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Messages - XXVV

Yes I want to note that the way you have assembled a range of betting options, made bet selection easy, and your step by step approach in taking sensible gains 5% to 10% to 20% when offered is most interesting and most impressive. Thank you for presenting this and sharing this with us. I will look into this further. Well done and good attitude to it all.

That you use RNG is no problem to me on the basis of my scientist colleague's website test results using 30 sets of 10,000 RNG spin samples in testing out various bets and looking at performance in the big picture * - in fact it has many uses and benefits just so long as the chosen casino is reliable and honest.

* the bet selections for his work are not based on short session play like WF but operate on larger cycles.
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Gambling at Sky City
September 20, 2014, 03:18:24 AM
You don't have a dog.

Yes, one can be sure that 'politics' like 'religion' is divisive (lol).

My reference to 'we rather like him' was a tepid recommendation as the big oaf - always dressed in black- shot himself in the foot the other day addressing a mob of what looked like 'boy-racers' as we refer to them in Christchurch - very disturbed part adults who seem to have transferred their affection for humanity instead into passion for their lowered high powered and noisy anti-social cars - and in a frenzy of unfortunate rather embarrassing Germanic passion started inciting the mob to hysteria in his election rally. In the frenzy which was unpleasantly personally aimed at our innocent looking current PM the big man forgot himself and like a previously unseen gem from Dr Strangelove,  started giving fascist salutes and chanting in a warped half comic version of a mini nazi activist rally in a land very very far away from NZ. Alarm bells were ringing.

This one act probably cost him any chance of honourable mention in the results tonight.

The results came through and Mr Dotcom was indeed a poisoned chalice (his expression) to his partners and to the election as a whole - with Kiwis taking the understandable route of reinforcing playing safe and sticking with what they know rather than risking chaos in a ramshackle ad hoc patchwork quilt of mix and match.
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Gambling at Sky City
September 19, 2014, 08:59:26 PM
Greetings Rolex

You have caught me in holiday spirit and yes it is election day here in Aotearoa. This time round ( every 3 years here so it is like a merry go round) and everyone gets a chance and this year the fairground has got some extra bizarre horses - from a right wing Christian Party with a young property investor leader with an unfortunate mesmerising gaze that really looks part insane, to an obese German internet mogul who is fighting extradition to Hollywood and who has set up an Internet Party whose leader is called Mr Dotcom. We all rather like him because he gives the finger to America.

No offense please intended to Americans or to Christians. Some of my best friends are both.

Now to this business of Sky City.  Yes they do come across as part of the Evil Empire all right and from the outset they have been involved in Sky City but it was Harrahs who had the original and Sky City took control from them. They took an interest in the lovely little Christchurch casino which had a major original shareholder in the brilliant John Aspinall - so had some special quirky charm. When Sky City took control it went downhill fast. They have now been kicked out after a few scandals and the little boutique casino is healthier again with some delightful staff who have been there the full 17 years since opening.

Clearly Rolex you have 'anger issues' with some aspects of live play. That final word you were struggling to say "Can n't" is quite revealing. Short for CANNOT it reveals a psychological block. Permit me to 'take the p...' and try to help you through this.

Did you ever see the film 'The Croupier', the 1998, 94 min long film that launched the career of Clive Owen. Murky goings on in the twilight zone of casino life.

Yes the scalloped wheels are mostly used here as are often much lighter and smaller little white balls. In the private club the frequenters prefer the 'bucket' wheels but both types are offered and you have the right to request the larger white ball if desired wherever in the casino. A backward step introduced by the Evil Empire was that a second zero was placed within the Euro wheel layout between 5 and 10, so that 38 numbers are available for punters on the cheap $2 tables. When you play the rapid roulette at $1 min or the $5 table ( both of which I utilise) normal service is resumed with the sanity of the single zero.

Amusing nonsense but yet another tax upon the naive.

There is no 'en prison' play in NZ or Australia that I am aware of, and of course Adelaide ( a beautiful city indeed where I shall be in May next year) has Sky City firmly in control. Their management of Auckland, Hamilton, Adelaide and Queenstown casinos is unfortunate in my view - they of course are in business to strip as much cash from the pockets of the innocent lambs that wander in, and they do take an adversarial stance in my view. Gone are the days when in Auckland they would comp me a luxury suite and 3 course dinner for 4 of us. That was 12 years ago, and I was well looked after when I would stay 2 or 3 nights in the very good hotel they run above the casino and I could come down to the gaming floor before the shift change when it was quiet in the very early hours  and enjoy various table play. My experience then was actually very good and I knew several dealers including a brilliant French professional dealer ( a life in Europe) who respected my play and I his style. As often happens in such context I did very well. Later in the day our paths would cross when he visited the TAB - where I also did very well. We never exchanged brown paper bags. I attribute my success there and large trifectas to luck. I would frequently buy 10 x $3 random draws for a race (easybets). I recall there were 2 major trifectas I won that way within ten days and the second larger win paid for a trip for my wife and my daughter around the world to study music in Amsterdam and Germany for several weeks - instrumental in her education. Good Karma.

In those days Auckland and Sky City was a more relaxed place. Now its become very intensified and space seems tight.

You should ask SqzBox what he thinks of the set these days - quite negative I expect although the niche for Baccarat I think is quite pleasant in the new floor layout.

My stay there recently has been at their new 5 star Grand across the road from the Casino and 'the experience' as they like to term it was quite good  ( food by Peter Gordon) but not the style of Sydney or Melbourne. As for the dealers - my own view on this subject is worth a volume or two.

Queenstown Casino ( there are two and the one not controlled by Sky City) is magical and overlooks the Lake Wakatipu and is built on the wharf. Fabulous and a bit like the very early Sydney Star City was when down on the wharf. Worth a flying visit for a fairytale location especially during the snowy Winter Festival.

Dealers in Christchurch. I have said this before and will say it again. The young guys sometimes get a little competitive but the  staff in training ( regularly displayed in the casino interior during the day) are 50/50 male and female, and in my view delightful. Most are very pleased to see you win.

If I lose at the table and I blame the dealer and show any negative emotion then I know I have a problem and I take a break - sometimes a few days off.

When I have won jackpots at the slots ( rarely played but only when using a percentage of earlier roulette winnings) I attribute this to 'my psychic response', yes intuition, to the energy/ phase of the machine in its current phase.  As the Day Manager stated fairly to me ( he was later implicated in a cheating/ con scandal) "you were in the right place at the right time" when they paid out $11,650 to me one morning. I knew the machine and I often had smaller jackpots on it. Luck. In the Chinese sense.

It is true, positive associations with 'winning dealers' is a powerful suggestion to subconsciousness, and yes it works! It did for me yesterday. I had earlier lost a little but came back to the table when a favourite dealer was on ( she often seems to spin zero section stuff 'for me'- and she acknowledges that) and I hit 26 twice and then a picture bet on 32.

I will be candid, I really like all the dealers at the boutique casino and they are well known to me. The problem would be in returning to Sky City now and they would be strangers, impersonal and part of a fast running river of chips going down the hole. I would need to invest time to re-establish a pattern of play, a routine, a stake in the place so to speak, and then I could start climbing. That's my mental game. Watching, waiting, and getting to know them. And that is just for my comfort.

If not I feel alone and at the mercy of cold forces. A loser - but that is the energy being put on me.

But of course 'it is all in the mind' is it not.  All fantasy really and yet it really matters, to me. I try to bring order, calm and confidence to my play - not too much but just enough to tip the scales to' a small edge' and the bias to which we are hard wired.

The 'edge' of course is another volume.

So I turn the CANNOT to CAN DO - still five letters but what a difference.
General Discussion / Re: Moderators
September 19, 2014, 05:23:18 AM
Thanks for putting things in a wider perspective Rolex - your timing is impeccable as we would expect.

Please allow me while basking in tropical comfort to add a short note regarding context and perspective to this discussion.

Some notable members have claimed 'double standards' but actually when you are on the front line/ coal face/ interaction with a new and unknown third party and you have to deal in good faith, as I do, with ongoing questions and being drawn into a 'scheme'/ plot/ fantasy/ it is necessary to make a judgment call at some point so as to desist when the third party starts behaving oddly or responding with remarks that don't quite add up, and it becomes clear you are dealing with a delusional party, then it is necessary to decisively call a halt.

Now I am talking in principle here but as a 'host' I may see more, especially when PM's are involved, and sooner than a senior moderator, or global moderator.

Discretionary calls and actions are sometimes necessary and in my view the BLOG format offers levels of control which are fair.

When responding on the open forum it is not quite so 'controlled' ( but I mean that in the best sense ).

Some time-wasters I am glad to see them out the door, and there are some, with little direct experience or knowledge of this context who call for the party to return. Now I am talking only in principle here, but you see my point.

It is necessary for the community to trust the integrity and good intentions of Moderators and of course we all know there are 'tests of power' that are offered in daily experience. However let me please offer my sincere respect and knowledge of  several of the moderator team here, and in particular my good friend Esoito who in my opinion has impeccable judgment in matters of ethics, values and quality control. I have asked him at some stages to give me an objective assessment and suggestions for a piece that I am writing, and I respect his comment as a professional Editor, and have frequently amended pieces that needed improvement.

Lets respect and acknowledge good work when it is done, and be forgiving in our shortcomings.

Thanks Rolex for being a realist also and acknowledging that is a battle at the tables, and very far from theory. One of the delights and challenges of a motivated semi-professional is to handle and balance the energies, the stress and control those slippery racers, the emotions.

Best to all concerned
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Intuition
September 16, 2014, 09:29:04 PM
Quote from: Maxwell on September 16, 2014, 09:22:59 PM

In your post you said youd tested for over 300k.  Can we view the testing that you talk about?  It would help me have my friend code it if I could see how your scientist friend did it.

Did Semyon Dukach code it and test it for you or was it your chemist scientist friend?  Semyons a very detailed man.   Like I said he would want to know if you were in  vacuum traveling at the speed of light and so on...

Im kind of confused though.. in that.. how could you have tested it over 300k spins if your saying it can't be coded???

I wish youd be more descriptive in posts and less vague.  You make these ref. but I can't find any info on them when you make them.  Youre detailed in when you talk about pink chips and how they make you feel but you leave out details when talking about everything else.  Why?

Enough said.
I will be away from the Forum for a while ( as earlier stated).
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Intuition
September 16, 2014, 09:14:11 PM
Quote from: Schoolman on September 16, 2014, 08:10:39 PM
Probability is a notoriously counter-intuitive subject. People are in general very bad at it, that's why the casino carpets are so thick.

XXVV's idea that intuition is "reason to the Nth degree" is interesting, but I think that only applies in certain scenarios, and surely roulette isn't one of them. There's no substitute for a properly researched method based on mathematics and logic.

Yes of course Schoolman you may be right as I have taken the risk of applying an esoteric application and dropped it into the thick midst of the gross world of casino roulette (lol).

'Surely' I am not so sure about that as writers such as Sunil Padiyar and Eric Nielsen have much to offer and I like questioning common assumptions and looking at things from a different perspective. Thanks for your interesting and refreshing observations.

Our new friend Maxwell is quick to judgment and might be surprised at the degree of mathematics and logic applied in my professional work. It is always amusing to observe the reactions when a word is inserted that at first glance is out of context.

In my opinion it is most unfortunate that some words in common usage seem to be devalued and very poorly understood.

My particular background rather usefully blends art and science and my whole life has been dealing with the interactions therefrom -lol.

Best wishes xxvv
M life loyalty card.

Google answered the question in 3 seconds. Look under the MGM Grand website.

I like the series portraying these role reversals but the wig disguises wear a little thin- no wonder Paul got so many refusals.

Straight-up / Re: General Cluster
September 10, 2014, 04:10:43 AM
Ah thanks that is a clear explanation.
From my own recent play I will see how this performs.

It was your graphics that impressed, but of course you need 6 times that number of sample charts before I take this seriously. There are so many opportunities with short cycle repeat theory but you need to harness the power of direct repeats as well, ie the original numbers as well as neighbours. I had a live session this afternoon and it was all direct repeats, not neighbours. Sometimes as with the table this afternoon for example, 31 was very hot but 9 and 20 were cold and 14 was passive.

So I see what you are doing and let's test it, but you need to have the direct short cycle energy working for you, not against you. Playing neighbours can sometimes do that.
Straight-up / Re: General Cluster
September 09, 2014, 08:43:35 PM

These results are very encouraging.

You are on to something significant with clusters, and I like the way you have stopped the session when you have reached a significant goal, and within a sensible real time live wheel window say 3 hours or so.

Can you please more fully explain your approach for as I understand it you gather, cluster, accumulate 'targets' which are a previous single appearance and play neighbours either side on the wheel, up to a maximum of 10 core targets and then re-set after a win, all played flat staking. At maximum until hit you would have 33 numbers being played for. in the 5 sessions you have shown it seems the lowest level you struck was about -200, but all sessions seemed to end +1000 units or so.

Is this the way you do it? If so can you show another 5 sessions at random selection please.

If I have this wrong please correct me.

Re- reading your post it seems you play only the neighbours of those shows, so play 2 targets instead, up to a max of only 10 targets and keep going till hit, then re-set.

Worst case scenario will be the 10 numbers taking a long sleep. It appears there is a short term edge here. have you compared the 2 +2+2 +2+2  with say 3+3+3+3+3 in a large sample, ie say 30 sessions of approx 200 spins.

Recommend you test on samples of 30 sessions and see how many are positive, and the net result.

Use a variety of live spin sources also, say 10 sessions from Wiesbaden, 10 from your live data, and 10 from elsewhere.

Looking forward to your results.

We have indeed a surplus and I have considered a pipeline to our cousins across the ditch. To extend to UK could be negotiable.
Thanks Albalaha.

I do understand your decision and the boundaries sometimes do need to be maintained. You know my M/O by now and the change of scale/ context is a deliberate device to see afresh but my contemporary attack on the international fracking scandal might just be seen to be going a little too far (lol).  Nevermind the Editor of our morning paper did receive a concise version anyway (lol).

As a matter of protocol , for the five members who were edited, perhaps a little note, PM, or editorial explanation would have saved the concern.

Kind regards XXVV
Hi Slacker and Turner, Rolex and Green Guy. Let us just brush ourselves down in wonder  here ( our Unlikely Happy Band) and gather our wits - been through some sort of time tunnel. I think Mr Albalaha was wearing his Big Editorial Hat and pushed the button for various reasons. This is further demonstration of the inter-connectedness of all all things ( it is a philosophical section is it not) - what I term instant karma -lol. I did not intend my piece to be offensive. I had actually wondered of course that some might doubt my ( temporary) sanity -lol. However I did question a few comfortable assumptions and doubtless that either was deemed out of bounds or threatening to some attitudes, ot comfort zone. Not good enough for the enquiring mind however. I just did what Artists do to as a technique to see afresh. I changed scale and context.

Having done some editing myself Turner over the years I did smile between the thunder clouds and lightning bolts.

Thank you 'powers that be' for restoring our wee few posters to the light of print out of the darkness of the inky recycle bin.

Yes Slacker  I do appreciate your comment, only please know that my commentator/ mentor is indeed a skilled scientist and it was his observations both empirical and theoretical on the term 'Theory of Probability' that has continued to fan my interest here for the past 18 months.

My view on the professional aspect of any work is that 'state of mind', attitude,  confidence, preparedness, focus, collective experience and wisdom, tactical and strategic application, is everything, and makes the difference between an average result and higher levels of attainment, an outstanding result.

More soon, when the dust settles.
This is a very interesting subject and has been very clearly viewed and explained by several gifted experienced players here.

I would like to tip in a few extra thoughts, because this is an empirical philosophy question and has big implications for more effective, efficient and profitable play. The discussion to my mind is just a little too comfortable at present. Thus my input is not intended to be negative but instead perhaps further thought provoking, a little edgy, and hopefully may lead to further clarifications. I also want to illustrate some bigger context implications of flawed application of probability theory.

Probability is a theory, not law. Certainly there are tendencies which extrapolated in life experience which can be useful, but which can also be dangerous when over simplified or taken too literally.

One of my favourite examples is the 1 in 500 year flood probability which is used by Engineers intended to assist, but often deludes the innocent. I designed a house at great cost to be located close to a bubbling brook of a stream high up on the hills to the south of Auckland NZ. It was close to a summit and the landscape had weathered old volcanic hills ( Auckland is in the midst of a very much alive volcanic field) and occasional large boulders ( exploded from craters) and vents/ chambers permitting springs to emerge. These springs can produce the goods at times.

I spent $5000 of my client's money to have a multi discipline engineering report for both water and subsoil ( geotech) prepared. We were assured the gentle stream flooded only once in 500 years ( on average) and thus I could locate a romantic bedroom balcony only 2m from the water and thus provide a soothing and healing environment.

To be very conservative we added a further 500mm to the 'worst case scenario' flood plain level and built the million dollar home accordingly with bright eyes and bushy tails.

Just prior to finishing, a winter rainstorm came and the flooding river ( no longer a brook) reached within a few mm ( too close for comfort) to the finished floor level ( concrete and not timber thankfully). The 1 in 500 happened beyond its supposed parameters and happened within one year. In fact such events clustered in three events over ten years.

Likewise the Christchurch earthquake events ( thousands of tremors over an extended three year term) are supposed to be 1 in 2000 year events. Yet Engineers acknowledge we could experience a new set any day as the fault lines under the city resemble 'spaghetti junction in LA motorway terminology). There is disagreement as to whether some shifts can trigger other shifts.

Such guides are mere sops to enable a false sense of security rebuilding a house of cards. This time we use superglue on the cards but really life events are much more complex and unreliable than simplified mathematical illustrations.

Whilst on the subject of inter-connectedness and misleading possibly sinister over simplifications. Consider the case of 'fracking' - proving to be the biggest fraud for loose money/ quantitative easing opportunists ( they are not all bad) and the irresponsibility and pre-meditated destruction of our above surface and below surface environments ( they are inter- connected -lol).

What has been learned in parts of the US , has not yet been borne out in the UK but is well on its way with gross deception being foisted upon the public ( documents accessed with huge blanked out passages that relate to health consequence research) by compliant engineers without morality and government officials keen to encourage 'investment', However it will come to naught and will have peaked by 2017 and in a recent series of articles by the Guardian, the Telegraph, and Economist in the UK it is shown that the pollution of our subterranean water courses will have exponential negative consequences and that fracking companies have over stated the potential of their search ( ie entire California and entire South UK).

Earthquakes are a proven side effect as are flammable water sources that are spring fed. Blackpool and the good folk of Lancashire do not want this.

NZ follows like a lost sheep with BP actually 'educating' children in Taranaki schools over 'the benefits' of fracking that await us. Distorted and conveniently skewed statistics that call upon probability theory are put into the spin.

What does this have to do with roulette?

Everything. Because all is connected and inter-connected despite appearances, so that events happen that can sometimes be contradictory in behaviour. Just as there can be prolonged conformity to a theory, it does not necessarily mean that this will happen all the time at the tables. Many times I have stated Roulette is a Microcosm of Life.

It depends on your viewpoint also, and context.

The analogy of the tester in the roulette wheel factory is persuasive but of course change your perspective and it is not so clear. What if the memory that is referred to is not one of independent individual trial outcome wheels ( tested once and then dispatched) but instead is the rolling cumulative cloud consciousness experience of the Tester. Life operates on many levels as you well know, and it is wise to consider several levels rather than just one, in order to gain some further understanding. On another level, what if an other level of consciousness is observing and not necessarily self consciously but instead 'sub-consciously ( the Mind of God argument). Hard to refute - how could you prove you were not being observed?

I like the concept of 'infinity' or 'zero' ( but cannot even commence to comprehend such), and I also have no trouble in considering and allowing that 'some things' are just unknowable and should be respected as such. Our human intellect operates like a microscope with a limited range, and it just keeps our perspective a little more modest and with humility if we acknowledge we just do not and will never know answers to everything. This may upset the rationalists and materialists but in many life experiences a more open ended attitude can help rather than limit. That way 'solutions' may not just be either/ or - black an white- but perhaps a process over time toward as yet unknown settlements/ solutions ( I am thinking of 'Diplomacy' here).

Back to roulette.

Consider spin by spin and short cycles of say 3 to 20 ( arbitrary end) spins. In that flow there are sometimes numerous overlapping sets of pattern data that can be observed and utilised for observation of 'same' or 'change' characteristics. That is the result of cluster analysis. Threads and strings on huge potential sets matrices are enabled.

Look at the number of permutations ( sets) available for four corner bets trapping 16 numbers applied to a European roulette table. The answer is over 1200.

My empirical analysis shows application of the apparent memory traces of clusters transcending dealer change and of course overnight stoppage and cleaning of a wheel.

But it is not black and white and sometimes the dealers have a minor influence, sometimes negligible. Most influence here is in the emotions and interpretations by the player in response to a dealer change. In other words, self fulfilling prophecies sometimes in terms of fears or hopes- it works both ways.

Please consider the notion of overlays of influences as well as the applied mathematics, which itself is a clever but still, a construct, not always reliable.

Much happens 'below the surface' of appearances.

Apparent limitations and barriers can be smashed. The silly rationalisation by 'math' believers is naive and outdated when it is stated the game cannot be beaten. As I have said elsewhere though it is true that at one level spins are independent, but at another level it is equally true that spins are connected. We need a bigger overview to understand such apparent contradictions in the world and black and white divisive thinking simply cannot cope.

There is clear evidence ( on massive samples) that the negative expectation of roulette can be easily overcome by application of  simple, consistent and proven methodology. I have seen the compelling results of the work of a colleague based on 12 months continuous live application of a method derived through comparative testing of methods using 30 samples of 100,000 spins. Results are applicable to both live, live internet and to RNG with suitable anti cheat applications overlaid.

Looking forward to some responses and comments here.
General Discussion / Re: 13 and 31
August 13, 2014, 09:27:03 PM

Nice to share a thread again with you. Clearly you have not read my extensive notes on reversals in the Blog.

Haha, also yes there is a heavy instant karma price to pay for alluding to 666 -lol.  My posts passed that total without impact last month but I was half anticipating reactions. That of course is the essence. We trigger by half expectation -lol.

Actually to digress a little, and I am not giving away too many secrets here, Classical Hebrew transposes numbers and words with striking and intended meaning. This is termed Gematria. All sorts of hidden and intended meanings were 'ascribed' by the classical scribes/ scholars enabling hidden links where two Gematria totals are equaled by two quite different words. I won't go into further detail here.

You may be pleased to hear that 'Love'  through its Hebrew letters, each of which has a number, adds to 13 total. It is a beautiful number but tell that to the Knights Templar on a Friday.

Of course my favourite is Zero and the Hebrew letter Aleph ( not available on this keyboard is exquisitly beautiful, and at one level is linked to zero).

Remember the cover of the great Santana first album - you will see Aleph featured there. All and Nothing.

So mystical connotations may or may not be your scene, although I would have thought.....

You are missing the point. It is not the direct 13/31 link but the associations from time to time. It works for me because I target neighbours - you have to make allowances.

Mike will understand this. He knows I deal in grey areas, but of course in black and white if it comes to contracts. Some people get agitated with 'grey' or 'neighbours' because it is not compartmented or logical enough for them. My argument is that, as in building, we design 'tolerance' which allows for better fit - hence my frequent fuzzy logic reference to the Porsche factory and precise assembly of complex curved shapes. Frank Gehry the great LA Architect uses the same tolerances when designing his twisted galleries and museums and hotels. Actually the CAD systems the Architects use come from aircraft design and manufacture.

On a recent doco I saw the fabulous Ferrari 250 GT - GTO-  the great racer from the 60's and to me one of the most beautiful cars ever made. It achieved its shapes by aluminium panels beaten over wood molds. Every car was thus slightly different and unique and in the model seen, one door was longer than the other by either 25mm or was it 250mm - anyway significantly different!. Fuzzy logic ( grey thinking mathematics changed all that).

You will appreciate as well as 13/31 I could choose 0/34 or 1 and 30. It makes no difference. What I am simply saying is that the reversals are easy to remember and attack, especially 13/31 through the two corner bets! Every pair of numbers will have its time in the sun.

Smoke and mirrors!
General Discussion / Re: 13 and 31
August 13, 2014, 07:55:15 PM
Hello LF

There are ways and ways of looking at opportunities. Some cannot see the wood for the trees.

One of my colleagues who is a brilliant creator of methods, and thus someone who must do an awful lot of testing to eliminate appearances from reality, is a scientist by training and thus brings the scientific method to test his theories. He plays in many modes, but with great success on RNG in one website where he has achieved excellent results over a 12 month audit of his play. In passing I should note he takes great care to avoid being beaten by any form of cheating and there are ways to reduce such risk, and the sums he wins would not cause alarm.

He tests from data of 10,000 spin sets and uses 30 of such, according to the Charles Theory, ie uses 300,000 spins. This is a formidable tool. I recommend it if large sample sizes are required.

However the essence of roulette is to be able to read short cycles, based on human live perception, and take advanatage of opportunities when they present themselves. Philosophically I see the universe as abundant in resources which are infinite, and thus we are surrounded with opportunity, but let us limit this to roulette in short cycles. Still abundant.

However most may be invisible to us unless we open our eyes and perceptions.

The 13/31 ratio is an opportunity if you know how to look at it.

I have written extensively on this in my Blog. At times it is a rich source of potential profit, at other times one must wait. That is the nature of short cycle analysis in roulette, access to a ratio, and then set the traps to operate when the opportunity presents itself, sometimes immediately, sometimes strongly, sometimes weakly.

My approach is to set a trap that uses corner bets mainly 10/14 and 28/32 and to use a wheel and table neighbour spread but in focus on the reversals.

You miss the point entirely if you test for 100,000 spins or more on 13/31 ratio or 12/21 or 23/32. Of course they are independent. But they also cluster in cycles. Cluster analysis reveals that it is necessary to tune for the most effective and efficient bet to trap these short cycles. That requires experimental testing on a large scale but is a lot of fun. This works, and is a source of great excitement.

It just depends how and where you look.

Do not look at spins as just independent, but also see them in overlapping groups.

Hope that fires your imagination.