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lines as ECs

Started by Turner, September 16, 2013, 06:00:50 PM

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I have played variations of this ,, it's a great bet,, thanks for all of the worksheets Flat


I also test variations of this and come up with a killer method ...



Quote from: Biagle on October 01, 2013, 12:08:47 PM
here is the session with many zeros, total -85u

You see what I meant.


Quote from: Sputnik on October 01, 2013, 01:39:12 PM
I also test variations of this and come up with a killer method ...


maybe you can share your ideas? because i like it, but zero stops me.


Second for that.....donkey and the man know more then man alone...
it is domestic anecdote in this part of the world, where donkey is a man
good friend.


Back to the original post.....

Playing for a change from series to single. RRRBBRBRRRBBBR Playing for a single.

There is always one of these in my tracker, looking back recent, to see more series than singles and notice the end of a series...betting for a single

betting for a single.

I tried 122 but i can't get it. so i played a mini martingale of 1,2

betting the 3 lines indicated, a session ends:

with a loss of 18u

See attached session



I really like your novel idea for lines as ec's. One thing I've been having trouble with is with all the information that's handed to us. Trying to find which set will hit for whichever reason. They say to much info is just as bad as not enough info. Not saying your chart is bad ... it's just too much for our needs.

Now, if you've noticed, not all your sets are balanced. I'm not talking about r/b h/l e/o. I'm talking about balancing your left column and your right column. I've reduced your 10 sets to 3 balanced sets. These are the only sets that have 3 of each line.

Less info but just as potent and less intimidating than the original 10 lines.

Without going into too much detail, I'll let you look at them and play with only these sets and let me know what you think. I hope you see what I see.

Here are the sets:




Playing with only these sets you'll realize their all you need to get a good read of the table.

Enjoy  ;)


p.s.  sorry for the lousy presentation. My php skills are not great.


Hi Turner -- Great thread and I love the idea of creating more even chances = less waiting for bets.
@ buffster can you explain in more detail what you mean by this
"  I'm talking about balancing your left column and your right column "
and this
"  These are the only sets that have 3 of each line. "
explaining unintelligent fashion for this unintelligent would be just fine, many thanks.



Buffster. Glad you like it.
Personally.. The whole idea was to get away from balance. To see ecs where you didn't know there were any.
I have got very used to seeing 10 and quickly seeing what I want to see.
The only advantage I see from having 3 line ecs over the 3 usual ecs is the ability to play 50p a line so £ 1.50 per ec rather tha £5 table min.

What I am currently playing with is this...with good results.
Only look at the last hit. I will talk in R/B for demonstration
Last hit is left
Red is last hit
I will see all red series...so play for a single...so Black
a win....now black is all singles so I play for a series. Play Black.

With 10 line ecs.....there is usually a trigger

playing R/ B....I would play for a single....but there is a single recently....but I can't wait all day for 4 or 5 series. Its rare.
With 10 lines as ECs.....some EC will be 4 or 5 singles or series now....or in the next spin or 2.
Like I said....Im only playing around with this.
Its currently in the "wow this works" phase" closely followed by the "hmmmmm" phase


@Chris -- I really don't see a problem with me calling myself an I-d o t although after the censorship the end of my original post now looks idi otic !

@Turner  --- You've most probably already noticed but if you are looking for a single or a series of 2 to hit they are usually more common in an even chance that is hitting less than it's partner and vice versa with a series of 3 or more , they tend to hit more often in the even chance that is hitting more than it's partner , this alone brings other betting opportunities in to play.
Is this your main betting system for roulette now ?
Keep up the good work.


Quote from: klw on October 31, 2013, 01:37:41 PM
@Chris -- I really don't see a problem with me calling myself an I-d o t although after the censorship the end of my original post now looks idi otic !

@Turner  --- You've most probably already noticed but if you are looking for a single or a series of 2 to hit they are usually more common in an even chance that is hitting less than it's partner and vice versa with a series of 3 or more , they tend to hit more often in the even chance that is hitting more than it's partner , this alone brings other betting opportunities in to play.
Is this your main betting system for roulette now ?
Keep up the good work.
Im only looking at ec....and knowing R v B is same as single v series....I thought I would look at single v series within 1ec. Just a thought worth testing
In R v B....if I see red singles...I bet for a series. I have got what I wanted if series 2.....I can't bet here because series is what I wanted an series is what I got.
If it goes to 3,4,5...I have to wait until B shows to look at B.
With 10 lines as ECs....I can find another without waiting


Thanks for the reply Turner -- I've just done a quick 250 live spin analysis of Dublin bet and looked for an even chance of 3 x series of 2 or more hits e.g using red as an example,
RR B RRRR BB RRR B so here we have 3 series of 2 or more reds ( 2,4,3 ) and then bet for a single red to appear ( so we would wait for the next red to appear and then bet black )
Results for the 20 even chances were + 13 units , however , + 11 units came from betting on the " cold " partner alone and only + 2 units from the " hot " partner of the even chances.This makes sense as the hot partner will have more hits of 3 and above and vice versa.
This is 18 wins and 7 losses , a 72% strike rate for an even chance, of course its only a small sample and the problem lies in determining which is the hot and which is the cold partner of the even chance, maybe someone with more experience could assist in helping identifying this , maybe a checkmark at 10 , 20 spins to determine hot or cold partner ?
Maybe this filter will help with your profitability Turner.



Interesting.....thanks...I'll take a closer look on the laptop tonight.


Anyone have the system in dgt?


Breno.. .if you mean what Im doing....I don't think its possible to code.....Im not always sure what or which to bet..or leave it etc. it's a bit gut feeling at times