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A Real-Money test of "The TwoCat Shuffle".

Started by TwoCatSam, March 13, 2013, 04:17:41 PM

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A few years ago I invented a system called "The TwoCat Shuffle".  Matt paid Tiago2 to program it into the Super Roulette bot.  Despite tons of explanations, Tiago got it wrong.  Still it worked fairly well until it would go crazy, as the screen shot shows.  I was afraid to every use it with real money.

Nick and I worked to duplicate the "Shuffle" for the ExcelBot.  Naturally, it works perfectly.  Communication is a beautiful thing!

So here we go again.

A generous soul has loaned me his BV account to play with.  I use Hide My behind software to mask my true location.  I am now testing the "Shuffle" with real money.  .05 per bet X 3 EC per spin or .15E.

We shall see.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


I have the same Bot. What settings do you use if you use the bot? :)




Are you talking about the Super Roulette Bot?  Don't use the "TwoCat Shuffle" as it goes nuts on you and bets wildly.  See the pic..

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Well, the TwoCat Shuffle is off to a flying start!  Made around 50 Euro today with a draw down of around 25.  Running on two accounts on two computers.
If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on March 14, 2013, 03:24:52 AM
Well, the TwoCat Shuffle is off to a flying start!  Made around 50 Euro today with a draw down of around 25.  Running on two accounts on two computers.
Where you playing at Sam ?
Would be great to see a Vid of this too, if/when  your able too  :thumbsup:



Can't do that as the screen capture interferes with the bot until it won't place correct bets.

Let me test it a bit more.  I had a bad trot last night, but recovered most of it.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on March 14, 2013, 11:31:02 AM

Can't do that as the screen capture interferes with the bot until it won't place correct bets.

Let me test it a bit more.  I had a bad trot last night, but recovered most of it.


Ok no worries Sam  :thumbsup:


Yes it is the super rouletteBot. Okej, then I don't do it.

Do you have any other conservative setting for the super roulettebot ? :)

It was a while I was playing that's why I asking :)



I'd love it if you'd test the TwoCat Shuffle for me, but, please use BVNZ Play money.  Do NOT use real euros.

When I set it up, I ask for the line/fridge to show.  I set the "remove from fridge when greater than" to 0.  I set the number to remove at 5.  It could be I have a faulty copy of the software, but you can see from the pic what it does.  It just keeps betting until you're broke.

As to the best I ever found, it was random EC vs random EC with the +1/-1 D'alembert.


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


The revised TwoCat Shuffle by Nick has won close to 200 E since I plugged it in yesterday.  (Stef had a hand in it, too!  He built the bot!)

I am tired beyond words and must take some time to rest or I'll have a spell!

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Yes of course I can do it for you tomorrow  :)

Nice progress :)



See if it goes crazy like it did with the 33.  Please.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers



I decided to dust off my old idea and bounce if off Stef and Nick.  Nick wrote the Excel sheet.  I told him just how the bet went and we worked until that was perfected.  I had told him I wanted a Labby for a progression.  I told him totally wrong!

What I really wanted was a split Martingale.  It was just another TwoCat brain fart!  I feel sure he looked at my writings and thought..What the heck is this??  No Labby, that's for sure.

So here's the way it shook out.  I wanted the "Shuffle" to play on the L v F, which is an EC.  We decided to use r/b as the EC until we had it down pat and the switch to the L v F.  Somehow along the way, o/e and h/l were added to the mix.  I was curious.  I was certain an alien force had taken hold of Nick!!

So he wrote this puppy for the three ECs and used a progression of his own device.  I won't name it as it may be classified information and he only lives a few hundred miles from me and could easily kill me.

Bottom Line

This "Shuffle" has run almost continuously on two computers since Stef Skyped it to me.  It has won far in excess of 200 Euro betting nickel bets.  (Three of them.)  It has had one loss of 32 Euro and I just restarted it with only 18 Euro and went back to bed.  I closed that trot at  87, a 37 Euro day.

Of course it is NOT the "Holy Grail" as that does not exist.  It is a pretty good way to make money, or so it seems.  Stef and Nick have my permission to sell this along with their bot.  I want no money for it.

To anyone who says, "Well, you're just trying to sell bots for those guys!" I say, "OK?"  If something is really, really good why would I not advertise it?  Besides, I made twice the cost of the bot in two days.  Betting nickels.

Disclamer:  This is gambling.  Do NOT spend money other than money you would spend for fun anyway.  This idea may tank tomorrow.

I really wish there was a way to prove what it can do!!

I'll work on that!

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers



I have no problem with the bot and BV (play for fun) as you can see. It works perfectly fine for me. I run 40.000 saved spins and it hold it back really good.

Do yo want any more help? My bot works good and if you have any more settings just let me know. I'm on to play again.




I'll try my copy again and see what happens.

Are you able to contact support on this?  Have you talked to Matt in the past year or so?

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers