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The Blog Is Green

Started by greenguy, January 05, 2015, 01:39:08 PM

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I had a really good day today. For some reason I felt happier than usual. Nothing great happened, so I couldn't understand why I felt so good all day. Then I realised, of course! I watched this video early this morning before starting work!



Tonight, while in the shower I realised there was no shampoo. I got a little agitated and yelled out to anyone in earshot, "hey! There's no f**king champagne in here! Can someone get me the champagne!

Well, obviously I meant to say shampoo, but said champagne. Anyway a few moments later my wife delivered a lovely glass of bubbly through the shower screen. I just said, thank you darling (too embarrassed to explain) and sipped and washed my hair with the bath soap.



Just in case you didn't know, God plays a hurdy gurdy...


vo rogue

great vid green,my country australia is weak on japans whaleing in the oceans souh of aussie.we should send the navy down there to protect them.i guess trade means more than nature. check out Lou reed song on ytube  Last great american whale.


 :P ;)

Thanks for the vids, greenguy. But what would really make my day is a pic of a random patch of sky from your neck of the woods, perhaps taken on your way to work?  :thumbsup:


Quote from: vo rogue on January 06, 2015, 03:18:51 AM
great vid green,my country australia is weak on japans whaleing in the oceans souh of aussie.we should send the navy down there to protect them.i guess trade means more than nature. check out Lou reed song on ytube  Last great american whale.

Hey Vo Rogue, you're a champion that nobody can deny!

Yeah, whaling sure does suck. We, as the dominant race on this earth should be at the stage where nurture supersedes nature, but...

There should be an international legislation whereby groups can lobby for a "protectorate" over individual species of animals.

In regard to the oceans, a whale, or better still, an aquatic mammal protectorate would be an organization that had the rights to protect certain whales, or in fact any pelagic mammal from human related harm.

Harm would need to be defined. Protected individuals would need to be defined.

These licensed protectorate groups should be free to pursue as many wild sea mammals as they can find and microchip them for ID and GPS tracking. Any Tagged mammals that end up captured/harmed/killed by fisheries related causes should attract massive financial penalties (You can't kill that one mate!). Kind of like air traffic curfews where aviation companies get fined big dollars if they land/take off outside local airport time restraints for whatever reason.

In time, this type of system would eventually turn the industry around to at least a sustainable level. And eventually even see the end of it!

The problem for now is there's no money in saving whales. But the internationally enforceable laws enacted to support the "sea mammal protectorates" would possibly inject funds through penalty over and above any initial philanthropic support, making it a viable and noble industry within itself.


Hey Vo Rogue, I have a hazy memory that Vic Rail (Vo Rogue's trainer) was given the job of naming this topliner thoroughbred, and came up with Vo Rogue because it had the same initials as himself, VR.

Urban myth or what?


Quote from: Jimske on January 05, 2015, 08:42:22 PM
...People got to realize when the ocean dies, we die!

Not necessarily, but I know what you mean, Jimske.


Quote from: Bayes on January 06, 2015, 07:54:54 AM
:P ;)

Thanks for the vids, greenguy. But what would really make my day is a pic of a random patch of sky from your neck of the woods, perhaps taken on your way to work?  :thumbsup:

Here you go, random patch of sky from my backyard. Unfortunately a random antique sun turned amethyst glass beer bottle got in the way and obscured the otherwise perfectly good view.

vo rogue

hey green spot on with species protectorates,you can not leave it up to the politicians. not sure about vo rogue's name i thought it was vo from the dam and rouge because of Vic rail. sad end to vics life catch hendra viris. when i get infront at the casino i head for the door like pacid ark.                                                   
later green.