I found this on the board:
"I think "scammer" is too strong a word here. Looking at VRSEDGE's web site it seems that he's selling software tools which enable users to create their own systems based on parameters built into the platforms. There are no claims or guarantees that anyone will definitely win by using them. He is not selling a system or systems and claiming that they are infallible.
But since the forum has a new owner, perhaps a review of the rules regarding advertising and/or selling might be in order? There are several members doing this, including Gizmotron who is now looking for more students. I quote : "PM me if you want private tutoring." -- Gizmotron. (https://betselection.cc/albalaha's-exclusive/for-those-who-think-house-edge-or-negative-expectation-is-the-sole-culprit/msg63571/#msg63571) "
And it was posted by 'Mike'. He has the same thing or variations of it posted in about 3 member's threads, Vrsedge's, Albalaha's and Gizmo's.
I will clarify. Refer to the Board's Rule #6 please. More specifically, just a few words within that you in particular need to focus on, understand and absorb. Here, I will make it a tad bit easier for you:
"No sales or published links of any kind to any commercial cause/website/program or item, without the express permission of the Board Moderators or the Administrators.
No direct selling or linking to a member's or member's affiliate of any kind without the express permission of the Board Moderators or the Administrators. "
As well: I posted yesterday the following;
Known members versus unknown members things are taking into a Different Light.
As far as selling something, a known member that's a real person, that has history here if that's what he does for a living or a legitimate sideline and he is known and has as a decent reputation along with that of his product, without giving an endorsement on behalf of the board, that's one story. To me that's acceptable no matter who the member is.
Now if it's a person that signs on with no history or a few posts and all of a sudden he's selling some type of product or service and he never introduced himself and I don't know who he is and no references, entirely different picture and that is what's clearly not allowed.
And don't bring it where it's selective but it's an overall picture as to if it's a reputable member or an unknown member that's a possible scam. And again my board does not endorse any commercial product. And if I do endorse something, it means that I personally checked it out and I believe in it and I've done more research rather than just making sure the person is a reputable person and those are going to be few and far in-between, meaning the endorsements of commercial products or services on this board.
We all have seen on this board as well as numerous other boards of all kinds, the new or relatively new sign up member, comes on and greets everyone and immediately begins posting links to other sites of all types and then into direct sales. Or, a variation where he will possibly accomplish 3 or 5 or even 10 posts and then enter into the same thing. They usually do not do the latter because it takes time to do, even 30 mins of posting over a few days is way too much for these types. A perfect example was that so-called gambling book author we had last year on this board. But there are thousands of scammers, systems sellers, website gambling affiliates, etc., Those are the ones that are not allowed, will be axed and deleted as soon as they post.
As I said, known members are viewed in a different light. This is not an endorsement of their product or service, it is merely allowing them to express themselves, refer to their business or sideline, and allow them to use this board as a vehicle in a subtle way--even if it entails a commercial venture on their behalf. However, it is no different than a shopping mall with a merchant that rents space from the mall. The mall is not responsible for the content or the merchant's actions. However, if the merchant is fraudulent or present himself in a non-professional way and becomes a liability for the mall, the mall can and will terminate his lease because he did not act within standard business and community practices. Same here. End of story.
Now, that should be enough and fully explains, 'what is what'.
Also, a question for Mike.
Do you actually gamble in a B&M Casino?
Or, are you a mathematical teacher in a public or private school that is exercising his knoweldge here and attempting to apply it to gambling for the sake of engagement?
As you well know, I am more of a hands on type of guy and I would like to see and hear about some of your actual applications of your math skills and beliefs to casino action, if you actually do engage in that.
Just curious. Thanks.
A good question. :thumbsup: I've often wondered about that.
So come on, Mike. Rise to the occasion. It's not like you to remain silent!
I'm going to sell a foolproof bac method for $1 million (10% going to this site).
Anyone interested?
^-^ ^-^
QuoteNow if it's a person that signs on with no history or a few posts and all of a sudden he's selling some type of product or service and he never introduced himself and I don't know who he is and no references, entirely different picture and that is what's clearly not allowed.
Posting links and any sort of advertisement should be disallowed to any member unless he gets to become a "Steady Member", in my humble opinion.
Regarding Sales of systems, softwares, mentoring, tutorial offers, a disclaimer must be added along with the post stating that nothing can guarantee a win in casino. Buy anything on your own risk. If any seller claims to beat the game in all shapes and risk free, he should be able to prove that to the admin.
Remember, not only paid systems harm players, all systems equally do. So, the disclaimer could be added to all the systems we talk of, whether free or paid ones.
Quote from: esoito on June 16, 2018, 10:46:30 PM
A good question. :thumbsup: I've often wondered about that.
So come on, Mike. Rise to the occasion. It's not like you to remain silent!
Doesn't look like he will answer and he will not lie, as he is an honest poster. Maybe, just maybe he will probably come on and invoke the 5th amendment even though he is not from the USA. That way he doesn't have to lie. A great way out!
And Mike's 2 buddies here, Jimske and Soxfan we already have their answers, real casinos with huge infinite bankrolls, no details but always win with exact percentiles always quoted and claimed. No peanuts and warm Irish beer needed, same lines. Same answers!!
I'm very tempted to go through my phone and post one thread of scoreboards, tables, chips and cash-outs, I don't know why but I love them pictures.
Quote from: alrelax on June 17, 2018, 10:43:29 AM
Doesn't look like he will answer and he will not lie, as he is an honest poster.
I hope you have more patience at the tables than you do here, I do have a life outside gambling forums. ;)
To answer your question, no, I don't gamble in casinos, although I used to "play" roulette. The life of an itinerant wheel clocker and biased wheel hunter doesn't appeal to me, so I switched to sports betting (mainly soccer) years ago.
I use math and statistical analysis to build my own models of various soccer markets in order to identify value, and specialise mostly in over/under a certain number of goals scored in a match. It probably would't work in the USA because you don't have bookies there, and you have to understand how bookies operate in order to beat them at their own game.
Nevertheless, the same principles apply whatever the "game" is; without identifying an edge you're basically just guessing, no matter how elaborate or seemingly clever your system is. There's nothing wrong with being an amateur or a recreational gambler, and systems are fun. But surely in a gambling forum there's room for a principled, scientific approach without all the usual pyschobabble about discipline, and patterns and progressions.
Anyone who is serious about making money should at least be familiar with basic probability, if only so that they can recognize which strategies will work and which won't, and where to focus their attention. I'm not saying that trial and error or experience doesn't count for anything; of course it does, but it's a very inefficient way of learning what works and what doesn't. And there is plenty of room for creativity too; people think that in math it's all black and white, right or wrong, but math by itself only gives you answers relative to your assumptions. If you haven't looked at the process which generates the data then no amount of manipulation of the data will tell you about causes and effects, ie, reality. Most systems on gambling forums only look at the data generated from the games, they don't look at the underlying process which generated it; that's the mistake.
Quote from Mike: "It probably would't work in the USA because you don't have bookies there, and you have to understand how bookies operate in order to beat them at their own game".
I don't know Mike, when I lived in the northeast prior to 2002, the bookies were mostly based on Staten Island and came every Tuesday to collect if their customer/bettor lost and returned every Thursday with the winnings. Might be different now, but that is the way it was 15 years ago and was for quite some time.
As far as understanding how they operate/operated, I guess I could have asked my partner in the business I was in at the time, but I did pretty well on college and NFL and some basketball before I stopped wagering on sports. The other half of my partner's family was the 'bookies'. But, as you said, the USA doesn't have any bookies, etc. Okay.
I guess the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Southern District and Eastern District of New York as well as California districts, thinks different as well?
I was talking about LEGAL bookies. In the UK bookies have been legal since 1961, and betting exchanges like Betfair.com have created even more favourable conditions for punters.
However, a very recent ruling in the USA (only last month) means that things may be about to change there.
Quote from: alrelax on June 16, 2018, 05:08:30 PM
But since the forum has a new owner,
I missed the announcement, who is the new owner???? YOU?????
Having browsed the new rule section.
Number #3 struck me
#3 To maintain harmony on the forum we ask that all members refrain from making any comments about ethnicity, religion or politics. Such comments can so often lead to inflammatory, defensive posts from others. We don't want such a thing happening here. Are you serious?
Quote from: Lugi on June 19, 2018, 09:09:36 PM
Are you serious? Given the many posts GlenBaccarat1979 made in the Hillary 2016 , they still exist by the way.
I loved that thread. It was before the actual election. We had a free for all. Nobody died. Well not exactly. They are erecting a gallows for Hillary. The top guys at the FBI are really in trouble now. But that's not us. Let's keep it gambling. Any odds?
Two to One :))
Read another thread, I see Alrelax is the new owner, probably explains the recent "muted" members :forbidden: Shutting down the dissenters is not good, then again didn't snowball (aka Xander) start censoring posts over at GG, which lead to the death of that board. Alas now Glen owns this, therefore he can do whatever he likes as he paid for it, same applies to board members.
Now I'm curious, how much did this site cost? It's registered worth is a few dollars more gamblingforums, approx $450, generating $1 per day >:D.
Glen the new owner? Really?
OK, Lugi. You've had your say and expressed your reservations and comments.
But now is the time to stop and not persist. (Yes, take this as a gentle and friendly warning lest you fall from grace. ;))
What Glen did on other forums is water under the bridge. We all make errors. The trick is to learn from them.
The expression 'poacher turned gamekeeper' applies to Glen's takeover of the forum. When in living in England I knew a couple of ex-poachers and they were superb gamekeepers.
As the new owner, his perspective has inevitably changed -- for the better, I might add.
In summary, if you don't approve that's fine. Just don't keep needling and banging the same drum.
Membership here is not compulsory. Acceptable behaviour is.