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Messages - Sputnik

Street / Re: Simple Street System
May 26, 2014, 05:35:04 AM
Quote from: Jarabo002 on May 26, 2014, 01:19:15 AM

anyone can code it in rx? Thanks!!!

I will help you and give you a good advice.
Forget about coding systems with RX, because all of them fail.
There is other solutions than running simulations that might help you become a better gambler.
Well hope it works out for you Victor ...


Well i was thinking Victor sold this forum to Steve.
You can see his add between posts and Victor wrote he would calibrate with Steve again with new solutions for forum.
So i don't find it strange at all if there is no support button.

I just guess and would not be the first time.
I have seen this so many times ...
Why would they stop visit forum - i don't understand?

I beat the game - but i don't make ridiculous posts about holy grail.
My opinion, this is just silly.

I recognice that writing and this particular text - if i remember it correct - i think its from a Silverstone publication.
Is this a joke or are you serious?
Do you really think you can beat the wheel that way, well think again before you risk your money.

Quote from: Kav on April 25, 2014, 05:23:17 PM
Vic is an intelligent man knowing his rights and doesn't need anyone acting in his behalf. You learned nothing from Vic's posts about moving forward.
I do not understand what is your (legal) interest in this.
If you want to leave a better world to your kids go plant a tree instead of messing with other peoples affairs and probably making matters worse for the community and even for this forum.
You seem to get great pleasure from this unfortunate situation for the community.

I agree with you Kav ...

Ignore things is the best medicin.

Have a nice day :-)
I would be a shame taking 20 for that poor method and poor description.
Roulette Forum / Re: Basics
April 16, 2014, 05:56:13 PM

I know how it is done and i know does who reach 7 STD ...

Business ideas / Re: Passive Income Discussion
March 31, 2014, 04:31:35 PM
If you have a extra room to rent for student - do it ...
In my country you can take around 350 to 400 Euro for a room.
Is a big and easy market as there is more students then apartments.
Tax free.

Take care of other people dogs when they work, easy and almost passive.
Good if you are a programmer and can work from home with computer and internet.

You can take around 200 to 300 Euro for each dog each month.
3 to 4 dogs is ok and you take one big walk for 1 hour each day and later one short one for 10 minutes.
Good for healt and is all you do and give them food that owner give you.

Lets say you work from home and rent out a room and have 3 dogs - then you make 1100 Euro.
And plus your salary and as you understand you only need to work part time :-)
General Discussion / Re: Neutral Roulette Bet
March 21, 2014, 09:03:09 PM
Quote from: pb65 on March 21, 2014, 04:45:46 AM
Hi everyone, I am looking for the bet that can be used on BV that is a neutral bet, meaning it doesn't win or lose, it just returns your stake no matter the result.  I had a copy of it at one time but have misplaced it. 

Does anyone know it?

Any help would be appreciated.

What kind of bet is that ?
Sports Betting Forum / Re: Sweet bookie juice
March 07, 2014, 12:33:59 PM
Nice D ...

QuoteI have the solution.
I can tell what number is bias or hot and not due
towards random fluctuation.
The method comes from discussion between Laurance
Scott and Edward Thorp.
The down side is that i don't share or make that kind
of information public.
But i have to say it feels good having a complete playing model in my library.
I have all simulations software with cor charts
and explanation how to determine what is what.


I presume you're talking about AP here, considering the names
you mentioned?

My experiment was geared up towards a mathematical
solution really. For that reason I tend to use random.org as the source, so any
results can't be due to physical bias or something else. The results were pretty
enlightening, but like you say some things are not for public consumption for
one reason or another.

True it is about AP.
But you have to make one important distinction when you read what i wrote.
The method is based upon math and probability and not defect spotting.
Defect spotting involve physical detections of the wheel.
The method Laurance Scott create after some discussion with Edward Thorp is pure math and probability.

I can mention he make a difference between pseudo STD and actually STD.
Then you have the COR charts - Chance of randomness.
Monte Carlo simulation softare to see how ofthen 123456789 numbers hit 3 STD randomly and so on ...
Then you use a matemathical hypotes of the likelihood that a number is due towards random fluctuation or not.
Based upon very clever parameters that i can not mention - the playing model.