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Topics - alrelax

You can't handle the truth and you lose money not necessarily because of the game itself.

Western cultures tend to think in terms of rightness and truth and being innocent and right is more important than anything else. Westerners are taught to respect objectivity and facts, more than anything else at least in my opinion and from what I read. The law applies equally to everyone the same or at least it's supposed to and our behavior is something that should be directed by our consciences. But unfortunately it is not always that way.

In the West your honor and your face is more about your personal integrity. We tend to admire the Integrity of those who uncompromisingly face objective truth regardless of how self damaging the results may be or actually turn out.

In the United States you can admit and apologize for your shortcomings and gain respect for your honest efforts to correct yourself and learn from the past, at least the majority of the times. Americans are generally forgiving if someone takes responsibility for their problems or situations that they created.

As a result Chinese ethics has never been based on universal principles of good and bad or anything of the likes. Instead they are more based on the circumstances of the moment a system that the West calls, situational ethics, much to the chargrin of the people doing business in China.

Similarly the Chinese concept of the truth is not black or white either. The emphasis is less on always telling the objective truth and more about what the situation and relationship calls for at the moment.

The difference helps explain the cultural differences on lying. The Chinese will go through great lengths to protect face, their own as well as others. In fact it's perfectly acceptable to tell a lie even a bold face one if it serves to protect face. China's culture of shame does not think of lies in terms of right and wrong. Instead the goal of Chinese truth is often to protect the face of an individual, group or even the region or nation that the person telling the lie represents. In these situations both parties can usually read between the lines and know when the truth is being repackaged to help protect face and they unfortunately will often assume that westerners will know as well.

The truth is Success doesn't come by accident. It comes from consistent hard work in pursuit of a dream or a goal. It comes from a passion that drives you and it also comes from consistently and diligently employing some key habits that position you for such greatness. The Success I'm talking about comes from the desire to win but don't confuse that with greed or an immediate goal because those are two different subjects.

Gambling is by far the hardest and most toughest of professions around on an overall scale of making a living. Do you know why? Because it involves the person controlling their emotions more than anything else. And also involves controlling thoughts when you are in a Zone and you're down financially which just compounds the problems. Do you have the patience and skill to keep it together mentally when you're losing money at the table? That's why it's totally two different things, to try a theory, a system, or a fallacy online and in practice mode and play for real money in a casino.  I'm still sure most people will never understand that.

Can you walk away and come back the next day, just as strong, just as fresh and win twice the amount? See when you lose your mind you lose your money. When you lose your money you lose your mind.  Surely there must be a winning attitude and habits that winners apply right? I have considered this for quite some time. From what I have seen over the years the best of the gamblers will take credit when they do win either the first time or they recoup their winnings and keep winning and then they just curse their bad luck and blame others when the losses come. The difference between the losers and the real winners in my opinion or should we say the average person that losses and wins at various times and the elite minority that continues to win the majority of the time, is their state of minds.  They think and do things differently, they have that winning attitude and the richness from their own mind not from their pockets that always provides a false positive and the wrong frame of mind that contributes having a poor State of Mind and the wrong attitude for gaming which actually contributes the negative and detrimental decision making process that is blamed under the label of bad luck and caused by others.  There, if you read that without twisting and turning and pointing fingers, you just found out why some win and some lose.

Sad but true.

What has changed since the casinos reopened. First of all, what a lot of people don't understand the rules that are in effect at the casinos are guidelines, rules and regulations of the casino, and they have been adopted from many sources. They are not laws in most cases unless it's so mandated by the local government where they are located at. The Gaming Control Commission and the State Department of Health and the CDC will influence what the casino have adopted in the way of these guidelines, rules and regulations. The casinos local governing Authority has huge powers that most do not even realize are setting many of the guidelines for the entertainment businesses which casinos fall under such as movie theaters, shopping malls and other entertainment type of businesses and places of gathering.

Different rules and regulations at the casinos will vary from property to property. And those will be different from state to state in the United States. Things have tightened up but awareness while it has been increased, still cannot be a complete guarantee of 100% safety in any environment in the casino, a mall, a supermarket or anything of the likes. If you are worried, scared, paranoid or against Casinos or just plain congregating of people, don't go. Problem solved.

I have been in four states, two casinos in the first, two casinos in the second, three casinos in the third and one casino in the fourth. What has changed and the details I can think of follows.

Parking has been changed and that will vary greatly.  They try to control entrance and exit points for the lots and garages as well as how the people enter the buildings, which will be the second thing.  There was one main entrance at all of the casinos I've been to. How they allow the people to come in will vary greatly from requiring a mask at the very beginning to only one of them takes the entering person's temperature such as other businesses are doing in the community. As far as the masks go for the players, two of the states mandate that and in two of the other states it's optional for the players.

Seating has changed at all of the casinos at the baccarat and the blackjack tables, three or four seats depending on which casino it is as the maximum at each table. Generally there is no standing behind the players and back betting or handing chips for a player to bet is strictly not allowed.  If you're already seated at the table, you can give another player your chips to bet if your below table minimum or your making a side bet and you don't want to bet on your spot or cannot, etc. But there is absolutely no back betting allowed or standing over anyone's shoulder at any of the four states I've been to any longer.

Two of the states have done away with smoking at the table, a third state it has not been allowed in many years within the casino. The fourth state you can smoke and that is a state that requires a mask,  so you lower your mask you do your smoking thing, you put your mask back on. Three of the States you can drink at the tables, one of the state's you have to step away from the table take your drink set it down off the table and then go back to your chair at the table resume playing. All the self-serve beverage stations have been closed in three of the states, one state has reopened them.

Dealer-to-dealer things will vary how things are enforced with the players in all the locations I've been to, as well as floor person to floor person how they enforce and what they say to the people. Some are very lenient, others are extremely strict.  All of the dealers are wearing masks some have masks and face shields and disposable gloves and others are wearing only masks with no gloves I will add that most of them were wearing no gloves.

None of the 3 States had partitions at the baccarat tables because those tables are bigger, some of them have them at the blackjack tables and other table games. One state had the partitions at the baccarat table and they since removed them, but left them at all the other table games telling people that the baccarat tables are bigger, so they felt no need need them.

In midi Baccarat some properties still let the players handle the cards and some do not. Two the states where they were letting players take the cards are temporarily not letting players take the cards and the dealer only in MIDI. The other two states remain unchanged, players take the cards.

One of the places has new chips with a new coating on the chips, that they claim makes it more sanitary and easier to clean, the other places have the same chips. One of the places make you sanitize your hands every time you go to pick up the cards in midi bac, you have to take a shot of the sanitizer, the other ones allowing midi do not do that, only when you first sit down at the table.

The hours of the operation of each Casino have changed and usually from early in the morning till midnight to 3 a.m. and reopening anywhere from 8 to 9 a.m. in the morning.  As well, table and pit openings have changed and those are not really set hours just on demand or whatever the casino has set but definitely has changed from the past 24/7.

The last thing are the restaurants, they have all changed in all of the casinos with limited options, but definitely increasing as the days go on and kind of mirrors the outside restaurants off the property.  About half capacity for the dine in places and some of the items on the menu are not available with none of the buffets being re reopened, that I have seen. The food courts and the takeout places within the property are about the same with some of the items on the menu not available or one of the several places possibly closed. But pretty much the restaurants within each Casino mirrors the outside restaurants in their own community in the way they are operating.

All of the rules concerning game play, buying in, cashing out, CTR's,  SAR's. how to wager, wagering and all of that, everything is exactly the same as before March of this year.

Bankers, out of the 10 banker hands five were Naturals, three were 7's beating the players 6's and two other ones, the third card for the player reduced the player to 0 and the bank won with a five or six I think each of the times. The bank was never really strong except when they had a natural. The six players on hands 13,14, 17, 18, 20 and 21 were all extremely strong player hands, bringing up players third card to total 8 and 9's or the 3rd banker card reducing the bank to  0 or 1, etc., on those hands.

Hands 20 and 21 would be where the player had a 5 and the banker had a 6 or a 7 and the player draws a 3 or a 4 both times. Then all the players were something like that. Banker looked good almost every time with the initial 2 card draw, but players third card killed the bank almost every one of those times.

Regarding the player getting strong and would continue strong to build those streaks, no we didn't know they were coming but what we sensed and seen; (NOTE: we consciously realized this on the 13th and 14th hands) was the continual third card presentment that made the players strong every single time without Naturals and prior to the twice 'mini' player streaks, where 13 players were presented to 1 banker.  So when that third player came along, myself and the people that I was with just stayed it up on the player and decided to do the 1 + 4 Side Parlay Wager that I've talked about in the past that is part of our money management method.  And the best thing being, none of our buy in amounts were at risk at all come that third player wager, because we were doing our 1 + 4.


We got to complete our 1 + 4 Parlay Side Wagers with the first of each 1 + 4 Parlay was with the previous wager's win money, that is the key of course.  We decided to do after that first third player and that's what this game is all about, we seen the opportunity and we capitalized on it and we were not continuously wagering on something that we desired as most all do with trending and pattern wagering.
Poker Forum / Genting permanently closes down poker
June 23, 2020, 12:49:17 PM
LOL!  Run it online it's easier to manipulate that way!  The casino can do whatever they desire and be in collusion with whomever they want.  As far as the players they can do the collusion thing themselves, why not?

(CNN) Dozens of scantily dressed Filipina croupiers stand in booths shuffling cards in front of a webcam, their faces softly illuminated by professional lighting.

Nearby, rows of Chinese nationals sit at desks chatting on cellphones with potential clients back in China

After what MGM Resorts is calling a strong opening weekend in Las Vegas, the company says that its ready to ramp things up with another round of hotels and casinos reopening.

As of yesterday June 7th, the official count on opened casinos are:

Across 26 states, 519 casinos are currently open for business, representing more than 50% of casinos nationwide, according to the AGA. Nevada reopened casinos on Thursday, including in Las Vegas.
Here's what coronavirus has and hasn't changed about Sin City

"Every market is unique, and we can better tailor our solutions for our Atlantic City customers versus what might work in other jurisdictions, said Terry Glebocki, CEO of Ocean Casino Resort."

The following is a short recap of what I've noticed on the implemented new procedures once the casinos reopened, approximately a week and a half ago in the central Midwest. These are major casino chains with prominent and large properties.

No plexiglass barriers at table games;

Very few Plexiglas barrier slot machines and I stress very few;

Some slot machines turned off betweeneach other and other ones have signs on them saying that they're I've been disabled due to C-19 requirements;

Three or five people max at the baccarat tables depending on the property;

Three people max at the majority of the blackjack tables that I did observe walking through the casino floor;

Some casinos have the self-serve drink stations open and other casinos did not;

Cocktail waitresses had styrofoam cups at all the casinos nobody had the real glasses;

Two of the three casinos I went to had a new no-smoking policy implemented and the other one said, smoking in moderation;

Some of the players clubs were not functioning and they would not issue player cards but the pit Personnel offered to put you in the computer with your play and it would be counted towards a card, at a later date once the  players clubs reopened;

No temperature checks the way it was so hyped up about even in the midwest here;

One Casino was mandatory to sanitize hands each time you sat down or came back to the baccarat table or stepped away, the other two casinos did have hand sanitizer on top of the table, it was not mandatory to use.

Limited entrances and exits at all three of the casinos I went to, with security personnel greeting or giving everybody the once-over real quick;

At one of the casinos, you had to give your driver's license or other ID and they swiped it through their computer system. I can only assume they were checking it against some type of list of banned players and/or taking a count on who was on the property since they are limited to 50% capacity by their state governing gaming officials.
Alrelax's Blog / Dedicated to AsymBacGuy
June 05, 2020, 04:39:55 PM
The following video is for AsymBacGuy:


Remember the following?  I'll highlight part of what I wrote:

Wrote the following on the board January 17th, 2017

"As far as the Lucky Dragon, don't know much about it, just a group of investors from China got together and all invested $500k each or more for USA citizenship, etc.  They will not survive catering to the Asian crowd only from what I hear.  Although the Golden Steer Steakhouse right next door, nothing to do with the property is one of the best non-casino steak houses in Vegas!"

Then almost 1 year after i wrote the above:

"On the morning of January 4, 2018, the casino and restaurants were temporarily closed and the property announced plans to reorganize itself by hiring new firms to operate those aspects of the resort. At the time, the Lucky Dragon had more than 500 employees".
Starts at 13 minute Mark when you press the button however youcan go back to the beginning so you could catch it from when they open the doors at the Bellagio. Thanks.


Vegas and Atlantic City / Vegas Post Closure Report
June 05, 2020, 02:07:19 PM
As Las Vegas reopens, fares, hotel rates tumble.

As of Thursday, Vegas is back in business

Sat down to play a few minutes ago and the pit is open, three tables are operating, no masks required for the players, players are taking the cards and no plexiglass sheilds. Dealers are in masks of course and they got a new kind of baccarat here called Five Treasures or 5 Fortunes, they let me take a picture of that but they said that's all I can take a picture of and I also got one from outside the pit.

About six or seven people playing so far, it's early it's before 5 p.m. and they only opened the baccarat pit a couple days ago, so they said people are slowly coming  back in.  They have the total of eight tables. For tonight and tomorrow they're going to limit it to three seats at each table and try to put five chairs back at each table in a few days. No temperature checks. 


Las Vegas is going ahead with its heralded reopening plans despite George Floyd protests that turned deadly earlier this week.
