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6 different dealers?

Started by Mr J, March 08, 2017, 05:19:55 PM

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Mr J

Let me ask your opinion on this beauty......lets say we had 6 different dealers, each spin 30 times. We also have ONE dealer spinning 180 times. Should we roughly get the same stats?

Just to verify, none of the 7 dealers are out to get us. (lol) None of them even look at the wheel when spinning, nor do they give stuff where the ball lands. I have this method I use...... I compile quite a few numbers but then it might be dealer change, I hate it.

It almost seems as if I tracked numbers for no damn reason with a new spinner on scene (no, its not playing cold numbers).

Without a decent bet selection and the proper roulette experience, you don't have success, you have a hobby. There is no "Auto Re-bet" button in the ACTUAL world of roulette. Its B&M or take up stamp collecting. Don't let my honesty offend you. Haters will always hate. The saddest thing in life is wasted talent. ((If you're not already a genius, don't bother with roulette. The world needs plenty of ditch diggers))


I don't play roulette more than a few chips on a few spins once in awhile.  But I was in on a casino training type of seminar with a major casino a few years back, while accompanying a family member that worked for the property.  Their expert that trains on scams and collusions and all that, touched on the subject of roulette dealer/player collusions and systematic type of spinning from an experienced dealer.  It was vague and not a huge concern outside of the cheating arena that is.  He did say, it was extremely difficult for a dealer to make a ball land in any certain section of a few numbers if the proper ball weight and required power of the spin was employed. 

Don't know if that helps, but maybe fuel for thought? 
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