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Has anyone bought/used this service?

Started by Chrisbis, May 07, 2013, 09:36:40 AM

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Has anyone heard of this service, and thus gone onto buy it?

Its LOW price is £17
then, when U exit, it has the typical "I don't want to lose You" plea, and offers a 5 day free trial.
(But that could be just to gather email addresses, so be careful to use one of  your lesser used email add'ys.)


Friendly advice ...
Stay away from that site and other site's offering the same thing.

My recommendation is to join Maria's forum.

Also check out Maria's Staking Plan ...
Maria won one hole year with 85% hit ratio using her staking plan others have succed for many years in a row ... even with lower hit ratio ...
It is a great forum and you will learn allot ..


Stay away from horse racing tipsters services. Learn it and try trading on a sports exchange preferably Betfair. The best markets with needed liquidity are UK horse racing,tennis and football of course.
Joining any sports betting forum is a good place to start and there are lots of horse laying systems with success rate over 80% but you need to look deeper....
In my humble opinion any staking plan won't help you if you strike rate is not here.

Good luck


This is for information only. Non endorsed product. Chris

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These sorts of things infest the horse racing arena like ticks on a roo -- as do racing systems and other products, the majority of which are outright fraudulent,  or scams backfitted from historical information.

And that's likely to continue into the forseeable future as the whole racing-products-arena is totally unregulated.

Many fingers have been burned; many wallets made lighter; many tears shed...

Sound advice from S and R's posts above.

And if anyone is deadset on handing money to a tipster service then at least make sure it's being proofed.

This is one of the better known services:  http://www.racing-index.com/tipsters/

Mind you, at the end of the day, we don't know how independent they are, who they are and if their pronouncements are to be believed or taken with a pinch of salt !!

You'll find those sorts of details are shrouded in mystery and unaddressed on the site...never a good sign in this sort of arena.

Here's the best formula for racing products: 

caveat lector + caveat emptor + if in doubt hang on to your wallet = minimised risk of being taken for a ride   :thumbsup:

Let Me Win

If UK Horse Racing is your thing contact thetipthief@gmail.com for a free trial of his daily bulletin. Without a doubt the best service on the Internet.


The name alone should be a red flag. 

Interesting that he/she didn't come up with a less dodgy name.

That's because the choice of name -- TipsterThief -- is all to do with his/her mindset.


Very slick sales page. The usual inescapable question applies: if it's so good, why are you selling it? this is even more pertinent for sports betting than for roulette, because in the latter case it doesn't matter how many people have the system - it won't affect the odds, which isn't the case for racing, where the edge is (inversely) proportional to the number of people making the selections.

Still, you have Clickbank's 60 day guarantee, so no harm in paper trading it for a couple of months. Google didn't turn up any dirt on him, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything because many of these tipsters use multiple aliases.


Getting back to Bookie Beater...

If you ignore the 17 quid offer you're taken to a download page to install a free??? bot.

Apparently you set a profit target and the bot merrily places bets according to the advertiser's unstated selection criteria. (I doubt that his name is genuine.)

Not a good idea at all.

If something is going to tap into my Betfair account I like to know the reasoning behind its actions and quite a bit about the person behind the venture!!

Furthermore, when you download and install the bot what else is being downloaded and installed without your knowledge?

I mean, there must be some sort of agenda at work.  No such thing as a free lunch...

My advice is to steer well clear.


Quote from: esoito on July 22, 2013, 11:41:28 PM
These sorts of things infest the horse racing arena like ticks on a roo -- as do racing systems and other products, the majority of which are outright fraudulent,  or scams backfitted from historical information.

Exactly. Referring to the "Winners Everyday" site, you can download the past 18 months of results which supposedly "prove" that he can pick winners. But it does no such thing, because without knowledge of how he actually picked them you can't verify that the results are genuine.

Let Me Win

Quote from: esoito on July 23, 2013, 04:54:14 AM
The name alone should be a red flag. 

Interesting that he/she didn't come up with a less dodgy name.

That's because the choice of name -- TipsterThief -- is all to do with his/her mindset.

In fact the reason he is called the 'Tip Thief' is because he steals all the tips off the other expensive services on the market.


Quote from: Let Me Win on July 23, 2013, 11:27:54 AM

In fact the reason he is called the 'Tip Thief' is because he steals all the tips off the other expensive services on the market.

One of the downsides to that is the price becomes prohibitive once it has passed through all the hands.

Henry Rix was a good tipster at finding longshots in valuable races. But the 20/1 shot becomes an 8/1 shot before the man on the street gets it.

It would not surprise me if you could make a profit laying some of the tipsters selections once they actually become under the true odds.

One thing I noticed several years ago is that William Hill's were particularly savage at shortening some of Rix's longshots by more than half. Most of them invariably went back to nearer the opening odds once the opening show appeared. You could have layed at the gambled on price and then backed at a better price to at least guarantee your money back if the horse did not win on most occasions.

There is always a few alternative angles which might give you some scope instead of betting selections blind when the value has already gone.
Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.

Let Me Win

Good points but it must also be considered that the cost of joining Henry Rix direct is £1599 a year where as the Tip Thief price for the same period would be £360

For the record I have followed Henry Rix in the past and you have to be prepared to withstand losing runs of 50+ without a winner.
I also have evidence that prior to the Internet he used to contact members of his service with special 'odds to' bets where one would have to place x amount of money on for Rix and then send in the winnings.

Sadly though different members got told to back different horses in the same race

What Henry Rix is really good at is marketing and creating an air of mystery about himself, for example you never see him on TV do you?

In my opinion Henry Rix is to be avoided.


"Sadly though different members got told to back different horses in the same race"

Ha. As soon as I read that I recalled a beautiful telephone scam here in Oz a few years back.
[I'm going slightly off topic here but all in a good cause!  ;) ]

It worked like this:

Out of the blue you'd receive a phone call from a bloke who said he knew you were interested in horse racing and would you like a dead cert today?

Of course, you say yes. [The greed hot button has been firmly pressed by now!]

"It WILL win!" he earnestly says, with mind-blowing confidence, "so go in heavily. And when it does I'd like you to sign up to our tipping service at a special low, never-to-be-repeated price..."

[Can you see where this is going yet?]

Yeah, right. 

So thinking he's got some valuable inside-the-stable information you bung on $100...

...and the nag is still running.

It lost. The lying hound.

But wait. Let's think about this.  It was a 10-runner race.  So if he cold-calls 10 people off his rented list then, of course, one of them WILL win (maybe even 2 if there's a dead heat)

And the winning, starry-eyed punter signs up to the tipping service, of course!  [Sales people would walk over hot coals for a cold-call 10%  strike rate.]

So ,with cash cascading from every orifice, our enterprising cold-caller simply rinses and repeats for each race on the card that day.

And the next day...and the next...ad infinitum...


Thebookiebeater site doesn't even load anymore. I smell a scam here.