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Started by Gizmotron, January 31, 2013, 07:31:22 PM

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I expect to have an exceptional opportunity at least once in every five to ten sessions. I expect to have at least three great opportunities in every 150 spin session. I see good opportunities at least six to ten times per session. I see strong downturns, that I deliberately avoid, at least three to six times during a 150 spin session. In all that there are micro ups & downs to navigate. If you look for enough opportunities, based on many characteristics to watch for, then you don't have to wait forever, as several of you suggest. Here is a big clue. All huge opportunities start out as micro opportunities. If you can't play the micro bets then you will never get the huge wins from the best thing there is. All I'm hearing are excuses for passing on this. Perhaps spike is correct after all.


Quote from: spike on February 04, 2013, 08:08:33 PM
Gamblers Fallacy sequences? You mean you think after
a bunch of events in a row, you are willing to bet your
whole BR on the next spin?

Of course you won't, because of GF. What you mean is,
the end of the sequence is near. DUH! But you can't
know exactly when it will end, nobody can. Like I said,
newbie stuff..
You don't need to. You know its highly likely to show in the next 10 spins. How many times have you seen a dozen sleep for 40 plus spins? I can tell you its not going to happen. there's more chance of you actually showing us a working method than that. Random has virtual limits.

Now you know...


Quote from: spike on February 04, 2013, 08:08:33 PM
Gamblers Fallacy sequences? You mean you think after
a bunch of events in a row, you are willing to bet your
whole BR on the next spin?

That was an imbacilic remark. Are you deliberately playing unintelligent? Why would someone pass up 30 sleeping dozens only to just begin betting it will continue. The opportunity has passed. You've got to be kidding. WHY ARE YOU HERE?


Quote from: Gizmotron on February 04, 2013, 08:22:26 PM
Why would someone pass up 30 sleeping dozens

So what's so special about them, then. When will the
sequence end, exactly. You don't know and have
no way of knowing. So you bet accordingly, just like
with any other sequence. Streaks make me yawn,
they're so over rated..


Quote from: spike on February 04, 2013, 08:41:14 PM
So what's so special about them, then. When will the
sequence end, exactly. You don't know and have
no way of knowing. So you bet accordingly, just like
with any other sequence. Streaks make me yawn,
they're so over rated..

If it is not clear to everyone here how Spike appears to be clueless then I don't know what else to say. He clearly treats everyone here as if they were stupid. He just keeps asking these same stupid questions. There is no way to get along with him.


I guess I need to write a thread for the fantastic opportunities and exactly how to attack the casino when these opportunities rise up.


"I guess I need to write a thread for the fantastic opportunities and exactly how to attack the casino when these opportunities rise up."

- Now that is a very good idea and looking forward to what you have to comprehensively list!


Quote from: Gizmotron on February 04, 2013, 09:10:54 PM
I guess I need to write a thread for the fantastic opportunities and exactly how to attack the casino when these opportunities rise up.

Would you? Frankly, though, I don't have time to
sit around the casino waiting for 30 in a row of
something. I'm usually gone in 15 spins or less,
that's all I need. Waiting for those wascally streaks
is for you guys with a lot of time on your hands.

Get in, get it done, get out. Not sit around all
day, wait wait wait, track track track, make
a couple bets that probably lose, and leave..
Life is too short.


Settle down, JL.  Life is too short!!  ;)

If you let adverse comments get to you you'll end up stepping over the line. You came close...

Let it be water off a duck's back.


Quote from: esoito on February 04, 2013, 10:46:25 PM
Settle down, JL.  Life is too short!!  ;)

If you let adverse comments get to you you'll end up stepping over the line. You came close...

Let it be water off a duck's back.

True Esoito, I will take it off. Although do you not think there should be a rule about people talking about what they do all the time. Without actually showing it to the forum?


Quote from: JohnLegend on February 04, 2013, 10:48:57 PM
True Esoito, I will take it off. Although do you not think there should be a rule about people talking about what they do all the time. Without actually showing it to the forum?

Personally, if somebody talks about what they do all the time without explaining or demonstrating it then I simply ignore their claims -- especially where money is involved.

I would expect common sense to prevail and guide others in a similar way.

It all boils down to provable substantiation of claims, proper documentation and auditing by an independent third party.

I can't ever see that happening on a gambling forum!!

But where I live, the finance industry, for example, is VERY closely regulated and heaven any company that makes false claims without providing proper proof. 

A very active statutory watchdog jumps onto them and they end up in court PDQ!!!

A shame the gambling industry isn't as assiduously regulated.


I've provided my tracking software. It's a duplicate verson of the index cards that I use while playing in a B&M casino. You can't understand my methods without using this charting system.

I've published a list of the characteristics that I look for while playing. They are here somewhere at this website. They all have their moments of extreme opportunity. You need to know and understand this list in order to understand my methods.

There is no point in attempting to talk with people that refuse to do prerequisite work. I'll know if you don't understand things and why. Spike has already demonstrated what happens with your head up your ...


I just flushed Spike. He's trying to harp about me not posting something. AT THIS POINT Spike IS NOTHING BUT A TROLL.


Let's see if we can make progress right here first. I will assume that most of you know how to recognize  a sleeping dozen. Let's say that you have seen five spins where dozen 1 has not hit.  I seldom attack with a big bet if the session has proven difficult. I never attack if the global effect is a pattern of short sized sleeping dozens. That would mean that there have been many 4, 5, 6, & 7 sized sleeping dozens or columns recently. The over all trend suggests that for a while a long sleeper is over dominated by lots of shorter trends. You can't know when to go after a possible long streak. But if the current over all trends are continuing to serve up a lot of short ones then why buck the trend?

I only use house's money to strike at a possible opportunity. If you bet the maximum at my casino then that's $500 per bet. You stand to lose $1,000 on the first bet and $500 on the second try. Once you have $1,000 of the house's money, you can risk it without leaving a loser.  What is common is that you get 16 sleepers in a row when a good opportunity comes up. IF you strike at spin 5 of this sequence, and it holds to spin 16 then you win $4,500 after spin 17 of the streak loses. If you quit at spin 14 then you have $5,000. But then you can't win that monster 30 sleepers in a row. That can be more than $10,000 if it just happens to happen.

How many get the most important point in this?


QuoteHow many get the most important point in this?


Can you spell it out for us dumbos?  :)

I get the whole trend thing, and it's true that every big opportunity starts as a micro opportunity, but the problem is, why should the amount you lose while jumping on all all the micro opportunities be less than what you win when finally the big opportunity comes along? In other words, each false start eats into your bankroll, so you might be down 20 units before the winning run arrives. When it does arrive, will it be long enough to pay off your debts and make a profit? not in my experience trying this approach. But maybe I'm doing something wrong.