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Florida Roulette

Started by ADulay, July 13, 2021, 02:48:29 PM

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Roulette has finally arrived at my closest casino here in SW Florida.

As I have been shying away from the baccarat tables of late due to excessive manipulation of the chips during play and the fact that the bac tables are always crowded with some really odd people lately, it was a nice change to be able to sit down and not touch anything while playing for awhile.

Although the Tampa and Hollywood casinos have had roulette for a long time, it has just recently come to the Immokalee casino.

I'll be glad when some type of stadium baccarat comes to my local casino, but I'm thinking that won't be for some time way off in the future.   For now, if I want to avoid playing with chips, these roulette tables will have to do for now.



They also have a digital craps table at Harrahs in vegas.........also three card poker but could not find a picture of it.

It's the wave of the future just like Stadium roulette, baccarat and blackjack........eliminates a lot of  dealers so casinos save on salary and employee benefits,  games are dealt much, much faster since the computer does not make mistakes as far as payout calculations and the calculations are done in 1 or 2 seconds ...... and computers don't call in sick or go on vacation.  One dealer can deal baccarat, roulette blackjack  craps or three card poker to up to 700 customers playing on the stadium or digital craps or three card poker terminals.

Lots of jobs will be eliminated by automation in the next 5 years.  Lots of people will be automated out of the work force.



Hi ADulay

"...Roulette has finally arrived at my closest casino here in SW Florida..."

Congrats as this was long overdue. Florida seems like a perfect environment for an expansion in gaming.
Is Florida doing compacts with each indian tribe/ collecting a predetermined %? Will cas charge players an "Ante" ?

I have been watching the Florida process for several years and have several gaming friends/relatives in Fort Lauderdale-Miami areas. The Florida process is very similar to what happened in Oklahoma,USA. They passed legislation in 2018 (HB3375 that allows Dice and Balls) instead of cards for Roulette, Craps, et al. So their approx 135 casinos allow many of us from Missouri, Ar, Ks, Tx,....etc border states to travel a few miles into Indian Country for gaming. No more traveling to Tunica, Kansas City, LV,...etc. Fantastic for daily players.

The main benefit for me personally/ from a Bac perspective is that many casinos that only had 0,1, or 2 Bac tables have now added an additional table, or their first Bac table. Same for Roulette though I would guess most already offered Roulettte due to its popularity.  Im optimistic Florida cas will experience the same increase in tables. Although many OK still don't  offer Bac. Most do offer at least one type of Roulette and many offer two or three variations of Roul(e.g., Live/e-games by Interbloc, Evolution,..etc). 

"...'ll be glad when some type of stadium baccarat comes to my local casino, but I'm thinking that won't be for some time way off in the future..."

    I agree and as 80r9 mentioned I see many gaming jurisdictions moving in that direction(For the reasons 80r9 mentions/unforunately with the side effects too).

I've found it difficult to learn which casinos offer Stadium Bac(besides driving to each one), as most casinos don't show it on their website/ inquiries by phone arent successful. I've even sent numerous emails to the developer of Stadium games requesting a list of cas offering their Stadium Bac/ no reply.

Continued Success,

"There are many large numbers smaller than one."


The Venetian in Vegas has Stadium,   Foxwoods and Mohegan Sun in Connecticut have Stadium....also the Wind Creek in Pennsylvania ( Used to be called Sands Casino before it was sold to Wind Creek ) has at least  4 Baccarat Stadium games and over 200 terminals......more casinos will have it in the future....it's a big money saver for the casinos


Thx 8or9

I like venetian, and have plans to visit  SandsBethlehem(winds) a few times later in the year. If I remember correctly it was one of the Connecticut cas u mention (or maybe Rhode Island) casinos that Scientific Games made their debut with Stadium type games.
I think SG is ahead of its competition with the multi-game portals allowing players to wager on several games. I like the ability to view live dealers.

Continued Success,
"There are many large numbers smaller than one."