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How to turn £75 > £5250 or $150 > $10,000+ for 28 hrs effort

Started by Sputnik, February 14, 2015, 04:50:21 PM

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Don't tune or scoff out until you have digested the whole package, as one word may put you off, which is "Martingale", but hang on in here.

Lets throw in the sales pitch.

How to turn £75 into £5250 or $150 (for those across the ditch into over $10,000) for approx 28 hours of table action. Sound interesting?

YES, you do need a certain element of luck. Now we know you can't expect to be lucky all the time. You only need to be lucky for two hours. Yes TWO LOUSY HOURS from the on-set, you may not make it all the way, but it won't cost you anything either.

While people do not see eye to eye regarding bet selection, really it is a defensive mechanism, they need to convince themselves more than anybody else. In essence bet selection is a lottery. Each bet is a 50/50 bet, what happens after X is a lottery. No worries 'bout what you think, this can also suit your mindset.

Let's revisit a set of 4 column binary tables;


Note I have numbered all possible outcomes. Your aim using a 4 step martingale is to play 10 columns per day, less than ONE SHOE per day maximum and to avoid any 4 column loss.

For those that the progression Martingale leaves a bad taste, bear in mind, the total risk is the initial £75 or $150, if you can't afford to risk that amount, then read no further, or remind yourself of the 5 g's or 10k plus potential..

Your aim is to make 10 units per day (maybe 11 if you want to cater for the tax, or maybe you might choose to wear that small cost), not a dime more. Your aim is to repeat this for 7 days straight, remember, your exposure is minimum as you will not play more than 40 or 44 hands any one day. Any 4 column loss and you quit.

You need to avoid any 4 column loss for the first TWO DAYS ONLY, >> less than one shoe per day <<
Should you lose 4 hands on the bounce on the third day, you will still be in profit.

Should you manage to not lose for SEVEN days, on the second week, you double your unit size, should you lose when you double your unit size, you are still in profit. Again repeat the exercise for the next seven days.

NOTE* you can withstand two losses per week and still remain in profit, this excludes the first two days. Your odds of losing 4 bets in a row is less than 6%, which means your odds of winning a bet in any four bet sequence is just over 93%.

Should you manage to avoid any 4 column loss during the second week, again you double your unit value from £10 or $20, should you lose on day 15, you are still in profit. You just lost £300 but made £700 the previous week, how you determine the stake level for tomorrow is up to you, either drop down or press on, you can withstand 2 losing days per week.

If you have made it this far and only played 10 or 11 (due to tax) columns of 4 for the last 21 days and avoided defeat you double your betting amount for the final time.

NOTE* thus far this whole exercise has been SELF FUNDING.

Should you manage to avoid losing 4 in a row for the final week, you have just turned your initial stake of £75 into £5250 for approx 28 hours of table play, or $150 into over $10000, that's about 4 days work.

Week 1 - goal target £50 daily, weekly goal £350 - risk £75
Week 2 - goal target £100 daily, weekly goal £700 - risk £150
Week 3 - goal target £200 daily, weekly goal £1400 - risk £300
Week 4 - goal target £400 daily, weekly goal £2800 - risk £600

Maximum Total profit should you avoid 4L within 28 hours is £5250 less tax or for US based players over ten thousand dollars for a $150 stake. Other than the initial stake, IT IS SELF FUNDING.

Now take a deserved break and start again from the bottom. Does what you are currently playing carry a risk? Well so does this, so in this respect things are equal.

The risk is limited to £75 or $150, the rewards are greater than what you would ordinarily hope for given the amount of bankroll. If 100 players tried this, not all would be lucky, some would be. All that matters is surviving the first two days.

OK - the bet selection;

It really doesn't matter, either mathematically or logically.

If you believe in trending, then wait for one column of four and use the bet selection SAME. If you don't believe in trending maybe use the bet selection OPPOSITE. Random is probably the best.

If you don't care either way, maybe choose any one of the above 16 options and stick with it. Mathematically each sequence is suppose to occur once every 60 hands, be aware it doesn't always work out like this.

Maybe put the numbers I have associated with the 4 column options into a hat to determine your bet selection, it really doesn't matter. Perhaps omit the numbers 6 and 11 as these are the most common options for any 4 hand sequence. Don't lose sight of the total risk £75 or $150 and the potential reward.

Perhaps play each sequence in numerical order, that is bet option 1 followed by option 2 then option 3 etc. Logically it doesn't make any difference.

Should you lose for example on your fourth column, then that is it for that day, come back tomorrow and restart. You need SEVEN clear days of 10 units profit before doubling your playing stake.

The risk is carried for the first two days only, after that it is >> SELF FUNDING.

You could increase the risk and odds of not losing, by using a 5 column approach. You now have a 96% chance of scoring a win, however you would need to adjust you daily win target to 20 units, and would be playing that a particular 5 hand sequence from 32 possible sequences doesn't hit you for 20 columns..

$150 into over 10 "large" for 4 days effort!!!!!

Should this approach fail inside of the first two day, you would need to win 15 times just to get back to even. Then win another 10 times to progress from first base.

If you had a bankroll greater than £75 or $150 you might want to use the balance to construct recovery option for the first two days only.

Say you lost 15 units before you make 10 units. You then use the rest of your bankroll to recoup then continue where you left off. Few ways to do this, either use another martingale on top (lots of risk), or double your playing stake and use a Labby to win say 8 units, or possibly a Fibonacci, again to win either 15 units or 8 units if you doubled your initial stake size.

Nothing stopping somebody from playing two sessions per day, then you might achieve your goal in two weeks. Give yourself a decent break in between sessions. Yes I have explored this and I have found associating a numeric value to each of the possible outcomes of a Binary chart, as outlined above playing them simply in order 1,2,3,4 etc. faired best [random versus random]. You are either going to win or lose, the initial stake is not that great.

If you decided to play the options sequentially, option 1 is BBBB, you need to decide if you will bet the same as BBBB or the opposite of BBBB, which of course would be would be PPPP, It all works out the same, you're playing with of 15/1 odds no matter what.

Yes IT WILL lose eventually, will you be at the table when it does? Your nemesis has to catch you when you are playing, one of the reasons I state, play less than ONE SHOE per day.

Hence the reason make 10 units then bail. It can even lose when you are at the table, however it is the first 2 days which are crucial, after that, so long as you don't get back to back losing days you will be OK, again hence the reason to limit your exposure.

It really doesn't matter how you determine your bet selection. £5k or $10k for 28 hours graft, minimal risk "$150", cheaper than a few weeks worth of lottery tickets and better odds. 

Don't try and fast track this, by betting every hand, I would suggest that if anybody used other modes of play, that involves betting every hand, it wouldn't work. Losing 4 bets in a row when betting every hand is a whole lot easier than losing 4 bets for any given predetermined column sequence of bets.

The aim is to TRY and turn 75 quid or 150 bucks into £5 bricks or $10 large for 28 hours at the tables
. As I stated above, it doesn't really matter if you lose the 3rd day, 2nd stage, 3rd or even the 4th stage, you are STILL IN PROFIT. You need to be lucky for the first two days only, otherwise it is SELF FUNDING. Lose 4 bets in a row and you are done for the day, better for your composure.

Survive for a month and restart. Want to decrease the odds of losing?, Increase the risk..

Disclaimer - Gambling can be a risky business, only gamble with what you can afford to lose.


 I respect John and think his a great person - i ask him in the past and it was ok by him that i post this.

I love the idea behind this method where you aim to win big.
And now we have a discussion about GAP Methodology and another where a guy bets against series of four and doing very good.

I want to tweak this method and simulate it before i play it for real.

When i read what John and this other guy write i just want to say WOW they really win big.


Quote from: chiraqi92 on February 11, 2015, 04:18:21 PM
Just an update my bankroll is at 23k BUT If the seahawks wouldve just gave the damn ball to lynch I wouldve had an extra 6k . Really 12k cause my bet was 6k. I've had 7 losing nights but for the most part a lot of $200-600 winning nights. More wins then losses that's what matters to me.

Quote from: chiraqi92 on February 12, 2015, 05:43:02 PM
Appreciate the feed back. I just want to make it clear my gameplan is not the same as the orignial post I've made. I just make a 100-200 bet when I see 4 in a row. If I lose 800 I walk away. I feel like I can make a living off this because I know to walk away when im up 200 -400 up.  And every time I lost my 800 at one point I was up at least 200.don't be greedy and it will work.

Quote from: Rolex-Watch on February 12, 2015, 08:05:36 PM
Hello chiraqi92

I started playing Baccarat the exact same way back in 2004, I'm sure I mentioned it on the old GG site.  I decided to play this way after reviewing the 72 day Zumma book.  Betting the opposite after any streak of four with a decent progression looked solid enough. 

I started betting $25 chips, quickly progressed to blacks, won my first 13 sessions for a $15k profit inside two weeks.  Dropped a bit on the 14th visit then progressed from there, eventually making 19k profit between 19th Jan and 13th Feb. near enough playing every day.

Sometimes laying out multiple bets on various tables after four streaks like a hedge (a mate helped me out).  Does or did it work, yeah, a great way to play if your young nibble and gong-ho.   I dropped a packet a few times, but recouped well.  I stopped playing this way, as I preferred to sit down rather than jumping around like a demented monkey, also the progression I used was different than yours, I used the Fibonacci (1-2-3-5-8-13-21-34-55), which I wouldn't today.  As I say, this was 10 years ago, now I am a bit more wiser and far more cautious in my approach. 

I had some memorable sessions playing this way, one that I'll never forget is turning a $500 chip into $1600 in the space of 90 mins, before I had to scoot off to some computer training seminar.  I'm sitting there with my work mates buzzing to the max and close on $40000 in my pocket learning about security on Windows NT server, yeah right, that was an easy course, cos' I didn't pay much attention....

Good luck and continued success, do remember while you have stats on your side, the bet progression matters more so. One other thing, whenever I lost, I would take that loss amount and divide it by three, which would form my goal target for the next three sessions.  So if you drop $800, make $300 x 3 your session target, then back to what your doing.   

Blood Angel

Luck happens when Preparation meets Opportunity.


Sputnik-thanks for this post.....could you please expand on the below and how it's played....thanks....

Good luck and continued success, do remember while you have stats on your side, the bet progression matters more so. One other thing, whenever I lost, I would take that loss amount and divide it by three, which would form my goal target for the next three sessions.  So if you drop $800, make $300 x 3 your session target, then back to what your doing.   


On Imspirit " Can you get rich betting on birthdays" link there is a three column with 8 possible out comes. Take a look at the site because I can't explain it.

They  make an interesting point and a good read. 

On Imspirit  several methods are examined pointing out why each one may fail.


But how would that method help you win 10 units each day/twice.
To achive the winning target is not easy.

For example i aim to win small and stay when ahead and even operate with casino money - lower my base bet by half - even cut loses short/small - and i still find it difficult to achive 10 units each day with 4 step staking plan.

But i don't give up - i love the concept above.
Still searching for other selections to succed with the strategy above.

QuoteCan you get rich betting on birthdays" link there is a three column with 8 possible out comes

I like this method that you mention and i love the concept - but still i have not find any good entering and exist points using the method to achive 10 units each day.

2   1
1   1 L
1   1 W
1   2 W
2   1 L
2   1 W
1   2 L
1   1 L
2   2 LL

2   2
1   2 L
1   1 L
2   2 LW
2   2 W
1   2 L
2   1 L
2   2 W
1   2 L
2   1 L
2   2 W
1   2 L
1   1 L
2   2 LW
1   1 L
2   2 W
2   2 W
2   1 W
1   1 L
1   1 W
2   2 L
1   1 W
2   1 L
2   1 W
2   1 W
2   1 W
1   2 L
1   1 L
1   1 W
1   2
2   1
1   2
1   1
1   1
2   2