I will run RB and use fib progression. Follow the last most the time, if I see it starts chop I will stay at the color after a loss. The progression will increase if I lose 2 of 3 spins. I use 0.1 chips without any predefined stoploss.
24 spins
I go for 100 units.
33 more spins plus 13.
Total 26.
Next 43 spins. Plus 15. Highest bet 21.
Total 41.
78 more spins + 15.
Total 56.
122 more spins. Highest bet 21. Plus 22.
Total 78
After 426 spins the target of 100 units is reached. Max progression 21, two times.
In some way it is not easier to win 100 on EC than inside numbers. Around 50% of the spins cancel WL and LW. The winning streaks use to be on lower stakes than some losing, hence the progression goes higher to come to level and plus.
Did you use FTL with your test.
I can see you using spins and not placed bets.
How does your fibo look like.
My fibo look like this 1 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89
Quote from: Sputnik on January 28, 2013, 07:24:54 PM
Did you use FTL with your test.
I can see you using spins and not placed bets.
How does your fibo look like.
My fibo look like this 1 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89
How can you see I not bet every spin? I do use every spin. In one picture I saw one but just one missing in the numbering of spins, it's a misstake by the casino software, as free spins is not permited at BV.
The fib is as 1,3,5............89
I used FTL near all the time, if it starts go choppy I use to try stay.
When you play FTL do you have any attack sequence/window.
Lets say you attack with two attempts, if a win you continue or stop or break even.
How do you do it your way.
Also what is your ending tail, how many loses in a row before you stop chasing, when do you stop and restart or do you just go all in.
I ask this as i find pretty solid probability and math how to use the FTL march among others.
When to attack and when to stop and restart.
Quote from: Sputnik on January 29, 2013, 02:26:12 PM
When you play FTL do you have any attack sequence/window.
Lets say you attack with two attempts, if a win you continue or stop or break even.
How do you do it your way.
Also what is your ending tail, how many loses in a row before you stop chasing, when do you stop and restart or do you just go all in.
I ask this as i find pretty solid probability and math how to use the FTL march among others.
When to attack and when to stop and restart.
I bet every spin, and has in this play no stoploss (10000 I had stop). I change to bet the opposite if I feel it is going to chop much.
I see stoploss is to use when you must stop, if it is lower, you have to start of the lower level next time anyhow. It is not any different then if I reduce the bet to not go to high and continue.
Cool, i would do it different.
Nice test results.