Here is the software I practice and teach / discuss with.
Upgraded to 3.2, now allows setting bets, keeps running total.
Fixed a bug. Now cleans up comma delimited lists of spins.
Here is the original avitar source. (
Thank you for posting the tracking software here.
It is appreciated.
Roulette Marquee 3.2 now released.
This upgrade allows you to place bets. It tracks each bet and keeps a running total.
Press spin to start. I always run out 12 spins before I ever place bets.
Thank you very much for uploading this software Gizmo. It's very generous of you. :thumbsup:
Can you input your own numbers as you go along?
edit: I sussed it!
There is a place to enter spins and then hit the spin button. It's right next to the spin button.
battery going down...back in an hour.
This software was specifically designed to be shared with students that I personally taught. They received operational methods with each lesson. In a way it will be a test for people here. The features are all button configured. Designed this software to take on strings of spins (1,34,23,14,32,0,22,) so that I could teach my concepts. Funny thing is nobody has asked questions on how it works until now.
Quote from: KingsRoulette on December 24, 2012, 04:46:52 AM
Can there be a help file to simplify its usage?
OK - done.
Roulette Marquee 3.2 for Windows, Copyright 2012, by Mark Brownell
Feature Description:
============== Casino Marquee
Left of screen is a working top to bottom, red & black
numbers display like the ones found in casinos.
============== Wheel Type Option
Below that is the option for single zero or double zero.
============== Spin Entry Window
Just below that is the number entry window. If you leave
this blank you can practice using the custom designed RNG
that is based on the actual layout of European or American
Wheels. You can also use this entry window to enter real
spins, one at a time.
============== Spin
To the right is the Spin button.
============== Bet Placement
Next down is the bet placement bar (green). Just below are
the four ( $ ) valued unit amount buttons. The bet amounts
accumulate as you click them. The results appear to the far
right of the green bar. There is an option to add or subtract
just to the right of these buttons.
Next, to the right of the green bar are the bet placement
buttons. None of this works properly until you spin at least
one spin first. If you press Clear & then Spin this will
appear in the lower window to the right.
( | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | total = 0 )
These are the bet and set bet amounts as well as the total
won or lost running total. Once you have set the bet amount
to the right in the green bar, set add or subtract, then you
can add or subtract amounts for your next bet. You do this
by cliking on the respective button that applies to the bet
you wish to adjust. You will notice this effects the bottom
line in tha window as you make changes. Once you are ready
then press Spin. You will notice that your bet is calculated
for its result, including the bets you placed, and the new
running total is placed on the next line. This way you have
telimitry for each spin including your bets. This is great
for discussions.
============== Clear
Next down and to the far left is the Clear button. This strips
everything to a new starting point. Remember to spin once to
fill in the bet window:
( | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | total = 0 )
...note -- the syntax on each line of bets is exact. It has
not been formatted for error. That's why the bet placement
buttons are used.
============== Text Gathering
Next is the text gathering features found in the black bar, at
the bottom. You will notice number entry boxes left and right
of the [ 12 ] < from to > [ 26 ] found between them. You can
use this to pull lines 12 to 26 for an example. When you select
the lines you want then you click the Copy Lines button.
Just right of the right line number entry is another entry box.
Use this box to sellect just one grouping from the full chart.
This has no allowwance for error.
You can enter one description and the following comma, that's all
There are no user friendly fixes for this. I expected to discuss
any problems durring chat sessions.
This feature will pull out just that section and just those lines.
| A B C | 1 2 3 || B R | L H | O E | -- ##
| X | X || X | X | X | -- 14
| X | X || X | X | X | -- 13
| X | X || X | X | X | -- 20
| X | X || X | X | X | -- 12
| X | X || X | X | X | -- 19
| X | X || X | X | X | -- 7
or 123, added:
| X | -- 1
| X | -- 2
| X | -- 3
| X | -- 4
| X | -- 5
| X | -- 6
The software proves what it got by displaying your clipboard.
Now this:
If you press the List button, to the right of the black bar,
you will get a transferable list of spins of these same
selected lines. This can be highly useful to discussion.
=============== Adding Lists of Spins to Chart
If you press Clear & you have a list of spins on the clipboard
then you can press Paste Spins. You will notice that the format
is comma delimited. If you have line delimited lists you must
exchange line feed for comma. This Paste Spin feature will clean
up line feeds, returns, and empty white space that might exist.
It will not add comma.
Note: there is a known bug with copying lists from some forums.
They just don't want to paste from some chat rooms, emails, and
whatever. A work around for this is to paste them into Notepad,
Simple Text, or any text editor that stripes out any rich text
that might exist. If you re copy these lists then they will paste
correctly. Sharing lists for discussion purposes is the most
effective way to quickly learn my methods.
Once you have a list pasted into the upper chart window then load
them by pressing Load Spins
============= md5 feature
If you have a list of spins on your clipboard you can press the
md5 button. It is clearly understood that whatever is on your
clipboard will be the object for creation of the hash. So if it
has any other characters, line returns, empty space, ... etc.
then they will need to be there also when confirming any future
hash translations.
This feature is for running future spins in a chat room and
confirming them after the fact.
hashes to this:
============= Known Glitches
There are still a few glitches.
If you add a dummy number to the end of your list of spins
it will pick up the last number of your list pasted in.
Bally, I have a special tracker that allows me to see these table layout bets plus several more groupings that are based on inside bets. These additional sets are unique sets of dozens based on locations on the wheel. With extra sets of dozens it's easier to find working collisions.
I suppose my next upgrade could include custom user based pet sets. I could add a simple to add text string that creates a custom made tracking system for favorite bets.
They don't let you use computers at real casinos so I use index cards.
I am impressed and wish I had this kind of ability! It's something I never really thought about learning but maybe I should start. I am going to take a few courses in 2013 just to get my focus away from roulette all the time and some kind of programming course is maybe a good idea.
It's like I said on another post Gizmo! 'you are only limited by what you can't see in this game' I believe that 100%. There is nearly always something that presents itself and you sure don't need to be right all the time!
Bally, your method of hanging around even until you get a few wins strung together is a great strategy. It depends on simple patience.
I once hit a perfect pattern of a single dozen that kept going for 30+ spins. It looked like this: @@&@@&@@&@@&@@&@@&... the @ were hits and the & were misses. I took $60 and turned it into $3,000 in about thirty minutes. Always be on the lookout for perfect occurring patterns.
Quote from: Bally6354 on December 27, 2012, 03:50:34 PM
I am impressed and wish I had this kind of ability! It's something I never really thought about learning but maybe I should start. I am going to take a few courses in 2013 just to get my focus away from roulette all the time and some kind of programming course is maybe a good idea.
You won't find an easier language to learn or program with. This is LiveCode made by Runtime Revolution. These examples are attached to a button on the screen. One example has comments, the other does not. If you have no plans on making a living from your programming hobby then this is the very best way to go.
on mouseUp
put "" into field "results"
repeat with i = 1 to 50
put random(37) into thisSpin
put "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12," into hList
if thisSpin is among the items of hList then
put "| X | -- " after field "results"
put i & return after field "results"
end if
end repeat
end mouseUp
on mouseUp -- starts the mouse click function
put "" into field "results" -- clears the results text field
repeat with i = 1 to 50 -- causes 50 spins
put random(37) into thisSpin -- selects a random spin
put "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12," into hList -- sets the bets that win
if thisSpin is among the items of hList then -- checks for a winner
put "| X | -- " after field "results" -- fills in chart
put i & return after field "results" -- adds the line number
end if -- ends the if/then condition
end repeat -- ends the 50 repeats
end mouseUp -- ends the mouse click function
Bally - " There are times when this is going to produce an incredible run and you can soon ratchet up some profit just like you said."
I've always wanted to tell people that there are moments when you can completely dismantle the casino and its measly house advantage. Sometimes all reason and all intimidation seems to go right out the door. For a brief stretch of spins you can drop huge bets on the casino like a bombing mission in a B-52. It is the next best thing to a bank robbery. While it happens you win every bet, every spin. I let some of it ride while I take some off. The trick is to get up to high flat bets and to ride it until it dies.
"Fortune favors the prepared mind."
Thanks for sharing.
You are very welcome. Thanks