Hello forum community!
I like to introduce my project youroul.com (http://en.youroul.com).
For a long time i programmed strategy tests for my personal needs,
then i decided to write a tool with general roulette functions for the public. Now its out! ;-)
It enables you to combine all existing chances to a bet step and the steps can be combined in any order.
Also favorites, regulars, laggards, wheel sectors, "opposite numbers" and called bets are already included.
Automatic loss progressions help you to outbid the table limits.
All test options can be defined. Tests can have until 999999 numbers in one run.
You can use your own lists of numbers.
If wanted, you can publish your idea directly.
Or you can print it out and hide it on your attic for the posterity.... ;-)
I hope to enrich the discussion about strategies and their boundaries with that tool.
Free of charge.
As the site shall be freely usable to everybody, its needed to show ads, covering the costs.
In this moment, there are 38 public strategies with 1551 public test results.
Private strategies: 161 with 1533 tests.
In sum 3084 tests have been processed until now.
to the public test results (http://en.youroul.com/roulette/tests/public)
Currently i work on the manuals, but just play around, its not so complicated... (i hope)
I appreciate any suggestions, improvementes, ideas... just tell me!
Have fun with it and many chips wishes,
trizero, youroul.com
PS: The english language is not my primary one...
Nice intro [smiley]aes/thumb.png[/smiley]
Warm welcome to the forum trizero :cheer:
Tri0, good on you mate. It's great to see a new testing site on the scene! [smiley]afb/tup.gif[/smiley]
Thanks for your help, spreading the word! [smiley]aes/blush.png[/smiley]
Please help me making the site better,
there are already some suggestions to improve it,
and i need more opinions and details for this...
Have fun with testing!
hello Tri
you have asked me about translate the site in french
i think there not a lot of people in france interesting in roulette research
i follow roulette french roulette forum
and its really not very interesting
a part 5 or 10 people the level is very low
Is that because most French players/newbie searchers, join English speaking forums and alike do you feel?
Welcome Trizero!
And thanks for your service! I notice that you have been testing "Tanagras zweier-pleinfavoriten-Strategie" from the German roulette-forum-de (Einsteiger forum). Exactly the same one I lately tried to describe here in a few words in English ("Tanagra´s first repeat"). I am excited to see the next post from Tanagra on the German forum.
You have been testing PAROLI on black. Have you tried paroli on BLACK & ODD (Impair, ungerade Nummern), BLACK & EVEN (Pair, gerade Nummern)
Try to look at the two groups a a whole and only practice PAROLI right after winning both places at the same time! If you only with on one: Start again with one chip here und ein Stück there. [smiley]aes/coffee.png[/smiley] GRUSS[smiley]aes/coffee.png[/smiley]
Quote from: Dane on August 09, 2013, 02:22:10 PM
.... I notice that you have been testing....."Tanagra´s first repeat")....
....Have you tried paroli on BLACK & ODD (Impair, ungerade Nummern), BLACK & EVEN (Pair, gerade Nummern)
Hello Dane!
I know, that "Tanagra" at my site "borrowed" this idea, but "she" doesn't like the results......
she stopped the discussion by saying: "i doubt, so i don't need arguments".
No i did not try that idea. But you can do that yourself!
Feel free to test what you can imagine - and set on the programme,
because it has still some disadvantages.
If you understand german, read chefkochs topics for the new function "saldoplus".
Have fun with testing,
thank again for your great site
very very very good
i love it
roulette fan
Trizero: Thanks for your reply and advice!
[smiley]aes/rose.png[/smiley] Dane
Thank you! For testing site and ideas. ;-)
I finished my first manual-movie title: my strategy (http://en.youroul.com/roulette/static/images/my_strategy.ogv)
(https://betselection.cc/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fen.youroul.com%2Froulette%2Fstatic%2Fimages%2Fmy_strategy.png&hash=c9657d4c1f5c8d8c7b4f9cb452e1b859cd8f890d) (http://en.youroul.com/roulette/static/images/my_strategy.ogv)
(i hope its ok like this @ mods?)
Quote from: Trizero on August 09, 2013, 07:21:20 PM(i hope its ok like this @ mods?)
[smiley]cactus/bb00.gif[/smiley] Pitch 'em up Tri!
I'm glad there are active sites like yours.
(Well, maybe a link back as a bonus? [smiley]cactus/aw000.gif[/smiley])
An excellent site, T. A lot of hard work to put it together!
This forum is lucky to have you as a member.
Thanks for the praise! [smiley]afb/dog.gif[/smiley] <--- so sweet! *g*
I hope to hear suggestions, critics, ideas and anything else too?!
If you don't know anything, tell me bad english phrases .... [smiley]afb/dog.gif[/smiley]
the "report problem" function needs testing too ;-)
Hello Trizero: In the ancient Indian language TRI = three! And the Indians might have discovered ZERO too after meditating a long time in accordance with all the laws of Nature and Schrödinger´s cat. But more seriously: Back to the German words: You are right. I understand German. Many years ago I read several German books on roulette. And I am aware that it is difficult to translate many of the strange words from the German roulette literature and your test site. An example: "Überlagerung" ??? . I don´t know if you are able to explain it in English.
I have just read on the German forum that you have given me the credit for "Tanagra´s first repeat".
I did not invent it. We know that!
Quote from: Dane on August 12, 2013, 11:45:57 AMAn example: "Überlagerung" ??? . I don´t know if you are able to explain it in English.
it means overlap, chefkoch has overlapping progressions in his strategy.
My nick has no special meaning, its just the next in the row: single zero, double zero, triple zero ;-)
(The idea was, to frighten people... )
Thanks for your info about the strategy, i corrected it!
Trizero: First you told me, that "she" (Tanagra) had borrowed the idea from your site. Then you gave me the credit for the system (roulette-forum.de, Einsteiger Forum, Kurt von Haller, p. 9). WE KNOW THE TRUTH; and now it is also available in German. Thank you.
No i wrote that "Tanagra" (user on my site and other forum) borrowed the strategy. I didn´t mean / write "she" borrowed" from my site!
But this doesn't matter at all ;-) As it's a just another worthless idea...
Anouncement: The new function "balanceplus" is ready soon!
Quote from: Trizero on August 13, 2013, 10:55:59 AM
No i wrote that "Tanagra" (user on my site and other forum) borrowed the strategy. I didn´t mean / write "she" borrowed" from my site!
But this doesn't matter at all ;-) As it's a just another worthless idea...
Anouncement: The new function "balanceplus" is ready soon!
TRUTH matters.
Hello researcher community!
i am happy to present the new "on balance"-function!
Many people asked for this and it took some weeks to realize it.
But now you can use it!
You can see it work at the Fitzroy Strategy (http://en.youroul.com/roulette/strategy/view/251-Fitzroy) (a modification of the d'Alembert (http://de.youroul.com/roulette/strategy/view/39-dAlembert_Progression) progression).
Everyone who had problems in setting up his idea, should try it again now!
The manual movie (http://en.youroul.com/roulette/static/images/my_strategy.ogv) doesn't show it, but its still a good help for beginners.
Meanwhile the 4000th test was completed and the public available tests (http://en.youroul.com/roulette/tests/public) will reach the 2000 today!
In this moment there are 252 strategies of 70 members on the platform. 41 strategies are published!
I wish much fun to all roulette fans - testing ideas, free of charge. (no need to register!)
Awesome stuff Triz!
It enables you to combine all existing chances to a bet step and the steps can be combined in any order
Does this mean that I can just switch betting form dozens to streets to lines etc. and the progression calculator will keep up??
: )
Quote from: AMK on August 16, 2013, 10:16:01 PM
Does this mean that I can just switch betting form dozens to streets to lines etc. and the progression calculator will keep up??
You can also combine multiple chances to multiple steps and the progression keeps up. :-)
Look at growing sectors on last and 2nd last number (http://en.youroul.com/roulette/strategy/view/13-wachsende_Sektoren_L__2L) for example
But much better: play with it - for free ;-)
Awesome 3zero : )
An aspect of roulette now made much much easier to realize!
Quote from: AMK on August 16, 2013, 10:48:39 PM
Awesome 3zero : )
An aspect of roulette now made much much easier to realize!
Thanks! Took me a while to develop it - without a waste of computing time ;-)
(if you know what i mean)
Hello Researcher friends,
The 5000th Test was absolved.
With the balance function its was possible to create some strategy classics e.g:
Fibonacci on Red (http://en.youroul.com/roulette/tests/public?strategy=286-Fibonacci_on_Red)
reverse Fibonacci on Black (http://en.youroul.com/roulette/tests/public?strategy=295-Reverse_Fibonacci_on_Black)
Fibonacci TvS (http://en.youroul.com/roulette/tests/public?strategy=268-Fibonacci_TvS)
"slide back (http://en.youroul.com/roulette/tests/public?strategy=288-slide_back)" - increase the bet on win, keep it on loss - i forgot the common name...
Have fun with testing!
Hello again!
No more field report? I know you where at my site! [smiley]aes/wink.png[/smiley]
In the last weeks i created two classic strategies:
Tiers et Tout (http://en.youroul.com/roulette/tests/public?strategy=322-Tiers_et_Tout) the famous strategy of Thomas Garcia.
a small "1 - 2 - 3" Labouchère (http://en.youroul.com/roulette/tests/public?strategy=315-1__2__3_Labouchre)
and some other.
There are also explanations for the steptrees of them.
So, tell me if you miss something!
Funny tests!
Very good effort!
Quote from: Kav on September 11, 2013, 06:43:18 PM
Very good effort!
Thanks mate! :-)Yours is also nice! [smiley]aes/beer.png[/smiley]
the todo-list is getting shorter and shorter! i need more feedback! [smiley]aes/eat.png[/smiley]
Have fun, testing what you can imagine.
What do you think about a midline of the balance chart?
Its the red line that shows the "overall mid value" of this chart.
The % conversion value of the right end of that (red) line would probably give a better oversight value,
than the existing % of the (blue) balance.
Which is cutted on the right end and does not "include" the former evolution.
What do you think?
- keep the old
- change to the new
- have both
My vote goes to both! :thumbsup:
Quote from: VLS on September 13, 2013, 09:03:50 PM
My vote goes to both! :thumbsup:
[smiley]aes/wink.png[/smiley] thanks for your vote!
I made many improvements and changes.
Every day its getting a little better...! ;-)
At the moment i build the language support for:
- spanish
- french
- russian
- german
(- english from the beginning)
I want to please all native speakers to check for unclear or wrong terms!
Any other suggestions and error reports are welcome! :-)
PS: Thanks to the donators! At the moment there are no ads!
Have fun testing your ideas!
Quote from: VLS on September 13, 2013, 09:03:50 PMMy vote goes to both! :thumbsup:
I did exactly what you voted for! [smiley]aes/joking.png[/smiley]
There where so many changes in the last time, i don't know where to start telling you......
Please check it out for yourself! :-)
I think the most exciting feature is the new calculation of the TOP 20: both !
Happy testing!
en.youroul.com (http://en.youroul.com)
A lot of hard work!!
Great looking site with heaps of features and options.
I'm sure it's going to be a huge success if it's not already. :thumbsup:
Quote from: esoito on November 04, 2013, 10:22:10 PM
A lot of hard work!!
Great looking site with heaps of features and options.
I'm sure it's going to be a huge success if it's not already. :thumbsup:
Thank you! :-)
The design is meant to be "different" to the usual "win millions in seconds..."-sites - and functional.
I try to keep it as simple as possible - its not so easy....
The success can't be measured, because there is no scale for "oh i was totally wrong" ;-)
Any Idea, suggestion.... ?
New Year, new features:
The most obvious may be the new "relative" step options: above, below (former next) and this.
that's not a truly new functionality, but it helps the configuration of strategies a lot. You can see on the first view, what is set.
Truly new is the option "last", which means the played step before, which enables you to use "jump backs".
Some bugs got fixed and some other little improvements were made.
Check it out. :-)
Right now i work on the function flow chart - see a preview here:
http://en.youroul.com/roulette/board/thread/105-Evolution_Favoriten_Stops#324 (http://en.youroul.com/roulette/board/thread/105-Evolution_Favoriten_Stops#324)
I am still interested in constructive exchange!
let me know ;-)
Have fun with Roulette!
Another half year just passed!
And i wasn't lazy:
Have you seen flowcharts allready?
simple Example:
Or the new runtime chances:
- complimentary easy chance fields
- favorites, normals and laggards now got thresholds
- you can use multiple initial coups for different chances
There are new destination steps.
Display of the initial coups statistics in the bet log.
Faster Servers.
And surely much more that i forgot is new...
So come over and give it a try: youroul.com
its basically still free to test your strategy ideas!
Have Fun,
oh dear, i did a huge mistake...
but i repaired it this morning:
The display of the runtime statistics is now configurable in the strategy view
and no more at the test configuration, where it was not possible to try it out easily for everyone.
for those the are new to this: its the column of numbers on the right side of the bet log (http://en.youroul.com/roulette/tests/details/62501-Kopie_von_the_Restant_#bet_log),
representating the frequency of the single numbers in the order of the wheel.
This works of course for all chances and is adjustable by the initial coups.
Have fun with strategy,
After no more feedback comes from other users,
I will in the form of a "diary" continue this monologue:
click here: ChangeBLOG - this is new (http://en.youroul.com/roulette/board/thread/367-ChangeBLOG__this_is_new)
there's news friends!
On the results pages of the strategies is now the tab History.
As an example: the result history of Martingale on Even + Zero (http://en.youroul.com/roulette/tests/public?strategy=18-Martingale_on_Even__Zero):
This shows the summed (absolute) balance of all current tests of the strategy in chronological sequence,
so that the fluctuations of the results are shown.
The former results overview - now at the tab Tests - continues to be displayed first when you call the results page:
The current totals (for Balance, Conversion, extrapolated Conversion) are displayed in the small box in the picture.
The current total for the balance is found in the history always at the right edge.
The small box in the History indicates the average of all totals.
Please note that each value of history is based on up to 100 tests.
Are these 100 totals reached, they represent 200 tests.
Have fun with strategy,
Ok its name is not philae, but at least it looks like a comet! ;-)
Guetting Progression System in twopi mode: (http://en.youroul.com/roulette/view/flowcharts/2032-Guetting-Progression-System)
I like unusual flowcharts!
Sorry friends, i just forgot the updates!
You can find all recent changes in the ChangeBLOG (https://en.youroul.com/roulette/board/thread/367-ChangeBLOG---this-is-new)
And as i know, that you love funky pictures look at this:
A monster 1-2 Labby (https://en.youroul.com/roulette/board/thread/461-1-2-Labby---Strategy-for-Roulette) strategy with 1001 steps! :-)
With extended testing!
Don't just think about, check it out! :thumbsup:
There is a new FullHD version of the introduction video.
If you knew the old, than you will know the content.
watch on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjWYHKTkyag)
... wow it got music! ;-)
The lastest news are always in the Change BLOG (https://en.youroul.com/roulette/board/thread/367-ChangeBLOG---this-is-new)