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The little boy who cried "Holy Grail"............

Started by TwoCatSam, November 26, 2013, 10:04:49 PM

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We all know the wolf story.

Imagine a collective of seekers we shall call Johnny.  Johnny is thousands.  Every now and then a Johnny cries "Holy Grail" and the crowd runs to see what he's got.  Nothing.  So, after a while, the crowd doesn't even run.  The collective Johnny has fooled them once to many times.

Now that Johnny has destroyed his credability (Obama) no one believes him.  What if a Johnny truly had the "Holy Grail" and no one listened?

Think about it

The "Holy Grail" is merely a bottable idea/system/method that wins more than it loses over time.

Where's Ignatus??

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers




No, Marshall, when you post it, I'll be there. 

Oh, the things I've tried!!!

And, no, Buffster,  I don't have mine.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on November 26, 2013, 10:04:49 PM

Now that Johnny has destroyed his credability (Obama) no one believes him.  What if a Johnny truly had the "Holy Grail" and no one listened?
It's not the fact that nobody would listen as most people of the forum see a "new" idea or system play and either consciously or subconsciously validate it on the fly.

  If it turns out to actually be a new idea, it will be looked at and validated against other, similar ideas and processed accordingly.

  If it actually shows any kind of promise, meaning it's better than what it's being validated against, most people will run with it and really see if it works.

  The problem is, a lot of this detailing gets done by individual members and once it has failed their own reasonablness testing, it is discarded and no mention is generally made of it.

  This tends to make people think that nobody is even looking at their accomplishments but as we all know, that is not true.

  If a person were to actually post up something reasonably close to the HG, it would be followed and tested into painful detail.  However, as most of the "new" stuff is merely rehashed efforts to find a trigger and a way to extend losses, it falls off into the sunset until the next time.

  Also, once a person finds a play that really works for them, they are not in any big hurry to rush off to the next big thing, no matter how much publicity it gets.  If you're making money with your play, you won't be in any hurry to change to something else!  That just makes sense.

  The bottom line?  If the HG shows up on the doorstep, it won't go unnoticed for long.


Roulette Player

IMHO, there will never be a Holy Grail, players have been looking for it for hundreds of years.

Also in my humble opinion when playing Baccarat mechanical systems don't work, except occasionally when the shoe happens to do what your system is doing, and that don't happen very often or for very long within the shoe.

You can't expect the shoe to follow your system, you need to follow the shoe and do what the shoe is telling you.

BTW, the same would apply to roulette when only playing EC.

Roulette Player

Roulette Player
You can be a winner in gambling only if you know when to quit.
When you find yourself in a hole stop digging.


This forum is not like the billion monkeys typing away.....one will eventually write the works of Shakespeare. That just means that eventually the random typing produces something.

With the clever, learned people in this forum....
The Bing Bells, the Sputniks, the Supermen, the Bayes, Maestros and Sams....all of you clever...dedicated people...after all these years, I think one of you...including the endless version producers like Ignatus, and chronicle collectors like Proofreader...back to Turbogenius, JL..Flatino(Iboba/Ivica/Teo/Vile), Lanky and Winkel ....would of found a HG if it existed.

The best people are on the case now and have been for 100 years. No HG

End of sermon

Roulette Player

Roulette Player
You can be a winner in gambling only if you know when to quit.
When you find yourself in a hole stop digging.


Ah, Turner, but what of those who have worked long, hard and quietly in the background -- either on or off the forum -- and end up with a CPB (Consistently Profitable Bet, aka The Grail) as opposed to a CWB (Consistently Winning Bet)?

As there's no compulsion for them to reveal anything, the temptation is to assume such a bet doesn't exist.


...and Ophis, where is Ophis???[smiley]aes/thinking.png[/smiley][smiley]aes/thinking.png[/smiley][smiley]aes/thinking.png[/smiley]
Uno de Badajoz que pasaba por aquĆ­.


Quote from: esoito on November 28, 2013, 06:59:56 AM
Ah, Turner, but what of those who have worked long, hard and quietly in the background -- either on or off the forum -- and end up with a CPB (Consistently Profitable Bet, aka The Grail) as opposed to a CWB (Consistently Winning Bet)?

As there's no compulsion for them to reveal anything, the temptation is to assume such a bet doesn't exist.
Yeah...ok....and there's a man who goes and sits with big foot in a forest every day....but doesn't tell anyone ;)


Does your remark reveal discomfort to some degree with the idea of someone making and not revealing a discovery?

Or looking at it the other way, is there discomfort with the notion of someone keeping something private and confidential?

I know of  two professional, Aussie racing punters who have an edge because they have a selection method others have not yet discovered.

Their selections are generally well priced because the market doesn't recognize  them as strong contenders.

And -- sensibly -- they keep the details of their method to themselves. They know that revelation will quickly dilute their edge and subsequent returns.


Esoito.....no discomfort....just my belief.....like no ghosts...no loch ness monster....man did land on the moon....Elvis is dead....no santa....no God.

No HG.

Those beliefs don't attack anyone. They are just beliefs based on my observation


That sounds so cynical Turner.
Remind me not to come over to your house for Christmas :D
As for the Grail not existing how then can you explain Mr. J?


Consistantly Profitable Bet---------That is the phrase we've been searching for.

In 2013 I have run thousands upon thousands of dollars through the windows and only lost around 400 Euro.  Before you laugh, let's see you run 10,000 through the mill and come back with 9,600.  I am getting closer!

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.   ...Will Rogers