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123 Framework

Started by GreatGrampa, May 17, 2013, 04:20:48 PM

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yay! that's really too deep Sam  :nope:

is it a straight to level 12 loss?
i did  my own test last night via betvoyager and its giving me a +.  :D

now i am trying to do a reverse of this framework if its more profitable simply because the hit rate will increase.
say you will
1. start with a double street.
2. on 3 loss increase unit move to dozen/column, move step 1 on new high
3. on 3 loss increase unit move to EC on a 3 step marty , move step 1 on new high

am using a mac so i can't really test it via RX


Quote from: marvin on May 24, 2013, 08:01:23 AM
now i am trying to do a reverse of this framework if its more profitable simply because the hit rate will increase.
say you will
1. start with a double street.
2. on 3 loss increase unit move to dozen/column, move step 1 on new high
3. on 3 loss increase unit move to EC on a 3 step marty , move step 1 on new high
I have tried a number of ways to make it work this way. It is not as efficient in terms of the bank roll as the straight forward one, or atleast I was not able to get there. Good luck Marvin! If you figure something out, please let us know as well. Will be very interested to see the approach. 8)
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


yay! that's really too deep Sam


Any suggestions on how to keep from going this deep?

I don't like it either, but what do you do?

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on May 24, 2013, 10:44:14 AM
Any suggestions on how to keep from going this deep?
I don't like it either, but what do you do?
Sam! Is it 12 straight losses or is it building up slowly. The answer will depend on that. If its not 12 straight losses, then we could try cheating D'alembert by restarting progression on a new high, or on a win, going down by 2 steps instead of 1 step.

Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


It is not 12 straight.  It goes up and down, but more up than down.

This morning it went 16 and I lost.......

See folks!  When I lose I report it.  So now I'm down for the week.  Next week is a new world.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


 :drunk:  that's a big cat you got there in your avatar Sam  :P

then i realize that this framework is another form of parachuting ... so slow of me  ;D
in general parachuting can really do wonders as long as you got a huge bank
the best form of parachuting that i like is the reverse one, where in you start with the single digit.
say you will play Mr J's Catch the 8th train then on every spin you will cover the splits, street, double street, dozens, columns, EC's that will touch with that hot number


Quote from: TwoCatSam on May 24, 2013, 02:08:24 PM
It is not 12 straight.  It goes up and down, but more up than down.


I think I know what's happening. But only you will be able to validate it.

1. Your stop loss is 10. Believe most of the cases you might not be getting to the line bet at all.  As you will hit your stop loss before that.  May be changing it to 18 might help getting even more winning sessions. 

2. Is there way you could cheat alembert in your bot.  If it is not straight losses and it is more wins against losses, it might be possible that because the progression is not restarting at a new bank roll high and the deviation is amplified because of he unit size and takes you deeper.   What do you think?
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


Great One

Yes, you are right.  Sometimes it does not get all the way to 10 units down.  I've seen it reset at -7 so maybe I'll give it a whirl at 20.  Makes no real difference to the bot.

Don't know about cheating the D'Alembert.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


GreatGrampa,  How many steps should I play in a session to recover the deficit?  I have played according to Step 2 (2 4 6), if the balance - 54, I arrived at my Stop / Loss. My goal Win per session is +10

If you lose in Step 1 (EC 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Dozen Double Street) Go to Step 2 (EC 2 3 4 2 3 4 Dozen ...) do you continue in Step 3, 4 or  limit your step? :thumbsup:


Keep a stop loss which is little lower -54 is a little deep for a +10 target.  I play only 3-4 steps.  After that I accept loss and go for a new one.  But as always my knowledge from live wheel. May be someone playing this in RNG can help you if you are playing RNG
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine



According to your experience playing live wheel, what is the maximum number of 3-4-5 steps did you have to go to
recover a deficit  in one session. For example, is it two instances, three instances, or more......??




Quote from: marvin on May 24, 2013, 08:01:23 AM
now i am trying to do a reverse of this framework if its more profitable simply because the hit rate will increase.
say you will
1. start with a double street.
2. on 3 loss increase unit move to dozen/column, move step 1 on new high
3. on 3 loss increase unit move to EC on a 3 step marty , move step 1 on new high

How did this one hold up marvin?
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


I have been PMed by a number of people asking for what other variations that we could play this method on especially when I mentioned the part 2 for this method. Instead of PMing individuals, I thought, I will mention a variation of play here.

It is the same 123, It is the same EC, Col and Double streets(lines). I will again explain this in 3 easy steps.

1. Track a spin.
2. Place 3 units on the EC to repeat, 2 units on the column to repeat 1 unit on the line to repeat.
3. On a win, continue playing.
4. On a loss, continue playing, however endeavour to move to the next level of the bet one unit at a time.
5. Continue playing in the same manner. On a win, endeavour to move to the base level of the bet one unit at a time. On a loss, endeavour to move the next level of the bet one unit at a time. On a BR high, reset to the base level. For clarity, the bet levels are 321, 642 and so on.
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


Lets see an example for the following spins.

14,,,,,,,"Tracking spin. Next is 3u on red/2u on 2nd col/1u on 3rd line"
33,3,2,1,,-6,,Loss. Endeavour to move to the next level 1 unit at a time.
31,3,2,1,12,1,,New BR high. Reset any progressions back.
5,3,2,1,,-5,,Loss. Add one unit.
29,4,2,1,6,-6,,Loss. Add one unit.
6,5,2,1,10,-4,,Win. Reduce one unit
31,4,2,1,8,-3,,Win. Reduce one unit
17,3,2,1,18,9,,New BR high. Reset any progressions back.
26,3,2,1,12,15,,New BR high. Reset any progressions back.
2,3,2,1,12,21,,New BR high. Reset any progressions back.
13,3,2,1,,15,,Loss. Add one unit
16,4,2,1,12,20,,New BR high. Reset any progressions back
27,3,2,1,,14,,Loss. Add one unit
12,4,2,1,6,13,,Loss. Add one unit
34,5,2,1,10,15,,Win. Reduce one unit
4,4,2,1,6,14,,Loss. Add one unit
10,5,2,1,22,28,,New BR high. Reset progressions
5,3,2,1,,22,,Loss. Add one unit
19,4,2,1,8,23,,Win. Reduce one unit
6,3,2,1,,17,,Loss. Add one unit
10,4,2,1,8,18,,Win. Reduce one unit
19,3,2,1,12,30,,New BR high
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


Another way of playing the progressions is going up until you hit a new BR high and then resetting the progression. This also works and it entirely depends on the personal preference. So this is one variation on this framework, which is essentially part 2. I will post more variations as and when time permits.
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine