Hello Victor ...
I search for two old topics and can not find them.
One is that you can over all the table accept one number and still win plus 1 unit.
Second one has the name Kasparkow something, it also cover a great deal the table.
Many Thanks
Welcome to the forum!
You might be better sending this as a PM to Victor as it's more of a personal request.
But I'll leave it here in case another member can help in the meantime.
Quote from: Sputnik on January 16, 2013, 06:23:20 AM
Hello Victor ...
I search for two old topics and can not find them.
One is that you can over all the table accept one number and still win plus 1 unit.
Second one has the name Kasparkow something, it also cover a great deal the table.
Many Thanks
Betting all numbers except one and still win an unit, is only possible at a No Zero wheel or a wheel which pay fair odds. It is some casinos offer No Zero or 1-36 pay out, they take a fee from the winnings.I did yesterday a play at BVNZ covering 34 numbers, and got 2 units on a hit, lost 34 on a miss. I posted the play and you can find it here in the section of straight up bets.http://betselection.cc/straight-up/will-it-be-any-difference-if-betting-one-or-34-numbers/ (http://betselection.cc/straight-up/will-it-be-any-difference-if-betting-one-or-34-numbers/)
Are you sure the name is Kasparkow as I connect that name with chess,You may mean Kavouras bet. http://www.roulette30.com/p/kavouras-bet.html (http://www.roulette30.com/p/kavouras-bet.html) it covers 20 numbers.
Here is the first one:
There's a tricky bet for having a 36-number layout coverage and yet win +1 unit on a hit:
How can it be? Targetting #19 as the only number to leave open, the bet goes like this:
3 chips go to number 0
72 chips to low (Covers 1 to 18 )
48 chips to 3rd dozen (Covers 25 to 36)
16 chips to corner 20/24 (CVovers 20-21-23-24)
4 chips to straight-up number 22
If any number other than 19 is spun, you win +1.
You need a table with "Le Partage" rule for this bet to work.
Testing the validity of this bet with Roulette Xtreme.
First you need to enable Le Partage:
Then proceed to test the winning bets:
At a straight-up win, we win 4 x 36 = 144 chips, minus 143 chips layed = +1
At the corner, we win 16 x 9 = 144 chips, we lost 143 chips layed = +1
At the dozen, we win 48 x 3 = 144 chips, taking in to account 143 chips layed = +1
At the even chance, we win 72 x 2 = 144 chips, substracting 143 chips layed = +1
If Zero shows up, dealer returns us 108 chips as payout for it, then takes away losing chips: while from the 72 chips layed at low by "Le Partage" rule enabled at the even chances dealer takes 36 and we get 36 chips back. As we won 108 = 108 won + 36 chips back = 144 chips - 143 layed = +1 unit profit even when zero hits! Positively letting only 1 out of the 37 numbers as a loss, and winning +1 unit at 36 numbers.
It is important to notice at regular Roulette without Le partage, you have a net loss of 35 chips when zero hits so we really need this Le Partage splitting rule:
Of course, the downside is losing spin costs 143 chips. But for doing that bet your REALLY have to do next spin and want the very least numbers against, this "tricky bet" can do.
Also you can mathematically split all the bets in half to win +0.5 instead of +1... but the problem is the Zero. The dealer won't be too fond of you splitting a chip in two to bet 1 and a half on zero
Quote from: Juiced91 on January 16, 2013, 07:07:58 AM
Here is the first one:
There's a tricky bet for having a 36-number layout coverage and yet win +1 unit on a hit:
How can it be? Targetting #19 as the only number to leave open, the bet goes like this:
3 chips go to number 0
72 chips to low (Covers 1 to 18 )
48 chips to 3rd dozen (Covers 25 to 36)
16 chips to corner 20/24 (CVovers 20-21-23-24)
4 chips to straight-up number 22
If any number other than 19 is spun, you win +1.
You need a table with "Le Partage" rule for this bet to work.
Testing the validity of this bet with Roulette Xtreme.
First you need to enable Le Partage:
Then proceed to test the winning bets:
At a straight-up win, we win 4 x 36 = 144 chips, minus 143 chips layed = +1
At the corner, we win 16 x 9 = 144 chips, we lost 143 chips layed = +1
At the dozen, we win 48 x 3 = 144 chips, taking in to account 143 chips layed = +1
At the even chance, we win 72 x 2 = 144 chips, substracting 143 chips layed = +1
If Zero shows up, dealer returns us 108 chips as payout for it, then takes away losing chips: while from the 72 chips layed at low by "Le Partage" rule enabled at the even chances dealer takes 36 and we get 36 chips back. As we won 108 = 108 won + 36 chips back = 144 chips - 143 layed = +1 unit profit even when zero hits! Positively letting only 1 out of the 37 numbers as a loss, and winning +1 unit at 36 numbers.
It is important to notice at regular Roulette without Le partage, you have a net loss of 35 chips when zero hits so we really need this Le Partage splitting rule:
Of course, the downside is losing spin costs 143 chips. But for doing that bet your REALLY have to do next spin and want the very least numbers against, this "tricky bet" can do.
Also you can mathematically split all the bets in half to win +0.5 instead of +1... but the problem is the Zero. The dealer won't be too fond of you splitting a chip in two to bet 1 and a half on zero
Thank you Jucied91, that was exactly the one i wanted to find.
The other one was Romansky and i find it among old topics.
Many Thanks.
Sorry for the delay, I got a small cold. I'm answering PM's and coding a couple releases at snail speed, but chances are I won't write too much new material.
Will try to bring in some of the "oldies but good" topics around.
Hope to be fresh as lettuce in some days. Got a fresh supply of Vitamin C :nod: as well as eating fruits.
That darn cold is over here in the States, too! Man, it's a booger-bear! Take care of yourself.
Well Sam, this sure thwarts the night shift!
I wonder if i'm getting the bill for so many late-nite stays... :-X
I'm trying to return to balance. Still wishing of a time on which online sales derive a steady secondary income and progressively surpass the local income one. Who knows? There are some prospects to be developed over the year. i.e. the framework could take-off eventually, and I'm also developing a new programming language appealing to newcomers, which might succeed in time.
Perhaps, only perhaps, I can make enough "online income" to pass my passions as a job :love:
Would love SO MUCH to make coding for the community and the programming language be the day job! Would set aside some bank to enjoy recreational betting and my life would be dreamy as I would be spending my day time doing what I love.
It's a history in the making! There's an actual possibility for it happening...
The flu is even here in south africa. Hope you guys didn't start some form of new disease. Glad I don't have it yet, but its here...
Hi Victor ,hope you are getting better.
Fresh chicken soup by boiling-up the bones etc should help.
Best Regards.