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Bet selections for columns made very simple

Started by NathanDetroit, January 18, 2016, 07:27:54 PM

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Hello Spike. Long time " no see". Any  comments.


Are there any active gambling boards? They all
seem dead as hell.


Quote from: spike on February 04, 2016, 11:38:31 PM
Are there any active gambling boards? They all
seem dead as hell.

the problem is any long thread that has potential always turns into a pissing match so people stop posting
QuoteBecause the house always wins. Play long enough, you never change the stakes. The house takes you. Unless, when that perfect hand comes along, you bet and you bet big, then you take the house.


Quote from: RouletteGhost on February 05, 2016, 01:35:49 AM
the problem is any long thread that has potential always turns into a pissing match so people stop posting
True, no doubt.  There are other reasons.  Many of these topics get re-hashed over and over.  The same old becomes tedious and uninteresting.  Another reason may be that most people got their own ideas, methods and are more interested in playing/experimenting with their own stuff.  Lots of people going their own way.



Welcome to those who are posting on this thread and other roulette threads. In recent times it appears much emphasis here has been Baccarat but it is no problem when principles such as short cycle analysis and trending pattern analysis are viewed by some experienced and clever players and theorists.

Congratulations to those who can refine/ define 'simple' techniques which really are subtle below the surface.

This thread has been good for that.

I want to make it clear long threads are not a problem in a well monitored and managed site like this. The role of experienced Moderators is invaluable and so often misunderstood. You will find most of the trolls have left here, never to return and they lurk now on other nearby sites waiting to negate any worthwhile subject. You know who they are.

So there is no need for competition, but just contribution. Sometimes I go quiet and that is because everything is cyclic but also because of current priorities, work and research. In this regard you need to have an open mind, so the CWB is one area of massive interest to me and colleagues - but how much can we, would we, or should we share.

We can talk in principles and in private communications I make good progress.

Under no illusions, this may take a further 9 months in my view, and even a year beyond that if necessary.

Nevertheless simple subtle ideas can still be so very useful, and just know below the surface there is a lot going on. I mix the roulette work with market analysis and pure financial investment also as I see practical sense in that to access 'free money', just as those with technology, ie the internet should research 'free energy'. Its all out there, or 'in there'.


OPTION: Instead  of following the color chose ONE single   dominant and stick with  it.

Which means one either plays column 1 and 2     (Black)  or column 1 ad 3 ( Red ) .

Play at your own risk.


Query, what's the best style to bet on one dozen only. And do you cats think  you could avoid losing 14 in a row betting just one dozen, hey hey?



Louis the lip and myself  are puzzled by your  reply. Us cats NEVER lose  14 times in a  row. We  tell the casino to shove  it after 3  losses in a row. .

With  first column and  second column having   14 Blacks  and 10 Reds  not bad for a short term play.


Here's some advice that is not the same old gizmo, and it's not verbose as well.

Don't get married to a dozen and expect it not to sleep up to 30 times in a row with 8 to 16 times in a row being very common.

Divorce yourself from wishful thinking.


When the  judge asked the  hooker if such and such ever slept with her , she replied " No  one ever sleeps with me . they are always wide awake".

Gizmo: Us cats play short term and nothing  of the 2  can  ever really sleep.

Alternating  between Red and Black  shall keep  the columns awake.

I rest my case.