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Messages - alrelax

Bally 6354 said; " I have always believed it's not what you see but more what you don't see that can bring about your undoing although there is a limit I suppose to what we can handle and still play efficiently without making mistakes."

And that is spot on!  Anything is adaptable to Sections to put you into 'reality stimuli' advantage approach and decision making.
KFB, it is not anticipation, it is as it has occurred.. Yes it is after the fact. But, as soon as it happens within the guidelines I explain below.

First of all, generally 3 to 5 sections. Generally 15 to 25 hands per section.

As the pattern/trend breaks, the line is drawn. So it has to occur. So when ending section 1, I drew the line once the 4th Banker, which was hand 15 occurred.

The way I looked at it was only 1s and 2s, with the single triple already occurring and then the first 4 IAR happened.

Section 2 ended once the double Banker occurred, hands 33 and 34.

I use the sections as reinforcing stimuli, as 'said and done'. Chops, 1s and 2s, clumping-strong IARs, etc., etc.

As we all know, some admit and some do not, how anything can and might frequently happen or infrequently happen. Only question is when.

Section 3 ended, line drawn again once the 4th Banker occurred which started the banker streaking at hand 55.

I attempt to block out previous sections (for predictions and desires, etc.) which allows me to place my 'reality decision making' within each section, thus using the stimuli in my decision making process. I attempt to keep myself away from previous experiences that influence the subconscious decision making which is a negative, IMO.

Proof. Section one has nothing much in common with section 2. Section 2 has nothing in common with sections 1 and 3. Section 4 is unique and most people there at the table did not capitalize on it as they totally believed 14 or 16 Bankers to the four players would NEVER happen, especially at the last quarter ending the shoe with the banker being strong previously.  But if you played the section as it was happening and used 'reality stimuli' you would have capitalized on it.

A good short piece, IMO:  [Perception is not reality, but, admittedly, perception can become a person's reality (there is a difference) because perception has a potent influence on how we look at reality.

Think of it this way. Perception acts as a lens through which we view reality. Our perceptions influence how we focus on, process, remember, interpret, understand, synthesize, decide about, and act on reality. In doing so, our tendency is to assume that how we perceive reality is an accurate representation of what reality truly is. But it's not. The problem is that the lens through which we perceive is often warped in the first place by our genetic predispositions, past experiences, prior knowledge, emotions, preconceived notions, self-interest, and cognitive distortions.]

And in reference to your last statement, "expecting more....", again you are not detecting you are attempting to use 'reality stimuli' to play the presentments as they are happening, with the shoe divided up into 3 to 5 sections where things tend to repeat themselves in short blasts of 15 to 20 or so hands.

My 'Sections' and how I marked them up at the casino. 
Certainly a banker heavy shoe at the end, but equalization and near equalization occurred a few times.

Now that I am writing about some of the shoes I play, I watch the other people more, pay a lot more attention to what I wrote about, with NOT applying experiences subconsciously and as well, concentrating on reality interpretation, etc.  I feel the benefits both physically with decision making and the results there of, wins. 

(It would be great if many could do the same and post on the forum!  I have even read on other forums how several like to come into BetSelection here and view the real boards and results I post, but they do not post, lol.  Whatever, guess it's just the mentality of most and how many of the forums have an abundance in drama banter and that endless search for the never found holy grail wagering system(s), rather than actual gaming reality and results.)

The Shoe.

Fortune 7s.  Hands 3-8-19-28.  Love the 0-1-2-3 'Low Ties' happening as well!  One of the factors that I always look for. 

Just before the 7 player IAR, it was 12 bankers and 6 players. Then equalization comes about 12 Bankers and 13 players. Then it turns to 19 Bankers to 14 players and then 19 Bankers to 17 players.

Then the next section after the back to back ties after the triple player.  2 sets of triple bankers and three single players brings us to 26 bankers and 20 players.

Sitting at hand 51 with serious conscious thought of a classic (and so commonly occurring) 1s and 2s and maybe a triple for the next 25 or so hands, is the way I was actually figuring it out.

But the banker started and it was a strong banker with several hands that should have lost easily to the players, but did not. A hint I love to follow!  I will post 2 board pics as examples as to what am I talking about with 1s and 2s and maybe a triple or so after some clumping like what happened already in the first half and then some. Because that is what happens in the highest majority of the shoes.

I liked it and believed in it continuing with the banker when it made that 4th IAR win (hand 55). The 5th and 6th wins were clearly favoring the players side when their first two cards were flipped but the bankers prevailed. The tie caused most everyone to wager on players or back off as I do recall.

Two more naturals won over the players 2 card 7 and a players natural 8. The bankers side was unquestionably strong.  The triple players that occurred convinced almost everyone the players side would equal out, but they certainly fell off.

On the third Banker all I saw, which doesn't come that often, was a 'BOX' to be made and I said it out loud and everyone looked at me like I was absolutely crazy and it would never happen. There were a few comments how it was going to chop or just make 1s and 2s and there is no way the bankers are going to make a come back.

THINK & SEEK IN REALITY!  Is all I can stress about what I did.

Three more bankers were made for a beautiful clean 'BOX'

A great shoe for those that played it in sections, believing in what was happening for short periods of time, not engaging in the cut wagering consistently as so many do, and doing a couple positive progressions and just pulling down until you lose the last one and starting over again.

Additional Note.  By the 28th hand I was up well over $3,000 (buy-in put away) even with giving back a good $1,500 + on that 7 IAR players.  Just had it consciously in myself to set my buy-in safely away, and risk half of what I won already. And that paid off nicely with multiplying that $3,000 win numerous times when that 'BOX' was beautifully built out!!!

The first two pictures are this shoe I am making reference to. The last two pictures are examples of what I made reference to the 1s, 2s and a triple or so after some clumping or a stronger shoe, etc.
General Discussion / Re: Gambling Quotes
October 22, 2023, 01:20:46 AM
"It ain't over, till it's over"

Yogi Berra

(Although it was undoubtedly said by the great Yogi Berra for the game of baseball, it sure can relate to the casino as well)
The following will be a continuing series of posting.

Long and hard research here. Analyzing countless past play with why I did what I did, textbook study and a lot more. Now I will start this thread with the goal to allow you to change your response to what you cannot control, which is the presentments of the shoe.  But you can allow yourself to grow stronger and understand your decision making, which affects your buy-in, bankroll and producing a higher profit.

Know what is really happening at the game of baccarat, relying on your experience; is it a negative advantage? But truly using interpretation can be to your advantage.  You must know what the differences are and how they both affect the decision making process. 

Sit down and seriously measure yourself against your wins, losses and the decisions you made with the reasons you did. Interpretation of your experience is what will clearly give you real advantage with your decision making process in the game of baccarat. 

Interpretation occurs as the result of a combination of several factors. The mind has an automatic tendency to interpret an experience and create a story/a fallacy about it based on your memory, past realizations, and situations you have encountered yourself or with others when you were present. Your mind then selectively gathers data from within the experience(s) to support its interpretation. It may seem to you that your mind is simply trying to figure out your experiences, but really it's screening for evidence to support the decisions you are making from your story it is clinging to. However, your story is delusion because your mind is being clouded by extremely strong emotions brought on positively or negatively with each hand presented from the shoe.

Therefore, a crucial skill for minimizing emotional chaos and sustaining clarity in your baccarat game is the ability to distinguish between your experiences and your interpretation of your experiences. Your experiences are simply whatever is happening at the moment; the hand, the wager won or lost, the camaraderie, high-fives or fist bumps, the long faces and the banged chips against the table, etc. etc.

Your interpretation is your minds reaction to those  experiences. One way to understand this difference is to picture that when you are directly experiencing a moment similar and you are within it. When you are truly interpreting it, you will put yourself outside of it and give yourself a true advantage.

You must become committed to a particular and interpretation regime to the point that it becomes a habit, a story that you repeat in related circumstances. For example, your interpretation generated by your reactive mind usually will become your primary experience which will usually be opposed to whatever is actually happening in the game of baccarat that needs your full attention and be considered advantaged response. Then what normally happens is we continue on with the shoe, but our attention is split and far less than complete. That causes us to allow frustration, emotion and disarray to sit in fast which will add poor decision making forcing us to revert back to our experiences having no direct correlation to the shoe we are playing.

The shoe is not your battle ground! Your mind is your sole battle ground you face at the table. It is the place where the conflict resides, the place where we develop habits that put us in direct opposition with the reality of the shoe being played. It's where the things we figured would happen, never happen; or were the things we believed and desired to happen actually happen. But we fell prey to our own train of thought because of direct opposition with reality. Therefore, if we were right we tend to repeat and we all know the game of baccarat will never repeat itself over and over the same way we want it to. And on the other hand, if we were wrong then we correct ourselves and the shoe reverts back to producing what we believed was wrong. 

That is what you call direct opposition with reality in the game of baccarat.

It is where our expectations get the best of us and we fall victim to our own trains of thought, again and again and again. It is our own fault within our own mind, not the shoes fault, or the shuffle, or the cut, or the other players wagering against us, or the dealer, etc. etc.

Truth be told, in the game Baccarat we will receive a unique set of unexpected and unknown limitations and variables within a shoe. The advantaged question is:  How will you think and respond to the hands being presented?  You can either focus on the lack thereof (experience), or empower yourself to play the game resourcefully with full and real advantage, making the very best of each outcome as it is presented (interpretation), even when it's hard to accept with a loss of your wager.

The bottom line here is, that you cannot control what is happening around you and with everything that has already been set. So you challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what is happening to straighten out those habitual, spiraling patterns of thinking that clearly the highest majority of all baccarat players engage in. But that is much easier said than done though, for all of us. Because it is hard to change the habits we engage in mostly at a subconscious level. But we can get better by bringing more awareness to what we are doing through our own experience and proper interpretation of such that will give us viable advantages with our decisions concerning wagering.

Will post again when I finish my next part.
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
October 15, 2023, 09:07:34 PM
Real brick and mortar bac is random, unlike online and practice games that mimic real live bac. 

My best chance as well as others, is to follow what the shoe is presenting.  Easier said than done.  However, when it's there or when it's not (depending on what the bettor believes) can be highlighted within sections that will allow the bettor to consciously focus while putting aside all the mechanical wagering and as well, say being on hand 50 + and wagering on what the shoe produced say a few times from hands 1-35 with things such as; Cutting after a tie, sticking or cutting after a natural, players 3rd was a seven so it should be a bankers win next, etc., etc., etc. 

I can't always stick to sections, but I sure try.  I do know that I win much larger and longer when I do the majority of times. 

I also know that when I don't go by sections, such as in my recent posts about those heavy chop shoes, etc., I either lose my buy-in or break even with a possible tiny profit, when I could have done hundreds of times better.
Baccarat Forum / Re: Shoe from a few nights ago
October 15, 2023, 07:11:17 PM
Then the next shoe. 

Complete chop!  Chop chop big time.  8 chops, a double banker and 9 more chops.  And once again, I am embarrassed to say, that I did not play the chop.  17 friggen chops with a single-double banker. 

The next 50 hands or so, were singles, doubles and a few triples.  Some ties.  After a few chop chops, the last 10 hands were 4 back to back players, a single banker, 3 players and a double banker.

Again, totally embarrassed and gave up making at least $10k on a shoe and a half. 
Baccarat Forum / Shoe from a few nights ago
October 15, 2023, 06:09:34 PM
Started off good but with excessive ties as you can see.  The shoe had a total of 16 ties with two more sets of back to back ties.  Lots of natural 8 or natural 9 ties within those 16.  Probably 8 of those were natural 8 or 9 ties. 

I hit the fortune 7 as you can see from the picture I snapped. 

I was playing $225.00 to $350.00 build outs, positive progressions for my base wagers.

Right after the score board shot I snapped, it turned to all chop chop.  There was a total of 9 additional chops, bringing the shoe to hand 38. 

I was not playing the chop.  I stuck with banker and fell outside the groove, big time!  It was a big time easy 'give me' playing the chop, most were naturals for either side, as well as reductions to zero for the side that just previously won, etc.  But I did not play it.  Would have been a quick $5k-$9k. 

I was staying even at best, winning one, giving it back, winning one, giving it back, etc.  I took it all the wrong way and the frustration built.

The shoe then turned to all singles, doubles and 1 triple for the next 37 hands.  10 singles, 12 doubles and the one triple.  Like I said, there were 6 additional ties as well.

Not a good shoe for me.  Big time stupid me!  I just didn't play it as it was being presented.
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
October 15, 2023, 03:47:05 AM
I try to play all shoes with 3-5 sections.  Sections allow me to concentrate and realize on what is actually being presented. 

Every shoe will have sections.  Every 15-25 hands or so is a section.
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
October 14, 2023, 10:26:05 PM
Anything and everything can happen in any shoe played of Baccarat.

That is why my greatest advantage is, if I can stick to it and deploy huge self-control and patience is, following sections without being biased and focusing on experience (which causes us to be biased) and what I want the shoe to do (which most don't understand the shoe will not comply with our desires—rather it presents what it is physically set to).
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
October 13, 2023, 03:19:11 PM
And what you just wrote there; "Naturally there is no guarantee that the deviated category at either positive or negative side will come out "when we wish" and it's very likely that after one or a couple of negative shoes the player's attitude is flawed." 

SPOT THE FRICK ON!  So many, the highest of the greatest majority have zero idea why the casinos spent so much real valuable money on all those high tech beautiful score boards!

Ask a player and something like: "Those scoreboards give us a huge advantage", will be said.

Ask a casino executive back in the late 90s/early 2000s and something like:  "Those scoreboards entice players to wager as well as feel like they can predict more, causing them to wager longer and larger.  Couple that with the well known fact, the longer they play the more they lose", will be said.   
Baccarat Forum / Another Night, Another Shoe
October 09, 2023, 02:28:01 AM
Went and played a shoe the other night.  Lots of classic easy to read give-me's in the shoe! 

The sections occurring, the strong, the weak, the mini run of 6 by each the bankers and the players and those being side-by-side, the 3 beautiful fortune 7s, and a lot of great dragon bonuses of 7 and 8 and 9 to zero bonuses for pay outs of 6 or 10 or 30 to 1.

Fortune 7s at hands 6-11 and 55. There was one more F7 at the end of the shoe as well.

Here is a picture of the shoe a little better than half way with the first two sections marked up.  I was playing this particular shoe in 3 sections. 

Here is a picture of my 3rd fortune 7 win, which was a 7 to 0 win, so the F7 $20 bet was an $800.00 payout and the dragon $30 bet was a $180.00 payout.  The dealer is getting ready to pay me as you can see, he has the $180 cut out for the dragon win and is getting 6 hundred more of green out, as that is what I asked for.

They are shuffled by a machine.  But after each shoe, they remove the cards from the holder box to the right side of the dealer in approximate 8 groups, place on the table, mix them up real good and then replace in the shuffle machine.  Then they remove the one that is ready and use that one.
For some reason, I don't know why, cannot post more than 10 pictures in the thread so I'll give you the 11th one here which is worth displaying IMO.