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To ex VRTech pilots. The latest VRTech platform Fulcrum Star 5thGen

Started by TheMagician, May 19, 2018, 01:19:42 PM

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I post a short session here where you can see what happened the past year over at VRTech labs. For those unfamiliar with VRTech this video will make little sense as it is for those who used to fly older models and now, though no longer active VRTech test pilots, still retain certain interest to see the latest tech sector predicting roulette-software in action.

All VRTech software is of course per usual free of charge and only developed for VRTech members.

Suffice to say this time the latest VR Bird, Fulcrum Star 5th Gen, crushed the Casino International wheel and then some. All in a half hour game. A really exciting session well worth your time.

The platform showed an uncanny precision in its sector-predictive algorithms, its variance instruments & their ability to supply the pilot with an early warning system for incoming negative variance and excellent functionality in a short bet window environment offered by the CI.

Enjoy the show.

All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.


What is the purpose of such method and write about it
I talk to a member of your group who still is searching for a winning method, he says you don't sell anything.
This makes me wonder how come you want the world in public forum to know about your roulette solutions.
I have never read any revolutionary discovery or people winning using your software or solutions.



As I wrote in the OP. It isnĀ“t meant for you. It is meant for ex VRTech members. It is good that you do not find any value in it. Now go back to sleep.
All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.


That is one erratic reply coming from you! Who and why would someone fall into sleep, that kind of comment has no bearing or logic.
My question is still alive and valid where you wonder why someone would get involved with your software and solutions when there are no reports of success.

I am not saying you should stop wasting your followers time, but why would you use a public forum board as your arena to reach out to your members.
Maybe you fishing for new members and what is the purpose of that when you not selling.

This kind of topics is worthless with no baring of something solid. 


Quote from: Sputnik on May 19, 2018, 03:52:51 PM
That is one erratic reply coming from you! Who and why would someone fall into sleep, that kind of comment has no bearing or logic.

Meaning of "go back to sleep!" in the English Dictionary (Cambridge)

Used to tell someone off, for not paying attention.

Is that clear enough for you?
All beings are born and steeped in debt. I know of no creature that negates this fact. The commodity they bought with borrowed means, is life, and the price for its duration, be it good or bad, is death.


But that is what I do, give you the attention you deserve. And my questions and thoughts are still valid.
Trying to be polite and getting some answers from you.

How come you reach out to your followers using a public forum?
Do you have a secret agenda of some sort where you choose to let everyone read about your software and solution?
Maybe you need new members as the old one discover that your method is not working.


The post is intended for ex-VRTech test pilots who visit this forum. It clearly states that in the thread title.

As I see it, the poster is not obliged to answer questions. 

Perhaps persistent questioners should apply to the poster to become a VRTech tester.  Then answers will fall upon them like gentle rain.

But they must be prepared to put in time and effort if selected -- not everyone is selected, because there is no vacancy for passengers and tyre-kickers.