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Topics - alrelax

Sports Betting Forum / Super Bowl! Eagles & Chiefs
February 07, 2025, 12:26:12 PM
Well, read my thread below this one where the Eagles and Chiefs got to where they currently are.  And don't get me wrong both teams are amongst my favorite four teams.

RE: Thread Below:  https://betselection.cc/sports-betting-forum/todays-2-NFL-wagers/

Okay here it is:

Eagles will win: 27.  Chiefs 24.

Below picture is a screenshot text between a Vegas Casino Host and myself. The reference to the Korean place is a, 'cook at your table' style restaurant which winds up costing about $75.00-125.00 per person. 

Thank You,
Civil & Criminal Topics / Copper Theft at Vegas Airport
February 06, 2025, 02:29:57 PM
Hard to believe, but really brazen people I guess.

Power outages at Las Vegas airport due to copper theft.

Wagering & Intricacies / 7 Things
February 03, 2025, 01:53:13 AM
The Way Things Should Go In Today's Session

Do not allow frustration, anger and/or recouping to be your guideline/frame-of-mind.  You have to be in control of the way you look at the shoe being presented. In place of frustration, anger and/or recouping, you must take action.  Your response (not the response of the shoe) will dictate what generally occurs in your wagering decisions. A part of your decisions are completely uncontrollable and undefinable circumstances will occur, while the majority of them are decided by your outlook on previous presentments and your opinion on what should/has to occur next.  Thus, you ultimately end up heavily dependent on playing your ends with the hopes of having them match your desires, instead of you matching what is being presented.

The Way You Used To Be

Simple!  Do not dig too deep. You are NOT the same gambling person you were last month, a few months ago, a year ago, etc. Even though you realize a greater amount of reality and what can or generally does not happen from a shoe, you need to realize what is happening—is occurring and what is not, might very quickly happen. Most people do not and never will.

When you do, you will master change rather than allowing it to master you.  So—please be humble when you play!  Be absorbable and realize reality.  Realize anything and everything can happen, but what is happening just happened. So many people do not and it's a concept of visualization taking over common sense.

Your Mistakes In Wagers

Forgive yourself for your bad decisions you have made in the past. For all the times you made stupid, unintelligent and blatantly obvious mistakes. Those were your vital lessons and that is all that matters. Period!

***Understand & Believing: Unchangeable***

It is simple, but so very difficult for most all to swallow, absorb and follow.  Can I change what is happening or what will happen?

Whatever you do, do not attempt to change what is occurring (being presented).  Truth be told in baccarat and other games, the most powerful moments will happen when you win. However, what you believe got you to that point (hand-section-series, etc) of wins will challenge your mindset.  Realizing you did not change the results to meet your desires, changes everything for your huge benefit which will equal further advantage for yourself.

There is a great amount of unchangeable in baccarat.  The quicker you understand that will be to your benefit in countless ways. 

Fantasy of a Perfect Path

Way too often most of us totally waste money and time as well as incur huge amounts of frustration and bad circumstances that prevent positive progress.

You must leave the fantasy at the door, 100% in total. There is no other way to explain it. You can believe it or not.

The Unknown Familiarity

Most all sit down and fall into an unconscious familiarity at the baccarat table. There is no growth process, learning curve or struggle with them to play the game to their advantage. 

Yes, it is sad but it is also uncontrollable behavior of their (at one time mine also) view on the game also.  Why?  Because at the Baccarat table there is no waiting, no walking, no physical labor, no taking back and redoing, nothing that really prevents circumstances that could prevent us from continually believing we know everything and will win. When losses occur, they do.  When wins occur, they do.  So kind of instant everything to a certain point.  The trick is, IMO knowing the sheer reality and being able to handle both wins and losses to your advantage.

However if you believe in the reality of the game of baccarat and set aside your desires, you just completed one tiny (could be large) step and put on a great game face that can lead you down paths to your advantage.

The Struggle.  The Results.

Struggling results are huge advantages in baccarat, no matter which way they go.

The struggle is your process during play.
Uncomfortable at times and extremely comfortable during other times. The struggle you encounter each session should make you stronger, more educated and more experienced. The struggle will produce losses and wins. It is up to you to get in touch with reality and understand it while coupling a rock solid Money Management and Method.

Struggle does not mean you are always profitable.  However if used correctly, struggle can lead you to success in so many ways.  But you have to find it and know it.

The results are your losses and wins.
How you handle those two will dictate the outcomes, session by session, month by month, year-by-year, etc.

READ CAREFULLY:  Your results will be formed by your decision making process and your Money Management Method.  Not much else. If you cannot be conscious of what your decision making process is, as well as a rock solid Money Management Method you are engaging with—pack it up. However if you do, there is a great chance you will define-describe and STRUGGLE into good profitable RESULTS.
Off-topic / Helping you guys define Asian accents
January 28, 2025, 06:38:58 PM
Watch this to help you define Asian accents at the casino!

Off-topic / On The Lighter Side. Great Gambling Clips.
January 28, 2025, 03:26:47 PM
Grab a cup of coffee, a glass of your favorite liquor, or a sparkling water. And click on these.  IMO, some of the best.  Enjoy. 

If you don't laugh at this first one, something is wrong with you!


If you can't feel this one, something is wrong!





Gotta love this classic:

What a line; "I want to know how we are doing.  Talk to me at 4:00 AM".  @ the 4:30 mark.


One great scene!




Come on man it's great;  "Okay, I'm done":

Another one, "This should be sweet".  Love the lines and actions from the dealer!  LMAO!!!



Off the wall!


Love this, especially about the Indian people roulette reference!  Watch:

Darn!  I just took a bite of a sandwich while I was watching the following one.  He got to his part about the Asians thinking they can change the card value and going ApeSh*t if they do or don't.  I literally began laughing so hard, my mouthful of food went everywhere!  Seriously! Lol!

Classic without a doubt!

About playing slot machines.  Hilarious! 

Sports Betting Forum / Today’s 2 NFL Wagers
January 26, 2025, 04:36:41 PM
Well I normally do not do it. And it's been quite a long time since I wagered sports. And in addition, my four favorite NFL teams include the Kansas City Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles. Against my better judgment to wager favorites as a fan.

So with that said and taking into consideration a fantastic Bac win last night, which I'm going to outline in a new thread titled, "The Session From Heaven" in the Baccarat Forum here in just a bit.

Chiefs & Bills spread, took the Chiefs @ -1.5 for $2k

Eagles & Commanders spread, took the Eagles @ -6 for $2k.

Like I said they are my favorite teams but I'm not betting because of just that.  And again like I said, it's kind of against my better judgment but I'm doing it.
The other night my friend and I sat down at a brand new shoe just starting. In fact he cut the deck and it was in the range of the cards that we like, which was between a 3-6. 

This was a 5-Treasures layout on a midi (Macau style) table.  We tend to lean a bit towards the Bankers side most times but not set in stone.  Anyways we went to the casino to play possibly 2 or 3 shoes, so figure on 5-7 hours depending on problems and drawn out hands, etc.  So we both buy-in and get set. 

First hand we both wagered Bankers and F7 ($50) and 777s ($25).  Players returned an 8/A and Bankers returned a 7/2.  We both stayed the same and replaced the $75 that was swiped away after the tie. 

Second hand Players returned a 3/9  and Bankers had a Face/10.  Players flopped a 5 and our side flopped a 7 for a beautiful 200:1 3-card 7 both sides tie on the 777s wager.  After the payout and the celebratory actions, we both looked at each other and simply nodded our heads.  A bit larger on the Bankers base bet and the same on the F7 and the 777s wagering.  Most others, if they were on the 777s, actually did not wager again on it, with the exception of a lady seated next to us. 

Third hand Players returned a Blackjack A/10 and the Bankers had a 4/Face.  Players pulled and flopped a 6 card.  I looked at my buddy and told him (as I do you guys and even posted actually pics on here, of the table with the F7 being formed by its third card a 6) of that happening.  Well here is where it gets down and dirty.  The dealer, a super cute young Asian lady pulls the 3rd card from the shoe and is about to slide it to the highest wagering person on the Bankers side, but stalls with a few of her fingernails on the edge of it and says, "if you guys really want a 3, let me flip it".  We all look at each other like it's going to matter and one of us says, "at least if we do, we can blame her for not getting it". 

Pit supervisor comes over and says to the dealer, "are you trying to convince the people you have some kind of magical powers again?"  Well we told her okay.  She doesn't flip it right away, but she picks it up so the back is towards us.  She shakes her head no and slowly and I mean slowly flops it over.  It was a 3.  OMG, High-5s and loud acknowledgements occurred.  Beautiful and almost unprecedented by us back-to-back with the 777s 200:1 wagers. 

We both got up, colored up and planned to cash out and leave after just the 3 hands.  Not our best or greatest win, but probably one of our quickest.  Possibly could have won 20 Xs the amount and as well, could have been blind sided by the ease of it and lost it all and chased what we gave back and then donated our buy-in. 

IMO winning right away or losing right away are both extremely dangerous to one's play and thought process.  Reality is powerful and blinding. You have to push yourself down a path to perform under extreme stressful situations for periods of time. Somehow you have to remove yourself from the stress, but physically remain there performing.  Not easy as so many pretend it is.

Finding a deep sense of meaning with the game that is not totally dependent upon winning. Because you cannot win all the time. And it took me a long stretch of playing the game to learn that.

Winning comes, and when it does you must be able to pour it on, hit it extremely hard and take advantage. But doing so from an outside view looking in, instead of from the player's view of waiting for something special to happen, will allow you great advantage and clarity.  Looking 'in' so to say, will allow you to hopefully not get lost by winning. Getting lost in winning or losing, tends the highest majority of all times to drag you down and make you lose your clarity. And clarity is an advantage in this game.

So what was it like? I will tell you what it was like. It was ecstasy with fresh homemade ice cream, topped with luscious whipped cream and fresh cherries. It was carte blanche to go, fast, quick and without any frustration or thought whatsoever.

But I have respect for the game that is so darn volatile. We went out to eat afterwards and not at the property's steakhouse which we could've easily been comped for. We went off property, out of the casino-out of the realm of the action with possible additional wins and as well where the usual losses are occurring and reoccurring.

At the off property restaurant, where we pay out of pocket of course, we ate and told our stories. We laughed and enjoyed ourselves. And let me tell you something, there was no pressure to drive back a few miles to attempt greater wins at the casino. We were done for the session.  And we rehashed about rebooting and forgetting about those wagers, at least repetitively trying for them in the future. 

Not that I am right or wrong or any of you are in our casino plays. But, as the sage say, "hope comes in many forms".  Looking back now a few days later, our unplanned dinner out with the unpretentious discussion about the few hands we played, actually in total was many fold the time of the session itself, comical and rare but such a memory and always will be.

I am going to borrow a line from someone that I admire. "Relax, sit down and serve yourself up a taste of life".
Click on the following link to read the initial official press release from the US Attorney's Office.


Click on the following link to read the guilty conviction of the case.

Cryptocurrency forum / Raja Ignatova One Coin
January 05, 2025, 08:47:26 AM
For those of you unfamiliar, here it is.  And, I will guarantee you she is not the last devious and questionable person to enter or maintain presence in the crypto market.


In July 2022 Ruja Ignatova, the self-styled 'Cryptoqueen' behind a pyramid scheme called OneCoin, was placed on the FBI's Top 10 Most Wanted list. Accused of defrauding investors of an amount estimated at between $3.6 to 4.5 billion, the Bulgarian-born Ignatova disappeared in 2017. In June last year came a new development: The FBI increased the existing reward of $250,000 to a whopping $5 million for any information that leads to her arrest.


The Official FBI 10 Most Wanted Info:

On October 12, 2017, Ignatova was charged in the United States District Court, Southern District of New York and a federal warrant was issued for her arrest.  On February 6, 2018, a superseding indictment was issued charging Ignatova with one count each of Conspiracy to Commit Wire Fraud; Wire Fraud; Conspiracy to Commit Money Laundering; Conspiracy to Commit Securities Fraud; and Securities Fraud.

Well, here is mine.

Ongoing, ongoing, ongoing, and ongoing for some time now.  Research, write, study, read, write, write more, and write even more. Talk and repeat all the above, along with playing, playing, playing playing, playing, and even more play.

Yet, I am not satisfied and I will not die, period!  Not yet or for a while anyways.

And here is where as they classically say, the plot thickens and my resolution comes into play.

What is it I want?  To complete a one million dollar plus win session within 2 to 3 shoes. And in my heart and soul, I know it is coming. How do I know? Because my Guardian Angel told me so. Crazy I know, but so very true.  It is inevitable and it will happen in 2025.  (Side Note:  My record for any single session has never been over $200k)

Can I do it? Oh hell yes my friends, enemies and trolls, I certainly can. By the way, that 4 word question; "Can I do it" was a 100% rhetorical question in every way!

All of you guys, have a great 2025! 

Love you all, 
Forum Administrator & Owner
Wagering & Intricacies / Drawdown and Thinking
December 18, 2024, 11:11:56 AM
It is not easy. There is absolutely no, "one plan for all" as most think there is or should be.

First of all, I would like to give a comparison. Attorneys and trying a case in the courtroom. There is a huge difference between paper law and actual trial law. With that in mind read on.

Now. First you have to have somewhat of a game plan with a rock solid adherence to a Money Management Method that will give you advantages.

Second. You have to decide and be very comfortable with what your bank roll will be, as well as what each session's buy-in risk capital will be.

Third. You must understand as well as be somewhat comfortable with unavoidable drawdowns. Drawdown of the players buy-in will happen the majority of the times. When it does not, be conscious of it and play as though you are drawing down on your buy-in, rather than risking your wins all too quick, which will usually result in that "giving it right back syndrome" which happens all the time.

A good drawdown understanding will be established when a player stabilizes his wager with a base unit all in proportion to his buy-in. As well, he must also have a plan as to what he will do with wins and losses of his base unit. Those base units and understandings will be within his Money Management Method.

Why are base units so important?  Because your base units are your chances to go forward with advantages.  If you just want to always "go for it" all you really need to do is, just take your base unit and multiply it by how many attempts you have the funds to engage the casino with.  For example, a negative martingale $100-$200-$400-$800-$1,600-$3,200, etc., depending on the max table limit at your casino. So if you believe in and want to have a negative Martingale plan as part of your MMM and are willing to wager a $100 base unit, and you desire to wager five negative progressions, you will have to have $6,300 buy-in ready to risk. 

Taking the above into consideration, say you do desire your MMM to allow you 20 times to profit off your session buy-in risk capital, in my opinion your MMM bank roll should be $126,000. Your MMM would allow you 5% buyins, therefore allowing you 20 chances before busting out your bankroll. Yes bankrolls and buy-ins are different for most all of us.  But the 5% buy-ins of a bankroll I do believe most experienced players will tell you, are to your advantage and pretty much reasonable with the way bankrolls should be the governing factor of session buy-ins, etc.  All of which would come into play with the player's drawdown.

As far as flat betting, you can use the same scenarios, $100 base unit and figure out how many wins you would keep or possibly parlay up, then at what point would you stop due to too many losses or even a positive win amount.

Ref Martingale betting.  It is ultimately unsustainable and carries the highest risk of significant losses.

Ref Flat betting.  It is a very risky and slow way to make anything higher than a few units.  However, if one has several hands that lost in flat betting, the make up of the drawdown is totally in favor of the casino and the player will be subjecting himself to a textbook grinding-down situation he normally can not come out of.

Personally I do not endorse negative Martingales or flat betting as a game plan. In my experience there is just way too much risk with compounding wins to make winning anything sizable. Negative Martingales and flat betting will not be to a players advantage outside of employing them occasionally for a few hands.

I do engage with and have written about it extensively 1-3-2-6 or some variation of it. As well as 1-2-4-8 or 1-2-4. Full and consecutive parlays of a base unit also known as consecutive positive progressions. With these or some variations of these in mind, I would take my base unit, let's say $100 and multiply how many chances I desire my game plan to be established with. Say I do desire 24 chances.  By the way, which I really do like 24 chances, I would need $2,400 for my buy-in risk capital. That $2,400 should be coming from a bank roll of $48,000. Thus my bank roll affords me 20 sessions with not a single winning session to replace my buy-in back to its original bank roll and pocket what's left over of the wins. 

That way you are accepting and expecting drawdowns and playing within reasonable expectations to excel.  You cannot play believing the game of Baccarat will have its published coin flip 50/50 fallacy and its the easiest game to win at.  Here is a tip for you.  Baccarat is the easiest game to win, however it is also the easiest game to lose. 

Again, drawdowns must be comfortable to the player because they eventually will afford advantages to the player with changes, longevity and profitability during the session. It must also be considered as vital and risk capital taken in consideration drawdowns are inevitable during most all sessions at some point. Kind of like membership dues, an amount to get in and the results may or may not follow or be to the members advantage. 

One final thing. Part of a rock solid MMM but also part of your drawdown that hopefully turns successful during each session. And that is, governing your wins. My biggest advantage I believe that I have engaged in and became reliant on, is my 1/3rd 1/3rd 1/3rd incorporated into my MMM with my winning sessions. 

Say I bought it in for $2,400. I wager a $100 base unit with a plan to positive parlay wins three times. 1-2-4, $100 wins 3 times, will net me $700.  Naturally it will take some kind of drawdown to get there most of the time. But not all and maybe I could do it a few consecutive times in a row. Next thought would be to have a 1-2-4-8. Again a $100 win four times, nets me $1,500. Depending on table limits, those base units might be $200-$500 or even $1,000 depending on what your casino allows, what your buy-in in bankroll allows and what you were comfortable with. 

Upon profitability at some point I would engage in my 1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd. For those of you oblivious to what that is, it is 1/3rd of the sizable winnings remaining in my buy-in stack in front of me, 1/3rd in my pocket locked up and the remaining 1/3rd of the win for reserve. The reserve might be a second chance if the session goes horribly bad or it might just end up as locked up or pre-destined for something outside of gaming related, etc. Your choice of the above would apply any way you like. But part of your plan and when things fall to your advantage, you will automatically take them and keep them while always remembering you were subject to drawdown when you were not winning. Or the point you get to be able to win.

Although the above is heavenly an MMM item, it has to be also consciously incorporated into your current play and coming out of a drawdown and into a winning mode.

Play smart!  Play safe!

General Discussion / Merry Christmas To All
December 16, 2024, 01:04:35 PM
A very Merry Christmas to all with a following Happy New Year and of course, large amounts of success in all you tackle and take on!
Alrelax's Blog / Great Conversation Last Night
December 15, 2024, 12:44:53 PM
Saturday night, after a Shoe of play a few of us regulars went to the steakhouse with a generous comp from the floor manager.  Steaks and shrimp cocktails all around.  Beautiful glasses of cognac at the start. 

Here is the outcome of our discussion and what we all should seriously adhere to for each session:

Prepare for the worst, expect failure.  But don't stress and seriously consider your buyin risk capital.  Believe in yourself, not the Shoe to match your desires.  Deploy your knowledge and experience while you "Go for it" and "Do it".

The luxury of experience is knowledge.

The outcome of NEW EXPERIENCE is almost always 'Spiff-Balling'.

Play visual patterns/trends with a short attempt to capture 2 to 4, possibly 5 hits in a small section of the Shoe divided up into 4 sections.  (FYI, I have written extensively about 'sections')

You need to play chess while the others are playing checkers.

I will breakdown what happened and our way of successfully Wagering them. A few of us did extremely well, the rest either pushed or eventually lost their funds. I'm not armchair quarterbacking these after the fact. I will lay out our reasonings and decisions as they basically happened best I can from my notes.

I will do that starting tomorrow.
Well it appears the sandwich which got its name from The 4th Earl of Sandwich, has relation to developing it for snacking at the gaming table. 

"Then in the early 1770s, the French travel writer Pierre-Jean Grosley published a gossipy and satirical book called A Tour to London; Or New Observations on England and its Inhabitants. In it, Grosely described a scene at a gambling table:"


From Wiki:  The word "sandwich" appears, referring to a certain roast beef sandwich in England

Portrait of the Earl of Sandwich by Thomas Gainsborough, 1783, after whom the sandwich is named. Initially perceived as food that men shared while gaming and drinking at night, the sandwich slowly began appearing in polite society as a late-night meal among the aristocracy. The sandwich is named after John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich, an eighteenth-century English aristocrat.[8][9] It is commonly said that Lord Sandwich, during long sessions of cribbage and other card games at public gambling houses, would order his valet to bring him roast beef between two pieces of toasted bread.[9] He was fond of this form of food because it allowed him to continue gambling while eating, without the need for a fork, and without getting his cards greasy from eating meat with his bare hands. The dish then grew in popularity in London, and Sandwich's name became associated with it.[8] The rumour in its familiar form appeared in Pierre-Jean Grosley's Londres (Neuchâtel, 1770), translated as A Tour to London in 1772;[15] Grosley's impressions had been formed during a year in London in 1765. An alternative is provided by Sandwich's biographer, N. A. M. Rodger, who suggests Sandwich's commitments to the Navy, and to politics and the arts, mean the first sandwich was more likely to have been consumed at his desk.

The sandwich's popularity in Spain and England increased dramatically during the nineteenth century, when the rise of industrial society and the working classes made fast, portable, and inexpensive meals essential.[16] In London, for example, at least seventy street vendors were selling ham sandwiches by 1850; during that decade sandwich bars also became an important form of eating establishment in western Holland, typically serving liver and salt beef sandwiches.

In the United States, the sandwich was first promoted as an elaborate meal at supper. By the early 20th century, as bread became a staple of the American diet, the sandwich became the same kind of popular, quick meal as was already widespread in the Mediterranean.
OMG, gotta love it!  Might just be a touch of the old school mob, huh?  You guys have a few weeks to rectify a situation you committed, can't undo the situation as it's a done deal, but if you pay us what we were supposed to have received up front on fees and permitting charges, you guys are good to go.

"The city sent a notice to the Three Affiliated Tribes, saying it has until January 6 to file and purchase the necessary permits or face legal action."

I Love It!  Beautiful!  Wonder when they show up at the Las Vegas/Clark County Building Department after the funds are paid if the city/county has the cigars and cognac brought out? 


Published: Sep. 9, 2024

LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - A man is accused of using drugs and threatening Las Vegas Strip casino workers with a makeshift flamethrower, according to an arrest report.

Gavin Hamilton faces multiple felony charges, including arson, assault, possession of a fire device, damage to property and drug possession, according to court records.

Las Vegas Metropolitan Police said they received a call around 6:20 p.m. Sept. 1 to the Fontainebleau Las Vegas property to reports that a person was making threats toward maintenance workers "following interference with a fire protection system on the 11th floor." Police allege the suspect activated the sprinklers.

"Maintenance noted that the individuals was covered in an unidentified black substance or oil and appeared highly agitated," an arrest report said. The workers told police the man had a black backpack with a metal hose sticking out.

"When maintenance tried to approach [Hamilton], he lit the unknown flammable liquid through the hose toward them" the arrest report said. Maintenance backed away and the suspect eventually left the property, the report said.

Hamilton was arrested nearby and pointed officers to his backpack. Hamilton told police he used meth in the bathroom at Fontainebleau and described apparent hallucinations of being chased by two men at the property. Hamilton said he created a makeshift "flamethrower" and used it to activate the sprinkler system, thinking it would save him from the people chasing him in the stairwell
Wagering & Intricacies / Remember Be Smart
December 01, 2024, 10:52:27 PM
A group of us together the other night talking after a couple of shoes we played. Here's a recap of what we all agreed upon.

Hard as hell to go up against the tide!

Up against an incoming and ongoing tide, the money you got in front of you against the rack's large amount of chips against yours plays upon your mind. You can't tell me you're not continuously looking at the larger denomination chips in the middle of the dealers rack!

It works until it doesn't work. Your decision making process will be challenged many times throughout the shoe.

You have to execute an agenda with a rock solid MMM that works on your behalf.

Be extra careful of creating something that is not present. Such as you cannot overpower the shoe in small sections and profit nicely all the time or when you choose to.

We play to win. And how can you add advantages to your play?

Most important is to understand your buy-in, bankroll an MMM.  And the application of those.

Understand the risk. Be comfortable with it and view it as opportunity.

Time frame to play. Timeframe to win. Understand those are two very important things that will happen during each session. Each one has its constraints if you are intelligent. 

Variations will apply and bring frustration, anxiety and emotions into your decision making process.

False measurements in hopes. Be able to recognize them and alter your play to alleviate them.

You know, I have seen a lot inside of casinos.  Lots of arguments with husbands/wives, BF/GF's, casino players and dealers/pit personnel, between 2 players, etc.  Some of them pretty loud to say the least.  But never I have witnessed a physical altercation taking place at a baccarat table!

Okay, here's what occurred.  Well it was a pretty normal session we were going through at the table. People winning and losing, a few people drinking heavy, one or two trying to borrow money from their friends and a few people just talking. Nothing out of the ordinary at all.

Then this regular player comes up and asks another very well-known regular player for the money that he borrowed from him a while back and he wants it back. The guy is seated at the table and keeps his head down and doesn't answer the guy asking for his money returned.

Usually everyone's pretty quiet about asking for their money back with a tap on the shoulder and a motion to pay them back or something along those lines, nobody really let's go out loud with a verbal, give me my money back, in a demanding type of way.

This guy says it several times out loud very distinctively and finally the seated player that seemingly owed the money, got up and the guy that was asking for his money back smacks the guy closed fisted right in the face.  The guy falls back and his upper rear of his body lands onto the baccarat table.  A couple of women whom were seated adjacent to the guy that fell on the table, jumped up screaming loud curse words.  Several people's chips go all over the place and mass disaster begins. The dealer immediately grabs for the chip rack cover slamming it down on top of her chips and yells as loud as she could for the floor manager who came running over, saying to lock the table down. Of course you can see another couple floor supervisors running over and others calling on the phone.  Within about a minute at most, security officers and a couple local law enforcement officers all came running over.

Just before the officers came over, the guy got in at least two more full face smacks each time the other guy attempted to get back up. They both got quickly handcuffed and taken out off the casino floor. Several floor managers were over at the table and told everybody not to touch any chips and they were calling security and they would run the cameras and find out who had what on the table. All the chips were straightened out and everybody was satisfied they got their chips back that they originally had. 

The guy that owed the money who was seated, the dealer and floor person stacked his chips off to the side of the rack.  Security was called and came to the table with an empty fill box and tray, took the chips and left. 

Like I always said, eventually you'll see it all.
Alrelax's Blog / The Bottom Line
November 03, 2024, 11:19:54 PM
Okay let's talk here. I have witnessed countless baccarat  players; strangers, friends and even myself win shoes and sessions. Many frequently doubling, tripling, quadrupling and more their buy-in amounts. And the answers are vast and varied why the players give it all back in pursuit of larger wins, but it happens far more than retaining their wins.  It seriously does 100%.

Probably because of emotional excitement, attempt for loss recouping, belief that their found triggers that just worked will keep producing and repeating themselves, etc., etc., etc.

However in my early days I fit the above non-ability to hold win amounts greater than 50% of my sessions. And of course when I did, my 'great' MMM would be something along the lines of, hold buy-in for next session and increase it with the total amount just won.  Go bigger-harder-play longer and faster.  LoL, a road to no where but to be ground down of the win and the buy-in.

Well all that leads to nowhere, I promise all of you, with every ounce of energy I could ever put forward here. Believe me or not I have no reason to lie to you. 

So many people believe what they read on forums and watch on YouTube about the quick and easy make money wagering triggers/plans/schedules/etc., somewhere between 99.9 and 100% being massive amounts of fallacy and false statements for either attempt at or financial gain, or posted with plain lack of experience.

There are countless systems, books, reasonings and related ways to make money in the game Baccarat. Why are they fallacies? Because they promote contradictory premises and events by confusing the premises they face in themselves and each will poison the well. Think about it.

Seriously, there are certainly groups that subscribe to the above. Those that believe everyone will win if........................; and those that believe everyone will lose if ......................; and the smaller group that takes more of a neutral stance and extracts info that might help them develop advantages to implement within their play. 

In reality, what players 'think' and what actually 'happens' at the tables are two entirely different things. And I know 100% through experience and reality, losses in countless cases happen because people continue playing until all their chips are given back to the casino and then the chase to recoup is on with additional funds. 

Fallacy:  Believing what is not true and cannot work on a repetitive schedule in the game of baccarat.

Experience:  Knowing what MMM will work for you and how to use it with rock solid adherence.  Understanding that there will most likely be a drawdown of your buy-in amount and planning your wagering with that in mind.  What can and probably will not happen.  Not being oblivious to anything and everything can happen during a shoe of baccarat.
Here it is from Bloomberg, 10/30/24: 

Vegas Gambling Drops for Third Month; Caesars' Revenue Falls

"Gambling revenue on the Las Vegas Strip slumped 1.8% in September, the third straight monthly decline for the biggest US casino market and a sign of potentially tough quarterly comparisons for big resort operators.

The decline to $727.7 million was related to a steep drop in baccarat play, the Nevada Gaming Control Board said Tuesday in an email. Betting on baccarat was down 22%. And the casinos were less lucky, with the amount they kept shrinking by 40%. The last time, outside of the Covid-19 pandemic, that revenue on the Strip fell for three straight months was May 2019."
Civil & Criminal Topics / Pro Sports Can Be Thrown
October 26, 2024, 11:09:56 AM
Well, let's face it, games can be thrown by certain people with financial interest in them.  From athletes to referees to coaches.  Here is an example of one QB in pro sports a while back.  Interesting how the FBI was involved as well.  Also, IMO once a gambler, always a gambler.  Read the following.

From the Wiki on Art Schlichter:

Schlichter was picked fourth in the 1982 NFL draft by the Colts franchise, then based in Baltimore, Maryland. Expected to be the starter, Schlichter lost the job to Mike Pagel, the Colts' fourth-round pick in that year, when he appeared at practice out of shape and in a distracted state of mind. However, he was expected to be the Colts' quarterback of the future.

Schlichter's gambling continued unabated, to the point that he blew his entire $350,000 signing bonus by midseason. Even before the Colts picked him, he already owed bookies several thousand dollars. His gambling spiraled out of control during the 1982 NFL strike, when he lost $20,000 betting on college football. By the end of the strike, he had at least $700,000 in gambling debts. Years later, he said his massive losses stemmed from desperate efforts to make good his previous losses. After losing $20,000 in the first week of the strike, he doubled up the next week and lost again—starting a cycle that would continue for over a year.

In the winter of 1982 and the spring of 1983, Schlichter lost $489,000 betting on basketball games. When bookies threatened to harm or expose Schlichter if he did not pay up (the NFL, like most major professional leagues, forbids its players from engaging in any kind of gambling activity, legal or otherwise), he went to the FBI in March 1983 and gave information that helped get the bookies arrested on federal charges. He also sought help from the NFL, as he feared the bookies would force him to throw games in return for not telling the Colts about his activities. The league suspended him indefinitely, but Commissioner Pete Rozelle reduced the suspension to thirteen months after Schlichter agreed to seek treatment for his gambling addiction. He was the first NFL player to be suspended for gambling since Alex Karras and Paul Hornung were suspended in 1963 for betting on NFL games.

Schlichter was reinstated for the 1984 season but later admitted that he'd gambled during his suspension (though not on football). He was released five games into the 1985 season, in part because the Colts heard rumors that he was gambling again. As it turned out, he had lost a significant amount of money over the spring and summer while playing golf and wrote one of his golfing partners a check for $2,000. The check was to be cashed after the season started. However, when the golfing partner contacted the Colts to see if the check was good, team and league officials feared Schlichter had relapsed. The NFL wanted Schlichter to take a polygraph test, but Colts coach Rod Dowhower had already seen enough and pushed the Colts front office to release him.

It would be Schlichter's last meaningful action in the NFL. He signed as a free agent with the Buffalo Bills in the spring of 1986. However, his tenure in Buffalo effectively ended when the United States Football League (USFL) collapsed. Jim Kelly, the Bills' 1983 first-round pick, had bolted to the USFL instead but signed with the Bills when the league "won" its antitrust lawsuit ($1.00 damages trebled to $3.00); the Bills had intended all along for Kelly to be their quarterback. With Kelly now firmly in the Bills fold, Schlichter's services were no longer necessary. He sat out the 1986 season after no other team expressed interest.

In January 1987, Schlichter was arrested in New York City for his involvement in a multimillion-dollar sports betting operation. He pleaded guilty to illegal gambling in April and was sentenced to probation. That arrest came back to haunt him that summer. The Cincinnati Bengals saw enough promise in Schlichter that they were willing to bring him on as Boomer Esiason's backup. However, Rozelle vetoed the deal, citing the January arrest.  Rozelle let it be known that he would not approve any NFL contract for Schlichter that season, costing him valuable work when the National Football League Players Association went on strike that year. He made another bid for reinstatement in 1988 but was turned down. That same year, he filed for bankruptcy to shield himself from creditors.

In parts of three seasons, Schlichter played only thirteen games, primarily in backup or "mop-up" roles. He made only six starts, losing them all. He threw 202 passes and completed 91 of them. He threw three touchdown passes and eleven interceptions. He amassed a quarterback rating of only 42.6 and is considered one of the biggest draft busts in NFL history. In 2007, Schlichter was listed as the #7 all-time draft bust on the NFL Network's Top 10 Draft Busts episode. In an updated list from 2010, Schlichter was moved to the #4 draft bust of all time,[18] and in a video listing the top ten quarterback draft busts of all time, Schlichter was listed #3, behind JaMarcus Russell (#2) and Ryan Leaf (#1). In 2007, Charles Robinson of Yahoo! Sports named Schlichter the worst #4 pick since the AFL-NFL merger, writing that Colts fans long felt chagrin that Jim McMahon was taken by the Chicago Bears with the very next pick. McMahon would lead the Bears to victory in Super Bowl XX during Schlichter's final NFL season. In 2021, The Athletic named Schlichter the worst #4 pick since the merger, noting that the Colts selected him with McMahon and future Hall of Fame running back Marcus Allen on the board.

Schlichter said years later that he was distracted for much of his NFL career. He went through a messy break-up with his girlfriend before his rookie season with the Colts, and the ensuing depression led him to gamble more. Schlichter believed the accolades he received after his sophomore year at OSU diminished his drive, and the pressure of living up to that praise led him to gamble as an outlet.

After spending 1987 out of football, Schlichter signed a contract with the Ottawa Rough Riders of the Canadian Football League (CFL) in 1988. He was named the starter out of camp and saw his first meaningful game action in three years. However, he suffered broken ribs from a hit midway through the season. The Rough Riders placed him on injured reserve for thirty days then released him.

Schlichter played for the Detroit Drive of the Arena Football League (AFL) in 1990 and 1991, where he was named MVP in the former en route to winning ArenaBowl IV. His AFL success was attributed to his frequent deep passes, which caught opposing defenses off guard in an era when most AFL offenses relied on short passes. Ahead the 1992 season, Schlichter was traded to the expansion Cincinnati Rockers, with league officials believing his popularity in Ohio would generate interest for the franchise. Schlichter helped lead the Rockers to the playoffs in their inaugural season, but announced he was retiring from football that October. Although he said he intended instead to focus on his radio career and curing his gambling addiction, evidence later came to light that Schlichter was forced to retire rather than face being banned from the league for betting on AFL games.
Actual Baccarat Shoes / Good Shoe To Follow
October 25, 2024, 02:18:29 AM
Last night.  Played the majority of the hands shown in this one shoe, about 3/4 of a full shoe as you see here.  Followed what was happening most times and lost the last wager of course and then started on the next presentation.

Caught 9 players hands in that players streak with a few full parlays.  Same with the bankers streak as well.


P First two = 0.  B First two = 7. Players third card was an 8.  Players 8 over 7.

P First two = 5.  B First two = 6.  Players third card was a 6.  Bankers third card was a 4.  Players 1 over 0.

P First two = 3.  B First two = 2.  Players third card was a 9.  B third card was also a 9.  Players 2 over 1.

P First two = 6.  B First two = 5.  Bankers third card was a 10.  Players 6 over 5.

All four hands players won by 1 point.  Now on to the 3 back to back naturals.


First one in group of three:  Players Natural 9 over B Natural 8.

Second one in group of three:  Players Natural 9 over B Natural 8 again.

Third one in group of three:  Players Natural 8 over B 7. 

Once again all 3 Natural players hands won by 1 point.

That made 7 IAR players hands winning by 1 point.  2 cards, 3 card reductions, naturals, etc. 

And of course that fueled the majority of the people playing to wager heavy banker, because they were convinced that was the pattern/trend showing the players would quickly fall off and cut. 

Does the casino care that a few of us were physically banging them and cleaning up?  Of course not!  Why?  Because, they still make money by taking in all those heavy losing bankers bets and paying out the few of us that were winning all the players bets.  Gotta love it!

I contribute three things to my success with this shoe.  One, Low Ties-0-1-2-3.  Two, Equalization.  Three, defining sections and wagering heavy after the start of each.
Alrelax's Blog / Monkey See, Monkey Do
October 23, 2024, 11:12:58 AM
Well, I might have posted a picture of my little buddy here a few years back.  Actually misplaced him and never really searched for him.  Came across him under a pile of clothes in a drawer the other night.

I bring him in my pocket to the casino and occasionally when I or the entire table are calling for a monkey, pull him out.  Yes, he is solid gold and about the size of a thumbnail. 

Call it superstitious or quackery, it does bring smiles and pats on the back when it works. 
"An arrest warrant has been reissued for a Massachusetts millionaire who failed to appear in court Wednesday to answer charges he wrote two bad checks to Bellagio totalling $1.5 million."

Click on the following link to read the story as detailed out in the Las Vegas Review Journal:
