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What to do with the BetSelection.cc forum?

Started by VLS, June 14, 2019, 04:32:02 PM

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Hi guys,

The forum's current state does not reflect my ideal on a place to discuss about bet selection, money management & betting-related topics/material.

I'm pondering what to do about it.

  • We won't close.
  • We won't sell.

...But it doesn't really feel right to let it stay "as is" right now.

What would I prefer to run? A community where:

  • Members actually discuss betting topics only.
  • People treat each other in an amicable/polite fashion.

While we can't really force people to like each other, it is wise to be open to suggestions on how to deal with our current situation.

Yes, we can always reboot the site & start with a new clean slate, but let's hear your suggestions.

Both "inside the box" and "outside the box" approaches welcome.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


Hello Vic,

The way I see it is that you need to get as much volume from as many different posters as possible and it will then drown out the indifference some people seem to have towards each other because it won't be as prominant and in your face. There are quite a few 'members' who log in here and have been around for a year/2 years+ and have never even made a post. How could they be encouraged to post?

Maybe the site needs a revamp to bring back some creativity. Personally speaking, I wouldn't really care if my 'blog' disappeared because well it was my own personal journey and me relaying my ideas, It isn't really going to help anybody win at the Casino because ultimately all the ideas failed. Maybe the site could be streamlined into just a few sections which might help more people to feel on a level footing and therefore contribute.

Anyway, those are just my initial thoughts.

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


Thank you Bally, even closing the board would leave me satisfied knowing we had a good run. It would also free me to focus on what I consider productive.

My main priority for this decade is to be productive & helping my family thrive. Anything aligning with this purpose is worth pursuing.

We'll have a definitive announcement "Re: What to do with the BetSelection.cc forum" rather soon.

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor


Thanks for the reply Vic and I agree with what you say. Obviously whatever you decide should be in the best interests of your family and you personally. Should this vehicle prove not to be the one where your good intentions can be advanced, then at least take heart in the fact that you gave it your best shot, never judged anyone and provided a lot of entertainment and help for people.

best regards
Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


Viv, The response or lack thereof is telling isn't?  Maybe you should ban Glen and me (Jimske) and see what happens.  IMO, it was a better website pre-Glen moderator and chief banner.  Since then Glen has pretty much sucked out all the oxygen in the room while not once explaining a bet selection that he prefers.

In the "old days" one could talk about NOR or O/S or any number of placement ideas to use as a springboard to success.  This while everyone agreeing that they don't work "right out of the box" but need adjustments in placement and money management.  Glen got rid of most of those people.

115 users on board today.  How many of these play regular like even once a week?  Most are likely recreational players who are looking for ideas and don't necessarily expect a holy grail.  My guess most are moderate bettors.  But you got someone like Glen doing his high roller thing bragging about winning thousands of dollars and never ending rhetoric. Yet not really giving any discernible ideas except for some thoughts on MM and discipline techniques.  All the while (if you read closely) condescending any other approach.

Vic, if you remember I said I was going to join the systems site and pay.  Then I see it's mostly about Roulette and I don't play Roulette.  Then I thought why would I bother?  Glen doesn't, Assymbac doesn't.  Sputnik and Johno about the only two that give it a go.  Others, too, before the great purge of Mr. "Been there, Done That."

I'm serious.  Ban Glen and I then see what happens.



I will try to write quick - last time I got interrupted with several live sports picks.

This is what you do - my opinion.

More even spread between Sports section - Slot section - Roulette section - Baccarat section among others.

Invite famous people to get life into the forum board, they get advertisement and new followers and the discussion will take place in different areas.

For example Roulettman on Youtube - he makes videos about systems and selections and general talk bout roulette.
Make him or you post his videos on forum and give him exporsure.
Reckon he will take part in discussions about videos and genaral gambling talk.
At the moment he making a new video about scams online casinos and those has been cheated - contact him.

Slotlady has Youtube channel with many followers, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Patreon.
And live stream sessions online and real casino with Twitch among other things.
She might like forum board exposure.

I belive there is great bunch of Youtubeers and others who could bring life into this forum, but if they get there own sections the spread and space between different categories has to be even and not one game dominant.
I think this could be a new great set up for forum.

Make list of people with many followers and you will draw anttention to this forum.



Sputnik makes a good point about youtube streamers. Some of these guys/girls have 30k+ followers and get 100+ comments in the replies section. Gone are the 'Gambler's Glen' days with a 100+ wise heads happy to discuss everything gambling related. The new kids on the block are a more tech happy social media crowd. YouTube/Twitch etc...

What's to stop BetSelection.cc having it's own youtube channel where a few of us could stream some live play. It would attract subscribers who would likely also check out the forum if pointed in the right direction. This is the kind of idea I had in mind when suggesting some type of revamp/reset for BetSelection.cc

Some people are happy to donate to a twitch stream for the entertainment value. Part of that could go to the upkeep of the site and the rest could be redistributed to the community as some type of prizes.

It maybe all sounds a bit fanciful but the old forum mode as we know it seems outdated and a few new ideas more in line with the times could breathe some live back in to the community.

Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.


I agree with Bally and I notice one nice future at another gambling forum - make monthly gambling competitions where the punters who want to join pay 10 Euro each.
Could who can present the best monthly system or any other gambling-related competitions, who will win NBA sports.

Assume you get twenty punters to join, then you can make a first, second and third price of the punter's money - an easy way to create some action and life into the forum.



One more thing - change the board for the present posts/topics - so when one member makes 10 posts it with the same topic it only shows as one new post on the present board.
Because sometimes you only one member post twenty times and dominate the present and recent post board at the forum, this is wrong.
You want variations of different categories of the gambling board being presented on the recent post board and not allowing one member to spam the forum.



Quote from: Jimske on June 15, 2019, 02:19:18 PM All the while (if you read closely) condescending any other approach.  

Quote from: Jimske on June 15, 2019, 02:19:18 PM I'm serious.  Ban Glen and I then see what happens.
BINGO, he doesn't need betselection anyway, he posted recently he has over 130,000 Twitter followers, I mean i'm on twitter, have been for a few years I have only 700, maybe glen has been on Twitter since 1979

Quote from: Sputnik on June 15, 2019, 04:18:52 PM
Make list of people with many followers and you will draw anttention to this forum.

People come here, start posting ideas, contributing, only to be slagged off inside glen's little section, were he deletes anything he doesn't like, replying to himself.  Then he starts acting real weird if anybody starts attracting more attention than him.   

This forum simply cannot prosper while he is still around.  Just like Jimske offered to sacrificed himself, I'll gladly do the same, not that I've been posting much recently.

Quote from: Sputnik on June 15, 2019, 04:18:52 PM
You want variations of different categories of the gambling board being presented on the recent post board and not allowing one member to spam the forum.
Just come out and say what you feel, we can all read between the lines at what you are getting at.
Maths is great like that.  Once it's been proven that no method exists to do what you claim, it's not necessary to go through the details of your system to prove that it doesn't work.  You claim that it does something which can be proven impossible, therefore your claim is false. The details don't matter.  I use the names Junket, Junket King, Lugi, Mark Teruya, Rolex, Relex, Rolex Watch, Mark, Eaglite, JohnO & More depending on what day it is and whom I am attempting to be!


Quote from: Sputnik on June 15, 2019, 04:18:52 PM
More even spread between Sports section - Slot section - Roulette section - Baccarat section among others.

Invite famous people to get life into the forum board, they get advertisement and new followers and the discussion will take place in different areas.

For example Roulettman on Youtube - he makes videos about systems and selections and general talk bout roulette.
Make him or you post his videos on forum and give him exporsure.
Reckon he will take part in discussions about videos and genaral gambling talk.
At the moment he making a new video about scams online casinos and those has been cheated - contact him.

Slotlady has Youtube channel with many followers, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Patreon.
And live stream sessions online and real casino with Twitch among other things.
She might like forum board exposure.

I belive there is great bunch of Youtubeers and others who could bring life into this forum, but if they get there own sections the spread and space between different categories has to be even and not one game dominant.
I think this could be a new great set up for forum.

Make list of people with many followers and you will draw anttention to this forum.



  I do believe you've hit the sweet spot with regards to opening up this forum.   Some pretty good ideas there.



Please tell, why would slotlady as an example, with 82,000 subscribers on youtube, most probably monetised, so she is getting paid for her time and effort, come to a forum that has 115 daily visitors plus one little boy dominating everything?

Victor, I seriously doubt your wish for a bet selection only forum will grow legs, how many do you think would actively participate, as opposed to simply digesting the work of others.  It's a chat board, not a successful one at present or nothing.  That is the stark reality, the best you could possible do, is put the cild to bed, hopefully the board picks up to where is once was, and introduce banner ads.

Or open up your own youtube channel, once you have x number of subscribers you could monetised it, so would be earning when people watched, it would take something special because many are already ahead of the pack.
Maths is great like that.  Once it's been proven that no method exists to do what you claim, it's not necessary to go through the details of your system to prove that it doesn't work.  You claim that it does something which can be proven impossible, therefore your claim is false. The details don't matter.  I use the names Junket, Junket King, Lugi, Mark Teruya, Rolex, Relex, Rolex Watch, Mark, Eaglite, JohnO & More depending on what day it is and whom I am attempting to be!


Slotlady was only one example - I told Victor how to make money because he is well known by several thousand all over the internet - but it takes commitment.
Victor could start a Podcast (radio show for gambling) and make different shows and interviews with both Casinos and gambling punters and in the same way get advertisement money.
Star to play strategies of his own, both live (twitch) and Youtube - subscribers will become several thousand and advertisement money and make a hook to the forum explaining the methods that have been playing to draw attention. Twitter and gambling tips and Facebook for more personal interment personal exposure.

I bet that Victor could do the same as Slotlady set up with the internet and make a living from viewers and subscribers rather than from gambling itself.



Good ideas, Sputnik.  :thumbsup:

I'd love to see Victor play to his strength which is coding across an impressive range of different coding-languages.

That could mean having a Youtube channel where he teaches others to code a range of betting strategies, in a step-by-step approach.

And he could easily monetise it by selling both working programs -- especially Betfair bots -- and/or modules that the wannabes can adapt for their own use.

Who knows....it might just happen one day.

After all, running this forum costs him money that he can ill afford.  He makes bugger-all from it.  I just wish more members here would help him out.  Vz is a financial basket case and folk are literally starving to death there.

A sad note to end on...


Quote from: esoito on June 17, 2019, 04:05:21 AM
Good ideas, Sputnik.

I'd love to see Victor play to his strength which is coding across an impressive range of different coding-languages.

Thanks to all thread participants for your creative suggestions! (indeed :thumbsup:)

Hey! The show's not over. We're bringing our BetOnly.site to life along with several software projects to fruition (BetSoftware & Tools).

I'm finally home & devoting to making a living online, so this time there are no excuses. BetONLY.site means it; it's basically the betting-focused forum I've ever wanted to host, sponsored by the betting software I'm finally able to put online.

BetSelection.cc continues its course with Glen.

Some of us system-focused guys are going to feel warm & cozy @ the new BetOnly.site!

Email/Paypal: betselectiongmail.com
-- Victor