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Messages - XXVV

Meta-selection / Re: CLUMPING THEORY
April 08, 2014, 03:49:43 AM
Yes the clumping is the start of a longer cycle clustering and can be applied to wheel sections and table groupings.
More on this soon.
General Discussion / Living in the Present
April 05, 2014, 12:59:09 AM
Greetings all.

This is a little note to encourage Vic. and note recent behaviour and various interpretations, wishing to let all that flow as water under the bridge, and eventually out to sea!

I have never been interested in politics or too many orthodoxies because I find it can be very divisive. I find it better to work together at least in principle and it can be tricky in practice, but with such synergy anything is possible. Sometimes we come to cross roads and not quite sure how it all happened and some get upset over conflicting interpretations. In my experience there are always at least two sides to every dispute or disagreement, and that is why the legal profession will always flourish.

Out of this Forum business comes great opportunity for fresh beginnings and I note the new section on Passive Income which I can assure you could be a web site in its own right given the way things are going economically, socially and with increasing access to inter-connectedness via the internet and all future media. We live in an increasingly connected world.

I am excited for the new fresh look for this Forum and I will be delighted to continue to participate and in the new section on business ideas to contribute.

Also I will be writing on Bet Forum.cc and maintaining all my threads here and expand that work as the self moderated Blog format available to both these Forums is the way to really go forward and avoid the nonsense of negative and time waste posters.

Let's move on and if it takes an improved business model so be it.


Business ideas / Re: Passive Income Discussion
April 01, 2014, 07:38:08 PM

Better still. Invest in Young Artists. Young Picasso. With an attitude like his mother's how could you go wrong. (To paraphrase) ' Dear Pablo, Whatever you do you be tops!' Positive reinforcement from at least the female side is helpful.

it's a bit like 'Angel Investing'. 1 in 100 turns out but the dividends and rewards ( they say) more than make up for it.

Key is finding the 'added value' ingredient X ( so to speak).

Seriously searching for young talent is a lot of fun and enjoy the Gallery Openings.
Business ideas / Re: Passive Income Discussion
March 31, 2014, 03:27:23 PM

Here are two streams and with one I have considerable personal experience and the other is still at various idea(s) level(s) but can still give some interesting thoughts....

Part A

a. rental income

Principal family home is in New Zealand which unfortunately has become one of the more expensive* world locations in relation to local income. I think Australia is similar and also, for some ( bureaucratic?) reason so is Belgium. All those Government officials have to live somewhere.

5 years ago I decided to design and build an apartment as an addition to our existing family home for several reasons. That home is located 600 km north of Christchurch where I live and work now mainly.
Purpose for the building was to design a flexible unit that could be inter-linked to the main house at some future date, ie for a growing family or an elderly relative or teenager needing some private space.

Also the unit could be private and had an interconnecting sliding door and silent lobby. The door is fireproof and sound proof. The lobby also is further insulation and is used also as a storage space when not used for thoroughfare.

I am mainly away on business and the main house has an elderly relative. The apartment has had the same tenant living there for four years and sees the place as his 'home'. He has an annual lease. The unit is furnished and he pays a weekly rental and also keeps an eye on the main house for me. A great arrangement. I call it a win-win-win because it works on many levels and should in principle be applied here much more frequently to assist all levels of society.

The business side of it is that the cost of the apartment to build has added to the total value of the original home by the cost of building + a further 50% premium. That is because the weekly income can be capitalised annually and then as a rule of thumb is multiplied by ten to give the value added of the apartment. This is where an Architect can be helpful to organise and plan all this for the owner.

It is what we term a home + income ( it could be an adjacent business and/ or living space).

I believe many properties in NZ should have such an arrangement because this helps affordability * the apartment can help mortgage costs and the passive income can be very useful as well as helping others find a place to live as rental accommodation.

In Australia such arrangements are more common with a 'duplex' title. Mine is all at ground level but planning could be multi level ( strata title) but this can be more expensive and problematic. I keep it simple, with the size of the apartment about 40% the size of the house and completely self contained with one bedroom and en suite bathroom and an open plan living, dining and generous kitchen/ services gallery and entry lobby adjacent. The exterior living is from a private terrace screen fenced and planted and the apartment has its own parking and entry gate and front door.

So add to your existing home and generate passive income. The tax is organised so the apartment always runs at a slight book net loss allowing for depreciation and other reasonable taxation allowance. That is the passive income is tax free.

b. commercial property ownership - commercial rental income

can be simple industrial, retail or commercial space - helpful if the owner can keep a close eye on things but simple industrial properties are good because they are easy to maintain and tenants will often be capable and motivated to do that work themselves. thus saving time and money.

Part B

a. ownership of a franchise such as a fitness centre or bar or restaurant

b. shares in nu-skin ( NSE on NY Stock Exchange) or similar for marketing of health products with phenomenal health record and research and development in genetics and well being.

c. share investors for dividend growth and capital gain ( excellent earnings here)

NZ is one of the strongest growing economies ( although small) in the world and its currency value is high at present ( over valued but considered a safe conservative haven). Hence shares in infrastructure - ports and airports here and agriculture ( dairy ) and building are excellent earners with a great 3 -7 year window of opportunity ahead. But we must all factor in climate change over next 20-30 years. NZ is a temperate climate so is well cooled and surrounded by ocean. There are risks everywhere and due diligence is always essential.

NZD continues to grow in relation to USD and EURO.

Hope this assists. I am always available for further comment or research direction and referral.


Corner/Quad / Re: HCQ bet (1 to 3 quads)
March 30, 2014, 02:01:02 AM
Thanks Vic

First my apologies. I have not used this area of the Forum nearly as much as I should have. Martin Blakey will probably encourage much more interest in corner bets now. He has for me anyway.

I will employ this method and use as you suggest. Will report results and cross reference this to my Blog.

Methods' results / Re: XXVV's WF3 system
March 07, 2014, 11:00:20 PM

Your priority is dealing with the BV attitude which is also a shock. It has been a month of shocks!

Clearly there seems to be some sort of major stuff up and cover up with that Macao data to a level that is fraudulent if proven. I can't tell you how much time I had invested in studying that data for its sheer convenience and internal set out. Now I am mad at that lot!  Unless there is some other answer.

What it does show though Xander, despite all the apparent meddling and butchery and 'not so seamless' editing, the principle of repeating numbers is evident, yet oddly, at the more favourable range of tested data from a very wide variety of sources. It might have gone the other way. However for the time being we shall discard that package as a potential can of worms until further questions are asked and we all do more research.

Nevertheless I am very grateful to Xander for cleverly illustrating the dangers in using spin data sources, and just how careful we should be.

That is why I now use ONLY data I have seen and sourced myself and of course that is why it is usually in small parcels ( which of course can be 'seamlessly' tied together but even over that I now nervous).

I am glad all this has cleared the air, but there are more questions than ever now to be asked.

Methods' results / Re: XXVV's WF3 system
March 07, 2014, 06:46:16 PM

Thank you for your work in analysis of the Macao spin data. Indeed it seems the portion you tested has serious problems far more than we realised but only Gordon and Bryan as my colleagues were familiar with this book. Bryan had pointed out some general concerns years ago and we were aware of two passages at fault, certainly the 41 number overlap, but the degree of corruption is shocking.

I am endeavouring to seek an explanation, but as it is so many years ago, this may be academic. It is rather poignant that a fine book, so loved by many may have significant flaws, but that is another story.

I apologise for my statements regarding this issue over the spin data as I was in a state of shock at the time after having been a major advocate of Mr O'Neil-Dunne for many years.

You have done a fine job in the analysis.

8 March 2014
Methods' results / Re: XXVV's WF3 system
March 05, 2014, 05:55:08 PM

Yes I would be interested for one please, for both approaches live.
General Discussion / Re: Personal Permanence
February 23, 2014, 07:14:39 PM
Fair enough Turner.

As a student of Buddha I am sure you have access to the widest of understandings, some of which will touch and enter the spiritual levels. My own view is that all levels are here and now with us at all times and I try not to make separations, and that requires much effort and practice. That puts trying to understand or interpret a philosophical point from #6 or Xander into some perspective.  Thanks for your many contacts and links which are always thought provoking and your preparedness to respond, even if not in agreement.

Meanwhile my little canoe will continue on with my own wide eyed investigations into some of life's mysteries particularly those pertaining to roulette and the nature of randomness, and how it all fits. Yes we are hard wired to see patterns.

KInd Wishes
24FEb 2014 0815
General Discussion / Re: Personal Permanence
February 23, 2014, 01:23:39 PM
Quote from: Turner on February 23, 2014, 11:01:00 AM
And as for 13 follows 31.....


(still sad seeing Ralph post in this)

Thanks Turner, and by default Orochi, in that. Excellent work.

I know it sounds contrary but that 'resonance' is more frequent in my personal permananezen. It is not just that it is noticed more. It is my presence, my expectation now that makes a difference, like I attract and expect zero, and that I always have a parking space available wherever I need. This is the -fuzzy-  stuff that does work.

Testing of course would never register that, because you are 'not there'. It needs to be factored in but of course is an individual choice, and would not appeal or function with others, especially those of 'concrete linear' patterns of thought and feeling. They of course would rationalise that this is a rationalisation! Only way to tell is to measure your own experience. That is where the personal 'bubble' is valid.

Sure, of course ghosts exist. I grew up as a child in a house dating back to the 1600's and a ghost from the time of the civil war was evident to some, complete with sounds, but certainly feelings. These are locations where there has been very strong past emotion and an earthbound energy seeking eventual release.

There are wonderful energies to be experienced especially in natural settings. Why do you think you feel so wonderful in such settings. Resonance at work.

Most interesting link thank you Turner.

By the way Orochi and the 9 factors - - all these are in the 13/31 milieu and the two corner bets I mentioned  10/14  and 28/32 are efficient in mopping up the core of these links together with the neighbour plays. So I will often play, once triggered the neighbours as straight up bets with a strong 2 corner bet  stake and most on 13/31. it's a personal thing.

24 Feb 2013/0222
General Discussion / Re: Personal Permanence
February 23, 2014, 02:38:11 AM
Quote from: Turner on February 22, 2014, 08:19:27 AM
Lol...an analogy too far.
I mean forgetting past spins...only relevant when you actually place a bet...personal permanenzen*
Its hard to grasp...more so...its hard to reprogram old habits.

This to use the quotation from Turner but is directed to #6 and I have taken the liberty of using the German term * ( as an aside -they have the ability to much more accurately describe subtleties and shades of meaning than usual English usage because they just block another few letters like an abacus and form longer words).

This neat mathematical theory of us all walking around the casino with our personal bubbles of unique collected experience and that this is modified only when the player makes a 'real' bet rather than an imaginary bet or a virtual bet or even a virtual observation may be partly true but I suspect , with respect #6, that it is nonsense. It derives from a materialistic observation that 'what you see is what you get'. It makes no room for subtleties of observation, or shades of observation. It is black and white. no shades of grey. It is box thinking. I will give a simple example of how I believe I can shatter this illusion.

This is a live spin example from a recent game where I gave more detail in a recent post in the Blog.

I was observing/playing/observing/playing/observing a session that overall went for 61 spins, about an hour.

The first game of WF3 went for 27 spins and included 7 targets.

I had observed the first 20 of those spins from screen data ( verified as correct). By the time I came to play live already 4 targets were observed and I saw no point in chasing, so just observed for a few more spins but noted my old friend 13 was a target.

Now, call me superstitious or silly or a fool, but whenever I see 13, I see 31 and neighbours, and vice versa usually for a next spin then a penultimate spin , and then one more as a trio of attempts to ensnare this frequent opportunity. Sometimes the black odds first col do overlap, as do the finales group I utilise.

There is an efficient bet I use which is the corner 10/14 and the corner 28/32 corner and a few other attachments to trap this sometimes ping -pong resonance. Laugh you may but look at the Wiesbaden permanenzen and see the times 31/13 reverse and the usual suspects 22/9/14/20 with 11/36/27/6.

So after 4 spins watching I placed a bet and 27 came in and became a target (WF5), so I carried on and on the penultimate cycle then came 14 which also became a further WF target, and then guess what on the next penultimate cycle spin the ringleader 13 was hit.

I then stopped and observed a new game and from the spacing of fresh numbers clearly the looseness, or lack of clustering and clumping was evident ( what is the German for this phase). However eventually two targets came about but it took 17 spins already for this. So as the two targets were 35 and 36 I thought it sensible to place an efficient bet- a split on the two. It hit first spin with a hit on 36 as a consecutive repeater - the first for a long time.

So where is this heading?  Well there were no  further qualifying numbers in WF but I had observed the repeating numbers noted on the screen data and I noted the side of the wheel with numbers moving from 30 through to 28 ( ie what I term the CD sections of the wheel were dominant) but my old friend 33 had not showed but 9 and 31 were frequent repeaters.

So, intuitively I launched a virtual attack and in 3 consecutive spins (28,23,16) I had 3 hits so went aggressive live with 5 further spins for especial hits on 9 which became a WF target, but particularly  33 and 31, and at that time I took profit. The next four spins I observed would have provided 3 hits from 4 attempts.

The session was most successful with  a gain of +208 units on a RB of 120 units.

Most of that gain came from the final 2 spins as I pressed the bets.

It was a happy ending but the principle I am trying to illustrate is that I skipped in and out of live play throughout the session conserving most effort for a closing final coup but used data that was historic and I also used virtual play to observe continuity of sectional wheel play. Then went live when the dominant was being signaled for continuity.

Sure it could have all immediately failed but it did not. Evidence of dominant continuity can be a worthwhile short cycle strategy.

The true value of such a strategy is that it enables a MM strategy as well of pressing bets or parlay, but setting aside some profit should the streak not continue.

Here the streak crosses from virtual to live play and in the final 13 spins there were 3 dealers.

They certainly did not provide any signature unless the sisters were in harmony.

9   9
------  took profit

General Discussion / Re: Personal Permanence
February 22, 2014, 05:27:52 PM
Quote from: Turner on February 22, 2014, 08:19:27 AM
Lol...an analogy too far.
I mean forgetting past spins...only relevant when you actually place a bet...personal permenance.
Its hard to grasp...more so...its hard to reprogram old habits.

Ah yes. I totally understand what you were describing now.

There is some truth in this.

But I do not agree literally. I think 'more' is needed to make this a working model.

For practical, and demonstrable reasons. But that will not convince Mr No.6.

Thanks for clarifying. No need for thread, or....? XXVV

General Discussion / Re: Personal Permanence
February 22, 2014, 03:00:11 AM
Quote from: Turner on February 21, 2014, 10:21:56 PM
No.6 is a good guy and I respect him.

Trouble is that he is suggesting I break mental habits formed over years. I'm trying ....but its hard.

He basically says that even if its raining outside, and I can see it through the window, it isn't actually raining unless I go out and stand in the rain. If I come back in, and I can see I am wet, and I can see it is still raining out of the window....it isn't raining!

That's a hard concept to grasp.

As I cannot resist such leads, please as they say in the UK, 'come again?'

If its hard to grasp it seems even harder to explain. I think this calls for a new thread!
Quote from: Sputnik on February 17, 2014, 06:13:58 PM
True it is about AP.
But you have to make one important distinction when you read what i wrote.
The method is based upon math and probability and not defect spotting.
Defect spotting involve physical detections of the wheel.
The method Laurance Scott create after some discussion with Edward Thorp is pure math and probability.

I can mention he make a difference between pseudo STD and actually STD.
Then you have the COR charts - Chance of randomness.
Monte Carlo simulation softare to see how ofthen 123456789 numbers hit 3 STD randomly and so on ...
Then you use a matemathical hypotes of the likelihood that a number is due towards random fluctuation or not.
Based upon very clever parameters that i can not mention - the playing model.

I will reply to this but only in my blog section under a new thread #10  Playing Model

Thank you.
Quote from: Number Six on February 17, 2014, 06:52:41 PM
I don't think the RWD definition has much credence at all. Call me cynical or narrow-minded but I understand he was selling a book and so had financial interest to sugarcoat his ideas.

The problem simply remains that most "hot number" systems simply select whichever number is hitting above expectation in some past amount of spins. We can embellish that and talk about windows of opportunity and an attack ranges and whatever. But there is no clear prediction. It's all a bit up in the air. The numbers may remain hot or they may not. I don't believe you can ever get around that without drilling down into the probabilities and applying bets in a way Sputnik says with a "playing model". That is really the secret, isn't it?

I'll continue to keep up to date with any testing. And believe me if satisfactory conclusions are drawn about WF3, I'll be first to congratulate you.

Thank you for your observations and recommendations #6.