live, good and bad runs come in cycles.

Also I'm tracking only for testing purposes with 1 penny on red even when a bet would normally be called for so BV can be none the wiser even if they could be bothered.

I'll sort out my figures some time but for now can say that I'm well in profit (on paper) if I use recovery after a loss.

Post by: JohnLegend on November 25, 2012, 02:45:35 PM
Quote from: Trebor on November 25, 2012, 02:37:03 PM
I'm in the UK JL, so yes I could.

But, I've played on BV for ages with other methods and find it much the same as live, good and bad runs come in cycles.

Also I'm tracking only for testing purposes with 1 penny on red even when a bet would normally be called for so BV can be none the wiser even if they could be bothered.

I'll sort out my figures some time but for now can say that I'm well in profit (on paper) if I use recovery after a loss.

Okay Trebor, yes the overall breakdown is close to Live. What differs so far is how you arrive there.

On live you tend to get LONGER gaps in general between losses. In the way Subby is experiencing it on PADDY POWER.

With BV I see two or three losses in ten games then you might win 20. Live I've never lost the first game of the day twice.

In 4 years. Here I've done it in a few months. Never seen a treble loss live. Shogun caught it today on BV. Albeit betting bigger stakes.

Live RED BLACK performs less favourably that the other two. BV RED BLACK has a 47 game winning streak.

And hasnt lost the last 16 games either. Although im not playing it, only tracking. Just some differences I've noticed between the two formats. Yet the overall strikerate is the same right now. 11/1 a piece.
Post by: Bally6354 on November 25, 2012, 03:04:09 PM
What's to stop an RNG casino like BV from sending you a bad string of results in advance if they see you are playing the same system every day for big stakes. Just the fact that they could (not saying they would) would be enough to put doubts in my mind.

Post by: Robeenhuut on November 25, 2012, 03:09:37 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 25, 2012, 02:45:35 PM
Okay Trebor, yes the overall breakdown is close to Live. What differs so far is how you arrive there.

On live you tend to get LONGER gaps in general between losses. In the way Subby is experiencing it on PADDY POWER.

With BV I see two or three losses in ten games then you might win 20. Live I've never lost the first game of the day twice.

In 4 years. Here I've done it in a few months. Never seen a treble loss live. Shogun caught it today on BV. Albeit betting bigger stakes.

Live RED BLACK performs less favourably that the other two. BV RED BLACK has a 47 game winning streak.

And hasnt lost the last 16 games either. Although im not playing it, only tracking. Just some differences I've noticed between the two formats. Yet the overall strikerate is the same right now. 11/1 a piece.

I don't see any relevance in  comparing winning streaks live and on BV. Shogun and Trebor apparently can not match your strike rate. Other guys apparently have better stats. How would you explain that?
Post by: JohnLegend on November 25, 2012, 03:11:51 PM
Quote from: Bally6354 on November 25, 2012, 03:04:09 PM
What's to stop an RNG casino like BV from sending you a bad string of results in advance if they see you are playing the same system every day for big stakes. Just the fact that they could (not saying they would) would be enough to put doubts in my mind.
Yes Bally, I think this has always been the thinking in alot of peoples minds regarding RNGs.

Superman and Bayes believe BV is a trustworthy RNG. And overall so far I have no reason to doubt that.

My only cocncern has been what happens when you start betting DECENT MONEY. 5 EURO up. And

what Shogun experienced today hasnt done my confidence a whole lot of good lol! Lets put it that way.  :upsidedown:
Post by: JohnLegend on November 25, 2012, 03:20:29 PM
Quote from: Robeenhuut on November 25, 2012, 03:09:37 PM
I don't see any relevance in  comparing winning streaks live and on BV. Shogun and Trebor apparently can not match your strike rate. Other guys apparently have better stats. How would you explain that?
That's the nature of H.A.R random entry into the cycle. But Matt come on, I am not going to get into a war with you about stats. As that's your thing. I left that on the other forum.

Besides its way too early to make comparisons. Trebor and Shogun have barely played 100 games. I have played over 6,000. There were periods of 100--150 games where I was running at 5/1 Matt.

People have to get hold of exactly what the term LONGTERM means. Because when its not all rosey for a 100 games. Alot of people have the habit of dismissing or dropping a method.

With a BUY IN of just 7 UNITS MATT. Its not meant to be big bang proof. Do you realize this? If you want something more in that league you head towards 8 ON 1 which BTW is now 585/0 And has not passed the third step in 85 games.

Another fairytale for you as you put it.
Post by: shogun on November 25, 2012, 04:48:33 PM








Hi Guys, these results are for Betvoyager. I will post My playtech live results next.
Post by: TwoCatSam on November 25, 2012, 04:52:15 PM
Quote from: Bally6354 on November 25, 2012, 03:04:09 PM
What's to stop an RNG casino like BV from sending you a bad string of results in advance if they see you are playing the same system every day for big stakes. Just the fact that they could (not saying they would) would be enough to put doubts in my mind.


I have wondered the same thing.  They would not look at it for nickels, but for $5 bets and up--they might.  My idea was to have two "winning--hak, kaf!" systems and randomly alternate them.  Then the RNG folks would not know what was coming.


Post by: shogun on November 25, 2012, 05:11:25 PM








Hi Guys, these are my results for my Playtech live games. I had a run of 22 wins just before my double loss. The double loss hurt even more as i had increased my bet to recover from the first loss.
Strikerate is at 9.25/1 and i am still in profit.

Post by: Bayes on November 25, 2012, 05:16:23 PM
QuoteWhat's to stop an RNG casino like BV from sending you a bad string of results in advance if they see you are playing the same system every day for big stakes. Just the fact that they could (not saying they would) would be enough to put doubts in my mind.

They could do that, but first they have to figure out exactly what system you're playing in order to send you the bad results. I personally don't think they would do it, not because I particularly trust them but because even if they had some kind of "system cracker" software (which would be expensive to code) it would still be a gamble on their part. If you're feeling paranoid just mix up the systems randomly as Sam suggests.
Post by: Bally6354 on November 25, 2012, 05:34:05 PM
I was once watching a guy play one of these and he was shaking the machine thinking he could land the virtual ball into the pocket he wanted. (I kid you not)

That's hilarious but also pretty sad.  :))
Post by: Bayes on November 25, 2012, 05:46:59 PM
Hey Bally,

Sorry!! I accidentally clicked "modify" instead of "quote" so I deleted some of your last post.  :-[

I'll have to watch that, I've done it before on the other forum. I seem to be dyslexic with these buttons.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 25, 2012, 05:50:28 PM
Quote from: shogun on November 25, 2012, 05:11:25 PM








Hi Guys, these are my results for my Playtech live games. I had a run of 22 wins just before my double loss. The double loss hurt even more as i had increased my bet to recover from the first loss.
Strikerate is at 9.25/1 and i am still in profit.
Go easy on the follow up Bet Shogun. I never use more than treble stakes normally.

I know you had that nice streak of 37 wins early on aswell Shogun. So you can put together decent streaks. So when the losses come. How many are you getting together gap wise? I think some clever money management could really help to protect those nice winning runs.

Lets understand the most expensive step of the progression is the third step. Since Twister let it be known he was only betting on the 2nd and 3rd steps of the progression. I have seen some real value in doing this.

Okay you will sometimes miss winning opportunities. BUT, if youve won 22 times. Instead of giving 7 or 14 of those points back quickly. It would make sense to only give 3 or 6 back. I may employ this kind of money management on BV.

Then after a few losses go back to the three step for the next 10 games. And you may collect additional points in the meantime too.

I did an experiment on the Aphrodite table a few years ago for example. Where I only played one game a day on it for a 100 days. My strikerate was 95/5 over those hundred days. I had a winning streak of 44 for HIGH LOW at one point.

When I play 10---15 a day I can't get that strikerate. If we realize with this method less is more. and work at increasing the value of units we will go further.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 25, 2012, 05:55:22 PM
Quote from: Bally6354 on November 25, 2012, 05:34:05 PM
I was once watching a guy play one of these and he was shaking the machine thinking he could land the virtual ball into the pocket he wanted. (I kid you not)

That's hilarious but also pretty sad.  :))

Gawd yes, I've seen similar madness Bally.

Like a Chinese guy who threatened to blow up the betting shop if he didn't get his 2,000 plus quid back.

He believed one of the cashiers had some  device under the counter, to make sure whenever he bet big he would lose.  :forbidden:
Post by: esoito on November 25, 2012, 11:36:58 PM
"He believed one of the cashiers had some  device under the counter, to make sure whenever he bet big he would lose."

Yep. I make them. PM me for today's special price.  ;)
Post by: Dino246 on November 26, 2012, 07:22:30 AM
Interesting to note the name of those machines in the bookies.....FIXED betting terminals !!

Please ALL stay away from them if your new to this great game of roulette.

Fbt's are not roulette their Mickey Mouse.

Post by: bcboilermaker on November 26, 2012, 12:00:31 PM
Im done with betvoyager!

Two double losses in two days.
Just had a double loss on only my second game of the day.

the double losses with bad string of single losses without a recovery bet , pretty much wiped out my BR.

Post by: subby on November 26, 2012, 12:38:42 PM
Did you have a 20 times total loss as your bankroll?

PB a loss is 7 units so you should have a 140 (units being played) BR to play the units you were playin. A pile of losses in a row can get you so you need 20 times a loss to keep the head straight and not chase a loss
Post by: JohnLegend on November 26, 2012, 02:03:41 PM
Quote from: bcboilermaker on November 26, 2012, 12:00:31 PM
Im done with betvoyager!

Two double losses in two days.
Just had a double loss on only my second game of the day.

the double losses with bad string of single losses without a recovery bet , pretty much wiped out my BR.
Bc your experience on BV and Shoguns yesterday are not doing my confidence alot of good.

Especially as I know you were both betting decent money. How much were you STAKING??

If this continues to be the pattern. After I grind my way to 400 euro. I might suggest to Superman that we change to a LIVE table I totally trust. If he wants to make the big bucks.
Post by: Bally6354 on November 26, 2012, 02:27:58 PM
Quote from: dino246 on November 26, 2012, 07:22:30 AM
Interesting to note the name of those machines in the bookies.....FIXED betting terminals !!

Please ALL stay away from them if your new to this great game of roulette.

Fbt's are not roulette their Mickey Mouse.

I agree with you Dino that it's not really roulette but I don't think the machines are fixed to pay out less than the stated odds.

It is more a case of players getting sucked into them. You can't sit out spins and you can turn over your money far quicker than playing on a real wheel in a live casino.

Add that up along with insufficient capital, chasing losses etc.. and you really do have a recipe for disaster.
Post by: malcop on November 26, 2012, 02:39:08 PM
I used to play on BV a lot, after a people saying it is one of the bet RNG casinos out there, but I do not now and do not intend to any-time soon, I have tried lots of different methods/systems, playing roulette and baccarat, even when you think you are doing well, it always comes to the same point, when no matter what you seem to do your method/system keeps on losing, it is almost like you are being sucked in.

I would then go back to live play and the method/system performs a lot better, please do not get me wrong, I know you can play a method/system on live and have lots of good sessions, then followed by a lot of losing ones, but I am 100% sure it happens a lot more if I play on RNG.

Are they cheating I don't know, but answer this why is it when you are blocked on playing live dealers on sites such as William Hill, they recommend you play on their RNG platforms.

They obviously think you have no long-term chance of coming out ahead playing RNG.

I think playing any type of RNG game is no better than playing the slot machines, and can't understand why anyone would want to play RNG for serious money.


Post by: Bally6354 on November 26, 2012, 02:52:59 PM
Quote from: malcop on November 26, 2012, 02:39:08 PM
Are they cheating I don't know, but answer this why is it when you are blocked on playing live dealers on sites such as William Hill, they recommend you play on their RNG platforms.

They obviously think you have no long-term chance of coming out ahead playing RNG


The good thing there is that they are virtually admitting that live roulette can be beat. This news is coming from the casino and not some system scammer. That is 100% great news.

My opinion is that RNG is somehow capable of producing longer periods of randomness which is hard for a player to get to grips with. I do believe in the 'cause and effect' principle that applies to live roulette and maybe an experienced player can tune into that.

Maybe it's not so easy to tune into a bunch of RNG gobleygook  :))

That's my theory for now anyhow.
Post by: malcop on November 26, 2012, 03:02:23 PM
You will get a lot of people that says there is no difference between RNG and Live play, and they will be able to back up their claims with lots of stats and figures, but I believe there is more to gambling than just statistics, if it was as simple as that we would have quite a few very rich number crunchers gamblers about.
Post by: Ralph on November 26, 2012, 03:39:30 PM
Quote from: malcop on November 26, 2012, 03:02:23 PM
You will get a lot of people that says there is no difference between RNG and Live play, and they will be able to back up their claims with lots of stats and figures, but I believe there is more to gambling than just statistics, if it was as simple as that we would have quite a few very rich number crunchers gamblers about.

There  are more to gambling than statistic, probably rigth, but a fair wheel live or RNG is not at all different.
Nobody have given a decent proof, nobody can after seen a serie of number can point out which is RNG or live.
Post by: malcop on November 26, 2012, 03:41:54 PM

You may be right, but I was just stating my personal view, I feel more comfortable playing live.

Post by: Ralph on November 26, 2012, 03:47:49 PM
I can understand that, in the sense of we have different feelings, no logic here, we do that we feel comfortabele with, and like.Game is ambient as well.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 26, 2012, 04:26:18 PM
Quote from: malcop on November 26, 2012, 03:41:54 PM

You may be right, but I was just stating my personal view, I feel more comfortable playing live.

My concern isn't whether the RNG is fair or not. But does it remain fair when you are risking serious money.

Even going from pennies to euros. Something feels a bit different. Im prepared to put my 200 euro on the line to find out once and for all.

There is a certain win to loss ratio that should be maintained. My experience tells me what to expect. If I don't see those things over a couple of hundred games. I know something is wrong.

While playing fot pennies everything has been as it should be. The occasional 12 plus

streak followed by two or three closer losses.

Since I moved up im running at 19/3. With the longest winning streak 6 games. that's quite alright. I get periods like that LIVE too.

But it can't or shouldnt stay like that. At some point soon I expect at least 10 wins in a

row. Amazingly when I was playing pennies. I had winning streaks of 32 and 47. So if I don't see at least a 12 or 15. in the next 100 games. Ill know something is definately wrong.
Post by: Ralph on November 26, 2012, 05:14:53 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 26, 2012, 04:26:18 PM
My concern isn't whether the RNG is fair or not. But does it remain fair when you are risking serious money.

Even going from pennies to euros. Something feels a bit different. Im prepared to put my 200 euro on the line to find out once and for all.

There is a certain win to loss ratio that should be maintained. My experience tells me what to expect. If I don't see those things over a couple of hundred games. I know something is wrong.

While playing fot pennies everything has been as it should be. The occasional 12 plus

streak followed by two or three closer losses.

Since I moved up im running at 19/3. With the longest winning streak 6 games. that's quite alright. I get periods like that LIVE too.

But it can't or shouldnt stay like that. At some point soon I expect at least 10 wins in a

row. Amazingly when I was playing pennies. I had winning streaks of 32 and 47. So if I don't see at least a 12 or 15. in the next 100 games. Ill know something is definately wrong.

I have heard that before, the casino is fair as long I am winning!
Post by: TwoCatSam on November 26, 2012, 05:16:05 PM

Is that avatar you?  Or who?

Post by: JohnLegend on November 26, 2012, 07:06:13 PM
Quote from: Ralph on November 26, 2012, 05:14:53 PM

I have heard that before, the casino is fair as long I am winning!
Its not about winning, its about breakdowns.

When Im done on BV. The next phase is LIVE play. Then you can all make a comparison. Subbys already doing it on PADDYPOWER.
Post by: Robeenhuut on November 27, 2012, 02:41:25 AM
Quote from: malcop on November 26, 2012, 02:39:08 PM
I used to play on BV a lot, after a people saying it is one of the bet RNG casinos out there, but I do not now and do not intend to any-time soon, I have tried lots of different methods/systems, playing roulette and baccarat, even when you think you are doing well, it always comes to the same point, when no matter what you seem to do your method/system keeps on losing, it is almost like you are being sucked in.

I would then go back to live play and the method/system performs a lot better, please do not get me wrong, I know you can play a method/system on live and have lots of good sessions, then followed by a lot of losing ones, but I am 100% sure it happens a lot more if I play on RNG.

Are they cheating I don't know, but answer this why is it when you are blocked on playing live dealers on sites such as William Hill, they recommend you play on their RNG platforms.

They obviously think you have no long-term chance of coming out ahead playing RNG.

I think playing any type of RNG game is no better than playing the slot machines, and can't understand why anyone would want to play RNG for serious money.



Most people interpret it this way as a sort of confirmation bias that RNG is rigged. Lets assume that you discovered a dealer signature if there was any on a live wheel. Maybe they don't want to take any chances with you. There could be lots of reasons. So far the main culprit seems to be William Hill but there are people that never had any problems with it.
RNG is just a better business for any casino because of turnover. They should offer big bonuses for players who want only to play on RNG  ;)
Post by: malcop on November 27, 2012, 03:05:58 AM
I don't have a problem with William Hill, been with William Hill in one form or other for over 30 years now, in fact I'm playing a live dealer session on WH right now, I did not say my views on RNG was totally logical, just that after playing RNG over a number of years, I now prefer Live dealer only.

I started playing RNG way back in 2004 or maybe sooner not sure now been so long, played exclusively RNG on Roulette, Baccarat & Blackjack, so I have had a lot experience playing RNG on multiple gaming platforms.

My long RNG playing experience has bought me to the view that for me at least live play is better, as I said before I know others say there is no difference and maybe they are right, but I am more comfortable playing Live dealer now days.


Post by: bcboilermaker on November 27, 2012, 05:09:07 AM
hi. John

I'm just home for school.

I was betting 5,10,20 euro

and then for recover i bet 20, 40, 80

  On BV I went from not being able to lose.... bringing account from 170 euro up to 550,
Tho to be clear I was not hit and run exactly.
I was playing between 3 different RNG tables, I would play one RNG, close  it down , and then start a new game on different RNG.

two days ago, I played about 15 to 20 games and then ran into a double loss.
So I shutdown for the day, start the next day and I got a double loss on my second session.

I will probably try again and go for a pure hit and run...
because like I say I was truly pushing my luck for the amount games I was playing
but for me, It is a learning experience!

Post by: JohnLegend on November 27, 2012, 01:37:16 PM
Quote from: bcboilermaker on November 27, 2012, 05:09:07 AM
hi. John

I'm just home for school.

I was betting 5,10,20 euro

and then for recover i bet 20, 40, 80

  On BV I went from not being able to lose.... bringing account from 170 euro up to 550,
Tho to be clear I was not hit and run exactly.
I was playing between 3 different RNG tables, I would play one RNG, close  it down , and then start a new game on different RNG.

two days ago, I played about 15 to 20 games and then ran into a double loss.
So I shutdown for the day, start the next day and I got a double loss on my second session.

I will probably try again and go for a pure hit and run...
because like I say I was truly pushing my luck for the amount games I was playing
but for me, It is a learning experience!
Okay B.C that explains a bit. I will see how things go over the first 200 games at my higher level. I've lost the last two first games of the day on ODD EVEN. I would not expect to lose a third time like that.

We will see later.  :thumbsup:
Post by: topcat888 on November 27, 2012, 05:33:47 PM
Quote from: bcboilermaker on November 27, 2012, 05:09:07 AM

I will probably try again and go for a pure hit and run...
because like I say I was truly pushing my luck for the amount games I was playing
but for me, It is a learning experience!

I think you'll find it's the BV computers that are doing the learning..!   :stress:
Post by: Gizmotron on November 27, 2012, 05:38:52 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 27, 2012, 01:37:16 PM
Okay B.C that explains a bit. I will see how things go over the first 200 games at my higher level. I've lost the last two first games of the day on ODD EVEN. I would not expect to lose a third time like that.

We will see later.  :thumbsup:

How do you tell a person that their attributing meaning from randomness is so off course that reality appears far fetched? We are actually watching people discuss the quality of hit and run as if there were clues as to when that actually is beneficial. Imagine that on Tuesdays hit and run is more intuitive if you have a favorite silver dollar in the bottom of your right shoe. If you wait long enough the casino will give up its rewards, but if you wait the wrong length it won't. 
Post by: JohnLegend on November 27, 2012, 07:12:09 PM
Quote from: Gizmotron on November 27, 2012, 05:38:52 PM
How do you tell a person that their attributing meaning from randomness is so off course that reality appears far fetched? We are actually watching people discuss the quality of hit and run as if there were clues as to when that actually is beneficial. Imagine that on Tuesdays hit and run is more intuitive if you have a favorite silver dollar in the bottom of your right shoe. If you wait long enough the casino will give up its rewards, but if you wait the wrong length it won't.
No that's not it at all Giz, there are certain benchmarks that are clean cut for me with PB. Whether I play 5.30 in the morning or 5.30 in the evening makes no difference.

What true random is able to show me does. And You don't lose the first game of your day three days in a row. You just don't with PB. And I didn't. But I lost the second. BV is not giving me the strikerate it was.

When I was playing at a lower level. But im still profitting albeit at a slower pace than I want. I am currently 30/5. Or 6/1 at my new higher level. That means if I was betting at the one level 1--2--4. I would now be 5 points negative. But im currently 9 points plus. Because im responding to the losses.

The one thing that's holding up is the expected solid hold of the follow up bet. And LIVE its always got me through periods where the strikerate dropped below break even point.

But there has to be a point where longer winning streaks 10 plus resume. Such as Subby experiences on a real wheel. That definately has to come GIZ not maybe. This is what I talk of with knowing how things should breakdown.

And that's why I don't hope to win with PB. I expect to win.  :thumbsup:
Post by: TwisterUK on November 27, 2012, 07:23:46 PM
Hey everyone

Just givin a BVNZ update and Im OUT !

As soon as I increased my stakes BVNZ killed me. I didn't lose my BR but I lost a chunk of change

I've been playing my own version of PB and after checking with Bayes about odds etc I set about playing

After 80 spins or so BV dealt me a combination that has a 0.05% chance of happening or odds of 2,187/1 of happening

I have said this before, so I have only myself to blame but, for me, BV changes when you increase  your stake.

It has nice things like speed and No Zero

However, now, EVERY time I increase stakes it kills me

Im not a sore loser Im just very aware it happens too often for it not to be suspect

Anyway I've taken my money from BV and am now 100% at Paddypower

Its slower and more boring but whatever happens I know it to be Pure

Like I said I have only myself to blame as I've said this before over the Years. This time Im NOT going back

Post by: Gizmotron on November 27, 2012, 07:40:18 PM
JL -" The one thing that's holding up is the expected solid hold of the follow up bet. And LIVE its always got me through periods where the strikerate dropped below break even point."

I've already proved that many double and triple loss sessions will occur in a sequence that just kills. That's including the use of hit and run. At some point you are going to have to wise up. This is nothing more than a three step Marti. Having a clever moment on when to use it actually changes nothing.   Have a much better way to select when to use it. I'll explain that in another thread.
Post by: topcat888 on November 27, 2012, 07:41:42 PM
That's what the computers do Twister, they are very, very clever, they learn your system then pounce when you up the stakes... they let you win to get confidence then bang..!  >:D

You're right, best stick to live, as you rightly say, at least it's pure...  :thumbsup:
Post by: KingsRoulette on November 27, 2012, 07:48:49 PM
   do not get mad over bv. If you are playing nothing but martingale (whether u call it PB or PF), do u expect to keep winning always. These percentages that u are showing has made many guys suicide in gambling. In real gambling, specially with a bet like EC, nothing can be certain. Do not forget that what u r taking as Red (or Black or any damn EC of roulette) is merely a fictitious cluster of 18 independent options. If you get a shock by any order of number (or color) winning or losing, you are confusing yourself.
                  Do not try to find patterns in different numbers. They do not appear to make/follow or break a pattern, they appear randomly.
Wake up.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 27, 2012, 08:27:05 PM
Quote from: Twisteruk on November 27, 2012, 07:23:46 PM
Hey everyone

Just givin a BVNZ update and Im OUT !

As soon as I increased my stakes BVNZ killed me. I didn't lose my BR but I lost a chunk of change

I've been playing my own version of PB and after checking with Bayes about odds etc I set about playing

After 80 spins or so BV dealt me a combination that has a 0.05% chance of happening or odds of 2,187/1 of happening

I have said this before, so I have only myself to blame but, for me, BV changes when you increase your stake.

It has nice things like speed and No Zero

However, now, EVERY time I increase stakes it kills me

Im not a sore loser Im just very aware it happens too often for it not to be suspect

Anyway I've taken my money from BV and am now 100% at Paddypower

Its slower and more boring but whatever happens I know it to be Pure

Like I said I have only myself to blame as I've said this before over the Years. This time Im NOT going back
mmm doesn't sound good Twister. I too have noticed that just by going from pennies to Euros its harder to win.

But I will grind on. Im still in positive numbers even though my strikerate is in negative numbers. Ill either make 400 euro out of my 200 plus by January 31st. Or die trying.

Then Ill do the same challenge on PADDYPOWER. to show the difference.  :thumbsup:
Post by: JohnLegend on November 27, 2012, 08:38:17 PM
Quote from: Gizmotron on November 27, 2012, 07:40:18 PM
JL -" The one thing that's holding up is the expected solid hold of the follow up bet. And LIVE its always got me through periods where the strikerate dropped below break even point."

I've already proved that many double and triple loss sessions will occur in a sequence that just kills. That's including the use of hit and run. At some point you are going to have to wise up. This is nothing more than a three step Marti. Having a clever moment on when to use it actually changes nothing.   Have a much better way to select when to use it. I'll explain that in another thread.
Giz you proved nothing. You showed static simulations. What you found has never come to pass in over 6,000 games I've played.

Its not the three step marty. I could money manage the bet in many ways. Twister came up with a very clever way to money manage PB. And do away with the expensive third step. And Im going to use this to overcome dry spells in winning streaks.

What H.A.R does is give you an opportunity to extend a winning streak NOTHING MORE, NOTHING LESS. If you play on the same track LOSS sooner than you want is CERTAIN.

When you enter the cycle randomly. OF COURSE you will still lose close together. I've never said otherwise. BUT, when youre on, youre ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. And you are going to defy the laws of probability just enough. Not by earth shattering proportions.

BUT just enough to secure longterm profit. Subby will show you all this over the next year. And whatever happens to me on BV. Now that doubts about its fairness, once playing at a higher level are rising by the day. I will prove it live TOO myself.  :pirate:

Post by: TwisterUK on November 27, 2012, 09:34:45 PM
Quote from: KingsRoulette on November 27, 2012, 07:48:49 PM
   do not get mad over bv. If you are playing nothing but martingale (whether u call it PB or PF), do u expect to keep winning always. These percentages that u are showing has made many guys suicide in gambling. In real gambling, specially with a bet like EC, nothing can be certain. Do not forget that what u r taking as Red (or Black or any damn EC of roulette) is merely a fictitious cluster of 18 independent options. If you get a shock by any order of number (or color) winning or losing, you are confusing yourself.
                  Do not try to find patterns in different numbers. They do not appear to make/follow or break a pattern, they appear randomly.
Wake up.

Oh, I am awake. that's how I noticed BV changes when you increase  your stake

I don't try to find patterns, they find me.

Post by: TwisterUK on November 27, 2012, 09:37:18 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 27, 2012, 08:27:05 PM
mmm doesn't sound good Twister. I too have noticed that just by going from pennies to Euros its harder to win.

But I will grind on. Im still in positive numbers even though my strikerate is in negative numbers. Ill either make 400 euro out of my 200 plus by January 31st. Or die trying.

Then Ill do the same challenge on PADDYPOWER. to show the difference.  :thumbsup:

Yep I said it before about a year or two back but I let my guard down and went back coz its faster and no zero

Im never playing there again as the strike falls through the floor when you up the ante

Like I said, its my own fault. I will recover it all on Paddypower  :pirate:

Post by: JohnLegend on November 27, 2012, 09:42:23 PM
Quote from: Twisteruk on November 27, 2012, 09:34:45 PM
Oh, I am awake. that's how I noticed BV changes when you increase your stake

I don't try to find patterns, they find me.
Im totally with Twister on this. Because I could go on the fun mode. And beat it night and day at any level of staking. WHY? Because there's no real loot on the line.

Now im not saying 100% BV cheat once you are playing at decent levels. But Since Sunday Shogun, Bcboilermaker and now Twister have worrying experiences to share with us.

I will honour my challenge and play on. I know there's a different way to get around this RNG. I think on the job. Going head first into the storm won't do it. If im runniing at 6/1 playing euros. When I was 12/1 playing pennies.

I've got to mix it up in both worlds. If this thing cheats at higher levels it then becomes absolutely obvious.  :cheer: :pirate: :cheer:
Post by: JohnLegend on November 27, 2012, 09:43:45 PM
Quote from: Twisteruk on November 27, 2012, 09:37:18 PM
Yep I said it before about a year or two back but I let my guard down and went back coz its faster and no zero

Im never playing there again as the strike falls through the floor when you up the ante

Like I said, its my own fault. I will recover it all on Paddypower  :pirate:
Twister what were you staking, when BVNZ showed you the near impossible?
Post by: TwisterUK on November 27, 2012, 09:48:01 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 27, 2012, 09:43:45 PM
Twister what were you staking. When BV showed you the near impossible?

2 Euro

The difference btwn 50 cents and Euro's is amazin

Plz kick me in the nads if I ever say Im playin there again lol  >:D
Post by: JohnLegend on November 27, 2012, 09:52:15 PM
Quote from: Twisteruk on November 27, 2012, 09:48:01 PM
2 Euro

The difference btwn 50 cents and Euro's is amazin

Plz kick me in the nads if I ever say Im playin there again lol  >:D
Well im going to prove just that Twister. I will play at both levels. What about 8 ON 1 Twister. How was that doing on BVNZ?
Post by: esoito on November 27, 2012, 11:41:20 PM
"Plz kick me in the nads if I ever say Im playin there again lol "

Mate, rather than a swift kick I've a MUCH better idea.

How about you mail them to Victor as a token, a guarantee of your sincerity?

They then become a non-refundable deposit should your ever go back to BVNZ.

See? A much better idea!  :nod:
Post by: subby on November 27, 2012, 11:54:30 PM
Quote from: esoito on November 27, 2012, 11:41:20 PM
"Plz kick me in the nads if I ever say Im playin there again lol "

Mate, rather than a swift kick I've a MUCH better idea.

How about you mail them to Victor as a token, a guarantee of your sincerity?

They then become a non-refundable deposit should your ever go back to BVNZ.

See? A much better idea!  :nod:

Post by: Robeenhuut on November 28, 2012, 03:09:31 AM
Quote from: Twisteruk on November 27, 2012, 07:23:46 PM
Hey everyone

Just givin a BVNZ update and Im OUT !

As soon as I increased my stakes BVNZ killed me. I didn't lose my BR but I lost a chunk of change

I've been playing my own version of PB and after checking with Bayes about odds etc I set about playing

After 80 spins or so BV dealt me a combination that has a 0.05% chance of happening or odds of 2,187/1 of happening

I have said this before, so I have only myself to blame but, for me, BV changes when you increase your stake.

It has nice things like speed and No Zero

However, now, EVERY time I increase stakes it kills me

Im not a sore loser Im just very aware it happens too often for it not to be suspect

Anyway I've taken my money from BV and am now 100% at Paddypower

Its slower and more boring but whatever happens I know it to be Pure

Like I said I have only myself to blame as I've said this before over the Years. This time Im NOT going back

11 EC's in a row have odds of 1 in 2000. On other hand a winning run of 100+ playing PB have odds of close to 1 in 1M. Its strange that after you lost to odds of 1/2000 you think that BV started cheating. Boilermaker was staking 5 euro on BV for a while and went from 170 to 550 and then had double loses. And now everybody thinks that BV cheats?  ;)
Post by: Gizmotron on November 28, 2012, 03:38:35 AM
I don't think that BV cheated anyone. I think that fundamentalist Pattern Breaker players came up with another magical explanation for another normal random occurrence.
Post by: bcboilermaker on November 28, 2012, 05:05:03 AM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 27, 2012, 08:27:05 PM
mmm doesn't sound good Twister. I too have noticed that just by going from pennies to Euros its harder to win.

But I will grind on. Im still in positive numbers even though my strikerate is in negative numbers. Ill either make 400 euro out of my 200 plus by January 31st. Or die trying.

Then Ill do the same challenge on PADDYPOWER. to show the difference.  :thumbsup:

Hi. john

In a few days I will continue with playing PB at BV
Tho I will play less aggressively, I know I pushed PB  to its limits at  BV and it bit back!
That is fine !  It is learning experience, Some may say learning the hard way, but for me I have to try it, and see for it my own eyes.

For now I will just play live, BV was to tempting to just keep playing.

learning the game for me  is similar to my welding career, you have try things any number of ways. even purposely doing things wrong so you, can understand why and how things are the way they are.
Post by: spike on November 28, 2012, 06:26:34 AM
John Legend said: "Red black indeed is the weaker of the three even chances."

The wheel and ball have no idea what
color the pockets are. All the pockets are R/B
O/E and H/L at the same time. Could you elaborate
on how R/B could be 'weaker' than the other two
even chances?

Post by: subby on November 28, 2012, 08:17:29 AM
Look at the wheel layout for all 3 methods of PB

HIGH/LOW - the wheel is HLHLHL but with a change where you get two of the same then reverts to LHLHLH


RED/BLACK - the wheel is a uniform RBRBRBRBRBRB the whole way

I think this is a factor in leaving out R/B betting and focusing on the other two methods where you have a different uniformity on the wheel
Post by: JohnLegend on November 28, 2012, 01:14:44 PM
Quote from: bcboilermaker on November 28, 2012, 05:05:03 AM

Hi. john

In a few days I will continue with playing PB at BV
Tho I will play less aggressively, I know I pushed PB  to its limits at  BV and it bit back!
That is fine !  It is learning experience, Some may say learning the hard way, but for me I have to try it, and see for it my own eyes.

For now I will just play live, BV was to tempting to just keep playing.

learning the game for me  is similar to my welding career, you have try things any number of ways. even purposely doing things wrong so you, can understand why and how things are the way they are.
Bc the main thing is you know you can win with this. If I win 200 euro on BV. I will gaurd it preciously.

I think there's no question its harder to win betting 20 euro stakes instead of 20p stakes. I've been thinking why does a company like BV let you bet pennies when another company BET365 has a minumum bet of £5 on their RNG for the outside bets.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 28, 2012, 01:29:26 PM
Quote from: Gizmotron on November 28, 2012, 03:38:35 AM
I don't think that BV cheated anyone. I think that fundamentalist Pattern Breaker players came up with another magical explanation for another normal random occurrence.
Giz that's not what we are talking about here. A method that delivers 10/1--12/1 playing for pennies. Suddenly starts delivering 6/1 playing for Euros. Im giving them the benefit of the doubt.

Because I have played this method more than anyone else, I have seen randoms ebb and flow over a large sample.

Yes it can draw down to 5/1--6/1. BUT IT NEVER STAYS THERE.

I will repeat, IT NEVER STAYS THERE. So, If I never see a winning streak of 10 or more games. When playing for pennies I was getting streaks over 30.

There is definately something wrong. Look at what SUBBY is getting playing on a fair live wheel.

That's all you have to do. he gets streaks of 5 and 7. BUT, also 13. And is currently 15 plus.

Exactly what I've experienced over the last 4 years.

And exactly why I argue these points with you in the first place. EXPERIENCE is priceless.
Post by: malcop on November 28, 2012, 01:38:25 PM
This goes back to what I have said in previous posts, "I feel more comfortable playing live dealer only"

May be RNG is too random if there is such a thing as been too random  :-\
Post by: JohnLegend on November 28, 2012, 01:45:21 PM
Quote from: malcop on November 28, 2012, 01:38:25 PM
This goes back to what I have said in previous posts, "I feel more comfortable playing live dealer only"

May be RNG is too random if there is such a thing as been too random  :-\
Or maybe its not random enough Malcop, LOL that's the other possibility. Either way.

I will do everything I can to beat it over the next two months. it's a challenge. :pirate:
Post by: Bally6354 on November 28, 2012, 01:47:12 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 28, 2012, 01:14:44 PM
I've been thinking why does a company like BV let you bet pennies when another company BET365 has a minumum bet of £5 on their RNG for the outside bets.

The devils advocate in me says that you could win 6/10 even money bets playing pennies and the guy betting £5 wins 4/10. That makes it a 50/50 game.

The casino get rich and the players betting pennies think they are going to get rich and start betting £ know the rest.  >:D

Of course I could be completely wrong and hope I am.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 28, 2012, 01:53:26 PM
Quote from: Bally6354 on November 28, 2012, 01:47:12 PM

The devils advocate in me says that you could win 6/10 even money bets playing pennies and the guy betting £5 wins 4/10. That makes it a 50/50 game.

The casino get rich and the players betting pennies think they are going to get rich and start betting £ know the rest.  >:D

Of course I could be completely wrong and hope I am.
I will answer that over the next 8 weeks. What if you don't raise to 5 pounds. Just grind out the wins at a lower level?

I will see.  >:D
Post by: malcop on November 28, 2012, 01:54:39 PM
William Hill, Party Casino and a few others lets you bet pennies on outside bets for live dealer Roulette play, but the lowest I have seen anywhere for Baccarat is £2.00.
Post by: monaco on November 28, 2012, 02:10:36 PM
Quote from: malcop on November 28, 2012, 01:54:39 PM
William Hill, Party Casino and a few others lets you bet pennies on outside bets for live dealer Roulette play, but the lowest I have seen anywhere for Baccarat is £2.00.

DublinBet live dealer Baccarat is 50p minimum.
Post by: Bally6354 on November 28, 2012, 02:11:39 PM
What makes me laugh is some casinos I visit have a £5 minimum bet on the dozens/columns and yet 10p on the inside numbers. You could just bet 6 splits at 10p each and cover any dozen or column you wanted for 60p. Works great if you are a progression fanatic.

I was going to start playing at BV this week on the no zero wheel but this thread has talked me out of it. There are plenty of live wheels out there. I would rather up the bets and play a slower game than risk any dodgy goings on with RNG software.

I have read threads on a few gambling forums where some long term posters have a lot of statistical analaysis showing the percentages are way more in favour of the casino than what they should be. Some of these are not just the disreputable firms you read about either.

At least we have the choice to play where we see fit. I would always go by the rule that if it doesn't feel right, don't play!

I get that feeling with a few 'live' dealer wheels as well. Namely the 'supercasino' studio live dealer wheel and the 'smartlive' autowheel. Just my opinion.
Post by: malcop on November 28, 2012, 02:12:09 PM
Quote from: monaco on November 28, 2012, 02:10:36 PM

DublinBet live dealer Baccarat is 50p minimum.
Yes you are right been about a year since I was on there.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 28, 2012, 02:15:32 PM
Quote from: Bally6354 on November 28, 2012, 02:11:39 PM
What makes me laugh is some casinos I visit have a £5 minimum bet on the dozens/columns and yet 10p on the inside numbers. You could just bet 6 splits at 10p each and cover any dozen or column you wanted for 60p. Works great if you are a progression fanatic.

I was going to start playing at BV this week on the no zero wheel but this thread has talked me out of it. There are plenty of live wheels out there. I would rather up the bets and play a slower game than risk any dodgy goings on with RNG software.

I have read threads on a few gambling forums where some long term posters have a lot of statistical analaysis showing the percentages are way more in favour of the casino than what they should be. Some of these are not just the disreputable firms you read about either.

At least we have the choice to play where we see fit. I would always go by the rule that if it doesn't feel right, don't play!

I get that feeling with a few 'live' dealer wheels as well. Namely the 'supercasino' studio live dealer wheel and the 'smartlive' autowheel. Just my opinion.
Brilliant idea Bally. Right I shall become a nightmare for BET365 now and unleash the FIVE LOL!!! >:D
Post by: Gizmotron on November 28, 2012, 02:17:13 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 28, 2012, 01:29:26 PM
Giz that's not what we are talking about here. A method that delivers 10/1--12/1 playing for pennies. Suddenly starts delivering 6/1 playing for Euros. Im giving them the benefit of the doubt.

That proof I provided, that you so easily dismissed, had a stretch of ten sessions, at hit and run tactics, that dropped to a 2.3 / 1 hit rate. When you get normal randomness results like that you might want to consider that it's just part and parcel of the game and not some casino targeting you with some cheating conspiracy.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 28, 2012, 02:22:36 PM
Quote from: Gizmotron on November 28, 2012, 02:17:13 PM
That proof I provided, that you so easily dismissed, had a stretch of ten sessions, at hit and run tactics, that dropped to a 2.3 / 1 hit rate. When you get normal randomness results like that you might want to consider that it's just part and parcel of the game and not some casino targeting you with some cheating conspiracy.
So now tell me why I've never dropped below 5/1 in 4 years live Giz? Only had 8 double losses out of a potential 572.

NEVER run into a treble LIVE. Im telling you straight. No simulation can duplicate what I experience hitting 5 different tables for one pop at a time. No way. It simply cannot.
Post by: Bayes on November 28, 2012, 03:47:53 PM
@ John,

What worries me is that IF you consistently fail to get results in the challenge, you will then turn round and say: "it's because BV are cheats!".

It just seems like a get-out clause which you can always fall back on. But I still think you deserve credit for taking it up in the first place. You were doing ok with my RNG after a shaky start. The sooner I get something else set up, the better. I'm working on it...
Post by: JohnLegend on November 28, 2012, 03:57:04 PM
Quote from: Bayes on November 28, 2012, 03:47:53 PM
@ John,

What worries me is that IF you consistently fail to get results in the challenge, you will then turn round and say: "it's because BV are cheats!".

It just seems like a get-out clause which you can always fall back on. But I still think you deserve credit for taking it up in the first place. You were doing ok with my RNG after a shaky start. The sooner I get something else set up, the better. I'm working on it...
Bayes consider this, I can beat the fun mode anytime I want to staking sums that wiped the other guys out in real mode. Now what im feeling Bayes is BV don't cheat on a low level. But on a higher level it looks suspect.

So if I play smaller and make 200 euro over a greater time span have I failed? Its the time limit I've never been comfortable with Bayes.

But I don't intend to leave it on an RNG Bayes. I want to go live too eventually. Ill do it all. The RNG is just stage 1. :applause:
Post by: subby on November 28, 2012, 04:19:58 PM
When tracking 2 methods....E/O and H/L and you use the marquee to get your first 20 takes about 20-30 mins to get at least 1 of the bets to appear and about 40 mins or so to get both appearing. If it has gone 40 mins and no sign of a bet then I just ignore it and shutdown the pc and go do something else.

40 mins to get +2 units....or 40 mins to get -14 units either way if you spread that out over a month you'll still end up with a fairly large whack of games played.

Speramus has, since the 13th Nov, racked up about 70 or so, games played...where a single game is a single if I'm tracking the 2 methods in PB then I'm playing 2 games at the same time. I play very much on a "when I get some free time" scenario. I don't play every hour on the hour for dozens of games each day, the win to loss ratio would fall to levels where there isn't simply any point in playing given you're breaking even...or worse  :(

The less games you play in the PB...the longer your win streaks. I'm happy to grind out just 20 units a month and after month 9 (yes a long time but I have the patience that others might not have) I will be betting £11+ per unit

£11, £22, £44

Even if that £11 worth of 20 units won...sure that's over £200 a month for doing what....reading my computer forums while keeping an eye on a tracker to see if any bets come up...not exactly difficult :)

IMO a lot of people on here play smaller units more often for similar money...I am aiming for LARGER units and play LESS often....for the same, or more, "money made" results at the end of the month that the smaller unit peeps are aiming for.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 28, 2012, 05:03:05 PM
Quote from: Gizmotron on November 28, 2012, 03:19:41 PM
Let's do some simple brain storming. It takes two hours to play 60 spins. Add to that an average hit and run interval of another hour and you got three hours per session. You might average three sessions per day. Let's say that you played five days a week. That comes to 15 sessions per week. If you don't take any time off then you get 780 sessions per year. At a rate of three sessions per day you could only reach 3100+ sessions in the past 4 years. I believe you claimed 6,000 sessions. I also assume that in the last four years of this working that you never bothered to clean out the casinos. Instead, you came to these forums to explain your success and give guidance to your followers. My favorite of all being the meaning you explain for common superstition. Something does not add up. In fact, something smells fishy.
Giz you are out of touch, I could play 25 games a day if I want to. Its called Live online. the ball spins every 30 seconds. You track the marker board there's 20 odd numbers waiting for you already.
Sometimes I can get a game in 3 MINUTES. Because 7 patterns are already formed or about to be formed. You have several tables to swap between. Get the picture??

You have a problem with me Giz that's fine. You are out to discredit me since I landed here. You are concerned not about me but the bigger picture. MATHS, your ego. What you believe in now for years is on the line.

But Subbys going to show you. Then I will too. And you can't discredit RESULTS. there's a guy who owns half a dozen forums. He sells gimmick computers for horrendous sums of money.

If it gets out that a simple method like PATTERN BREAKER. Can win. How foolish does not only he but the people who spent all that money feel? You all bought into the maths explains all theory.

I didn't, now you know why I come here. You get a Subby or Chauncy47 very rarely. I can't even come close to their discipline. If you had 10,000 players like them this games in BIG TROUBLE.

They don't buy into the math explains ALL theory either. And they are going win a heap as a result. If I even open the minds of one out of evey 500 people who read my threads. I've accomplished what I set out to do.

To answer your queerie why don't I cream the casinos. Again you are out of touch. This isn't hollywood. If you let them know you can take them. They close you out. The smart player is the one nobody notices. But he takes what he needs and goes.

The loud mouth player who lets everyone and the kitcken sink know he can win a fortune isn't going to last long.

Its okay Giz, you will keep trying. But the results will keep COMING. Until the day comes where even normally indifferent minds start asking questions.

Like wait a minute, How come they told us this game of negative expectancy could not be beaten longterm. But these guys are doing it MONTH IN, MONTH OUT?? as Subby says. Keep on keeping on. :pirate:
Post by: Gizmotron on November 28, 2012, 05:26:28 PM
LOL All you can do is laugh.
Post by: spike on November 28, 2012, 07:09:02 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 28, 2012, 05:03:05 PM

If it gets out that a simple method like PATTERN BREAKER. Can win.

All systems can win at one time or another.
The big question is, does Pattern Breaker
beat the house edge? It most certainly does
not, therefore in the scheme of things its just
a hobby system. To win consistently you need
an edge greater than the casinos, its really
that simple. And that difficult.
Post by: Chauncy47 on November 28, 2012, 07:14:39 PM
Hi JL ... I have an amazing run of PB going right now and will post stats for you to see, hopefully tomorrow.  I always like to mention that I don't just play PB.  I mix it up and play PB, P4, Code 4, D&C and even a bit or warrior's Hybrid D&C and a few others ... I hit randomness from so many different sides that is plays really well to the H&R strategy.  It's just my opinion and it's working for me :)
Post by: JohnLegend on November 28, 2012, 07:32:19 PM
Quote from: Chauncy47 on November 28, 2012, 07:14:39 PM
Hi JL ... I have an amazing run of PB going right now and will post stats for you to see, hopefully tomorrow.  I always like to mention that I don't just play PB.  I mix it up and play PB, P4, Code 4, D&C and even a bit or warrior's Hybrid D&C and a few others ... I hit randomness from so many different sides that is plays really well to the H&R strategy.  It's just my opinion and it's working for me :)
Look forward to that Chauncy47. And to ALL the people who don't know this. Chauncy has to overcome the daddy of them ALL. The DOUBLE ZERO U.S WHEEL.  :forbidden: :forbidden:
Post by: JohnLegend on November 28, 2012, 07:36:43 PM
Quote from: spike on November 28, 2012, 07:09:02 PM
All systems can win at one time or another.
The big question is, does Pattern Breaker
beat the house edge? It most certainly does
not, therefore in the scheme of things its just
a hobby system. To win consistently you need
an edge greater than the casinos, its really
that simple. And that difficult.
You are thinking OLD Spike. Your thinking is the reason 99% of players will LOSE.

Imagine a person was introduced to the game. They knew nothing of negative expectancy, house edge, gamblers fallacy. They were sinply given a method (SAY PATTERN BREAKER) told how to play it.

And played and won. They kept playing and winning for 1,2,3,4 years. Now you know where my mindset is. I washed all the negative thinking out of my head and started afresh. And until you do that. You are going NOWHERE.
Post by: TwoCatSam on November 28, 2012, 07:42:15 PM
Well, it starts again!

Why don't we just let the test with snubby play itself out?

You can argue all day about what is or is not under the rock.  snubby is turning the rock over and we'll all see.

Not one of you guys will convince the other.

Thanks in advance for keeping it civil.

Post by: Gizmotron on November 28, 2012, 07:54:38 PM
I'm almost done trying to be helpful. I'm programming my simulation to test 6,000 sessions. I think I can get a few of them to finish off far above the expected statistical probability. I'll report those results without comment. Then I'm done.
Post by: Gizmotron on November 28, 2012, 08:18:18 PM
6,000 spins

Wins = 5,298
Losses = 702
Double Losses = 78
Triple Losses = 9
Strike Rate = 7.55
Post by: TwisterUK on November 28, 2012, 08:39:19 PM

I switched to playing PB on a Bac table and am off to a good start !

27 Games played 27 games won

I play 2 Bac tables at once on Paddypower  :cheer:

Will update again around 50 Games  8)

Post by: JohnLegend on November 28, 2012, 08:57:36 PM
Quote from: spike on November 28, 2012, 08:41:33 PM
Then I'm probably next, I guess. I just have
a low tolerance for nonsense. How many times
did we see this 3 and 4 and 5 years ago. Somebody
comes along with the Grail and squaks about it
for months about how he'll change the game forever,
until he finally peters out and disappears forever.

If what you do doesn't beat the edge, you're done.
Sad but true..
Spike im going nowhere. You and Giz amd many more carry on thinking as you do. I will carry on winning.

The fact Giz keeps harking on about a three step marty shows how backward your thinking is. I could make PB work with level stakes. Digression. ANYTHING.

Because it WORKS plain and simple. The bet selection married to H.A.R is a winner. Simple as that. And it will be PROVEN. Beyond doubt over the coming years.  :pirate:
Post by: spike on November 28, 2012, 11:14:07 PM
Legend says:

"Random will bite you at some point. And that point could be fatal."

Every spin in roulette is random. There are no
'less random' spins. That being said, how can
random 'bite you', or do anything to you. Its
always random all the time.

I'm trying to understand where you're coming
from. And you still haven't explained how R/B
is weaker than H/L or O/E. Enquiring minds
want to know.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 28, 2012, 11:24:45 PM
Quote from: spike on November 28, 2012, 11:14:07 PM
Legend says:

"Random will bite you at some point. And that point could be fatal."

Every spin in roulette is random. There are no
'less random' spins. That being said, how can
random 'bite you', or do anything to you. Its
always random all the time.

I'm trying to understand where you're coming
from. And you still haven't explained how R/B
is weaker than H/L or O/E. Enquiring minds
want to know.
All can not always be explained simplistically. The results while tracking show R/B performs less favourably than the other two.

Now physically the outstanding difference is its placing on the wheel. Make of that what you will.
Post by: TwoCatSam on November 28, 2012, 11:26:23 PM

Let me say I agree with your point of view.  The math and logic condemn this idea from the get go!  On the other hand, I was the first to contribute money to the pot.  Why?  I love a good test and we've got one going here.

If we're all wrong, you can slice your pie and eat it in front of us!

But I'll tell you this:  Johnlegend will not come off his position one inch and you won't come off yours.  Hey!  It's a stand off!

Let's wait for the referee's decision.


Anyone feel free to delete my posts on this thread.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 29, 2012, 12:54:24 PM







Im starting afresh with the update of my results on BV to come into line with my increased BR and stakes. So after 40 games things stand at break even in strikerate.
Post by: Chauncy47 on November 29, 2012, 01:23:37 PM
I can only add my 2 cents in on the randomness conversation.  Here are some things that I have observed: 

Randomness struggles to repeat "a sequence of events"  and the longer the sequence, the harder it is for it to duplicate at some point in the future.   Will it? Absolutely! But will it do it at "that" specific moment in time?  "That" = the moment you chose to play.  Those times are far and few between, atleast for me!  When it does, it simply has little impact on my BR at this point.  Randomness might strike back to back and even back to back, to back, to back, etc...and it has for me.

However, if I understand JL ... He isn't just pushing H&R ... What I believe he is saying is that when you combine H&R, with a solid money managment approach, discpline, confidence and vision, this game is very beatable.  What do I mean by vision?  Its not about what I won that day or even week, it's about what I have gained at the end of the month or months and having the vision and confidence that the methods being played will continue to perform for you. 

I started out my very first game of November playing CODE 4 and lost the first 3 spins.  So for me it's 10 units, 15 units and 30 units.  I started the month down 55 units.  I could have thrown in the towel on CODE 4 and jumped off the deep edge or tried something new, but I didn't.  Since November 3rd, I have only lost 1 game in CODE 4.    It works for me and that way of thinking may not be for everyone, but I am hoping to offer some insight to what I belive JL is trying to say.   

Post by: Proofreaders2000 on November 29, 2012, 02:13:56 PM
@JohnLegend it would be nice if you had more specific information about your sessions  (example: name of casino--some way we can track the numbers in your sessions that would show a win or loss_
Post by: JohnLegend on November 29, 2012, 02:41:50 PM
Quote from: Chauncy47 on November 29, 2012, 01:23:37 PM
I can only add my 2 cents in on the randomness conversation.  Here are some things that I have observed: 

Randomness struggles to repeat "a sequence of events"  and the longer the sequence, the harder it is for it to duplicate at some point in the future.   Will it? Absolutely! But will it do it at "that" specific moment in time?  "That" = the moment you chose to play.  Those times are far and few between, atleast for me!  When it does, it simply has little impact on my BR at this point.  Randomness might strike back to back and even back to back, to back, to back, etc...and it has for me.

However, if I understand JL ... He isn't just pushing H&R ... What I believe he is saying is that when you combine H&R, with a solid money managment approach, discpline, confidence and vision, this game is very beatable.  What do I mean by vision?  Its not about what I won that day or even week, it's about what I have gained at the end of the month or months and having the vision and confidence that the methods being played will continue to perform for you. 

I started out my very first game of November playing CODE 4 and lost the first 3 spins.  So for me it's 10 units, 15 units and 30 units.  I started the month down 55 units.  I could have thrown in the towel on CODE 4 and jumped off the deep edge or tried something new, but I didn't.  Since November 3rd, I have only lost 1 game in CODE 4.    It works for me and that way of thinking may not be for everyone, but I am hoping to offer some insight to what I belive JL is trying to say.
Well said Chauncy47. Its the TOTAL PACKAGE. One without the other isn't happening.
The bet selection has to be good. Then how you apply MM and H.A.R to it does the rest. You leave too much respect for random and the house edge at the door. Because pre doubts turn into festering mountains of negativity.

And once you are owned by that negativity you can never put your heart into beating this game. You side with the illusion that's been perpetuated for centuries.
Understand this now. Just because you assume something cannot work, given all the pre-knowledge and warnings from the so called experts. It does not mean it can't.

It is and always will be the total package. BET SELECTION, MONEY MANAGEMENT, HIT AND RUN and IRON SELF DISCIPLINE.
Post by: JohnLegend on November 29, 2012, 02:48:01 PM
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on November 29, 2012, 02:13:56 PM
@JohnLegend it would be nice if you had more specific information about your sessions  (example: name of casino--some way we can track the numbers in your sessions that would show a win or loss_
Superman will report my progress on BV Proof.
Post by: JohnLegend on December 03, 2012, 07:11:00 PM







With the general feeling about BV and its fairness when raising stakes over the 1 EURO BASE barrier. I have set about grinding out a 50 EURO profit in December. I have gone back to my roots with PATTERN BREAKER. And am only playing HIGH LOW. For 5---10 games a session.

When I first began playing PATTERN BREAKER 4 years ago. I only used to play it on HIGH LOW for a maximum of 5 games a day. The results attained doing this in the first 18 months were astonishing.

Including twice breaking the 100 barrier for winning streaks. I have put together a winning streak of 18 games already on BV. I will stay in this mode of play for the rest of the year. Then in January really step it up. :thumbsup:
Post by: bcboilermaker on December 04, 2012, 07:49:37 AM
Well the only system I played at William hill has got banned from live play at their casino. Lol

I liked playing because of the low stakes..
Anybody wanna suggest another with low stakes?
If I remember correctly, ladbrokes, and paddypower  do not allow Canadian players.
Post by: Robeenhuut on December 04, 2012, 08:02:23 AM
Quote from: bcboilermaker on December 04, 2012, 07:49:37 AM
Well the only system I played at William hill has got banned from live play at their casino. Lol

I liked playing because of the low stakes..
Anybody wanna suggest another with low stakes?
If I remember correctly, ladbrokes, and paddypower  do not allow Canadian players.

SmartLive Casino (

0.1 on Air ball
Post by: subby on December 04, 2012, 10:32:47 AM
Are they not a pain in the behind for payouts? Long winded and hard to process?
Post by: JohnLegend on December 04, 2012, 11:46:31 AM
Quote from: subby on December 04, 2012, 10:32:47 AM
Are they not a pain in the behind for payouts? Long winded and hard to process?
Agreed slow alround.
Post by: TwisterUK on December 04, 2012, 12:01:27 PM
Quote from: subby on December 04, 2012, 10:32:47 AM
Are they not a pain in the behind for payouts? Long winded and hard to process?

Very slow to play and even slower to pay !
Post by: Chauncy47 on December 04, 2012, 01:07:33 PM
At least you get to enjoy the "option" of playing online  :)  Perhaps someday here in the USA ::)
Post by: malcop on December 04, 2012, 01:22:37 PM
Quote from: Chauncy47 on December 04, 2012, 01:07:33 PM
At least you get to enjoy the "option" of playing online  :)  Perhaps someday here in the USA ::)
I keep forgetting how lucky we are here in the UK, multiple sites to play on-line, and gambling profits if you are lucky enough to be a winner non taxable!
Post by: JohnLegend on December 04, 2012, 01:30:53 PM
Quote from: Chauncy47 on December 04, 2012, 01:07:33 PM
At least you get to enjoy the "option" of playing online  :)  Perhaps someday here in the USA ::)
Yes Chauncy47 that's why you have my full respect. You have to travel to a casino to face a double zero wheel and you are still winning.  :thumbsup:
Post by: JohnLegend on December 04, 2012, 01:33:54 PM
Quote from: malcop on December 04, 2012, 01:22:37 PM
I keep forgetting how lucky we are here in the UK, multiple sites to play on-line, and gambling profits if you are lucky enough to be a winner non taxable!
Yes the Uk is brilliant for that. Feel sorry for the Americans, it seems they can do everything but that.
Post by: malcop on December 04, 2012, 01:37:53 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on December 04, 2012, 01:33:54 PM
Yes the Uk is brilliant for that. Feel sorry for the Americans, it seems they can do everything but that.
I know what you mean the US is so far ahead in a lot of things, then on the flip side they are in the dark ages.
Post by: Robeenhuut on December 05, 2012, 04:52:20 AM
Quote from: Twisteruk on December 04, 2012, 12:01:27 PM

Very slow to play and even slower to pay !

Never had any problem with air ball and payments at SmartLive.  Yeah air ball is slower then on PP. And the minimum is still 0.1.
Post by: TwoCatSam on December 05, 2012, 05:32:38 AM
WARNING...........RANT TO FOLLOW...............

I can drive 30 miles and lose everything I've worked and earned in the last fifty years and that's OK.  I can't play for pennies legally on BV.

You should see the Indian casinos here.  Can't even move after 5 pm it's so crowded.  American gambling is coming from Vegas and Atlantic City via the internet, but the wheel will probably be 00.

I am studying back-a-rat as it will not have two zeros to fight.  Still, I'd love to beat that devil.

Post by: Ralph on December 05, 2012, 05:38:12 AM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on December 05, 2012, 05:32:38 AM
WARNING...........RANT TO FOLLOW...............

I can drive 30 miles and lose everything I've worked and earned in the last fifty years and that's OK.  I can't play for pennies legally on BV.

You should see the Indian casinos here.  Can't even move after 5 pm it's so crowded.  American gambling is coming from Vegas and Atlantic City via the internet, but the wheel will probably be 00.

I am studying back-a-rat as it will not have two zeros to fight.  Still, I'd love to beat that devil.


Double zero is harder to beat, using a repeater method on single numbers I think will make it possible, there is one more number which can cluster  ::)
Post by: Chauncy47 on December 05, 2012, 12:17:36 PM
Sam ... are you from the US?  ... I have got plenty of Casino's here in the midwest.
Post by: JohnLegend on December 05, 2012, 06:21:37 PM
Quote from: Chauncy47 on December 05, 2012, 12:17:36 PM
Sam ... are you from the US?  ... I have got plenty of Casino's here in the midwest.
Yes Sam is a good ole southerner from Oklahoma.
Post by: JohnLegend on December 05, 2012, 06:28:49 PM







Since I have lowered my stakes to stay under the radar. And reverted back to my original play style for PATTERN BREAKER. I have put together a winning streak of 28 for HIGH LOW. Which is the only E/C I am currently playing.

I will continue to grind out the profit in this fashion. Until I reach my goals.  :thumbsup:
Post by: Chauncy47 on December 05, 2012, 06:41:35 PM
Great results JL ...  :)
Post by: JohnLegend on December 05, 2012, 06:44:15 PM
Quote from: Chauncy47 on December 05, 2012, 06:41:35 PM
Great results JL ...  :)
Its how it all began 4 years ago. I am hoping you will start posting up your results soon. I want people to see how you tackle that double zero wheel with PATTERN BREAKER. It will be great to see on an ongoing basis.  :thumbsup:
Post by: Chauncy47 on December 05, 2012, 06:52:56 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on December 05, 2012, 06:44:15 PM
Its how it all began 4 years ago. I am hoping you will start posting up your results soon. I want people to see how you tackle that double zero wheel with PATTERN BREAKER. It will be great to see on an ongoing basis.  :thumbsup:

I will post Novembers results tomorrow :)   
Post by: JohnLegend on December 05, 2012, 07:04:49 PM
Quote from: Chauncy47 on December 05, 2012, 06:52:56 PM

I will post Novembers results tomorrow :)
Great look forward to that. Try to do it in a similar fashion to how I lay mine out Chauncy. It will be great to see because your strikerate is the best I've seen so far. But I know there's a few things you don't do.
That will be good for others to see and maybe try for themselves. Thanks.
Post by: Chauncy47 on December 06, 2012, 01:54:14 PM
 Here are my November results for playing PB. As a side note: The H&R tactical approach works well for me, and I am not pushing it or telling anyone to use it.  I am simply stating that it works well for me and it performs well due to 0/00's.   Last night was a really good example of why. My overall session, which included playing more than just PB, took 2hrs and 45 minutes, and that was 5 total games. A typical night is 1hr or so.  Anyways, I did not have a single run longer than 8 spins before the 0/00 hit. They were by far the 2 hottest numbers on the table. Regardless, my point in sharing that is the importance in having discipline with your patience in this game. Even for me last night, who has the patience of an elephant (don't know what that means), was getting a bit jumpy and found myself tempted to start looking for opportunities to play before I normally would. Thank goodness I didn't and was able leave winning all 5 games.  That's the biggest take-away from last nights game, the importance of patience(in my style of play)!!  The results below are all live play at B&M Casino's:







JL, one of the ways I use PB is as recovery method for a loss on a previous method/game.  It's strong enough for me that it helps in the recovery process.  When loss does occur, I almost never use the same method to help recover.  For example, if I lose a a game playing D&C, I will use PB as a method of choice to start recovering.  Gotta run ...
Post by: JohnLegend on December 06, 2012, 02:37:18 PM
Quote from: Chauncy47 on December 06, 2012, 01:54:14 PM
Here are my November results for playing PB. As a side note: The H&R tactical approach works well for me, and I am not pushing it or telling anyone to use it.  I am simply stating that it works well for me and it performs well due to 0/00's.   Last night was a really good example of why. My overall session, which included playing more than just PB, took 2hrs and 45 minutes, and that was 5 total games. A typical night is 1hr or so.  Anyways, I did not have a single run longer than 8 spins before the 0/00 hit. They were by far the 2 hottest numbers on the table. Regardless, my point in sharing that is the importance in having discipline with your patience in this game. Even for me last night, who has the patience of an elephant (don't know what that means), was getting a bit jumpy and found myself tempted to start looking for opportunities to play before I normally would. Thank goodness I didn't and was able leave winning all 5 games.  That's the biggest take-away from last nights game, the importance of patience(in my style of play)!!  The results below are all live play at B&M Casino's:







JL, one of the ways I use PB is as recovery method for a loss on a previous method/game.  It's strong enough for me that it helps in the recovery process.  When loss does occur, I almost never use the same method to help recover.  For example, if I lose a a game playing D&C, I will use PB as a method of choice to start recovering.  Gotta run ...
Nice results Chauncy47. Both you and Subby have these qualities of PATIENCE and iron discipline. That often make the difference between winning and losing.

This is what more people need to beat this game consistently. We all want to win, but you need these attributes to succeed. I've got them to a degree. But I think you and Subby have them in you naturaly. I had to fight alot of bad habits to get there.
Post by: shogun on December 07, 2012, 09:33:22 AM








Hi Guys, these are my results for my Playtech live games. I have not been doing well. I moved up in stakes only to see my strike rate fall to 5.46 in the last 84 sessions. Lost all my profit and some. I am going to have a short break from PB.
Post by: Superman on December 07, 2012, 10:32:19 AM
QuoteLost all my profit and some. I am going to have a short break from PB

It takes b@lls to post bad results, well done mate, sorry for your losses, maybe hitting to hard and running to slow, or vica verca
Post by: Dino246 on December 07, 2012, 11:55:15 AM
Hi Shogun.

Many Thanks for your stat update.

Did Zero appear in ANY of your losses ?

Post by: Chauncy47 on December 07, 2012, 01:09:37 PM
Quote from: shogun on December 07, 2012, 09:33:22 AM








Hi Guys, these are my results for my Playtech live games. I have not been doing well. I moved up in stakes only to see my strike rate fall to 5.46 in the last 84 sessions. Lost all my profit and some. I am going to have a short break from PB.

Hi Shogun,
Would you mind sharing your betting strategy with us?  I would be curious to know.  If not, I understand.   
Post by: JohnLegend on December 07, 2012, 01:38:40 PM
Quote from: shogun on December 07, 2012, 09:33:22 AM








Hi Guys, these are my results for my Playtech live games. I have not been doing well. I moved up in stakes only to see my strike rate fall to 5.46 in the last 84 sessions. Lost all my profit and some. I am going to have a short break from PB.
Hi Shogun. Poor patches happen. I've carried a strikerate of 5/1 across 150 games. You are just over break even after 200.

Which for me would still mean a profit overall as I use the recovery bet. I wouldn't give up on it. You can very easily come back up.

As Chauncy requested it would be interesting to see a breakdowm of how you have been betting and staking. I was running at 7/1 on BV. Now im 11/1

After hitting a nice winning streak over 25. Im only playing HIGH LOW. The way I started.

And the way that gave me my best results. that's something to consider too Shogun. Try to think longterm. PATTERN BREAKER isn't like FIVE or 7 On 1, which can run off a 1,000 wins in a row. But at only 7 units to buy in, it was never meant to be bullet proof that's what alot of critics never consider.

it's a grinder, but as Superman will verify for me in the future. If you stay with it faithfully it will show a longterm profit.
Post by: Superman on December 07, 2012, 01:41:47 PM
Quotebut as Superman will verify for me in the future

I can confirm, so far, so good at BV
Post by: JohnLegend on December 07, 2012, 01:44:35 PM
Quote from: Superman on December 07, 2012, 01:41:47 PM

I can confirm, so far, so good at BV
Thankyou Superman, Im playing small at the moment. Once I hit 250 I will go for it. And hope everyones worst fears are not realized, in relation to fairness when raising stakes.
Post by: shogun on December 07, 2012, 02:30:22 PM
Quote from: Superman on December 07, 2012, 10:32:19 AM

It takes b@lls to post bad results, well done mate, sorry for your losses, maybe hitting to hard and running to slow, or vica verca

Thanks Superman. I was playing with the hope of making some money but also testing PB. I wanted to post my results good or bad. JL has got a lot of stick about his systems mostly from people who have never played them by his rules.
I will not give up it is still early days but i will play for lower stakes. I want to see my strike rate get back to 10/1. We shall see.
Post by: shogun on December 07, 2012, 02:45:49 PM
Dino: I had 4 losses in which a zero played its part including 1 double loss.

Chauncy47: I bet on H/L and O/E only. When i first started i also played R/B but gave this up as it was running at 5/1. I started betting .10p while i was learning PB. I quickly moved on to £1,£2,£5 and then £10 bets  :scared:
So during this last bad run i was betting £10,£20 and £40. I do not do a recovery bet and i was playng HAR.
I have lost some money with PB that is ok we all know the risks. I still have faith but it's a grind.
On a positive note i have got back most of what i lost playing another system  :)
Post by: shogun on December 07, 2012, 02:59:22 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on December 07, 2012, 01:38:40 PM
Hi Shogun. Poor patches happen. I've carried a strikerate of 5/1 across 150 games. You are just over break even after 200.

Which for me would still mean a profit overall as I use the recovery bet. I wouldn't give up on it. You can very easily come back up.

As Chauncy requested it would be interesting to see a breakdowm of how you have been betting and staking. I was running at 7/1 on BV. Now im 11/1

After hitting a nice winning streak over 25. Im only playing HIGH LOW. The way I started.

And the way that gave me my best results. that's something to consider too Shogun. Try to think longterm. PATTERN BREAKER isn't like FIVE or 7 On 1, which can run off a 1,000 wins in a row. But at only 7 units to buy in, it was never meant to be bullet proof that's what alot of critics never consider.

it's a grinder, but as Superman will verify for me in the future. If you stay with it faithfully it will show a longterm profit.

Thanks for the advice John. I am sure i hit a bad run. I will have a break and start again.

I am not sure a recovery bet would have helped on my last bad run. As the losses came close together. At one stage i had something like LWLLWL.

I still think you have something with PB John  :thumbsup:
Post by: JohnLegend on December 07, 2012, 04:25:20 PM
Quote from: shogun on December 07, 2012, 02:59:22 PM

Thanks for the advice John. I am sure i hit a bad run. I will have a break and start again.

I am not sure a recovery bet would have helped on my last bad run. As the losses came close together. At one stage i had something like LWLLWL.

I still think you have something with PB John  :thumbsup:
Theyll know by July next year Shogun. All the methods I now play will be proofed over the long run. Every critic and I mean everyone of them will be shown im for real.
Post by: shogun on December 07, 2012, 05:31:34 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on December 07, 2012, 04:25:20 PM
Theyll know by July next year Shogun. All the methods I now play will be proofed over the long run. Every critic and I mean everyone of them will be shown im for real.

John i wish you all the best with this  :thumbsup:
Post by: Chauncy47 on December 07, 2012, 05:48:53 PM
Shogun ... I am sorry that I am not clear on how you bet last bad run you posted "LWLLWL" or perhaps its just me that's been playing wrong this whole time...LOL ...I guess what I am asking is that if you are betting against the last pattern forming, how did you bet  LWLLWL?  I just need some help understanding if you care too explain a bit further.
Post by: Ralph on December 07, 2012, 05:53:57 PM
Oh my God!
Post by: JohnLegend on December 07, 2012, 07:08:44 PM
Quote from: shogun on December 07, 2012, 05:31:34 PM

John i wish you all the best with this  :thumbsup:
Thanks Shogun, it will be a defining moment. I can't wait. Chauncy, Shogun is saying he lost 5 games out of 7. Very, very unlucky indeed. But I want to know how did they transpire across the two even chances.

For a while now I have been questioning the value of playing TWO EVEN CHANCES at the same time. The reason being I began this method with just HIGH LOW. And over an 18 month period had three very impressive streaks 48, 101 and 105.

Since I adopted ODD EVEN again for FASTER TURNOVER. I've never gotten close to those numbers. COMBINED 29 is the best I've managed to clock up. With 34 being the longest singular streak for HIGH LOW.

Now I believe the reason for this is, with H.A.R we are entering the cycle randomly. It is EXTREMELY unlikely we will manage to produce two streaks of 15 or greater SIMULTANEOUSY for the two even chances. PLUS we stop after a winner. So that winning streak will be criss-crossing between the two even chances.

And one of them isn't going to make 15 plus. With a  pure singular EVEN CHANCE. I think FREAK winning streaks are more realistic. As you are always playing for that ONE even chance. I have a 28 currently for HIGH LOW on BV.

So for me personaly I am going back to the start. And concentrating on HIGH LOW. My strikerate NEVER fell below 12/1 when I played only HIGH LOW longterm. With HIGH LOW and ODD EVEN I've struggled to get above 10/1 for a while now. Lets see.  :thumbsup:
Post by: Chauncy47 on December 07, 2012, 07:16:11 PM
I am asking the same thing.  If you remember, I told you that I was working on something that I have noticed within the Pattern Breaker framework and the results have been solid so far. 

JL, I picked it from something you noticed and posted in the other forum and have been playing it/testing it ever since.  Thank you for answering the question. 
Post by: JohnLegend on December 07, 2012, 07:22:51 PM
Quote from: Chauncy47 on December 07, 2012, 07:16:11 PM
I am asking the same thing.  If you remember, I told you that I was working on something that I have noticed within the Pattern Breaker framework and the results have been solid so far. 

JL, I picked it from something you noticed and posted in the other forum and have been playing it/testing it ever since.  Thank you for answering the question.
Care to share your finding with me Chauncy47.

I am not precious about a method, we should always be looking for improvement at a low buy in like 7 UNITS.

I don't have to worry about this with FIVE. Its patience that's called for there. You know you are very likey to win. You just have to wait for random. WAITING FOR RANDOM. that's something I believe makes all these methods work. there's no MAGICAL THINKING going on here.

We are simply waiting for random to give us our BET SELECTION. I think its the way. To beat random, let random identify your bet for you. Its been working very well.
Post by: Chauncy47 on December 07, 2012, 07:31:38 PM
I will send you a pm and if you care to share it with the forum, it's up to you to present it as it's your method.  It's about 1:30pm here and it's time to leave work and hit the B&M  :)   When I get back home tonight, I will drop you a pm ....
Post by: JohnLegend on December 07, 2012, 07:36:08 PM
Quote from: Chauncy47 on December 07, 2012, 07:31:38 PM
I will send you a pm and if you care to share it with the forum, it's up to you to present it as it's your method.  It's about 1:30pm here and it's time to leave work and hit the B&M  :)   When I get back home tonight, I will drop you a pm ....
Great Stuff Chauncy47. Yes I've got me a session to play on BV after some chow. Speak later mate.
Post by: Robeenhuut on December 08, 2012, 03:53:40 AM
Quote from: JohnLegend on December 07, 2012, 07:08:44 PM
Thanks Shogun, it will be a defining moment. I can't wait. Chauncy, Shogun is saying he lost 5 games out of 7. Very, very unlucky indeed. But I want to know how did they transpire across the two even chances.

For a while now I have been questioning the value of playing TWO EVEN CHANCES at the same time. The reason being I began this method with just HIGH LOW. And over an 18 month period had three very impressive streaks 48, 101 and 105.

Since I adopted ODD EVEN again for FASTER TURNOVER. I've never gotten close to those numbers. COMBINED 29 is the best I've managed to clock up. With 34 being the longest singular streak for HIGH LOW.

Now I believe the reason for this is, with H.A.R we are entering the cycle randomly. It is EXTREMELY unlikely we will manage to produce two streaks of 15 or greater SIMULTANEOUSY for the two even chances. PLUS we stop after a winner. So that winning streak will be criss-crossing between the two even chances.

And one of them isn't going to make 15 plus. With a  pure singular EVEN CHANCE. I think FREAK winning streaks are more realistic. As you are always playing for that ONE even chance. I have a 28 currently for HIGH LOW on BV.

So for me personaly I am going back to the start. And concentrating on HIGH LOW. My strikerate NEVER fell below 12/1 when I played only HIGH LOW longterm. With HIGH LOW and ODD EVEN I've struggled to get above 10/1 for a while now. Lets see.  :thumbsup:

Odds of 1 to 2000 if im not mistaken. Not so rare in my book. The same odds like around 60 winning run. Anything can happen.  ;)   Making predictions about a strike rate is useless and the more testing and playing is done the more people will realize that.
Post by: JohnLegend on December 08, 2012, 06:45:32 AM
Quote from: Robeenhuut on December 08, 2012, 03:53:40 AM
Odds of 1 to 2000 if im not mistaken. Not so rare in my book. The same odds like around 60 winning run. Anything can happen.  ;)   Making predictions about a strike rate is useless and the more testing and playing is done the more people will realize that.
Matt with PB I don't expect a big strikerate. As the math says it should wittle down to around 7/1 longterm.
With H.A.R depending on certain factors luck, timing etc you can experience two extremes. You might put together a huge winning streak that gives you a longterm advantage. Or you might run into a very poor run as Shogun did.

Given the relatively small buy in of 7 units. The method is more open to volatile extremes. When I started out I got some amazing winning streaks that put me in a very comfortable place.

Shogun himself had a 37 early on. Which is like winning 5 progressions. When things arent going well most players start to question themselves. Shogun even after that very poor run overall is still just over break even after a relatively small number of games. His numbers for me would still mean profit.

The mind is often the weak link. STAYING POWER separates longterm success from failure. There are millions of players out there who will never know this game can be beaten. Simply because their mindset will never allow it.

They are fine so long as they are winning. When a downturn spell hits they lose focus and desire very quickly. I've experienced it all with this method and game. That's why I don't worry when I see things arent going as good as I want.

I am always thinking LONGTERM like a business that has periods where P&L fluctuates. So I don't try to predict strikerates Matt. I report what I experience.

No method with such a small buy in like PB will ever be big bang proof. To get close to that you have to put more spare change into the cycle. But that's another story.

Post by: JohnLegend on December 08, 2012, 09:34:21 AM
Quote from: shogun on December 07, 2012, 02:45:49 PM
Dino: I had 4 losses in which a zero played its part including 1 double loss.

Chauncy47: I bet on H/L and O/E only. When i first started i also played R/B but gave this up as it was running at 5/1. I started betting .10p while i was learning PB. I quickly moved on to £1,£2,£5 and then £10 bets  :scared:
So during this last bad run i was betting £10,£20 and £40. I do not do a recovery bet and i was playng HAR.
I have lost some money with PB that is ok we all know the risks. I still have faith but it's a grind.
On a positive note i have got back most of what i lost playing another system  :)
Looking over this post Shogun, you were moving way too fast. Here is my advice for BR and win/loss expectations.

1, Your BANKROLL ideally should be 20x7. Meaning in the case of PATTERN BREAKER twenty times the 7 UNITS RISK. That's minumum.

2, If you are maintaining the 20x7 bankroll. For you to reach a point where you are betting 10,20,40. your minumum BR should be 1,400 units.

3, Me personally I have a rule of thumb when it comes to staking for PB. And that is, your overall BANKROLL should be ONE HUNDRED TIMES the size of your minumum stake. So for example if I am staking 2,4,8=14 units risk. My overall BANKROLL ***MUST*** be at least 200 UNITS.

there's no ifs buts or maybes about it. That is the ABSOLUTE MINUMUM. That way when you experience a bad period you arent completely wiped out. SMART MONEY MANAGEMENT is extremely powerful. Using is correctly means even when your method dips below break even point.

Which it will from time to time. You can STILL secure a profit margin. That is why I have no doubt I will succeed with PATTERN BREAKER, for as long as I play it. Its perfectly made to execute smart money management with. The follow up bet is very strong. Meaning 2--4 sevenths of a loss can be recovered very quickly.

When it hits that nice 15 plus winning streak, you pull further into profit. When its behaving badly you bring it back up with the recovery bet. There are many ways you can money-manage this method and still come out in profit. People have to break loose from rigid thinking.  :forbidden:

Post by: shogun on December 08, 2012, 09:38:54 AM
Quote from: Chauncy47 on December 07, 2012, 05:48:53 PM
Shogun ... I am sorry that I am not clear on how you bet last bad run you posted "LWLLWL" or perhaps its just me that's been playing wrong this whole time...LOL ...I guess what I am asking is that if you are betting against the last pattern forming, how did you bet  LWLLWL?  I just need some help understanding if you care too explain a bit further.

Hi Chauncy47,

You will notice there are 6 results here LWLLWL. A game for me gives two results as I bet on H/L and O/E. I think I play similar to the pilot. I play one game and I am done (HAR).

So for example I get a trigger on O/E and I am still tracking H/L. I have 3 bets to get my win on O/E. £10 first bet lose, £20 second bet and lose, £40 on third bet and lose. This is the end of progression and a L. I get my trigger on H\L and lose the first bet but win on the second. So this is a W. So this is one game. I am looking to make 2 units profit best case. This game gives me LW in the 6 results I gave. The next game I got LL and the third WL. As you can see all 3 games is a loss in units as a win is 1 unit and a loss is 7 units.

Hope this makes sense  :)

Post by: shogun on December 08, 2012, 09:52:10 AM
Quote from: JohnLegend on December 08, 2012, 09:34:21 AM
Looking over this post Shogun, you were moving way too fast. Here is my advice for BR and win/loss expectations.

1, Your BANKROLL ideally should be 20x7. Meaning in the case of PATTERN BREAKER twenty times the 7 UNITS RISK. That's minumum.

2, If you are maintaining the 20x7 bankroll. For you to reach a point where you are betting 10,20,40. your minumum BR should be 1,400 units.

3, Me personally I have a rule of thumb when it comes to staking for PB. And that is, your overall BANKROLL should be ONE HUNDRED TIMES the size of your minumum stake. So for example if I am staking 2,4,8=14 units risk. My overall BANKROLL ***MUST*** be at least 200 UNITS.

there's no ifs buts or maybes about it. That is the ABSOLUTE MINUMUM. That way when you experience a bad period you arent completely wiped out. SMART MONEY MANAGEMENT is extremely powerful. Using is correctly means even when your method dips below break even point.

Which it will from time to time. You can STILL secure a profit margin. That is why I have no doubt I will succeed with PATTERN BREAKER, for as long as I play it. Its perfectly made to execute smart money management with. The follow up bet is very strong. Meaning 2--4 sevenths of a loss can be recovered very quickly.

When it hits that nice 15 plus winning streak, you pull further into profit. When its behaving badly you bring it back up with the recovery bet. There are many ways you can money-manage this method and still come out in profit. People have to break loose from rigid thinking.  :forbidden:

Hi John,
i have read and understand all the money management posts about PB and totally agree. I had the correct bank roll for the different stakes i played. I have an overall bank roll i use for roulette and its in my bank account. I just use what i need.
I had a bad run, nothing to do with money management but a bad strike rate. I am going to continue as i still have faith. In the grand scale of things i have not played that many games of PB.

I may try just H/L. I am looking forward to hear your new idea with Chauncy47.

Post by: JohnLegend on December 08, 2012, 10:02:29 AM
Quote from: shogun on December 08, 2012, 09:52:10 AM

Hi John,
i have read and understand all the money management posts about PB and totally agree. I had the correct bank roll for the different stakes i played. I have an overall bank roll i use for roulette and its in my bank account. I just use what i need.
I had a bad run, nothing to do with money management but a bad strike rate. I am going to continue as i still have faith. In the grand scale of things i have not played that many games of PB.

I may try just H/L. I am looking forward to hear your new idea with Chauncy47.

Yes and don't forget AMK he has joined the forum. And has a very interesting idea with only a 3UNIT BUY IN. Check the discussions section. I am currently testing it. 4/0 so far. And only 3 wins are required to break even. Its all good.
Post by: shogun on December 08, 2012, 10:11:53 AM
Thanks John,
I had missed that.
Post by: JohnLegend on December 12, 2012, 02:49:34 PM







ALL the twelves today and all change. After a twin login issue with BV. Superman and me had to bail out and transfer over to the best of em all PADDYPOWER. Maintaining my play on only HIGH--LOW. I just came off a nice streak of 28. And am currently on a streak of 7. I would expect at least a few sub 15 streaks now. So will stake with more caution until I lose.

PADDYPOWER have a nice selection of tables, and you can bet a minumum of 0.50p LIVE on their sports roulette wheel. Which is very useful for methods like FIVE and 7 ON 1 while I build up funds over the coming weeks. Surprisingly. I've had two games of 7 ON 1 already in a short number of spins. And one for FIVE. They are both playable with live online.

Opportunities will come while tracking the wheel for PB. And each time they do, I will take advantage of them to help with BR growth. Both FIVE and 7 ON 1 will be introduced to the forum in the new year.
Post by: Trebor on December 15, 2012, 12:38:09 PM
Still plodding away.

Results as of 15/12/12.

Total games played           284

Total games won               249

Total games lost                 35

Double losses                      2

Strike rate                          7.1/1

Post by: JohnLegend on December 15, 2012, 03:11:47 PM
Quote from: Trebor on December 15, 2012, 12:38:09 PM
Still plodding away.

Results as of 15/12/12.

Total games played           284

Total games won               249

Total games lost                 35

Double losses                      2

Strike rate                          7.1/1

Trebor what is your longest and average winning streak over this sample of games?
Post by: Gizmotron on December 15, 2012, 03:32:36 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on December 15, 2012, 03:11:47 PM
Trebor what is your longest and average winning streak over this sample of games?

His average winning streak is posted, it's 7.1/1 . It's right in there with the 7.4/1 expected result.
Post by: JohnLegend on December 15, 2012, 03:41:15 PM
Quote from: Gizmotron on December 15, 2012, 03:32:36 PM
His average winning streak is posted, it's 7.1/1 . It's right in there with the 7.4/1 expected result.
Oh how did I miss that? Let me reword the question. Trebor what has been your longest winning streak. AND MOST COMMON winning streak before loss?. Not your OVERALL average.

So for example how many times did you win say 3 games before you lost and so forth?
Post by: subby on December 15, 2012, 08:27:10 PM
Quote from: Trebor on December 15, 2012, 12:38:09 PM
Still plodding away.

Results as of 15/12/12.

Total games played           284

Total games won               249

Total games lost                 35

Double losses                      2

Strike rate                          7.1/1


How many games a day are you playing :)
Post by: JohnLegend on December 16, 2012, 09:26:57 AM








Since reverting back to my original way of playing PB. And only playing HIGH LOW. I have achieved something I haven't done in over 18 months, since I started playing both HIGH LOW and ODD EVEN.

And that is have two back to back winning streaks over 20 games. This has taken my strikerate up to over 13/1. Again a place I haven't been in the same period of time. This appears to be the strongest way to play the method. The sacrifice of time pays off in increased strikerate. Which saves time in the longrun on recouping losses. :thumbsup:
Post by: Trebor on December 16, 2012, 09:46:30 AM

Can't see how that info will alter reality but I'll go through the figures. I will say this, using progression I was reasonably up until the two double losses. Well that's progressions for you.

@ Subby.

I'm not doing a regular 1, 2 or 3 a day, just as and when.
Started beginning of November so averaging about 6 a day. That's two sessions playing all three EC's.

However I am playing hit and run. It looks to me like you're wanting to blame me for my poor results. As JL responded to me once I can only post the results I'm getting.

Post by: JohnLegend on December 16, 2012, 09:51:18 AM
Quote from: Trebor on December 16, 2012, 09:46:30 AM

Can't see how that info will alter reality but I'll go through the figures. I will say this, using progression I was reasonably up until the two double losses. Well that's progressions for you.

@ Subby.

I'm not doing a regular 1, 2 or 3 a day, just as and when.
Started beginning of November so averaging about 6 a day. That's two sessions playing all three EC's.

However I am playing hit and run. It looks to me like you're wanting to blame me for my poor results. As JL responded to me once I can only post the results I'm getting.

Trebor, try dropping ODD EVEN and RED BLACK. And just play HIGH LOW as I am doing. I will be very surprised if your strikerate doesn't go up over the next 100 games.  :thumbsup:
Post by: Trebor on December 16, 2012, 09:59:56 AM
I started my test playing on BV single zero as you described at the time.

I'll play along and do as you say but don't change the rules again please.

Post by: JohnLegend on December 16, 2012, 10:07:04 AM
Quote from: Trebor on December 16, 2012, 09:59:56 AM
I started my test playing on BV single zero as you described at the time.

I'll play along and do as you say but don't change the rules again please.

Trebor you should never be precious over how you play a method. That's a fatal mistake made by many. You go with the best way. I started out playing PB on just HIGH LOW. So that is the original way. And I now believe best way.

My results have improved already since dropping ODD EVEN. I never favoured playing RED BLACK. That was an experiment to see if I could get close to Pilots numbers. IT didn't WORK. If something isn't working you don't stay with it.

I know how I proofed this method since I started playing it. And I have never improved upon that. And that is playing just HIGH LOW. For ideally 5 games a day.
So I think you should have a go at the ORIGINAL way to play the method. Your strikerate should improve. Im also no longer on BV. Im playing 100% live now on PADDY POWER. So I know I am getting fair results. there's no doubt in my mind.
Post by: Robeenhuut on December 16, 2012, 10:19:13 AM
I think that Subby plays O/E as well and Mister Tarantino had the best strike rate on R/B.  :D
Post by: JohnLegend on December 16, 2012, 10:22:36 AM
Quote from: Robeenhuut on December 16, 2012, 10:19:13 AM
I think that Subby plays O/E as well and Mister Tarantino had the best strike rate on R/B.  :D
Yes but neither of them have two winning streaks of at least 24 games back to back either Matt. Or a streak over 100.

I proofed PB on just HIGH LOW. My results since I brought in ODD EVEN haven't touched what I got in the beginning. So I am back to my original way. And already its improved my strikerate from being stuck at 10/1 for a long time to 13/1.
Post by: Trebor on December 16, 2012, 10:41:00 AM

I'm testing (on paper) as I thought you were playing.

If every time I get poor results you turn round and say I need to change my methods there is no point me going on.

I'm not going to test on a live wheel in real time but this is what I propose to do.

Smartlive (autowheel) make available the last 185 numbers. I'll log on and play a session using only high and low once a day.
Please say if this is unsuitable in your opinion.

Post by: JohnLegend on December 16, 2012, 10:56:25 AM
Quote from: Trebor on December 16, 2012, 10:41:00 AM

I'm testing (on paper) as I thought you were playing.

If every time I get poor results you turn round and say I need to change my methods there is no point me going on.

I'm not going to test on a live wheel in real time but this is what I propose to do.

Smartlive (autowheel) make available the last 185 numbers. I'll log on and play a session using only high and low once a day.
Please say if this is unsuitable in your opinion.

I don't know Smartlive. But if it's a real wheel it should be fine. You are not changing the method Trebor simply going with what my results show me is the strongest way to play it. All I want to see is if this improves things for you too.
I couldnt rise above 10/1 for a long time playing both HIGH LOW and ODD EVEN. And going back to my original way. All of a sudden im 13/1.

You should see improvement from 7/1. The reason is you are not chopping between even chances going with the first one to qualifiy anymore. You are LOCKED into one E/C. And I know for a fact longer winning streaks will result from doing this.
You will still get your short streaks. But at some point you will lock in on a 20 plus streak. And it could go to stellar heights. Taking your strikerate above 7/1 for sure.

Chauncy47 is running at 13/1 playing HIGH LOW and ODD EVEN. ON A REAL B&M double zero wheel. I couldnt match that on a single zero wheel. But playing HIGH LOW on its own I can. You go with what works BEST for you. ALWAYS.
Post by: Trebor on December 16, 2012, 12:56:44 PM
It's a real wheel and I've not heard anyone question it although I've heard Smartlive haven't got an unblemished record regarding payouts etc.

I'll just do H & L as you suggest but since I was playing each EC in every session I don't see that makes it "chopping between even chances" .

Post by: JohnLegend on December 16, 2012, 01:03:18 PM
Quote from: Trebor on December 16, 2012, 12:56:44 PM
It's a real wheel and I've not heard anyone question it although I've heard Smartlive haven't got an unblemished record regarding payouts etc.

I'll just do H & L as you suggest but since I was playing each EC in every session I don't see that makes it "chopping between even chances" .

Playing all 3 even chances didn't work for me Trebor. And its not working too good for you either. that's why I suggest the change.

You should see a longtern improvement.
Post by: Dino246 on December 16, 2012, 02:51:35 PM
Hi all you PB players....enjoying reading all the observations to IMPROVE this great concept.

Would advise only playing LIVE DEALER at Smart Live.

There is a nagging doubt regarding their Autowheel/Airball.

I've been using them on/off for 2 years now.

Preferance is given to Supercasino Live Dealer.

Hope this helps.
Post by: JohnLegend on December 16, 2012, 04:42:10 PM
Quote from: dino246 on December 16, 2012, 02:51:35 PM
Hi all you PB players....enjoying reading all the observations to IMPROVE this great concept.

Would advise only playing LIVE DEALER at Smart Live.

There is a nagging doubt regarding their Autowheel/Airball.

I've been using them on/off for 2 years now.

Preferance is given to Supercasino Live Dealer.

Hope this helps.
Thanks for the advice Dino, I use airball occasionally. But I've heard others voice opinions of doubt too.
Post by: Trebor on December 16, 2012, 09:30:00 PM
Looks like I'll bow out of my testing, at least as far as posting any results goes.

If it doesn't work for me on Smartlive there is now a ready made reason for my failure there to.  I guess the always will be.

Over and out

Post by: Dino246 on December 16, 2012, 11:57:00 PM
For what it's worth,the only way to find out the optimum strike-rate for PB playing H+R style,is to ONLY play one game per session per day in separate online LIVE-DEALER/B+M CASINOS.

I don't play this concept,but if i did,as i have two B+M casinos only a very short drive away,i would just one game in each...EVERYDAY for a month.....NOW that would surely PROVE what the TRUE strike-rate is !!!!

Please continue with all your endeavours,whatever the Matrix-Vertical concept is.

Best Regards.

Post by: AMK on December 17, 2012, 12:06:47 AM
Hello dino,

If I had a 10,000 BR not doubt I would just play 1 game per day but only after a loss. Until that time I have to get my BR to that size. The only way I can get there is to play a significant amount of games per day. Only have a 140 unit BR now : )
Post by: Dino246 on December 17, 2012, 12:33:59 AM
Hi AMK.....yes i agree.

Both a king or a pauper can achieve the same stats wth my suggestion.

It's that i have always agreed with JL and his view on H+R as i have played this way since 1993 using any system,except i called it HIT+MISS,before i found the Forums.
Post by: AMK on December 17, 2012, 12:42:11 AM
Wow, since 1993 dino.

Do you have any stats etc. you might remember over this period?

Could you talk a little more about how many games per day you played, methods, MM etc.

Hope not to go off topic JL.

Post by: MarignyGrilleau on December 17, 2012, 02:21:14 AM
Quote from: AMK on December 17, 2012, 12:06:47 AM
Only have a 140 unit BR now : )

That is your starting point. Play to Win or Break Even. Two out of three games. Flat bet you can stand a drawdown of 140 Losses more than Wins. Seems obvious.
It will last very long if you play for fun. :cheer:
Double it in one month, set a target for yourself.  8)

Good Luck!
Post by: JohnLegend on December 17, 2012, 06:13:05 AM
Quote from: AMK on December 17, 2012, 12:42:11 AM
Wow, since 1993 dino.

Do you have any stats etc. you might remember over this period?

Could you talk a little more about how many games per day you played, methods, MM etc.

Hope not to go off topic JL.
No worries AMK its all good. Dino is right, in its purest form that's what we would do.

I got my alltime best results with PB playing just HIGH LOW for just 5 games a day.
Post by: subby on December 17, 2012, 08:26:53 AM
20 years Hit and miss(HAM)? wow....Would you say you are up or down in general? The reason I'm asking is that 20 years of playing ham would be similar to a lifetimes worth of play for the rest of us lol....
Post by: Dino246 on December 17, 2012, 10:02:14 AM
Yes....Subby and AMK..."HAM" of play for me over the years has been a good PROFITABLE friend.

Only playing out-side bets NEVER numbers and covering Zero if staking 10-10 on D/C.

This is why i agree with JL and PB even though i don't play this concept.

Any concept using Vertical-Matrix for me has been a reverlation when bolted-on to the "old-fashioned" HAM Horizontal style of play.

Instinct,timing,discipline,patience,calmness AND placing ALL bets AFTER the croupier has spun the wheel all help to maintain the COMFORT-ZONE.

Many Thanks to all the guys with JL who first did the spade work on the Matrix Concept.

Post by: subby on December 18, 2012, 03:30:49 PM
After the ball is spun?

How much time do you have to place bets then? I take it you know exactly when and where to bet so that wehn the ball is dropped you can place fast so as to not miss a betting chance?
Post by: Dino246 on December 18, 2012, 03:44:47 PM
Yes...Subby,that's i only play out-side bets....plenty of time.
Post by: JohnLegend on December 19, 2012, 01:36:12 PM
Quote from: dino246 on December 18, 2012, 03:44:47 PM
Yes...Subby,that's i only play out-side bets....plenty of time.
I wondered Dino, do you think there's an advantage to doing this? Its never bothered me personally.

But I've noticed many scrambling to get their bets on at the last moment.
Post by: subby on December 19, 2012, 01:57:28 PM
I think casinos allow this as the adrenaline is going and when the ball starts to spin, the urge to place"just one more chip" takes over. Casinos know this. I read about it and the psycological (spelling) aspects of gambling and bet placing after the ball is spun.
Post by: JohnLegend on December 19, 2012, 02:14:06 PM
Quote from: subby on December 19, 2012, 01:57:28 PM
I think casinos allow this as the adrenaline is going and when the ball starts to spin, the urge to place"just one more chip" takes over. Casinos know this. I read about it and the psycological (spelling) aspects of gambling and bet placing after the ball is spun.
Yes, im playing against random. And random doesn't know what time I placed my bet Lol!
Post by: TwoCatSam on December 19, 2012, 02:16:44 PM
It's fun to watch the people at Dublin---especially when the table is crowded. 
Post by: JohnLegend on December 19, 2012, 02:18:48 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on December 19, 2012, 02:16:44 PM
It's fun to watch the people at Dublin---especially when the table is crowded.
Are Dublin running okay now Sam? I know you had problems a while back.
Post by: Dino246 on December 19, 2012, 02:43:50 PM
Hi JL.

By placing all bets AFTER the croupier has spun,i feel i have an edge.

Also by doing this, (a) my paranoia is satisfied, (b) i 100% know that if the bet goes down,then that investment decision is down to me and no other reason.

Plus,time and again a croupier spins zero at the end or very near the end of thier session,always makes me wonder,hence i ALWAYS cover zero when playing 10-10 D/C through a session.

For me what proves H+R works,is the simple fact THAT....the croupier HAS to keep spinning the wheel....whilst the player DOESN'T have to keep that's a big advantage in my book.

Best Regards.

Post by: JohnLegend on December 19, 2012, 03:34:05 PM
Quote from: dino246 on December 19, 2012, 02:43:50 PM
Hi JL.

By placing all bets AFTER the croupier has spun,i feel i have an edge.

Also by doing this, (a) my paranoia is satisfied, (b) i 100% know that if the bet goes down,then that investment decision is down to me and no other reason.

Plus,time and again a croupier spins zero at the end or very near the end of thier session,always makes me wonder,hence i ALWAYS cover zero when playing 10-10 D/C through a session.

For me what proves H+R works,is the simple fact THAT....the croupier HAS to keep spinning the wheel....whilst the player DOESN'T have to keep that's a big advantage in my book.

Best Regards.

ABSOLUTELY Dino. But we had better not agree too much or I will be you next. Just like I've been accused of being Chauncy47, PIlot, and countless others. By a certain forum owner.
Post by: Dino246 on December 19, 2012, 04:16:09 PM
HaHaHaHa... ..JL......if your me..then who am i !!

Meanwhile,back on topic with PB.

After new-year,i will play PB as per your instructions in both the casinos in my town.

As they are very close then the exercise of visiting each every night for 30 days and ONLY playing i game win or lose THEN GO,would not be a problem.

At the same time i will play my usual strategy whilst waiting for the trigger.

So no Online stuff like,BV,RNG,AIRBALL,etc...just clean good old-fashioned B+M Live Dealer.

Lets aim for a 60/0 hit-rate.
Post by: JohnLegend on December 19, 2012, 05:13:12 PM
Quote from: dino246 on December 19, 2012, 04:16:09 PM
HaHaHaHa... ..JL......if your me..then who am i !!

Meanwhile,back on topic with PB.

After new-year,i will play PB as per your instructions in both the casinos in my town.

As they are very close then the exercise of visiting each every night for 30 days and ONLY playing i game win or lose THEN GO,would not be a problem.

At the same time i will play my usual strategy whilst waiting for the trigger.

So no Online stuff like,BV,RNG,AIRBALL,etc...just clean good old-fashioned B+M Live Dealer.

Lets aim for a 60/0 hit-rate.
well yes, apparently Robeenhuut thinks Chauncy47 is me. Even though he is American. And Mr overeaction said he has a U.S IP that can be used anywhere. The lies that man has spread about me.

That's why I say anyone who claims to be successful with PB must be me. When subby proves success he will be me next. And so will you. don't play expecting long winning streaks Dino.

If they are going to happen they will happen. I've gone 200 games with nothing better than 15 in a row. THEN BAM I hit a 30 plus. Especially when I play ONLY HIGH LOW.

I won 28 games on BV then lost. And won four more before Superman and me left. Now on PADDY adding those 4 to what I've won. I am currently on a streak of 36 games.

That's two back to back streaks of at least 28 games. I couldnt get close to that playing both HIGH LOW--ODD EVEN. That's why I took it home.

And why I will absolutely succeed. And shut alot of people up in July next year. Results update coming later. :thumbsup:
Post by: JohnLegend on December 19, 2012, 08:24:40 PM







Playing only HIGH LOW now as I started off with 4 years ago. I have hit the best winning streak I've had live for two years. I've broken the 40 barrier 7 times since I began playing this method. My next game could be the 8th time I break that elusive barrier..  :thumbsup:
Post by: AMK on December 19, 2012, 10:40:18 PM

The 7 times you hit the 40 barrier before, was when you were just playing H/L ?
Post by: JohnLegend on December 20, 2012, 12:48:57 AM
Quote from: AMK on December 19, 2012, 10:40:18 PM

The 7 times you hit the 40 barrier before, was when you were just playing H/L ?
Yes AMK, I've never won more than 34 games when I played both HIGH LOW and ODD EVEN.
Post by: Robeenhuut on December 20, 2012, 05:36:42 AM
Quote from: JohnLegend on December 19, 2012, 05:13:12 PM
well yes, apparently Robeenhuut thinks Chauncy47 is me. Even though he is American. And Mr overeaction said he has a U.S IP that can be used anywhere. The lies that man has spread about me.

That's why I say anyone who claims to be successful with PB must be me. When subby proves success he will be me next. And so will you. don't play expecting long winning streaks Dino.

If they are going to happen they will happen. I've gone 200 games with nothing better than 15 in a row. THEN BAM I hit a 30 plus. Especially when I play ONLY HIGH LOW.

I won 28 games on BV then lost. And won four more before Superman and me left. Now on PADDY adding those 4 to what I've won. I am currently on a streak of 36 games.

That's two back to back streaks of at least 28 games. I couldnt get close to that playing both HIGH LOW--ODD EVEN. That's why I took it home.

And why I will absolutely succeed. And shut alot of people up in July next year. Results update coming later. :thumbsup:

For the record i never said that you were using different aliases. I questioned Mr Pilot stats and of course i disagree with your
HAR approach and idea that betting on some patterns can produce better results. And you forgot to mention that some guys like Trebor and Shogun reported less stellar results with PB. Besides what are you going to prove John?. Only that if you ride favorable deviations you will end your challenge with the profit.  :D If you end up in a loss there will be an explanation for it ready. Casino cheated or i should have played once a day instead of 5 times a day and so on....usual stuff. One that really amused me was for FIVE i think after somebody lost on BVNZ you came up with the theory that its better to play on BV zero RNG.
Post by: JohnLegend on December 20, 2012, 06:16:38 AM
Quote from: Robeenhuut on December 20, 2012, 05:36:42 AM
For the record i never said that you were using different aliases. I questioned Mr Pilot stats and of course i disagree with your
HAR approach and idea that betting on some patterns can produce better results. And you forgot to mention that some guys like Trebor and Shogun reported less stellar results with PB. Besides what are you going to prove John?. Only that if you ride favorable deviations you will end your challenge with the profit.  :D If you end up in a loss there will be an explanation for it ready. Casino cheated or i should have played once a day instead of 5 times a day and so on....usual stuff. One that really amused me was for FIVE i think after somebody lost on BVNZ you came up with the theory that its better to play on BV zero RNG.
Im going to prove that I wasn't lying when I said I win with PATTERN BREAKER Matt. If I lost which I won't. I would put my hand up.

That's the point of the challenge, to prove im not this liar, fraud and scammer. I've been accused of being. Using a method in the words of you know who. That is pure garbage and will DEFINATELY FAIL.

That's what this is all about Matt, no lucky deviations will do what im going to do. I have to succeed, and I will.
Post by: AMK on December 20, 2012, 12:11:58 PM
Hello again Robeenhuut,

From my perspective JL is not saying that everyone will be successful with his methods or playing style but there is a good chance if you try. In my mind JL is saying that HE can be successful and wants to show this so that others have a better chance of doing the same.

That is all I am going to say as it takes away from the thread.

Look for PB HORIZONTAL soon!!
Post by: JohnLegend on December 20, 2012, 01:59:31 PM
Quote from: AMK on December 20, 2012, 12:11:58 PM
Hello again Robeenhuut,

From my perspective JL is not saying that everyone will be successful with his methods or playing style but there is a good chance if you try. In my mind JL is saying that HE can be successful and wants to show this so that others have a better chance of doing the same.

That is all I am going to say as it takes away from the thread.

Look for PB HORIZONTAL soon!!
Spot on AMK. If more could grasp that theyd understand me better. I offer up how I play and what works for ME. Its then up to the individual to see if they can make it work for them or not.

If you play exactly as I play you will do okay. If you have a great run of success you  could do better than me. But staying power issues. And slack MM control won't give an honest picture. that's why I had to do this challenge.

To show how I win with PB and the rest. Then when people see that I did it. They will understand my unwavering passion for these methods.

You will understand why I am like I am. When you are successful for many years. You too would become sure of yourself. As Bayes said its my personality. But its backed up by alot of success.

When others see what I did with just 200 units. They will understand my passion and self belief. And one person in particular. will owe me an apology, if he has a shread of decency in him.
Post by: MarignyGrilleau on December 20, 2012, 07:52:16 PM
May i ask what is your goal with the 200 units?
Post by: JohnLegend on December 20, 2012, 08:59:11 PM
Quote from: MarignyGrilleau on December 20, 2012, 07:52:16 PM
May i ask what is your goal with the 200 units?
That depends on PP Marigny. I will go until they stop me. If that's a quarter million then that's what it will be. Whatever their limit is.
Post by: MarignyGrilleau on December 20, 2012, 09:38:44 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on December 20, 2012, 08:59:11 PM
That depends on PP Marigny. I will go until they stop me. If that's a quarter million then that's what it will be. Whatever their limit is.
in 6 months?
Post by: JohnLegend on December 20, 2012, 10:57:24 PM
Quote from: MarignyGrilleau on December 20, 2012, 09:38:44 PM
in 6 months?
Not in 6 months, July represents phase 1 four to six thousand units from 200. It will be ongoing from there until im stopped.
Post by: MarignyGrilleau on December 20, 2012, 11:09:19 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on December 20, 2012, 10:57:24 PM
Not in 6 months, July represents phase 1 four to six thousand units from 200. It will be ongoing from there until im stopped.
I got it now. In 6 months you will try to turn 200 units in 4000-6000 units.
Good luck then...
Post by: JohnLegend on December 21, 2012, 05:28:08 AM
Quote from: MarignyGrilleau on December 20, 2012, 11:09:19 PM
I got it now. In 6 months you will try to turn 200 units in 4000-6000 units.
Good luck then...
Thankyou Marigny...
Post by: ADulay on December 22, 2012, 03:07:14 PM
Quote from: Tarantino on November 10, 2012, 09:39:42 AM
I play 25...50...100... To win 25 units each time.
So up to now i have won 725 units.
No, you're up 29 units, not 725. 

The term "unit" is used to define your basic minimum wager.    As yours appears to be 25, that would be "one unit".   Each time you win, you'll win "one unit", not 25.

Of course +29 is still  a great performance!

Did that make sense?

Post by: Clint on December 24, 2012, 05:07:41 PM
Hi John, are you still playing any of the other systems or just pushing PB now?

Clint  :glasses:
Post by: JohnLegend on December 24, 2012, 08:16:51 PM
Quote from: Clint on December 24, 2012, 05:07:41 PM
Hi John, are you still playing any of the other systems or just pushing PB now?

Clint  :glasses:
Hi Clint, well in my own play I play up to 6 methods PATTERN BREAKER, FIVE, 7 ON 1, CODE 20, DIVIDE AND CONQUER & TEMPLATE 7. Plus im testing and playing Atlantis's CODE 4 HORIZONTAL. And AMKs PB 4 DL.

In the JL CHALLENGE Im playing PATTERN BREAKER, 7 ON 1 and FIVE. And the ZONE once in a while.
Post by: SamNL on December 27, 2012, 12:30:27 AM







Playing on High/Low only. At the moment just testing and not playing with real money.
Post by: JohnLegend on December 27, 2012, 01:01:32 PM
Quote from: SamNL on December 27, 2012, 12:30:27 AM







Playing on High/Low only. At the moment just testing and not playing with real money.
Good work Samnl, like the 100% copy layout of my results.
Post by: SamNL on December 27, 2012, 02:05:30 PM
I have to say John that it feels safer with only High/Low. Will play some more games later and then I will post the results on here.
Post by: JohnLegend on December 27, 2012, 02:10:06 PM
Quote from: SamNL on December 27, 2012, 02:05:30 PM
I have to say John that it feels safer with only High/Low. Will play some more games later and then I will post the results on here.
Its possible to win longer with HIGH LOW Sam. But you still get losses. I won 41 games in a row. Then lost two in a row.

But overall it's a good thing H.A.R
Post by: SamNL on December 27, 2012, 10:34:46 PM






Post by: AMK on December 28, 2012, 12:00:07 AM
Quote from: SamNL on December 27, 2012, 10:34:46 PM







Bugs Bunny Episode description online:

"Even Bugs Bunny beat Yosemite Sam's rigged roulette wheel"  : )

Post by: Bally6354 on December 28, 2012, 12:05:22 AM
Quote from: AMK on December 28, 2012, 12:00:07 AM


LoL  Great pic!

I hope he is not having a heart attack just before his winning number comes up!

That would be a cruel twist of fate!
Post by: AMK on December 28, 2012, 12:13:00 AM
No worries Bally : )

I added this to my post while you were posting your comment!

"Even Bugs Bunny beat Yosemite Sam's rigged roulette wheel"  : )

Your doing very well Yosemite, just thought it was a funny picture, you won't find many like that : )
Post by: SamNL on December 28, 2012, 08:34:40 AM
Quote from: AMK on December 28, 2012, 12:00:07 AM
:))  Good one AMK, will test more later today when I'm at home. And let's hope for a better session today :) 
And one more thing that I forgot to mention is that no zero's were involved in the 2 losses
Post by: JohnLegend on December 28, 2012, 10:19:43 AM
Early days Samnl. 13 games is nothing. I've lost 5 times in 20. Its when you start hitting those 15 plus streaks. You see how things balance out. Not to mention MM. Look at how Subby is doing.

And he is using no money management. Play on...
Post by: SamNL on December 28, 2012, 11:13:02 AM
Quote from: JohnLegend on December 28, 2012, 10:19:43 AM
Early days Samnl. 13 games is nothing. I've lost 5 times in 20. Its when you start hitting those 15 plus streaks. You see how things balance out. Not to mention MM. Look at how Subby is doing.

And he is using no money management. Play on...
I know JL and I will of course continue my test and let you all know my progress each day on here.
Post by: Chauncy47 on December 28, 2012, 01:15:15 PM
Hi JL ... just getting back after the Xmas Holiday's.  How is you game(s) coming along?   Look forward to catching up with the forum.  I was reading through some of the older posts this morning and one of yours mentions that some think we are one in the same person?  LOL ... I have had plenty of good laughs this holiday season but none quite as good as that thank you for that!!! LOL 
Post by: JohnLegend on December 28, 2012, 01:22:17 PM
Quote from: Chauncy47 on December 28, 2012, 01:15:15 PM
Hi JL ... just getting back after the Xmas Holiday's.  How is you game(s) coming along?   Look forward to catching up with the forum.  I was reading through some of the older posts this morning and one of yours mentions that some think we are one in the same person?  LOL ... I have had plenty of good laughs this holiday season but none quite as good as that thank you for that!!! LOL
Hi Chauncy, welcome back. Yes well its more to do with the other forum. They think you are me or my shill or something.

Nevermind, they have the shock of a lifetime on its way. 2013 is the year no forum that catches hold of what happens on this forum will ever forget. When the word spreads in the summertime. current online records will be blown out of the water.
Post by: Chauncy47 on December 28, 2012, 01:39:36 PM
that's way too funny!!  They can always fly over here and join me for the Rose Bowl as my team the Badgers are playing in it this year!  I'll also be cheering for Sam's Sooners in the Cotton Bowl.   Although I will NOT be betting on either as I like my chances being better with PB.   
I'll post my results for December and get you that tweaked version of PB I have been playing. I know I have mentioned this many times before, but discipline and good money management is critical to success in this game.  It takes discipline to set and follow a strict betting strategy and it takes even more discipline to play a method that seems boring (PB is one of those slower moving methods) and requires patience when your just dying to just make a bet, but the results are solid. 

Post by: JohnLegend on December 28, 2012, 01:52:19 PM
Quote from: Chauncy47 on December 28, 2012, 01:39:36 PM
that's way too funny!!  They can always fly over here and join me for the Rose Bowl as my team the Badgers are playing in it this year!  I'll also be cheering for Sam's Sooners in the Cotton Bowl.   Although I will NOT be betting on either as I like my chances being better with PB.   
I'll post my results for December and get you that tweaked version of PB I have been playing. I know I have mentioned this many times before, but discipline and good money management is critical to success in this game.  It takes discipline to set and follow a strict betting strategy and it takes even more discipline to play a method that seems boring (PB is one of those slower moving methods) and requires patience when your just dying to just make a bet, but the results are solid.
I've got some exciting  stuff in the pipeline Chauncy. And still want to see your latest idea for PB.

Yeah fly over, that would require some effort. And flight expense. After July it won't matter anymore.
Post by: JohnLegend on January 15, 2013, 06:40:17 PM







Over the last 500 games the strikerate has come up since I have been playing only HIGH AND LOW. So for that sample I am running at around 12/1. But over the vast sample of 6,500 games im at 10.42/1

Double losses remain a seldom event. And the method remains a solid profit grinder. When the three tenets of success are in place. Next update at 7,000 games played.  :thumbsup:
Post by: subby on January 17, 2013, 08:26:41 AM
Looking good John. How many games a day are you playing?
Post by: JohnLegend on January 17, 2013, 01:27:51 PM
Quote from: subby on January 17, 2013, 08:26:41 AM
Looking good John. How many games a day are you playing?
Depending on time 5---10. Longest winning streak is 41 games.
Post by: subby on January 17, 2013, 02:15:38 PM
Nice, I'll be back in action properly again from end of next week in the Speramus project. Just haven't time due to work to be playing it as much as I can.
Post by: JohnLegend on January 17, 2013, 02:40:42 PM
Quote from: subby on January 17, 2013, 02:15:38 PM
Nice, I'll be back in action properly again from end of next week in the Speramus project. Just haven't time due to work to be playing it as much as I can.
Yes get 2013 underway for real, and reach the next level.

Post by: Carlitos on January 26, 2013, 07:32:17 AM
Hello John,

Thanks for explaining the PB system. I like it  :thumbsup:
However i notice something about the patterns and maybe it can be of use.

There are 8 patterns, 2 with totaly the same caracters, RRR AND BBB.
Then there are 2 patterns, with RBR and BRB.

Totaly 4.

And then there are 2 patterns with RBB and BRR but they remaining 2 patterns look symetric to these ones,  RRB and BBR, so it would be,

RBB and the symetric BBR


BRR and RRB.

Which would mean 50% of the 8 patterns could be related if you look at it this way.

Could this mean anything or be usefull in anyway to explore?

Carlitos  8)

Post by: JohnLegend on January 26, 2013, 10:25:32 AM
Quote from: Carlitos on January 26, 2013, 07:32:17 AM
Hello John,

Thanks for explaining the PB system. I like it  :thumbsup:
However i notice something about the patterns and maybe it can be of use.

There are 8 patterns, 2 with totaly the same caracters, RRR AND BBB.
Then there are 2 patterns, with RBR and BRB.

Totaly 4.

And then there are 2 patterns with RBB and BRR but they remaining 2 patterns look symetric to these ones,  RRB and BBR, so it would be,

RBB and the symetric BBR


BRR and RRB.

Which would mean 50% of the 8 patterns could be related if you look at it this way.

Could this mean anything or be usefull in anyway to explore?

Carlitos  8)
Nice observation Carlitos, the weak links in this method are the three of a kind paterns like LLL. Chauncy47 doesn't play them. And I can see his point.

More losing games are a result of ending up with one of these patterns as your bet. If randoms locked into a trend on a single even chance. And that happens to be your bet you will lose

The only way to find out is to put it to the test Carlitos. Scrutinize the behaviour and breakdown. Of just those 4 patterns. For several hundred games. And see if random is showing you a way in.
Post by: Carlitos on January 26, 2013, 10:42:52 AM
..... thanks for the comment  :thumbsup:

Maybe an way of changing it, when 3 of an kind come because first must come 2 of an kind.... and this happens..... there are 2 of an kind of EC all the time happening and then it builds up....

Wouldn't you say that roulette in EC is just an cummulative game, it all adds in diference sizes?
Sometimes, 2 reds, then it goed into 3 highs, into 5 odds.... etc....

Carlitos  :thumbsup:

Post by: Drazen on January 26, 2013, 11:11:28 AM
I can tell what I told to Ignatus in some other forum

Well the thing is no matter what you do, no matter what pattern you create, no matter with which odds, no matter wheel or carpet based one thing will be for sure.

They will all be "exposed" to perfectly same possible deviations in random (for deviations in spheres of roulette of course), which is actualy biggest problem in roulette, not house edge as many think (you wouldn't give a thing for zeros striking if your max losing streak would be enough to overcome it with progression before touching table limits).

That is mathematical fact.

Problem with this approach as yours John is that thinking solving that variance is so simple and absurd.

Because that should be taken as biggest thing in your whole approach of hit and run, that way it works and you allegedly have such results as you claim, you are aware of that right?

So we can say that what you do is collide two randomness. Random in game and random in short entrance point of betting and you expect not to have results with all characteristics of randomness such as variance in this case. You think that way you have reduced it and avoided in quite wide arc. That is illogical and absurd, and most important it can be proven. All can be proved except your results you have.

The other problem with you and this approach is actualy in proving it (with right way as you say) it can't be proved in scientific simulations (as Bayes and few other did many times) although all conditions can be perfectly correct simulated and verified.
So your agenda here is funny. Especialy when consider so insanely steep MM you use  C:-)

Few days ago new member come here, and his first post was: "I played JL-s methods now I have to recover..."

You tried to prove your claims with Bayeses software and Superman-s account but you didn't proved anything, except many many incosistenties in your actualy play, opposite of that what you were saying you will do.

Please just don't tell me wait and you will see, all you do is buying your time here. How long through all your time on forums you are saying wait and I ll show you, you will sing another song then..  Nothing by now. You were saying about some conquering europe casinos last year, but you forgot about it.. It is more important to be here and persuading people that alchemy can be done.

Just don't tell me Chauncy or whoever plays like you is successful and understood "right way". AMK is nice and very honest guy to whom I spoke personaly few times, the one who created one method you are using, well he doesn't plays it nor having money out of roulette as you with this same genius approach. Guess why..


Post by: Carlitos on January 26, 2013, 11:41:46 AM
..... so Drazen, what kind of approach would you recommend to play roulette in such way that some bucks can be made, sort or long-term?

Carlitos  :thumbsup:

Post by: Drazen on January 26, 2013, 11:49:53 AM
The best ones would be with edge like advantage play or any with significantly reduced variance.


Post by: JohnLegend on January 26, 2013, 11:51:07 AM
Quote from: Drazen on January 26, 2013, 11:11:28 AM
I can tell what I told to Ignatus in some other forum

Well the thing is no matter what you do, no matter what pattern you create, no matter with which odds, no matter wheel or carpet based one thing will be for sure.

They will all be "exposed" to perfectly same possible deviations in random (for deviations in spheres of roulette of course), which is actualy biggest problem in roulette, not house edge as many think (you wouldn't give a thing for zeros striking if your max losing streak would be enough to overcome it with progression before touching table limits).

That is mathematical fact.

Problem with this approach as yours John is that thinking solving that variance is so simple and absurd.

Because that should be taken as biggest thing in your whole approach of hit and run, that way it works and you allegedly have such results as you claim, you are aware of that right?

So we can say that what you do is collide two randomness. Random in game and random in short entrance point of betting and you expect not to have results with all characteristics of randomness such as variance in this case. You think that way you have reduced it and avoided in quite wide arc. That is illogical and absurd, and most important it can be proven. All can be proved except your results you have.

The other problem with you and this approach is actualy in proving it (with right way as you say) it can't be proved in scientific simulations (as Bayes and few other did many times) although all conditions can be perfectly correct simulated and verified.
So your agenda here is funny. Especialy when consider so insanely steep MM you use  C:-)

Few days ago new member come here, and his first post was: "I played JL-s methods now I have to recover..."

You tried to prove your claims with Bayeses software and Superman-s account but you didn't proved anything, except many many incosistenties in your actualy play, opposite of that what you were saying you will do.

Please just don't tell me wait and you will see, all you do is buying your time here. How long through all your time on forums you are saying wait and I ll show you, you will sing another song then..  Nothing by now. You were saying about some conquering europe casinos last year, but you forgot about it.. It is more important to be here and persuading people that alchemy can be done.

Just don't tell me Chauncy or whoever plays like you is successful and understood "right way". AMK is nice and very honest guy to whom I spoke personaly few times, the one who created one method you are using, well he doesn't plays it nor having money out of roulette as you with this same genius approach. Guess why..


Drazen I can't speak for anyone else. I have set the date. There will be no more doubt after that. My original plan from last july was to go from 200 units to 5000 in a year. All the messing around with unsound software and rngs wasted alot of time. But I am still going to reach that target and go way beyond it.

You know the thing im always talking about PATIENCE. Well it comes out of people very quickly on these forums. You are telling me my approach can't work. Then Gizmotron is telling me the same. Then spike. Then that lovely fella who owns the other forum/s. Everyone and the kitchen sink.

All say JL is mad and telling the greatest lies of alltime. So get it all in now Drazen. When im there im there. Then the ball will be in yours and all the other detractors court. HOW WAS THIS POSSIBLE? These methods are guaranteed losers. They have no merit.

I've heard it ALL and then some Drazen. The explaining will all be on you and the rest from July. I won't say a thing. I won't gloat. I will just continue. And you will just scratch your head. And continue to say the same. Only the numbers will say something else. And that's all there will be to it.
Post by: Trebor on January 26, 2013, 12:03:47 PM
Hello again JL,

I've lost track with this.

Are your efforts still being independently verified by Superman. If not even if you realize your aims no one will believe you.

Post by: JohnLegend on January 26, 2013, 12:07:04 PM
Quote from: Trebor on January 26, 2013, 12:03:47 PM
Hello again JL,

I've lost track with this.

Are your efforts still being independently verified by Superman. If not even if you realize your aims no one will believe you.

Yes they are. And for his interest, patience in this. He receives 50% of the total pot.
Post by: Ralph on January 26, 2013, 12:23:49 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on January 26, 2013, 12:07:04 PM
Yes they are. And for his interest, patience in this. He receives 50% of the total pot.

Are you bribeing an independent supevisor? :))
Post by: Drazen on January 26, 2013, 12:24:18 PM
Philosophy again, no references to fact evident things...

I am sorry I missed to understand how do you mean to prove that? And that your proof will be possible to test I suppose? Not some picture or video or someone else speaking for you?

It is interesting how in your posts you say you show respect, patience, understanding (even love to say so) to random and next second you smash it hardly in the face saying: You are not random anymore, when I did this to you, won't have the variance as you naturaly must have!

It is all about that John. You allegedly manage to avoid that variance in so great, simple and "cheeky" manner which defies all basic laws of this game. Incredible!  :o

And be sure that when you prove this is possible like you are saying,with the way you are saying I ll make you a statue in the center of my house. And then be sure you will get Nobel prize in mathematics for significant reducing variance in random process.

Great part of your whole philosophy is in some kind od waiting, expecting, bowing heads and breaking egos when you prove your stuff to your "opponents", but almost nothing on obeying real laws in nature that can't be avoided, with the way you are saying.


Post by: Superman on January 26, 2013, 12:35:24 PM
QuoteAre your efforts still being independently verified by Superman

Yes they are trebor

QuoteAre you bribeing an independent supevisor?

I can't be bought Ralph, I'll say it how it is.

JL works for me now lol
Post by: Ralph on January 26, 2013, 12:41:33 PM
Quote from: Superman on January 26, 2013, 12:35:24 PM

I can't be bought Ralph, I'll say it how it is.

JL works for me now lol

If he not have success, you got nothing. You may act as a venture capitalist.
Post by: JohnLegend on January 26, 2013, 12:49:09 PM
Quote from: Drazen on January 26, 2013, 12:24:18 PM
Philosophy again, no references to fact evident things...

I am sorry I missed to understand how do you mean to prove that? And that your proof will be possible to test I suppose? Not some picture or video or someone else speaking for you?

It is interesting how in your posts you say you show respect, patience, understanding (even love to say so) to random and next second you smash it hardly in the face saying: You are not random anymore, when I did this to you, won't have the variance as you naturaly must have!

It is all about that John. You allegedly manage to avoid that variance in so great, simple and "cheeky" manner which defies all basic laws of this game. Incredible!  :o

And be sure that when you prove this is possible like you are saying,with the way you are saying I ll make you a statue in the center of my house. And then be sure you will get Nobel prize in mathematics for significant reducing variance in random process.

Great part of your whole philosophy is in some kind od waiting, expecting, bowing heads and breaking egos when you prove your stuff to your "opponents", but almost nothing on obeying real laws in nature that can't be avoided, with the way you are saying.


You know Drazen you can try TOO HARD. And that's what alot of people trying to break this game are guilty of. They figure if this game is hundreds of years old. How can it be possible for a simple method to beat it longterm.
Surely it requires some equation that looks like something Einstein scribbled on a blackboard. WELL IT doesn't.

But it requires qualities that very few human beings possess. Money management can beat this game, even if the method is average. You are betting money to win money. How you take it up and down makes the world of difference. The problem with most people involved in this game is they can't break away from all that's gone before.

Their thought process is stuck in the past. So how do we bring them to the matrix? Maybe some serious success will be the jolt necessary. We will see.
Post by: Superman on January 26, 2013, 12:51:25 PM
QuoteIf he not have success, you got nothing.

Yes that true, but I won't have lost anything either.
Post by: JohnLegend on January 26, 2013, 12:53:41 PM
Quote from: Superman on January 26, 2013, 12:51:25 PM

Yes that true, but I won't have lost anything either.
Superman can't lose. I've promised him a minumum of 2K by July. Even if I lost everything by then which I won't.

He gets 2K.
Post by: MarignyGrilleau on January 26, 2013, 01:59:49 PM
I would love 2k too. Even 1k. I can wait until December, as by then it will be such a tiny fraction.
Post by: JohnLegend on January 26, 2013, 02:11:11 PM
Quote from: MarignyGrilleau on January 26, 2013, 01:59:49 PM
I would love 2k too. Even 1k. I can wait until December, as by then it will be such a tiny fraction.
I thought you were already winning truckloads Marigny. You and ralph have it wrapped up. Or that was my understanding. Ralph has botterized the RNG world. Tiny fraction for who?. Superman gets 50% all the way. 2K is the minumum. If all goes to plan.

By December ill be on his Xmas card list.

Post by: TwoCatSam on January 26, 2013, 05:38:21 PM
Not raggin' in John, but the question still nags me.  Why does a man living in the UK need Superman to loan him a BV account?

Free people in the UK can open accounts anywhere, can't they?

Post by: JohnLegend on January 26, 2013, 06:17:29 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on January 26, 2013, 05:38:21 PM
Not raggin' in John, but the question still nags me.  Why does a man living in the UK need Superman to loan him a BV account?

Free people in the UK can open accounts anywhere, can't they?

Sam its for verification purposes. Superman has the account to make sure I can't cheat by loading in more funds for example if I were to get wiped out. That's the reason.
Post by: TwoCatSam on January 26, 2013, 06:25:27 PM
Now, John, I like that!  Any you probably answered it for me before.


Post by: JohnLegend on January 26, 2013, 06:38:29 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on January 26, 2013, 06:25:27 PM
Now, John, I like that!  Any you probably answered it for me before.


Okay Sam you are welcome.
Post by: shogun on January 27, 2013, 05:34:28 PM







Right i thought i would start playing PB again.
I will only play H/L this time but still playing HAR.
I am playing to win 1 euro. Last time i upped my stake my strike rate dropped.

JL just a few questions. How long should i leave between games to remain HAR?
What money management do you now use to recover a loss quicker?

Post by: JohnLegend on January 27, 2013, 06:59:43 PM
Quote from: shogun on January 27, 2013, 05:34:28 PM







Right i thought i would start playing PB again.
I will only play H/L this time but still playing HAR.
I am playing to win 1 euro. Last time i upped my stake my strike rate dropped.

JL just a few questions. How long should i leave between games to remain HAR?
What money management do you now use to recover a loss quicker?

Hello Shogun. It doesn't matter so long as you come off the track you are on. It could be 5 spins later or 5 hours later. But if you are tracking like this

You have to break away from it. You are ALWAYS travelling towards a loss. The longer you stay on the track the more certain that loss is.

MONEY MANAGEMENT. Lets get something clear right here. PATTERN BREAKER is as much if not more about money management as it is about bet selection and H.A.R.

it's a low buy in method, that means all three of the afforementioned must be working in harmony to succeed. Look at what Subby has achieved using zero money management. If he had been using money management. He would have smashed the 300 barrier already.

TWO suggested ways to money manage PB.

SUGGESTION 1, Play the classic 1,2,4 progression. And as soon as you lose double or treble (depending on BR size) on the very next game. For ONE GAME ONLY. Then drop back down to 1,2,4. And continue to play until you lose again. These follow up bets are a way of pulling back loss faster.

SUGGESTION 2, Have a multi level staking plan in opperation.

LEVEL 1----1,2,4


You use this plan as follows. You ALWAYS begin at level two, if you win 5 games in a row. You drop to level one and stay there until you lose. Then repeat.

The idea is regarding the first suggestion, double losses seldom happen. And with the second suggestion. Most winning streaks are at least 5 games long. So by dropping down after 5 games. You are protecting your gains from the inevitable loss ahead.

If you hit a sweet run you just collect additional profits, with the peace of mind that your first 4 games secured the progression.

PATTERN BREAKER is a grinder with the occasional joy of seeing some wonderful winning streaks.
The player MUST NOT raise his stakes too fast. That was the problem with some of you guys when you first tried this method out. It was winning well so you tried to grow ahead of your bankrolls growth. And when you hit a bad spell got a good hiding. And of course lost faith and interest in the method. Ideally your total BR should be at LEAST 20 times the size of your progression.

So if you are using 1,2,4. You MUST have at least 140 UNITS TO START.

PATTERN BREAKER is about using all three tenets of success in harmony. And faithfully. If you do this LONGTERM. You will reap the rewards. 7 UNITS will never ever buy a better method. I promise you that.  :thumbsup:
Post by: subby on January 28, 2013, 10:10:02 AM (

More info for you if you want to read :)
Post by: shogun on January 28, 2013, 04:26:27 PM
Thanks JL, Great info. I am going to try my best to stick with it this time. When i gain confidence with it i will raise by bet a little.

Thanks subby that is a great post and is a must read for anyone playing PB.

Cheers  :thumbsup:
Post by: JohnLegend on January 29, 2013, 07:06:41 AM
Quote from: shogun on January 28, 2013, 04:26:27 PM
Thanks JL, Great info. I am going to try my best to stick with it this time. When i gain confidence with it i will raise by bet a little.

Thanks subby that is a great post and is a must read for anyone playing PB.

Cheers  :thumbsup:
You are welcome Shogun, once you have the tools its the mental discipline you must master. When I lacked in that department I was a loser.

Since I found that mental strength to stick to the plan. I've been a winner. don't underestimate that element of the game. Its the difference between winning and losing.

And the biggest single reason this game will always be there for us who have it to profit from. Roulette being mathematically impossible to overcome is a myth.

The human mind can conquer just about anything.
Post by: shogun on February 01, 2013, 07:34:21 PM





Well as you can see i have got off to a horrible start. 4 wins in a row and then 3 losses in a row. I am done with this for now. I know John it will improve but i have had the stuffing knocked out of me and i am to disheartenend to carry on right now.I have the breaking strain of a kitkat.

After the first loss i trebled my bet and when this lost i trebled it again  :(  only to lose again.

Post by: MarignyGrilleau on February 01, 2013, 07:37:11 PM
You lost and it was your fault because you did not stick to the plan, didn't have the discipline...
The "Random" respects mental strength...  ;)
Post by: JohnLegend on February 01, 2013, 07:50:30 PM
Quote from: shogun on February 01, 2013, 07:34:21 PM





Well as you can see i have got off to a horrible start. 4 wins in a row and then 3 losses in a row. I am done with this for now. I know John it will improve but i have had the stuffing knocked out of me and i am to disheartenend to carry on right now.I have the breaking strain of a kitkat.

After the first loss i trebled my bet and when this lost i trebled it again  :(  only to lose again.

Why did you treble it twice Shogun?. When you play just HIGH AND LOW. You don't bet more than once after a loss. That said you have been extremely unlucky here. Where did you play this? I have been playing this method for 4.5 years and over 6,000 games and never lost three times in a row. On HIGH LOW.

Or playing BOTH HIGH LOW and ODD EVEN. You seem to be running into them every time you play. Look at Subby, he has played around 150 games. And although he has lost 16 times. He hasnt had a single double loss.

Mind you he is playing on the best online casino in the universe. And so am I. Might be something to consider.

Post by: shogun on February 01, 2013, 07:54:09 PM
Hi Marigny,
Actually i did stick to the plan, I played it exactly to the rules i set myself.
Of course it was my fault i had a  loss, i would not dream of blaming anyone else. We all know what we are doing here, right?  My loss was nothing to do with discipline.
I have played PB before with no recovery bet and To JL'S credit i had the strike rate similar to his. I know this is a good system.

My last post was not a moan,just stating the results.

Post by: shogun on February 01, 2013, 08:03:04 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on February 01, 2013, 07:50:30 PM
Why did you treble it twice Shogun?. When you play just HIGH AND LOW. You don't bet more than once after a loss. That said you have been extremely unlucky here. Where did you play this? I have been playing this method for 4.5 years and over 6,000 games and never lost three times in a row. On HIGH LOW.

Or playing BOTH HIGH LOW and ODD EVEN. You seem to be running into them every time you play. Look at Subby, he has played around 150 games. And athough he has lost 16 times. He hasnt had a single double loss.

Mind you he is playing on the best online casino in the universe. And so am I. Might be something to consider.

I trebled my bet twice as we hardly ever see a treble loss. It was just to recover quicker.

I was playing H/L only on Eurogrand live.

I had 1 loss today and 2 yesterday and they were on 2 different tables

Post by: Ralph on February 01, 2013, 08:22:34 PM
Jl back up your claims, I am so old I may not be around when you plublish your success, I start a post BEFORE I start the game. And explain how I will do the play.
Some screen shot or some similar!
Post by: JohnLegend on February 01, 2013, 08:38:50 PM
Quote from: shogun on February 01, 2013, 08:03:04 PM

I trebled my bet twice as we hardly ever see a treble loss. It was just to recover quicker.

I was playing H/L only on Eurogrand live.

I had 1 loss today and 2 yesterday and they were on 2 different tables
Maybe you should play as you were before Shogun. And play more conservatively. I don't know eurogrand. But no increases on loss after loss.
Post by: JohnLegend on February 01, 2013, 08:42:02 PM
Quote from: Ralph on February 01, 2013, 08:22:34 PM
Jl back up your claims, I am so old I may not be around when you plublish your success, I start a post BEFORE I start the game. And explain how I will do the play.
Some screen shot or some similar!
Ralph who told you to get old? I don't have the know how to do all this screenshot malarkey. That's why im paying Superman handsomely to be my verifier.

I am sure you will hang on until April. And still be killing BV by July with your Bot machine. And besides you have Subby doing the Sparamus challenge. Now he has been slow of late. But has he blown his BR?

I've invested £250 of my own money in that venture. So I do put my money where my methods are. Now I don't know about Eurogrand. If this had happened to Shogun on PP. I would say hard cheese. Because that's the best in the business. Total honesty. You lose there you lose fair and square.

To lose three games in a row on three different tables isn't impossible but very unlikely. If I haven't done it in over 6,000 games. Then someone comes along and does it in 7 games on an unplaced casino. I don't know.
Post by: Robeenhuut on February 04, 2013, 07:12:36 AM
Quote from: JohnLegend on February 01, 2013, 08:42:02 PM
Ralph who told you to get old? I don't have the know how to do all this screenshot malarkey. That's why im paying Superman handsomely to be my verifier.

I am sure you will hang on until April. And still be killing BV by July with your Bot machine. And besides you have Subby doing the Sparamus challenge. Now he has been slow of late. But has he blown his BR?

I've invested £250 of my own money in that venture. So I do put my money where my methods are. Now I don't know about Eurogrand. If this had happened to Shogun on PP. I would say hard cheese. Because that's the best in the business. Total honesty. You lose there you lose fair and square.

To lose three games in a row on three different tables isn't impossible but very unlikely. If I haven't done it in over 6,000 games. Then someone comes along and does it in 7 games on an unplaced casino. I don't know.

Google "screen capture" and download a free software in 1 min. For example Screen Hunter. If you really play online and have a dispute with a casino its really essential.  ;)
Post by: JohnLegend on February 04, 2013, 07:50:12 PM
Quote from: Robeenhuut on February 04, 2013, 07:12:36 AM
Google "screen capture" and download a free software in 1 min. For example Screen Hunter. If you really play online and have a dispute with a casino its really essential.  ;)
I might attempt it in the latter part of the year. When I have some interest. Im not at the level where people sit up and take notice yet. That starts happenning from July onwards. Because I treat this like a business. I never attempt to grow more than 4% on BR in any one days play.

There are no spectacular daily wins with me. Not at this level. When you are winning 2 or 3% of a £10,000 BR that's another story. When I get up there. I will get involved in all this, but I want Superman to earn some of that money. His financial future is bright. How bright depends on the tolerance level of PP.

If they don't stop me he will become wealthy from very little work. We shall see.
Post by: topcat888 on February 05, 2013, 07:00:13 AM
Quote from: JohnLegend on February 04, 2013, 07:50:12 PM
I might attempt it in the latter part of the year. When I have some interest. Im not at the level where people sit up and take notice yet....

John, never one to criticize you, however that does sound 'mildly fishy'...  Why don't you just put the doubters at bay with periodic screenshots..?  It's so easy to do...

The interest is there, you know that; we would all be interested in viewing your progress, towards your ultimate goal...

I work for someone who plays the technophobe card nearly everyday and it drives me crazy, I know they could if they really wanted to, it's just they don't want to or can't be bothered..!

To be honest if you can sign onto this forum, then you can take a screen shot..! Give it a try.
Post by: MarignyGrilleau on February 05, 2013, 12:11:19 PM
Post by: JohnLegend on February 05, 2013, 01:22:16 PM
Quote from: topcat888 on February 05, 2013, 07:00:13 AM
John, never one to criticize you, however that does sound 'mildly fishy'...  Why don't you just put the doubters at bay with periodic screenshots..?  It's so easy to do...

The interest is there, you know that; we would all be interested in viewing your progress, towards your ultimate goal...

I work for someone who plays the technophobe card nearly everyday and it drives me crazy, I know they could if they really wanted to, it's just they don't want to or can't be bothered..!

To be honest if you can sign onto this forum, then you can take a screen shot..! Give it a try.
After the first update on April 19th. I will look into it. Remember the account is controlled by Superman. There can be no cheating by me.

I like to run things in a business sense. With quarterly updates. 50% of whatever I have at each of these updates will belong to Superman. And 10% to the forum. that's why I want there to be a little surprise element here.

To show you what becomes of a vunerable £200 over a year.

And when im eventually shut down everyone will know why. Let me do this my way. Its going to be great.
Post by: Koekke on February 07, 2013, 06:41:13 AM
Hi, can you play PB on a live but automatic roulette table without an actual dealer?

Post by: JohnLegend on February 07, 2013, 03:25:41 PM
Quote from: Koekke on February 07, 2013, 06:41:13 AM
Hi, can you play PB on a live but automatic roulette table without an actual dealer?

Hello Koeke yes you can. Some say these might be rigged, but I think they're okay. Live dealer is always the best though.
Post by: Drazen on May 19, 2013, 09:47:58 AM
Quote from: PatternAnalys on May 19, 2013, 09:25:50 AM
Hi, Tell u what sir,John Legend, :thumbsup:
I think your system a legendary!
U said that the loss never exceed 2 in a row,
Then just be PATIENT and wait for a ONE or TWO complete loss to occur, and BINGO, that's HOLY GRAIL 99.9% winning!!!
Am I right??? :cheer:

Very wise conclusion If I may say.  :glasses:

Even wiser would be to leave it just at that. Now you have 100% HG  :P

Post by: Rouletta on May 19, 2013, 12:09:49 PM
No Risk, No gain....... :)
Post by: Drazen on May 19, 2013, 12:27:06 PM
Quote from: Rouletta on May 19, 2013, 12:09:49 PM
No Risk, No gain....... :)

But at the same time no stupid risk no pain  :thumbsup:
Post by: TwoCatSam on May 20, 2013, 02:48:32 PM
Ask Superman........
Post by: Superman on May 20, 2013, 05:43:52 PM
QuoteAsk Superman........

Nah don't bother, Bing bell AKA (Skakus/Bombus) has already made a good statement.

Forget it, these methods do NOT work long term, at some point you WILL lose the bank or atleast the majority of it, JL has found this out, why do you think he has vanished.

In the other thread you asked how long, well it's been about 2 months since he last attempted anything, if he was that sure of his methods he would be doing it every day, he's not so that tells us something.

He said I would be well in the money by the middle of the year, last response from him he said give him until Christmas, wow as he struggles the goal posts move too.
Post by: spike on May 20, 2013, 08:17:22 PM
But, but, hasn't he been playing this for YEARS, according
to him, and made nothing but money with it? Years and
years I think he said. And now that might not be true?
Say it isn't so....
Post by: AMK on May 20, 2013, 11:20:35 PM
I hope your doing well JL.


Post by: TwoCatSam on May 20, 2013, 11:40:39 PM
Yes, as I understand it, he has been playing this for years.

I played it for a while.  It is too slow and boring.  So John calls me lazy.  I'm anything but!  However, I will not sit and twitter away my life when a bot could do it for me.

He says not bot; I say "Adios!"


By the way, I had a great run and then it went South!
Post by: Number Six on August 11, 2013, 01:46:00 PM
What's the world coming to when the Martingale gets 38 pages of replys?
You can play this faster on every spin by following the last or betting the opposite.
But that would be archaic and ill-advised.

Post by: Albalaha on November 10, 2014, 04:36:02 AM
No betting pattern or trigger will give you better odds than is expected mathematically. If you are calculating that in some way or other,either your sample has bias or you haven't tested enough to see the reality. Only thing that has to be learnt by an educated and informed gambler is how to survive a game with casino favoring payouts and very wild and kind of unpredictable negative variance.
Post by: RoulettePlayer on November 11, 2014, 07:06:39 AM
For your information, the statistic average is1 single loss in 32 games, 1 double loss in 1024 gamesand 1 triple loss in over 32,000 games.

Roulette Player[smiley]aes/evil.png[/smiley]
Post by: Albalaha on November 12, 2014, 05:48:01 AM
Quote from: RoulettePlayer on November 11, 2014, 07:06:39 AM
For your information, the statistic average is1 single loss in 32 games, 1 double loss in 1024 gamesand 1 triple loss in over 32,000 games.

Roulette Player[smiley]aes/evil.png[/smiley]
What kind of edge you get by this info? Can you predict which case will happen in which sequence? Statistically, in 100 spins, u r mathematically likely to win with any EC about 48 times. How does this help?
Post by: plolp on November 12, 2014, 09:30:50 AM
--    --    --
          18can anyone show how the method works only on R and N ? Thanks
Post by: Sputnik on November 12, 2014, 11:57:21 AM
The mehtod using 8 clustering patterns of three (the original) and wait until one pattern fall into sleep, then you bet against it, the odds is 7 to 1.
I test with with regression up & pull


Here is the results where you aim to win once and continue for a strike or break even or accept a small loss.

2014 09 27
2014 09 26
2014 09 25
2014 09 24
2014 09 23
2014 09 22
2014 09 21
2014 09 20
2014 09 19
2014 09 18
2014 09 17

If you are going to test pattern breaker, then you might test this approch.
Use the staking plan 122 ... three attempts.

If you win any of the three bets you continue betting using regression.
If you win again you move forward with up & pull.
Just follow the last hitting bet to continue to strike.

Post by: miguel arriaga gonzalez on April 30, 2015, 02:39:21 PM
Thanks John, for this ingenious idea, I used it on electromechanical (rolling money 2) and this fits the percentages you wrote in the original message. I ask one query: after losing the first game applying a labby on profits (eg 1 2 4 playing 6 instead of 5 for the hit to get +1, as if it were a martingale hit, hug to the forum members.
Post by: JOHN LEGEND MK2 on February 04, 2018, 04:26:32 PM
This reply is very late. But thankyou. Well after 5 years I am back. I have some new tweaks for the best system I ever created AND STILL USE. So some may remember me.  8)