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An open letter to those that 'know it all' on other boards

Started by alrelax, October 09, 2017, 09:07:49 PM

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You know, talking to someone over the weekend, we came on the subject about a few other message boards.  Some come quickly to mind and others, without mentioning their names--are always there.  They accomplish most nothing and are actually just 'repeaters' of most others written words or they ponder about them for a bit and then twist them--go back to their group of so called friends and boast themselves up as well as their board. 

Someone comes to mind and he is about the biggest piece of 'jerk butt' i ever met, gambled with and associated with for a year or two.  He boasted himself so high and then imploded with such 'big boom' it would make a nuclear explosion look dull.  He will probably wind up in prison and if not, he lost such substantial work and assets over gambling and publicity it is ludicrous!  But it is what it is.

And then there are the other naysayers and the readers of the boards that thrive on picking up a piece or two of what others write, twist it and put a little spin on it and post it to make you look bad or something of the likes.  Exactly what they are about--I really could not tell you, but there are numerous ones exactly like what I just described out there on the message boards.  I can only assume they are degen gamblers, lost most everything, have no real job and they are trying to be slick, kind of reminds me of OJ Simpson, actually.
Their accusations and their assumptions are idolized by a few within their little circles of 'new to the game' or 'slightly experienced', co-members within their own communities.  Cute, but they are totally worthless, contribute nothing and act like they are King Kong in a nursery school, banging on their chests that they just talked you down or got you banned from their stupid jerk-off community or they know everything you wrote about but forgot long ago.  But, they never write anything worth reading or feasible, nothing. 

With laughter, they actually entertain me to a certain point.  Don't get me wrong please!  I do understand that someone actually has to clean the public restrooms for a living.  That is what I compare them to if you really want to know. 
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


The quality of your posts, even to non-baccarat fans, provides quality and substance to this forum. You should not allow those unspecified middle-of-the-road forum brigands you addressed in your post affect said quality, or will, to further provide this forum with glimpses, insights, and memories of your decades of real life Baccarat experiences at the best tables of Las Vegas or otherwise.

Because if it did, the mediocrity from those suffering from nothing but mere ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder) would win another empty victory, dragging down this forum into the abyss of their own ignorance.

Trust me, there are many readers liking your posts more than you know. Their absence of comment does not necessarily equal unappreciation of what you write but merely revealing a difference in personality as to external vs. internal.
All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.



I do appreciate your kind words, honest and thoughtful.  Thanks.

Mostly it was directed to some people in the other gambling boards, some I have met and some I have not.  They seem to be bored and thrive on their degradation and humiliation when they have the urge for confrontation.  For whatever reasons.  Some might claim that it bothers me, however, it really does not.  You have to understand my background, my upbringing, the huge confrontation business I was in in New York City for many years and my family, etc.  If I could survive all that and take most of it with a grain of salt, I certainly can get laughter and a comical kick or two from the message boards, LOL!

Yes, there was a few here and still are around, let's just say they really contribute 'next to nothing or nothing at all'.  With that said, all types of people, productive and contributing, neutral and on the side lines and those that are counter productive-negative and dismal type of people.  They are here and on all other boards of course. 

A couple of people come to mind, for the reason I wrote the OP here.   I will not say whom or where they frequent, however, they do read this board.  For myself, I have always been (at least most of the time) of the mind frame, if you don't enjoy or like or side with someone--just skip it, leave it alone.  The exact same as a book in the library or bookstore.  If you don't like the author, are you going to purchase or check out and read it???  Same-same, no different with the message boards, IMO. 

I don't have to approve of you or anyone else to be a member here or any where else on other boards.  I have always said, a busy and interactive classroom sure beats the dull, boring class with the students falling asleep and the teacher reading his lesson from some textbook with his head never looking up.  But, with some boards they have to rule them and keep them in check, members with extreme knoweldge, background and experience are not generally accepted or conversed with because  they somehow threaten the agenda and the 'known members' of the board, etc.

The other thing is how a member that supposedly knows everything about baccarat that claims he forgot much of what people such as myself write about, associated with and looked up to (with praise, plans and constructive daily agenda) another person in the gambling/message board field that literally lost hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars and then drew over a half millions dollars on Las Vegas credit lines and lost all that as well.  Then that person drops out of the scene of course and the other person I am referring to is still 'hog-wild' and respected, all fine--no problem, he didn't mess up.  However, he did because  of his previous endorsements, written agenda and denouncements of those that challenged the person that self destructed.  What I am saying is, why can some flip-flop on their endorsement, their so called gambling friends and idols, their buddies, their side-kicks???   Then that person remains like he never knew the imploded person that most looked up to and most wanted to be, while I stood back and only mentioned what was going to happen while it was all in the end phase, the implosion phase for sake of explanation.  Now the person runs around that did not implode and acts like he never associated with or had anything to do with the person that was a Doctor Jeckel-Mr Hyde sort of person. 

Here let me spell it out.  Oh, I am so great and I found this special holy-grail and I live the high life in Las Vegas and elsewhere for a period of time.  I know everything and everyone follow me and here is why.  All of my comrades and wanna-bees will protect me and we are allowed to talk down to you and since I am the boss, no one can challenge me.  FAST FORWARD a bit now.

That person losses everything and I mean everything and faces prison.  Okay.  the other person that was one of numerous side-kicks that endorsed and sided with the imploded 'professor', suddenly moves on.  Wouldn't be so bad if he just moved on.  But he finds another home within the industry and still comes off with his speeches, dialogs, rants and degrading posts with total absence of what he stood for just a short bit ago.  I guess what I am saying is you said there was only one baseball team that is a real baseball team and then they lose and implode.  I told you all along that they were no good and the reasons why and all you saw was the girls in their crotch length skirts with their thong outlines hanging outside the locker room waiting to get a glimpse of those players leaving.  And you had a buddy on that team that allowed you in the locker room to pick up the dirty jock straps when the players took showers.  Your reward for doing just that was, you were allowed to walk out of the locker room with your so-called friend.  But now the team is totally disbanded and you deny picking up jock straps. 

Myself, i never really changed, IMO.  I am what I am and I know what I have experienced and done.  My only mistake here on this board as well as others, is I used humor, comical skits such as Saturday Night Live satire, etc., etc., that many did not understand or was twisted and turned against myself.  I explained this before, when the long post I had going on this board about 'Systems', etc., went haywire with confusion.  Maybe it is like 'The Magician' says, those that oppose with great gusto might have Oppositional Defiant Disorder??

The other thing, that I do believe goes along with this--is each of our positions and daily agendas.  I have a career-business outside of the casino, kids and some other interests.  I do not sit, waiting to gamble, write a bit on this board and sleep.  Sorry, and nothing wrong with any of our lifestyles, but some have mentioned and while some actually live it and other might or might not, gambling and writing on the internet is not the only thing in my life.  I do write and write quite a bit at times, usually it is while I have everything else completed and finished and I am in front of a computer because  I have to be for other commercial reasons.  However, numerous people have mentioned how I only gamble part time and write full time.  Well that is the furthest thing from the truth, they have no factual knoweldge and they do not know me personally and have never been around myself, they just talk to hear themselves talk.  IMO, those claiming that, are just the types I mentioned, nothing else in their lives except the casino when they have the funds and their internet message board. 
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


I hear you.

Suffice to say the people you describe, and I have met many similar myself throughout my time as both an ignorant gambler, as a young buck, and a much wiser player, in old age.

They all have one thing in common - they are incongruous with their surroundings. Almost on an autistic level. Consequently, they have no sense for the game on the long run and wind up losing more than they initially won and thought it made them masters of the universe.

The real gamblers, what I choose to call players have managed to go past the time of constant odds calculations in their heads, honed and developed that skill into something purely intuitive and almost prescient, basically something which cannot be explained, much less be taught without many years of practice.

As much as you seem to be an expert on Baccarat by your own right from decades of real-life practice, I too have become an expert on the game of roulette, and I do not mean that RNG garbage Casinos slap an image of a roulette wheel on and immediately attract the suckers devoted to this sham of a game like flies to horseshit.

I am talking about the real physical wheel and the ability to predict and see when and why a certain sector of it is about to come up, given certain factors like the croupier, the wheel, the specific spin numbers and so forth.

Based on this knowledge, I develop and have developed many platforms suitable for online play for a dedicated team that tries my creations and of course landbased play for those that likes to use a certain protocol I 've offered them.

Surely I have detractors, mockers, of which some are here, and even some fraudsters, but I do not care because I do not live their lives, nor do they live my own.

You might find (or already have) that walking through a forest a good day, the many caws from a flock of crows does not interest you, and are easily filtered away, but the day, and moment, you find yourself standing face to face with a rare owl looking straight at you, you freeze and wait for that rare sound so few bother to hear, and much less appreciate. There are a few owls in this forum, each with its own flavor of gaming wisdom,  and it is the sole reason I am here.

All the best.
All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.


QuoteAs much as you seem to be an expert on Baccarat by your own right from decades of real-life practice, I too have become an expert on the game of roulette, and I do not mean that RNG garbage Casinos slap an image of a roulette wheel on and immediately attract the suckers devoted to this sham of a game like flies to horseshit.

:applause:  :thumbsup:
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


   I am a member of one of those forums that you are referring to.  Let's set the record straight, you first become a member of that forum and all you contributed was a cut-and-paste version of what you put on here.  I for one am a state certified teacher and write for a living.  I can read through your lines of "BS".  You use a plethora of words strategically placed creating the illusion that you are some authority on the subject that you are authoring.  You can summarize all your "War and Peace" in two or three lines but the two or three lines doesn't create the illusion.  It is commonly referred as "Succinct Writing", look it up and one day you may save people some time so they don't have to wade through the BS.  Also, to set the record straight, you stated that you wrote this knowing that some members read this blog.  Know this, you didn't bait me into anything.  I think that you and I are alike.  We both can't leave things alone.  I have never even heard of this blog although I am sure it is very good. 

   When a few of the members of that forum either knew of you or read between the lines they called you on it.  One of the members simply made a comment that there is no one in the forum that advocates chasing their bets after your LONG AND BORING thread suggesting not to chase their bets (BTW, Great advice).  You then replied that you're services were not appreciated and you said you were going to take your toys and go home.  You then picked a fight with several members of the forum one day after the Las Vegas Shooting and made some sarcastic remarks about suggesting one of the members join the LVPD to help with their investigation.  One of the members called you out on that and you showed no remorse.  Obviously this forum is not enough for you because when the owner of the forum banned you, you decided to try to join the forum under several different aliases WITH THE SAME IP ADDRESS (Total amateurish move). 

   The forum that you are referring to has tons of quality players (Including me) that are playing for a living and making a lot of money.  A few years ago this forum you are referring to got rid of the pompous, self-ordained Baccarat Messiah and they didn't want to welcome in another one.   

   In closing, I would love to play Baccarat with you.  Let me know where you play and I will meet you.  I wouldn't mind talking about the game with you.  You obviously have a lot of knowledge and you have a craving to share it and FOR THAT you have garnered my respect.  What you need to do is check your ego at the door and realize that there are people that know just as much as you if not more.  You also shouldn't be so easily miffed if people call you on something.     


Quote from: CT on October 10, 2017, 06:23:33 PM
  I for one am a state certified teacher and write for a living.  I can read through your lines of "BS". 

Let me see if I got things right here. You come to this forum, from an unaddressed/unnamed forum, and the first thing you do is to throw an assortment of insults on Alrelax that didn´t even mention you or your unnamed forum by name.  ??? Then you offer Al, and basically the rest of the forum here a cascade of insults without even having shown one true reference or skill. I mean, I for one haven´t read any of your "professional" books, articles or even posts where you demonstrate your self-proclaimed skill?

Should I, and others here, take your word of your acclaimed proficiency in merely one post of mere nonsensical and highly personal attack on your mere say so that lacks any backing whatsoever?

Buddy, I don´t know what your problem is, but you do not barge into a new place and start throwing around wild claims and personal J'accuse´s .

If you really want anyone here taking you seriously and even remotely believing any of your claims, at least have the courtesy of introducing yourself, either by name or substance. So far the only thing I see is an obscure alias from someone claiming obscure skills, backed by nothing but his own hot air.
All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.


Quote from: CT on October 10, 2017, 06:23:33 PM
   I am a member of one of those forums that you are referring to.  Let's set the record straight, you first become a member of that forum and all you contributed was a cut-and-paste version of what you put on here.  I for one am a state certified teacher and write for a living.  I can read through your lines of "BS".  You use a plethora of words strategically placed creating the illusion that you are some authority on the subject that you are authoring.  You can summarize all your "War and Peace" in two or three lines but the two or three lines doesn't create the illusion.  It is commonly referred as "Succinct Writing", look it up and one day you may save people some time so they don't have to wade through the BS.  Also, to set the record straight, you stated that you wrote this knowing that some members read this blog.  Know this, you didn't bait me into anything.  I think that you and I are alike.  We both can't leave things alone.  I have never even heard of this blog although I am sure it is very good. ( Correct, I did join another forum as you state.  Correct, I did cut and paste from my writing on this forum.  I am under no impression that was illegal, immoral, unethical or against any rules or regulations.  I thought, honestly it was a way to introduce myself and offer something. I was in no competition or frame-of-mind to outdo anyone or compete in anyway.  If you can read through my writing and label it BS, all fine, I have said many times, "If you don't like someone, enjoy their writing, feel you can profit something from them, think you can learn something from them, why even read it--leave it alone and move on.  Unless they are challenging something you wrote or something you are connected to.  I don't believe I was challenge anything or anybody.  Your co-members came on and denounce, degraded and attempted humiliation like young children.  Period.   I choose not to associate myself with your board and desired my posts removed for personal reasons I rather not go into, reasons that i have facts and evidence of wrong doing and unethical type of things by certain people.)

   When a few of the members of that forum either knew of you or read between the lines they called you on it.  One of the members simply made a comment that there is no one in the forum that advocates chasing their bets after your LONG AND BORING thread suggesting not to chase their bets (BTW, Great advice).  You then replied that you're services were not appreciated and you said you were going to take your toys and go home.  You then picked a fight with several members of the forum one day after the Las Vegas Shooting and made some sarcastic remarks about suggesting one of the members join the LVPD to help with their investigation.  One of the members called you out on that and you showed no remorse.  Obviously this forum is not enough for you because when the owner of the forum banned you, you decided to try to join the forum under several different aliases WITH THE SAME IP ADDRESS (Total amateurish move).

(I choose to leave and 'go home' as you said for the reasons I stated above.  In my mind I did not pick a fight.  They did, might have threw my 2 cents in, right or wrong, but they did legitimately start it in every way.  As far as the LVPD/Vegas comment, I simply told them, since they are so smart and can figure everything out without evidence and all that, go join the LVPD investigation and put their great investigatory experience to good use.  I in no way demeaned or humiliated anything or anyone with the Vegas events.  BTW, i lived through the 9-11 event being less than 7 air miles away when it happened with a business and extended family.  Numerous members of my family and friends lost their lives, many NYFD in my family, etc.  I never ever said anything that disrespected what happened i Vegas, never.  You insinuate I did and that in-itself is dead wrong. As far as joining or re-joining your forum under fake names, etc., I did not.  Just possibly, never thought of, someone in my employ also follows me on the boards and joined using the same IP address as we share the same location.  i do have someone here in my employment that plays the past several years and I would suspect he joined.  I seriously said what had to and when I was banned t was my end.  I thought I made that clear on the board itself.)

   The forum that you are referring to has tons of quality players (Including me) that are playing for a living and making a lot of money.  A few years ago this forum you are referring to got rid of the pompous, self-ordained Baccarat Messiah and they didn't want to welcome in another one.   (As far as that, maybe-very possible, could be, I never said it did not and if i did--that statement came out of retaliatory NYC type of language I can only assume).

   In closing, I would love to play Baccarat with you.  Let me know where you play and I will meet you.  I wouldn't mind talking about the game with you.  You obviously have a lot of knowledge and you have a craving to share it and FOR THAT you have garnered my respect.  What you need to do is check your ego at the door and realize that there are people that know just as much as you if not more.  You also shouldn't be so easily miffed if people call you on something.     
(As far as playing baccarat together, maybe-I play in the Midwest on a local basis.  I play in Vegas, Southern California and at times on the east coast where I am from.  I seriously don't know why you would really, I am pompous, a jerk off, a little kid that grabs my toys and runs home, I only know things all you and your co-members have forgotten, etc., etc., and so on.   As far as the ego, at times yes and just possibly that is because  where I am from as well as the type of business I am in.  But hey, it is what it is.  When I feel strongly about something or other people, there is usually a very personal reason or other factual basis to it, more than "Oh I heard so and so say such and such on the board", etc., etc.  And, I seldom go on and demean and humiliate someone because I forgot everything they are writing about or I do not just plain endorse them or care for them to be on a message board, etc.  I have said, a very busy and interactive classroom is much better than a boring one where the teacher is reading everything out of a textbook and the students all have their heads down in their hands the entire class period. 

As far as the person are probably referring to, I was also blasted because  I play with black chips at best and they play with purples and yellows.  I have news for you, in Vegas I am a yellow, chocolate, and flag or better player without flaunting or exploiting it anyways, but that is all the nonsense you guys seem to get in over where you are talking about all this happened.  People do not know everything they are saying and swearing up and down it is the truth or acting like it is and yet--others believe and repeat what they hear through the grape vine.)

We can just leave it at this--your board has the best and most experienced baccarat players that simply know everything about the game and they win tons and tons of money.  They really do not need any interfacing with myself because  I know basically only what they forgot and also---all of my writing is complete BS.  But I do thank you for your visit here and your kind thoughts you relayed.  As far as my blog, I will save you a whole lot of time, trouble and effort, don't read anything because it is all worthless and succinct.

If you really think we should talk, you can always PM me here and leave your phone number.  I have nothing to hide and we might enjoy a real conversation?? 

So much of the problem IMO, really comes from some message board  members that believe they really do know everything while they have played at a casino or two or three and played for a total of a few years or even five years or so.  They have little outside of the casino and their entire lifestyle is the casino and the message board, possibly some have an exciting evening at the WaWa or 7/11 or SuperAmerica or Holiday or the almighty famous Kum&Go, etc. 
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


I went back over this and re-read it.  I missed this one thing:

" You use a plethora of words strategically placed creating the illusion that you are some authority on the subject that you are authoring."

If that is what you believe, fine.  That is your assumption and deduction.  However, fact is--I know more than some and not as much as others, perhaps?

And, " I for one am a state certified teacher and write for a living.  I can read through your lines of "BS"."

As far as writing for a living, I do not, you might--I do not.  You have your opinions and your vision of what I am and what I think, but those thoughts and visions are from you, not myself. 

My personalty and my experience is what it is.  My background in years of owning and running an illegal business in New York City as well as gambling for several decades in Atlantic City which at the time all the people in the high limit rooms seldom were found with their heads down in their hands in a somber and depressed state as so many find themselves in Vegas for example, tend to stay with me in an ingrained personalty.  So again, since you labeled my writing as well as myself "BS", why even the communication, supposedly you have nothing to prove.  Unless someone or some people put you up to it??
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


Moderator's Warning

Alrelax carefully avoided naming names and making a personal attack.

CT chose to respond with a personal attack in the first post!  He/she has thereby chosen the consequences for infringing the forum's clearly stated rule about personal atacks.

So if anyone else wants to respond to the first post in this thread then:   No. Personal. Attacks.

Or better still, simply ignore the post...  How's that for common sense?


I read this a few minuets ago after waking up from my nap on the couch, don't we all do that before we finally go to sleep?

Fantastic, real, explains all the boards and all the people, real quick.  Again, LOL!   C:-) :nod: :applause:
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


Show me one, just one Baccarat player---and I do mean a real player at a B&M Casino, that is a serious player for sizable amounts and he does not have some kind of EGO and attitude.  Because I know darn well that every one is going to have some sort of EGO and attitude or he would not be there in the first place. 

Think about it. 
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com