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Shhhh...Turners talking about E/C series

Started by Turner, August 31, 2013, 09:27:14 PM

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EGO...so you would play for a 2 series to appear if you could see recent results showed 5 single vs 2 or say 8 vs 4 from the chart.
You would be expecting another repeat of ec to balance the + SD


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It is just a different way of looking at ECs. Nothing more nothing less.
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


People can choose chasing for events using red and black or you can use tendency play where you not chasing events.
Some people may say it is the same thing, but for me is a big difference.

I have seen small tendency grow to 3.5 and 4.5 STD where i only place two bets and if you would play the common way you would lose it all no matter what kind of staking plan you use.
That is a big difference knowing that nothing is due to happen.

If you are expert about the subject, then feel free to elaborate more in detail what you mean that there is no difference.
I have never reach 3.0 STD flat betting with any existing method, except Marigny using tendency play.

That people don't know is how regression towards the mean looks like with real play.
They play around pretending being experts.


I agree ...for what I know. High SD is very visible in small samples using singles and series. Still...I get 9 singles and one series and the singles keep coming. This is where I am stuck.


Then you have no tendency for a present change with 9 Singles and 1 series present so you just continue to observe with out placing any bets.


So not so different to the basic theory behind GUT


Quote from: Turner on September 04, 2013, 02:21:03 PM
I agree ...for what I know. High SD is very visible in small samples using singles and series. Still...I get 9 singles and one series and the singles keep coming. This is where I am stuck.
Turner, can you give an example set of spins to show why you think high SD is coming in singles and series. Lets take an example of 50 spins, so that I can understand what makes you and Sputnik think so.
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


I don't make any one think any thing.
I just post my findings and we can disagree all day, it does not effect me.
You can see red being ahead and you can see singles be ahead, no difference, so i don't understand what you try to prove.
Each trail is independent and each window of imbalance is independent and the bell curve has no limit as nothing is due to happen.
So what else is there to know, still i argue that tendency play is better then play the common way.

I don't want to teach in public, just a wast of time.

9 singles and 1 series
9 series and 1 singles
9 reds and 1 black
9 blacks and 1 red
9 losses and 1 win
9 winnings and 1 loss

is the same thing, so what do you try to prove?

Turner situation is that he find a small window of imbalance with no tendency.
Lets assume he get one more series, then he has 5 events left to a 3.0 STD.

So it all depends on what benchmark he will use when it boils down to regression towards the mean.
What kind of STD benchmark and from that build a march for tendency play.


The post was for people who believe in single and series ideas to help me understand these ideas. I don't need it proving or disproving. Ego and others have been most generous and I don't want them to shy away from my post.. Im just starting to get somewhere. Perhaps start a new post


Quote from: Sputnik on September 04, 2013, 02:50:47 PM
You can see red being ahead and you can see singles be ahead, no difference, so i don't understand what you try to prove.
Sputnik, I mean no disrespect. All I wanted to understand was the way the STD was getting calculated for single and series so that I can also learn why we think we reach higher STDs in singles and series faster than Red and blacks.  I know the standard formula for SD, but that's not taking me to a +/-3.0SD faster than I would get for reds and blacks.

Believe me, I am not here to prove or disprove anything.

I understand when you say,
9 singles and 1 series
9 series and 1 singles
9 reds and 1 black
9 blacks and 1 red
9 losses and 1 win
9 winnings and 1 loss
means the same thing, if those winnings and losses are for even returns.

What I don't understand is when you say we are seeing more higher STDs in singles and series compared to plain ECs. If you can explain that, then I would like to learn from it.
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


I've been tracking all 3 EC.....tendancy +1 seems to be working in one of them..say h/l....where you would of been sat around waiting if only looking at RB. Have you tried this?


Quote from: Sputnik on September 04, 2013, 02:50:47 PM
I don't want to teach in public, just a wast of time.
If you are eager to teach me in pm am all ears as for years I have found this subject fascinating, but haven't been able to crack the potential behind it.
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine


Now i will try to explain the difference of tendency play and regular play.

Lets say i pick my benchmark using 6 reds or 6 blacks and set the limit to 2.5 STD.
That is 12 reds and 2 blacks or 12 blacks and 2 reds.

Notice the difference.

Regular play you would bet against 6 reds or 6 blacks after 6 of the kind has a show.
Then as noting is due to happen could it grow to 12 of the same and you lose it all.

With tendency play you would just observe and not play if it continue to hit with same color.
That is the first way that you avoid chasing for events.

Now lets say for example you get 6 reds and 1 black.
Then you would do nothing as reds could start hitting again and the STD would grow stronger and you would lose it all.
That is the second way that you avoid chasing for a win.

Now lets say you have 6 reds and 2 blacks, now you know that if 6 reds hit you will have 2.5 STD.
That is why this 2 blacks is a tendency or a +1 indication that there will be a change, so you bet once with out chasing.

Now if you lose then you might get red black red situation that would give a hovering value of 101.
That means that the STD did not grow stronger as it stop and hovering around zero value, so that is also one more bet with out chasing.

Now you have placed two bets based upon tendency play.
Where the STD don't get stronger, then regression toward the mean can hovering at zero point or getting weaker.
Both situation is a win.

what's left ...
You have one attack window of 6 events and you only play when there is a tendency towards correction.
So you build a march to catch does events.

This is how a short test looks like ...


That means if you play the regular way then you had hitting 16 series of 6 and 7 ...
That way you can compare tendency play towards regression towards the mean with regular play.
Also decide what kind of attack window you would use.


Thanks Sputnik, are you able to explain it with an example.

For instance, you are saying
"Now lets say you have 6 reds and 2 blacks, now you know that if 6 reds hit you will have 2.5 STD.
That is why this 2 blacks is a tendency or a +1 indication that there will be a change, so you bet once with out chasing."

When you are betting once, are you betting black or red?

"That means that the STD did not grow stronger as it stop and hovering around zero value, so that is also one more bet with out chasing."

Again here, did you bet black or red?
Greatgrampa - Your friend and mine