What do You think about this kind strategy.
We wait for imbalance of EC bets in last 100 spins ,let say 60 and more blacks to 40 or less reds , and start placing bet on reds to balance with soft progression 111222333444...
we go up only after 3 straight loses. Bankroll 300 units.
We play all EC .
60 to 40 is for live wheels, for RNG i think 65 to 35 ,or even more.
This is mechanical progression and we lose at some point , but mayby make more than lose.
I sorta play all 3 e/c's this way ........For me at worst they balance out and its break- even , at best you do very very well...
Not wanting to sound negative, the waiting time for placing a bet is incredibly high....; Furthermore what about if the difference between R/N is only about 2
or 3 in 100 spins.......; I luv playing ec's imho I think there are surely faster and more effective bet selection for ec's.......
I have been playing my own version of this....--I divide all the e/c's into 6 bets: Red/Black, High,/Low, even /odd.......When I sit at table --I start with red/ black (as its the most obvious to see). If the last 14 on the marquee are choppy, as in only 1' and 2's I play red to continue after a hit.A separate bet is black to continue (FTL).... My most conservative approach, is to play in blocks of 8-10 attempts . If down after say 10 I increase my bet size by a minimum. Start at 1 the next block is 1.5....Im watching the board and adding other e/c bets in as I can absorb them into the game. IE notice them. I keep track of all of them and restart when ahead a couple of chips (my own judgement when)...... I have rarely had to go past the 1, 1.5 stage
Tomla, thanks for sharing your own version. One question, in relation to the separate bet if Black comes FTL; What about if u loose, and R comes will u go for B or for R for the next bet.......?
In relation to progression....have u tried the bread winner's progression as well......? I used it every day with very good results....
if black losses and red comes I bet red..... I have tried this with breadwinner, positive parlays all kinds of soft bets and haven't really lost a session yet. I use it as a staple bet to stay on the table.. I might be playing lines or columns etc and need triggers.. this bet keeps me on the table if the other players exit etc.... You can mickey mouse this bet and play all 6 even chances or choose a couple of them---depends on what else your doing on the table.
Thanks Tomla, I will give it a shot.