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Why I won't give gambling advice anymore.

Started by Gizmotron, October 23, 2017, 02:41:39 AM

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Why I won't give gambling advice at this time, or in the near future.

TurboGenius's signature says this: Common sense and math are the only two things required to beat the game of roulette each and every time you play. No voodoo, no mumbo-jumbo. No system that you bought on sale for $39.00 and no lucky rabbit's foot."

He is right too. I may approach this differently than him, but at Least I have found that it is all true for me. I have posted almost all of my findings regarding reading randomness here at this website. The only other place is at a school, now closed, a school that contains the exact same information all put together linearly in a kind of step by step learning method all backed up with computer sims to induce learning. That being said I use the reading randomness combined with the common sense and verified basic math to beat this game. Math so simple that even first time gamblers can follow it.

I'm not going to teach or suggest anymore information until I can start making more than $100,000 per year as a professional gambler, all on the books and verified through state and federal taxes. When that happens I will acknowledge the fact that I did it. Until then I'm just an unverified claimer. Those contacting me on PMs need to refer to this announcement. This is all there is. Take what's here, learn it, try to master it, find out for yourself if you can make it work for you. But remember this, "common sense and math" is the secret once you have the skill.


Quote from: Gizmotron on October 23, 2017, 02:41:39 AM
TurboGenius's signature says this: Common sense and math are the only two things required to beat the game of roulette each and every time you play. No voodoo, no mumbo-jumbo. No system that you bought on sale for $39.00 and no lucky rabbit's foot."
He is right too.

But remember this, "common sense and math" is the secret

It certainly is. People can choose to see it or not.
You can't convince someone who thinks that 12 hit so now bet 21 or
there were 12 red so now bet black.. They have their own journey to take.
If everyone gets to the same point eventually then they will have to agree with my signature and they'll be 1,000 times better for it.
Common sense and math are the only two things required to beat the game of roulette each and every time you play. No voodoo, no mumbo-jumbo. No system that you bought on sale for $39.00 and no lucky rabbit's foot.


Quote from: TurboGenius on October 23, 2017, 05:42:45 AM
It certainly is. People can choose to see it or not. TG

I agree but the interpretation makes the whole difference, for example someone could interpret the math of the game as 2.7% or 5.4% house edge, thus he/she would naturally wonder about what kind of math are you talking about!

You can't convince someone who thinks that 12 hit so now bet 21 or there were 12 red so now bet black.. TG

...or because 3 came now bet 3,13,23 and 33 because are the finales of 3 or 1st line came now bet the 6th because 1+6=7! Mambo Jumbo!  ;D

They have their own journey to take.
If everyone gets to the same point eventually then they will have to agree with my signature and they'll be 1,000 times better for it. TG

That if is a veeery big one, my experience says that ones a sucker you'll always be sucker because the majority doesn't want and/or cannot admit and/or change their mistakes.
At the end is all about this, everybody more or less mistakes but clever persons, at least, are trying to correct them and get better over the time.

''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


I beg to differ. Even if it were true that common sense and simple math were required, they certainly wouldn't be enough. Other personal qualities are required in order to succeed, such as determination, patience, and self-discipline.

Rather, common sense and simple math on their own only tell you that roulette cannot be beaten. This should be obvious from the fact that roulette is still offered as a casino game throughout the world largely unchanged from its original conception. And don't tell me that this can be explained by assuming that no roulette players have common sense or can do simple math.


Mike, I rather concede that it far more fun to see you as not seeing it. If I showed you the math you would laugh at how easy it adds up. I'm saying that common sense includes overcoming our own human nature. I'm not going to disclose my simple secret until I prove its success and near the point of extinction. If you figured it out you would keep it to yourself too. That is the common sense thing to do. I created a bet selection technique, said it could only exist in three to five states where only one state may occur at a time, and added my twist on the end. Now I'm about to go into the proving it stage. If that works then everyone will want to know what it is. That's the conflict of those that can do what many others can't.



You've handily proved my point that it can't merely be a matter of common sense, because if it was there would be no secret to keep to yourself; most people would have got it already, not just a few. Common sense isn't a matter of figuring anything out, it's umm... "common sense". And as for "simple math", it can't be any kind of math a mathematician would recognize, for the simple reason that there is already a proof that you can NOT win at roulette every time you play, and once a proof is proved it can't be "unproved", at least not if there have been no mistakes in the proof. And the proof of negative expectation is very simple indeed, it's not as if it took years for a highly skilled mathematician to come up with. I'm not saying that there aren't people who win consistently, only that you can't show that they do by using common sense and simple math (unless you're talking about biased wheels).


Quote from: Mike on October 24, 2017, 02:26:06 AM

You've handily proved my point that it can't merely be a matter of common sense, because if it was there would be no secret to keep to yourself; most people would have got it already, not just a few.

I've been reading the best players for more than a decade and nobody talks about it. Take the flat earth extremists of ancient days. Common sense said that the world was flat even while looking at a round moon & sun.

I'm telling you that this is common sense and that it is overlooked. Like I said, it won't count until it is proven. If I were you I would look where people don't normally look. I did. You have made my point that maybe we are just haggling over the meaning of common sense. But when and if you ever see it you will have to admit that it is not a grand revelation.


Quote from: Gizmotron on October 24, 2017, 12:47:44 AM
Mike, I rather concede that it far more fun to see you as not seeing it. If I showed you the math you would laugh at how easy it adds up.

I've been saying that for a while - it sounds absurd but it's really not complicated and just because people haven't figured it out before now doesn't mean it hasn't always been there. Lots of things are like that in any field. But again, people have to look past "it's a 1 spin game" and they don't want to accept that.
Common sense and math are the only two things required to beat the game of roulette each and every time you play. No voodoo, no mumbo-jumbo. No system that you bought on sale for $39.00 and no lucky rabbit's foot.


Beating a game of house edge in absolute sense is not possible. We can still earn from it, suffering temporary setbacks and losses. Gizmotron @ Mark has been a nice contributor to gambling community and although I do not personally agree with everything he says but he is one of the best, nevertheless. Gizmo, if you are good at what you do, time will tell you and all. Similarly, if you got illusioned by any misconception, you will face the adverse effect of that too. Do not get too much distracted by naysayers. Just keep your messages to the people who believe you. Good luck for your real money sessions.
Email: earnsumit@gmail.com - Visit my blog: http://albalaha.lefora.com
Can mentor a real, regular and serious player


Thanks Albalaha,
As most of you know I made a fool out of myself when I wrote a sim that looked like it beat Roulette. I took another person's money to the casino and lost it. It lost, it should have lost, and I got what I deserved. When I got home I investigated the algorithm to see what was wrong. I had one line of code executing before the culmination of aggregate past spins where analyzed. Once I moved it past everything, after a position where bet selections were made, it was enough to change the results. I then started getting the results that I experienced at the casino. I had lost someone else's money on a very stupid mistake.

So now I'm not going to make any more public stupid mistakes. Or at least I'm not going to make them here in front of everyone. I'm done seeing Narcissists behind every bush. All these mistakes have been good in that I have discovered a lot about myself and human nature. My gambling advice period is pretty much over. Either I will be successful or I will move on from it. I looks like it will work. But I have been down that road regarding self control. I have my tricks now. It should work. Nothing is etched in stone until I prove it to myself. Then there's the money to be made from discovering a secret. That must be guarded. That just makes common sense. I showed people how to recognize trends and coincidences behind every bush. And they are there to be exploited. How you go about exploiting them is what really matters.



Quote from: Gizmotron on October 24, 2017, 11:23:37 PM

I took another person's money to the casino and lost it.

Who's money was that?  Now that you bring it up.
My Blog within BetSelection Board: https://betselection.cc/index.php?board=250.0

Played well over 37,120 shoes of baccarat since I started playing at B&M USA casinos.


"Don't say it's a winning hand until you are getting paid for it".

Played numerous properties in Las Vegas, Reno, Southern California, Atlantic City, Connecticut, South Florida, The South/Southeast as well as most areas of The Midwest.

Baccarat, actually a mixture of Watergate, attacking the Gotti Family and the famous ear biting Tyson fight leading to disqualification and a near riot.  Bac has all that & more.
Administrator & Forum Board Owner  of  BetSelection.cc
EMAIL: Betselectionboard@Gmail.Com


You know. I don't mention his name because I don't want people to bother him.


Quote from: alrelax on October 24, 2017, 11:31:29 PM
Who's money was that?  Now that you bring it up.

A naive person who pretend having a gambling team across US, if that person had what he bluntly claimed he would never even bother with Giz, or any such person.
''For after all what is man in nature?
A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing, a central point between nothing and all and infinitely far from understanding either.
The ends of things and their beginnings are impregnably concealed from him in an impenetrable secret.
He is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness out of which he was drawn and the infinite in which he is engulfed.'' B.Pascal


To take up religion is an act of the imprisoned or otherwise burdened.  And, to "come clean", an act of the busted out or otherwise addicted.  But, at least, the guy in jail is, sometimes, released.


Quote from: Garnabby on October 25, 2017, 12:10:56 AM
To take up religion is an act of the imprisoned or otherwise burdened.  And, to "come clean", an act of the busted out or otherwise addicted.  But, at least, the guy in jail is, sometimes, released.

Wow, you and Jesus. That's refreshing. The actual "come to Jesus" moment is that Jesus came to set the captives free. I don't think he came to set the contented free. Oh boy. Why have a code for life if there are no consequences? You are gypping yourself if you don't just do whatever you want. Poetry? Philosophy? Hanging around for scraps from the table? Yikes.