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Topics - alrelax

Why is it?  Maybe someone or some people can shed some light on this?

I have wondered for some time now, why someone that knows their profession, career, etc., so well and is seemingly intelligent and well-seasoned, do things that are less than acceptable and definitely on the wrong side of protocol? 

Here is the perfect example.  Take a well-seasoned detective like, 'Big Nick' and look at what he does with the donut he tosses into the hot-zone. 

:30 to 1:23.  Please look, it is just wrong, so wrong.

Related But Not Related / All People Want, is....
February 01, 2020, 06:45:55 PM
All people want is what they want. Regardless of logic and Common Sense.

There is a huge spread between belief and reality and I cannot close that Gap.

I really cannot!  Alrelax.

Wins and wins.  Losses and losses.  Goes through periods of winning large amounts on a fairly consistent basis.  Then does the exact same thing with losing. 

However, when he loses he most noticeably continues his buy-ins with aggressive and consistent actions.  Cannot wait, cannot walk away.  At times, but sporadic at best, he would recoup and when he did, most noticeably he would still continue his play seeking winning money.  Even if he did, his whole cycle would just repeat itself once again until he lost. 

A few times he would cash out and walk away, but I mean---seldom. 

This went on for a good year or better.  Just the other night, I pass him on the way to the Bac room.  I ask him if he won.  He shook his head no.  He said, "I have to stop and reset".  "I have to stop for several weeks, I cannot think in there any longer", he also told me. 

He was a multi thousand dollar buy-in type of player.  Usually bringing $5,000.00 to $10,000.00 and buying in with $1,000.00 to $3,000.00 at a time. 

Yes, at times he would buy in with a single transaction of $2,000.00 and quickly get up to $5,000.00 or even $8,000-$10,000.00.  But he would generally, few exceptions, stay and continue his play.  Losing all the win money as well as his buy in and continued buy ins.  About the only time he would generally leave with win money or a sizeable win, was when he recouped his loss he just experienced and was late in the evening after several hours of play.  And generally he only recouped his losses from that session. 

The look on his face and his actions the other night were extremely noticeable, if you were acquainted with this individual.  When I got to the Bac room it was late into the evening.  He already told me, that he lost.  He bought back in with $100.00 and then $60.00. I have never once witnessed him with less than a $500.00 buy in, not once.  But these two small buy ins, both of which I have never seen him do in the past, out of all the times I have played at the same table while he was there.  And this is at a $25.00 min table. 

I got him off to the side and mentioned about my own Money Management Method with wins and levels and plateaus, etc.  He firmly agreed and told me without hesitation, that he knows all that but he just cannot apply it with willpower at the table.

Food for thought.
What a joke, the process of answering questions from Senators.  What a waste of time, writing it down, handing it off, waiting for the card to be passed, reading them out loud.  What the hell? 

Seriously, I have to look at this process like a baccarat player that needs, say a one line or a two line card to win and anything else losses for him.  He gets a face card and turns it on all four sides peeking at it, that same black line is on all four sides no matter what, but he still continues to peek and peel the card numerous times.  The same exact process, a complete waste of time!

Okay, anyway I saw last night the following 2 questions being read out loud and read by the Chief Justice:

"The next question from Senator Banker from New York is:  Will the Banker repeat itself with the next hand being dealt because the Banker side won a hand following a tie event"?

Then the very next question was:

"The next question from Senator Player from California is:  Will the Player repeat itself with the next hand being dealt because the Player won a hand following the Banker side losing with 3 face cards to 2 face cards and an Ace for the Players side"?

2:15AM.  Closing up the restaurant and on the way to the casino with three buddies we'll see what happens.   Promise to post a picture or two in the morning...
Wagering & Intricacies / Shoe the other night
January 23, 2020, 06:34:52 PM
Bac shoe the other night:


We divided it up into three Sections.  We followed the Sections as they were presented, basically 95% anyways. 

Section A:  Produced a classic strong Player beginning and followed shortly thereafter with a strong Banker.  First F-7 of the shoe.

Section B:  Produced 15 Chop-Chops.  Do not pay attention to the doubles.

Section C:  Produced two F-7s.  Soon as it made that 3rd banker with that one being an F-7, everyone went heavy on the Banker, real heavy!  Counting the one cut to the Players side and the fall-off to the Player the second time, there were 5 good hits on the Banker side. 

Other Notes:  Every single natural for the Players side cut, except for the one just before the 6 Bankers came out at the end of Section A, where the Players made a double.  After a few I urged my comrades to adhere to the, 'Player will most likely cut' presentments, which it was doing.  (When it is repeatedly doing something, follow it, IMO). 

Just playing the chop-chop after Section A, would have produced 16 chops for you and you would have lost only 2 to those doubles. 
Another Board Member said:

"Such aggressive progressions will win till losing all back in one bad stretch. Not wise at all".

I Said:

"You are correct and countless people will no doubt give it all back.

I do not. A few of the people there will not either. Others will no doubt, just fuel for their fire that will wipe them out and cause worse financial harm.

H-Money has finally gotten over it, I do believe. I have written about the subject of real money management method immensely on the board here. Money Management Method is everything.

I live by my one-third, one-third, one-third MMM of my wins application. That has helped my game enormously and I would have to put it at the very top of what is most important, while I'm sitting there thinking what is going to happen with the rest of the shoe or the rest of the session".

Some Background of something I wrote in regards to my position and M.M.M. to get ahead in the game of Baccarat:

"What is Pounce-On-It??

Game On!  There, but not there.  Seconds--Minutes--Hours.  A few hands or numerous hands.  One or two shoes.  Never a long, unlimited time, IMO and my experience.

When it comes--it is the absolute heaven and organismic moments of the game.  If you play with your head down into your hand that is propped up on the table and you expect to lose, or you are playing with a mechanical strategy built up from some kind of criteria of playing those cuts, where as the person is wagering for the opposite side, please skip reading this and just block me on here because we will never see eye-to-eye and you have nothing to learn from me and I have nothing to learn from yourself.

Otherwise, experience it--treasure the pounce on it moments and take advantage of them, because that is the cream and the cherry on top of the cake, within this game.  I emphasis the cream and the cherry big time!

But, and a large but.  Do not live for them or bet only them every time.  Attempting to do so, will break you.  Just like those people that wager every hand with the Fortune 7s, the Panda 8s and the other ones that pay 200:1, etc. You will win and you will lose.  Again, and I have repeatedly said it.  If you keep wagering for something in baccarat you will lose, sometimes the same night and always after a series of playing.  You will never come out ahead unless you play all sides, alternate your wagering, use positive progressive very aggressively and use negative progressions extremely sparingly and more.   

Game on, is a difficult situation to catch all the time, actually IMO, impossible.  Because the game of baccarat is open to interpretation by each of us, we are influenced by many different things, such as:

   Our experience(s)
   Other players
   Our own perceptions
   Our dreams and goals
   Our greed
   Not stopping during a good thing (greed/think we can get more)
   Not stopping during a bad thing (have to get it back, thinking you can)
   Following the fallacy of wrong info and data that will not apply to the
    shoe you are playing, not that it is wrong, just will not apply.

Those, along with others will disallow yourself to 'pounce-on-it' when others are or you very well could have been!

And so many more things for each of us.

Take Friday night for instance.  The Thursday night session I postponed until Friday night because  I had to do something else and I would have been too tired to drive back and open the business in the morning.  My buddy and I went.  Speculation?  Yes.  Hype and talk on the way to the casino?  Sure.  But do we always do what we plan or say we are going to do?  Of course not, the same as an NFL game I can only imagine.

And, as I wrote about and boasted a bit on the board here with the $5k plus win on Friday night playing a total of 4 hands.  Will there always be a '143' F-7 outcome with the same leading up to events?  Hell no!  And I don't expect it to.   But, that one did come around through friendship, playing together and being in the right place at the right time.  Nothing else.  No magic.  However, there is a point here I am getting to.  And that was the 2 following hands!  We 'pounced on it', both my buddy and I with table max wagers on the banker side.  That is the positive side of camaraderie and the pouncing on it at work.  We overpowered the shoe.  Not that we changed it, just overpowered it with our wins, that we would have won $100.00 as easily as we did $2,000.00 per wager.  Our screaming, yelling, clowning around, putting cash on the table for the dealer if she makes an F-7 (dealers keep their own tips at this place) and all that.  That F-7 would have come about anyway, yes.  But the aura changes, the mood gets going, win is in the air, etc.  Even if we were betting for a streak, and a streak comes.  We can do those things on every single hand and when it is time to cut the streak, the streak will end no matter what anyone says or does.  But we can overpower the shoe with the right frame-of-mind.

But, you have to let it go.  As I say, reset and refresh, it is the only way to be successful and have your game ready each time. Experiencing the best and accepting the worst. That is why I am convinced about the smaller buy-ins and the buy-in is 100% risk money.  I do not subscribe to the worthless theory, IMO--of 'loss stop', like - 4 or -6 units and stop.  Senseless, IMO.  I do well with the buy-in as pure 'risk'.  I know overall my wins are countless times greater than my buy-ins.  And as long as I, employ 99.9% of the times use and follow my M.M. system, I will stay ahead--well ahead of the losses baccarat will incur.

We are mature--but you have to have that 'peace' within your self when you lose a buy-in.  You cannot sit there and continue to buy-in repeatedly in the thought, that you will recoup your losses right then and there.  That is the exact reason that my other buddy H-Money lost in excess of $50,000.00 of his own money in a very short period of time.  Even when he won certain sections of his sessions, he would continue and continue to play and eventually lose the win, the buy in and whatever else he had available.  That is the way this game is.  If you don't realize it, play that way and come back in a few months and then maybe learn something?

Like I said, H-Money did not believe me and follow me.  It cost him $50k to $60k of his 'blood sweat and tears' savings.  Welcome to reality, pure 100% reality.

What you do and win within any section of the shoe or the entire shoe, you very well might not be able to do with later or the next session.  Period.  If you believe you can, any casino will welcome you and take care of you in the way of comps and promotions because they know 100% what will happen.

As well, as I have said many times--"What you win doing in one shoe--you will lose in another one and possibly even the same one".  That is why every system that is pre-scheduled and conceived from a criteria that the player waits for a certain event--will ultimately lose more than he wins".
It was said on our board here: "I wonder that most of the players do not progress in knowledge or skill even slightly after wasting decades".

How very true!  Absolutely and without question.  Not only in baccarat, but in so many other aspects of business as well, no different. 

Here, my response.  Something I read a while back, made a copy and shelved.  Fits right in and provides such an insight to many things.

"There is a world of difference between a person who has a big problem and a person who makes a problem big.  For several years I would do between 20 and 30 hours of counseling a week.  I soon discovered that the people who came to see me were not necessarily the ones who had the most problems.  They were the ones who were problem conscious and found their difficulties stressful.  Naive at first, I would try to fix their problems, only to discover that they would go out and find others.

A study of three hundred highly successful people, people like Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Helen Keller, Winston Churchill, Albert Schweitzer, Mahatma Gandhi, and Albert Einstein, reveals that one-fourth had handicaps, such as blindness, deafness or crippled limbs.  Three-fourths had either been born into poverty, came from broken homes, or at least came from exceedingly tense or disturbed situations. 

Why did the achievers overcome problems, while millions and millions are overwhelmed by theirs?  They refused to hold on to the common excuses for failure.  They turned their stumbling blocks into stepping-stones.  They realized they could not determine every circumstance in life or whatever it was they were attempting to get done, but they could determine their choice of attitude toward every circumstance.

The Los Angeles Times recently ran this quote:  "If you can smile whenever anything goes wrong, you are either a nitwit or a repairman."  I would add: or a leader in the making--one who realizes that the only problem you have is the one you allow to be a problem because of your wrong reaction to it.  Problems can stop you temporarily.  You are the only one who can do it permanently."

Finally, the camaraderie and the heads played together, old school style, rather than the always wagering for the 'CUT' type of player.  Oh yeah, there was 2 players that continually played for the CUT and one got wiped out and the other walked almost even, everyone else made 10-to-30 fold their buy ins. 

Here was the board almost at the end of the shoe. 


I tried to edit the picture but the tablet I am on is bad with the colors.  I tired, sorry they are not standing out bright.  Anyway, I circled some of the things we all agreed on at the time.  (I have cruised and read some of the Bac ideas and stories on other sites and they are all of the beginner and fallacy type of wagering to the 1,000,000th power!  We do not play that way and sorry for the non-believers and the constant challengers, but the way to profitably play Bac is more old-school and with risk capital that is a small percentage of one's bankroll as I have defined in another thread, sorry---but that is the only real comfortable and long-term way to capitalize on this game).

Bead Plate.  Look at the plate, I tried to circle the ones we all agreed on and the ones where almost all of our wagers were heavy, positively progressed and we won almost every one of those. 

The first Sections.
  9 Bankers Vs. 23 Players.  There were a few people that believe the Bankers will always prevail thought school, just wager Bankers and you will win long term.  Complete horse garbage!  For those that did, they would have been lucky to make up their losses in the remaining Sections.  9 Bankers/23 Players, then onward to 22 Bankers Vs. 14 Players. 

F-7s.  5 Total in this shoe.  Hands 10 and 11.  Back to back.  Notice those were immediately after a Natural 9 Players which most of the time the F-7 does appear after a strong short burst of Players as I have mentioned and wrote about numerous times.  A fact.  3rd F7 was Hand 36 after another Natural Player 9.  4th and 5th F7s.  Amazing, but right there, look.  back to back once again after another Natural Player 9.

LOW TIES 0-1-2-3-4.  I have written about this countless times.  A fact.  Low ties tends to allow the shoe presentments to clump up strong, no matter if the clumping is streaks of repeats, naturals CUT, Chop Chop, 1's and 2's, etc., etc., and so on.  Find the threads and articles I have written, learn and profit. 

There are plenty of other things within this shoe, but you know what, I am going to quote another member here:  "....... I see no progress at all on any of the forums these days towards bettering our chances to win. People either gave up on this or a few are busy in churning old school proven failure ideas. Whenever I come up with some innovation and feel like discussing to members here, I see no progress and it feels like talking to wall here. Other forums have more chit chat but many members are foul-mouth and there is no attempt to control that by admins. This forum is the most disciplined one but apart from the admin himself, asymbac, Victor and myself nobody is even writing a single post for months".

I do feel like I am talking to a wall many times as wall, in fact--greater than 'many times'.  The new school way of high tech, score boarding, CUTS, and all that, etc., etc. and as well, the chastising and humiliation drama with the foul mouth drama queens that is so blatantly obvious as a standard.  Most thought or claimed it was just here, but a short cruise around the internet gambling forums, LOL--pretty much mainstream and almost all the same exact players/members.    

Wagering & Intricacies / Basic of the Basics
January 16, 2020, 09:26:24 PM
Basic of the Basics

Bank Roll:
The Bank Roll a person maintains is, that which he borrows his Buy-ins from.  The Bank Roll is the total group of money that the player has set-aside for gambling. A person can have one or more Bank Rolls for various purposes.  Myself, I have a Bank Roll for Las Vegas or Atlantic City when I go on a destination venture.  I have another Bank Roll for the local area casinos.

Buy In:
  The Buy-in is the amount of money the person buys in with for a particular gaming session.  IMO, through experience and knowledge, I would earmark 5% of my Bank Roll for a max Buy-in.  Example.  $10,000.00 Bank Roll would equate to a $500.00 Buy-in.  At times I might go as high as 10% Buy-in, but I do not believe I would ever go higher than that now.

must replenish the Bank Roll and remove the Buy-in from the table and replace the Buy-in into the Bank Roll or at least hold off the table with no re-buying in if the current chip level is lost. 

must be viewed as total risk capital, IMO.  A Buy-in is played until wins are realized or the Buy-in is lost. 

A certain amount of win money has to be pre-determined in the persons mind in order to apply the 1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd I have written about and preached about.  The willpower, consciousness and non-tilt has to be constantly remembered can come about and avoided or at least be able to realize it/those are present and be able to walk away before the hurt starts.

Positive progressions must be used when the win(s) start. 

Explore and know what my 1 + 4 Side Parlay Wager is and how it is employed and attempted.  It is a powerful and very profitable tool, IMO. 

Know what your real Level & Plateau is.  Realize when you are outside of it and use it to your advantage. 

Example on a good Money Management Method.
  Buy-in with $1,000.00.  Get up $2,200.00 in win money.  Total in front of you $3,200.00.  Remove $1,000.00 from the table and secure with no chance to use again.  The remaining $2,200.00 is split up to $700.00, $700.00 and $800.00.  $700.00 is also secured without any chance of re-buying in with that amount.  The second $700.00 is held in reserve for a possible re-buyin amount if you deem desirous.  And the $800.00 is played with as your current Buy-in and stack in order to win additional money and reapply the 1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd, etc. 

Figures above are examples.
Key Points of Good Money Management Method in Baccarat

First and Foremost.  You have to govern yourself by Levels & Plateaus, that you are in.  Meaning.  Wagering and staying within your own Level and Plateau.  This is a MUST!  Figure it out, find it out, use it to your advantage.  It works.  I have written about it in detail, it is on this board. 

Develop a Bank Roll.  Understand that your Bankroll is different than your Buy-in.  Your Buy-in is a small section of your Bankroll.  Again, part of your Level & Plateau.  But, IMO your Buy-in should be no greater than 10% at the most extreme of your Bankroll. 

Replenish your Bankroll at the earliest possible time, like clockwork, without excuses or exceptions.  None, zero. 

Do not fall into the extremely hurtful, detrimental, not an advantage in the world, etc., belief that you build your Bankroll continually with win money and play larger and larger and greater and greater.  Every single case of that led the Bankroll holder to bust. 

Replenish your Bankroll with win money.  Do not apply all your win money to it.  Use win money for other things outside of Bankroll and gambling, etc. 

Always employ the 1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd with your win money as I have also written and detailed about. 

Understand that Buy-in is strictly risk capital and you are looking for capitalizing on presentments.  Nothing else.  All personal feelings and scheduled wagers need to be shelved and used extremely sporadic, the exact same as employing beliefs of wagering with or against someone because of what they are doing or not doing with their wagers, etc. 

Employ 1-3-2-6 or 1-3-2-4 or 1-3-4-8 positive progressions, if you are looking to do what the extremely disciplined players proved greater success with over the years, playing a bit more aggressive within shorter term sections, etc.

Wagering & Intricacies / Figuring It Out
January 14, 2020, 08:01:43 PM
If you are trying to figure out where you want to go and what you want to be doing in gambling, you can not possibly get there if you do not understand where you are today and what you truly experienced and how it actually happened.

Once you do, than you can use it with advantages. 
So many on the internet, make it seem so easy.  Just follow this or that, Stop Loss and a Stop Win, earn so many units a day and you can easily make thousands a week.  Yeah right.  Show it in Black & White, support it with real pictures, documentation and other reality tangibles!  They cannot do that.  Reason why, because they are internet drama queens and thugs, getting their daily kicks or pushing their fabricated system that can offer you no better chance at winning than Hillary does at being the next president of the United States. 

So often, and IMO, more often than not--people stay away from threads on here because a handful of members coming along with all too familiar and disruptive, "could not, never did or will never happen" type of written comments. And then they go into their dialog, reasons, and blatantly hijacking out the thread, with really only one thing in mind.  The insult to the O.P. as well as boasting their status and position they perceive themselves holding within the community, the community on the internet.  For in reality, those very ones I am directing this to, have zip outside of the internet so-called community.  That is their lives, day in and day out. 

Certain people want control, one is through a forum message board.  You have witnessed it right here with 4 to 6 high-profile, A-Alpha Members that were either banned or moderated.  It happens all over, some will say only here on BetSelection, but that is a complete and utter lie.  Look at the other boards, WoV, VMB, and others.  Much larger scale of moderation and attempted control.  Some members outside of the Admin and Owners do manage to hang onto control for extended periods of time, for one reason or another.  The message boards are private concerns with limited public access, obey the rules and stay, if not you will most likely get trespassed and asked to leave.  If you do not leave you will be forced to leave.  No different than your local shopping mall, your local brick and mortar casino, a local restaurant.  No different.  Just here and other message boards, certain A-Alpha circles of members push and push and push and push until the drama starts. 

Like I was saying, a group of members will attempt control to their liking and venture onward the forum from there.  And in every case that control is in the way of insults, talking down to most others, forming a small group of comrades and a few co-conspirators, that will unilaterally support their A-Alpha brother/members.  It happens all over the forums.  That very small group will do whatever it takes to control and gain recognition for, but they do not stop there.  They derail almost all good threads, no matter the interest, content or possibility of further discussion. 

You will notice how most of the threads are taken over by the types I just described.  And the flip side is, the threads these types start, are short winded, generally complicated and not proven, have more gamblers fallacy and drama than those that they actually took over or attempted to take over in most every way.

Good points, bad points, real points, desired points, related or non related to most discussions are all perfectly acceptable. However, the insulting, disruptive business attempted within this board at times (used to be huge amounts) and from other forum boards, as well as harassment of the participants of whatever thread it is, should not be engaged in and IMO, do not belong on this or any other message board.  Drama of most any type will always lead to some type of mayhem.  And that causes ill will, hatred and pursuits that are useless, totally useless, except for the scoreboard of the drama queens that seem to live for just that very thing.  Worthless, but without a doubt, their treasured pursuit in life. 

No matter what, I love my family, my friends, this forum, lots of the members and baccarat.  Sure there are a few other things, but in reality those other things would be a sideways avenue of each of those that I spelled out in the previous sentence. 
Serious gambling. Rules of the road that will definitely assist you to make those decisions of the bet selections and capitalize on presentments that are presenting themselves. 7 of the best things you can ever research and get into your protocol are:

Stop the Pursuit of Endless Chasing.
Abide By.
Total Consciousness of Reality.

Steady and consistent with one or two or three units  and then a stop loss or a stop win, will eventually lead nowhere, except to broke or stopping before even if you have huge willpower traits. But you will never make money if you are staying consistent like I said.

You have to play engaged to realize what it is really about. Play heavy, meaning wager heavy on whatever you are winning at. Again look back to the 7 items I first mentioned, 'don't change and don't realize', now you get what I'm saying?

15 to 25 presentments within a section remember that.

+ 10 heavy would be possible.

10  + 5 units is 50, if that's not a goal I don't know what is?

One or two or three and stop is a Road to Nowhere!  Remember that.

4 + on larger progressed units plus, is the way to go.
Wagering & Intricacies / Sections and Turning Points
January 06, 2020, 11:18:54 PM
Sections & Turning Points

A Further Explanation

Several have inquired and several have misinterpreted what I wrote previously.  So, I will attempt to further explain what Sections & Turning points are to me.

Sections.  Sections, is the shoe divided up into 3 to 5 windows that help me focus on numerous things.  A couple of those are the following.  First and foremost, to concentrate on what is being presented as a constant reminder on what the shoe is producing.  Some call that the flow of the cards or the presentments as they are happening, etc.  Either way, those or any of the other labels, it is reality and what is actually happening.  I do believe one of the greatest mistakes in playing baccarat is the continual looking back as to what happened or the opposite, what has not happened or what should happen, etc.  Second, after years and years of actual play, relying or counting on streaks, chops, doubles, cuts, ones and threes, ones and twos, etc., will only get you what is actually being presented.  Not what is due, what you want, what you are counting on, what could happen or anything of those desires we all have most of the times.  I have come to realize a few years back, that the shoe will do what the shoe will do, nothing more and nothing less.  Hence, the Section is reality as it is happening.  Third, there is no trigger(s) being defined, there are no sure wagers being defined, there are no should appear type of favoritism being brought about, if used the way I intended it to be used.

The reasoning for the 3 to 5 Sections is based on tens of thousands of live shoes being witnessed and played by myself, it is extremely rare for more than one half of the shoe to stay the same.  Meaning, all chops, all doubles, all streaks by one or two or even three or four times, etc., etc., and so on.  The common amount (could be a bit subjective to each of us, the actual number of hands) I would say is right around 15 to 20.  Therefore, a shoe of 80 hands would equal 4 Sections of 20.  A shoe of 80 hands might equal 5 Sections of 15 and so on. 

Turning Points. Turning Points, are the definitive time that the Section dies or comes about.  Exactly what the term means.  This is the spot that the Section ends and a new Section begins.  Like Jimske, a previous member that really rode into me and chastised myself for my writing, Sections & Turning Points, he seemed to have twisted my writing to his wrongful interpretation and how I came up with the Turning Points of the Sections.  I said it before and I will say it again.  A Turning Point is defined after it happens.  Not before.  We are not predicting anything here, we are not putting our desires or triggers or anything of the like, for the Turning Point line.  I am merely putting the Turning Point line exactly where it happened to define a Section that is closing and opening up a new Section.  Also, a bit subjective to the person playing of course. 

Say there was BB-P-BBB-P-B-P-B-PP-BB-P-BBB-B-PPPPPPPP-B.  I would draw a line either right before or after those 8 Players in a row depending on how they formed.  But if this example was from the first hand of the shoe, I would draw the line before probably would the 4th or 5th Player in a row.  Why?  Because the Section changed, clearly and definitively. 

I posted numerous pictures on the board here with examples on real score boards of Sections and Turing Points.  If you are interested, you can look those up.

There are numerous ways I use my Sections & Turning Points.  I have rarely seen repetitive whole shoe patterns and trends or presentments, whatever you wish to call them, repeat themselves over and over and over again for much more than one third of the shoe and even less, over a half of shoe.  After tens of thousands of shoes, I know it would be in the rare classification for there to be much greater than 15 alternating chops in a row, or greater than 12 doubles in a row, or more than eight 1s and 3s, or more than 3 streaks of greater than 10 in a row, etc., in one shoe.  I hope my point is coming across.

Likewise, when repetitive patterns, trends or groups of presentments seem to come back around, it would be later in the shoe, if they do at all. Sections & Turning Points can certainly highlight the groupings of presentments within their greatest appearing clumps or groups.  Weak or Strong in whatever the shoe is producing can be numerous things.  Streaks, Chops, Doubles, Ones and Threes, etc.  Sections & Turning Points assists me to define current presentments and the limited time the usually appear, narrowing down the possibilities of a BETTER WAGER or a WAGER WITH GREATER POSSIBILITY to win then not using it.       
The idea that anyone can control Baccarat and the shoe's outcome is the tendency for people to overestimate their ability to control events; for example, it occurs when someone feels a sense of control over outcomes that they both, physically and demonstrably do not influence, but they subconsciously believe that they have.

The effect happens all the time at the Baccarat table in live play, usually lasting for a small series of hands and then coming and going throughout the shoe or shoe's, until the players buy-in or bank roll is lost.  The same thing usually happens over and over for extended period's of time, because of the players desire to either recoup his losses or win larger sums of money thinking he can actually beat the casino on a repetitive basis. 

His very own thought influences his own behavior and belief in his ability to win the game of Baccarat on a long term basis and totally ignores his short term losses (most players huge mistake), which are mounting up with no real conscious thought by the player, (another huge mistake).  He turns his desires into false illusions of control using positive real (but false or temporary positive) illusions and setting aside all negative aspects of what he is actually creating and doing, as game variance or basis that he feels he can eventually overcome.

The illusions arise because people lack direct real-fact insight into whether they are in control of events and why they even have those thoughts or ideas in the first place. This has been called the introspection illusion in the technical and scholastic circles.  Instead those people judge their degree of control by a process that will be extremely unreliable and worthless in real life Baccarat play because of their ignorance and their desires are actually controlling themselves.   As a result, they see themselves as responsible for events when there is little or no real-life connection to the Baccarat events that just happened or maybe, previously happened and they are basing their wagering decisions on those events.

The saddest part of all this is, that most Baccarat players are likely to overestimate their control when the situations are heavily chance-determined, they also tend to underestimate their control when they actually have it, which runs contrary to some theories of the illusion that they actually possess.  And, because those Baccarat players overestimate their control, they wind up losing all their wins as well as their buy-ins and eventually bankrolls.

Wise up and realize what advantages really are at the Baccarat table, what it takes to gain those advantages and what advantages can actually help you win and win larger while holding those wins in the game of Baccarat!
To all members and non-members as well visiting us here at BetSelection Forum, we wish you and yours a Happy, Great and healthy 2020! 

Stay Well, Prosperous and Happy!  Best Wishes extended!

Related But Not Related / OMG Only in a Casino!
December 27, 2019, 02:38:29 PM
A few nights ago, we were all at the casino.  Late night, good table, lots of Karma, Freindship, a few Wifes and Husbands present, etc.  We get towards the end of the current shoe we were playing.  Full table, most people were winning.  Myself, H-Money and my resturant manager all grouped together.  Casino host comes over and checks on everyone.  The couple seated next to us asked for a comp to one of the resturants.  Host said sit tight, be right back with it.  The wife gets up, pushes her chip stacks in and says, color up.  She tells her husband be right back.  She grabs her purse and the cell phone she had wedged between her herself and the chair back and excuses herself to the restroom.  Husband pushes his chip stack in and asked the dealer to color up.

We are all refusing to play the last 10 or so hands and we ask for a new shoe.  Dealer looks over at the pit person and he nods his head okay.  All three of us are winning.  Everything great so far.  The husband to the excused wife that is gone, grabs the cell phone that was behind himself and says to H-Money whom he has know for quite some time, look at the first text message and check out the car I am buying, like 7,000 miles, the guy is broke and has to sell it within a few days in order to avoid legal action of some type, here look.  H-Money clicks on the first text and starts looking at the pictures.  H-Money breaks out laughing.  H-Money says, dude you are gay?  Really I do not want to look at pictures of some erect dicks being shown off!!  The husband grabs the phone and freaks out!  Tells H-Money that is his wifes phone and the guy grows furious.  The explanation is obvious, it is his wifes boyfriend or friend with benefits.

Just about that time his wife comes in the baccarat room and is screaming and yelling.  Turns out she did the exact same thing with the husbands phone and found some pictures of women on there as well. 

Oh well, just another night at the casino.   :nod:
Wagering & Intricacies / My 1 + 4 Side Parlay Wager
December 26, 2019, 02:16:40 AM
You know I was talking to a couple very experienced players at the baccarat table the other night and I got out of paper and pen and showed them my 1 + 4 side parlay wager, that I constantly do.

You know take just $50 because a lot of tables are $50 minimum and parlay it four times after you win once is a net profit of $1,550. Take that same $50 and flatbet it you, need 31 wins to make the same amount of money. It looks like this:

$50.00.   Win wager: $100  $200 $400 $800.  Net Profit: $1,550.00

Flat Bet would look like this:

$50.00.  Win wager each time:  $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50

And if you ever followed me and read anything I've written about my 1 + 4 side parlay wager,  it is not a consecutive dedicated wager.  I always have a main wager as my base bet, that is what I called my side wager and I'm wagering that out of my win money that's allocated four, five, six or seven times to complete one 1 + 4 side parlay wager.

Think about it, if you play to win you play to win!
Wagering & Intricacies / For Lungyeh
December 25, 2019, 09:45:58 PM
Picking a side or picking a trend/event to happen is not the way to play this game unless you do it on an infrequent occasion. For consistency in any kind of session it will never work. Even then it will be a hit and miss type of thing, but much more manageable.

If you believe you can sit at the baccarat table and play numerous hands, shoe after shoe wagering for a certain thing, you are doomed from the very beginning. Second Lungyeh, is spot-on about James and Peter!  Following and breaking is extremely confusing to most and that is in total advantage to the casino each and every time and total disadvantage to the player. For the simple fact as mentioned you'll wind up winning some but you'll lose far in excess of what you win.

Money management is super important, yes absolutely. And of utmost priority. If you believe win stop and loss stop of units is money management, you are wrong.  So frequently mentioned by so many people, feel that doing just that will support you and allow you to win or not lose, that my friends is totally foolish.

Win and lose has to happen and it most certainly will. The way I found and proved to win when the win time presents itself to me, you have to have clear frame of mind and you have to be totally conscious of what is happening and being presented. That is why I came up with my Pounce On It, which I have written about many times so there's no need to rehash it here, it's already on the board.

Wild bets are hard to define and what is wild to me, might not be to you, and the opposite as well. However, wild or should we say much larger bets is a risk that will always be in the game and it is fine with me if it's with my win money, that is going to be allocated once I get to a certain point, which will be governed by my 1/3 1/3 1/3 money management method, I have often written about.

Buy-in.  Determines wagering and opportunity for each of us, which is individualistic to us. Buy-in has to be total risk capital.

Win. You have to understand win more than loss. Most all players allow wins to derail themselves and cause themselves to lose not only the win, but their buy-in as well.

Loss.  Most all baccarat players do not understand it and how it affects your frame of mind and consciousness of playing and the ability to see the presentments that the shoe is making. I don't want to get into it here, it's a complicated and detailed subject I've written about it elsewhere on the board.

When you win, you have to move to a true money management method of governing your future plays during that session. My 1/3 1/3 1/3 allows myself to do just that. From then on out, my wagering time spent at the table and when the session will end, will be truly governed by my 1/3 1/3 1/3.

As far as what Lungyeh said about my 70/30 is not totally correct. Once again my buy-in and yours should be total risk capital and not subject to loss stop. You will never win that way. What I have written previously about in short is the following.

Once I get a win to a certain point, I pocket my buy-in. Use 1/3 of the win to continue wagering. 1/3 of that same win will be a reserved amount. And the other 1/3 of it will be locked up and pocketed for an additional allocation for other non-gaming purposes. No exceptions. Exceptions only cause longer play, loss of win and usually loss of buy-ins and continued buy-ins to attempt recouping which will never work more than once or twice in many sessions.

Because the majority of the times you will experience a greater loss of hands then you will wins. Therefore, a continued flatbet or negative betting or progression to let you recoup, you will never win at this game at least anything sizable that is.

So, my 1/3 1/3 1/3 and my 1 + 4 side parlay plays, both coupled with my staying fully conscious of what my own level and plateaus are, while employing some positive progressions is the way to play in my opinion. Those things allow myself to win far in excess of my losses and most importantly I can most of the time capitalize on those opportunities that are either Banker or Player or side wagers or chops or doubles or triples or whatever they are named.
General Discussion / Merry Christmas!
December 25, 2019, 01:28:13 AM
Merry Christmas to all!  Members and Non-Members alike! Love you all! Alrelax.
The Subject of Statistics

Are just that, PERIOD.  Nothing more, nothing less.  They are the result of what was studied and what was produced.  Those results do not and will not guarantee those very results or the method to get to those results, to transfer to your application of such.  Why?  Because those results/presentments/events will not appear in the same order at your baccarat, blackjack, roulette or craps table.  Please understand that.

Problem is, the data tested would have to be the data presented in another place and time with an entirely different set of results possible.  Not that those results first studied and produced are wrong or false, just those statistics produced from the test will always be produced in a different way you are trying to replicate the same results or method applied.

It would be the same as you taking Car A and racing it against Car B in a straight line, say for half a mile, under the same conditions in two different places.  With supposedly everything the same, no real skill needed by the drivers except to steer straight and hold the gas pedal to the floor, you will still produce different results an unknown amount of times.

So, simply following another persons test results with visions to capitalize and be guaranteed to win, are totally wrong and impossible.

There are what I call the 3 Ts.  Which are, what fuels the subject matter when you or someone else takes those test results and Tweaks, Twists and Turns them around and adds false positives and other material or ideas to them.  Then many read that very thing and hope to find that system that is a mechanical schedule to win hand after hand after hand.  Often doing more damage to the lay person than if he did not believe in such foolish fiction of systematic gambling visions.

There are so many other things can and do help players that one can devote his time to Tweak, Twist and Turn to his own advantage.

Wise Up and Win!  Thanks, Alrelax. 
Players tend to be heavier and grouping up and repeating in the beginning, in my opinion during the first third of the shoes that they do it in.

Players more grouped up together than Bankers do.

Watch for bead plate consistency.

While there are 0,1,2,3 ties, which are low ties, indication the presentments to be strong and consistent in whatever the shoe is producing for hands 15 or so through 50.

Fortune 7 will cut to the player the highest majority of times.

When there is a multiple heavy player group or streak it will end with a Fortune 7 being produced the highest majority of times.

Do not focus on could or would, focus more on what the shoe is actually producing and what the presentments are, look forward to repeat short amount of times rather than the continual and repetitive wish.
 Perception in the game of Baccarat

A huge, deep and important subject in relation to gambling.  Most people will overlook it, not consider it or pay very little value to this extremely important subject.

Perception Equals Projection

Things are not always as they seem.  I am referring to reality, facts and the norm.  Not just in gambling, but in most things-but for sake of simplicity, I will stick to gambling with this.  Marketers, Casinos, Casino Hosts, Gambling Junket Operators, System Inventors and Sellers and everyone trying to sell something or convince the gambler of something, rely on this very thing to make you see things the way they want you to see them.  And almost every single time, those things will not be in your favor or within the complete set of factual reality.  It will almost every time, benefit those people and their agenda rather than the player.  Of course, after all, it is just business. 

You can meet someone and they can tell you everything you want to hear without any truth.  There are no rules, regulations or laws (at least in the USA) saying that an entity selling something has to advertise, disclose and divulge the real truth about what they are selling or providing with anything to do along side of gambling.  I am not talking about pharmaceutical drugs, item or food products, I am talking about gambling, systems, gambling tutors, methods, junket trips, etc., etc., and so on.  Those types of people can give off any perception they want. 

Here, let me break it down for you.  The world we see is generally a reflection of who we are and what we believe.  The self-fulfilling prophecy lays at the foundation of this exact concept.  A statement that alters actions, therefore becomes truth to the person at the receiving end of it.  I have said in the past and I will repeat it once again.  Someone that thinks their night is going to play out terribly will subconsciously change their actions so that this prediction is fulfilled by their very own actions!  Often the way we perceive gambling is not reality, it is perception.  Then our perception is colored by how we want it rather than simply the way it is.   

The key to proper perception in gambling, IMO, would be to include remaining completely conscious of the fact that perception does influence your wagering and desires while playing.  Take that sentence/statement I just wrote any way you would like.  But, if you look at that statement with a complete open and neutral mind frame, you will have to agree with what I just wrote.  Example, if you say all side wagers such as the 3-Card 8-9 paying 200 to 1 or the 3-Card Fortune 7 paying 40 to 1 are sucker bets and convince yourself of that very thing, you will not wager those.  Then you just happen to be sitting at a baccarat shoe where two 3-Card 8-9 hands are presented as well as 6 or 7 Fortune 7s, etc.  While your perception of those side bets convinced yourself of the casino having the upper hand and you would lose your bets, you did not wager on any of them.  Meanwhile, other players won tens of thousands of dollars with very little invested in the risk.

Again, and on the other hand, the perception of those players that won thousands and thousands of dollars with those side bets, might allow their perception to get out of control and believe that they now have the power to win and win and win and keep winning with those very same wagers.  Same thing with believing in streaks or alternating chops, etc., etc.

So, what I am trying to say is that perception drives the players behavior, desires and thoughts with most all wagering.  Sitting there at a casino and air-betting or mind-wagering or whatever you might label it, and winning wagers without actually having your chips out there, will only alter your perception and what you should actually be considering and believing.  I hope that is simple enough to understand because I really do feel that is the way it is after so many years of witnessing the good and the bad at the tables.

When the truth is blurred by misinformation and misnomers and then you believe in those very things, perception becomes reality and all is lost.  Period! What people perceive is going to be what they believe.  And that is based on what they visually see and what they hear at that instant time.  Both of those will then translate into what they will think, equaling their perception.

Is there a defense?  Is there a way around not getting sucked in?  Most all of the time you cannot control what happens at the baccarat table, but you can always control your reaction.  I am not talking about high-fiving or shouting for a monkey and getting one, I am referring to believing that you have the power to control, decipher and schedule wagers that the shoe will configure to rather than your wagering configuring to the shoe"s presentments.  Remember that.

Change the way you look at the presentments of the shoe and what it is actually doing, rather than what it should or could be doing.  Then maybe the presentments will change in your vision.  SHOULD and COULD means nothing in great baccarat play.  However, what the shoe is doing is what you need to be aligned with.  That is factual and probably the strongest trigger to get you on the positive side rather than the negative side of the game.

Falling prey to false perception, false illusion and the many fallacies of the game are all so visually pretty and mouth watering at times, but your perception will work against you each and every session for the greatest part or at least, for the most important part of it anyway.   

Think what you will, but perception is a HUGE part of the game of baccarat.     
I was walking by the baccarat pit last night and low and behold, Brownie gets up and tells everyone, be right back--need to use the restroom really quick.  Another player is walking down the aisle, Juneberry.  Brownie and Juneberry make eye contact and give each other that secret organization of professional gambler's acknowledgment; two quick bows of the head followed by the right eye being blinked 3 times and a tug on each of their left ears.  Brownie and Juneberry go way back, but that is a story for another time.

Brownie gets back to the baccarat table and becomes enraged.  Seems they did not wait for him and 2 Fortune 7 wins and 2 six-six tie hands all came out in the past 8 hands that Brownie was gone during.  Of course, those are Brownie's favorite side wagers, each paying a nice 40 to 1 return.

Brownie pulls up his chair to the table and places his wager on the Players side.  Everyone else is on the Bankers side.  The dealer slides the Players 2 cards face down to Brownie on the table and Brownie peeks at each of them.  Announces that one is a monkey and the other one is a 3-line card.  Of course, Brownie is whispering 8-8-8-8, come on 8, give me another pip, make this 7 an 8.  Finally, Brownie flips over the 8.  Brownie props himself up in his chair, pointing at his $900.00 wager and telling the rest of the people how smart he really is.

The dealer slides the 2 Bankers side cards to the highest wagering woman that just happens to be seated next to Brownie.  She peeks and peeks and peeks.  Finally, Brownie says, so whatcha got big shot?  And the woman says, a monkey and a 4-line card.  Another person also wagering on the Bankers side takes his right hand and scoops it into the imaginary magical dust bowl and then reaches over and rubs his thumb and first 2 fingers together over the 4-line card, citing 9-9-9-9-9.  Please get rid of one of the pips and make it a 9.  Brownie is like, WTF man!  Seriously, stop with the shenanigans and the idiotic gestures man!  Play right!!!, he says.  The guy that sprinkled the magical dust on the card, is now starring at Brownie and nodding his head, blinking his right eye and tugging on his ear.  Brownie can not believe it.  Brownie is thinking to himself, how did someone so stupid and pretentious make it into the all-time worldwide society of professional gamblers?  The woman flips over a 9 and Brownie's face changes.

So, Brownie speaks up, WTF I can not even win with a natural 8!  So, Brownie places his next wager on the Banker side and everyone looks at each other and places their wagers on the Players side.  So, Brownie thinks to himself for a few seconds and pulls his wager down to the Players side as well.  Everyone else looks at each other and engages in a little Southeast Asian dialog and every single wager gets moved back to the Bankers side, except for Brownies of course.  Brownie says, I will show you, I will show each of you that I have the power and the ability to read the random presentments of the shoe, it is not science or mathematical.  So, the woman that flipped the 9 card asks Brownie, so then what is it?  Brownie says, it is a natural gift from someone I met in the mountains while downhill 70% grade world champion skiing doing around 130 to 150 MPH and instilling in me a power that makes Voodoo appear to be lame and outdated.

The cards come out.  The dealer slides the 2 Players side cards once again to Brownie.  Brownie peeks and peeks and peeks.  This time Brownie announces that he has a 3-line card and a 1-line card.  Brownie is whispering 6 and 3, then whispering 7 and 2, then whispering 8 and an Ace.  Finally, Brownie flips over an 8 and a 2 card.  Snickers and laughter come from the Asians sitting there.  One of the Asian just took a sip of coffee and a few bubbles came out of his nose as well.  Brownie is like, man wipe your nose, that is absolutely disgusting, having your snot drip onto the felt!  Seriously bro, nasty.  Then the dealer slides the 2 Bankers cards to the same woman that flipped the natural 9 the pervious hand.

The woman is saying, 2 four-line cards.  She turns one longways and starts to peel it back and the guy that sprinkled the magical dust onto the previous one, was like; Wait!, Wait!, Wait! And Brownie was like saying, stop the unintelligent and insane magical dust sprinkling please, play right.  And the guy goes, okay Brownie, so you want me to just stare at the cards and tell you what each one is based on my ability to read random events?  And Brownie says, do what you want bro, you are whacked out of your mind anyways.

So, the guy reaches over and sprinkles another application of magical dust onto the card the woman is about to peel back.  Sprinkle, Sprinkle, Sprinkle.  The guy is actually saying the word SPRINKLE, as he is doing it.  The woman turns to Brownie, nods her head twice, blinks her eye 3 times and tugs the heck out of her ear.  The dealer is saying, what am I involved in a circus, a LaLa Land dream or what?  The woman looks back to her card and flips it, it was a 10.  Brownie breaks out in a laugh as the woman is dead on serious and starts peeling the second one back.  The guy says once again; Wait! Wait! Wait!  Once again, the guy begins to sprinkle and sprinkle and sprinkle his invisible magical dust onto the second card.  So, Brownie says, how come your magical dust did not work on the first card if it is real?  And the guy answers Brownie, because I did not apply enough of it.  But I got that under my wing now, watch this.  And the guy sprinkles and sprinkles and sprinkles and sprinkles.  The woman peeks and peeks and peeks and peels and peels and peels the card back.  She flops a 9 and everyone turns to Brownie.  The woman says, so Brownie what happened?     

Once again, Brownie shoves up his remaining chips, well over $2,000.00 on the Bankers side and announces the Banker will repeat, has to repeat.  Everyone else is citing a cut, a cut to the opposite side, the Players side.  The rest of the table places all their wagers on the Players side.  Brownie then reaches over to his wager stack and slides it down to the Players side.  Everyone reaches in and removes their wagers.  The woman turns back to Brownie, why did you move your wager down to where we were at?  Brownie answers, it is a free country and I can do what I please, okay?  She says to Brownie, it is not fair you are giving us bad luck.  Brownie says, impossible baccarat does not work that way.  The cards are already predetermined and preset to come out the way they will, I or you cannot change the outcome of what is waiting.  They all turn to one another and laugh and laugh and laugh.  Finally, they tell the dealer to go ahead and deal, they are all staying out of the hand.  Brownie laughs.  The dealer slides Brownie the 2 cards for the Players and Brownie tells the dealer to open the Bankers cards first.  The woman is saying that she knows that the Bankers side has a natural 9 and Brownie laughs once again.  The dealer flops a 6 and a 3.  Brownie gets real quite and the smile falls from his face.  Brownie flops two monkeys.  The lady turns back to Brownie and thanks him like 5 times.  Brownie tells her to shut up, please just shut up!

Brownie pulls 2 purple chips from a previous win he stashed away and puts those in front of himself.  Everyone else wagers on the Banker for a repeat.  Brownie pushes both his purple chips up on the Bankers side also.  The guy turns to Brownie and says, we will all stay on the Banker but you have to support us with the magical dust I will sprinkle on the cards.  Brownie says, you only have $800.00 or so on your wager and I have more, I get the cards, so no magical dust fruitcake.  Plains and simple.  The woman next to Brownie picks up her $750.00 wager and stacks it on the guys wager and they all look at Brownie and shrug their shoulders.  Brownie pulls his wager down to the Players side and says, go ahead and use your magical dust, you guys are all certified fruitcakes anyway.

The dealer deals the cards.  The Players cards are pushed to Brownie.  Brownie peeks and peeks and peeks.  Then Brownie takes his right hand, dips it in the imaginary magical dust bowl and sprinkles and sprinkles and sprinkles the face down cards.  Brownie says, I had two 2-line cards, the magical dust I sprinkled will make me have a 4 and a 5 card, you will see.  Then Brownie flops one and it is a 5 card.  Brownie then sprinkles and sprinkles and sprinkles more magical dust.  He flops a second 5 card.  Everyone breaks out laughing and Brownie tells them to all shut up!  The woman asks Brownie, what happened?  She then said, you must have used the wrong magical dust Brownie.  The woman gets the cards past to her by the guy with the highest wager and she peeks and peeks and peeks and peeks.  She turns to Brownie and says a one-line card and a 3-line card.  Brownie says, yeah right---no problem you got a 7 and a 3 or an 8 and a 2.  No problem.  She flops the first one, an 8.  Then she sprinkles some magical dust on the other card face down.  She flops a 3.  Brownie laughs and laughs and laughs.  The dealer slides Brownie his 3rd card.  Brownie peeks and peeks and peeks.  Brownie smiles and say he has a 3-line card.   

Brownie peeks and peeks and peeks, peels and peels and peels and flops an 8.  Brownie says, there beat that and breaks out laughing and physically patting himself on the back.  The dealer slides the Bankers 3rd card to the woman and she then slides it to the guy with the largest chip stack.  He peeks and peeks and peeks.  The guy slowly reaches across to the table right in front of Brownie and dips his hand into the invisible and imaginary magical dust bowl.  The guy says, I rather have your magical dust for this one instead of mine, I just feel yours is spot on and real.  Brownie tells the guy he is whacked out of his mind and how much of a fruitcake he is.  The guy says out loud, I have a 3-line card, one change to lose, one change to tie and one chance to win.  The woman turns and says, use more magical dust, sprinkle more and make that baby an 8 please!  The guy sprinkles and sprinkles and sprinkles and sprinkles.  The guy calls the pit boss over and talks in Southeast Asian to her and asks her to sprinkle some more dust on the card.  The pit boss looks at everyone and shrugs her shoulders and everyone except Brownie is egging her on to do it.  She looks at Brownie and asks if it is okay with him as well.  Brownie says to go right ahead and calls them all fruit cakes.  The pit boss sprinkles and sprinkles and sprinkles the imaginary magical dust on the non-disclosed card.  The guy peels it back and says it is at least a 7.  Flips the card around and starts to peel the opposite end and flops it over right in front of Brownie.  It was an 8!

Brownie got up and left.  Brownie was mumbling out loud how those small bites from the better looking trends really suck.  Everyone waves bye bye to Brownie and the game goes on without him.  As Brownie is making his way to the exit, he sees a winter display near the front doors.  Win a gift certificate for snow skiing clothes and skies at our gift shop, enter today.  Brownie thinks to himself, Boy O Boy, if those people only knew I used to ski like 150 MPH down 70 to 90% grades in world championship ski competition where only 3 or 4 or 5 people in the entire world could accomplish such feats, they would have relaxed a bit on the magical dust thing and let me win.