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Progression Method

Started by ignatus, January 01, 2013, 10:31:46 AM

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This progression method can be applied to any numbers bet, in any system.

+1 bet for each hit, and increase bet +1 after X spins (as long 1 unit is bet in the ordinary progression)

For an example I did a short test with 6 numbers. Amazing results.

For 6 numbers progression first 5 steps is
1 1 1 1 1.

So, +1 bet after each 5th step without a hit.

Another example. 4 numbers: 1 unit is bet for 8 spins in the normal progression.

So, that means +1 each 8th spin without hit, and +1 for every hit etc. 

I just want to mention this progression method, because I think its absolutely great - it can survive much longer than ordinary progressions and your bankroll will JUMP to mindblowing amounts when it hits (even if you had a long bad streaks before) etc.


that's a great bet--its similiar to gr8 or to GLC project 201? I use it all of the time ---or i use my version of it


Quote from: Tomla on September 09, 2013, 03:10:02 PM
that's a great bet--its similiar to gr8 or to GLC project 201? I use it all of the time ---or i use my version of it

--Which is ??????


if I understand it correctly --its bunches or groups--I might bet 1 unit say ten times if there are more losers I bet 1.5 ten times,, then 2 etc
it gets you to your winning session--I regress back to 1 unit anytime I get ahead or maybe even earlier if my other stuff is doing well


Hi Tomla

I searched the site but cannot find anything in relation to GLC project 201 you mentioned above; Would it be possible
to provide some détails about this progression or to provide the link for it, thanks.




I think its project 201? I think glc brought it up? I haven't looked at in years--Its is probably on rf.cc


One cycle -1, +1u bet: don't reset progression until 2 (or more, depending on bankroll) hits within 2 cycles. Reset when reach a new high.

Dozen one cycle is 3 (+1 after 2 spins)
Doublestreet one cycle 6 (+1 after 5 spins)
Corner one cycle is 9 (+1 after 8 spins)
Street one cycle is 12 (+1 after 11 spins)
Split one cycle is 18 (+1 after 17 spins)
Single number cycle is 37 (+1 after 36 spins)

That's my idea of this progression