"Brainstorming is a group creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its members." [ Wikipedia]
In this thread there is NO BAD IDEA.
There will be no "right" or "wrong" ideas.
ALL judgements and disbelief are to be suspended.
Members are free to put forward whatever BET SELECTION IDEAS AND APPROACHES they wish without fear of ridicule, personal attacks or criticism.
I will simply delete any critical threads so don't waste your time writing one!
This thread is intended to list ideas only. It's not for general discussion of an idea. Start your own thread if you want to discuss an idea.
Regard this thread's contents as catalysts for your own research and development, if a particular idea appeals to you.
"Everything you can imagine is real." [Pablo Picasso]
That Picasso quote is so true. Thoughts can create reality.
Just one tiny example: when driving I imagine a spare parking slot near to where I want to go.
Invariably, there is one...just as I imagined. Even on a busy day.
I'll close with two other relevant quotes.
"Those who stop dreaming ... are lost" [An Australian Aboriginal proverb]
"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." [Albert Einstein]
To set the ball rolling consider:
1 The Golden Ratio.
It occurs in the natural world, and has been used in architecture, music, art and design, just for starters.
So of you might like to see if the ratio has any application to roulette, or to the ratio of wins:losses, or....
2 The Golden String...Phi and the Rabbit Sequence in binary format...the Golden Sequence...
Google will reveal plenty of links.
This resource could be a useful starting point: (
[As an aside, I have found the Golden Sequence often occurs in roulette and can be exploited. ]
So do your own research if the ideas appeal to you.
Energy, Vibration and Resonance
Everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies.
Quantum entanglement and number flows is a rich seam for exploration.
Number vibrations is a field already successfully exploited after years of hard work by a forum member and his team of testers.
Consider this chart [attachimg=1] as a catalyst for your own research.
Very good initiative, Esoito. Hopefully, you will get the creative members here get going and contributing with something interesting.
All the best.
Thumbs up!
BTW, how about food recipes? Game or no? :drunk:
But hey, either way, nice to see something except a harp leading to drama!
Number Prediction
A fanciful dream? Or a reality waiting for the right set of levers to release it?
Plug this into google: formulas to predict numbers
You'll get over 60k hits!
Off the first page we have:
Maths to predict lottery numbers: (
and ( [interesting formulas are included here]
How to find a formula for a set of numbers: (
Here's a formula for a sequence of numbers: (
Remember this: lottery numbers and roulette numbers are both in a closed system. The mathematically literate might like to tinker and experiment with the formulas.
And whilst on that thought I've tinkered and experimented to convert the attached PDF from occasionally useful to regularly useful. The author's claim of 93% was -- putting it kindly -- fanciful !
You might come up with a tweak that unlocks a door... :o
Visualisation and the power of positive thinking.
It all links in with the phenomenon of Attraction.
Remote Viewing
"Remote viewing is a controlled and trainable mental process involving psi (or psychic ability). It is used to transfer perceptual information across time and space. It is clear that remote viewing works in complete violation of the accepted "laws" of quantum and relativistic physics. So those "laws" are incomplete."
[ source: (]
"Remote viewing is a mental faculty that allows a perceiver (a "viewer") to describe or give details about a target that is inaccessible to normal senses due to distance, time, or shielding."
[ source: (]
Ask Mr Google for remote viewing and he'll toss you over 18 million hits!!
The CIA and the military took it seriously enough to set up a dedicated RV group operating as part of the Stargate program: (
Wouldn't it be wonderful to RV numbers and cards in advance...?
So now ask Mr Google for remote viewing roulette and he'll toss you around 32k hits!!
Amongst the phony and deliberately misleading stuff listed it's quite possible that someone, somewhere, is genuine and with a high level of accuracy.
Here is a subject regarding Reading Randomness:How Understanding Randomness Will Give You Mind-Reading Powers
QuoteMore recently, psychologists Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman proposed the so-called Law of Small Numbers, a theory that accounts for human misunderstandings of randomness. Specifically, we wrongly expect small samples to behave like very large ones. So if you toss a coin five times, you assume that you'll get some variation of a pattern that includes two or three heads and two or three tails. If your coin lands on tails five times in a row, you tend to believe that it can't be a coincidence. But in fact, the odds of five tails in a row are 1 in 32—not especially common, but not terribly rare, either. "So we have all these sort of false positives where we figure there must be something wrong with that coin, or maybe the person's got some magic hot-hand in tossing coins," Poundstone says.
Nikola Tesla said ''If only you knew the magnificence of the 3,6,9, then you would have the key to the universe''
How about the roulette wheel ??? (You don't have to take them as literally meaning numbers 3 red, 6 black or 9 red)
Oooo...a subtle title for this post.
[Once you've read the attached PDF you might see what I mean.]
Sadly, the author's site has gone the way of all flesh. And the promise of his Volume 2 [as implied by Volume 1] has defied all my efforts to locate it online.
But if you have a copy please upload it to this thread.
[As an aside, the author alludes to Ramtha as part of his training.
See here: (
So whether or not the PDF is a lure for you to join Ramtha is for you to decide.]
Regardless, the PDF is an interesting read and he even gives specific pointers on how to "read" the future for yourself.
You might assume that prime numbers are distributed randomly -- a reasonable assumption.
However, we now have empirical evidence that it's not true.
If your prime ends in 3, it's more likely that the next prime will end in 9 than in 1 or 7.
In summary, mathematical researchers found that 1 is followed by:
* 1 about 18% of the time
* 3 about 30% of the time
* 7 about 30% of the time
* 9 about 22% of the time
They found similar results when they started with primes that ended in 3, 7 or 9 variations, but with repeated last digits the least common.
The bias persists, but slowly decreases, as numbers get larger.
Full details here: ( (
This thread is for IDEAS only -- not discussions about them. I've already stated that!
I've opened a new thread for discussions
I'll delete future discussion posts if they appear in this thread. :nod:
I will add something i like very much and experiment with.
How different betting solutions equal a EC bet with 50% probability.
A dozen that hit within 2 attempts are equal a EC bet
A Line that hit within 4 attempts are equal a EC bet
A Corner that hit within 6 attempts are equal a EC bet
A Street that hit within 8 attempts are equal a EC bet
A Split that hit within 12 attempts are equal a EC bet
A Single number that hit within 25 attempts are equal a EC bet
Now it does not matter if you use the table layout or a sector or pick certain amount of numbers random.
Now to get deeper into this i will show you two different ways to charting and tracking this positions.
First one is to say that dozen that hit within two attempts are equal a EC bet, if the dozen has not hit during four spins then you have two hits of the opposite EC position.
Six time would be three hitting EC events of the opposite side.
This determine when to make decision making where and when to bet.
But i don't like betting one sleeping locations using this methodology, so there is another solution.
As there is as many singles and there is series of EC events, so can you start betting after each time a location hit.
So if you get for example a dozen to hit once and you bet it will hit once more for the next two attempts, then if you win you get a serie of two and if you lose you get a singles.
A 50/50 situation.
But it sure feels better to base you bets upon present results then sleeping results.
So if you get three singles betting dozen, then is the same thing as getting three EC events in a row.
This could be worth exploring:!/msg58103/#new (!/msg58103/#new)
I have finally defined what I discovered in Baccarat, the 3 ratios that normally make-up a shoe. I am working on the definement and other info relating to this. Here is my visible outline. Of course subjective to each of the experienced baccarat players to define and discuss their own identification, triggers, and literal outlines of each:
1) Strong Ratio. (Controlled Creation & Appearance) Obvious, sectioned and distinctive formation of patterns. Strong, whether that is repetitive or weak or anything in-between, just a once again, numerous occurring event within a section. My own desire would be old school, is to follow it and lose only my last wager when I was triggered by the presence of the ratio.
2) Sound Ratio. (Equally Orderly Response) Everything happening in-between, the above and the below two ratios.
3) Background Ratio. (Continuous Portability) Swing to even out, not much longevity of anything, but necessary and always has to happen. The most dangerous and hardest wagers to be successful on.
A very interesting post on Random Numbers is here: (
Cracking Pi Cracking Random
Quote 1
"In 2004, the Statistical Laboratory at University California Santa Barbara tested him with 100 flips of a coin. He successfully predicted and found a precise .04166.... flat bet advantage. The Lab then repeated the experiment with 100 "coin flips" from a random number generator. Again he successfully predicted and found a precise .04166.... flat bet advantage."
Quote 2
"On March 14, 2006, the Buffalo Evening News published an article in which their reporter tested him with a random number generator. He successfully predicted the precise random outcomes of electronic card turnovers with a .16666 flat-bet advantage."
If those two quotes pique your interest then: ( Be sure to also click the About tab when you arrive there.
Action At A Distance seems to be an important concept...important enough for The Vatican to have once banned study of it.
They seem to be a bit more enlightened these days: (
This site might [or it might not!] help you make more sense of the above, difficult-to-follow exposition: (
Some of you will recognize participants in this interesting thread.
By the way, it's worth watching Nowun's videos.
Learn to visualise your data. Very interesting for those who want to raise their testing a few notches: (
I believe this is also worthwhile: (
Thanks Blue_Angel. Very interesting.
As a followup we can add this:
Expanding on the work of Marko Rodin, Randy Powell explains vortex math and the ABHA Torus from the beginning. Randy says with Vortex-Based Mathematics we will be able to see how energy is expressing itself mathematically. (
For those who need some reassurance this is not a load of baloney then
- download the PDF from (
- turn to pages25ff for high profile contributors and supporters of his work
For your information, Mr Rodin, Author of Vortex Math and CEO of Rodin Aeronautics lives here at this address in Hawai:,+Hilo,+HI+96720,+USA/@19.7267688,-155.05934,3a,75y,288.53h,93.33t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sXTF0x95QkqvIEz355Vv3zA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x79524c84a8053879:0xeed50f9392b4040c!8m2!3d19.7267784!4d-155.0594766
The rather pittoresc location and living conditions might have to be chalked up on his assumed eccentricity. Assumed geniuses preoccupied with the great questions of the universe don't always have to live abundantly, but a certain standard is expected when you expose yourself as a CEO for a company in Aeronautics.
Still, I have to confess I haven´t had the time for an in-depth analysis of his esoteric math, yet some of his ideas I have had a chance to glance at, are loosely reminiscent of recent discoveries in Quantum Physics, though I suspect some others could be questioned from a Thermodynamics point of view.
Now here's a thought I recently encountered on the BBC site:
'Inversion' is a strategy that looks at problems in reverse, to minimise the negatives instead of maximising the positives'
Why would that strategy not be applicable to bet selection? [Any replies in the discussion thread, please]
Gann made a fortune on the US stock market so don't be tempted to dismiss this as garbage. (
Astute members will see possible application to their bet selection. [Discussion in the discussion thread -- not here -- please]
"If you knew the magnificence of the three, six and nine, you would have a key to the universe." – Nikola Tesla
If you add, subtract and multiply numbers 1 to 36 in a variety of ways you will find 3...6..9...appear again and again in amazing patterns -- too often to be mere coincidence.
A forum member and myself have found several profitable ways to exploit the phenomena.
That takes time, energy and persistence, coupled with a willingness to think in unconventional ways.
I mention this not to boast, but to show others that gold is there to be mined through a willingness to work at it.