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Random Bet Generator vs Random Number Generator.

Started by Chrisbis, August 08, 2013, 09:03:16 PM

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I will keep this post short and sweet.

What about having a Random Bet Generator?

Its like a Random Number Generator...........but instead of generating Numbers per se, it generates the option on the next bet within the chosen game we are playing.

Let me give you quick example.
Say we are playing Turners Quads.
Quads are where the Table has been divided up into Four sections
Yanks has recently made a video on the play, and our New chaps, Spin4Fun, and Tri0 have enabled in their software.

Bascially, the bet is 6 options long.

1.  Quad 1 & 2
2.  Quad 1 & 3
3.  Quad 1 & 4
4.  Quad 2 & 3
5.  Quad 2 & 4
6.  Quad 3 & 4

So, they can be easily expressed as 1-6 options,
Therefore, all we now need is a small Random Gen, that produces numbers 1 through to 6 to show us what to bet.
We would still progress the same way as usual, Fibo, Marty, Grand marty, or whatever you like, even Flat!

Would be interesting to see, the comparison between an "intentional" play technique like Yanks and Spin4Fun have devised
vs the Random Bet Generator telling us where to bet next.

We hopefully, could 'tune in' to the right frequency, and effect a system, where the RBG matches the RNG of the casino, or the ether of a real table, and win all the way to the bank!

Graphical comparisons would be great to view on these tests instances.

Your thoughts please on a postcard to........................this address!

(Same theory could be applied to a lot of other bets too, esp where there is multiple choice in the BetSelection! )


I have 2 strategies using random bet generation and once is now used in speedy gonzales.
But its most cases worse result as a pure mechanical solution to play.
So Im not sure this is the road to go.

Your chance to make more profit with Roulette!


In case anyone is interested, this is the one I was using for generating 2 random quads in the video.