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Testing a focused forum format in this (pilot) section

Started by VLS, August 23, 2015, 06:08:13 PM

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Hi guys, this small section is here for testing a focused format for BetSelection.cc

With the arrival of BetForum.cc in 2016, there is an opportunity to copy all the non-system topics over there in order to have the regular gambling discussion at the BetForum while hosting a very focused method study place in here  :thumbsup:.

The dynamics for the focused method study space being:

  • One (1) section per method.
  • One (1) sticky thread explaining the method's procedure.
  • The rest of threads in the section being test results, talks about implementations in software and system-focused topics.

Each system variation having its own separate dedicated section with its own method procedure sticky thread + tests / implementations / focused topics.

...What begins as a humble test in this section may become our forum's dynamics once BetForum.cc is out  :nod:

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor