General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Ralph on January 18, 2013, 11:04:22 AM

Title: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on January 18, 2013, 11:04:22 AM
From time to time every fora has post of never losing system, and sometimes they call them Hg. The most common "proof" is test running a very long sim. Ever more advanced analysis show it is not bullet proof. They have never challenge the Wizard of odds, which should gain more than play the HG in 100 years. Some try to earn from selling it.

Very common is they place very few bets, it can be 1 to 10 % of the spins, they claim it is needed for break down randomness, or wait for a sure trigger. What ever the sim is done in far less spins than claimed.

We know there are winners in the game of roulette, two different players can use the same method, one can win a lot, the other lose. To win in a very long run, you need a method, but without some luck it is not possible to win.

Every long series of spins has a large amount of spins which can be lost or won, it is not possible to find a method covering all, hence it is impossible to make a 100% sure method. 

You can use a method which may help to some extent, progressions, statistic, but it can not for sure make you win, and the fact you have won is not a proof.

Most of the "winning"  methods use a hefty bankroll, accept very deep drawdown, use progressions, and/or make a lot of spins without betting. Some use statistic. This can help, but still it is not so it forever "beat the wheel", if lucky you win if not it lose, and some methods lose very much when it happens.

I will start a testing, not with history spins, and a simulator, but a play at an on line casino, make a lot of spins,  bet every spin and try to make it stand for very long. It will be done in fun mode at BV. The reason is I have to play less real for a while, as it is restrictions. They never ban winners (some claim it but it is not winnings then which is reason) but  they can set restrictions on the max amount you are allowed to win (in future, you always get paid).
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: TwisterUK on January 18, 2013, 12:27:57 PM
BV have stopped paying you ?
Are you now unable to play there ?
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on January 18, 2013, 06:03:23 PM
Quote from: TwisterUK on January 18, 2013, 12:27:57 PM
BV have stopped paying you ?
Are you now unable to play there ?
No, I got resiticions, keep your winnings to 2000 Euro/month
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Bayes on January 18, 2013, 08:14:57 PM
Hmm... I'd say that's pretty generous. It's enough to live on as long as you don't have too many expensive habits.  ^-^
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Drazen on January 18, 2013, 08:43:38 PM
Quote from: Bayes on January 18, 2013, 08:14:57 PM
Hmm... I'd say that's pretty generous. It's enough to live on as long as you don't have too many expensive habits.  ^-^

Or move to country with lower life standard and have high life for less money  :))

In my country that is almost 3 average salaries, and you could live more then decent with that... Open to your wife same account and you can live profligate hehe

And of course, to your cousins also, with appropriate margin, and you can start thinking about expensive habits  O:-)

Ah what is life..  :forbidden:


Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on January 19, 2013, 04:42:27 AM
I have to be pretty optimistic to live long enough to spend it if I take some care. Still I have my normal income.

This was not today it was in September last year.  Many get such winning streak but do not have the stomach to use the opportunity, you have to bet a bit maniac.

They set restrictions if you win, I think all have it, like 5000 or 10000 the same day if you read the terms.
And they can change for individuals.

Here is the first  1727 spins of the session I will make long. I have played one number only and was up to 55 units in bet, down about 3000 units at most. Went plus 5061.

Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on January 19, 2013, 06:06:55 AM
I think it is not smart business to ban anybody who has money to lose. A restriction on win do not mean it is restriction on lose >:D

Now I have done 2500 spins, so it is still a lot to go.

5464 units plus.

The way I play is to pick a number ( in this case it has been number 1 all the 2500 spins) play one until first hit, if on plus set the autospin at 37 and run 37 spins using one, if on minus set the autospin at 37 and run two units.

On a hit and minus reset the autospin and continue using the same bet setting the autospin to 37. If 37 spins and no hit bet 3 and run for 37 spins, reset to 37 on a hit. Only increase if 37 spins without a hit using fib progression.

On plus start all over.
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on January 19, 2013, 07:55:21 AM
3400 spins and plus  8482. The method has downdraws as any "HG" this time about 4000 units.

Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Albalaha on January 19, 2013, 08:02:02 AM
If u can end up at 8000+ you should not be scared of -4000.
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: JohnLegend on January 19, 2013, 08:28:53 AM
Quote from: Ralph on January 19, 2013, 07:55:21 AM
3400 spins and plus  8482. The method has downdraws as any "HG" this time about 4000 units.
Ralph you have created a way to beat online Rngs it seems. Totally unpractical to play in a real casino. But you have got the RNG world in a bag it would appear. Well done for that.  :thumbsup:
I strive for methods that will travel. I can step into any casino or go online and the outcome will be the same. Each to their own.
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on January 19, 2013, 09:58:02 AM
Quote from: JohnLegend on January 19, 2013, 08:28:53 AM
Ralph you have created a way to beat online Rngs it seems. Totally unpractical to play in a real casino. But you have got the RNG world in a bag it would appear. Well done for that.  :thumbsup:
I strive for methods that will travel. I can step into any casino or go online and the outcome will be the same. Each to their own.

All my methods will be impractical on BM.
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on January 19, 2013, 10:01:30 AM

The serious part:

If I should play this real, first I would decide the risking money.
It would be 100.00 or 1000.00, in the first case I should play the first
session trying to reach 100 as I have done in this test.Next I would
stop at 50 knowing the worse case would be break even, if the second
winning I would go until the first loss, which should end up with a
100 win at least.

If I would risk 1000, I would go to 500 using 0.1 chips, then change
to 0.01 and play sessions aiming for 50, if lose the first stop.
If win at least 4 more I would accept 2 losses.

The method use to win, but we can lose and lose if happens to be without any
The test is now up to 4200 spins and got 10000 units. The deepest
draw down was 4000.

The more ironic part:
This HG I play in fun mode, because near every demonstration of a HG
is done in a simulation or in video fun mode. In fun mode the bankroll
is without limit, so we video record the whole day and we can then
take the best frames for Youtube.
First we put maximum in the fun account, make some hefty bets on
the EC.s, if loss we can refill the account, and soon we will have
the creditable amount of 50000.00, not more it looks too good.

We should use this method and bot it (it is allowed to steal), and to prevent reverse engineering
we must add something as random chose of numbers and random spins on each
number (I use number 1 all the time). Complexity makes credits on
the market.

We could use martingale instead of fib in the demonstration, the best
part in the video will show incredible winnings. We must state it never lose,
nobody buy it if you even mention it can lose. Do not forget to
use Copyrights and signed contract, you shall promise refund if
it not works. You will never come to a situation it will be paid.
If it lose in fun mode, you state it can happen, it is no harm.
The refund is for real mode. If any claim it in real mode, they
must proof using screenshots, and as they did not follow the rules
you never have to admit it has lost. We always play 0.01, every
HG shall use 0.01, to bear a progression of 1 to 10000  and
if you do not fullfill it and eventually win, you can not get a refund.
The method is always winning!! Period!!.
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: TwisterUK on January 19, 2013, 11:02:27 AM
Ralph, quick question. Is there a reason you use BV auto spin as opposed to  your Bot for betting 1 number ?

Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on January 19, 2013, 12:24:52 PM
Quote from: TwisterUK on January 19, 2013, 11:02:27 AM
Ralph, quick question. Is there a reason you use BV auto spin as opposed to your Bot for betting 1 number ?


The reason is I have not coded the method. I may do it, or anybody can do it.
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on January 19, 2013, 01:34:55 PM
Now 5000 spins done (all with bets). It went slow as most of the hits come late in the 37 cycle, best is always a hit a few spins later after then the bet is somewhat higher.

10385 units plus.
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on January 19, 2013, 02:48:18 PM
5700 spins done, and I think I have to take a break.  It will be continued!

Plus 11264
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on January 19, 2013, 05:59:09 PM
Could gone badly, it was not much left of the 100.00 in the account, so draw down was over 9000 units, the bet size went to 250  (It should have been a bit less in bet according to fib, I counted wrong on a lower step).  Hit on third attempt and went up to 100.88. (I start always on 100.00 and pocket all plus). Number 1 was sleeping very long.

New High is: 13238  Total spins and all on number one are 6656.

Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on January 19, 2013, 08:28:17 PM
It is up to about  7600 spins now. The last play went rather well not any drown downs.

Plus is  14108.
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on January 19, 2013, 09:19:27 PM
Passing 15000 units, in 7808 spins. The down drown was small.
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on January 20, 2013, 08:06:03 AM
More than 9000 spins done. The plus is 17275

I got not any deep down drown this time I have had 9000 once, and the second is 4000 in all the 9000 spins.
The number has always been number 1. In 9000 spins it must be close to  an 1/37 of the spins (did not check for this).

Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on January 20, 2013, 10:24:45 AM
10000 spins done, quite a few. The plus is  18226  The last 1000 spins went without deep down drown. Got hit early after a progress, which make a lot of difference. Just once during the play total we can say it was scary. That happen then the plus was near about the potential loss.

Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on January 21, 2013, 12:11:30 PM
This game is not busting yet, I do not want it, but at the same time want to know how far it can run.

I started a new play, this time using 0.1 chips. This make no difference especially not in fun mode. I will add units to the previous, not the money value.

I recognize math as a science and know it is 2.7 %  against me. I do not agree to fundamentalism which say I have already lost, as I pay 2.7% to the bank every spin if I win or not.

This time I have 683 more spin and it went 920 units plus. So total  18909 units plus in total  10986 spins.

One picture shows all  games I have done since start, to show there is no red figure sessions hidden.
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on January 21, 2013, 12:51:23 PM
Around 1000 spins since I started the second session, break here, as I have some other things to do.

The Total is now 19246 units.
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on January 21, 2013, 07:29:02 PM
The second sessions group is now  1600 spins and plus 1615 units.

The total is up to 18226  +  1615 =  19841
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on January 22, 2013, 09:42:04 AM
The second sessions group is now up to  3338 spins the total spins are 13000   spins. The "HG" is still on track.
Two times it has been very close to bust, and it is just the factor luck made it survive, Nobody can say a hit must happen in a method close to a bust, that's luck. Anyhow a  method which stands over 13k spins is worth to try, but we must be aware it is possible to bust any session. In the worst  case  if the two scary sessions had bust it should
not be minus in units as it had won more units before  that happen.

During this spins the gain has been  23500 units, a very good result, about 2 units a spin.

The unit count differ from the Euro count as the  play has been done using 0.01 and 0.1 chips, with a bankroll of 10000 units in all played sessions.  The Euro gain is total  (fun)  Euro 709.74.

I will stop the test at this point.
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Nickmsi on January 22, 2013, 12:58:08 PM
Thanks Ralph . . .

I appreciate all your testing. 

You have shown us that the simplest of methods can work better than the most complicated ones.

Cheers . . .


Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: esoito on January 23, 2013, 12:07:34 AM
Buy BV before you make them bankrupt !!  ;)

Very impressive test results. 
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Dino246 on January 23, 2013, 09:48:39 AM
Great results Ralph.....

Wish i could play your way Live !!


Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: TwoCatSam on January 23, 2013, 02:29:09 PM
Here is my question-------and it is a question, not a criticism.  Ralph gives us the bot, tells us precisely and exactly how he plays and shows us he wins.  Many of you have access to Bet Voyager. 

Why has no one tried to replicate his results?

Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on January 23, 2013, 02:41:24 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on January 23, 2013, 02:29:09 PM
Here is my question-------and it is a question, not a criticism.  Ralph gives us the bot, tells us precisely and exactly how he plays and shows us he wins.  Many of you have access to Bet Voyager. 

Why has no one tried to replicate his results?


I would like to see more tests from others. May be we should make a collective test using the same kind of play and see the results. The system winns if we do not runs in one or more RFH.
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Albalaha on January 24, 2013, 06:48:49 AM
OK. Ralph. Tell me what exactly u do.
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on January 24, 2013, 07:00:13 AM
Quote from: albalaha on January 24, 2013, 06:48:49 AM
OK. Ralph. Tell me what exactly u do.

Everything is explained before in this thread.  I have been played as I tell in the posts.

Pick a number set autospin on 37 play, if hit reset the autospin to 37. If 37 spins and no hit step up using  fib. Go back to one units when on plus.  Simple.
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Albalaha on January 24, 2013, 07:08:42 AM
QuoteIf 37 spins and no hit step up using  fib

That can kill if the number went sleeper for long.
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on January 24, 2013, 07:26:08 AM
Quote from: albalaha on January 24, 2013, 07:08:42 AM

That can kill if the number went sleeper for long.

Things can go bad however you play. If  not successfull do you want it slow or a bit faster?

The methods can not offer any certain winnings. I just did some play using this, I have lost 10000 units  using an other method and got it back using this.

If fib is scary in you mind, you can use a slight different method, which is coded in the bot.

Just add a chip if hit, very simple and works well most of the time. At last it is if you want to win or lose faster or slower.
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Chrisbis on March 04, 2013, 10:08:30 PM
Hello Ralph, and hello to everyone else here in this section.
I was pointed to this section by a friend (thanks Lady K)...
May I ask the obvious question please............
have you told us in this or other section, what the method is that your playing?
If anyone knows of me, you know I love a good bot!
Love to know more details Ralph.
2000 Euro/month would do me just fine!!

Regards Chris
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: FLAT_IN_O on March 04, 2013, 10:53:05 PM

Long time no hear.Welcome back old boy.
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Chrisbis on March 04, 2013, 11:18:25 PM
Hello my 'winter' friend.!
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on March 05, 2013, 03:36:53 AM
Quote from: Chrisbis on March 04, 2013, 10:08:30 PM
Hello Ralph, and hello to everyone else here in this section.
I was pointed to this section by a friend (thanks Lady K)...
May I ask the obvious question please............
have you told us in this or other section, what the method is that your playing?
If anyone knows of me, you know I love a good bot!
Love to know more details Ralph.
2000 Euro/month would do me just fine!!

Regards Chris

First of all  I do not endorse gambling, and can not guarantee any of my methods will win, If I do the play or anybody else. Using this method we should have 10000 units and be prepared for the situation it can be lost. We always play at a risk of losing money.

We know it is a bit more than 60% chance to hit a single in 37 spins. We pocket every win, and stop at the time 10000 units are gone.
We have as target to be more than 10000 units plus by then. This method has the advantages and problem similar to Winkel's "Win as much you want". 

Reset on new high. The use of 0.01 chips as the risking money is Euro 100. We must be able to take a loss of such amount with a breeze. If  we hit during the 37 spins, we reset the count but stay at the same stake. We increase the bet if 37 spins and no hit.
We use fib progression, 1,3,5,8,13,21...  We will survive if no number sleeps more than 500 spins, and that not comes many times in a row it is 300 or more. Quite aggressive play which gain good if it survive.

I will start a session now and publish the result.
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on March 05, 2013, 04:52:02 AM
The session was not successful, went bust before 10000 plus, a loss of 4000 units. that's happens we can not always win!

40 Euro to catch up, we have to stay cool and let it take its time.
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Chrisbis on March 05, 2013, 06:03:27 AM
Hi Ralph.
What's the bet?
following a single number?
or are u playing repeaters?
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on March 05, 2013, 06:37:23 AM
Quote from: Chrisbis on March 05, 2013, 06:03:27 AM
Hi Ralph.
What's the bet?
following a single number?
or are u playing repeaters?

I bet one number, I use to change numbers and try to catch repeaters. I did however once 5000 spins on just one number and went good plus. I have recovered half of the loss, up to now, using an other method (reverse martingale on EC).
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Chrisbis on March 05, 2013, 06:42:01 AM
Do you have a specific trigger point/entry point?
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Ralph on March 05, 2013, 06:57:43 AM
Quote from: Chrisbis on March 05, 2013, 06:42:01 AM
Do you have a specific trigger point/entry point?

No, but I use to take a number which allready has hit, and shows on the marque. I do not think it matters. I use autospin.
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Chrisbis on March 05, 2013, 07:07:58 AM
Isn't this an element of Al's Finest Method of Defeating Roulette?
[revealB]FMoDR as its known (or was known)[/revealB]
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Superman on March 05, 2013, 07:37:44 AM
@Chrisbis, welcome home sir.
Title: Re: Thoughts about the so called HG
Post by: Chrisbis on March 05, 2013, 07:48:40 AM
Thanx buddy......nice to hear a familiar voice.  8)