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Topics - alrelax

The biggest wins come when winning.

The largest losses occur when losing.

Simply there are times you can win and times you cannot.

My method allows your win to govern your bets using a method that gives you aggressive and pretty safe wagers while cutting your risk as well as multiplying your additional chances.

You can win because the cards are forming hands you expect, believe in, witnessed before and more.

You cannot win because the cards are forming hands you do not expect, believe in, never witnessed before or you seriously do not think will happen and more.

Extreme focus,no emotion on losing hands and risk only the risk capital buy-in of a percentage of your bank roll are necessary components and cannot be ignored.

Now, I push my Money Management Method that will truly manage your wins and play time if you follow it. I've written about it before.  I'm going to define it a little bit better now. I have found countless times that there is a huge advantage to wagering win money/profits for many reasons.

(If you regularly wager a negative progression (Marty) or you believe flat betting every hand will lead to recovery and probability, you might as well skip all this and get into a casino to make your money.).

But if you really desire to find a decent wagering method, the following has done extremely well for me over the past few years.

It is a Positive Progression/Parlay combination.

1-3-2-6. Or a 1-3-2-5.33 wager. 

Let's take an example using a $900.00 buy in of your risk capital money.  ($1,200.00 for $100.00 starting bets, $2,400.00 for $200.00 starting bets, etc.)  At the very minimum, you will have 6 chances, to engage in 6 rounds wagering at a beginning wager of $75.00.

1st wager $75.00.  You are risking $75.00.  If won, 2nd wager will be $225.00.  If lost, you return to another $75.00 1st wager. 

2nd wager $225.00 with $150.00 of your money at risk. If you win, you have your total risk money of $150.00 returned.  You set that aside.  You also set aside the other $150.00, thus increasing your chances for another round.  You are now totally risk free for hands 3 and 4.  If lost, you lost $150.00 and must return to another round with a beginning wager of $75.00.

3rd wager $150.00 with no risk and $150.00 put sideways.  If you win, you now have $300.00 towards your 4th wager of $450.00 or $400.00 (if employing the 5.33 wager).  You put the $150.00 up that was sideways or $100.00 of it for the 5.33 wager.  If you win, you will have $900.00 profit or $800.00 plus the reserved $50.00, for $850.00 profit.  If you lost, you still have 100% of your risk capital buy in or the little bit extra if you used the 5.33 wager. 

Yes, if you lose 6 straight rounds on the second hand, you would have lost your entire buy in risk capital.  Hard to do, possible but if you stick with the same wagering amount as the bet for all your rounds, tough to lose straight.  You will also gain additional round attempts once you win that 2nd wager, even if losing the 3rd and 4th ones in rounds.


You cannot control what is presented and what persists or does not.

Realistic expectations fall sideways almost all of the time. Thus, losses begin to accrue.

The shoe does and will become notoriously unpredictable the highest majority of the times. I have found a series of 12 to 16 wagers maximum in a decent shoe, that I am winning has proved the best and most profitable.

Single best weapon is positive progressions with adherence to your level and your plateau. If you are not in touch with what your level and plateaus are, you better find out.

Do not blame others or things for losing hands. The outcome as well as the continuance of your wagers are determined by, how-when and the amount of each.

Just be smart with capitalizing on wins and cutting your risk.
Let me make it clear and state it right away. Practical knowledge is superior to theoretical gambling knowledge and is well, practical knowledge is incredibly important to any career whatsoever and to life in general. Whether gambling, or a non-related gambling career, as well as life in general, all three of them cannot and will not excel in theoretical knowledge only. Think about it, think long and hard about it because what you read on almost all of the forums  will say theoretical knowledge is the way to profits.  And it is not.

Is there a bias or not?

Yes there is. But. And a huge but indeed, most all people will win a couple/few hands and then their factual-based decision making playing turns to an egotistic belief of fiction, with anything from superstitions to long term statistical results attempting to be applied to a few shoes. 

Then the frustration, the chase, and the loss comes around once again.  Whatever they were following, they quickly come to realization that they do not have the bankroll to survive the draw down until it comes back around. And that is why almost everybody loses at the baccarat table.

Then most all see turning factual-based or biased available opportunities to greed and hope because your mind immediately turns to:

1)  Making previous losses back;

2)  Losing sight of what is possible and focusing on unrealistic win amounts.

Sad, but absolutely true. 

Most everyone is looking at what to bet in a repeating or scheduled automatic mode. In other words when something happens, then I bet, etc. It will never work out in your favor or on a regular basis, shoe after shoe after shoe, session after session after session, NEVER EVER.  And that right there is what most peoples downfall is. Realize it or not, debate it or not, it is exactly that.

Winning hand after hand, catching the streaks, chops, cuts, doubles, anything repeating in any way.  Very different and distinctive things/events. It is mind altering difficult due to numerous factors that will factor in, but will be different in the majority of the shoes that you play as to how they developed. That is another thing most no one ever understands or will ever ever figure out.

There are simply no absolutes, NONE. And so many players will be completely oblivious to that fact at the table. Maybe off the table they know and they recognize it, but on the live table with real money they do not.

Nobody's approach is true gospel to every session for a positive turnout or the ability to recover losses.  Widely debated on almost every forum  there is and usually the subject of drama, ridicule and humiliation towards an original poster that might have something valuable to say.

Ice is cold to the touch. Always will be, always has been, will never change. Do a ten million dollar study and extensive research. It will not change. But baccarat is not that way and will never be that way and can never ever be the same with any type of system, method or statistical outcome being applied in real life gambling.

You can win and lose. Most likely you will do both while playing baccarat. That is if you are not just sitting down for one, two or three hands. You have to remember that. Be conscious and extremely careful of being sucked in by the table and believing you can continue hot win streaks or you can use Marty progressions or even flat bet yourself back to recovery of lost funds or the continuance of winning. 

Good things to a baccarat player's advantage, seems to happen in small sections.  Take huge advantage of those and realize when those have stopped. 

Unfortunately the casinos where I do play have  the largest majority of players that do all group up together every time something looks good or is starting to happen in the player's favor. And that is the exact reason for their downfall with almost every session. Their hopes and visions are totally off what the shoe is presenting or might present.  Which is the highest majority of the time completely different than what they need to recoup, win and profit by playing the way that they do. And they influence themselves which affects their emotional and psychological state of thinking and that is what accounts for their losses the highest majority of the times.

What so many Baccarat players are completely oblivious to.

The four strongest areas of profitability originate from:

25%  Turning Points

25%  Presentments

25%  Money Management Methods

25%  Your decision to continue or stop after winning

Are you fooled by the game? Only you can answer that honestly. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.

It is safe to say that you are vulnerable to certain predicaments again. You cannot change your personality or your need for admiration because the admiration fuels your need for control. And most people feel they have to control every situation that they are in, no matter if it's gambling or not.  And you cannot control what that shoe is going to present and in what order.

Things you can change easily if you really wanted to, are your desires to take drugs or alcohol and even smoking as well as who you surround yourself with. Those things you have constructive control over. But of course you really have to want to change.

As far as gambling goes, the way you act and the things you believe in are controlled by your subconscious and almost always you have little to no control over.  Once you figure it out and realize those reasons your decision making process will greatly improve and your winning sessions will far outnumber your losing sessions by employing those 4 areas that I outlined above.

Thanks, Alrelax
And being Random, certainly  does not mean you cannot win....

First of all, to read randomness, i.e.; looking at the scoreboard and defining what is happening and then applying a scheduled wager because of the trigger that appeared—is complete fallacy with slight potential at times but greater failures by far, with much larger percentages awaiting. 

Any person can interpret a score board of baccarat anyway he desires.  Twisting and turning it to suit his thoughts.  But to wager according to scheduled redundancy will bankrupt your bankroll in time, every time, some sooner and some later depending on the size of the bankroll and the length of sessions.

The game of baccarat is truly random produced presentments.  That is a given and a proven fact.  If it was not, the baccarat tables would not be in the casinos.  Period.  No discussion needed. 

To qualify a scheduled wager and wait for a trigger is too varied and far too unclear and to indecisive, in order to solidify any type of results that might or might not come about. 

The object to make money at the tables is to exploit what is happening (being presented) and not necessarily on what happened, did not happen or what might be curtailed from happening.  IMO, those are the exact points where most all people will lose or be side tracked and confused. 

As far as a scheduled wager that is thought of as a 'trigger' by a person—if it was anywhere over a factual and proven 50% successful result rate, he would be a multi-millionaire or multi-billionaire and definitely would not be seeking drama and humiliation from posting on gambling boards for his desire to 'help' others.  Period.  A simple fact and no need to discuss whatsoever!

There can not be triggers that will always repeat themselves.  Period, at least that I have ever discovered after 4 decades of play.  This is due to the outrageously large amount of ways that winning and losing hands can come about with so many different cards to form the point values as well as the reduction effects to form the 4, 5 or 6 card hand. 

The following are 2 examples:

(The cards for a ZERO point valued hand)


There are 40 ways I just posted to produce a zero point valued hand, which would be dependent upon the opposite side's hand point value with its 2nd and possible 3rd card drawn. 

(The cards for a SIX point valued hand)


There are 37 ways I just posted to produce a SIX point valued hand, which would be dependent upon the opposite side's hand point value with its 2nd and possible 3rd card drawn.

I guess the reason I posted those above two examples are to squash the claims when a 'so and so' card comes out for the players 3rd card or the players side wins with a 'such and such' point value hand statistics prove it will cut to the bankers side next, etc., etc.  I say that because there are just an astonishingly high number of cards that can produce any point valuation, winning either side with a 1 over Zero to a Natural 9 over a Natural 8, etc. 

People claim that statistics can be applied to actual wagering at the tables.  I don't see how, with any real success rate on a consistent basis that is at all possible.  Enough said, it is such a misapplied bunch of fiction people claim, it is past comical!

And probably the NUMBER ONE REASON unpredictability and randomness will ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS truly prevail, is there are just as many reasons something happens as there is that it didn't  happen when the cards are being dealt in the hand being wagered on.

Think about it.

And to myself and select others, the trick and advantage is turning a slight potential into a winning profit within several sections of a shoe or shoes.

Understand the following comes into play for the forming of what actually will happen and be the result of your wagering at the tables:

VISION.  Your dreams, you're thinking outside the casino, your thoughts and everything else relating to the game financial related;

EXPECTATION & REALITY.  What you interpret and believe through your study, research, online forums, talking with other players, your actual experiences and knowledge all merged together (As well, I wrote a previous article on the subject);

APPLICATION & REALIZATION.  The continuance of 'Expectation & Reality' into the application phase will govern your thought process and your mindset at the time of play. Be honest with yourself and realize it, the hurt inflicted upon your wagering as well as the good.

Here is one way to visualize more about what I am saying.  Stretch out your right arm, all the way out into the side of your body.  Now stretch out your left arm, all the way out also and to the left of your body. Your right arm contains your 'Vision' your 'Expectation' and your 'Application'. Your left arm contains the 'Realities' and the 'Realizations' that will set in automatically when you play baccarat.

Now move your arms towards each other and interface your fingers together. Grab the other hand tightly and squeeze together, keep squeezing. Do that for 15 seconds or so. That is the merge of the factors together. Each time you do that you will have a slightly different grasp-length-style-firmness-comfort level-motion and feeling, etc. Same as when you play baccarat. You control it but you really do not in many ways.

Remember that, change the way you think and be totally conscious at the table. 
Alrelax's Blog / Realization At The Baccarat Table
March 06, 2022, 03:48:27 PM
Good Morning!  The following is a detailed event that came to light at the baccarat room the other night.


It stood out, basic skills, a bit of reserved advanced skills, math trying to be applied skills and a huge dose of viewing random presentments thinking and believing that they were all structured hands that could be entered and exited at certain times with nice profitable wagering.  Shake it all up with individual life skills, egos, bankrolls and most of all, that desperation to walk away a winner, is exactly the way I viewed the table of players. 


Real-Life events that will overtake any structured thought of presentments that are 'due' to come out or appear at anytime whatsoever.  And the highest majority of all players, like in the 99% range plus, will swear up and down that they will adhere to before getting to the casino.  However, at the table it is almost always the total opposite.


I really do want to understand why so many of the people I witness, being ripped-from their buy ins, repeatedly return and return and return.  I do talk to most of them as I have played a long time with the highest majority of them.  Answers range from, I never win, to I win some times but I almost always give it back, to I always try for larger wins after winning something and my greed makes me think disastrous. 

Very seldom do I ever hear about their Money Management Methods and how they hold a percentage of what they win or how they only lose a buy in as risk capital from a previous portion of a win, that allows them to strictly play on the casino's money as their working capital.  But all I ever hear is what they have available to them through their set aside money taking from their jobs or other money sources. 

You know what I realized after serious thoughts about most everyone there playing?  Here is what I came up with.  They heighten their moments, putting aside the bad and surrounding themselves with the good, speculate into the desires of erasing all of their mistakes and losses, leaving them with an unattainable amount of money to come their way in the shoes they sit down to play. 

But I still wondered, why do they continue to play after so many many attempts and the massive destruction to their financial situation they caused themselves?  And the answer I came up with was,  because the highest majority of people, despite what seems realistic, prefer their results to be along the lines of what they actually know and are accustomed to, not necessarily what the reality is or will be. 


It is not going to change for the 99% plus players because they will never realize what reality actually is.  All they will ever admit to or confess is, I can't believe that happened or I should have done such and such. 

The absolute fear of surprise is what gets most.  Surprise?  Yes, surprise.  IMO and experience, despite what people may say or agree to, really do prefer events that they know.  Why?  Because they really don't know it, haven't thought of it, are not accustomed to it and fear most of all*, the loss of their money in anyway they have not experienced-which is their own little grove that the highest percentage of the times, leads to their losses with their justification of those through the placement of blame*. 

(Blame.  Place blame on it they continually remember; With following anything such as chop-2s-3s-repeating and so on, listening to others, being told what to wager on, and the listening to others or reading about structured wagering on certain presentments, etc. etc.).

That is what came to me the other night in the baccarat room. 
Alrelax's Blog / Feelings Do Shape Your Thinking
February 26, 2022, 04:40:06 PM
The most important thing is a totally open mind without ego.

Lack of experience is made up with a good dose of intensity and curiosity. But do not allow feelings to come into play.  They will hurt you, I promise.

There is no easy way out. Always remember that and always use that as a basis for thought when you are confused at the table wagering.

Do not rely on the obvious unless you check it, recheck it and check it countless times in fact. You will see how all those "wrongs", and those "wow how did that happen" and those "why didn't I bet for that' will repetitively appear.  You didn't bet for those because you had so many feelings that clouded your mind and your vision.  Simple, but your so egotistical you just can't see it.

The most important thing you have to learn is to know what you don't know. You have to realize you can better your knowledge, your mind of game, and set aside that overpowering ego, those hampering  desires and the growing wishes.

Even if you see someone doing something that you label as "wrong" you might really learn something about yourself that proves unique and quite profitable by finding out what they are doing. It just might be the "right" way after all and correct a whole bunch of your "wrongs".  At least a part of their logic and play mixed with yours, will allow you to discount and get rid of a portion of your "wrongs".  But remember, feelings are always there when you start looking at your own play.

Without suffering you will have no idea what joy and bliss actually are at the gaming table or elsewhere.
Wagering & Intricacies / Do Not Out Opponent Yourself
February 23, 2022, 05:12:57 AM
Engage In No Obstacles

Ego becomes an influence. When influenced at Baccarat most all players begin making the wrong decisions, which will become a huge liability to themselves.

Unfortunately without them realizing just that, they begin to lose. They compound their poor decisions with making additional poor decisions through the added pressure and stress, attempting to recover the lost wagers. This is the point most players get to rather quickly in the game.

Here are the five pro and cons about obstacles which I have defined over the years and it always works out through one form or another to be spot on with the below chart or darn close.


PRO                                                    CON

1)  Clear Frame of Mind                    1)  Blurred Frame of Mind

2)  Intuitive                                         2)  Dicey

3)  Common Sense                            3)  Wishful Thinking

4)  Readability (Aware & Using)          4)  Desperately Wagering 

5)  Capitalizing on Good Sections      5)  Scared to Wager

Easier said than accomplished at the table. Seems like there are two sides, one the atmosphere/action and two, rationalization and reality of what I listed above. There is a way to use other people playing at the table for camaraderie and another way to be aloof and concentrate by yourself.

Wagering & Intricacies / Reality in Baccarat
February 16, 2022, 05:31:03 PM
Reality is the presentments of the shoe without any influences whatsoever. Not the shuffle, not to cut or the burn or anything else. Not a whole host of other things so many people believe influences the presentments and how the cards will be presented.  Oh and reality is going to prove an unknown amount of chops, streaks, ones and twos, doubles, triples and any and all other combinations of various trends without any rhyme or reason. Reality will also produce a completely different outcome for the following shoe or possibly extremely close to the same, no telling. Reality will also produce an extremely predictable section of presentments or perhaps a totally unpredictable section of events. That is a good example of reality at plays as well.

If you do not believe what I am saying here go to the casino with a set of mechanical scheduled triggers of any type and wager on that. Wagering on just those  while ignoring the entire surrounding of everything and anything. Wager and see what happens. Does not matter how many wagers your schedule is, whether it's three or six or nine or 18 or every hand. Play that and keep playing that. See how long and how much you profit week after week after week.

Please do it and honestly report on the results.
Here you go guys, started the evening off with a great meal, grilled pork chop topped with an egg, sticky white rice, pickled cucumbers carrots and greens, rice noodles and tofu.  A large bowl of PHO with thin sliced rib eye and all the greens, noodles and misc I prepped it with.  YUM!

Online Casinos / Online Poker Collusion
December 26, 2021, 03:40:24 PM
Prominent German pro Fedor Holz has called out two well-known high-staked Brazilian pros for colluding during the final table of a recent high-stakes tourney on 888poker. The two Brazilians, Rodrigo "seijistar1" Seiji and Rodrigo "serouan1991" Serouan, were among the final five players in an event on 888's global online site.

Holz posted on his "@crownupguy" Twitter account, early on Christmas Day, "A pretty obvious collusion spot including Seijistar on a big 1K FT vs his friend Selouan. They are part of a Brazilian HS group that work together called '9Tales'. Cheating sucks. I think every HS reg that doesn't cheat.

Holz replied to his own post, further clarifying the alleged cheat. "In case It isn't clear, AJ folds. They probably weren't aware it's live-streamed with cards up."

Holz said the two Brazilians are good friends, and he accused Seij of making the way-against-the-odds fold to allow Serouan to take the pot and stay in the event. That Holz's accusation also mentions that several Brazilians are involved in a high-stakes cheating team, known as "9Tales", adds urgency to the situation.

888 responds within hours, promises investigation

888 quickly responded to Holz's claims on Twitter, noting that an investigation will begin immediately. 888 promised a review not only of the hand in question, but of other action between the two Rodrigos.

Any type of collusion is in clear violation of our user agreement.
We are reviewing this hand and others played between these two players. We are contacting the players to better understand their POV. We will be in touch with the players and act upon our investigation results.

Neither Seiji nor Serouan appear to have been suspended as yet by 888Poker. Should the collusion allegations be proven out, Seiji appears to be in the worst situation regarding possible sanctions.

Another of the players at the table "Panxetillo", was quickly alerted to Holz's own thread and posted his own thoughts. "Hi I'm Panxetillo," he wrote. "That hand was very suspicious, I didn't know they worked together in 9tales, so it makes sense now. Thanks for expose this case, we have to kick out people who cheat and collusion for the sake of poker. I hope @888poker investigate this and take action. Cheers!"

Such collusion remains a problem that poker has found difficult to eradicate. A Brazilian poker outlet has reportedly received a quote from Seiji stating that he "misjudged the situation," believing Serouan had a much stronger hand due to ICM factors. However, that likely won't satisfactorily explain Seiji's fold, given hos own strong ace-jack hand and the pot odds he was already receiving to call.
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) — America's casinos have won more money this year than ever before, according to figures released Thursday from a national gambling trade association.

The American Gaming Association said U.S. casinos have already broken the record for most money won in a single year at $44.15 billion.

Those figures are based on reports through October, as well as on a handful of states that have released results from November.

The total surpassed the record set in all of 2019, which was $43.65 billion.

And with many more states still to report November revenue figures, as well as all the December reports, that number will climb even higher. The figures do not include tribal casinos.

October highlights nationwide include in-person gambling continuing to drive the industry's recovery, with brick-and-mortar activity generating $3.97 billion, topping pre-pandemic totals by 16% from October 2019.

Americans wagered a record $7.05 billion on sports in 25 jurisdictions in October, bringing the year-to-date total amount bet to $42.19 billion. That is nearly double the amount wagered in all of 2020 when just 17 markets were operating.

With some data yet to be reported, commercial sports books kept nearly $408 million after paying out winning bets and other expenses in October, surpassing the previous monthly record of $405 million set in September,

Internet gambling generated $357 million in revenue, up 129% from October 2020, which is also a new monthly record.

And Colorado, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Pennsylvania and South Dakota surpassed annual state revenue records. Connecticut launched sports betting and internet gambling in October.

Combined October revenue from traditional casino gambling, sports betting and internet betting was $4.75 billion, the second-highest monthly total ever and an increase of 30.7 % compared to October 2019.

The industry has now surpassed $4 billion in monthly gambling revenue for eight consecutive months. Before this year, monthly revenue had never topped $4 billion.
Wagering & Intricacies / The Players Side Advantage
November 28, 2021, 03:06:18 PM
Among all the things, after years and years of playing, I do believe there's a player side advantage more so than a banker side advantage. I am not gonna get into the math statistics about the hundreds of thousands or millions of shoes tested with bankers side having a slight advantage, as it has been proven repetitively it does not apply when you pull out the chair and get up to the felt and putting your money on the table.

99% of all players lack the patience to adhere to any trigger or presentation series appearing. They will literally and physically crash and burn as they think they can wait between sections to offer them the ideal wagering chance they developed and proven or they subscribe to from a reliable source that is players or bankers or any combination profitable better than 50% of the time. Once you get over that, you can read on because if you believe in what I just said YOU WILL NEVER make money and retain your profits.

Especially those 2-3-4 hand ultra player positive, mini forward progression wagers, that almost always win type of bets. There are not many of them, where even multiple shoes are played, just be conscious of that and remember just that all the time. To play is not a relaxing event, it is a stressful and a serious time to focus and stay focused and not sit back and wait for one opportunity. There is a saying and you better adhere to it. That is, "when it's there it's there".

Most all people create a huge problem for themselves by judging their courses of action or others by the outcomes, often irrespective of the decision making process. It really takes planning, foresight and a solid base to adhere to and get what you really want because what you want may not quickly fall onto you or in front of you at the table.

You have to judge decisions you are making on the process rather than immediate outcomes. Because if you judge it on the outcomes, you falling sucker to the board at the casino installed for you to follow by and you will not make money by it. The board does not make the presentations, it records them the shoe makes the presentations before the board records it.  Think about that and remember that if nothing else.

Don't get me wrong you can't totally ignore or push aside clear results and the outcomes that is positive or negative, just use it to improve or change the course if needed. Here is a fantastic shoe that happened last night with ultra positive player presentations that out did the bankers in every way whatsoever for better than the first half of the shoe.  The sad part of it is, only a couple people made money and the rest of the lost huge amounts of money.   The losing people were all reciting the famous words, 'bankers is stronger than the players and all the other fallacy believes about baccarat' and failing to simply follow sections and presentations with a focus on randomness and variance that works in unaccountable and uncontrollable ways. 

Shoe from 11-27-2021:


I took several pics of the board, don't know why the above one is a bit blurred and the word text inserted,  but I will post another one of the first half below this.


Remember Asym, remember KFB, when I claim 0-1-2-3 ties hold their presentation presentments.  Also almost every time the players had a natural the bankers had 1 point less, players natural 8 bankers 7, players natural 9 bankers natural 8.  Also those last five naturals for the players had everyone on bankers, super heavy bets and I mean almost everyone was table max bet on bankers, wiped them all out.  And these are not billionaires, they are small business owners or regular working people with $40-$50-$60k bank rolls.  I mean I witnessed at least $300,000.00 going into the racks of the casino from the pockets of the people that subscribe to the fallacy, that it has to cut next hand. 

If you had a couple thousand to risk, this was an easy shoe to make $10k, give back $2k, make another $10k and give back $2k, make $15 to $20k and give back $4k and make another $10k and give back $4k before walking.

Just two things most don't possess playing the game.

1)  Self control and the willingness to get up a winner and walk away.

2)  A proper M.M.M. USING 1/3rds as the key guideline.

Also count the total players and bankers hands and remember what I said, wrote about and claimed reference the + -10 to the + -20 configuration after half way or a bit greater.  To me, it is the single most valuable tool a baccarat player can learn. 

BEIJING -- Macao police on Saturday detained the head of Macao's biggest casino junket organizer and others after Chinese authorities issued an arrest warrant for them over accusations that they ran an illegal cross-border gambling syndicate.

Baccarat Forum / Shuffling at the Baccarat Table
October 16, 2021, 06:50:04 PM
With so much talk on the forums these days whenever I look, people are claiming that the cards are set up and they come stacked in the casinos favor. Whatever that means.

But I will tell you at almost all the places I play, I see them shuffle the cards on the table after they unlock them from the case that they come in pre-shuffled, before they go into the machine.

This was done because the players want to see a quick shuffle.  I snuck a couple pictures last night at one of the places I do play of them doing the shuffle.

Casinos that will not shuffle their cards by hand after they unlock them from the cases can be changed by players getting together and not playing until they cater to the player's desires.  We did and here is the result of such.


Below are 19 short topics that I got into a discussion the other day with a few baccarat players at one of the casinos. People I've known for quite some time and respect. A few of the topics, I have written about and included  one way or another in my threads. Here they are.

1)  Extremely intelligent people tend to be correct about a greater amount of things than others. However there is an interesting flip side to that coin when they are wrong they are much harder on themselves to Let It Go and search for the correct protocol. Because they are so much better at coming up with answers, jurisdictions and results as a truth, they believe that the real ttuth is not actually the truth and they are hurting themselves, which stands true in pursuit of profiting at the game of baccarat. So the standard double edged sword turns out to be a triple edge super sharp sword to themselves, especially in gambling.

1-A)  Most all people start out with good intentions comprised from Rationalization, Research and Reasoning.  Something I call the 3 R's.  What most fail to realize up front and usually for quite sometime, is that all of their 3 R's will not continuously and consistently match the presentments at the baccarat table.

2)  The actual play.  Diversity Wins.  Inclusion Matters.  Make it a Mosaic.  Excellence comes in all Hues & Stripes.

3)  Building and believing in a continual pattern or trend is 100 percent the #1 wrong approach to baccarat.

4)  Playing for an 'upcoming' streak is extremely dangerous to your bankroll.  Probably the #2 mistake made in the game of baccarat.

5)  You cannot, "Beat the game" of baccarat.  Meaning you will never find a trigger that will continuously win or one above the 50 percentile mark anyway.  Never ever.

6)  You have to Lose to Win.

7)  If you are not there playing you cannot win.

8)  #8)  You cannot change what is going to be presented.

9)  Winnings, and capitalization on your winnings will always result in the fact, 'time will take away your advantages'.

10)  Waiting out shoes, backfire the highest majority of the time because you are second-guessing and watching 'wins' go by and then when a short section does appear you are not 'in' the game, your successions are highly affected in numerous ways that will generally give you only disadvantages.

11)  Attempting to prove you are right, prove you're innocent with "stay strong" theories will bankrupt you many times over.

12)  Wisdom and thoughts do not translate into making money on your terms.

13)  The Drive. You wind up saying, "This cannot be happening to me". Something that most all players do, but seldom realizing what is happening.

14)  What you wind up doing, is to simply betray yourself. Inflicting betrayal upon yourself adds up to hardcore continual losses.

15)  Almost never realizing what the real focus needs to be at the table and the importance of remaining totally conscious in neutrality, rather than feeding into the numerous downfalls of the game.

16)  The downfalls of the game are parallel to wishful thinking, with tons of fallacy.

17)   Employing a Stop Loss and a Stop Win, without a complete money management method that will only frustrate, confuse and make most all players go down the wrong roads.

18)   Anticipation and Desire.  Be careful of those two.  They will play on you, whether you are at the casino or off property.  Don't allow your desires and thoughts to overwhelm and hamper your playing consciousness which can and probably will change your wagering decisions for the worse at the table.

19)   Sections, Plateaus and Levels.  Understand what they are and what yours are as well.  We all have them, yet very few baccarat players are even conscious about them.  I have explained them in detail on the board here. 

Wagering & Intricacies / Bias? Is There A Bias or Not!
August 14, 2021, 07:40:52 PM
Yes there is. But. And a HUGE 'But' indeed, most all people will win a couple/few hands and then their factual based decision-making and wagering turns to egotistic beliefs.

(Egotistical or Fallacy, Past Experiences that were positive or negative, etc., etc.)

Sorry to say and a lot of you don't want to hear it, it is present in most all of us.  You have to look in the mirror and you have to look in from the outside and it's not easy to accept, but we're mostly all guilty of it and you have to kick it.

Because when that happens the Frustration, Chase and Loss, comes around once again.

The mistake made is you see what you desire turning off factual based or biased available opportunities to Hope and Greed, because your mind immediately turns to:

1)  Making previous losses back;

2)  Losing sight of what is possible and focusing on unrealistic win amounts.

It is a vicious and a mean cycle that the majority of players do not understand. Once you understand it, you will add so much of an advantage that your game will change if you are strong enough to play when only within the Bias and resisting play when knowing you are outside of it while you are at the table.

Not an easy protocol to learn and follow, but in all of my years of playing and now my accumulated experience, I believe it is the number one most important and beneficial to the player.
Wagering & Intricacies / Drawdowns and Stop Losses
July 28, 2021, 01:00:28 AM
You need to be acclimated to Drawdowns and accept they are a part of almost every session.

Drawdown what is it?

It is technically the amount of money you lose before you start drawing of profit from your buy in.

First.  When does it occur. It can be in the very beginning of your session or it can equally be in the middle or towards the end, when you are on your last few wagers before exhausting your buy in money.  Drawdown can happen at any time. The only time it will not happen is if you win in the very beginning and keep winning and cash out never losing any of your buy in.

Second.  In my opinion it should only be viewed with the amount in front of you. Not collectively from previous sessions or running tallies, etc.

Third. Again in my opinion the Drawdown must not be viewed and compared to previous Drawdowns either. The presentments are different and there is no reason to compare. You have to remember Drawdowns fluctuate and will always fluctuate with no rhythm and no reason to attempt to define anything more than what I just said. They are completely random and will always be random.

Fourth.  Emotions, pressure and other feelings will be triggered within yourself that will not and cannot be avoided. You tell yourself you will not let the pressure and anything else get to you, but it will. The larger the Drawdown the greater and more intense those feelings will be. Be ultra conscious of that, stop getting sucked in.

Fifth.  Do not confuse Drawdown with Stop-Loss. Many will fail to see the difference but there really is. Drawdown is an undetermined, unplanned amount of money that will be lost before you realize a profit that is within your horizon of, "winning this session and it is time for me to stop", thought and belief. A better way to describe it is, you realize your buy in is your risk money and you will play until you win or lose and you are not doing what some people do, which is ridiculously sit down say with $1,000 and if you lose $300 you're done. Or if you lose say 3 or 5 wagers, your done, etc.  All that does is put an undue amount of pressure on you, because you have money there you are saying you're not willing to wager and you cannot wager and you have to make money on a certain percentage of it. Trust me it's a huge negative in sitting down at the table.

Stop Loss is simply like I said, a set amount of money if you lose out of your buy in money you will stop playing, no leeway, no questions asked.  That is if it's truly a set Stop Loss amount.

Realize that there will be fluctuating Drawdowns at any time prior to winning a decent amount of money or getting a profit, that you had in mind and one that you have to risk on a continual basis. Allow it to be so and you will take off a lot of pressure and a lot of frustration from your frame of mind in handling your money at the table.

Alrelax's Blog / Factual Material As Absolute?
July 26, 2021, 02:23:07 AM
People normally render the factual as absolute, because of their own failure to understand and decipher the positiveness and negativity of randomness and what the real meaning of it is, as well as what it is not.

You have to understand what are just beliefs such as your emotions and your thoughts, and the various types of behavior generated by those two. They will perpetuate themselves to a projection of your decisions outside of your  consciousness in most cases.

It will absolutely feel real to generate real behavior and not generating behavior based on a fact. It is in all essence a prescription that parallels reality but in most cases when gambling, that is a suspended state that we allow our emotions and thoughts to overcome and send us sideways.  Therefore you fail to allow yourself the proper frame of mind to benefit your wagering decisions.

We need a connection to a source and let the information flow into our decision-making process and for each of us, that is not going to be the same. Do not get caught up as most do with all the 'factual information' out there from the highest majority of the people writing on the forums who state that they are translating factual events into a mechanical type of system or schedule. It cannot be accomplished in any manner. In my opinion that comes from years of experience, that will only throw you sideways like I said from really allowing yourself to understand and develop rock-solid wagering techniques and a better understanding of the presentments coming from the shoe.

At most I would recommend viewing information as a channel. And use that channel as one of many in order to find successful wagers that can benefit yourself.

You cannot perceive what you do not understand. And my opinion is, that you will never understand or be able to transfer into your frame of mind and thought process, countless factual information/material that will translate itself into successful scheduled triggers for yourself. 

And most of all, you have the freedom to choose positivness, negativity or neutralism and how to apply each of those three in the countless situations that table games present within its presentments.

Good show on the side of casino related info/entertainment.  Enjoy.   8)

Part 1:  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6SRQAn08oFE

1)   First and foremost, anything and everything can continue or cease within a shoe;

2)  One unit or two units win and done with virtual bets and then a trigger applied for something that has not appeared or against something that has appeared too many times;

3)  Several things point to something going happen and you become hell-bent on capturing it;

4)  You are wagering against what is actually happening and become hell-bent on continuing to do so until you recover losses and win a bunch of cash;

5)  You cannot adjust your emotional level on the better and larger wins (and losses) as easy as you might believe you can. This is super important and that emotional level will send you into another realm of belief, that you should not be in and one you cannot understand at the table.
General Discussion / Happy Father's Day
June 20, 2021, 03:14:07 PM

Happy Father's Day to all with kids.

Stay safe and be well.

Always, Alrelax
Administrator/Board Owner
Wagering & Intricacies / A Section
May 17, 2021, 08:30:20 PM
A  Section

The Power of a Section

It does not do anything for you to figure out what the shoe is going to present, if you do not wager on it. What so many write about, what so many advise people about and how to wager after so many 'no bet' losses or wins, etc. All that will do is add stress, pressure, frustration and most of all--false sense of confidence to your game.

Waiting to wager for a certain trigger or event to come about with live chips will only confuse you.  Do not do it, in my opinion.

What I see at the tables are the highest majority of the players attempting to figure out what is going to occur because of what has happened and why it cannot continue rather than what is happening and capitalizing on it.  And the most successful way that I have found is extremely aggressive within small sections of a shoe, which I define a shoe to have 3 to 5 sections normally. 

Those are two distinct and very key series of events within a section. Once you figure it out and understand the difference, you might be able to see which is better to wager on, what you want to happen or what is happening. Outside of a section, they do not continue or repeat themselves with any type repetitive presentments.
Most everyone is always looking at what to bet in a repeating or scheduled automatic mode. In other words when something happens then I will bet, etc.  I got news for you, it will never work out in your favor on a regular basis, shoe after shoe, session after session, never ever, not even the highest percentage of the times. And that right there is most people's downfall---100%!

Winning hand after hand, catching the streaks, catching the chops, catching the cuts, catching the doubles, catching anything repeating in any way. Two different and distinct things/events.  Trying to find that system or that trigger that can always be employed in the long-term is exactly what the casino wants you to do therefore the last twenty years they've put plenty of scoreboards and still supply everybody with cards and pens and anything else they can think of, to keep the school of thought going if you keep score you can make money.

So the thing that I don't understand is, why so many people are wagering for what they want it to be rather than wagering for what it is?

Most everyone is missing what is really important about the game including bankrolls and buy-ins and money management methods that truly manage your money if you win.

There are no absolutes, none. And so many players will be completely oblivious to that fact at the table. Maybe off the table they know and recognize it, but on the live table with real money they do not. Besides no absolutes at table as to what will happen, another huge downfall and contributor on the shoulders of players are the following two items:

1)  The stop loss and stop win thinking most all make or seek out what will be to their advantage. But for numerous reasons winds up backfiring and hurting them.

2)  Buy in and Bank Roll. You need to view your buy-in as risk capital, same as any business--inventory investment, time without sales, tangible losses mounting, unplanned for expenses, clients not paying, unexpected rises in expenses, all kinds of things. Your buy-in should be only a portion of your bankroll. Only one buy-in per session, if you win you employ money management methods and continue with the money management methods defining your session length as well as what is available for wagering and the style of your wagering.

Stop loss and stop win set numbers will almost always be a cause of emotional and psychological negativity to whatever it is you are attempting to grind out or you have already won.

Nobody's approach is true gospel to every session for a positive turn out or the ability to recover losses.

Ice is cold to the touch. Always has been and always will be, will never change. Do a 10 million dollar study and extensive research for years and years. It will not change. The same as the randomness, the great amount of uncountable reasons that variance and unknown presentments will always come out of that baccarat shoe, forever and ever.
Here is what a certain circle of those Full-time Forum Fighters, as they've been labeled by another member calls them say:

"I don't read all of your long-winded postings I do admit".  And then they go into the explanation which is kind of long-winded itself most of the time, explaining how they only read the first few sentences and the last few sentences of many member's posts and how they've labeled them "fake---erroneous---trolls---", etc., etc,, so on and so forth and then they also will add, they're full of "..........".

And I guess the kicker to myself is they continuously will follow that person that they so greatly belittled and humiliated in order to boast themselves amongst their own circle of friends, which of course are the Full-time Forum Fighters as they've been labeled.  Then they will follow them continuously and post and repost and repost against the people that they obviously so vehemently disagree with, called out and detest. 

Personally if I don't find someone interesting or I cannot see anything in their subject matter that will add to my knowledge, experience or interest factors, I skip them the next time I see their name or their material. I don't care if it's on an internet Forum or any other type of media. You know same thing with television shows, why would you waste your valuable time with something that you disagree with, doesn't do anything for you, you labeled as worthless and you have no interest in?  Seriously dude!

I've said it before and I haven't said it for a while, but I'm going to say it again. I wonder if those people go into a Barnes & Noble with a notepad and pen and start looking at countless books on a Saturday or Sunday and the ones that they don't like or agree with, they copy down the author's name and the publisher's name and address then they start writing letters and emails with complaints about the subject in the books and the author?

Because you know in all essence it is damn near the same thing!  Gotta absolutely love the Full-time Forum Fighters!