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Simple Trend Catcher for Dozens & Columns

Started by malcop, August 15, 2013, 06:36:00 PM

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Having trouble opening your latest example file,states,dde error/file name could be too long.

Can you help ? !!



Quote from: Dino246 on August 20, 2013, 07:07:32 AM

Having trouble opening your latest example file,states,dde error/file name could be too long.

Can you help ? !!

Good Morning Dino,

I have re-compressed the file and re-attached it, see if you can open it now.





I noticed 4 other people had downloaded the file so maybe it is something local on your computer, PM me your email address and I will send you the file unzipped.  I had to zip the file because it was too large to attach.


Thanks for all the good work Malcop,problem sorted.

Will report results a.s.a.p.



At the moment my preferred play is the turning the 9 triggers into three groups like this:

G1 = 11, 121, 131
G2 = 22, 212, 232
G3 = 33, 313, 323

Fore example you are playing a session and a new G1 trigger is formed you look back to the last G1 trigger and play the result directly after the G1 trigger.

You have two ways of using these triggers one bet win or lose wait for the next valid trigger, or play the result string directly after the trigger and stop playing it if you get a win or a new valid trigger if formed then you start playing that.

Try both and see what way you prefer.

Whenever I finish a session I always go over the session and reply it, so if the session I just played I used the one bet per trigger mode, I then see how it would have turned out if if I had used the continues play for a trigger.  if I used the continues mode I see what would have happened if I had just played for one bet per trigger.

One thing  I noticed is that the difference between the two in end profit is normally 5-10 units.

So continues play you may make 5-10 points more profit but you will place almost twice as many bets in the process.

For example today I played a session on both Dozen & Columns ended it at +10 units, playing one hit per trigger.  Replayed the session with continues play and it would have ended +15   




Thought I would share with the session I just finished playing this morning.

I played for a total of 190 spins on both Dozens and Columns using the 1 hit per trigger with the triggers split into three groups.

Here is a breakdown on how it played out.

Dozens: High = +3, Lowest -15, End -4
Columns: High = +28,  Lowest -11, End +27

Combined Dozens and Columns: High +24, Lowest -22, End +23

The lowest risk to my session buy-in was -2

At spin 35 I reached +10 this is the point I normally quit the session but it was my first session of the day, so decided I would play on and see how things turn out.

Spin 89 I got to +23 now I'm thinking to myself "Time to quit Philip" but for some reason chose against my better judgment to play on.

From Spin 90 to 145 my balance went all the way down to +1, now I'm thinking "See serves you right, you know better than that should have quit while you was ahead!"

From spin 146 to 189 things turned around and I got back to +24 with a +1 profit from my previous high!, wow I thought 100 extra spins for +1 extra profit  :-[  should have just listened to your inner voice!

Anyway played one more spin and a zero came out and at that point I finally got the message QUIT!!!!


I find playing both Dozens and Columns is the best way to go, in this session the Dozens performed poorly and the Columns were on speed, this I find happens quite a lot, one side compensates for the others poor performance.

Now I'm going to go and have a shower!

Take care all talk soon.


BTW I have attached the session for anyone interested, the sheet plays for you automatically.  All you have to do is input the spin numbers on the Main Sheet you will be directed when and where to place your bets.

If anyone want's a Blank master sheet just let me know and I will put one up on here.



OK Back from my shower and you know how thoughts run through your head, and I was thinking how would I play this method on both Dozens & Columns at a B&M Casino.

You see it's my birthday at the end of this month and I'm planning a trip to my local B&M so how could I play this without my tracking sheet?

I came up with this, all you will need is a piece of paper.

First of all a reminder on the groups and how they are formed.

I prefer to use letters instead of numbers.

Group 1: AA, ABA, ACA
Group 2: BB, BAB, BCB
Group 3: CC, CAC, CBC

See bellow how the triggers are formed as a session progresses.

AA G1 trigger.
AAA no new trigger
AAAA now we have another G1 trigger
AAAAB no new trigger
AAAABA now we have another G1 trigger
AAAABAA now we have another G1 trigger
AAAABAAC no new trigger
AAAABAACB no new trigger
AAAABAACBC now we have a G3 trigger
AAAABAACBCB now we have a G2 trigger

So AAAABAACBCB would give us the following triggers

G1, G1, G1, G3 & G2

So for this explanation I will just concentrate on Dozens and you will see how easy it would be to keep track of both at a B&M casino.

As  the groups form you mark them on your paper.

The first group to form is G1

Now what we do is wait for the outcome, we get a C so on our paper we put next to the G1 C. The C will be the bet you will place when the G1 trigger is activated.

This is a few groups with the

G1 C
G3 B
G2 A
G1 ( now we have two G1 triggers we can start to bet look for the last time we had a G1 trigger, it was a C)

That bet lost to an A so we update the last trigger to show that.

G1 C
G3 B
G2 A
G1 A

now we get a new trigger G3,  according to our tracking the last time we had a G3 trigger the outcome directly after that was B, so we place a bet on dozen B and win.

Update your tracking with the last result for group trigger G3

G1 C
G3 B
G2 A
G1 A
G3 B

And keep doing this as your session progresses.

1) Mark new triggers.
2) Look back to the last time that group trigger was active and play the result directly after the trigger.
3) Update the group trigger you just played ready for when you will have to refer to it later on.

Note: you need two of the same trigger before you can place a bet.

It's so simple no stress involved, and would be no problem to keep track of both Dozens & Columns in a B&M casino :)




thanks for sharing malcop
one question, what if after a trigger we get a zero? do we dicard that trigger or record what happens after zero?
or if ie we have AA0 then we don't bet the next time we have the AA trigger and wait for A,B or C to come after AA for our next trigger?


Quote from: soggett on August 21, 2013, 02:13:16 PM
thanks for sharing malcop
one question, what if after a trigger we get a zero? do we dicard that trigger or record what happens after zero?
or if ie we have AA0 then we don't bet the next time we have the AA trigger and wait for A,B or C to come after AA for our next trigger?
Ah the zero's at the moment I ignore the zero in the triggers so A0A is still a AA G1, but if we got AA0 and I was recording the outcome for the G1 trigger I would record it as G1 C.

You could instead wait for the outcome directly after the zero, so AA0B so record G1 B.

In my tracking sheets the zero is ignored when a zero comes up so A0A is a G1 trigger, but if a zero comes directly after a trigger like AA0 then the sheet records C as the bet to be placed when that trigger is activated, and for columns if we had KK0 then the sheet will record L to be used for the trigger bet.

The reason I did that was when you look at the European wheel on the opposite sides of the zero we have 26 & 32 which for dozens and columns 26 & 32 are C & L.

It all depends on how important you think the zero is and how you treat it.

The best thing to do is see for yourself which way you prefer.




I started playing it with EC's, it seems to work quite well, at a first attempt.
I'll keep you updated...


Quote from: andrebac on August 21, 2013, 04:06:39 PM
I started playing it with EC's, it seems to work quite well, at a first attempt.
I'll keep you updated...
Hi andrebac,

I'm glad to hear trying this on EC's seems to be working out for you, I have haven't done much with the EC idea just wanted to see if it could be done.

Let me know how you get on with it.




yest.nite I played 10 bac shoes from mines
I applied your system with 2 main groups:
group A: PP, PBP as triggers
group B: BB, PBP as triggers
1) 6, min -3, max 6
2) 1, min -1, max 2
3) 3, min -2, max 4
4) 0, min -1, max 3
5) -4, min -5, max 1
6) 2, min 0, max 5
7) 6, min -1, max 7
8) -1, min -3, max 3
9) 5, min -1, max 5
10) 6, min 1, max 6
...not bad flatting bets


Hi andrebac,

Nice results  :thumbsup:

I have played a lot of Baccarat in the past and anyone that has played Baccarat will understand getting +3 - +5 flat betting is very good.

Each shoe is roughly 60 hands per session and over in less than an hour, so it's all about the bet size.

When I play roulette I set my win goal at approximately 50% of my buy in. 

This morning I played my first session of the day, the first 4 bets placed lost so I prepared myself for a long session, but by spin 46 I was up +10 so quit happy with what I got :)




thanks for your answer malcop

did a few quick test runs and it performs quite ok for now

gonna look at the baccarat too

so you say a BR of 20 units is ok - still valid or do we use bigger BR cause you had a few -20's back there?