Thanks for this ingenious idea, In order to be safe with that, I tried it with 32 patterns of RB. I look at the last 5 spins.I made a chart so I can check mark the patterns as they show up.But it take more time to cross all the patterns except the last one. The chance that the last pattern will show up during the next 5 spins is extremely small. So I use a 5 steps progression. I win almost immediatly by betting the opposite of the last pattern. Use the playtech French roulette because you can spin without betting and bet on the 0 at every step of your progression. If the 0 hits, it's a nice profit, you get paid 36 times your bet plus half of your bet on the color. It's only on the French roulette. I hitted the 0 twice with a profit of around $5 each time. I made $20 total profit today using that concept with a $1 minimun bet on colors. Every time I win a session I make at least $1.50 profit.
With a spread sheet like Excel, you can built up your progression, so you know how much to bet after a loss to finish with a profit after a win.
Wish good luck, works fine for me, make a constant profit, started with $13 and now I have $60, in less that a week just playing about 1 hour at a time. You have to be accurate and very patient to get your last pattern. Always bet the opposite color. That very important.
I will give you an example, let's say that your last pattern is Red, Red, Black, Black, Red, you bet on Black with the amounts in the first level of your progression. You win ya, game over, take your profit and start a new session or stop. You lose, bet on Black with the second level of your progression, you loose again, bet on Red, you loose again, bet on Red and if you loose again, bet on Black. If you loose the fifth step of your progression it's because the last pattern showed up. That's really unlikely to happen. When you have 4 or 5 patterns left to cross, there is a lot of 5 spins sequences for crossing a new pattern. There is a lot of repeats of patterns that you have already crossed.
Again good luck
It's worth a try with play money first
Roulette player