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Floor Person Waldo, Zombie Pit Personnel

Started by alrelax, December 22, 2016, 10:56:04 AM

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Wonderful Waldo, 'can I please have a comp for the buffet dude'................

The Almighty Casino Zombie Pit Personnel, Second to None! 

The zombie pit personnel's wedding picture, spattered with her blood, kept him company when he sat at home waiting for his next casino shift to be pestered by grumpy and pissed off players asking for casino comps of some type. Of course, after a five year investigation, the local police department could never find the body of the zombie's missing wife.  The setting in plague now confined him to his home except for the six, 12 hour days at the casino in the role as floor person, and one look out the window showed him a staggering, shifting army of half-rotted people, their once pristine clothing now tattered and dust stained.  He choose to live in the rear of the trailer park in the most run down section of town.  He was not very well liked except by a hand full of old ladies and of course, Sexy Susie, the town's aging hooker that charged only $5.00 for every 5 minuets, was his most treasured moments. 

Although the Zombie's life was reduced to only the shifts he worked at the local casino and a little treasured secret of pulling zombie clown pranks, he was a strange individual by most people's opinions that met him.

Already, Waldo had read every book in the house, from the 'Details and Methods of Global Effect' to 'How to Screw a Hooker and Get The Most Bang for the Buck'. With the state of things in the country, the television and radio hadn't been airing entertainment in months. But he seemed to live for the early 3:30 AM Saturday talk show which was on the AM radio.  It was entitled, "How to deal with a female's worst problem, yeast build up'. Rations were low. Morale non-existent in the town, everyone worked in or around the casino and after work, they all played the machine or gambled at the tables.  Those that worked at the casino would just go change clothes and then return to the bars on the casino property.  Waldo missed holding his wife the most, the press of her warm flesh, the smell of lavender in her hair mixed with the casino smoke where she sat all day playing the penny slot machines.  Only one time Waldo caught her in the high limit slot room and she was sitting on the lap of the young town stud, 'Bob Beefy'.  Strange, the very next day she came up missing and that was five years ago. 

When he was home he sat in the same chair kept his rifle a thirty aught six that he once felled a doe with, in happier days braced across his knees. When he was home he never did anything else except sit there and stare at the picture of his missing wife.

As much as he tried to avoid it, the sounds of her shuffling, her moaning, kept him awake most nights. Waldo's cries were merely ambient noises, harrowing in their desperation, comforting in their reliability.

His grip tightened on the stock of the rifle.  Thousands of times the thought of giving Beefy Bob what he is rightfully deserved raced through his mind.  Waldo called weekly to the local police department and always told them the same thing, "Hey when are you guys going to arrest and jail Beefy Bob who murdered my precious wife"?

Gone now.  Waldo realized he was alone when he was not in his beloved casino position of floor person. 

Waldo, most nights stopped at the local gas station to get his supper to go when he got off shift at the casino.  It never changed,  two slices of the frozen pepperoni pizza, an Almond Joy candy bar and two chocolate milks and a thing of tic-tacs.   And, that is where Beefy Bob worked. Beefy Bob made the pizzas, carefully taking them out of the freezer, unwrapping them and putting them into the pizza oven.  Every once in a while if no one was looking, Beefy Bob would blow snot from his nose onto the slices of pizza Waldo asked for.  Waldo would stand there and stare at him and Beefy Bob would say the same thing, every night, "heard from her yet Waldo"?  Outside the gas station c-store Waldo would always just ponder for a few minutes before getting in his car to leave, it would tempt him.  Crossing Waldo's mind, thousands of times, he easily pictured Beefy Bob with his arms and legs and male member cut off.

Before she came up missing everyone said that they were soul mates, he promised her he would love her in sickness and in health, through better or worse, until death do they part. What was her current condition other than then missing? Only Waldo truly knows.

When he was home his hand hesitated on the doorknob to the side room, the butt of the gun tucked up against his shoulder. Trembling, the cold knob became slippery in his hands. He missed her smile, the annoying way she embraced every morning, and the feather light touch of her hand in his when they slept.

Taking the gun, he shuffled toward the living room to the sounds of her fingernails scraping against the door, trying desperately to make a meal of him.  He was delusional at times and often he thought she was still there.  He even calls the casino at times and has her paged.  Other times he stares out the window from his chair expecting Beefy Bob to attempt a break in or something else in his mind. 

He flipped on the small, hand-cranked radio that he scavenged from his trip to Wal-Mart. Mostly, he found static, but occasionally, he would find dire warnings, instructions on how to meet up with authorities, and news on the collapse of the infrastructure that had protected them all for so long that used to be  part of the large warehousing complex that existed before the casino was built in the town.

Never did they talk about a cure for getting the town back to normal and ridding it of all the zombies.  There was problems but most grew accustomed to the way of life they were reduced to.

Every day, he listened in the hope that a new clinic would open with a miracle cure for the town. Yet the news never mentioned an antidote. It certainly mentioned research by the local community college, but never a success plan being developed.

Waldo picked up the blood splattered wedding photo while the dire news crackled over the radio. Right before she came up missing, when she was at her worst, the festering, dripping, gummy flesh of her bitten hand leaked gore throughout the house as she wandered, looking for comfort. Then she found this photo. And she looked at him, a look that begged him, helpless, drowning, knowing that she was beyond saving.  All he had to do was give her $20.00 to play the penny machine and she was a happy camper.  Of course Waldo, had the other zombie pit personnel comp her every day for meals and bar drinks.  Her favorite meal was the grilled cheese and Nestle quick strawberry milk.  She always had the food counter person pour maple syrup on top and round up some grapefruit slices to put on the sandwich also, weird but you have to take into consideration the type of people these are.

She was 'walking God' to the zombie floor person and a little secret not too many really know in the town.  Waldo never had sex with anyone besides his wife and Sexy Susie, the town's hooker.  Waldo never said anything, she was the only one he ever respected. 

That was the day she went to the high limit room and was spotted by Waldo, sitting and grinding her 70 year old booty into Beefy Bob.

Waldo often wonders, what went wrong. He always gave her the $20.00, comps and he religiously took his little blue Viagra pills.  Husbands were supposed to protect, to keep their wives from harm, to provide all that she needed to live a decent, happy life. That is all he ever wanted.

Taking up his weapon, Waldo walked the narrow hallway to the side room. He heard a clawing at the door and it increased in intensity, sounding like the rapid scurrying of a mouse behind a wall. He pushed the entrance open and stepped in, not bothering to close it behind him.

The gun firmly in his hands.

Outside, the sound of other unfortunate souls suddenly became clearer, and each one seemed to have a separate cry. No other sounds came to him, the great machinery of modern life ground down to what most would say was inhuman suffering.

There she was, or what remained of her, stood in the center of the room, her body as slim as she had always been, now framed in the sights of his rifle.  She smiled and simply said, Waldo I love you but Beefy Bob raped me and I just could face you, I lived behind the casino for the past 5 years.

Tears streamed down his face, and his wife's head quirked to the side, as if not understanding a question he asked. Then she came at him, arms extended, ruined nails still showing chipped red polish, her lips pulled back to reveal gore encrusted yellow teeth.

I love you, he told the approaching missing wife he loved so much.  As he lowered his gun he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her, smelling the grilled cheese he knew without a doubt his life was back to normal. Only one thing was running through his mind, should he keep the old G-string of hers in his jacket pocket or put them away.

He embraced her, closing his eyes, remembering the happiness in that wedding photo, and the feel of her sharp teeth tearing into his neck did not bother him at all.  In fact, he kept a pair of her unwashed g-string panties in his casino jacket front pocket.  What for, heaven only knows, but he religiously wipes his hand on them just before giving the casino patron the valued comp slip he so painfully writes each and every shift repeatedly.  The zombie snickers and he observes repeatedly, the patron grabbing the slip, puts it in his pocket and then with the same hand rubs his nose or picks his teeth, every once in a while he catches a patron sniffing some strange aroma that suddenly got onto his fingers? I can personally assume it is Waldo's cheap entertainment skit that he seems to get a real chuckle over. 

That just might explain why the Zombie Pit Personnel always seem to be snickering off to the side while they scan and avoid casino patrons.
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


Part II

That night when they finished hugging they just starred at each other and mumbled a few words.  Later that night in their bed, Waldo caught a glimpse of her naked body as she slipped on some lingerie.

Funny he thought.......long and hard......he could not remember the ever so glistening tattoo right above her butt.  The two letters, 'B B' with hot rod style of flames shooting from each.

Oh well, he let it go for the time being.........................

A few days past and it was bothering Waldo, while he was awake and in his most alert state at that!  He kept having the vision of seeing his wife, in a G-string with nothing else on except her favorite pair of 7 inch stripper high heels, prancing around and strutting in front of him.  Last night, Waldo was snuggled up in his favorite chair, his wife giving him his beloved zombie stripper show, something he has not witnessed in 5 long, very long years since she went missing.  Waldo handed her the glass jar of Smucker's Raspberry Jelly to simulate blood, she knew he wanted her to smear it all over her body when she got into the private sexy dance.  Waldo was getting back to his norm and he thought about the only other female he was ever with in such a way.  Sure, there was the occasional Sexy Susie and her 'gloved' release procedures for $15.00 for 15 minutes during the past several years, but Waldo was truly in love with his wife. Waldo was in zombie heaven while his wife got into the dance and performed for the rest of the night. Waldo finally found out his worst fears, his wife had some kind of sexual relations with Beefy Bob, because not one, not twice but 3 times she mumbled 'go beefy' while Waldo toke his liberties with her that night.  Waldo did not say anything to her and he wanted some time to ponder about what to do.  When way or another in Waldo's mind, Beefy Bob, that degenerated pizza maker down at the gas station would pay for what he had done to his adored wife. 

There Waldo stood, at the casino pit podium, thinking and thinking and thinking.  How and why did she get tattoo'ed in the traditional tramp stamp lower back location with the initials 'B B'?  It was eating him away and although he relished the feelings of being eaten away, just like his dreams of devouring a casino patrons flesh when they persistently badger him for comps.  Can I please have a comp for the buffet, can I please have a comp for the bar, can I please have a comp for the steakhouse, can I please have a comp for the show, can I please have a comp to use the toilet?  He stopped thinking for a moment and then snickered.  He made a short note on the pad in front of him and addressed it to the Senior Vice President of Casino Operations.  He thought to have a turn style installed at the head of the restroom charging the casino players to use the bathrooms.  He also put a note and highlighted it 4 times in different colors, 'do not allow the turn style to accept comps'!!!! 

Waldo returned to the vision of that tattoo on his wife's back.  He began to have detailed and explicated thoughts of Beefy Bob standing behind his lovely wife, taking her and making love to her while using Waldo's name in vain.  Waldo became furious and his ears and face turned a bright red and he banged and banged his fist on the pit podium.  Waldo banged the podium so hard, a couple of items bounced off the podium.  One player asked out loud, 'what's wrong with the floor person'.  The table games dealer said, 'that's just crazy Waldo, he has some family issues, his wife was missing for 5 years and she just returned home'.  The soon after, another player at the baccarat table in front of the podium asked, 'Hey Waldo can I get a comp for 2 to go eat'?  Waldo reached in his pocket, grabbed a knife and yanked the player's male member out and sliced it off.  Waldo reached down and picked it up, stuffed it in the player's jacket pocket and Waldo reached in his wallet, grabbed two dollars and stuffed it in the players other pocket.  Waldo said, 'there you go, why don't you go buy some hot dog buns and put that in the middle of it and have lunch on me'?  The player started to scream and hold his crotch, Waldo called security and told them he had a player that went ballistic on him and he wanted the player ejected and banned form the casino. 

Security came and removed the arrogant bothersome player and asked Waldo to write up a statement as to what happened.  Waldo, stood there bold legged.  Starred at the security supervisor straight in the face.  Waldo fixed his tie, a wide 70's style neon green with silver and yellow zig-zags.  He says to the security supervisor, 'I never tell you how to do your job, don't try to tell me how to do mine'.  These players are piss ants, bad people, they have no respect for me, you, our parents or our property here.  These players are disposable, they would stab you in the back or steal from you when you are not looking right at them.  They need to be taught a lesson and with many, as in the case of that Asian gambler, Youngee Lee Kimmie, he was a bad person with the Asian Triad gang known as the Silver Stud Diamonds and I personally know that the police want him for questioning in the disappearance of hundreds of dogs from the beloved families of our town.  The security supervisor hunches his shoulder and squints his eyes, 'huh'?  You unintelligent pervert, are you really that unintelligent?, Waldo asked him.  The security supervisor said, 'explain'.  Waldo said that, 'the Asian's run dog fighting contests and they snatched family pets in the middle of the night to train them for their entertainment and gambling ventures that hurt our casino's bottom line here, okay'?

The security supervisor apologized to Waldo and then they high five.  He tells Waldo, 'don't worry I got your back, I will just write it up that the player attempted suicide and went to slash his neck and must of miscalculated and somehow sliced off his Oscar Myer.  I will also throw in there that the player was ranting and raving about missing his opportunity to enter the 'Free for Life Buffet Pass' promotion we currently have going on and drawing tonight. Waldo said, 'good, I have some planning to do, later'. The security supervisor turned to Waldo as he was walking away, 'hey Waldo, have you seen Sexy Susie around, if you do, tell her to come see me I have something to ask her'.  Waldo gave him the thumbs up sign.

Back at the pit podium, Waldo propped himself up and starred out toward the eye in the sky.  Waldo, was thinking, thinking and thinking, deep in the proverbial phase 'thinking like a zombie'.  Another player came up and started, 'hey Waldo, can I'...... and the dealer that was between that player and Waldo, interjects.  'Give it a rest brother, seriously, it is no time to ask for anything, take my word for it'.  They stared each other in the eye for like 15 seconds and the dealer motions towards the fresh blood on the casino floor.  The dealer looks at it and walks away.

Waldo was deep, very deep into thought.  He knew he had to do something about Beefy Bob.  Right then Waldo's wife walked up.  'Hey Waldo can I get a comp for the food court, I'm starving for my grilled cheese hun'.  She added, 'be sure to put and extra $3.75 on it because there is a huge sign over the cafe counter saying; "maple syrup and grapefruit slices on sandwiches are $3.75 extra".  Waldo dug into his pocket, got his comp slip out and filled it in for his lovely wife.  He glanced over at her, she was extremely pretty today he thought.  Her high heels on, her tight jeans with her thong bikini underneath pulled high over her hips, in plain sight and very noticeable to say the least.  She had on a midriff white and sparkling sequin blouse that showed her entire exposed, perfectly in shape stomach, pierced belly button and that tattoo on her back.  Waldo noticed his wife's jewelry hanging from her belly button, it was a gold 'W' for his initial and a $ sign as well.  He kept his composure but he was fuming inside, like a nuclear reactor about to go off.  All Waldo was thinking about was payback on Beefy Bob, and Waldo didn't just want typical revenge, desired a permanent lesson for corrupting and abusing his lovely wife.  Waldo wanted blood. 

She pranced away towards the casino's food court area and Waldo leaned back against the pit podium and thought, and thought and thought.  Finally Waldo noticed a group of Asian females at the blackjack table, all giggling and talking in their native tongue as well.  If there was one thing that pissed Waldo off, it was players not speaking English or the other official dialog of the United States, Redneck.  Waldo slowly made his way over to blackjack table #15. Waldo asked them, 'how are you lovely little rice farmers doing today'?  All three looked at each other and spoke their native tongue about Waldo.  He said, 'I hope you girls know it is only polite and respectful to speak English here'.  He offered them a comp for the Chinese restaurant and one of the girls shoed him away with her hand.  When he walked away he said just loud enough so they could hear him, 'anyway their butts are all flat, no shape, nothing'.  One of the girls asked the dealer, 'can you call the floor manager for us please'.  The dealer responded, 'you were just speaking to him'. 
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com

vo rogue

  BRAVO, BRAVO,  ALRELAX   like the piano man said , "you could be a movie star, if you could get out of this site".
   mr. Dulay could you give a detailed critique of this quite stunning liturature. ?.


Quote from: vo rogue on December 22, 2016, 06:49:45 PM
  BRAVO, BRAVO,  ALRELAX   like the piano man said , "you could be a movie star, if you could get out of this site".
   mr. Dulay could you give a detailed critique of this quite stunning liturature. ?.

It is natural, I rather devote some time to something else I started, entitled:

"From Nowhere to Somewhere".

Someday.  And, thanks, I added some more of Waldo's adventures.   
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


Part III

Waldo was totally amazed while observing the 3 Asian girls and then suddenly all 3 had blackjack and two of them embraced in a lip to lip kiss.  Waldo's mouth dropped open.  The female dealers mouth smiled in a huge grin and Waldo let go with a loud, 'WTF, seriously is the whole country turning gay'?  They all snickered and Waldo walked away in a haste of zombie aura to suit none.  One of the dealers was motioning for Waldo to come give a player a comp.  Waldo thought as he strutted to the far sided blackjack table, girls kissing and sucking each others tongue, guys banging guys, what the heck ever happened to buying a dozen roses and giving them to the opposite sex hoping to get some booty'? 

As Waldo arrived at the blackjack table with the impatient player who could not even stand still in one spot, the player lets go with, 'hey buddy I need a comp for 2 at the buffet and a spa treatment for my old lady'.  Waldo reached into his pocket and puts his hand around his trusting 'male member adjuster' and then, just before he could do his own form of justice, the player's wife struts up and she was fine.  Waldo held back his desire to give the player what he so rightfully deserved, as the player's wife gives Waldo a huge smile and flashed her breasts, artificial or not, they were definitely both perfect.  Waldo got out his comp pad and gave the player what he asked for and then shoed the two away.

Waldo's boss came over to the pit he was in, standing there wondering why he gave into that player.  By the second, he was getting himself more and more agitated and pissed off.  His boss taped him on the shoulder, Waldo turned around and was confronted by one pissed off person.  At the top of his lungs he yelled at Waldo, 'WTF did I just see you do'?  Waldo shrugged his shoulders and simply said, 'sorry the guy lost $6,000.00 earlier and I want to milk him like an old farmer milking his cattle, I want every last darn drop of cash them guys have'.  His boss wanted to back hand Waldo in the worst way, but he just shrugged his shoulders and told Waldo there was a VIP from out of state due to arrive in a few minutes.  The players name was Fang Dang Kimroll and his family was with him............................
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


So, I have it on good info that, Waldo went out to get into his car to home last night when you got off shift.  He noticed a card under his windshield wiper and pulled it off.  Inside his car he looked at it.  It was a card from 'Suzie Q' and escort.  Waldo sat and pondered on it.  On the way home he thought about calling the number but wanted to get home to catch the latest episode of, 'Where the Aliens Land At' on TV.  He put the card away and said to himself he could call tomorrow.
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


Quote from: vo rogue on December 22, 2016, 06:49:45 PM
  BRAVO, BRAVO,  ALRELAX   like the piano man said , "you could be a movie star, if you could get out of this site".

Thanks, Vo--but really just comes natural!  LOL, wow--thinking about that statement......

Anyway, Waldo was hit in the parking lot by a snow plow the other night and was rushed to the hospital by Ambulance.  Upon his arrival they took him to the Maternity Unit because they saw his belly (what floor person normally doesn't have a huge belly?) and then transferred him to the E.R.  he was supposed to have past away but was brought back to life, miraculously.

The thread will continue..............................
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


One of the food service workers that always had a crush on Waldo, went to visit him in the hospital.  Her name is, 'Peggy Sue' but she is known around the casino as 'Piggy Boo' probably because she is well over 400 pounds and stands about 5'3".  She brought Waldo some candy and as she opened the box to give him some, of course she helped herself to 6 or 7 pieces......................... ;)
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


Part IV

So, Waldo recovered and was back at work yesterday, the day before Asian New Year.  Waldo was actually smiling and all his co-workers were wondering what's up with Waldo???

Last night at the casino Waldo broke out his 'Special Suit' and put it on.  It was a bright red, no---actually a shocking and loud as heck red color with glittering gold and silver cuffs, collar and pants cuffs!!!  I would have to say it is straight out of the 1970's, but Waldo claims it is just 'too hip' for today.  Anyway, he put it on and slick his hair back with gel. Since it is the year of the Rooster coming in, Waldo went over to his top drawer of his bedroom dresser and rummaged through the items he had stashed, he knew there was something to fit the occasion.  After a minute he proclaimed, 'I found it'!  It was a huge pin of a bright white chicken he got years ago from a Kentucky Fried Chicken fast food place, the pin was about 3 inches by 2 inches, he pinned it on hi right jacket breast lapel, similar to how the government officials wear those little flap pins on their jackets.  Waldo took a final look in the mirror and said, 'bring it on you funky Asian gamblers yelling monkey-monkey-monkey and blowing on those cards like they really think they can blow the pips off the cards and change their values, just bring it on--I am ready'. 

Waldo went outside his house and got into his car.  Looked once more in the mirror and squarly looked himself in the mirror and said, 'Buddy, don't give into those fake Asian gambling girls either tonight, make them beg and flirt harder for those valuable precious comps, even the rat infested buffet comps they all will be wanting tonight with the seafood and crab legs special for the holiday'.  He thought for a second and then said, 'even those pretty ones with their low cut blouses exposing those wiggling mounds of jello and Kim-Chee, don't give in unless they really hand and drool a bit at the mouth'.  He snapped his seat belt and headed in. 

About half way to the casino he pulled off the highway and went over to see 'Piggy Boo'.  He kind of wanted to express his thanks for all she had done for him during his hospital stay.  And, he kind of missed her huge caboose to her massive 400 pound plus body!  Right at that time the oldie song came on the radio, 'Shake your Booty' and Waldo started to sing along with it. 

[Here it is if you want to listen to it while you read what Waldo the amazing floor person did next]:


Waldo was singing, 'Shake Shake Shake, Sake Sake Shake your booootttty' and sings that a few times and all the while he is thinking, he will ask Piggy Boo to shake it with him later tonight on the dance floor to the oldies group playing at the casino.  He also had the vision---which happened last year, of all those Asian degen gamblers begging him for comps, comps for the buffet, comp for a hotel room, comp for the bar, comp for the gift shop.  He thought to himself he would just say, 'No No No, No No No scat your boooottty on out of here' and started singing that to the song by KC & The Sunshine Band. 

Waldo was ready!  He pulled up into the driveway of Piggy Boo's little shack of a house on the Southside of town.  He gets out of his car and on the way to the front door, he can't help but notice all the garage and debris in the yard.  Mounds, Hershey's, Kit Kat's, Starburst wrappers all over the place.  Empty cans of tuna fish, mac & cheese and tons of wrappers from feminine hygiene products all around.  Waldo wasn't passing judgment and just maybe in her defense Waldo said to himself, 'so she isn't the greatest landscaper in the world.  He stopped in the middle of the walkway to her door and thought, Piggy Boo is so grotesquely fat by most people's standards, but too me, just WOW!  He remembers how she profusely sweats just sitting down during break time in the employees cafeteria.  He suddenly remembered another pit person going out on a date with her once.  The guy told Waldo about the meal they ate out.  How Piggy Boo devoured her food like a starving hog.  But Waldo thought and connected that with sex.  How she must be a tigress and a princess all wrapped up into one in the sack! 

So he goes on thinking, that his desire and lustful curiosity must be a new trend in his own ways.  Although he rationalized out that he didn't want to create any drama in his seemingly zombie style of life, but heck--he wanted to experience what 400 pounds plus of pure jiggle and fat doughy flabs of obesity really feels like in a few minuets of heated passionate acts.  Waldo was attracted to Piggy Boo like a moth to a flame.  Waldo made it to the door and knocked on it.  Piggy Boo opened the door and hugged Waldo.  He was now in candy heaven.  Piggy grabbed Waldo's hand and pulled him inside her house.  She said, 'come on Waldo, join me I was just fixing some breakfast'.   

Piggy Boo's breakfast was on the lighter side yesterday, 5 eggs, a half pound of bacon and a half pound or so of sausage, 6 slices of whole wheat toast, 2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, a large bowel of instant grits, 3 candy bars, a bowl of chocolate ice cream and 2 grapefruits and 6 bananas.  She asked Waldo if he was hungry and Waldo said, 'I will just grab one of your candy bars and a banana.  Piggy Boo scream, well more like a screech, 'No, not the candy bar, I need those for my sugar intake, how about 2 of the bananas instead'?  Waldo agreed and said fine.   

She said, 'Does your wife know you are over here'?  Waldo said no and there was no need to tell her.  She just smiled.  Waldo told her flat out, 'Peggy Sue, I am so attracted to you and how sexy you are, you put my little skinny skanky wife to shame with your radiating beauty and massive personality'.  Piggy Boo just smiled and she was chewing on a banana, a candy bar and a huge fork full of eggs and sausage all at the time.  A certain amount of dribble came out of the side of her mouth and rolled down her chin and onto the table.  Waldo asked her, 'why don't you plan on staying late after work tonight and we can mingle a bit with the casino guests in the ballroom and the bar for the holiday shows'?  Piggy Boo took another bite of food, this time is was a large spoonful of grits, another candy bar and 5 strips of bacon all at the same time.  Waldo was secretly impressed with the girth of her mouth and her insatiable appetite. Oh lord Waldo thought, the last time he had these kind of desires he wound up with his first sexy wife.  Waldo got up from the table, picked up her hand and told her, 'wear something sexy today, see you later Peggy Sue'.  She smiled and continued to shovel fest amounts of breakfast into her mouth. 

Piggy Boo went to her bedroom closet and laid out her clothes for the day.  She shuffled into the shower, and attempted to clean herself.  Her only problem really was her arms lacked the distance to get around herself to the rear and as well, she had problems to bend over to clean her lower extremities.  She finished her shower and did her hair.  Back in her bedroom she put on her 1970's psychedelic tie dyed full floor length dress.  No one could certainly miss Piggy Boo strolling towards them, no one! 

Waldo arrived at the casino property and walked into the pit from the short meeting he was in.  All the while in the meeting his mind and thoughts was on the 400 pound plus fat-doughy flabs of candy and potato chips galore lady. Waldo took up his stance next to the podium counter adjacent to the baccarat tables.  He glanced over towards the players currently seated at the baccarat table.  There was an argument underway with a player standing up, a cigarette dangling from his Chinese face and the dealer.  The dealer was soul brother Tyrone, a well known, funny and very experienced baccarat dealer.  Tyrone's nickname was 'Kunta Kinte' from the fictional character in the movie Roots.  Tyrone loves to say, 'I can take it boss' whenever there is an argument and the pit/floor people get involved.  So Waldo, still leaning against the podium says, 'you okay Kunta, need me over there'?  Tyrone says, 'you better come over here boss'.   It appears one of the players lost on a '38 Special', when the 8 card is the stop card with the Banker's first two cards totaling a value of 3.  The player was yelling and screaming at Tyrone.  Waldo shuffles over to the table and hunches over, puts his hands on the automatic card shuffler beside the dealer and looks at the Asian player throwing an absolute fit.  The player said something in his native tongue about the belly size of Waldo and kept a straight face when he said it.  The only problem was, Waldo understand the language.  Waldo was cool about it.  Waldo turns slightly to the dealer and says, put the chips back in everyone's spot on both the Player and the Banker sides.  Tyrone does so and knows this is going to be good, real good.

Waldo takes the last 5 cards out of the discard rack and carefully places them back into the shoe.  Now, Waldo looks at the loud mouth and says, there the cards are back in the shoe, the exact order they came out of it, correct?  The players said, yes.  Waldo, while standing up looks at everyone playing and says, 'everyone okay with this'?  They all nodded yes.  Waldo point to his white chicken pin on his lapel and says, 'the rooster is watching, so this is gospel and cockel-doodle-doo'.  The sight of Waldo in his bright shocking red suit with the gold and silver glitter accents, crazy!  Waldo says, 'here goes and I am going to deal the cards'.  'First one for the Players and second one for the Banker, Third one for the Players and fourth one for the Bankers'.  Waldo flips the Players side and they have a total of 4, he says 'do we all agree on this'?  The players all say yes or nodded their heads.  Then he flips the Bankers cards and announces the Bankers have a total of 3.  Once again, he looks at all the players and asks if they all agree.  They all nod their heads.  Waldo looks at the trouble maker.  'Are you sure, 100% you agree'?  He says 'yes, yes, get on with it'.  Waldo stops pulling the cards and says, 'hey get something straight right here and right now, this is my table, my pit and my casino, not yours-get it straight pal or pick up your measly little amount of chips, cash them out and get to the parking lot and jump in your rickshaw and boogie on down the road hot shot'.  Everyone looked at Waldo and didn't know what the heck to say, they could not figure out if he was joking or not.  Waldo looked again at the trouble maker and said, 'Yo, Timmy Kimmie Boku, you ready or what'?  Waldo then pulls the 8 card and announces, 'Player stands with the snowman for a total of 2 and the Banker wins with a total of 3, is that clear, yes or no'?  Waldo sweeps his hand taking all the wagers away that were on the Players side and pays the sole wager that was placed on the Banker side.  Waldo looked at the trouble maker and told him the snowman was a stop card, like it or not, the Players side lost and that was that'  Waldo let go with another loud and obnoxious, 'Cockel Doodle Doo' and then announces, 'it is the year of the bad butt rooster, carry on Tyrone, I got it all straightened out for you'.  Tyrone was snickering something awful through the whole replay of the cards.

Just about that time Piggy Boo comes walking down the isle and waves to Waldo leaning back up against the pit podium.  Waldo smiled and motioned for her to come over into the pit.  What a sight!  Waldo in the shocking red suit with the gold and the silver glitter accents and Piggy Boo in her loud and screaming colorful psychedelic tie dye dress, all 400 plus pounds of her doughy fat, right there, side by side with Waldo.  They exchanged a bit of small talk and made plans to meet in the ballroom for the Asian New Year show at 9:00 PM.  Just about the time Piggy Boo was about to leave and get to her office, the baccarat trouble maker, Timmy Kimmie Boku stands up and says, 'Hey floor guy--gimmie a comp for the buffet and some drinks at the bar for me and my wife'.  Waldo puts his hands on his hips and loudly says, 'that's the best you can ask for a comp, a comp that so many desire and so many don't deserve'?  Mr. Boku humbles himself and says, 'Please Mr. Floor Person, can you write me a comp for the buffet and a few drinks'?  Waldo said, 'keep playing while I think about it' for 15 minuets or so'.

Waldo stepped away for a bit and then retuned about 20 minuets later.  He looked over at the stack of chips in front of Timmy Kimmie Boku and smiled, the stack dwindled down from a good $7,500.00 to about $3,000.00.  Waldo said, 'Hey Boku you guys still want to go eat at the buffet'?  Boku didn't answer, Waldo filled out a comp slip and tossed it over on the felt right in front of him and his girl.  Waldo walked away.

Later on Waldo met Piggy Boo outside the ballroom and they went in together.  What a sight, the colors and the poundage!  When they got inside it was just starting, the tribute to the Chinese New Year and the celebration of the rooster.  Waldo made it a point to show his white chicken pin from KFC to Piggy Boo.  She was impressed and then mentioned she was hungry and could devour an entire 20 piece bucket of chicken right about then.  Waldo loved the sexy chatter from her, she had a way to make a request for food sound erotic to Waldo.  Then al the monitors on the walls around the ballroom came alive and played the following:


Word was getting around the casino about Waldo and Piggy Boo as they got busy on the dance floor.  There was mostly Asians there and Waldo says to Piggy Boo, 'Come on, let's shake it up there on the dance floor and show this bunch of rice eating degenerate gamblers, how it is actually done'!  She smiled at Waldo and said, 'let's do it baby'.  So the following song came on and both Waldo and his fat doughy date of 400 pounds plus got busy on the dance floor.

Waldo motioned for the guy up in the DJ room to start the music and immediately he put on the following:


Waldo and Piggy Boo bounced out in the middle of everyone and got right into the Asian themed song, the crowd went absolutely wild and almost out of control.  Waldo stripped off his jackets and his shirt as well and went ballistic with his 'PSY Dance'.  It was one sight for the books!  The two danced a few more songs and then feasted on Cambodian fried snakes and raw chicken eggs.  After a couple of hours Waldo got back to work and hosted the casino's Rooster Challenge out on the floor:


Waldo made his way back to the baccarat pit and as soon as he got there, Timmy Kimmie Boku says to him, 'hey big guy, give me a comp for a room, I lost $7,500.00, okay'.  Waldo asked Boku for his player's card and he handed it right to him.  Waldo started bending it in half and after about 6 times he snaps it in two.  Waldo handed it back to Boku and said, 'there, and the answer is no, Happy New Year bud'. 

My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com



Part X:  Waldo throws a baccarat tournament.

Part XI:  Waldo gets ready for Valentines Day.
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com

vo rogue

hi alrelax, my wife and i are dying for,  part ? PIGGY BOO HOSTS THANKSGIVING, no rush with that one.
cheers    p.s you won't believe it, people are still betting for the cut in myanmar.


That's nothing!!!  I was actually at an event a few months ago before the winter with a hot dog eating contest, Piggy Boo took 1st Place in that one and they actually awarded her 1st Place for the one not even held yet for 2017!!!   :cheer:
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


Mini Update on Waldo.

Last night at the casino, Waldo pulls up and checks in.  Heads over to the food service department where Piggy Boo is already hard at work making snacks for the warmer box out in the food arcade section.

Waldo calls her name out and she looks.  Waldo takes his right hand and points to his mouth to tell her he is going to get a snack and to join him in a bit.

Waldo grabs a fruit salad and an ice cream and finds a table in the corner.  Piggy Boo grabs a tray and gets herself 7 hot dogs and 3 fries and 4 ice cream sandwiches for her snack.  She joins Waldo and as she sits down, tells Waldo, 'I'm cutting back a little bit, what'cha think'?  Waldo just nods.  Piggy Boo sits down and empties the 1/2 bottle of ketchup between the fries and all the hot dogs.  She begins to munch while Waldo talks.

They consummate their plans for the baccarat tournament where Piggy Boo will be the official snack server of the tournament tonight.  She is so excited she missed her mouth while eating the last hot dog and Waldo bent over the small table and kissed the ketchup off her nose where she tried to stuff the hot dog.

She told Waldo, 'No one has kissed me for a long time'.  Waldo smiled and then got a 911 page for a player that needed a snack bar comp.   
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com

vo rogue

Al, food,sex,bacc  my wife will drink to that. :nod:


Waldo is alive and fine at the casino, seen him the other day.
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com