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lines as ECs

Started by Turner, September 16, 2013, 06:00:50 PM

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   Hi Everyone,
              My apologies I have not had much time in the last couple of days. I did write a long reply but it seems to have gone missing.
     My method is completely different to Turners. I bet each of the 20 EC possibilities separately, not in oppossing pairs. I bet in 40 spin sessions. The 1st 3 or 4 spins are are to track the flow of the wheel and reset my count. I then bet every spin after assessing whether the wheel will repeat the last 3 'lines to show, or the 3 that did not show.
    @ Biagle,
        I use use a number of progressions, but all are short. There is no point in chasing more than a few spins. I tend to rely on the 1st and sometimes the 2nd bet to show a profit the others merely break even or recover part of the initial loss. I regard any LOSS that is less than that produced by a flat bet series is a WIN. EG  With a series 1-1-2-3-5-9, a win at bet 5 would show a LOSS of 2u. A flat bet series 1-1-1-1-1 would show a LOSS of 3u. Therefor if the session variance is small this is a possitive result.
     While the loss of a full progression involves a large loss, the 1st bet should win better than 47% of the time. the 2nd & 3rd bets break even. that's 85% of all bets. Also if the 3 or 4 tracking spins are considered, the percentages are much better than that. I usually play this type of progression if I only expect to spend a short time at the table.
      With more time available a stepped progression works well.
  1]  1
  2]  2 
  3]  3
    This is a martingale series any win = EOS

  4]  3  Total cost 9
  5]  3  Total cost 12
  6]  4  Total cost 16
    This is a recovery series. Each step becomes a flat bet until the line is clear, or the bet is lost. EG 3/9 is lost, bet 3/12 lost, bet 4/16 win, bet 4/12 win, bet 4/8 win =  EOS.
    Note 5 losses have been cancelled by 3 wins.

  7]  4/20
  8]  5/26  The same technique is used. Each bet becomes flat until it is lost.
  9]  5/30  Each win will cancel approx 2 losses.

10]  6/36
11]  6/42  Same technique.
12]  7/49

13]  7/56
14]  8/64
15]  8/72

16]  9/81
17]  9/90     This series can be carried on 'ad infinitum' I have never reached
18]  10/100  this level as I start looking for a way to abort when the bet          reaches 5. With a few wins along the way, the 2/1 advantage is being lost. It's better to take a small loss and get back to the proftable 1st step.

    Hope this helps,
               Regards          Harry


harry...you have my attention....but there are many ways this comment could be assessed. Care to elaborate?

The 1st 3 or 4 spins are are to track the flow of the wheel and reset my count. I then bet every spin after assessing whether the wheel will repeat the last 3 'lines to show, or the 3 that did not show.

i hope that's not a secret ingredient [size=78%][smiley]aes/thumb_down.png[/smiley][/size]


   Hi Turner,
   No secret ingredient, just a matter of mindset. Like many people I believe  that anything that occurs 3 times is part of a trend. The chance of it continuing is slightly better than the 50% odds. Many years of play have so far proved me right!   
     You will note that my progressions only look for a win on the 1st or 2nd spin. after that I am in recovery mode and simply spreading the risk. If i can win 47% of my bets and lose less than 15% I'm on to a pretty good thing. The killer, of course, is those freak results that swallow the progression whole.
      With the 3 or 4 spins used to assess each decision, a 7 step progression will encompass 10 or 11 spins. This should lose once in a 1000 or 2000 spins. Plenty of time to recover from a loss.
      You will see from the sample I posted that I only virtual bet the 1st 3 or 4 spins. after that I backtrack the results and bet every spin. Using a 7 step cool delayed martingale, the cost per 'game' is 38 x 3 units. Unless I am in the middle of a progression, play stops on bet 40. I then clear my mind restart the count and track 3 or 4 virtual spins as if I had just arrived.
      The stepped Progression is a different proceedure. The 'games' tend to be a little longer but I have never had a complete 'Bust'. loses are due to aborting lines that linger too long. at spin 40 I stop, go through the restart proceedure, and pick up the progression from where I stopped.
       I hope this clears thing up. If not just ask.

      Best wishes         Harry


Quote from: HarryJ on September 28, 2013, 09:54:22 PM

       I hope this clears thing up.

Nicely [smiley]aes/smile.png[/smiley]


And this is my way to beat last & furthest 3 lines.

With tweaked I boba's staking plan-MM......only 6 sessions/sequent.--no chosen ones/
and there are much more alike.....good luck.

Forget to mention...whenever 3 or more un.plus,restart from 1.


flatino where zero gone?

also need very hogh bank for this, i saw ~250- , don't forget 250 x3 ,because you are betting on 3 dblstreets


Quote from: Biagle on September 29, 2013, 05:36:52 PM
flatino where zero gone?

also need very hogh bank for this, i saw ~250- , don't forget 250 x3 ,because you are betting on 3 dblstreets

For those that play BV.......If you wana be a winner....only with....money wins money...this
is not a lottery/small invest to win large/but roulette where you only can win with sufficient BR.
Test 100 session and you will find out something that you all dream of.


so this system is not playable with zero? im talking about live wheels


Quote from: Biagle on September 29, 2013, 06:55:06 PM
so this system is not playable with zero? im talking about live wheels

---Hardly you or anybody will ever find it......to beat a zero wheel on cons.basis.
   I did only cause of sufficient BR/just satisfaction of winning...regardless amount/but
   no more challenge there.


Quote from: FLAT_IN_O on September 29, 2013, 09:19:57 PM

   no more challenge there.

why not? zero remains as challaenge



tried some with zero, about 200 spins both total +111u


One can play with zeros also....but the problem arises when you get 2/3 zeros in say 10 spins,losing on both sides.....then it is very diff.to catch up and level things.Did start testing
it with zeros...but on the long run it is hard to come on top.Topping on one side only can fight it.


ok, lets try to test it with zero


here is the session with many zeros, total -85u