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Started by muggins, September 18, 2014, 04:26:34 AM

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Do you people actually step foot into a B&M casino frequently?  Do you have any idea what it is like to see your buyin dwindle to less than 50%.  Know how that feels?

How does it feel to get battered at a table game, when all your expectations fly out the window and you wonder "what did I do to deserve this", "what signal did I miss not to venture to the casino tonight".  It can be sickening, especially if you have been winning good and your confidence is sky high, only to be beaten up by the other side pulling naturals, your mind starts wondering, what has the casino done?  Did they review tapes, orchestrate the deck?  Is this the session were I give back my hard fought for gains in one session, which normally happens (and cursing is not allowed, are we all gentlemen and expected to take our beating with a degree of decorum?).

Thankfully I turned things around and walked 10u shy of 100% of my buyin, and your concerned by a humorous cartoon that may or may not carry some hidden message.    Excuse me, just winding down after a somewhat difficult session. 


Thanks for putting things in a wider perspective Rolex - your timing is impeccable as we would expect.

Please allow me while basking in tropical comfort to add a short note regarding context and perspective to this discussion.

Some notable members have claimed 'double standards' but actually when you are on the front line/ coal face/ interaction with a new and unknown third party and you have to deal in good faith, as I do, with ongoing questions and being drawn into a 'scheme'/ plot/ fantasy/ it is necessary to make a judgment call at some point so as to desist when the third party starts behaving oddly or responding with remarks that don't quite add up, and it becomes clear you are dealing with a delusional party, then it is necessary to decisively call a halt.

Now I am talking in principle here but as a 'host' I may see more, especially when PM's are involved, and sooner than a senior moderator, or global moderator.

Discretionary calls and actions are sometimes necessary and in my view the BLOG format offers levels of control which are fair.

When responding on the open forum it is not quite so 'controlled' ( but I mean that in the best sense ).

Some time-wasters I am glad to see them out the door, and there are some, with little direct experience or knowledge of this context who call for the party to return. Now I am talking only in principle here, but you see my point.

It is necessary for the community to trust the integrity and good intentions of Moderators and of course we all know there are 'tests of power' that are offered in daily experience. However let me please offer my sincere respect and knowledge of  several of the moderator team here, and in particular my good friend Esoito who in my opinion has impeccable judgment in matters of ethics, values and quality control. I have asked him at some stages to give me an objective assessment and suggestions for a piece that I am writing, and I respect his comment as a professional Editor, and have frequently amended pieces that needed improvement.

Lets respect and acknowledge good work when it is done, and be forgiving in our shortcomings.

Thanks Rolex for being a realist also and acknowledging that is a battle at the tables, and very far from theory. One of the delights and challenges of a motivated semi-professional is to handle and balance the energies, the stress and control those slippery racers, the emotions.

Best to all concerned