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Messages - Sputnik

Even chance / Re: lines as ECs
September 24, 2013, 03:59:41 PM

I build a march based upon playing lines.

Pick any three alternating lines, like 246 or 134 or 532 or any other combination.
Then you follow the wheel playing does three lines.

If you lose then you add the last hitting line and play 4 lines to break even.
You only lose if you get 5 alternating lines.

it's a pretty cool idea and i have not test it so much.

Would also work playing 4 lines and recoup playing 5 lines preventing all 6 to show.
Dozen play.

[reveal= Win/Loss results]


2 W
4 L


2 W
3 W
2 W
6 L


4 W
3 L


1 L
1 W


4 W
4 W
3 L


4 W
3 L


2 W
1 W
2 W
6 L


2 W
1 L


5 L
6 L
Quote from: TwoCatSam on September 21, 2013, 01:55:00 PM

I also believe one can catch a trend and profit from it.  However, your post is murky to say the least.  That is, if you're intention is to tell how you achieved this result.

1.  What is your trigger to begin seeking a trend? 
2.  What defines a "trend"?
3.  How do you know when the trend ends?

This is an interesting thread.  I hope you don't abandon it.


1.  What is your trigger to begin seeking a trend? (You bet for domination from the very first bet)
2.  What defines a "trend"? (That you can ride the side that is dominating)
3.  How do you know when the trend ends? (When the domination ends the trending ends)

The probability i referring to is 1 in 3 playing even money bets.
So when two dozen is dominating you have a trend or when one side out of three is sleeping you have domination.

This topic is about the same subject:

But that is not what interested me.
I just want to see if you can catch and jump on board the train using only three bets.
Catch the trend with only three bets and i find the result overwhelming.

Three bets and you are out of the action ...

This is not a losing or winning system, this is a test placing only three bets to catch a trend.
Players have told me that you only place three bets and if you don't catch a trend you quit.
I was thinking this was crazy ... in the beginning.

But now i understand that we have to avoid chasing loses and keep things short, keep loses short, losing less.
For me it has been a fight in my mind to solve this philosophic with just placing three bets to catch a trend.
The common thing in the past has been one big progression and all in.

Three loses just not only make sense when it comes to keep loses short and small.
It also make sense if you aim to win two session out of three as your overall strategy.

Now i wanted to test one even money trend and see how many positive entering points i would get placing only three bets and how many negative exit points i would get placing only three bets.

The positive tram is overwhelming.

+ catch a trend within three bets
- losing three bets trying to catch a trend

300 trails

24 times you catch a trend with three bets
2 times you lose three bets trying to catch a trend


Now the question is how many times can i reach 20% win goal with does positive entering points.

I will first try out to solve the money management ...

We have 50 bankroll and split it into two sessions with 25 each.
That is because you want to try winning two session out of three, at least.

Now we have a 50% loss limit for our 25 unit session money.
That means we have 12 to play with and 1 minimum unit size.

If he or she would lose two in a row (sessions) then they would still would walk home with 26.
Now he or she can not get a total wipe out or get broke.

Now with 20% or 10 % win goal he or she would aim to win 1 or 2 units for each session using 12 units.

Well i see it to be very difficult with only 12 units to play inside numbers.
And that outside bets minimum size is to large.

Gambling Philosophy / Re: EC sleepers
September 10, 2013, 06:17:28 AM
2013 09 10

12435 WLWWW

2013 09 09

21345 WWW LLL

2013 09 08

13246 WWW LLL
Gambling Philosophy / EC sleepers
September 10, 2013, 05:54:13 AM

I just play around with 6 lines ,,, same as a dice with six sides ,,,
We all know that at least one side sleep ,,,

I change it into EC observation ...
First you list what singles and series that hit until you have one left ...
Then that event will sleep just like using the lines or a dice ...

Here some one could bet all five events or just three events around the sleeping one ...
The last option would give you 2 in 3 odds playing dozen position ...

Example 13254 events show and 6 is at sleep.
We bet 45 and 7


Example 21645 events show and 3 is at sleep.
We bet 12 and 4


Example 12435 events show and 6 is at sleep.
We bet 45 and 7

General Discussion / Re: Winning day but a loss?....Yep
September 09, 2013, 06:25:58 PM
Quote from: malcop on September 09, 2013, 05:39:43 PM
Mr J in the past have done what did, but now I try very hard to stick to my loss goal.  It's not nice to have a losing session but I have learnt the hard way that it is just part of gambling any gambling.

My win goals for a session is fluid and it changes as the session progresses, easy session higher win goal tough session lower win goal, really tough session just happy to break even.

In the long run I win more sessions than I lose and the winning sessions make up for any losing sessions I have so I'm happy.

But even now I still have to remind myself about all the good winning sessions I have when everything go's against me.

For me the biggest enemy is not the Casino it's what's in your head!

Very nice and you find a true mindset ,,, i like what i read very much ... and your mentality ...
When you are on a good tram you hit more and when you are on a bad tram you keep loses short and quit ... very nice mindset ...
Slot Machines Forum / Re: Without Endorsement [FYI only]
September 09, 2013, 12:25:00 PM
Nice input ...
Poker Forum / Free simulation poker software
September 08, 2013, 04:52:56 PM
This is for Texas Holdem and very good way to learn how to play poker against the computer.
Make you own setting and so on ...

Free open source software for Windows and Linux ...
So if you like me want to learn and master more games, then this is for you ...

I start to read poker books and aim to play cash games in my local casino.
Math & Statistics / Re: Regression toward the mean and SD
September 06, 2013, 06:41:32 AM

Nice topic GG ...

This is how regression towards the mean looks like using a modified march by Marigny.
After at least 7 reds or blacks.

+1 WWLWLWWLL       
+1 WLWWWWWWLL       
+1 LWWLWWLL       
+1 LLWWWWLL       
+1 WWWL           
-3 LLWLL           
+1 WWLWLL         

Here is other results.

920108 Ecart 3.44 +1
920124 Ecart 3.27 +1
920127 Ecart 3.00 +1
920131 Ecart 3.00 +1
920205 Ecart 3.40 +1
920211 Ecart 3.12 +1
920213 Ecart 3.41 .X
920214 Ecart 3.12 +1
920218 Ecart 3.12 .X
920219 Ecart 3.27 +1
920302 Ecart 3.64 +1
920325 Ecart 3.40 +1
920406 Ecart 3.00 +1
920428 Ecart 3.00 +1
920519 Ecart 3.54 -3
920520 Ecart 3.00 +1
920527 Ecart 3.15 +1
920609 Ecart 3.00 -3
920612 Ecart 3.15 .X
920613 Ecart 3.00 +1
920617 Ecart 3.00 +1
920622 Ecart 3.00 +1
920716 Ecart 3.00 +1
920720 Ecart 3.00 +1
920723 Ecart 3.00 +1
920810 Ecart 3.02 .X
920818 Ecart 3.15 +1
920824 Ecart 3.00 +1
920826 Ecart 3.15 -3
920827 Ecart 3.15 +1
920903 Ecart 3.15 +1
920904 Ecart 3.00 +1
920909 Ecart 3.00 +1
920915 Ecart 3.18 +1
920923 Ecart 3.02 +1
920924 Ecart 3.00 +1
920930 Ecart 3.29 +1
921002 Ecart 3.12 +1
921005 Ecart 3.88 +1
921005 Ecart 3.15 +1
921014 Ecart 3.70 -3
921022 Ecart 3.50 .X
921024 Ecart 3.65 +1
921027 Ecart 3.00 +1
921030 Ecart 3.00 .X

TOTALS 35/12

General Discussion / Re: A Money Management Challenge
September 05, 2013, 02:11:36 PM

Alternative way to calculate.
If you get RR B RR B RRR you have imbalance into one direction and with this example 1,5 STD ...
So you can also see it as Ecart play.

General Discussion / Re: A Money Management Challenge
September 05, 2013, 01:07:32 PM

I lost my charts from the old days, but find one chart from the past when i was testing this.
Here is 500.000 ....

General Discussion / Re: A Money Management Challenge
September 05, 2013, 12:45:13 PM

Hello Kav.
I am not sure this help, but i mention so you can decide for your self.

I don't have the progression you looking for.
But i know how you can play one side and is just a little different then what has been mention before.

You see red and you play red once.
If a loss you play red again once.
That is the end of the attack sequence.
Total two bets for each attack.

I pass 800.000 spins using this method.
Betting against 9 singles in a row with a 12 step fibo.
The trigger was three in a row.
After 800.000 it tank, but i continue testing it as i was up overall in profit and so i was after 1.000.000

This is why or the probability ...
You have three existing possibilities.
You get one isolated single and you have one particular state.
If you get two or more singles you have one particular state.
If you get series to chop you get one particular state.

No other combinations exist if you look at the random flow in different present states.
That is 1 in 3 ...
So after three singles you have two states to show against one ,,, just like dozen play.

I assume that if you would measuring one dozen hitting 9 times in a row you would find it pretty rare.
I think during 1.000.000 you would get around 13 in a row.

I just mention that to put the states into perspective if you decide to try it out.

Quote from: Turner on September 04, 2013, 07:32:47 PM
Sputnik....please just tell me if I understood correct for that particular example, or I am just flapping around in the breeze

I don't know,,, i have never use a selection after 1.2 or 1.5 STD ...
But if you would do the same as i describe with my example to define tendency and not chasing, then you would have six series or six singles events.

I have  only play after 3.0 STD and been using different ways to attack.
I just wanted to show the difference to avoid a 2.5 STD using a benchmark with out chasing for events.

One march bet once direct after 3.0 STD and if a loss you wait for two indication events and if a loss you wait again for two indications.
One other march wait for two indication and attack and if a loss then you wait again for two indication and if a loss you wait again for two indications.
One other march is that you wait for three indications and attack once and if a lose you wait for two indication and attack once and if a loss you wait for two indication again and attack once.

You have to find you own march and see what works.
I had succes with secound one.
Where the indications was direct draw down or hovering state.