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Messages - alrelax

You take your quick profits, cash it out and lock it up, 99% of the times anyway.  Here is what I do between shoes.

Oh and for everybody's information I'm not trying to show off. If I can help just one person it's worthwhile.
Baccarat Forum / Re: 6 Fortune 7s and 39 B-30 P
January 16, 2024, 02:15:19 PM
And yet another streak of 10 Bankers with 3 more F7s in the streak.  Those white circles are actually yellow F7 logos, just as they flashed and turned around when I took the pic. This was the same night a shoe before or after the one posted above.
Baccarat Forum / Re: 6 Fortune 7s and 39 B-30 P
January 16, 2024, 02:11:28 PM
Found this in my photo archives.  Back from 2017.  Three F7s in the streak of 10 Bankers at the end of the shoe.
QuoteLike many things in life one can only learn by doing. We can run sims, watch youtube videos, read books, read on forum, ...etc and that indeed is likely to help. However, the "tricks-to-the-trade" will only be discovered by doing(losing and winning). Most all "tricks-to-the-trade" will boil down to money management of wins, self control, and managing our emotions.

Continued Success, 

You are 100% spot on!  Also, the winning and the losses have different affects on each of us.  From becoming emotional and causing one to wager stupidly and crazy, to being overcome with frustration and not being able to concentrate or stick to any kind of good plan, etc.

This not only applies to beginners, but very much so the experienced bac player. 

My buddy H-Money lost a sizable sum of money the other day within a few shoes.  Senseless in every aspect.  He pushed and pushed and played with an unclear and frustrated mind. 

As well, I believe we all have done the following. I know I certainly have, taking sizable wins back to the same casino or another, the same night or the next night, etc., and feeling bulletproof and losing every stinking dime of it plus additional funds in the attempt to recoup.  I admit I have. 

I will never do it again and I cannot, as long I religiously stick to my M.M.M., which I do.  The very most that I lose of my wins are approximately 1/3rd.  Then I reset and forget the previous win and I DO NOT build and increase the bankroll as so many believe should be done or they claim to do.  Why do I say those things?  Because we all have a level and a plateau we need to stick to, that is where the comfort and the clarity will come from in the sessions that you move forward and play, after your wins.

In other simple words.  Forget the past, play with the same bankroll, buyin, wagering stakes accordingly to your session plans.  IMO, at the vey most, take a buyin from a previous win and risk that as your buyin risk capital.  But no greater than a 1/3rd set aside from the win or a few wins collectively. 
KFB,  That cash extraction was NOT from that shoe with the 6 F7s.  It was from 2 other shoes in one session.

Ref age.  YES!  YES & YES!

Side Note.  Love those other forums where all the bac experts are going into simulation detail and writing about their discovered holy grails of W's and L's that all equal up to 50 some percent and how they can sit for a little bit here and there and make all kinds of money.  Or, how they go in and wager 3-5 wagers here and here with stop losses and stop wins and usually make profit and if a loss, how they recover quickly, etc. 

No pictures, no proof, nothing technical except an occasional screen shot of an online score board or a score card they drew up on a computer, etc.

Of course, that is all in between all the degradation and humiliation with truckloads of name calling.
Here's a shoe of EZ Bac from the other week.  6 Fortune 7s with 3iar in the very beginning. 

Hands 3-4-5-21-35-50.

Baccarat Forum / 6 Fortune 7s and 39 B-30 P
January 13, 2024, 02:13:29 PM
My 0-1-2-3 0/Low Tie applies here 100%! 

Clumping and Chop in first half.

End of shoe everyone is at $500-$1,000 a hand (1k max table) losing most every hand, literally calling for their believed upon chop-chop that had to appear, etc., etc.  Most people made $2,000 to $5,000 but gave it all back with wagering against those side-by-side B-5iar and P-3iar and the final B-4iar (there was 3 additional Bankers making a 4iar but I snapped the pic at hand 77 instead of hand 80). 

Interestingly, the last 4iar Bankers were, P natural 8 Bankers natural 9, P-6 and B-7, P natural 8 Bankers natural 9, and the final hand was Players 4 and Bankers 2 then the Players pull a 9 and the Bankers pulling a 2. 

Fortune 7s at hands: 3-4-5-21-35-50. 

Again, anything and everything happens at the table.  I have never witnessed a 3 back-to-back Fortune 7.  I have seen 2 back-to-back with a 3rd in the same Banker streak, but never 3iar.

No matter what you use to guide you through playing Baccarat, will ever repeatedly work and allow you to win with consistency. Nothing at all!

Your wins will be the result of a proper Money Management Method, that gives you advantages with concrete buffers (which include buffers to cut down, increase safely as well as stop), if you have the wherewithal to follow it-without thinking it will turn around losses or allow you to continue Wagering shoe after shoe after shoe.

Even when you are winning and you have multiplied your buy-in numerous times, mistakes are unavoidable. Do not blame yourself, if you do you will allow disadvantages to enter your play very quickly. Then you will be off track and you are certain to lose, or give back large portions of your win money.

I will tell you something, from years of baccarat play reference mistakes. It is not a problem to make them. The only problem is, if you never learn from them. And learning from them is not figuring out the placement of a wager after a trigger occurred. It is a bit more complex than that. It is actually reading randomness, capturing what is being presented and being guided by a real Money Management Method. Call me out on that, but I don't really see any other way one can make money at the game Baccarat. At least on a continuous basis.

I witness players actually fear failure at the tables all the time. I know if you are afraid of failure, you cannot win at the game Baccarat and do what needs to be done with wagering.

It took me a while to figure out the difference between a successful master and a beginner at the game of baccarat. And that is not always measured by the years of play. But I do know for sure, that a Baccarat Master has failed more times than the Beginner has even tried.

If you are a beginner, drum it into yourself you will fail. If you can recognize that and use that, you will add valuable pieces to the puzzle of baccarat most all people can never ever recognize, let alone use.

There is no rock-solid way, trigger system, or scheduling of wagering to continuously win, or even win small hit and run sessions with 51% +, as so many seem to believe. The same goes with triggers and scheduling that wins a few hands, but every person playing that way will lose far in excess of what he has won attempting to re-capture the wins with the beliefs subconsciously adopted for all the wrong reasons.

But, just because it is not happening at a certain time, one shoe, three shoes, eight shoes, a few weeks here or there, in no way means it never will. You have to learn the way while you are playing. Some things will be wrong at varying and unknown times, mistakes and losses must occur before you will have the confidence and be able to tackle the shoe challenges, doing it all with sheer passion and purpose along with a way to consciously understand randomness, employ a good GREAT M.M.M., and leave your emotions/frustrations at the door. 

FINAL THOUGHTS:  1) To myself, success is being able to win greater amounts monthly than I lose.  2) Being able to maintain my true passion and purpose when I play. 3) Maintaining my bankroll with occasional increases from wins.  4) Using my win money (cashed out win) for other things than gambling.  5) And most importantly, accepting both mistakes and losses with a Baccarat Masters frame-of-mind and attempt to learn from those.

(Taking advantage of presentments you understand, with a M.M.M., you follow results in the attachment I posted here).
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
January 10, 2024, 01:52:38 AM
Quote from: AsymBacGuy on January 10, 2024, 12:50:31 AMLOL  ;)

What about IHOP hiring girls with one leg but getting big boobs?

Can't top that, lol!

AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
January 09, 2024, 10:54:00 PM
Reference 'Real Numbers':

Not only what you said, actual shoes played, etc., but Real Numbers to me, are those numbers that happen.  Not the millions of numbers from stat research. 

Real Numbers are those within each shoe at the table.  All the other numbers really do not matter. 

On the lighter side, if girls with big boobs work at Hooters, where do girls with only one leg work at?  IHOP.
(International House of Pancakes).
What so many people do not, or will never recognize is the minimum and maximum numbers versus real numbers.

For the math freaks there is something called 'Set Theory'.  But, that can only apply if there are no 'real/reality numbers'. 

In mathematical analysis, the maximum and minimums of a function are, respectively, the largest and smallest value taken by the function. Known generically as extremum, they may be defined either within a given range (the local or relative extrema) or on the entire domain (the global or absolute extrema) of a function. >>>But not how each hand, or the order of each hand will be presented from any shoe.<<<

As defined in set theory, the maximum and minimum of a set are the greatest and least elements in the set, respectively. Unbounded infinite sets, such as the set of real numbers, have no minimum or maximum.

In statistics, the corresponding concept is the sample maximum and minimum.  Please Note:  Statistics are a theoretical sampling of 80 hands of Baccarat, played out approximately 1,000,000 times. 80,000,000 hands and then each minimum and maximum result figured out for whatever valued defined, etc. 

So in reality and more importantly, in relationship to wagering at the game, you can have maximum and minimum in statistical analysis.  However............But............in the game of baccarat and how each and every shoe will present its presentments, 80 + - times a shoe, will be 'real numbers'. 

And 'Real Numbers' have zero corresponding adherence to statistical results the highest of the highest amount of times.  And more likely, IMO the relationships, if any, can safely be classified as coincidental rather than statistical presentment.
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
January 06, 2024, 05:16:38 PM
What so many people do not, or will never recognize is the minimum and maximum numbers versus real numbers.

For the math freaks there is something called 'Set Theory'.  But, that can only apply if there are no 'reality numbers'.

In mathematical analysis, the maximum and minimums of a function are, respectively, the largest and smallest value taken by the function. Known generically as extremum, they may be defined either within a given range (the local or relative extrema) or on the entire domain (the global or absolute extrema) of a function. >>>But not how each hand will be presented from each shoe.<<<

As defined in set theory, the maximum and minimum of a set are the greatest and least elements in the set, respectively. Unbounded infinite sets, such as the set of real numbers, have no minimum or maximum.

In statistics, the corresponding concept is the sample maximum and minimum.  Please Note:  Statistics are a theoretical sampling of 80 hands of Baccarat, played out approximately 1,000,000 times. 80,000,000 hands and then each minimum and maximum result figured out for whatever valued defined, etc. 

So in reality and more importantly, in relationship to wager at the game, you can have maximum and minimum in statistical analysis.  However............But............in the game of baccarat and how each and every shoe will present its presentments, 80 + - times a shoe, will be 'real numbers'. 

And 'Real Numbers' have zero corresponding adherence to statistical results the highest of the highest amount of times.  And more likely, IMO the relationships, if any, can safely be classified as coincidental rather than statistical presentment.
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
January 06, 2024, 04:39:08 AM
Willing to listen-willing to think-willing to realize what can happen.

"However.........But............might not, but always a possibility".

First of all, most everyone discounts what might happen because of lack of probability.  And in my opinion, that is dead wrong in the game of Baccarat. However............But............in baccarat anything and everything CONTINUOUSLY' lays in wait.

Why did I say, "that is dead wrong in the game of baccarat?  Because we play the short term, not the long term. 

If you sit and watch, you might very well miss great events by refusing to wager.  What can happen(?), a steak of 14 Bankers immediately followed by 9 Players, immediately followed by a series of 8 chop-chop singles and then 6 doubles of each Bankers and Players.  Or, maybe something ugly, such as a few singles, a single streak of 8 and then all 1s, 2s and 3s with every wager you attempt on the wrong side, etc., etc.
Wagering & Intricacies / Re: Empowering Yourself 2024
January 02, 2024, 05:56:50 AM
KFB, this applies to what you wrote about your play in many ways. 

Wagering & Intricacies / Empowering Yourself 2024
January 01, 2024, 04:45:48 PM
Get rid of your False Hopes-False Confidence and Blindness within your baccarat play.

Put the time and trouble into improving yourself/your play.  I read it takes an average of 60-90 days for self improvement change to begin.  As far as application of change to gaming, I am not sure, but it's worth a try IMO.

1) Begin with a ritual of REFLECTION on your play. Please see my thread:  https://betselection.cc/index.php?topic=11679.msg71756;topicseen#msg71756.

2) Push the fallacy out!  Misleading and deceptive data, stats, methods and beliefs are super dangerous to your play. Be careful whom you listen to and trust.

3) Do not get hung up on certain triggers as a wagering point. You must learn and deeply understand randomness and how it is presented with or without any clue from a shoe.

4) Dedicate time each and every day to learn about the game.

5) Engage in a real Money Management Method (MMM) that benefits yourself, your play and control with the  sessions you engage in. But engaging in it with a solemn adherence.

6) When Frustration, Emotions and Stress sets in at the table note it and write about it later on. Find the reason so you can ultimately reverse it. It is more than a lost wager, I promise you.

7) Concentrate on yourself, as in You-Vs-You at the table. It is all about you and only you. Do not let yourself be distracted with all the verbal and physical doings at a table.

-8- Allow your Money Management Method to have the last words at a session. Win, Lose or Draw. This is different than engaging in the MMM, (#5 above), this is the faith, grace and priority of applying a session closure, which is vital and the most important.

9) Do not have expectations when you sit down. Learn how to center yourself with extreme and dedicated focus.

10) Engage yourself in the reversing of negative actions you learned you have in regards to playing Baccarat.

Recognize and Practice.  Learn what real consciousness, focus and neutrality mean and how you can possess them and apply them at the table with your decision making ability.

Do not hold yourself down with anything you cannot control. But you MUST be totally conscious of the fact every wager and  decision you make, you can control.