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You think you know your game

Started by GreatGrampa, May 24, 2013, 11:39:13 AM

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Hi Chrisbis / Grampa

I have been following the post with a lot of interest. I have no problem with Follow the Last (FTL);
However, as I'm in a leraning curve, would u please tell me about how Decison Before Last (DBL)
works, and give a couple of illustrative; I have searched the forum but cannot seem to find any thing about
Thank u for your assistance.




Hi Rouletta,

Example of DBL:

Next to Last spin is #35
Last spin is #6

Decision Before Last (DBL) is therefore #35 (number previous to last current result) which equates to DOZEN 3 and COLUMN 2 (or "B") in the context of this system.



Would you settle for a TwoCat answer?

R...B..."B" is sometimes called "the number that came" or "the spun number".  "R" is the penultimate number or the "DBL"..decision before the last decision.  Depending on what you are looking at, it can be ECs, straight up, dozens, columns or whatever.

If you were betting ECs for DBL, you would bet R. 

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


I hope Atlantis/TCS/Others, will agree, DBL should really be labelled..............

OBL (OutcomeBeforeLast) or even

RBL (ResultBeforeLast) to be an accurately reflective abbreviation.

My preference would be RBL since its the Results we are basing our next Decision on!
(So U can see, why those new to the game can get easily confused, with results, and decisions)

I think from now on, those two abbrev's, should be referred to as FTL, which says it all,
(& would be like saying "Follow that Result")
and RBL, which infers, U want to bet on the same Result that came out before the last result.


Thanks guys for these explanations; Now I know what we talking about.



I'm now thinking, there are a few of these at play here..............

DB2L (DecisionBefore2ndLast)
or as my new abbrev would make it..

RB2L (ResultBefore2ndLast)

Then things make sense!


And then there's DBLT

Decision before last Tuesday.......

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers



Lol.....................  :applause:


My best guess of a Doz/Col Framework.

Begin................. after first free/low chip spin.

FTL.............for three spins.(FTL= FollowTheLast)
If Not ahead after three spins, then take next bet as DBL.(DecisionBeforeLast)
If ahead at any time using DBL, then reset to FTL
If not ahead using DBL, continue until 3 spins with DBL
If not ahead after 3 spins FTL, and then 3 spins DBL, then Find best winning Outcome, and bet it.
If no winning combo available, then find best winning Dozen Outcome, and bet it
If No best winning Dozen outcome, then find best Winning Column Outcome, and bet it.
Reset to FTL as soon as ahead.

Progress is +1 on a loss, and progress each Dozen and Column separately.

Starting bet is 1+1 =2

That's as far as I have got.


Hi Chrisbis,
Applause for your latest shot at the puzzle. Very interesting.
Maybe Grampa can reveal to us the correct procedure now?