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Messages - alrelax

Done Deal.  I was wrong on the score, but I wasn't on the winner.  Sheer dominance from start to finish.

Little celebration after the game.  Thin cut bone in rib eye platter and a fresh bowl of PHO soup.
Eagles 37 and Chiefs 6 with 9:51 left.  Can't see Chiefs winning on sheer time factor alone.  Eagles can run the clock down each time they get it. 

Plus Eagles just fumbled recovery from a Mahomes dropped ball at 9:42. 

Eagles win this 99.99% chance. 
Eagles.  Interesting indeed.

AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
February 09, 2025, 10:01:44 PM
As you said: "IMO we do not need to win what happens at the shoe we're playing at, just winning the most part of the shoes we're wagering."

What you wrote above is worth its wait in 100% pure gold, as I have also written about countless times in countless posts.

Our wagering, within Sections, no matter what the entire shoe does and produces is what matters.

A win is a win, no matter what the 80 hands produces.  If I wagered 15/20 or thereabouts, those are what counts, not the 65/60 I didn't. 

Sports Betting Forum / Re: Super Bowl! Eagles & Chiefs
February 09, 2025, 01:36:45 PM
Thanks for your comments, however I have no wager.  I was going to bet last night but chickened out for sakes of a better reason.

My buddy HMoney just laid $20k on the Eagles.  Seriously dude!

I love both teams, Philadelphia a bit higher on my list but a true fan of both. 

I think Chiefs will pull ahead from 3-10 points, but again I believe Phili will catch up and hold them off and win by 3 or 7.  GO EAGLES.

It is today and I am ready.

Did I say, GO EAGLES? 
Off-topic / Re: Photo Ops
February 07, 2025, 02:14:48 PM
What a sky this morning!  Love it!
Sports Betting Forum / Super Bowl! Eagles & Chiefs
February 07, 2025, 12:26:12 PM
Well, read my thread below this one where the Eagles and Chiefs got to where they currently are.  And don't get me wrong both teams are amongst my favorite four teams.

RE: Thread Below:  https://betselection.cc/sports-betting-forum/todays-2-NFL-wagers/

Okay here it is:

Eagles will win: 27.  Chiefs 24.

Below picture is a screenshot text between a Vegas Casino Host and myself. The reference to the Korean place is a, 'cook at your table' style restaurant which winds up costing about $75.00-125.00 per person. 

Thank You,
Civil & Criminal Topics / Copper Theft at Vegas Airport
February 06, 2025, 02:29:57 PM
Hard to believe, but really brazen people I guess.

Power outages at Las Vegas airport due to copper theft.

AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
February 05, 2025, 01:41:25 PM
IMO and as I wrote:

Most all sit down and fall into an unconscious familiarity at the baccarat table. There is no growth process, learning curve or struggle with them to play the game to their advantage. 

Yes, it is sad but it is also uncontrollable behavior of their (at one time mine also) view on the game as well.  Why?  Because at the Baccarat table there is no waiting, no walking, no physical labor, no taking back and redoing, nothing that really prevents circumstances that could prevent us from continually believing we know everything and will win. When losses occur, they do.  When wins occur, they do.  So kind of instant everything to a certain point.  The trick is, IMO knowing the sheer reality and being able to handle both wins and losses to your advantage.

However if you believe in the reality of the game of baccarat and set aside your desires, you just completed one tiny (could be large) step and put on a great game face that can lead you down paths to your advantage.
AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
February 05, 2025, 12:47:30 PM
You wrote above, "Since any shoe dealt is somewhat affected by a kind of conditional probability, it could be worthwhile to estimate the total of the actual number of cards utilized in relationship of an "expected value" verified by long term data."

Maybe you can (estimate the total/long term data), but I cannot envision nor trust for application to a 'Section' I am attempting to or in the process of smacking the casino. 

Anything and Everything, no matter what.  No Rhyme or Reason.  Of course sometimes there is, but just as frequently there is not.

All IMO, I reiterate repetitively.
Wagering & Intricacies / 7 Things
February 03, 2025, 01:53:13 AM
The Way Things Should Go In Today's Session

Do not allow frustration, anger and/or recouping to be your guideline/frame-of-mind.  You have to be in control of the way you look at the shoe being presented. In place of frustration, anger and/or recouping, you must take action.  Your response (not the response of the shoe) will dictate what generally occurs in your wagering decisions. A part of your decisions are completely uncontrollable and undefinable circumstances will occur, while the majority of them are decided by your outlook on previous presentments and your opinion on what should/has to occur next.  Thus, you ultimately end up heavily dependent on playing your ends with the hopes of having them match your desires, instead of you matching what is being presented.

The Way You Used To Be

Simple!  Do not dig too deep. You are NOT the same gambling person you were last month, a few months ago, a year ago, etc. Even though you realize a greater amount of reality and what can or generally does not happen from a shoe, you need to realize what is happening—is occurring and what is not, might very quickly happen. Most people do not and never will.

When you do, you will master change rather than allowing it to master you.  So—please be humble when you play!  Be absorbable and realize reality.  Realize anything and everything can happen, but what is happening just happened. So many people do not and it's a concept of visualization taking over common sense.

Your Mistakes In Wagers

Forgive yourself for your bad decisions you have made in the past. For all the times you made stupid, unintelligent and blatantly obvious mistakes. Those were your vital lessons and that is all that matters. Period!

***Understand & Believing: Unchangeable***

It is simple, but so very difficult for most all to swallow, absorb and follow.  Can I change what is happening or what will happen?

Whatever you do, do not attempt to change what is occurring (being presented).  Truth be told in baccarat and other games, the most powerful moments will happen when you win. However, what you believe got you to that point (hand-section-series, etc) of wins will challenge your mindset.  Realizing you did not change the results to meet your desires, changes everything for your huge benefit which will equal further advantage for yourself.

There is a great amount of unchangeable in baccarat.  The quicker you understand that will be to your benefit in countless ways. 

Fantasy of a Perfect Path

Way too often most of us totally waste money and time as well as incur huge amounts of frustration and bad circumstances that prevent positive progress.

You must leave the fantasy at the door, 100% in total. There is no other way to explain it. You can believe it or not.

The Unknown Familiarity

Most all sit down and fall into an unconscious familiarity at the baccarat table. There is no growth process, learning curve or struggle with them to play the game to their advantage. 

Yes, it is sad but it is also uncontrollable behavior of their (at one time mine also) view on the game also.  Why?  Because at the Baccarat table there is no waiting, no walking, no physical labor, no taking back and redoing, nothing that really prevents circumstances that could prevent us from continually believing we know everything and will win. When losses occur, they do.  When wins occur, they do.  So kind of instant everything to a certain point.  The trick is, IMO knowing the sheer reality and being able to handle both wins and losses to your advantage.

However if you believe in the reality of the game of baccarat and set aside your desires, you just completed one tiny (could be large) step and put on a great game face that can lead you down paths to your advantage.

The Struggle.  The Results.

Struggling results are huge advantages in baccarat, no matter which way they go.

The struggle is your process during play.
Uncomfortable at times and extremely comfortable during other times. The struggle you encounter each session should make you stronger, more educated and more experienced. The struggle will produce losses and wins. It is up to you to get in touch with reality and understand it while coupling a rock solid Money Management and Method.

Struggle does not mean you are always profitable.  However if used correctly, struggle can lead you to success in so many ways.  But you have to find it and know it.

The results are your losses and wins.
How you handle those two will dictate the outcomes, session by session, month by month, year-by-year, etc.

READ CAREFULLY:  Your results will be formed by your decision making process and your Money Management Method.  Not much else. If you cannot be conscious of what your decision making process is, as well as a rock solid Money Management Method you are engaging with—pack it up. However if you do, there is a great chance you will define-describe and STRUGGLE into good profitable RESULTS.
Off-topic / Helping you guys define Asian accents
January 28, 2025, 06:38:58 PM
Watch this to help you define Asian accents at the casino!

Off-topic / On The Lighter Side. Great Gambling Clips.
January 28, 2025, 03:26:47 PM
Grab a cup of coffee, a glass of your favorite liquor, or a sparkling water. And click on these.  IMO, some of the best.  Enjoy. 

If you don't laugh at this first one, something is wrong with you!


If you can't feel this one, something is wrong!





Gotta love this classic:

What a line; "I want to know how we are doing.  Talk to me at 4:00 AM".  @ the 4:30 mark.


One great scene!




Come on man it's great;  "Okay, I'm done":

Another one, "This should be sweet".  Love the lines and actions from the dealer!  LMAO!!!



Off the wall!


Love this, especially about the Indian people roulette reference!  Watch:

Darn!  I just took a bite of a sandwich while I was watching the following one.  He got to his part about the Asians thinking they can change the card value and going ApeSh*t if they do or don't.  I literally began laughing so hard, my mouthful of food went everywhere!  Seriously! Lol!

Classic without a doubt!

About playing slot machines.  Hilarious! 

AsymBacGuy / Re: Why bac could be beatable itlr
January 27, 2025, 03:28:33 AM
As Asym said; "Yep, after all at baccarat each bet wagered will get either a tremendously wrong or an astoundingly good result. Sometimes a hand won't be resolved (tie) and it's not a coincidence this situation happens way more often whenever six cards are utilized to form a final hand."

Please see my play and notes from the other night.
