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Digging your way out of the hole

Started by TwoCatSam, November 17, 2012, 05:15:14 PM

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Quote from: TwoCatSam on November 18, 2012, 04:56:37 PM

Here is the scenario I encounter.  My progression climbs to the point I can't take it anymore and I quit.  When I start again, I start at .50 and the wins come like crazy.  Then I wonder, should I have resumed my progression where I left off?  I would have won.  What if I got a second RFH?

There seems to be no answer.


I play around on BV play money with say 1 euro bets, the progression goes up, the losses go up, and I give up.

Next time I wade back in with 10 euro bets and make a killing.

Would I ever have the nerve to do that for real? Sometimes I wish so. I don't think I've got what it takes to be a gambler.




I have heard it said that a winning method can be ruined by a progression.  While Jl plays a progression, it is a "short leash" progression.  If you strung three or four of these together, it could get hairy.

Say you lost and the loss is 7.  Jump to 7 14 28.  If you win, you're even.  If you lose, what then?  Start at 28?  28 56 112  Jl might say losing three in a row is virtually impossible.  I will always believe that things run in batches, so if I lost I would not be surprised to lose again.

If I could get 10-1 win ratio, I'd just take it and play.  Using the MST, this would be very easy to play alongside another system.  No frantic placing of bets.  Just one click.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


This is just my opinion but I don't think you should go against your basic nature in any areas of your life. The conflict just leads to dissapointment. I don't want to sound like a party pooper or anything because I believe we can still gamble and win even if we are conservative by nature.

A lot of what I am saying was in several books I read. I will see if I can dig them out and elaborate (bloviate) a bit more.
Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.



That's it. My experience is that losses come on top of each other. Maybe not so often with PB but maybe often enough. If it does average say 10/1 why not keep it simple.


For me I'd ideally want the gambling part to be "will I win the next bet", whilst being much more confident about the overall position.
To that extent I suppose you can be a conservative gambler.



Quote from: TwoCatSam on November 18, 2012, 05:20:24 PM

If I could get 10-1 win ratio, I'd just take it and play.  Using the MST, this would be very easy to play alongside another system.  No frantic placing of bets.  Just one click.


yup  :thumbsup:



Quote from: Trebor on November 18, 2012, 11:24:38 PM


For me I'd ideally want the gambling part to be "will I win the next bet", whilst being much more confident about the overall position.
To that extent I suppose you can be a conservative gambler.


This is where having a bankroll of 20 times a loss comes in. That mental safety net - knowing you have lost but it's only a small 5% of your total bankroll, is comforting and less of a mental anguish scenario to deal with. That bankroll safety net is the difference between playing relaxed and enjoying your gaming and "panicking" as you've lost some money and you're tense and annoyed that you have lost, and you're down money, etc....

Playing with a smile will prevent greed and over playing to the point where your win:loss ratio is barely covering a loss....less(games) is more(bankroll units) with a few good streaks in between  :thumbsup:



Quote from: subby on November 19, 2012, 10:06:57 AM
This is where having a bankroll of 20 times a loss comes in. That mental safety net - knowing you have lost but it's only a small 5% of your total bankroll, is comforting and less of a mental anguish scenario to deal with. That bankroll safety net is the difference between playing relaxed and enjoying your gaming and "panicking" as you've lost some money and you're tense and annoyed that you have lost, and you're down money, etc....

Playing with a smile will prevent greed and over playing to the point where your win:loss ratio is barely covering a loss....less(games) is more(bankroll units) with a few good streaks in between  :thumbsup:

I think maybe I'm being read wrong.

We all know this Subby. I'm lucky enough to be financially secure and will remain so as long as I don't catch gambling as as an illness (which I won't). I've never used money that I couldn't cheerfully wave goodbye to.

However, I would get a real kick out of making money out of Casinos when all around think it's impossible.

Plus we would all like a little more. Wouldn't we.   :thumbsup:







I wasn't speaking of bankroll. 

Let's say your bankroll is X.  You do real well for a while and your bankroll is 3X.  Then you hit the skids and it goes to 1/2X.  Now you have to fight your way back to X and hope to someday, in some universe, get back to 3X and move forward.

To me this is mentally tiring.  I want to get to 3X and the move to 5X and on and on.

It just doesn't work that way.  For me, anyway.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Get away from the "money" value you are playing and focus instead of a grinder method with "units" in your head as a value not money.

Take care of winning long steady amounts of small units and the unit values will look after your bankroll.

When you are 10 times a total loss in your BR you really shouldn't lose again...or go into negative money I mean...lower bankroll than when you started.

Fewer games a day on the wheel = longer unit adding win streaks and at the end of the month it's the amount of units you win that you convert to money and cash out.

Even grinding out 20 units+ a month...not £20 or £20,000 but 20 "UNITS" leaves you in profit. Play less and have fewer losing streaks. I'm currently on a 18+ chip run on EVEN ODD which is over twice a total loss amount of 7 chips. Streaks like that add units gradually to your BR and month-end...you'll be up more than when you started



If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Its impossible to dig a hole if you know what's
going on in your gane at all times. If you always know
where your game stands in relation to the random
outcomes being presented, you always know when
to bet, not bet, and run away.

If you don't have this info available when you play,
you're playing blind and this always leads to bad


I'll be the first to admit--I'm not so hot at gambling.  I do find myself in the hole and most folks are there with me now and then.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers